Newspaper Page Text
Shibodaux £entinfi AND— Journal of lire ttlU nen-.iloiml i _______ nUtrtc t ! WFIciu JOURBUL OF THE PARISH OF j I ' ! UFOURCHE AND Of THE T0WÏÏ Of THI&0DAÜX. Office : Corner Green & Levee Sts. ISSUKO KtKKT Seri'HPAV S.T. GKISAMORK Editor. , ? 8 ANC AN» Prn'r ,v P.usinessMnnnger j , j THI BOD AUX, LA.. SATURDAY, AUGU-T C, tft Notice ! i ---- ' i L.X ofti.-, > ' " ' ^tu.^r<a%èt 77 ,V j the. Ta* I In obedience to 18W. Notice is heieby given 1 payers ol the l-'ar Hi o!' ..sifnurthe I hat the j ra»s assessed in the war 1881 are .11 forth ! in the tax rolls on tile in my ode- and in j the mortgage office of thi'i : ÏSntiCm" X IflÄÄ ■will draw 8 jicr i ■■nt ir.Urcrt prr aDiimi ; from ilate until sohl m accordanec vri:n ar cnil U, ouci amt settle, »u ouicr t»> avoi.t tuicrcst a«J c< *'- r* L LORÏO. r»*puVr To*. Coi-k-ctor, Lntbnvcha -----------,------------------- . Kllilorial Mems. ----- r ri*p \ olml« - Belt *'*>■• 'the nfiiict'.';i ' p' ; 1 " -j ' " Ie f " Street, .-.ew^^oib. Semi be rhei: Catalogue and term a. SSkit Âl« lïcHl. Will -end trd Klccîm Voltaic lie It.a to Op:*u 30 «lay# trisit. Speedy < nri s tec»I*They moan what they rav. \. flipm withant tii lay. AOEXTS AND C.VM V ASSRHS. ~ Make from S'Ji» lo 9»o© prr selling goods for 1C. (i. RID BOUT & ('<>., la B.uHay — I'eisoiis wauling »arpenter work done, w ou Id do well to call upon L. Aubert of Thihod.uix. — It is said that labor has be. come, very scarce on Ihe river above Plaqueiuino. — Lovers al tig.« are th!U the prospeef for iSSb* is very Bat tering. informed a crop in r ~T 7™ ....... — '—The Naehitoeln-s Vindicator Wants a lamp kept burning all .night, in the street *V tlnu if woal.l be useful in ewe ol lire, ----- • ------- •-The venerable Mrs. Winder is spending a few days in Tliibo danx, visiting her son Thomas L. \\ Inder Ivsij. —Work has begun in the eroc •lion ofthe eisicriis being placed in ( 4 'oui I i louse yard by the Par Persons having pmpiwty It» j insure should call on (i. \V. Squires who is the Agent of res : ponsible and weathy companies. ; —From all repott.s the coaeln j sio.i may be arrived at that the [ wheat harvi- t j i <i tiauhed has | been a fair, whiist not a large one | ---- i —Work on the Bridge at Don j ahVmu ville is »-onuneueed. The j conflict requires the Bridge to be con^detod by October. —Folksdesiringcheap baigains should call «V»A. Joseph who is j closing out his ^oek of givoils, for j the purpose ol r »moving to the j State ol Texas. j _ :,T TyRjr", u X .: i — Tn Ayer's Agv*. (Jiue we have a positive cure for fN- t »r and ague aud all malarial disorders, and one entirely free from quiiffuy, ar senic, or other injurious drugs. It is the chemical and medicinal triumph of tin* age. —The people of St. Martin's Parish do'ut want to move the Court House from St. Martin to Breaux's Bridge by a yotcot 1110 against (163 in favor. —Some one has sent us a copy of tlie Police Gazette containing a picture of Gniseppe Esposito tiie Italian Brigand, caught iu Ne)v Orleans ami now in N»w V.R-k. ' —To morrow the veterans of the army of the Tennessee give a grand excursion from New Or " , " " " ' ' &iesfagian»rö^ new Railroad. —The President still continues to improve. TheNvouud is begin uingtoheal, whilst the sufferer; gains strength daily. He is able to partially »sit up iu his bed, and unless some unes peeled change occurs he will soon be convalescent. --*-- —Today the Sentinel enters upon its seventeenth voIihu*», and still lives. Through many ups ..u»l downs it has existed and Crusts that it may survive many vpars. 