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Oue ye« t iu advance] ........*3 uo * within J months ____ 3 50 " « " .... 4 00 One Copy................... 10 FSASCAÎÏ. Pro'r & Busiuess Manage r Published kveut Satürdats. ®lut Äbodaux &entmeL -—AND JOURNAL OF THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Oitic-liii Join ical ol Hie Ftiii&li ol Lafbmx'lic anil of the Town of Tinbodau\. THIBODAUX. L—. SATURDAY. MARCH 26™ D8! $1 o äates ot AOuenpag. U.\E SaDAUE (of ns.\ n.\c., iirst insertion.............. . ■Second insertion.............. E^ch subsequent insertion Ca.vdtdates........ OFFICE; Corner Gr en and Levee Streets. NO. 34. 34. -RUNEWALD'S MUSIC HOUSES' j£ CANAL STREET, T0UK0 BUILDINGS A ND GRÜNEWALD H ALL 16.18,20,22, BAKONNE ST NEW ORLEANS PIANOS î ORGANS. ■■■* PIANOS i ORGANS. OF ALL THE BEST M IKERS IN THE WORLD ut ni) mm rnrnm. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. VSO&18MS ".»1 £*!*££, CHEAPEST MUSIC HOUSE IX THE SOUTH. • . ' Ä S» , ' OF ALL THE BEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. MA1SM A O R SAKS B8»R|rib„ OLD PIANOS-AND ORGANS EXCHANGED FOR NEW ONES. ALL KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPATRPn SATISFACTION GUARANTEES. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED \i;W ORLE tN . I jrall aA Davidson, [Established in l&T.] WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. HO Carouddtt St. New Orleans. rrnx BE PLEA'El) TO TA K OR f tiers lor Ountrv Work. j'.illier i:i Ä "A1 Ä 5wV.h im.ii* It V'lllill,* " . ...... * utaiaor Fancy lînuiïng an« at the l.iwes» "Histibl« rate Re levs l_u_J. DAVIDSON deii- 20 -iy. HO Caioudulet Street. KAMÜEL J * NISON, <0 Caruuidct, St. New Orleans La GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT —ami— DEALER IX Sugar Ebne. I' r c iter. Bnwudale u.-.a ti estent Cement, tire Brict.x. hair, Me. —Soil Agent of— fciELBY ALABAMA SCO AU LIME ■Oct-li-ly. HLNUT HOW A It I*. H. 11. T.-ItliKI'.l.E HOWARD &ÏH1BERGE, Arch itects, 13...... Commercial Place,. .....I-* NEW ORLEANS. Nachauil Coin missionnaire, Sfi CHARGE DE L.A VENTE DE A'ututt, •■re, Riz, Mousse, Peaux, Lai.te, Volaille s, fL.tfs, Cire, Miel, Gibier, ■si de toute espèce «le pro« luit ■> tic» champs ou «1«; j.inlin age, UT...... Bue. Deem ur ......UT entre Jefferson cl. Toulouse] XOCVELL E OU LE AXS iP C. Loek Box «77.. mb lu « miy (harleo J, Barker, Notary Publie. Attciula promptly to ail bt siuess p.rtain big to said office. Will iilno. attend to eol bctiuiis. Office at bis reside! Finish ot Lafourche. iee Lockiwit oct-2ô For «ale PAN JANE STEAM G KAN FLAT ING V/ eapalffe of granulating ft ecu to tweu >ty liogsheuUs oi Sugar in 24 huu re. Incomplete working ol der. 1 will .......1 sell the ». 1. DAMOliK. aiiwaiBiiHR pj DlYSICIA.NS sars it is a rl .idbbi A SUBSTITUE lor the sulphate «juiume Superior iu touic properties, aud p reduces no ilisagreea ble effect. Date the Same as Sulphate Quinine. "Sent by E.J. Hart &i o.. N tw ■Orlean L»., by mail for $1-50 per oz." BILUNGS, CUPP & CO., Chemists, BQ ST0N VICK'S. lliuüitrated Floral Guitle. For 1881 is an Elegant Book of 120 Pa ges Colored Flower Plate, »Oil ti00 Ulus batious, with Descriptions of the b *st Flowers aud Vegetables, aud Directions u»r Stowing. Only 10 ceuts. In English or Ufimau. If you afterwards order sees Is "^ urt the H) «-cuts. VICK'S SEEDS ai e the best in tho world. Theb'LoaAL Gl'idu will tell how to get aud Row them. Vick's Flower ami Vegetable Garden, 1* •> £»«■», », Colored Plates, 500 Engravings. For öOoents iu paper covers ; ®L0o in ele- cloth. Iu German or English. |f Vick s Illustrated Monthly Magazine—32 F»ges. a Colored Plate In every number ' Wkl luauy Hue Engravings. Price $1.25 a «biitjfo Copies »or *ô.i)3. Specimen Xum_ Tir 10 coats ; 3 trial copies for 25 s izr—""J *•'« seatT» «eats. Ad'iru*», JAMES VICK, Ro, ehester, N. Y, h % « ? & 9 . & & s n <p 'S Sara a Tiie frrmtisi cure erer nisorcnd for Cilh • vd Fere -. Intermit tent lerer, Bilim Bil ims JL-adaehe. Typhoid Fcv-r, Liter bin [it" î a t a ml all Malarial i liseuses : a Iienjily »•oi.i]:<ise(! exclusively of Boots, Herbs f ml On ns. It is perfectly free from culaiei anti quinine, possessing all the virtue ol ilioMj remédias wir!