Newspaper Page Text
(terms oi ùubscriptiou Uim yetr [in advance]........$3 0« - 4 within :i mouths____ . 3.50 " * " ..... rtm One Cfcpy.................... io F SAMOAN* Pro r &c Hiisintss Manager PUBt.IBHEI) EVE.ur SaTURDaTS. MX ■AND JOURNAL OF THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Oflit-iul Journal «1 the Fsniah oi Lafoni'dii 1 and of the Town o! 'fi'iiihotluax. Y Ob XVI. - ^„AAX^ÀiU*. One Sj^Oaiie (or ien li.s«,/ » f irst insertion .......-.rr...*... #1 {>01 rfeepad tnseftiouf.....;.. . «51 Eich subier^uent insertion - jy| Oasutuates.. . $ Id ffFfJÇK; Corner Gr en and Levee Greets. THIIlODAUX. L—. SATURDAY, MARCH 5™ 1881 wm ifi 127 CANAL STliERTJ'OlIRIi BUILDIXOS AND GIÎUNF.WAI.T) HALL 16. 18,20,22. BAliONNE ST, NEW, OBLEANS OF ALL THE BEST M VKEiiS IJi TIL. WOULD. ii m isiciL i ' II y I Uu OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. „1111 ™ *g* x H OF ALL THE BEST MAKERS IN THE'UTOKSK** M&m'M à mmwê mmmwm* 0 i,i> PIANOS AND ORGANS EXCHANGED FOR NEW IÉÉ CHEAPEST MUSIC HOUSE IX THE SOUTH. ALL KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1 * ' ' 0*\ ♦ r. " •j*l > fcllY INSTR TT SATISFACTION QUABANTEEff. ÏÏ ILW ORJ.E.IS 1 I yv no r /. ; oi St tc 1A ¥»711. • b£ . ..KA r.:> t Tf iU*?> D.»r C«*;.»/. »> •' • 1 • CL**, plain or l-'tui'.-v Kuos ig ii ml a lin- I MMtiitie ID i*'V' '° b •U * A. CO.. «H* _*4lÄ.i fc\' -À 4 deo-i0-iy. lit# Cv.romhtlet Slitcl. J r *.îaiDsM, 6» Ccrondekt , 6t. New Orleans La •E* ERAL COM Miss;» >N M li RCU.YNT —auil— AJiAWi!** iX >»rt Briet», Unir, <i< . —Solo Agent o.— «SELBY ALABAMA »KU AU LIME Oo»4i-ir. __i__—:—-- ID & TH1BÈRGE, Ai*cRHctts» 13..... .Commaiai rince,... . .Iß ÎÆW (.GLEANS. r r J. A. BM KCi, Macitand Ctimmlsaioonaire, SiC CHARGE DE LA VENTE DE Il i ■. Mnaase. PciiUS, b. Mousse, Lai.ic, ' Volailles, tEufs, Miel, Ciueu, Lai. te, Volailles , Cire, Miel, Gibier, -si jle iout-e espire de produits des champ» il-* ou doBuniiniMje, I 4 f...... Abie Jicoalur ...... 1 A 7 entre teüersonet Toulouse] „ NOUVELLE Oit LE A FS JtC.JL>ekBoxft77.. inhlbb b-i j al , Chui'ie« J, Barker, 4BOt :flt») '• T J 1 ?, Sotary lybUc. • - A» coda promptly to all business p vtain Mg An N»*d «tu t. NVili also attend i «' col Maaftyi*. O dice at hia rosuicuce Loekport l'ütttdi ot LtUùUiehe. act-iia t - 1 For Stale Uf\SK STEAM OH AN ELATING PAN. Jt# capable of granulating J'ttrB to twéà jjy begshciios of Sugar in 24 hours. (L,ia 1 ,-vUipU te working order, I will »(Jl the anr kT VA^'* 1 • fc . \ lMSAMOLK. isawsreiwa |>WStCt AKK Kitt#- « int a ri-LhiA i A SLBftl li'UM lor the surphale quinine buptnor iu route proporties, and produces ^dieugrceub.o etbet. B**c the Same as Sulphate Quinine. ''Sent by E.J. Hart & Co., New Oileuu id, Uj mail tor $i.ôi) per oi." sjfiUdhGS, CLAPP & CO., Chemists, BOSTON ! A*5£---- ! A*5£---- tL VICK'S. JUlaetruted Floral Guide. "*'fir 1881 is ao Elegant Book of 120 Pages •^•Colored blower Plate, and 000 lUus Anlfiuiia, wi'h Descriptions of the best /TOifer? and Vegetables, and Directions for Vowing. Only 10 cents. lu English or G<hu*in. If you afterwards order seeds uwmttue 10 cents. VICE'S arc the best in the world. The Fujk xwt>L'u*t will tell4iow to gel and r and Vcgetablo Garden, 1~5 red Plates. 