1 * it wishes prosperity happiness nnd.fortuue to those who have un »-enerouslv assisted it in bv Ä days aùd hopes that its fu« pure intercourse with its thousand jeitders^ei'iy trmaiu pleasant and piofitabh*. ' Drainage.—T he new Diwlsje built tor the constuietion <>( the' i Canal between Luke Long and, uomph-led ! ! ftuvon Jeun toCrois is , j «"! I i*j" its wo k, and K very likely ; ' to (lay,, on the ground ! woi k. and at.. ! V, k. It is one of the Menge Patent ; # * it. . I":...-. . » F , 8j>ades that ii doing j five w uk tor tin* South Lon Ma , (| t v :1 v igation Company in Terre, bonne, and to those now used by j Di-edge •. similar to the. King ol such effec ; i i the i itiid iieelaiiiation below B'*r j wields Bay These dredges are nroviii" to be ihe best that cun : bl* found, for the alluvial lands of i the South. ! ' * . ,, ow process ol | j con dindidi for operating in the | I s tn t e pi Florida. _____ 0 ____ I Tin-Boca 1 Board of Swamp i spe j j ! j —I iu- DOCH' i .o;u u m : j .„„j (.'ninini-ssioitcrs had i j ; [ t \y;is aC'l'Ced (hat tllC Bl'edge j j * ' , „ rs cut the j stört Cand bei ween" Little i ;UM j Day on Folse before com I i meiieing the Main Uunal between | j Luke Long and Bayou »Jean I n- J ! Croix - i \ The contractors feared trouble j i in reaching the Si-ort Canal if; i lhe other was completed first. | j This plan will afford imitant le 1 -j lief to 1he inhabitants above Jîuee j j land without doing any injury to j j those living below. ----—o----- I -Air T I. Winder has placed ! on our desk a copv of ' Our !>augli | 1 er;» at School ' ptHilisln-il at <Jo-j 1 j,:Tennessee, containing an elonnent address on Female Edu of .-Icqunit address cation spoken to the. students Uolumbia Institut*- by Him. W. ( '. \\ iiitborne. It also contains much valuable and interesting in formation concerning that well known school for girls. -That was a nice party given on Tuesday evening, August 'J i,.., ..................... .. .. ^ ; t<r ht*r iiuavi'Oitr» irieuds, by D'hss I I Mamie Thibod , -a..x on her twelfth : i birth day. Tin* guests were from ; ; * t , n j,, fourteen years of age, and j ; jVom six o'clock to midnight tiiey j j had a gay time. , J j Mrs. Blanchard the excellent music teacher, played for those,'" U v ho wished to dance whilst the j ,.,.