- «ait, any of tbeir »Itetc »ions effects. Try it ai-d be convinced If your <u uggiM, has uot got it, send tome iiifit. Price per box ä0 cents. Sent!).' tail t 'HlKlII mail, po-tage pa Bures sol;l since J in ir.-payer ailrert 'simj. r leu Over 3 , 0 » 0 , 0 U 1878, without is bave tboiisf ■eil S Va hi «.Is ive licit no s friun tluits who bu remedy willi llie most bon«-.............. dem! for our iii tie Yellow Book, conta iBg 1« siinioniiila, ele. r ÿ'.Sold by Druggists ami Dealers gie rally. . GEO. E. KTXG, General Agents 575 Broadway, Xe a Yon C. H. St; vis. F. Baekkr. F. ('hK iiï CilAS. H. 8LYIN', Former Clerks of SEVIX A GOUiiDAj. .and of F. P.8EV1N, Commission Merchant AND HEALKi: IN ALL KINDS OK vCwmlnj |)voî)ucf COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Rice , Potatoes, Egy*, IJoney. Bee wax, Talloic, Wool, Hides, Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., l,itK'raI Advil in e* Made, on Cousigu mou I si. Xo. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. an-10-80. It Merits Your Patronage MATERIAL RI UIUTIO.Y IN PRICE, Accompanied with VAST IMPROVEMENTS. -THE— New Orleaiu Democrat Published Daily and Weekly , AT FOLLOWING RATES DAILY, secen [71 payers per week— Per ...............................$10 00 Six mouths.......................... j? Y u Three months....................... - WEEKLY (published Saturday mornings) Per annum...........................B 1 ^ Six months........................... In clubs of ten [10] and oyer (»mo to get ter-up ol club), each subscriber per auuum ^lu°all cases postage prepaiil by offlet. To newsdealers and newsboys, uaiiy aud weekly, 2 i-2e per copy. —j ----- * F U ■» Remittance b, letter or by dra Any issue as a IBE DE sï T i u A. IÎCV KOY, Watchmaker & Gun smith. Main street. Cor. Jackson and Levee streets, Tiiibodalx, La. TX LKP constantly Iw band a large ««ml com plete assortment of Fa As. .1 MU 111. K WATCHES & CLOCKS In conneetioii with the above » great variety guxs ' pistols; Powder. Cartridges, Hunting Materials Etc. The Celebrated ;EL(M WATCHEf constantly on band. —ALSO— The NEW AMERICAN Sawing Machine. —AND— LOT OF ACCORDEONS. rï" Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Machines Fire arms. See., carefull repaired aud guaranteed A full stock ot attaeh uients.oil and needles 1er all kiml ot Sewing Ma chines can be had by up plying to A. BOURON, Main street, corner Jack son and Levee. jdu-10 LOUISIANA 1 m, Etllil <f MSI IAIÎ08I; .301,903, 305, 307 ttraviei' St. NEW ORLEANS. RERTS & C0. r R 0 Sash, Blimls, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and Ceiling, Newels, Balusters, etc., always on hand or made to order. Orders nromntlv Proprietors David Kling . -DEALER IN foreign and Bcmsstic Dry Goods, NOTIONS. Ready Made Clothing, HATS, CAP, BOOTS AND SHLBS PERFUMERY Etc., Cheap for* Cash. Give au early call s.tthe BLUE STORE Main St. Thibodaux . La. j ------------ - ------------------ florin all operations appertaining to bis |e will also practice iu the surrounding ».try an»l adjoining Parishes when called iffice : Corner of Market aud Maronge » Thu best of reference given. DENTAL NOTICE. J. D AIGRE, DENTIST HAS LOCA j j> cated in town perman nily and will ^ -I do, call at S. T. Gllsamore 4 S iS »pokes, plow wheeîCrows^and^tracè ESPERANZA 8HICK FAC TORY. AH Kinds» of Bricks Always on lluud. In lois