Newspaper Page Text
fbc ®hiboÄa«x Sentinel. — AND— Journal of the Oil* atemuorinl DIotiTei --- ---------- 0F CF TH1B0DAUX. 1 TTflice : Corner Grew & U^** St». ______ _______ . _________________entire ISSUED K VI! ft Y SATIUPAY S.T. GRÏSAMORE Editor. F SANCANb ProT <fc Basiucss .Managet TIIIBODAUX. LA.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 DH. Notice ! i f In obedience to Section -j ot Act . < ol Tax Coilec tor ü Otiiee. Tiiibodaax, August Mi, IS^i. $ 188«. Notice i« hereby given to the Tax i»aver»of the oî i.afourche that t!»o *!?o. I.,s veirissi are set forth tiie mortgaRe »Hu'o ,.f ^3,"^ taxes assessed in the yer iu the tax rolls ou lib in they are now due and will he voice deliu outUton the 3l.<t. day of Deeember, and will draw 8 per cent iute.est per annum Irom date until sohl tu a< eordam-e with ar tuile 210 ut the CoiiHîifuî ic>u. Taxpayers an* 'invited cm*1 at cgioc and eettie, iu order to avoid ititc rc üt. and costs. 1*. E. LORI«', Deputy Tax Colleetoi, Lalouietie £dîtorial I tests*. The Volini«* Belt t'o.. Ilm*. ffllllll, Mich. Will send their cclehra ted Elcctro-Vo «hull ted Klee; ays y m them without delay. Itaic 1! Its to the atiheted upon 31 days trial. Speedy cures guurnit t«ed. They mean what they say. Wri tc* to Agents and Canvassers.— Make from $23 ?o $30 girs* WCi*k selling goods for E. G. RIDEOUT & CO., 10 Raidin' Street, New York. Send for their Catalogue and terms. —Cutting cane for the mill will begin on Ridgelichl, on .Monday October 11, 1881. —If you want to buy a good Stove, go to S. T. Giisainore's titove Depot. ---- ...-mm-j. ---------- » —The District Court Judge Kuobioch presiding will open in jury term on .Monday next Oeto ber 3, 1881. _. T....."t** - ,, —There has been a small rise in the Bayou, occasioned by Un*| tide which has made good- liât boat navigation for the present, -There will bo a meeting «>» the Local Board oi Swamp Land Oomtnissroi.eis to day at li.j o'clock A. M. iu the office ot the President of the Board. —A telegram arrived here on Wednesday stating that Mr. J. Omer Landry, tor many years )ruggist in the Thibodeaux store, ixas dying. —Sec advertisement of John XV. Trotter. He is an old resident of Thibo daux, and will render satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. —Charles XV. Giisamore of the Golden Rauche plantation, far imerly of this town, left ou Inst Tuesday, for Houston Texas where he has employment iu some of the Railroad offices in that city.__ —Remember that to-morrow evening the Fair at 6t. Joseplus Church will be inaugurated. It will continue Monday evening, and to-morrow week also. A nice place that will be for the young folks lo enjoy them selves and for the, old ones to have a pleasant time. M.VRRIFD.— September '»'Tib. 18SJ. at tlie residence of tlm tu-iilo's uncle. Mr. Hicks Vouugs, Uten- Houttc tiv Rev. 0. M. Atkinsoji, D. D. Mr. ROBERT i . HOG SETT and Miss LAURA Cl Ll'EI'REH, both of tbe Parish uf St. Charles La. A reception party was given tlie above couple sit the residence of Dr. C. M. Atkinson on St. Louis stieet whose guests they where, which proved to be a vet v pleasant one. . ! Tbe Sentinel wisbes pros peri ty happiness ami "ood fortuit * to the new couple and trusts their fntarejbe brijflit ami tine,iomlvd by Cither sorrow or misfut tune. Met litirlt At Yrars. 4i I was troubled for ui uiv veers Will, kIÜÔo- iimvei, irp . inv ï t became th ; n- I Lih.ll I.I..1 note!;. .- ; eo..,.l l.a'..! ly frawl about : was an old worn ; out man all over ; eonld S «*t m>ti, BiUers^ und 1 * now "l an i f tJ X gain. My blood and Kidneys hiv • til right, und I am active as » man o'f 30, although I am 72, ami -I have no doubts it «ill do as well lor others of my age. It is worth a trial. — (Father.)— Sun day Mi rent i>. _ ^Vital dots it lit;rify 2—IiUelii fjeuce receivo«! trom tin* 'Aarn- i <>bserv:itory, Boe.hjfster, N. V.. announces the discovery ot a t.ew 4*nim*t located in the constella! ion <>f-Virg.o. It is astiikiutr «'«»it ci dunce that this new .. Prcsidcnt Gaitield was breathin'*' 'Mast. It was iirst scan by j . E. Barnard in Sash ville, Tenn., who has made claim through ! Prof. Swift for Warner prize $200 i« gvM. This makes eniuet a;ipe:ti'ed a* tlie same hour the ; 1f^VV «U U I • A Uli" MlllOV»* I '''fifth conu*t seen since May first, i ot this number four have ap ____. .. _ » ______ ». s.