„,ai!ider amused themselves in ,} H . niatiy ways that the little ; | () j| ;s know so ys tua. me mue wed how to enjoy themselves Plenty of Tee Cream, Cake and Lemonade were supplied to ren ! ( tvr them happy. When the hour j of separation arrived, all h-tt the, r.rjiv «eene with regret,well pleased j wi j|, [h( / lv ie ception, wishing : tht . ir fail . hostess ; many,many happy birth days* f«I i f to ! the j —Two soiled doves met in retjuvd waiks ot Gr. John's come [ tery on Sunday evening last and I w ithout any preliminary sparring ; went for each other in good earn | est. After a few blows tlie hero j of the occasion interfered and pre vented the angry vixens fro*n ! doing any -serious harm. They j •were up before Justice Uaillonet on Tuesday, the on«' having sued the other for assault and battery, iUid charges were also made against both, before the Mayor. T] u . whole affair was finally concluded by one of the doves takiu ff »ings.«»« 1 filing, the yokigstcrs visited the Justices o nee during the trial. --o-- --o--- j Iv. It. AleBii.le, Assessor, hav | complctt-iv Jus Assessment | H» g Äl^t^ AndiV^r of the State. Pershus who have been nerv ous about paying their taxes can walk into, the Sheriff's office where they will find Capt. Lorio ready to receive their contribu tions to tlie State anil Parish Treasury. .... .-Mr. A. Woissentlianer, the famous confection er on Green street has, in his yard, on Main four inches in diruneter, had about The idea i ! - w p^cnes upon it. r,t f 4jn um' ^ J | tlie . , . .. „ , street, a pca«h tree with aa fine a j crop ot peae:u>.« as we have ever , seen anywhere. The tree, about . neat ; large iu any eounnffjyisbidug rapidly exploded by fruit grcTfts»^ ju the last few years. -o \It is interesting to read ;iR) way in which enterprising' m ,. u . irt , puildiug up the Attacha j i )l;ls country. Mr. Sorrel j Chareutou has erected a large j j central sugar factory ami build- , I i»g a railroad out tiircngh the ; [ prairies to transport sugar cane J or syrup to his factory. The lands are boiug rapidly | settled by thrifty industrious far ! mers who will cultivate the lands i and make the country prosper { ous and wealthy. An opening is i offered to immigrants there, and ! immigrants come in as fast as op j poitmiities are shown tlu-m ... \ earn r" ■ 0 *' u, ' rtnh, ' r "i 1 : L.-ctue ' Mws ■in honest livelihood and thf-mselvtv comfortable Lynch Law. - The N. Ö. _ Loni.-ianiun a pnp?r, j edited by colored men, devotes ;; . ZZb' ly 0 of colore, I men throughout tlie country. It is a matter that may well . side!ed serious when a paper can ; ! j be COn ! saies eu mh.-ur » « « I- I" j sea reel y bo picked up, that does ; ...V» oiviitniii • l It • 1 1 111 î t l\\ IV nidi not contain an account of a lynch ing. that Unfortunately, it is true, i» 1 " 1 "....." uf "'" of '"^.friitaiiSrUo in which outraged men law into their own hands, the vie tim has been committing an inta mous outrage upon some innocent land unprotected woman. There is one tiling that the peopled the United States will do, and that is '-protect the honor of iheir women and avenge any insults offered them by any men white or colored. If »Judge Lynch is an uusatis r.iftmy jti.lg»T..r »p» »W «Hl. COIItUlit IHIiSC USSUIl i ! 