Newspaper Page Text
$ltc 8Mn Jfontmel, - AND— Jourinl of the 9th sienutorinl DUtrior OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. Office : Corner Green & Levee Sts. issuer» KVKitr Saturday S.T. GRISAMORE Editor. --- •P 8ANCAN* Pro'rAc Business Manager THH50DAUX. LA.. SATURDAY,. SEPTEMBER 11, I860. National teats Tiokoi, FOR PRESIDENT : -GEN. W. S. HANCOCK, OK PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT ; w. H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. ^TOU CONGRESS. — THIRD DISTIt ICT .1. S, BILLIU, OF LAFOURCHE. Editorial Items. —Six Thousand Illid. Hoop Poles for sale by S. T. Grisamore. Tlie Vollnh- Kelt Co.. Mar* hIiiiII, Midi. Will send tin ir eclenra Aed Electro-Voltaic Belts to the :iffiicte«l apou 39 days trial Speedy cures guar in teed. They mean what they say. Write to jfcbern without delay. —Notions, fancy goods and la r diiis tt.ideiware below cast at the jBeven Star Store. —Blue Store is the place to buy, at low price, a title suit. Agents and Canvassers.— Make from $3.5 to $50. per week selling goods for E. G. K1DEOUT & CO., 10 Barclay Street, New York. Send for their .Catalogue and terms. — Do yon want, a burner and chimney that will not break? If you do, call at S. T. Grisumoro's Stove Depot. CAUTION.—All persons requir ing a license to carry on their business, would do well to call at the Tax Collector's office and take out the same, and avoid, costs and penalty. —Great sacrifices in Boats and jähoes, IJats and Gent furnishing goods at the Seven Star Store. —Gov. Wiltz has returned to his official chair, greatly improved jn health and confident, beyond a doubt that Hancock will lie the Rest president. —On last Saturday Babe Mai brongb killed a man named Pier rot iu Chacakotiln, shootiug him dead with buckshot. Whiskey /rod c irds again. —At the last meeting of the Parish School Board the Creden tials of Charles J. B.uker and J, Louis Aucoiu were presented and being found legal and .conect those gentlemen were declared to bo members of the Parochial School Board. --'.The Democratic Parish Ceu tral Committee met in Thibodaux and decided that the delegates elected at the primary election iu 1879 were the legally authorized delegates to the approaching con vention, which will meet at Mor gan City to day, to uominate a candidate tor Congress. r-Never have planters had a rnneli better season to harvest their Eice crops than those of La fourche have b id in 18 S 0 . That crop is now safe and will prove to be a large and excellent one. Sugar cane is improving rapid Jy and if no storms interfere that crop will also produce a tine re turn to the grower. —A Grand Sacred Concert will ,Ue given at St. Joseph's Church on Sunday September 19 1880 by the Ladies amt Gentlemen of the Church Choir, assisted by ama teurs from elsewhere who have volunteered their services. This concert will be given in honor of the inauguration of the New Orgau lately placed iu said pburcb. Admission 50 cents Concert commences at 8 o'clock P. M. —Iu the early part of this week at a ball given near Paihcourt Ville iii Assumption, two mew oy the name of Bradford au (IGoinez entered the room in shirt sleeves, when Mr. Du fossa rd Gutdry and his oveiseer named Alonzo,' quiet 1/ told ihem to leave as they were i.ot invited, nor wauled, and ii ually put them out. The ruffians then fired upon them, fatally wounding beta. It is said to be a most horrible murder. ., .Year ending August 31 1880, tlie following named steamboats in the Bayou Latour ehe trade made tho number of trips annexed to their tînmes. Assumption 85, Henry Tete59, Belle 15, St. Mary 10, Clara S. 13 Laura L. Davis 7, C. K. Peck 0, 2'ntul 151, The <fll< > ° r tliC da ' Tho Convention that Meets at Morgan City to-day to iiomin ate a Democratic candidate tor Congress in this District has S 111 line» J/i>un;t lui* «» very serious and important duty to perform, and one, I lie response j bility of which,cannot he avoided, j Mr. Ackien is a Candidate against I the field, and has been working for the nomination with extraor