„«t ' ß«irecl fiom almost thu same spot ' R fee Reavens. LV memoriam. __ The murdered President is laid ; I ft way in the silent cemetery of j (} ie oood that he has done. | The whole land has passed an week in mourning, express- • ing sympathy, and doing honor ! to the remains and the memory of; !.. . ■ n.:. Keiiub he | cliOS1 11 rnllM ot this , ............. was Iiuiicd. From Canada to tho Ou Monday September 20 Gulf—from the Pacific to lint At hintio a nation Mi,000,000 ot citi ; zens devoted that day to incnio j l i.d services in memory of the il ; lustrions dead. Polities, section i ;l | opinions, religions differences, - . , j tc)l ollf \AtH. loi^oUt il 111 i lie j ,, veat sorrow that bote heavily lip j 0„ ,Wa«. .1 0.» Amsdc.« j ppi.-iie. I v . .... l n „ .t.,.,.) J u . 10 or states j .J, ,, i 1 . ['i i IIJ*U» (\ C l t< (c IVtxl MlLlI \ t h <11 | I j <> n ( > | * ;Hi*i lirotli^llt * forth such universal sorrow as lms the tragic täte of James A. Guiiield. tin*, vie tint of an n,famous assassin. IIis life has been deserving t ,i'j praise, and meriting honor horn liis childhood to liis dealh. Ib* has mounted the ladder of fame, u-idi tlm w.-ioiit of nn i-r!v linl:i with the weight uf po.erty hold ing him back. lie bus surmounted till obsta lions. As tt soulier he lias been just io ins fallen enemy. As a Statesman he has exhibited a mind elevated far above the nui» J did ambitious and spiles of the j average politician. j As a Pres.dent lie lias shown a will and a determination to ! above sectional prejudices or ani mosities and be a ruler of an eu tire people. ! iNot only have the peuple of I lie j United States done honor to the I dead lbesnleut, b t ia all pads | of t | iy t ix ! ] iz ea wo, Id the most sin C( , lls demonstrations of respect ; i,.,..,, t . x liibit «*« * j ' ()il Monday last' the court ries that met situ on Dis ou waul march, without a blot or stain on!;^ liis e^utcheon. Hi 1 has vxev ex iiibiteil the charnelensties of an lionoiable aud tt just man. IL* lias lived the life of a Christian, proving his sineeiity by his ac—j Monday house and many re^idom-c-s were decorated with |T . . |I|(l , Ilsis!lia of cWln-satU A.M ot the stores and mo'iiuin «' i The Hags ot the court house and I tin* tire companies were hung at j half mast. * j Memoiial services were held at ! the Presbyterian and Episcopal | In the va» ; rious eliureiie.s ot tin* colored peo i pie they were held dining the af : L.......,., " j ' , , At noon all places of easiness were dosed, the people retired to impressed their home.**', every on with tlie great sorrow was pervading the country. At 2 1*. M. the town bell, the Bells of the Methodist, I'resbyte ruin ami Episcopal Churches, and chose of the colored elm relies be gau tolling and for one hourtin i solemn taps indicated that, the last services that'could be done, ! to tin* illustrious dea l, on «.arth, ; were being done. j It is well that a great people j should honor the memory uf a j good and gieat until. ^ ! I; is well that a nations sor | row siionld be out\vardly exhibit j ed when one whom the people j have chosen tor their ruler, has ; passed a\\a\ trrun eariti to Ins; Eternal toward in another and better world. BAYOU LAFOURCHE. Its Relief, I The appropriation made by eon grès* for the relief of the Bayou Litf-mrehe was made for "tlie iui ; ^'iii7 navVi»tiöu'''öf I said Bavon. U is objected that ! no part of said sums thus appro ; rriÄX uL ts ! from o\ ei How. But, a proper im ' u«, **. c„.., .» |..»i|«ci 1.11 ! proveilieut t>X the II I! IgiltlOtl Ot ot this strenin will protect, und i furnish all the ptoreciiou, the j j Us r :« prev.», } Did oversows. Io remove tue ; - <Uenol,ot sue...... «nub van.only be effectua l,y done , 'Uml^rmed rL.uKsmi ï-.î- ' .iSiî so as to ivmicT them visible ami , «•liable tiit* suag; boat to g'ct lioM ; of them, is the only cff-ctual i method of *euurin-' g«»o«l na« ! tion tl;i*i«*ir*- ( in il*«» lower part of the Bavon wiüo.vs j,n,i (lu* n-movai of the otti r trees gto.viii"' iu ihe ilcpo sits on eitle i I» ink of the stream must lie pulled out in order to i eiider the B lyon navigable «lur- ! •i.-- Ii i ->ti u i for —bon i' tn«« i '"r- WiKil. *» Ai II l.BNL ITi f*S almost tliei-t and embrace each Other across ihe »tieeo« • : .... ' . i ' , I lie use ot torpedoes III bursts ' '•.......