8 lipo.l WO «11»*.!», I ItCV have Otllv to behave (^themselves, and Judge Lynch nor any other judge will not molest Uu-iu. The remedy is » simple one. ° He Wise ana I5ap?y. If you will stop all your extra vagant and wrong notions in doe taring yourself and families with j expensive doctors or humbug care-ails, that do hat m. always, and use only naniieGs simple re uu'dies for all your ailments—you will be wise, well am! happy, and ^«'0 expense. The greatest remeily for this, the greet, wise mid goo i will tell you, is Hop Buters—ivly.....' on it. — Presj. r—Of late we do not read much ... airaul- cowaisl on earth than Hoodlnm or Bully, wln-n lie sees a , Hi |„ right before him that dobit scare. ____ 0 __ -Badroad traffic be. ween Bat , )n j. ui! „,, y.. vv about the exploits of the famous j Hoodlums ot New Oi leans. They arc as «jitiet as sucking doves, all of a Sudden. ' A vigilance con: mitte« is said | tobe in existeu -e in that ««.''» and Mr. Hoodlum is as gentle as tlie lambs. Well, there is no more B iilioad traffic between Orleans was ojiGtioi last Monday. The work on the toad, towards Alexandria and Shreveport is be . vus , K . ( i „head, so that, in all probability the cars will inn i from New Orleans to Shreveport by tlie end of the present year. And thus the iron horse moves oiiwaid. —The Bice growers and the! members of the Police Jury in the Parish of Sr. Charles have worked themselves into a perspi ration that is entirely too profuse this hot weather in relation to the A . .. ...» I I î B tl i » wiCl r I ' • \ . \ Hi il 1 r ii » j;, )X on Bice Haines. The Police Jury wants a big license and the ,j ct » grower objects io paying it. Another objection is the expen s j 011 «lume prescribed .by the ^tate« Board of Engineers. That ii 0 u:d nover honored the Police ,j UI V () f Lafourche with a plan of one of their proposed tînmes and consequently the Police Jury and the people in Xj tfouiche are entire ly ignorant of that scientilica! plaiTto let'water through the le vees into the ltica fields, However, the Police Jury in this p.u'ish settk-tl the whole —^ t. Grisatuore, is making up a quantity of common sugar house lamps, with biased copper spouts, that experience lias shown to be the cheapest and most eon sou. —Visitors coming toThibodaux should visit the nicely arranged «tore ot T. Verrier on Main street, who has a fine assortment of sew ing machines always on hand, a 1 stiff golIH, pj.vui.H xnitl —iiizutUig equipments. See his meut. i , —Bead the Advertisement j j^ 0 y $ Timbrell 28 QaWrp Street I , >f,, w Orleans and yoiT writ learn w jj erc ( 0 g Q to buy something U8l . j till in case of burglars or fire. ■ j ____ i —We. have received a bottle ot ; facture»! at the vineyard of F. W. Brown at Bay »St. Louis in Missis sippi. We have not yet opened it but have no doubt, that it is su prior to much of the foreign wTs^s sold here, that are uianufac ' v si some county where ; „ T . M)e s do ~ - j Uiirru ' j 0 q» 0 M r ". Akfe^*i°rVc»«; d,„„ , ty cierk of the DlkA t Court wc ; aro indebted for tffKo Kee :i eu t ; | ° __ 0 . . , A , j —that steamboats do not Rater into the Lafourche the t o-o t, t-oo-l* of the nutboats ' man's horn rings iu the ears of the bridge keeper by day and ; arouses inm trom his pleasant d.earns by night no wonder he opposes the new Revision of the Bilde. "Hades" does not ex pre.