500 Engravings. $1.0j in eit gro* tbe Viek's i low«' **"«»*, ti Colot________ T "or cents m paper covers ; . |«t cloth. In tieiTuaU or English. ZD^* h*s111ustrated Monthly MagaRiue—32 a Colored fPiat» In every number 'olored [Plate ^wtvnauy tino E'«. Prioe $1.25 a JjJW ; Pi vo Co;dea tor ÿô.D.I. Spcciiueu Num ■MUt satit for Id oouts • Xf.rtvl ooo.ns for 2) every uni Prioe $1 Uaat for Id Cents ; Striai for 25 JAMES VICK, Rochester, N Y. Thr greatest cure rrer discovert d for Chills ■ nt, I Freer, intermittent lever. F iions lerer Filions Ht tiriache. Tt/pltoitl h c r. Liter Com iiltnnt ami oit MalariaI i Unrast» ; !.. mini Y oouii>ofy<I exclusively oi' Hoots, Herbs and (juins. It is perfectly free from oalouiel and quinine, posse.esinj; all tI:o virtues «.( inédits wit »'««it any of theip Try it. and be convinced. If I hose re in i ious elieets. nr drr vor for. wit'•out any of there delete be send to me cents. Sent by rtggist has not got it, Price per Los L0 t en mall, postage paid.. Over :S,Ui>|4,000 Foxes sold since Januanj. 1878, witifmt e.ny newspaper advertising. U'e have thousands of letters from thoss who have used our remedy with the most bénéficiai i fleets. Hern! for our little Yellow F ook, containing testimonials, etc. '*5^8o!<i by Druggists and Deale rs gene rally. OEO. E. KIAG, General Agent, •jFj Broadway, Ncv York. C.fï. Savrs. F. Barkkr. F. CiiF.noT CHAS.H.SEYIN, Former Clerlse of SLVIN & GOUgDAiN, laud of F. P. bEVIN, Commission Merchant. AND DEALEU IN ALL KIXD.S OF (Uouiilnj proilucf. COTTON SU G AH, MOLASSES. Rice , Potatoes, Eggs, Honey. Bees wax, Taitow, Wool, Hides, Moss, Poultry , Ltc., Etc., Liberal Adyanie», Made on Consigumcutii. No. 110, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. an-10-80. It Merits Tour Patronage MATEB1AL KIUIXTIOA IN PRICE, Atfcorapauied with VAST I.VPIiOVEMENTS. -<riiE— New Orleans Democrat Published Daily and Weekly, . \ AT FOLT.t)WI N G\RATES \ DAILY, seven [71 papev per week— Per annum..........................$10 0U Six mouths.................V....... 5 0 U Three uuinths....... 250 YYi.KLY (published Saturday mornings) Per un num ----—.......... ----$1 5Ü Six months.................— V..... 75 Three mouths...................\----- 50 Iu clubs of ten [10] and over ((Me to get ter-up of club), each subscriber pà- nnuum $i ' i& - •,, V Iu nil cases postage prepaid by ottce. To iu wsdealel'b and newsboys, u^iy and J.O c ----------- 4 : per copy. weekly Remittance by money order, regiVerod tter or by dratt- at our risk. Am- issue as a sample promptly milled free, on request V letter With news, literary, family and agriedtu ral departments equal to that of any otkr paper published in the South, it matenaly excels all others iu its markets, comiucreitf and industrial reviews aud political deV THE democrat, »•w brhMMsa, La partaient S. Address JUl - - l »>- : pr smia» j'%, \, 8«I R«>., I Watchmaker & Gun j smith. Main street. Cor. Jackson ami Levee streets, Thirouauz, La. j ] ' LEI' constantly on bund a large ami com ldete assortment of ..liAVKLKV WATCH KS& CLOCKS !u « /nue.cliou with the loove a urdat vafety of | O VS' great vnru-ty PISTOLS, Fon der. < '.trtridars, IItinting Muteriuls Etc. 1 he Celebrated ' "EL80 WdTCEBf i-oDstaiiti.v **n In:nti. —ALSO— Til«? NEW A iEKIC.vN Sä wing "Ii'chine. -AMI LOT Oi ACCORDEONS. ; Watches, »'locks. Jewelry, Sew ing Machines Fire nrins. Me., earefull. repaired and gilHiaiiteeil A fell stock ot attach ments.oil and needles for all kind ot Sewing Ma chine« can be had by up plying to A. BOURON, Alain street, corner Jack sun and Levee. jun-10 'T" LOUISIANA BS-.'YS BflV!) 11 ■ II Li il, il .< IU, PfH! mm 30S,3i«8. 