- r „ .1. .. .. , i*'i', with its rapid entrent to wash [ them away, is an important work : in the improvcnient of naviga »io» __ j p«m t so tts L» «*fiiin.e tue hij*u wa», coai.nei.Gius at Lockport, will un' ! --------------- «-» * 7 b»v«»r all the obstruction* bo that j '*'hvn th?y will be removed such ; h'.ii *nv<ic veil! naror fnrm ofrain ' battnres will never form again. ' The streams being then opened to a capacity of outlet equal to that of its inlet wtil maintain that ; capacity, cany oil all waters that enter anu cause no further trou hie so far as crevasses and over j J'! ,rer aud caase »« t'niihov trou - ~i • .... s low * el . v quickly whcthci ■ the Ittas 'tnteitamed in these mt teles i iU '" '''Jtrect. ; Si.tinning up the articles wi it-j i t*'» "l»«» the subject of Bayou La The experiment could easily he made on a few of the Islands below Lockport which would I., oowjoot K,L wo *-•* | 1'*»«iche we deduce the lollowm ! -Illl. mat WIICU me | »»«re t LIU tUCO ioillth j the contractions j U1 1111 bilOA Loc.i| oi t, • iU ' ,s :!S ) iUU ' beCOIllCS it 0.1111, I which holds back til© water, Call j . » 1 « *« 10 1181* dliti Udl u ll]> «US i«U OoilliS 1 k c Is,. 1 liât tnc Cdpdcit.Y OI out let ill litlVOU Lilfouiche is fiom 2<> to b> per cent loss below .Lock pos t tllilll the capacity ot inlet at Doiialdsoil'. nie. 2nd. r ! hat when no- unuu m lilt* 1 a you IS en , lull at ! :IS ^>l>o convoie until it runs j !' V( ' r tnc V 1 ' J ,uls * ri ' A !' 1 h * v j «HUftiag iInougn lham and iimi, daiing the countiy to the vuinity ' 01 ! 'to bieak. 3rd. That the ohstfactions be low Lockport so thotonghly con tract the ability to cany off the water, that whenever the fixer rises near to the level of lhe land ll t Donahlsoti\ille, the levees on 1 " Lab-urche "•'! eeuaimy j ^ iea ^ at^oiuc point l>t*tween Aa j !'oleou\iile and ilarang^ ca:ia>. j rant tniaa* ne no una,,s I <>f preventing Uisastyus etc vas st ' s *" Latonic.u*, except i . V • ♦ii.» lolllfl'. -I t t* t i i .A I I D by the leinoval of tin* obstiuc tions below Loeliport so as to eon i in ne iile capacity of lire outlet, as great as that of the inlet, till the way doxf u to the sea shore. 5th. That the lemoval of the snags, logs ue, as is now being done by the United States snag boats, will not be sutlicient to ob tain the necessary capacity of out let. (itli. That the removal of the Islatuls, sand bars N.e., is a neees sity ami must be < fi -eted lo pie veiit oversows lit the future. Tilt. That the use of Torpe does or any othei method that will loosen am.! break tip those »»binds, ^nil b us Vc. in high water would cau»e I hem to crum i *'' l> be carried down to the I }>>' tUs ''"»-rent, and leave j " u '. , f:în "'*'; s °' i '* :,10n J u j which they are toi meJ, and oy ! v '- !lt 11 :îi< " nuul. expo.-ed so | a ' s to u ' P i! ' 1 ' 1 "' «»'taoveii ; 111 ! <lvV "«iter. i f '' 1, J aai »o iiceompash this,, : lhi ' ' v,,,k m ." st l ? C " II !" K ' ,I<: ''! 1 at j tin* fust point when* ih * outlet is less than tin* inlet at the Mississ j ; liva . (;o;ilillUt . s i down ^ v<[s !o , v . uds ;!ie M . ;i sh;uv . aN - - „ „ ! ways maiutaing the same space for the tlo'.v of the waters. Assrso«>s.'s. The Gov ci nor Inis called a meeting of Assossois ant 'J'ax Collectors of I lie various Parishes of i his iState. to convene in 'iov Orleans on tin*-of October for ; (•„> put-pose ot <1.-vising w ays and j means to seeaie a more equitable .,ud just s\stein-of assessments j , j, ,,„ w prevails in Louisiana' VViiilst Assessors may honestly | and eoiiNtiem i.nisl y peitonn their! j «lu ties, great, in justice and wrong j j s olteii intlieted upon the taxi ; ,, MV( . r . _ An assessor may fix an assess! no ui upon the fax payeis of liis; tiling. Rut the assessor in one : u ... -, i,. . 1 a. Iaii.».i m.i.\ mi.uc property but I OIK* halt ns high as that of the I'ti i w 1 1 which is jest, iqiml, anil unifnim. A similar officer in an|. ailjotir.iig l ariMi may do the same . ! ,a * % x ' 1;lt tl0s f 'jj Lie ad ; j act? u t- 1 atisli pay one in the adjoining 1'arish. tins ease the people ot one L'attsn Still, so far I f 8 j* concernetl, he ! !' ; ' s ,n: V lc :l u,, . ,toi : m ''^essaient. ; A ' U1 4> ! ,! ^ for these diff«*r ! ÄÄ-3k5 Ä llie i''^'ssors roils ami ""•»'<* im:reuse ! tn ronfler A, \ r , u !.. t:> *° , I U(ter üu ! !"" ' ,nn llI "î ^»al. U tis said t an t un injustice s S"Ä""t b ..'