dinary vim, striving mightily tr> force himself upon Ute Democracy, nolens coleus. Mr. Ackien has served three sessions in Congress ; during that time lie has been before com mittees of investigation more than half the time. His conduct has biought shame upon the people whom he pretended to represent. Nota single charge has ever bien disproved, however it may have been whitewashed. The vile trash that hollas distributed amongst hi» Constituents, which tie has called proofs of his innocence, has been worse than the original charges. Finally wlieu brought to tho end of his tether he has through a committee in Congress, plead the bub;/ act, and scattered J that report about, the country, among »ie«, its evidence ot inno. eence and simplicity. The con duct exhibited by • him in Con gress has been continued here at home in this canvass. One year ago he went, to Baton Rouge to the State Démocratie Convention and endeavored to have the dele gates from this District nominate him fqr Congress. Iu this . at tempt lie failed. List Spring Mr. Bilden was nomina ted by the very same del eguD's whom Ackien importuned to nominate him a yeaj previous. Ackien returned and began his career by contesting the tight of those delegates to make a uomin ation. How they could have made a nomination at Baton Rouge when they could not do so at a later date is a mystery that he failed to explain. By his efforts in creating dis satisfaction throughout the Dis trict the congressional District committee decided to hold a new Convention to-day. At a Mass Meeting of the 'peo ple of Lafayette Parish some time ago, in wtiich Ackien, finds ing things were going against his wishes, created a disturbance, which caused the meeting to ad> journ. Ackien then got together a few claquer.*, held a meeting and sent the proceedings to the N. Ü. Times, a paper ever ready to do anything that will injure the Democratic party, and had them published as ttie .proceed ings of the Mass Meeting. A species of brazen impudence rare ly equaled, and an insult to the intelligent voters of the Third District* He lias had himself proclaimed Chairman of the Democratic ecu tral committee of the Parish ot St. Mary, a place he has as much right to asthe Mogul of the Indies, In Frankklin he called a Mass Meeting, but to his surprise the honest men of St. Mary went to the meeting, and by a vote of 07 to 2, denounced Ackien in terms too plain to be mistaken. A day or two ago lie pubdsbd iu the N* O. Times that a double delegation would be sent from St. Mary to Morgan City, In ; ns bo gus central committee in St. Mary he had himself elected a represen tative to the State Central Com mittee from that, Parish, but no attention to him or his preteiu tions was given by that commit tee. Much has been said about what Ackien has done for this District aud the interests of the people therein. Ail praise for what he lias done should be given him. But when a man places himself voluntarily before the country, as a fit subject for congressional whitewashing, forgetting entirely tiie dignity and seif respect which a representative of the people should exhibit, commits errors once, twice, three times, it is high time that he should be put in a position that seems most conge niai to his low impulses, and wheie his conduct will not biing the m unie of shame over the fa ces of his constituents, when his name is mentioned. Let the convention nominate any Democrat ih the District and he will be heartily supported by the party, but to support such ii man as Ackien not all the nomi nations that could he made from Greenland to Patagonia will make thousands of Democratic voters in this District cast their votes tor him. The Democracy have been charging the Republicans with placing bad men in office, men who are not representative men and who are simply political bum mers. Has any Republican from this State ever been before con gressioiial committees half the time he was iu congress ? They have had tue consideration, at - .........................u least, to do tlicir immoral ami ilfo gut work in such a way that the whole world did not ki,« w it i.. 1 whole world did not know R in 24 hours afterwards. The Democratic party owe it to its members to place none but men ot integrity, men of honor, men ot spotless character iu ft out S of their forces. party took-tip Aekleti and sent him to Congiess twice. Has he shown hi in self a proper representative of Southern Louis iana ? Has he shown that.digni '"«''.