30Ô, 307 Giaricr M. NEW ORLEANS. R OBE R T S 4 C 0 Proprietors Stish, Biintls, Doors, Mimldings, Flooring and ('oiling, Newels, Balusters, etc., always on hand or made to ordet. Orders promptly attended lo. David Kling» -DEALER IN taka asi Ss&saüc h Coeds. NOTIONS. iicady Made Clothing, HATS , CA P, BOOT A X IPS IT ES PERFUMERY Etc., Cheap for Cash. Give au early call at the BLUE STORE Main St. Thibodaax, La. DEIYTAL HOT9 CE. iD.... T J. DAIGRE, DENTIST HAS I.OCA • cated iu town perniau inly and will perform all operations appertaining to his proingsious at very moderate prices. He w ill also practice in the surrounding country ami adjoining Parishes when called for He is now stopping at the Franklin House. The best of reference given. —Do you want a burner and chimney that will not break? If you do, call at S. T. Grisamore's stove Depot. —Cart felloes, spokes, plow beams, plow handles, plow shares, U>lows, wheelbarrows, and trace fçhaïus for sale by S, T. Gnsaraore. ESPEKA8ZÄ BRICK FAC TORY. All KtJmlw of Itrirks Alwuj» ou DSuti«!, In lots to suit, and debtered sit Purchaser's Landing withdisi atch. and at lowest market price. WELL FRICK. IIUE FRICK. KETTE F TILES. LIME. <'EM EXT, WHITE SAND, FIRE CLAY. Ae-, Ace-, &e. Terms : CASH or City Acceptance. No bricks made on the yards ; all bricks aro dried in the sheds which contain 200.000. For Particulars address P. E. DURAND, Crane's Forge P. O. Assnmptiou La. ap-10-80 Iy. Dr. J. H. FLEETWOOD and NON. Hitve opened their office on Market Street, one door above Rot li and Fleetwood's Drug »lore. Consultation at all hours. i ' [ Yourselves by making mon ev when a gulden chalice is offered, thereby always keep ing poverty from your door. Those who always take -d vantage of the good chances for making money that are offered, general ly become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. YVc want men. women, boys and girls to work for us right iu their - own localities. The business more thau ten times ordinary wages. YVc fu- nish an expensive outfit and all that you need, free. No one who engages tails to make money very rap idly. Yon can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full infomiatidti ami all rbat is needed eöt free. Address STINSON Sc CO., Port nd, Maine. I j j | ' m IM weile 2 Impure Ei-Carb Soda ii cf : »Unfitly dirty v/iii'o color. It ir.ny appear white, fiaralied by I'srl., but n. CO N PA r. ISON WIT! ciicrcii & cops "'hpi a r*i' TT,r,i.,fn„ BItA'.D Will show the IIAêlBlER dlCcrence. Sec that wnlto sirnLAJR. Toed. Housekeepers wh Beo that yonr Peking Pods f.i îilto and PH I'.?., as shoal.1 1 -j A' ------ SUBSTANCES ua 1 far ousekeepi yeast, will ii botterai to prefer bread r.iado w: t h improve it3 quality, make it r. ireveutit from sourie one bale ind pi i-haif teaspoonlal cf I Lu tus. thii ispoorml cf I Bo suro aud suro aud not U3e too n souriug, by a-'diug :rch & Co.'s focta or Tbs -t Tllu too ■ s with sour milk in prof re iwder, eaves twenty times ; ' saving i'owder, eaves twenty times 1 erst. Sea one pound package for valuable iniomia tloa and read carefully. SHOW THIS TO YCUR GRGCER. Outfit sent free to those who wish to engage in the most pleasant and -gage in most p )-% profitable business ktiuwu. j"J S thing new Capital not required. VI |y will furnish you everything. $10 a • '* day aud upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many now workers wanted at ouee. Many are mak ing fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men. and young boys and girl who is \\ money e\ than can he made in a week at any ordinal .t Every ■d. We ill ug io to make more money every day e made in a week at any ordin lployment. Those who engage at e will find a short road to fortune. AddrcsP lient. Those who engage at onee li. HALLETT & CO., Port-lanu Maine. l&ssk obtained for new inventions, or for improve men is in old ones. Caveats, Trade Marks amt all patent bitsiu-.