^rtT S£ : «isst.. - 1! j,» His ]».<), 111\ n.^lid ...... uafbe trim" we imve investigated, but it is a ques tiou that deserves consideration Another subject that would be weM ,m ' th l s collve,,t ' ün to cuusitl or, >s too ml :n the wry low assess incuts upon large bodies ot land me uncultivated, based upon *Le plea tliat they are not woik ul. The time has come when ev ----- - -- ------ ------- --------- cry .m i U Ot arable soil should be i . ! ,i .. .i . -, Bulttvii.eil. An acre of .and uu cu,tl ' 1,> " ol,n precisely as *U«eh as Ull UCl'e ot similar Soil , .. .. ^ ,! *Lv.lte«i, less .t.e '»uu? OI ie*» COS and «inches. Such lands neriuil tell Jo Iiv . unuiutll to l<l> B*:e and JÏHHV 11!» iu Weeds Siionld wore ciilttvifi»«! _ 11 lU ,.,____ Y r isitors returmu-from abroad. as well as recent emigrants, will .hnd Ayerxs Sarsapaiilla helpful ..„h^-vt«*«» ** mation, ami in removiugtho boils, > O — -- 7 pi »»pies ami ernptiotrscousequeut apoa sea diet. Its blood-cleans iîifr fill i .iriPrt cimli ing qualities retuody such trou bles pi omntly. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. Sit. 1381. Thibueacx Sentinel, Thibodaux. La., In yesterdays Picayune was an article calling nltenliun to nil "elaborate article .-ii' ii-, i.mi.i i> e u^.v ipt-nl" I xw 1 ' nut *«*■ **» the improvements of navigation nt Hay on Lafonrelo-," in u recent number of the," i Sentinel. I am pleased to see tin- subject 1 agitated, for it Jan b - done, and done at small expanse b«*r 4 iiti t»i 1 oPlIl'liUC-l X W noi l l*»*«- a gon*l Submaiiiu* «liver ana let him down e and halt t iifr oxpciiso. If any one will I j, H y niv expense I will take two men ami Ua-u-ry ami ou.pareil with priées paid publie work of less importance, But instead of Torpedoes 1 wool l take a! inn l.-t him go down fulminating powder trm tioi.s noil ih n 1 lull anil- Patte i v, s o .weiful a- the •If, if'• w/b-.u i In and poo . dynamite or in and around the obstructions itU ei ful iu liait tin und disruaigc t1o-i»i with a Calvanic Battery, it would in- three times ;is noweiful a- the $3.(0 worth of dynamite show UUI w a..t' can be j and tome up ami snow \v»u j done with your worst lugs or oh true lions j by liKthh,^ L*\"e: it, nils for tin»* dav. i . Rcspeetiully y,m:?. i __ 1 ' J1 ' mullins .ok in £ x(rarirro|a m Minute*. I ___ i ..... .....* ••.«a.-m.- ,.i -.ue , At ■ I all i regular meeting of the Firemen's AsMicbitii il hold on September -J:s —-" i 1881 the following l.soluliun ted uuanr: ou.-ly. Whereas the usual festivities attending the Cliri.-tmus holidays ami Ma di Unis n n ders it inexpedient lor this As<oeiati»>i to liol.i a Fail- during that period of tin- ve.-tr. He it u.-ohed, Mds A.- s eii lion «•hi y be II Fuir iuiim-diat, 1, after Lent, on ..ill !ô le .1.1 ,i j g.r j,, ,|„ , . Fnir ' ' " i | : A j>ril iâ, il*. at;*i (iiouiivls in i !i i I.r.iîa il t ioi the |iUL*usc uf obtaiuiug id ittt it-cr a Ilail. 8 . I*. OhiSAMiii; L', l'rcîiideïit. J. I,. At COIN, 8 VC 1 i t.vj'Y. À true copy Irom tlfû u*iTiut«-s. 8. L. AUCOIN, notary u 7 i—ia Tnja&ib ^ u„ :ae»&»aa Tunrps PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLI CTED EVE RYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUM PH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Losaof appetite,Kausea,bowels costive, Pain in t heff ead. witSa dull sen sation in tBe back part, Pain under the sSoulder hläffp. fitilnf-sn «ftjar ©nfinp with a dioin i i | j , ! i j ; Irritab ility of temper TlaOw epirita, Lobb öf memory.w it h a feeli ng of haying neg lected some duty, weariness, Dizziness, fluttering of th eH éftrtTPô ts before tfie eyes, Ÿ ellow Skin, Headache, Restless ness at mghtriiTghIy~côlôredr Urine^ IT THESE WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS ar« »ach cane», one dose ell of feeling as to astonis They Increase the* Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nuurinhfd.aml by theirTonic Aetiouon the Digestive OrgKii«, Regular MihiU are pro duced. Price 25 cents. 35 .71 nr ray Sit», S. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a G Krack by a 9 ingle application of this I) imparts a natural color, acts Iustantam Sold by Druggists, or seat l y erpress ou r«ct»ij Office, 35 Murray St., New York. ot Vain *Y It Dior, acts Instantaneously, at by erprc-Bs ou receipt of $ 1 . w«..w^, uv .hurray St., New York. 6 Dr. TSTTi HI AMI L of Valntblo loformaGon and h tl'Mftil Haaeipt« will be mailed HiEK on application.