«'h 1 " j^y and respect.that the* men who j voted tor him, consider the bright j est jewels in a mates character ? I Away with such men. If he Away with such possessed t Sie qualities that the iepresentat ive of an honest peo ple should have, would he at tempt to force his nomination up on diem, when he knows beyond all question, that a large portion of the Democracy will not, nor cannot vote for him ? J Give a Helping Hand.— Protector Fire Co. No. 2, will give an excursion to New Orleans on next Teusday Sept. 14. This is the anniversary of the révolu t ion of Sept. 14, which will be commemorated in the city on that day. The excursionists will be en aided to witness the luemoiia! celebrations, have a tine chance to view the city, enjoy a pleasant title along the Railroad, aud see tlie new wharfs lately constructed by the Morgan's Rail toad. The members of Protector Fire com puny have incurred a heavy ex pense in purchasing and equip ping their new Steam lire Engine, for w hich the people of this tow n owe them a debt of gratitude, not easily repaid. In order to aid them in liquida ting a balance that is not .\et paid this excursion is given, so that w hilst their friends do them a practical service they will Ik* re paid with a day of pleasure and gayety. Every one who can go should accompany the excursion, and take theii friends along, and aid the Protector's in a substan tial manner. —The Assumption Pioneer de votes two columns to the defense of Ackien. That Mr. Aekleti has done con sideiable efficient work for tlie people of his Distiict his boldest' opponent will not deny. But something besides eneigy ami work is necessary to a Reprisen tativeof an honorable people in Congress, aud that is something Mr, Ackien is found wufully defi cient iu. The charge of blackmailing will nor answer. Men who are black mailed generally put themselves in position ro be blackmailed. The justification of the Judiciary committee was in pleading the baby act tor Ackien. We want a mail to represent us : The n ore defenses are made for Ackien the worse it will be for him. J dluahle facts from a safe source. — The aliaiis ot this country have become so extended that it* is on iy by a carefully prepared' synop sis in the form ot figures that one can hope, to understand what is really going on. Hon. A. R. Spofford. the Librarian of Con gress, is the oui.v man who has the facilities at Ins command for collecting complete national stat isiies and lie does it with the greatest care at,d accuracy. His latest issue, "The American Treas tiry of Facts," has been sent ns by Messe». H. II. Warner & (fo proprietors of the valuable War ner Safe Remedies. This book is a miniature cyclopaedia in itself, containing, in addition to a vast amount of national matter, about ail of value that has transpired in this country during the oast year and reflects'credit upon'the compiler as well as upon tlie en terprise of Messrs. Warner &Co., iu selecting it. It is to be hoped that Governor wiP give the proper weight to the recomnieudatiou ot the State Democratic Central Com mittee, at its late session, in refer ence to the calling of an extra ses sion of the legislature. That body had no business to bring up anv such question befoic the coin* in it tee without previous notice being given to all the was anything but fair t o spring it iq» iu the mauuer in which ir, was done. Had there been a full com mittee the motion would have been lost. The recommendation Of the cent!al committee as S ë is * "« '•*•» *"•««- 8 We neglected in our last issue to mention the pleasant enter tainment lately given by the La dies Mite Society