-;? his tVehngs ;*î aff, In some fevr »on tl.s the Cmmr..l A^.in- ; bl v nr this St#to Wi'.l assemble at too ww i r-mir,.! in fl,p fiîv of Hitt«*» Kongo. i fi i »on the ! C-ipifel, iu the eity . - , , t Uat I* imp«»™- ; . ers tbo m-e<i»JA reforms t mit out people .e , ai nire ami demand- It ■ ■ uot t0 ° ' iîegi.. now. .These smitte.s are ... sei ...t ; _s require the lie's- J J j _ w ^ the above fro y » W ' 1Ul ~ t U tin. That ittW/fWt/lto -* from the there are many needed relbnns which j should occupy the attention ot j the Legislators at The next »es | ..eiîiHlatmo .!.»»■* .'.ol admit of :t iltiuli! j " j>rogressi'. e spirit of the a ,v e> let it be overturned and ' : That that body can bring about such reforms is abo a matter that need create no doubts. What it will do is a gnesUon to be decided after its labors nave been concluded. l>ut as our nine cotemporary suggt-t^ it is the dn *y (>f tio* Press lo eali imir altt-n lion to needed relouas. There is no need of any now con veil tiod to frame a constitu tion; the present one will answer. The complaints that are made against the present constitaiion, should be made against ihe Leg islators veini» nave tailed io enaet laws tu early out the d<-signs of that ins!runient. The Legislators bave wol'i ly faileil in many in to perform plain duties. Let the present Cousli'ntioii have a fair trial. Then if i> i.!li -i new or.e. made. new There are some amendment that could b<- made to corvee: de fects in I lie (_\ui.s! it ut i'-n. 'i lie Bvllithi - ays that "mon polies slioaid not be toleaaled." "That tin- Polie-'- iC-.-gtC-.'.i»*»; of the State should bo iinpiuvi-d "that laws to stop the ts iy.». of Weapons sliouM eiiac.G-d. ()} . wh ( .|, is { Tin-re aie ma tpinj^hat the L-gidatun ( . ou!( i the'" be ne lit of tin State. prirent State, laws p \ (he Sheriff, and District At: cine;« tixe( i 8i ilaty to perform certai; duties, when other laws givi _ them fees are not tepeaUd er» a ing disputes and troubles, I» t-w.-en Polin« Juries amt officers they force Policé «lunes lo pay lawyers for work an! ad'iee whie.ii they probably ff«) not want, and if they did desire it they might pief'er some otliei advocate. ; ib.-gidutions are badly needed! about the office of tins' 'State j Tn-asnrei which should give every man t«> wl :0111 the State is imlebt i ed, ail chance and enable each warrant holder to draw Ids money from the Treasury wit bout being e. uyielloil to sell it lo bio These and many other subject', require the attention of the Legts lators at the next session of that body, and the Press can <»o note ing better than to bring ttn-sc »g points before their minds at an early date in order that they m ty have time to digest such ores as may bring about i chums where needed. 0 -- —^ !e arrangements made m Barri Ilea ux and Toups to accoai inodate persons who wish to i make a short trip to the Unit, is ; drawing quite a crowd ot visitors ! i to the mouth ot Die Lutomchft^ The little transport that mikes' j weekly trips lias all she c.u do. ! to accomodate the visitors. Boar.t is had at B -1I-- Pass for lar a day, which is cheap. Any one desiiing to take Q5{(1 j| 0 J ; (■ ! U j plunge in sea water should pat j ionize this new ente» prise. ■ ___ I ___ I t-.