to suit, and delivered at Purchaser's Landing with ilispatch, i.nd at lowest market price. WELL BBWK. EIRE BRICK, KETTLI) TILES. LIME. OEM EXT, WHITE SAND, FIRE CLAY. «ke-, &c., &c. Terms : CASH or Ciig Acceptance. No bricks made on the yards ; all bricks 200 00o' ed Lm sheds which contain For Particulars address P. E. DURAND, Crane's Forge P. O. Assumption La, ap-10 80 Iy. Dr. J. H. FLEETWOOD and SON. Have opened their office on Market Street, one door above Both and Fleetwood's Drug store. Consultation at all hours. v„. „ , . . ^ „ , '7, ula K 1Q ^ mo . n tng poverty from vonrdoor. Those who always take ,.d vautage ot the good chances for making money that are offered, general ior us right in tbeir owu localities. -IsSSr? 'X W **J n . a K°Jden chance is ;!r®^^^f.. a, ." a X s . keep oue tap ie to 1 U-- JVM urru, UCC. i^O ; «*ÿ«ge s tails to in.ike money very ent free. Address STINSON dp CO., Port nd. Maine, of BEST IB THE WOHL® ! •rfp g^rcu tea Tit I CA^ 9 Imtan Bi-Carb Soda ■lightly dti la of < _ _ Irty •wbi'e color. It r.:aj appear white, examimd by i'ael., but a COMPARISON WIT! CHURCH & CO.'S "ARM AED HAMMER" BRAND will lâow the difference. food. Tio to onc-haif teaspoonful of Chore Saleratns. Be euro and not nse too.n.urh. Th nso of this with sour milt In preferraca Baking Powder, saves twenty Urnes Us cost. See one pound packago for valuntlo in.nrma tion and read carefully. SHOW THIS TO YOUR GROCER. Outfit sent free to those who wish to engage in the most pleasant ami profitable business kuown. Every thing new Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10 a day aud upward» is easily made without staying away from home over night. No lisk whatever. Many new workers wanted at onee. Many are mak ing fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girl make great pay. No one who is wili ng ro m ork fails to make moremoney every day than ean be made iu a week at any ordinär' employment. Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Addre-s 11. BALLETT &. CD., Portlan.i Maine. t £ X S3 < Z S UÏ Us O crj CQ O cc s at m-m, 'Z cd ■=3 CL » a -Î3 € M PATENTS obtained for new inventions, or for improve meut» iu old ones. Caveat», Trude .Mark end all patent business promptly atteniled to. EnventionN that have been rejected may still, in most eases, b» oat incss llxcliisively. we »an secure patents iu less time than those who are re mote from Washicgton at ,A w ho must de pend upon the mails i- all transaction» with the Patent Office. ' When Inventors send model or sketch we make searcii iu the Patent Ofiiee amladvise as t® »ts patentability free of charge. Corres ponde.nee confidential, prices low, and no charge unies»» patent is» ob tained. We refer to Hon Postmaster General D. M. Key, Rev. F. O. Power, to officials in the U. S. Patent Office, and especially to our clients in every State of the Union and* n Canada. For special references, terms, advice. Ac., Address C. A. SNOW & CO n <' Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D C —If you want a good hat, call at the Blue Store. ! Kritz Jahncke, ' [Pat. for La] Kchiliins;er Artificial «tome I'aYeiueui, -Dealeu Ik s cl s%™7iNi:.r?,J'Lr < Curb Stone and Portland Cement. Nos. 5W.S and gill DELORD STREET, Between Baronne and Carondelet Streets iee-20-ly. .lew Orleana. J«HS H. CURTIS, [Successor to Allen J. Budeaux.J Cor. Main and Focus EL, Thibodaux, La —Retail Gbocku and Dealer in_ Lay. Grain, Corn Meal, Crockery "ltd all k nils o/ Fancy Groceries. For «ale. The Citizens Bank of Louisiana is now prepared to give clear titles toits lauds and .ffers for sale the Spicer Jones place Mein« e situated near Tbibodauxville in tho parish of Assumption, containing 2130 acres, of which 501) are in cultivation There is a small «,' welling and good sugar house. ;ar, in work a ro is a .