in Waverly Hall which was one of much gratifie» r to "" There were two charades that wete excellent! v performed a Hard iug amusement to it»., T and several songs that ' receive) ■ ■ »»™ cotnplislied in this n is!. t / "Mites''are praetisi„,/fo r « n » th Z entertainment to c mne* off this; ter one'' 1 !»' VU *Ï tl,H , Iat ' amuseme itsièrfr 0,1 / 0 t ^? e at.d cVkes *'ri n h''I 1 '' 1 1 ? ,no, . ,a ' le ! dance d 1U llbuü ' I i {Communicated.] FacSs for 3îi* legalcs. •Thibodaux, La. Sept. 3, 1880. Editor Sentinel : Allow me to say a few words in reply to a lengthy eomiminica tion in last week's Assumption Bioncer, advocating tin* notuiua tion of Hon. J. H. Ackien for Congress. It is deplorable to see argu nient s used, by those who pretend to be our oldest and best, which would hardi) befit tin* daikest po riodsof the Waruiotbean era. • Our Congressman, like Cicsar's wile, ought to be above suspicion, and, it is a notorious fact, that, in tlie minds of a large proportion of the Democratic party Mr. Aekleti is considered as little better than a moral leper. Mr. Ackleu's successful efforts in Congress are gratefully ac. knowledged, but whose fault is it it he icill get -continuously iuto hot water ? No impartial judge will deny Mr. Jl ill ill's purity uf character. But, as a clincher, it is asserted that Mr. Ackien, aud only Mr. Ackien eau icin , and nis two past successful! runs are adduced as proof. The truth is. that Mr. Ackien purchased his Republican suppor ters. If there is any 'shrewdness* in this, let him have the credit of it. Circumstances haw in u c L changed since then, and there is every, likelihood of his being •'overbid" in this race. True tiieuds he has none in the Republican ranks, while Mr. Ril lit» has many, who will.stick to him through thiak and thin, in spite ot all inducements. These tacts ought to be considered by the convention. Mr. Ac ule» cannot get the en tire Democratic, nor any liepubH can support this time. Any reas on abb* man must see that. Buf, to finish, i assert that Mt. Ackien has pledged himself to the Republicans to ran inde pendent.-if not nominated. Eli less be pledges himself to stand by the decision ot the Con vention, how' can. any conscien tious delegate vote for him ? Mr. Ackien ought to be forced, in black and white,- to submit, to the convention his former pledge to stump the District for Billiu ami furnish §1000 for t e earn paign, in the event of the latter's nomination, before his claim can be considered. Tout-A Vous. — IIow long a man can go witn out eating,swearing talking, with out kissi- g his wife &e., have been tr**ated of late with much fa vor by the groat American Nation. We propose that the time one can go without sleeping should be as certained. The other day we got iff» at five o'clock A. M., determined to see how long we could go without sleeping* We got along splendidly until mai! time and the perusal of the exchanges was begun. At 12 o'clock, (» minutes we undone the Sugar Planter and to began read Bro. Hyams column of jokes and in one minute we were sound asleep. Time 7. 7. who can beat it? <~*The attention of parties who have unemployed time on their hands, is directed to the announce ment ot General G. T. Beauregard of.New Orleans, La., in our adver tising columns, relative to the Agency iu this vicinity, for the sale of the great work on the. war by the late General J. B. Hood, entitled "Advance aud Retreat, Personal Experiences in tho Uu ited States and the Confederate State Armies. . —Have you infiaiuatory sore throat, si iff joints, or lameness from any cause whatever ? Have you rhumatistn or other pains in any'part of the body ? If so use Johnsons AnaodyceLiniment. It is the most wonderful internal and external remedy known to medi cal science. We caution all persons not buy the extra large packs of «tust anil ashes now put up by certain par ties and called condition powders ff* ca led condition powders. ferajÄ fz ders if you buy any ; they are ab solutely pure aud iumieusly valu able. all INDDKSC IT. The U . n »éÂ'sisrCiir Lawyers, Citi m .