- . • » . . t t , ! r-i)iS)lict COllit lus j Saturday. The lawyers had a pleasant tirtc, in the matter of tlie suejcs.sion of the late zni Triche. A settlement of the grand childiea die of old age. —^Ir. A. Weissentlianner the famous confectioner on Green street has been exhibiting a peach which he has grown that is twelve inehes in circumference ami weigns irr o^mcc k It would be well for the Edi tors of the Baton Bouge Oapito lian and the. Naciiitocli«-s Vindica of................. ............... tor to decide whic!» or.e of them a genuine Democrat, May be they are both wrong. -o- —The [«apprs of Alabama me ; !l R u 5)i ,' .f 1 ' ( R, »^R. 0 •' legs. There sue noMes* than a doz on kittens in Tiiibadaux tiiat have four leàs and no body blows about it either. —Well, \vo*l!ke't>ra.';s, iu fact wo rather admire it. The blight est specimen ot the Article that j we have seen lately U found ini the St. Charles Herald, which j prints Washington Irving'« <i,s criptiou of Grenada and chums that that description will just t Hahn ville: oh Giaiiney. rwlitors who write such toil if in art>^> about the present constitution wï»^h occasioimallv rome down to harW ti . at|d plain lior; a new co!i^^i on CO u!d ; better it »some folk« iivt^ t, e nmde to thiuk they w erç i n ist. j tuxes PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE« i j j | THE GREATEST MEBlCAt TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A Dizziness, |y^:^ciU>w^kinrHea rino. ness at nigiit, higîilÿ color EDED IF THESE WABNINGSAk^«»^-". .SSÎ r tfr«HM~"s» "rut y ittetlt SA DlitnliTv Oi dnoed. l'rice lieU.aii |r Actio rstooi« [tirrny i »le oUaFej)^ TUTT'S HSB OYE, ; ! j vÈÊ lifes» I HOF BITTERS: (A Medicine not a Drink,) C0ITAIH3 KOPS, BÜCftb MANDBAKE, i>a<>elion. Asd the Pirr-Eä-rAe Be 3 t Mehtc aî, Quali -1 Tiia of a» other Bitters. they cure Alt Diseases of feStomach, Ilov.-els, Blood,I Liver, Kldnej(a?«l I'rluaryOrgans, Ner- | ousnesU f3plessnes.» aiid especlaily I- iaple Complaints. SI00?IN COLD. Will Be paid 9 a case they will not cure help, or furf ytlihiK luij.ure or Injurlou louua In them. Ask yonr drVRlst^for Hop ^Bltiers^ird tryjj X. C. Is andante and Irresistible Drimkcuns, use of opium, tobacc narcotics. frXD FOB ClBCULAB. AIl*V)T«*ollty drayri!!!. Hop Bitten ■(. Co., ftccbMter, N. Y., A Toronto, Ont. | Cf .Ï! ; .2*aî,'«. ; j i Pitrl».!) < !' fi tior.rche. ;!o aùituvin.ü j -» et eft <«: ttwtt t' 1 ,s-;t \ t- , .Ï t ot s ftit- litt* I l;rt<^- eorü;' tli.rt mi» «el ui t i s- nl Pt lir; l.y tit.- Jury j »int: t iitt:!i *-! :.t-M t l' s-..:. i i';ti i-!» \ •?. : J:t: v lilt t'»-«.' hi ('o)itl, bcgiiiniuj; O. ) (lliL'T fit'll. i881. ah at-U i Wnrtls Wartla 1 K'wfft-s J li 2u l 2«= McCiith» F èn-.l ; .jr. i S VT Ctiittri tî«.- L 'U ! ' S ;;#>rn>n A fini- iS l.-ttyinnu L M I'! -! ;{*'al A ii " C Uucilry (' -I .') iiyntol \':tfi ry ! h 3t! 1-' n ! » ': s M v.n»l fiuitlt'Fz A it 1« US Krninttt- !.. titli . I,;-'. »»'■»: A t^i■ 1 1 :lj l.t.'fii.T nt- .1 A !•!!. ,fo-.r.,ttl v.,1 7 !t 1 tuv-'.f A Cud ■ißt vi.'ifl 11 ■tu! V» » si 1* y tlSfi.rviii.t H 1-t r »» ti J ".tli lUturfi 1 lvs.-e .«»' I» .*»'«» .! U 'îtîi r«U-.tii' IClh «fi M't.qisin P J Ol) '-'ml US Hota ir S f.ih n :10 lii .utt! (x-ttive « ' ' V.'..: i I! " 4! fiittiit.'