-ss promptly attended to. EuTentions (lint have been r«-ji*ele«l may still, in most cases, lie nat en. ed by us. Being opposite the U. b. Pat en Offiee, and engaged iu l*:tlent 3tu>n iuess l'ivelitsiiid.i', we can secure patents in less time than those who aro re mote from YVashiugton au»l who must de pend upon the mails it ail transactions with the Patent Olliee. YV'li- ii inventors send model or sketch we make scare ii in the Patent Office and ad vise as to its patentability/We o/ charge Corres pondettce confidential, prices low, aud no charge unies.« paient Is ob> mined. . YVo refer to Hou Postiua ter General D. M. K'.y, liev. i). PoWKR, to officials iu the II. 8. Patent Office, and especially to oar clients in every .Stato of the Union "and n Canada. For special references, terms, advice. & c., Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office. YY ashington, D C —If you Yvaut .a good hat, call at the Blue Store. Fritz .1 ahneke, [Pat. for La] Sthiliinger Artificial »tome rurciueai, - ÜHALEIt lx A orth Hirer and German Flays Curb Stone and Portland Ciment. Nos. 208 and 210 DELORD STREET, Between Baronne and Carond.det Streets doc-20-ly. .« vv Or 1 cam«. •NdIs ii. CII1ÎTIS, I Successor to Allen J. Badeaux.} Cor. Main and Focus St., Thibt.daux, La —Retail Gimi-ek am* Dealer in— Lay. Grain, toin Mud, ( rockery '•n.t ail k tuts of luuey Groceries. For Sale. The ( itiz ns B.i.,k oi Louisiana is nnw pn-pared to give clear titles to its lands and lir. . - » l -e the S(itee.r .loties pince *- Ale!I o e" I .tilated la-ar . bibodau.wdlo in T li ■ » pa 1 i - ! I n. \ s.ii in ; - i i-ill. enn I ailiiiig 2 JIM ae.. s o! a hich .* i.l are in cultivation Then is . .«mail .'vv.-lling and good sugar liou.-c. am! an .ara! us ..pen kettle siig-ir! in work ing order on be place with tanning impie mi nts ai d S milles. Apply to t itizetis Bank in New < trleaus. New Orleans, 3rd January 1881. JAS. J. TÀRLETON, t asliier For Sale. One double, flued boiler 42 inches x 2fi feet, with one steam dium attached 3d inches by 8 feet. Stand pipe, check valve, safety valve, blow off valve, whistle valve, one. hri citing a«nl one turuaee mouth. The above boiler was made In- John taken off YY'ard oi New Orleans, and, has tour crops ouly. For terni» tic. apply to J. J. Shaffer Mag nolia Plantation Terrebonne Parish, La. Sept. 20th. 1880. lm iu to C List of'Jurors. The iSrate of Louisiana—20rh Ju dicial Distiict Court, Parish of Lafourche. I hereby certify that on the 20tb, day of January 1881, l lie 'following named pet sons -have oeen drawn by the Jury commis, siomiers to serve as Jurors for the tenu oi said Coarc beJnniitg on the 4ilt, day of April 1881, as loK lows : Jury for the 1st, week of .Court be ginning on Monday April 4 th, 1881 1 Nathaniel William 1st ward. 2 Lagarde Aihnr 2nd " 3 Hepler George 5ih " 4 Ayhesenne Jules 5th " 5 Williams Saunel 2ml " ü Adams George 7t h " 7 Ford Sylvain 5th " 8 Edmond 