{'V '' ,c . ai,( . 1 - i ,mate iif 'b are testnyuig by the thousands, T* ° Vei ' t! i dr °' v " si S'» ; 'tntes, j «•—»•"*"• î* ■* ' 1 ku "*" " s ° Ivl,!ue * v il! " i Dure ami U ilrut,r ' 8 0;U '° 1,iH,Jt;res Cure." --<>- F0Ii EENf.—A large aud con ve,,,tut * sln re, situated comer Main and St. Louis streets, A W»h' <" T. VERRIER, Main St, Thibodaux The Census 1» Lafourche. The Census of District No. 132 enumerated by J. T. Whitehurst including all settlements east of Bayou Lafourche from Lafourche Crossing to the lower line of Ma thews' plantation, [Vacherie Li vandais Dogue excepted] gives the following result : White males " females Total white 715 714 1429 Colored males " females Total colored 937 909 1846 " males " females i»o])iilatjon 1652 1623 3275 White m. over 21 319 Gol. in. over 21 45 L Torai in. over 21 _ 770 Whites under 5 Coi. under 5 Total under 5 233 292 525 Whites over 75 Coloted over 75 Total over 75 8 15 15 One white male over 21 to each 2.22 white males. One colored male over 21 to each 2.08 colored male. One male over 21 to each 4.25 inhabitants. White persons over SO years ol age : Diene Braud, 84 ; Sidonia The riot, 84. Colored persons over 80 yeais of age : Davis Butler 85; Fanny Brown SS ; Sa-tly Burrel, 107 ; Da vis Broomer, 80 ; Robert Gilbert, 90; Wui. Hester, 88 ; Benjamin Mor ris, 85 ; Tanner Owens, 95; Wil be Robinson, 9tJ ; Jofmie Samuel, 81; Caesar Scott, 98 ; Eii/.a WiJ liants, 90. Consolidating District No. 130, 131, ami 132 which with ad the inhabitants oil tlie East side of Lafourche lrom the upoer line oi the Parish to Math a w s Lower line we find Males white 2163 Females white 2093 Total white 4266 M iles colored 2002 Females " 1939 Total " 3941 " Mah*s 4170 " Feniil©'. 4087 " C/i:iui*se 23 Total }»o;>uhitioii S230 White in. over 21 935 Co!, ill. over 21 975 Total uho\ e 21 1910 W hiies under 5 722 • Co!, mi 1er 5 769 Total under 5 1492 Whites over 75 25 Çol. over 75 41 Totai over 75 60 Out*, white mule over 21 to each 2.32 white mule. One colored male over 21 to each 2.05 colored male. One mule over 21 to eaeh 4.2S inhabitants. —Among the bids for internal improvement work, opened by Major (J. YV. Dowel on September 1, is found the following. "Improving B »yon Terrebonne. Appropriation $10000.00." Duncan S. Cage.'vice »»resilient, etc., to begin it Ilonma, make a channel forty feet wide and 4 leer deep at low water, depositing -ot! and obstructions nu either bank, at twenty cents per cubic yard. —S. J. Grisamore bas for sale cart, wagon aiid carriage spokes, and felloes, plow handies, plow beams, plows, wheel barrows, and plow shares. r:a' 4|a: f.^tio.nass lk. „ The Herald , Detroit, Mich, says of Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Unie : "Its efficacy in kid ney, liver, and urinary diseases is so tally acknowledged that it is not worth the questioning. Bon a tide testimonials from well known citizens in public und private life are evidences strong enough to convince the most stubborn doubt er." —Cart felloes, spoked, plow beams,plow handles, plowshares, plows, wheeibarrows, and trace chains fot sale by S. T. Grisamore. — If you want boots or shoes made with the best materials, call at the Blue Store. —o —On Monday night, Clay Ber geron living on Sr. Louis street, was awakened about 3 'o'clock A. M. to see a large negro iu his house, who was plundering and <» Gained a few dollars. Ue ex j hibited a lug knife and dared Ber i »innen a mg knife ami dared Her „ u, ™ I | —Attention is directed t«> the j card of McClure and Gotnuey » , '*--*----------j, Artists, win) will, These art ists are from 13L Poy dras street New Oilcans and are' doubtless skilled iu their protes sum. There is nothing that affords one so much pleasure as the pic tare of à lost or absent friend. A good opportunity yili be pie seined by these artists to a likeness for every oue. ' j btUire I Republican Ward meet ing: in Morgan City, the proceeding:«. Morgan City, La., Aug. 27, 1880. Pursuant to a call by Hon. W. C. Gary, president, the Republi