.fs \ <: 3rd ?. : ;> » ,\ ,!u*i t :'::»1 -Ci iHi. r. J-.tlt-s .'.ill l!i'., i it 'I - Ist -I f-.pi !:. i ;• I. p.-fi !.! Si.* Inr'».-, Vint 17 Cltty !1; nr» '.«tit ! : j ; a>m!:in\ !) vil» Wilfrid ~'i: i -l!*l( ',iit \\ 13 fis ;. 'i !» >•- î i ii a. evi-. c.r M AilitiiG.! ! i(! ». rii stiî! j à!■ I. i .. iiis 7. 1« i'.» !- 1) (J !9 IVUiti .1 A _ i- 1 Herjtcl-on K Jl Fur» st ( ' •;»•• ;• 1.1 3rd t .1 i ,v.; i J.ibt) -' i f i v fie j 2ml ! fi! Il i fit.l filin fi » r.ifiiu W li > &th fid Lttj-aul« J O Jury lor >(coBfl *v( » k, of C< nit, üc**iinnii*i j On ()i'tt her lOtti. io-'l. I Ouiurv A '*ib Ifi Mnrvjul S ! I);iv}'ls«.n V II :,;:l \7 Ki»:inl ('Jr .)v(\ j iiiff .-u -I C ** iS i..;y ti^ur A f»tli I ?... fia ! ttii I find ! 7i!i ! -! Miiv JuU'fl i.' t 1«) .fi<i>»-s .lost plt ; i I... ■ ..g!-!- (' fit!, fi t t :> : !.;!licnt (■ ti Ont-liwald J G Vn-t fi'1 ! rh :t::: .1 ! : tin tlrv .1 !>i»! fi*! ToiT-t K j K iMMtit- ! l (.! 4ta dll ti a tfi;» it dits C j ^ ^ ^wISJaj i>t u Tunes J fi-*u sc liowcii .1 di.jr - I ] > 11 :-l| i'.r.Gfo •" fi'. F«!«« Wm 7t!i ! i ! !?î-,»\vu t»« '' fis Clivfnnti A iftrl» j |J fi,A iTH-u- 7tU fi!'. Lt-Vint Atg uttl t.i Km>idvi-h o U'ffi df* Lvtms Louis end juv; lor ff: • tt.ird wn-u «i'('»>ni-t, bc^inwiiijr Or,ot>t»r 17lit. ! Si. 1 Lido*. Emile s?U PWiitr»- .1 2 tliiill- Loon . r> ' ! :l »=«!«. ,t v Snil 3rd IT Hilt s l.( •» i I' .'ml 5pi IS Adnui.-i I, jr. find ! I!» f;i:i:ttt W fi'mt i yr; X. 5 r.i't'f.ei»|s J II fit!» 2-1 !.. ifi.ii .' V G -tlt-s »' 4« ti fif Lf-oii,-.i d O 7 (Ldgu.trd V fil'd fi"! » 't «' » 1 11 •»' <) 8 Matliows 1*. l.-t 2" gering;!«-.».' !1 AiLitfi Tino. 4th fit MoGi-sm 1£ pi Kitdiottx F. 10; I» fi-; » !»"l II I't.u,-!' ' dt-ion fill« fid X .101 0 1/A ■It!) 5:1; 6th 7th 2nd ■U it fi 1 ! .»-L»';'. to-, .f L T CO i'r.Uoin loliti 7»h 1 3rd filli 71 It «tit 12 Ifitiul ('-t[fi. fi Lilt fit ! !:m I. .1 ij 13<,v.'«is M Imh '--' s H.vhx-I L. 11 ;Vw"td U - ,!!l - 1 IÛ Stilhi»:« L lit luitli «rht-lT'of : ( » ___> Wi .jss mv h;tui] :»nd seal of of J », • c Thibodaux August 4tli. { >' -1. J. \V. KKOffLOi'II. Clerk »EtS.l.IX« in.-'i'. Oa futcoun* oi rviirtri" itnm businrss itif umlt-i . -it: »na! v. il! -pH tiiacutio- stock of (iro corit s, Tin, awl Croi-k.-ry v. in lots, to sti'ii at low fignrt », mil at once. ^'O'rSi.'RL I l-.tTcb.v Kivo iiidiirf tiiat «ill lulls n<xain«t ill" iii'in must 1» i ifheiit. »! bufuti» August 5li . for sottli-ment, tutti nil bills due * said firm must bo pttbl up tit oorp. A. JOSEPH. the j j Photograph* ! 11N TYPES. COPIES Etc, Etc. 1 icM n io Order First class work at moderate prices. Oui 1er y "/ipoiiile Prcsby'eri ta Church. Satisfaction guaranteed or no chargÿ Babies oi;r speciality. Mr Winder will work at flic same place during tha four weeks I will remain in the city. II. MANCEL. PHILIP S. ARMITAGE, ATTORNEY at ■ Office Corner Market and St. Louis Sts THiBOPV' ?;, Li.. (Rui oswih Wo mtul" l>,v nsii»*^ flic Celebrated i VICTOR WELL AUGER AND Ron BORING MACHINERY. !» any Part of tlio Country.