^ I ! If you OfbUHÛL_. «ed by the strain your duties avoid stimulants and utso Hop Bitters. are Amnnl >U5incs8,wcak* T aiuof syoonsr and! or dissipai tore brain net Iwaâte. use Hop B» [suffering from any i Ition ; it you aromt , guffei res and _ -» ____, ._____ ma. ^single, old ^oreyoung, gui^rln^from on l "ifo1pBBftter8. be<1 ° f BCk , Thousands die an nually from some [form of Kidney 'disease that might have been prevented i by a timelv use of Hops Itters wpm Hop| Whoever y on ore. , whenever you feel that y oar system ( needs cleansing, ton- • Ing or stimulating without intoxicating, BM-ters? P Hove you dÿê* , pepsn i, kidney A GTuriiiaruconiM plaint, disoaso of the »to mach, bowels, blood. liver or nr nrs 1 You will be cured if you use Hop Bitters If you are sim ply weak and low spirited, try it! It ma saveyou life. It ha saved hun* dreds. HOP NEVER FAIL o. i. c. Is an absolute sad irrosista blè cure for drunken ess, use of opium, obacco arootics. Hold Vy drnR elsts. Send fur Cireular. HOP BITTEBB H'fO CO., ÜMkotcr, 5 . 1 . i Tore!.to, Out. !n TSmioriaui. i President James A. Oarltcbl, we i Uio im*u 8 *<*rs aim oTrcers oi toe J!om<* i u 0 ,, U :n -„. j ,,f Tinbctnux ! feci that- it is our dul to tive ! Xi i < i; to uur In art fei I sorrow in too loss <>! .in- No Whl . r , 1S . it Il;ls innove from Ins tiohi ■as-- ! l!i - Almighty ! < I of usei lim sH um !u tiou - st 1 (i ,.,- M , Ms; i >n .. in . it . I i R,a in iwiu u with the <-it'.z.-:i's of o:ir !.. I..• I r uutr oi-voly lamm.t hi» uutimoi.v «ioatl ; jin-SH our iiutVigi'.c-tl 8.0 : 0 V.' at tlis dim t-a ; ianuty. - i »• iv.-solv.'d : That ve ti nder to the no wr. .»iji and e\ ' ........ liie. wiiio.v and cîiiidrca of tbo ili.istrious dead out deep sympathy and trust that fifty miilio s of su'jjaels will ::i put cuu j -t SS' îsrarÂ, 1 s, ' ,p *" 1 "> on the minutes of our com fca'ac in: seiit to tot- be A ,t LASSKHiNK, V. S. lU-IRUKUON, If. CURTIS. R. R. Me!'.!,!i)E. l'i coid.ent. J. A. Rfe tlAtiri, Asst. Secretary. ; -"inead in full up • P 1 * 11 ?' ami that tli ; reave.t familv and printed iu the TillBo ; aux h.xt.M:,.. j / ' STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th, Judicial District Court. Parish of La lo-irehe. ecs»ion of llerm Hotard deceased à j A U IIS U A XT TO AN ORDER AND DF. tree of a'o.ive Court and in obedience — «->•-' "* •«*>•*»«- -Oi.-.: aim in oDCunmee lo ft emfti.ii.ssion to me directed ill the.above entitled am! numbered Sum-e-sion 1 will : ffi r tor sale at public auction pursuant to lav. t-.i bid-1 *r ut tho Court i o. riotar.l tieee v.ife of Paul Gi lbert, No. U S! Probater. .......... ........ tbe ,.-«st «ud bigtiç . .................. («"U'«' m thelovvu Id luioodanv ou Sttur tla> . He.olx'r 29 1 :h. ISM Between tin* hours of it ..cbi k A. :d. and ! o'clock P. M. tbe following described property to. wit: , -V h'D-aet ot land .»it : at ed iu the I ansa of i.:it'.,ui.'ie ou thp right hank Ot tha Bayou Lotou.ehc d«*5ceuding about seveiuocu miles tielow tlie lown i-i Tiiüio ' aux - I1 . ,f ' ils, ' li!, ~ ()t *^ half arj-euts mora or .c»a front on the aforesaid Bayou \'X SXe^iI? Äli« ""and bèw by those «f aicSs f«.i«o Sr. Together with «»«>c buiiür, gja ud improvameats there <liiUX - »ueasni-iog One and half urp« _____________ _ __________ od 8tatêYtrc7sùr/-Not^Ï7 paydöutT' September £1 io*1. Terms of Sale, Ca*b on tho apot in Uuit THEOPHILE TIIIBODAUX. Sheriff. STATE OR LOUISIANA, A Parish ul' I alourdie. > Thibodaux, September lltli. 1881. ) The Poiiee Jury this day met, at 12 M > :it 1I,ms ? iu the . to ' v, ' 1 hnoodunx, it being a regular session ot j . i I .. 1 , ' 1 1 he nanutt s ot^ the last^ meetiii^r were ^f- v ' -Moran Kcaemer, Coulon. Guidry, j Matln-ws £•*»"* ' Messrs. Delaune and Ayo. I 1 le -> ot the last meeting v i 1 ' i',' l I 1 ' 1 " approved us amended, as folio | he *t resolved that a spee.a tax ot lus *'-' bestead ot one mill] on all propert ' sst d 1,1 'he paiish . 1 Laloureoe lying tween flic Bayous Ten*. Lionne and I.ati upon the asô(-î*sim'îit Roll I ,, 0lJ i nmtmu of Ur Kraemcr, seconded by i M>. .durai., the following report was ftoopt ! Bui-dings aeting under your authority and * alter due ndvei ticemeut ............. .■........ ,p ri , tt that the 1 ; y>. itoi.ieiiaux and Leiiitue AuLcrt ou Cim-ins and 1'aviiions icspeetiveiy were accepted. The bids «al. i lliiboduux, September U, 1881. j To the Honorable the Police Ju r y <f the ; Ptvieh of Tu fourche ; Oeii : le in eu.—Youi* roinwittcc on Public ur authority aud for bids ti» ton i «Uuct two cist, rns and pavilions, one on ' •'««»' sll \' 1 1 •« Court House .is p ..... »e:Sir:;is 'ïfj- es , , „ j 'LMDii-s S . In deteimining the exact locality,- oi the ! ' ,;,,r ' Vil f " ,,u i h ! reqiured the removal ot the tmindatlnus til ready <a»nstruet.ed fcoiuu lew feet luither '1 t»V Î The ; at Lockjioit.' Mtu tbc Fciry lii.s wilt nn i-f with your approval. ■i ll' " ! tf ina'iii yours iispccUiillv. 1 M. ROME. : F. SAM'AN. Tri'iisurrr, i:i lucouut \vi:Ii j I'arisli of Lufuiuclip. ! To Hal on tuiiul as tier la.I lvport. $16tl (>j I To :» l'f-ipts »i ure : Central Fund. : From Deputy Tax Coilf itm- for ! Licenses ot' 1881...... 'I ;ix (>i* I8Ä1). ... T IT.iu» jiuî u,f ' id cut vs < i. >iiH T;i j 1*.. 1 * runs IL j city 1 ,1 \; !'«*>. j jlTl!.'! > ot î -SSI...... : i.DVD '»•> uf I SSI..... I*. V. <\tiiloiu:t tine, ; u'p.Vj'lvC./v rl/xT'(Vii . , - 4 1 * .• . . ( b"' 1 -- s ........ Tax of 1 ' 81 . Tofu!.... I,a> an 61 76| CiO 0.» 1 R> 01 IN'. 0:1 87 03 i L.^omntnt l und. j j.* roin i,- v . Fix Collector. §3 it 3iq lt'uin tl.o Couit Hou.-u, for tin» iiuloi seen lat'or your coiiiinittce recomincutl the puyincnt of un.v just sum that may he ask ed l>v tlie contractors gutters to couihut into the cisterns vei. also ordered U> t.e plaeea, it lu-itig deemed udvautiigi-ous to have same iinn pl.-tid wiiii ihe buildings. Tlie pajment of wliich your eommittre also roconiua-nd tu satisfaction ot a:. y fuither inquiry, your committee r< sja i-iiuiiy refers to the i istrrus and i aviiious, now Compieted, a far as contracted lor. [Signed] il. V COULON, SOsT! i UN K FOLSE, •• !.. KRAMMER, Mr. «'onion made a verbal report to the effect that i;e had found suitable luattinj. j lor tlie court loom and tliat he estimated ; tlo cost oi same at yldwOd. The lolluv ai- claim - wer. i-l.-n.-d *■> th cemniitti e on claims. Steamer Sr. M:,ry.................. C (.lo S. i . I irisa:-.- !v ..... ........... 1 ■■■ : '-lids o.i. ( ■ n taldt*........ 1 I .Mi .. '.ohinsi.n, C>. i. .» ! a -. ........ j R. It. McBride ................... -8 • I ,1. A. Aitaui s..................... -i j L. 1\ C'tiiliuu»'.................... ij -j S I y. 1 . V'aiiluiuH................... .1. ! Ij I*. C'aillouut.............. ..... ill. I. i*. (. «tiliuiu i................ ~ » A| It it . Sin liti, .\-p uti. j«t m*ii .. t* liotli aiui Kit*« t\voo«i .......... i < until alul 1* il ut Wtunl............... .1 Thu«*. I hiltotla»::;................. üô OU i* A. Ih t.i:i.;tit ; .................. '2 Ju Tin u. i iiiiimkiux.................. I» 75 i in t». Thibudaux.................. 8 40 i but*. Tiiibotiaux.................. 1 ti;> Ylifu. Thii:*.ilanx.................. ÎM 00 Th« «». TlalM 'iitux................... 8;! OU «I . \v . 1 m.«» hi* t h.................... 4 - _ S. ]'. Giisanioru....... 2 K. A. O Sullivan................... 150 00 .1. Trotter.......................... 14 30 K. «I. ilsun....................... 7 02 il. W\ Kru.'t...................... 87 00 t*. A. ThibuOaux. Sm vt*yt>r........ : .0 08 i It et wood J. .N., I oioiK r......... 37 i 50 T. >aiii*a»i..................... 0 00 J. A. I'. Lnii-t............ 5 *-ii W. 1Î Kaj^ait (*li«l '.VdM'.d'iJ...... .* ,}. \Y. Kuo bit-«-Ii i«-th...........V •J. \\ . KiiuOl*)ci» < ,t i k......... Till: toil«» vVlllJ; Dit 1 1 • Itti. tisi t uiiivUt was rt:ru»Yuti. To the Honorable Prisheht avd .Oembvmoj Ike Police Jury of the P • L-h • f Lafourche. . Gentlemen.— Hure 1 have bt eii ('jerk ui j Court ok t hi* I'iiri.sii. I have iarnisiu tî out I <>i ir.y (»»vii u eaL.sall the .«tatit i:to \ î» r tlie C't-ni t . I wotil.l woxr ;iîik tliftf yon vouM make all a'j*i-r*.>|M iatitm to «leùay the e. v .j tiL>v* uece^ary l'*»r the hoi iin^ :*i ..aid (\mrt. Ito.-'m^ that this w il, meet your approval. ; J remain very trtiiy, you» * iVe. ! (Si-ufdi J. \\. K.-.OBLOCII, i ierk. ! Tito following petition, ou motion ui' Mr. Moran, was neeive«l. Kaeel.nut. I.a , Sept. ! Uli., 1881. 1 T > the Ho.i. Police Jury : O lit It* mi n.— 1 be*j of your "lion. Body* j to jurant mo the Maine prix .h^e to retain tho rights to run the* "Ferry' 1 at Kacciami. 