9tli " 9 Robinson Martin 1st " 10 Robiehaux Theodnle 2nd '' 11 Fenygowl Williams 5th " 12 Dat e Samuel 3rd " 13 Gaudé Leon 5th " 14 Kerue Clay 5tli " 15 Hoffman Henry J. 2nd " 10 Richie AdrieU 2nd " 17 Bonterie Prosper 5th " 18 Schmidh Gustave 2nd " 19 Brautl Volzé 1st " 20 Morvant Joachi'i« (iih " 21 Ghampague CG 5th " 22 Alleman Alfred 9th " 23 Robiehaux Dalmas 3id " 24 Dotothy Geojge 5th " 25 Richard ^Hubert 1st " 20 Legendre M t \ 3rd " 27 Dishe» William« 4th '* 28 Beauvais 0 Fergus 7tU " 29 Thibodmx Paul 7th " 30 Williams C C 7th « 31 Dorcy Johu 2nd " 32 Roussel L E 1st i l 33 Boner Edwiu R 2nd " 34 Bergeron Emile J 2nd " 35 Bourgeois Oscar 5tli li 30 La gaI de Jos P 6th 37 Williams Aleck .2nd " 38 Trosclair Leonidas 5th " 39 Lesse j is.C harles 5th " 40 Rey*jl Phillip 2nd " 41 bourgeois Joseph ' 7th " _ä Sn F •« i'luf I 42 VVebre .Jos h 43 Pierce Daniel 44 Donoliiif .Joliij 45 L igarde Taylor 4G Breati x Felieien 47 Banilleaux Cam lie' itii Jt« 4îS Tliibotlanx H. F. 2nd 4Ü Higgiubotbaru M T *7tn 50 Uiibicbatix U 2 st ^, u Jury jar mo nd werk of Ctiiit'LAt* yinniny on the 11 th. day April J Vr ' P , ra ! ,th ^ a,ues ^«d Ytjfrd - Michelet H L 2nd " 3 Vicknair J (J 9 ttl 4I ^ 4 Bonterie Vi twin - tii " 5 Sevin Felix P J^iid 'tr OSehaxneider Klebet lût 7 Oiicale Sylvain S Hacket <> 0 niese John Jr. 10 lieiiiue Oscar 11 Fastet Henry 12 GilMs 0 E * 13 Cha|i|uiis inies 14 Du gas Emile L» Ilntfinan Fiank | ... i, . , i ' l0jiS, riol Adolphe ; 17 Gillltlé J F 1 - * — . -- iJuil'ieliHII \ Ulysso : '>7 f A.>• 1 1 ... it: . f 1'^ H iiei t V.q.sseiir 19 BotKlreniix Ozemé 20 roups Zenhetiii Jp 21 Gnudé Joachim 22 Lo|)ine E A 23 Boudreaux Clovis 24 Bellauger Henry -5 Richard gYntciUiu - .">1 Michel Gittlde C F 2!) deyers Solomon 3(1 Naquin g\ L 5»h ' « < *1 5th " l>"t * ?tl * 4 ' :1 7th . 5th 2ii(l 2nd 2nd 5th 7th 6th •Mil 5th 7th " ^ 5th «. 2nd , X 7th " 4 1st 1st « c Orb " ' Ot h "<•• 2ud « *. Jury for 3rd week ot Court begin nig on the 18 th day tf April ~~ 1 Roussel D. M. 7th ward ' 2 Morris W SPO 3 ul - ' 3 Lee John and' " J 4 Rogers LenisC 2 idf " ' 5 Legendre Author t 7th J«. 6 St ippling Richard 3nd. «. » 7 Chauvin Emile % 4i<i- ». - 8 Le Bœuf F. Jj. u 7 t |, u, 9 Robiehaux J Ozémé 5th " 10 Boudreaux A V 5th " 11 Robiehaux Edgar 3rd 5. 12 Aucoiii Armant ' 1 2nd »» 13 Hebert RE * • 1st »* 14 Molaison Joseph ' 4rli 4< 15 Abraham Simon '7th »• l(j Redet J. Alcide 5th " > 17 Dionne Ernest '5tJj »» 18 Le B r anc'Oscar ' 9lh 4< ' 19 Parr Aurelian 2nd " 20 RogeTs J 1 2',id " * 21 McEvers J R 2nd « 22 Tabor John M 5th * 23 Folse Drauzin ' - fih *» 24 Brau») Théophile 1st ** 25 Morvant Sylvain 1st ¥ 20 Morvant Clinton 5th « 27 gUlemun PG 4tfi v* 28 Bourgeois Charles Sid " 129 LeBlanc Camilo itfi a 30 Babin Arnedé 3rd ¥ In faith Yvt ereof : Witness my hand aud seal of office this tire 28tk day of January A. D. 1881. J. W. KNOBLOCH, Clerk. ____ Clerk. all lyDOKitC IT. The Recorder , America», Ga., says : "Clerks, Senators, Repr«« * semativ -s; Doctors, lynwyers, Oifi zeus, in putdic and private life, rtre testifying by the thonsandrrr aud over their Own sign attire*« that a remedy has bevu found joe Bright's Disease of the Kidneys aud for Diabetes; tt4se fite rd sjieetively, known ns Warner'» * Safe Kidney and Liver Core' i tittf • Warner's 8afe Diabètes Cure. ,, * —If you want to buy a goo'd stove, go toT SiT TÎ Grisa more'i Stove Dêpor. " y * ** ~ A-- \ ' Btmft low —BlMe Sign it 67 mJSBSi