can Mother Club of the sixth ward, parish of St. Mary, met at the hall of the Union Baud Asso dation at eight o'ejoek p. m. this date. The meeting was called to order by the president ; sixty four members aud a quorum pres ent. * # • • • Resolved, That the uomination of Dr. C. B. Darrall was obtained through fraud, and that we can not iu duty to ourselves aud tro the party support or endorse the uomination ; therefore we earn estly request the Hon. W. B. Smith, to assemble the parish ex ecutive committee, on or about the 13th of Sept. 1880, for the purpose of taking such action as will insure the assembling of a new district convention for Ihe purpose of nominating a candi date-whose honesty and populari ty will secure his eleetiou. . VV. C. GARY, President. Thos. Coll, Secretary. If Ackien should get the Demo eratic nomination for Congress the good people in the Third Dis t riet, would have to toss nickels, "heads or tails," to know wheth er to vote tor Ackien or Darrall. —St. Tammany Farmer. —Oh no, neither of them is worth that much trouble. —Large stock of clothing to be disposed regardless of cost or ve.l ue at the Seven Star Store, Persons wanting fine materials for domestic or soirée use, should visit the Blue Store. Official. Proceeding:« of Town Council. I TOWN HALL. ) Tncvday, S.-pt. Trli. 1883. S | The Town Comit-il of flu* Town of Hi ihn- i (tuax met in regular Bfssiou this ilav at Si o'eloek 1*. M. Present : W. Kagan, Mayor, J. ti- ! li.oin-lianl. (. . Azt-ina. I. Ail>ci-ti, ami : U- »V . Tahor Ti netees. Absent: L. Keefe anil J. A. Trôné, i Trustees. ].he niiniites offthe previous regular anil i adjourned ses. mils were read and approved i as recorded. The following Collector's deport was nresciited and a*-ceptcd. depnri. From \ugust 3rd. 1880 to Sept. 1st. ISgO. I'o lim-.s eollected of Jolm Williams................. i'. Hegau ...................... Tiieo. Shi. lits .................. License of'80 col. of A. Lifpinta, F. I)............... E. Asseliuean. Ii. J1............ F Z.-rnott, K, M............ A Bom-on, li M............ H Holfuiatin li M.............. A Lusign u. drayman.......... •f A Kro.-t. 1!................. •I A. Frost.irestaaruur.......... f B Lusignan, drarman........ Glovis Lusignan, âra» mail_____ Paul Anziet; lira.vniai........' A Meunier RM ' ............j I. \ Riviere, agent....... M. Franklin. C ft.........."** A Blaiichani'li .»I G Kling UM ............ Mrs M. Geo. Jiiiliat li M............ 10 00 1 85 1 00 2 M ä 00 5 00 5 00 to 00 5 00 50 (0 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 (0 5 00 20 00 50 00 10 00 to on 10 00 10 00 To!al ............................... $240 35 Kespuctluliy Submitted, (Signed) O. J. LEGENDRE, Sept. 7th. 1833. - C ° 1Ieotor - The following Treasurer's Report was ureaeutiMl and accepted. Treasurer's Ret »opt, August 1880. To Bat. on hand 174 69 " Licenses 1880 ' 207 50 Fines received 12 85 " Old 1 urn tier sold 1 CO " J f H Rev. for Aug. 97 25 OR. " Incidental Expenses (69 85 „ of 0 hvers 187 so I oiiQp and Criin exp. g 50 " Balance on hand 128 04 '493 89 I28 04 - 493 S9 To Bal. on hand " '* in Workm. act. 19 70 Respectfully Submitted, (Signed) JUS. T. THIBODEAUX, September 7th. 1880. Treasurer \ÄJ7r ml I ly rP|K,rt of °- J - Legendre Market Master was presented, showing to îwn ? t K Ct, rt ns k OU1 A »k'ust 4th to Sept. 6. Dollars 66 0n ° huudl ' ed aud Thirteen <5[100 On motion duly seconded said report was accepted. Hie following claims approved bv the tin:nice committee were presented and on motion duly seconded an appropriation of Oue Hundred and Sixteen Dollars was made to pay tlie same by the follow mg vote. Atborti" 01anchard - Ti * bor * Azema and Nays : None. Theo Th ibodaux, Jailors 1res........ 5 50 Legendre, etillectitr's fees....... 12 07 laibodaux Saw Mill Co., Lumber.... 98 57 Total...................... \ .....•_ 1 j g 14 . motion duly seconded the council ad journed. (Signed) w C. RAGAN, /w . , Mayor. (Signed) A. T. P uRiN, , . Clerk I own Council. ■V true copy : A. J. PERRIN, ,__. Clerk To-v.i Ccuntnl SGTH'E I Shc-rifTs Office, Parish of Lafourche, ) v . 