— Wc tiHNUi if, ami are rrepaired to rlemonstnte the ; They arc operated Iw either Alan, Horse or Steam Po ! ami bore very rapid. They range in size from 3 p to -i l MEET IN DIAMETER, and will bore to m UEQUIRLD DEPTH! ' They will hont »successfully and satisfactorily in all of Earth. Soft Sand and Limestone, Bituminous Coal, Slate, Hard Han Gravel, Laya, Builders' Sen and Conglomerate Bock, and guaranteed to make the best of Wells in Quick Sand. They tire light simple in construction, easily operated, durable, aad knov. Iedged as the best and most practical Alaebiner They are endorsed by some of the highest State 0 We contract for prospecting; for j COAL, GUI.», (SILT üüG COAL 031» \ .X,I> AI.L, lilYOSOf ALn l»i- siail, in^ Arl<-:datt Wells :<n«S C«iil Khiilll», Ac, inenisli ï ;:iü*im-s. lioiters, Hind IS »Is, t!> dranlic (tnm« ' * l'(»\v«-rs, iP-.elt .Itaehines. 'Seuls, I'orlublc VceirnL iî»-itlv, sum! Ilsu-liiiierjr ui'un U!n»ls. " ; i, ; (Sooil us-thé Aïeuls wauled in every C'onnlry iu (he R \V<-st.»M - n I%ftieliiner.v Supply I>epot, 511 'Walnut Street, SAINT LOL LS, MISSOURI, U. S. A. State in what Paper you saw tais. July 16® j 8Ue ^ c 4/ "rev ^)û p Ü*Cb tujU 77UUJ Ci Si ru* ïjtoru/yicC Sjÿ\ujï ^yYZCcCoA4A/ u {V^cL ijei* PIEBOJ.D SAFE & LOCK C8 mm S0BNE8-B00RS » j ! i j ! j I FIRE-PROOF, BURGLAR-PROOF AN PIMP-PiOSF. I ! ! 1 It Tlie largest assortment of Safes hand ev^er exhibited South and for at prices' a.s low as ßrst-class work be manufactured. The BEST ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, For Diagrams, Estimates, etc., Address, - ROY & TIMBRELL, Agents, 28 Camp Street) 'Sept. 18-80. Mew Orleans* h 'Sept. 18-80. FBESII GARDEN SEEDS. ! liffi«; TO INFORM MY CUSTOMERS * Unit ! litt vt* j'.i.-f ici-eivt-d u «iiritilv l'.i.-t I'ct-fivt-d ti HtiTii») v I F UN i l' SEED, and in-sl, NEW CROP CABBAGE SEED, fur summer und fall planting. Tints« seeds art-, tcri -tly first quality, and I recommend them us' .re t»> pr. vc satis factory. \\ itli ibe abov ■, I have a iso recti veil fresh supplv o; t>; t;cr ttsonabb. s» »I .. Jos. T. i'HIlSOHLACN, 'J Iiibodanx, La. SSARDH'ASiE ! 1 MIL UNDEUSiGNED HAS OPENED in bis New Stoic. Corner Levee and Church stieets, Tltibodanx, A 4)«cuer;il Assortment of PLOWS and FfXE HARD )YAHB, GAS PIPES and FITTINGS, all shes. C.s '{TENTERS TOOLS, SP. t DES, SIIO TELS, I KO V and NAILS, and most everything known to the Hard' ware »rude. All of whic') I am prepared to sell til tent ! low V HOGAN. j ap 23-31-3 id. i - >Sol*tciibc tu the Sentinel. AL IF AD VER IISKMES RiMBOMW •'«tNonlyavoliT ha* wu f. and« to prcinuturc fgraves. A cj 1 ' 1 up the avenues of the system, a»"' must result. Neglected, most 'tot ineiliefl must l><: uwil to remove tfic turn. Takiii timely, a few dose» of Tarrant's Seltzer Al will carry oil naturslly tie < "" n,e snffeinai, nzd save days*, monta»» , ~"S)Bf»?*U. IHUW0B» Slsjsidsili Ati'tij, WiicW*' Prepares for University. Army, » Hnaiin-Hti. I.ouatiotl lIllRUrpa^W'd »0« Refer t»> »'ol. Business. Location nnsu ami health. Refer to ( «■■• ■ - K < Galveston ; t'upf. T. 1' Li-.ither*. leans; ami Dr. Dii;icntr, New IW'p who have * it;bt Imivs it) tlie silicoi. »*. C. 1. .MI. VOM, M. A. [Uum-rsit? rtv; Ai* \ Er-'f]-FT'S - 1 .olvctlt lag in 4 ,w . Add!) -cl". 1 fi» h r: fne. »V l O., 10 Sj itii'e M.. K