«mail c welliuj; and good sng and apparatus open kettle sugar! mg older on the place with farming imple ments aud 8 mules. Apply to Citizens Bank in New Orleans. New Orleans, 3r»l January 1881. JAS. J. TÀRLETON, Cashier PHILIP S. ARMITAGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: Corner Market and St. Loais Sts. Thsbodaux, La., i'eraous wanting flue materials toi <loiue»tic or M»irée use should visu tue Blue Store last of Jurors. The »State ot Louisiaua—20th >Ju «lieial Distiict Court, Parish of Latourche. I hereby certify that on the 20ih, day of January 1881, the billowing named persons have ueen drawn by the Jurj commis siontiers to serve as Jurors for the tenu ot said Coure beginning on the 4ih, day of April 1881, as fols lows ; Jury for the 1st, week of Court be ginning on Monday April 4 th, 1881 1 Nathaniel William 1st ward. 2 Lagarde Atliur 2nd " 3 liepler George 5lh " 4 Ayheseuue Jules 5th " 5 William» Sau nel 2nd u 6 Adams George 7th " 7 Ford Sylvain 5th " 8 llaiaug Etimond 9th (t 9 Bobiusoii Martin 1st " 10 Uohichaux Theodule 2nd *• 11 Fenygood Williams 5;h " 12 Dave Samuel 3rd " 13 Gaudé Leon 5th u 14 Kerue Clay 5th " 15 Hofl'iiian Henry J. 2nd u 1G Bichie Adneu 17 B.ui tei le Prosper 18 Schmidh Gustave 19 Br.iinl Voizé 20 Morvaut J on chi le f 21 Cnampague C G ! 22 Ailelltail Alfred 24 Dmotliy Geojge •»-. Di,.l,^, l i ,, 1 . C 2Ü LegeiiUlV M A to 27 Diabe* Williams 28 Beauvais G Fngus 29 Tuibod.iux Paul 30 Williams O O 31 Durey Johu 32 ltou.sset L E 33 Buuer Edwin B 34 Beigfi'uu Emile J 35 Buurgcuis Oscar j 30 Lagat de Jos P <' ! 37 v\ iiliams Aleck C " HHums Aleck ; 38 riusclatr Leouidas 39 LeSaeps Charles 40 Beed Phillip 41 Bourgeois Joseph 2nd 5th 2nd 1st 6th 5th 9th 3id 5th 1st 3rd 4th 7th 7th 7tb 2nd l*t 2nd 2nd 5ib 6th 2nd 5th 5th 2nd 7 th II Ssä?.?«. 42 YVebi e Jos L 43 Pierce Daniel 44 Donoliae Jobu 45 Login,Je Taylor 4G Breaux Fehden IsÄSiS, 50 Bohichaux fl " ■SSSSKt»* 1 Cherauth James ^ 2 Michelet U L ot"**' 3 Viekuair J G « ^ 4 Bouterie Vi torin 41 j, t. 5 Sevm Felix P .7, 5 « ih'haxi,eider Kleber lf t « 7 Oucale »Sylvain s.j, u h Hacker O * t r 9 . olese John Jr. K, « 10 Lepine Oscar 7!^ « 11 Tastet Henry 7,1, 12 Gilhs C E JJ* ' 13 Chappuis ouïes gM. « 15 ui:«*" E p ile 2nd « lo Pra „ k 2nd •• {?SSS# ,w * ta " ;» U ben Va«™, :: 1J Boudreaux Ozemé 5tb « o? ^ ou P« Zepheri,, J r Sib « 4 i ïtU,< é 5th " Repine E A 7.1, iC 24 u°M d,eaux Clovis 5 t h « 4 Ru.h U,g r r v fleUry 2nd « 4 D ^ h> K d Al,,elien 7th « -6 Bouichaux ülysse l 8t « 9« r "' u MlcheI 1st " 28 Gaudé C F 6 th " 30 \ yr - S Vr 0moa 6(h « 7 Nrtt P»u A L 2ud « Jury for 3rd week of Court beain mg on the ISth day qf Apr 1 Boussel D. M. 2 Morris W S P O 3 Lee Johu 4 Bogera Leuis C 5 Legendre Autbnr 6 Strippliug Bichaid 7 Chauvin Emile 8 Le Bœuf F. L. 9 Bobicbaux J Ozérné 10 Buudreanx A V 11 Bohiuhaux Edgar 12 Aticoiu Amiant 13 Hehert B E 14 Moiuison Joseph 15 Ahialiam »Simon 16 Ledet J. Alcide \ é Diouiid Enipst 18 LeB'auc Oscar 19 Pair Auieliun 20 Kogei s J I 21 McEvers J B 22 Ta Do r John M 23 Folse Drauzin 24 Brand Théophile 0« Revaut »Sylvain 2b Moi vaut Clintou 27 Alleiuan PG 23 Bourgeois Charles 29 Leblanc Caroile 30 Babin Atnedé lu faith wuereof : 7th ward 3rd " 1381. J. W. Ka OB LOC H, Clerk. OB LOC H, ____ Clerk. AI*I* IiTDOMC IT, - The .^ corder ' Americus, Ga« »ays: "ClerkM, Senators, Bcp,^ seutatiV'-s, Doctors, Lawyers, Citi zeus, m public aud private life, are testifying by the thousand« au i over their owu signatures« Bright's Disease of the Kidney« autl for Diabetes; these are fd apectively kuowu as Warner's »ate Kidney ami Liver Cure and VY arucr's öafe Diabetes Cure." —If you waur 10 buy a good stove, go to 8. T. G iisa more's 8tove Depot. —Blue Store is the place tQ buy, at low price, a flue «nit,