1'or the s tnie lenjrtîi of time an you have ; <rruntc<l to ik). Barke I s'. T;ix ; ss|. ! [a.K 18 . ia \ lo*».... Sjict-iai fax ISSI.... Sj.eriiil ! a .< I8S.1.... j 1,1 I ioU "" Total...... Ihr: Claim* Fund. From fax Coikcter. Rack Taxe . ......... 113 âS iÎH»-k Taxes............ r> ~ Hack i:ixis............ ] |.>I Hack Taxes........... t I -,-o ■>! j j Total Receipts........... ; By lbs . irseiiients since ! Paid out of I «tun. Fum! ls.SI.. S 3 --', 7 1 j Ceu. Fund issi.. ,:s y -, ; Hen. Fund ISS| . s.'. :c, j <n-n. Fund 18SI.. il 0! ; fötal ............ . j Paid out of j improvement Fund..... 1 Hack Si Cxi IS' SÄÖ-1 33 k Ch.iius Fund....... I ot;il D.-inuseinents..... SH!3i 33 .31 07 1 it 15 ----$R30 J7 ; J <> Ba'uiiec mi band... ; Divided as follows, ta wit ! Balance on hand. ; General Fund 1S8I....... Improvement Fund JSsl.. uipro j p..: i K . lssl 1 3 ' c 'r, j \ Meiuoranf'uin ' î j Dim bv Hack Claims : ! Parish' Warrants issued forex never prcKt-utcd........ *->(-» 137 : Due by General Fund '81 ' j Claim 4 for expenses of "81 approveii and rcgi»ter<*d.. 1^37 70 j WiineKaea certificates ro maistag due........... so 00 341 32J 98S 8!; Î » *i" i 17-1 23j 8 1323 88 $1323 SS «-.s, V» «8 «penses >i -> <:v Of 'SO Total due............. 37 Respectfully submitted, [Signed] F. SA.Yt SAN CAN. | 1 Oa'^.^.l^y'X^ded.^'foregoi«« riubodaun La September 11, J8dl. ! To the Pol, ce Jury. * " SU1U C y0 " r attenti0n t0 tha tu muu nS DAT, Can easily be made bv using the Celebrated VICTOR WELL AUGER AND ROCK BORING MACHINERY, - In any Part of the Country. We mean it, and are r repaired to demonstrite the fact. They are operated by either Man, Horse or Steam Power, and bore very rapid. They range in size from 3 INCH to H, PE ET IX DIAMETER, and will bore to any REQUIRED DEPTH! They will bore successfully and satisfactorily in all kinds of Earth. Soft Sand and Limestone, Bituminous Stone Coal, Slate, Hard Pan Gravel, Lava, Builders' Serpentino and Conglomerate Rock, and guaranteed to make the very liest of \\ el is in Quick Sand. They are light running, simple in construction, easily operated, durable, and ac knowledged as tlie best and most practical Machine extant. They are endorsed by some of the highest State Officials. XX e contract for prospecting for < 0 *1., ««!,!>, SILVKie, COAL Oil, A AT) ALLKIAUSOF tmiiscii.s. Also lor* üinkiBg li tesian Weil* sieid 4'ostl NlialK &«>. Wo alun I liras ïi» li Çiigiüis. Itollvr*. Wind A3,I*. Ilyiiruiali*; Osiiiin, Korun 1 owers lii-ick .»liii hini-s .»lining TooIk, I*oriul>lc I-'or&roM. Ur.oK 6>ri!ls anil O.-ifiiinpry of all kind.K. HOood active Agent» wan toil in every Country in the World ADDiiRSS. AY estera Machinery Supply Depot, 511 Walnut Street, SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI, U. S. A. Statt* in what I'apefcyou saw this. July 10 81-ly étjjdûu ùxt, Qcn^CcTut&ktf ié W *$crvlJ~ rruuj & Si QcrnAurn jztLcrLs . S)7 rpewncC Sÿwfo, o {yrdicCaL€^yrd^t 4rUi j^Uri'L ,9/ f WltcC lJ' ad* * /u *& l au i-il'i-i-:ivo load law fr»,- the maib I'.u-t of jiul.lic i-oaiia. . iis ; ty tainam-r 01 »..ou jim,ne i-oads. | it will In-m-c.-ssary to the 1'aris'i I iato Distviet.", am! sipl Lovt-o In-pee j to: s tor t he s; t ia *!i»fiu i.s aait.-r pro» »s'.ia of Art No. 88. app. -, ed .'i| 1 i 1 Iu Jv i hi. pr. s-'i va t io 11 oi tl.ti i.t-\(t-.s (i.-peiol s iipoM tlie care ai d watchl'ull.u ss of t|,.- pen pic of the I'arisi. and can only l, ;} îuttiniaiu c.l uadcr authenty ci .»aid tin A-n rr..»t i-> ISS-, ( have Visited tho low or Lafourche as iara.» tin- Raymond t arai in company with Mr Hoffman of the U. S. Fngiiioor 1>( part n.cnt, and iu.-pccteil tin oi.rtructioiis in the Bayou. i lie result of said observations arc now heilig printod) iu tho Tinn-ucu x Sextixki. as cd: toriali, aud arc too longfiiy to insert 111 tho proceedings of this hodv S. T. OR ISA MORE. I'ics-.deiit of I'olico .Jury. O11 motion of Mr. (,'oulou, the foregoing repo! t was 1 ocoivc.l. To the President av,d .Vorba u of tie. Police Jury of Lafourche : Your committee appointed for the pur pose of drawing no an ordinance for th prevention of the spreading of cont igeons disensesamong auiuials, hog to submit tin the following : A11 Ordinance, prohibiting animal:! affect cd wiili coutngcoi!» diseases, from being on public roads, and the penalties imposciPf, 1 the violation thereof, aud lo prevent tin spread oi contagious diseases atui-irg aui niids. He it ordained etc., that any person who, having an animal affected with a eon tageons disease, shall leave it at la'ge, shall incur a line nut exceeding fweutv live dol lars and not Ic.