1 hiboduux, Aug. 28th, 1880 Ç Notice is hereby given to i.'d persons in uehted to the State amfParisli for licenses tbe su! atOStK i1 *' ,ll 3' «thee and settle for THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, »•'»■riff and Ex-Officio Collector. Thibodaux, La., Sept. 3d, 1880. , Saint John s School Thibodaux wiN be opened Monday Sept. J3tli. 1880. J. ELFE1TH, Principal. I.OST. ins; or stole u from li is office in five certain promisor v notes ea*h & order ot Henry Loch and bv hinLzS dated Ma at the oft: ce oi c*eon Uodckanx in « of New Orleans, respectively '•»» Iri anti lätli. of November, 1st it £«*»*» "»4 the V"4£ IS, 8. With eight per cent per est from maturity until paid »hut 1 were secured by lieu and priviWTi and pawn, consented by said F λ B. Sharp, iu favor of said Leon f * on the crops of the certain - situated in the Parish of AssnnmtS? monlv known as the "Texana PI««, by act passed before R. N. Si. ,7 Public in the Parish of AAcensin. 10th. day of March A. D 1837 * reward will be paid by the under»!, their recovery. « [Signed] LEON GODCHAITT 81 and 83 CaadÄr — It you want a set^fti3 ses, or' glass fruit stand*, pretty feather dusters to I them, call at S. T. Grisai Stove Depot. NOTICE. McCLURE & GORI of 131 Poydras St, New Orleans I*., on September 10th, open* PH 0 TÖGRAP 1 Gallery in Thibodaux, Corner Main and St. Louis j [ Up Stairs ] A special attention paid to com and enlarging of old pictures. Abort of residences &„• at reasonable we will remain for a short tun« THU NEW YOEK SI® FOR THE CAMPAIGN, The Weekly Si n will be fonnd a auxiliary by all who are earnestly wi for the retoriu of the National Given Believing that tho evils which have M beset the country can lie cured only change of tlie pin v in power, Tn» earnestly supports for President and President Hancock unit English In order that all those who with our purpose may most etdeiendr operate with us, we will send Tuk Wan ' Sr> ', ' 'Mbs, or single subscribers. paid, for ïwenly five «-eat« forth» lire«- mouths. Address T3IK * >*w Vorlf'CUjk CURE A vegetable preparation rmrSr in the world for ] »labetea, »a* Kl Dlabetea, llrlurj B____ ^ »^Testimonials of the hifb*»toraarl»i of these atatamenta. »»"For the cure of Mabataa, caQ ffrt aer'i Bafr Ptahelaa Csra ■WFor the core of BrlcfoTa and thaitta diseases, call for Watsert Baft KMaai isiUrwCaia lerw* 8afe Rei , dies are i»y and- in Medieiat 1 cmjvhm EEWAB048, XBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Agents Wanted to sell the life • GEN. HANCOCK By bis life long friend. Hon. JOHN WF0» N K V . an editor and author of national repu tation ; an ardent admirer of the "tuparh so/dicr." He hare the premise from Gen. Han cock of his offiriat endorsement of our hook. Agents should conanIt their own and ash serihers' interests bv selling or delivering no other edition. I ^ BEST TERMS. OsF tit 50c. Particulars free. Act quick. Ad dress Hrnnu(r) Bkos., Pubs., 51 W. 4th 8t. T ADI ES AND ST O R E-K E EPEB8.—Teu Li can got Choiee Goods cheap, by writiaC on a Postal for our Price List, which enahw yon to order ho mail the best way, and aaB the mnnv kinds of Merchandise ire keep ft* sale at surpiisingly lew prices. We lead Hamburgs. Laces, RfltbaM, 'f requested. We sell W tor Cash down.' A nets 1 01*1» ut r samples _. _________ 8 „ . Fringes, Ac., if requested, sale and Retail tor Cash do twice the money elsewhere, all wanted t* every family. Money returned if not snÜb factory. Houghton <f- Dutton, 55 TrtmoiU Boston, 'Hass. THE BONANZA FOR BOOK-AGE»» is selling our snlendldl)' UlustrsM book. Ufe of GENERALHANCOCK by his life long fiend. Hon. J. Vf. FORMT an author of national fame. This work h endorsed by Gen. Haneoek, parif, leads* and press ; is low-priced, immensely pop** lar. and taking like wild-tire everywhere. Outfits 5(le. Agents are making easily W per day. For the best Igiok, best terms, sad full paitieulars, address quick HUBBARD BROS.. Atlanta. 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