-s than Ten dollars, l'n.vidcd that it be proved that he was cognizant of He. it further ordain.-d etc., That anv •lustiee ot the I'eacc uf tins I'nrr li, upon in formation duly g:\en by any inhabitant Itier.'ol, that tie ie is an animal either rid den, driven, or lead on any publie i ad ui "tln r pui.l: • plaeu.r.f this Parish, im j'"'diatel.v caiike said animal to he seized ; iitnl ii>-pounded and after examitmtn.n i had and doe preof obtained that said a„i ■ mal is so aft'ec-tc.l the said Justice shall im I pose a iino ou the. owner of .-aid animal of . not more than One hundred dollars and ; not less than Twenty-live, dollars, and shall ' cause the said ta, lie killed i*-d ; the vvhide coi 11 11 aud bur ; pie whine costs ot said proceedin '» t.„ ho paid by the »anl owner. Provided" tlie said owner was cognizant of the diseased Coiuhtiou ot tlie a'linml. Respeetfuliy Mibmiltml. [Signed} E. A. O'SULLIVAN. " II. N. COULON, " S. T. (IRISA MORE. . Dn motion of Mr. Seely, seconded by j Mr. Kracmer, the foregoing report was rc ouivtd. I Au ordinanco declaring the absence of I Levi es a uu tin- oxi»tenee of canals or other i openings lead in: thu water from Bavon La lout cue unlawful within certain limits : ing the making oi levees on iini-vred ; lands and tho closing of all openings from Bayou Lafourche, except allowed bv Act 88 of 188J, prescribing penalties for % io laLmi 0 } llijs Urd',',:e:ee, providing fur as . pectors in ccrtuii of Ï liigi 11 «•ist a lit I.cvi e In: 1 cci fain contin gonei.-s, defining limitation ol this «et was submitted to the Bo.ud and duly nf.-rred to t ie committee on Roads and Lever-. . rÂÂSï ÂtÿiÂi • certain parties, w as then read and on nio ^arut's, onrL**]. 11 ■ t At ,fle '-âme were referred t*> tho De-, net Attorney who wa.-i renuested to report thereon, to-nionow. j Tliiln dans, La., Sent. 7tb. 1S81 » the Honorable President on t 1 1 \ the Police Jury, LafoPchV LIPh ° " /1 -- ,, . 1' , . 181 Vr , r ,bc appro«b 1 i, i . * 7 , S 0i the legislative U1J ? i * 11 i'î'.y. 1 'U lands between bay rihu »ud hrm-ipinne tti th« Pr«V DrntliMnc* on the act donatii OU 8 Lafou ! wllC1 * 1 fntered. Unless stops are t .lien j of 1 fear that the Local Board of Swämp i-n.-. > . -.•o •>! .., . lia t or-'. i (l-.i liU! «ji.-i-mi II „ UI - ■'* l.lll-irtlt t'l:| Is *i| e.Ui-y w. k of .Uaimag t Ce: tiffed : loi tim sji.a im ( -a 1 io-don.ilc.i I,n.'; s ' - J at w ,ks organized purpose i hums will not be tas.iti i--.,.- , (T .AV KNOLL it'll, ' r ' 8 "Mmi Local L ar : Swamp Laud Uoin ..........j ;jI Et on mo.-ou Oi Mr. ( onion, s-eondml. t !m bo ....1 aoj >, me t t,, io-iuoriow ,.t '.! uVimk " ( igiird] F. i - (îlitsAMORE, i u- ::icnt Police .Tury, J. c. Ai.i.aix, Secretary. JOHN W. TtiOTTEB, < «*!>!>« 5-, I i:« :m:i «ï 1C et Iron » . orkcr. Corner of Main aud Green Sts. Thibodaux, La, -Kei p» 0 ii band a full line of— tGî'K AND HEATING SiOVRS. — Alsoagent for the— Favorite ami Excelsior Moves. t articular aGcntion given »0 Koniin - and Guttering. 0 iattlk EXCHANGE," I >it. *T. LOUIS A NT» CIlARTRliS, <)« trau«. .7»>SKP1I KODKIGUEZ, ITop, OYSTER SALOON, Choice H inas and Liquors uUanjs on hand. . FURNISHED ROOMS. Hot Lum h from ff A. M. to 2 P. M, Oct-f-81-ly. yj: fi' A j> VEltTFSEM i:xj:s\ ?. A y ARD TAYLOR, Part Û 7 >,ll,|: "»Bike great pkiiMtre in Mr.'siGtld IV. .Sh^FiUef!'" AcMle,U ^ ° f ^-SRNANDO W00P. jh' , '* "J' '• 1 : 1 eJeerfu'ly consent to wiU r 1 " b ; V l,itl,,e *' U"ic n.-c. My boy 1 SÄita"' ...... ...... »«-i ■ ■ ri » ■ -w "i",* 1<lt Circular addresa ÄESlSi" 5 «laue« ut Umber aud water, diversity of juNMiucts tliHD ucy otlici* re^iou now oiwn lo.stbUUiucut, lu tl.i.H rapidly «loveloiniii; M-etion, the Texas éi «'acific Kuii vv «ay h a- iu operation over SOU uiilta ct ! V'if. ' a ' on S which are to he had, at low »'F 1 ' * 8 f lul ' >u Pit ' s 3' terms, millions of acre« „ JT? "i" 1 «*»<» Govern - * me \ t hut recently opened foe settle ! tur Ç'b'uUrs and map* giving irutii I t" bdonnaiiou. uddtess W. II. ABRAMS. ! L»mmi.s*iouer, T. &. P. lUihrav. Mar ; 11 xuc*. i--------- I A ! send for our Fe'eot I rU-«*U&Co Ge0 ' K