Newspaper Page Text
Site Shibotimtx JtaKtmel Jamal »f Ike »Ik Senatorial Dtatrlet OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. _ Office : Corner Green & Levee Sts. "stTgRISAMORR Editor, j ...... « , . n m . F SANCAN« Pro r & Business, anage : ' j j ; ISSUED KVKflY SATCKDAT THIBODAUX, LA.. SATURDAY, JANUARY. 28 1882. Editorial Items. $1500 per year can be easily made at home working for E. G. Rideout & Co., 10 Barclay Street, New York. Send for their cata ogue and full particulars. —See notice of Money to Loan in our advertising colnmus to day several nights. < ___ , _Tbe Seymour Troupe have j beeu uiaving in Thibodaux for Two great evils—headache and constipation, afflicting nearly every bnman being, are- relieved Try Bailey's Saune Aperient. —Health and strength given to delicate women, nursiug mothers and infant children who use Browu's Iron Bitters. —We are indebted to Senator Jonas for copies of a speech deliv ered by Senator Morrill, in tbe Senate" December 8,1881. —The Editor of the SENTINEL has been absent diuiug this week attending the session of the Grand Lodge L O. O. F. of Louis iana New Orleans. —Three thieves in the Parish Jail, sentenced to the Penitentia ry last Fall, took appeals to the Supreme Court. After lying in jail for four inonlhs, they have the gratification to learn that they can go now and serve out their terms. One of them says that the next time he is condemn ed to the penitentiary he will not ''repeal.' 1 —A big river is the Mississipp nndeeustautly rising. The upper Ohio is falling and the upper Mississippi is low. Should the rains coutume in tlie Mississippi valley a lull river may be expected, aud an over flow may follow. Plantet s should look to their Levees at once. PECTORAL î*VRl ! P to«' recent or chronic Coughs and Colds Bronchitis, Hoarseness, j ££ j Lnfiamed conditions of tbe Lungs i .»<• »I* PH»** ...... . Prepftrod Bud «old by JOS. 1. irinniM' A TT V lArnieieiist. Till li THIBODEAUX, Druggist, Thib odaox, La. _ —If yon are suffering from in digestion or auy complaint of the Stomach or Bow els, you will ob tain great relief by usiug the! L UC JIIWp'-* V O' - / . w these organs aud placing them iu good, sound healthy condition —The City Item calls Governor McEuery to account for coinmut iHff^Rautence of flve vears in tlu; ! ïe g ,,?tMSarv given one Cha.les ! Penitentiary given Lynch to five years in the Parish Prison. Thu Item is correct. The Governor has no business indicting the punishment due a villain or a thief upou the tax Pîl inie wants to commnte reduce, tbe tiiue but do uot make the tax payer pay a R y m° re bills. ■Aiwwcr This. Did you ever know any per «on to be ill without inaction of the Stomach, Liver or Kidney, or dill you ever know one who «as well wbeh either was obstrue ixe or inactive; aud did J® 0 ®^ er know or hear of auy case ot kiud tha* Hop Bitters \vij.ild *tiot. cure! Ask your neighbor the same question .—Times —The Sentinel is indebted (o the Greseut lusuiauce Company of New Orleans for a copy of t he 2few Orleaus Democrat Illustra ted Almanac tor 1882. This is a valuable pamphlet fttiu should be on the table of every citizen as it contaius information useful and valuable to every one. It is a compendium of news and statistics, uot only of Louisiana but of the Southern btates. It has evidently been compiled 'tl much care, but there are ILme neonle out here who will be *kni-i»«d to learn that iu 1831 imtonisbed to leftrw Terrebonne Parish produced 36590 Krill rlean Rico whilst Lafourche Parish only made 6009. The oYStermeii ami loggermen will be rather surprised to find • hit Bavou Lafourche has stretch ...J.i^n tn a d out nil of a sudden, to a length of 318 miles. It will make those sailors ve ry sorry. _ Subscribe to the Sentinel. Tenants. Last week we had a pleasant interview with one of the most practical and experienced PI in ters iii the Parisli of Lafourche, who cultivates a large plantation, partly by tenants and partly by hired laber. Doubts having arisen whether it paid as well to lease land to ten as " olk wi 1 tü Jabor Li red under the usual custom, a close anrl careiul investigation of the subject, made from the re cords ot the plantation, disclosed ; the fact that more net profit was dèfived per acre from land leased that to their tenants than from cultivated by hired labor. The consequence is that, ins* tead of doing away with tenants more have been placed upon tbe plantation. The rule under which the ten ants work is about as follows : The planter furnishes the land, , attends to the fencing and main j ditches, supplies one half of the seed cane and requires two thirds j of the ground to be planted in [ sugar cane. He also supplies the dwelling tenant a comfortable aud gatden spot, and requires the tenant to cultivate the cane aud corn properly. If he neglects his work the right to send laborers into tne field lo perform the work and charge all expeuses to the Tenant is reserved. The Tenant furnishes his own teams and agricultural impie ment», plants and works the crop until it is laid by in June or July. The Planter cuts, hauls and manufactures the sugar cane into sugar, fot which he receives one half the sugar and all the moias SOS. The tenant lias the other half ... - , t s« ää ! etoibe« I„ ISS! there »,re oh tü, tatiou two tenants each of whom hail about 30 acies of land apiece. Each rolled about 20 acres ot su gar cane and each crop yielded about 48 hogsheads ot sugar. A little calculation will give the results to the Planter and the tenant. The tenant had 24 libds of su , - , ' - '. , . " , ; gar which weighed net each 1208 j S ßüÄ ^ taÄeüf. j Lti, u o ,,.......t «f f ... i j'. I potatoes ho'rs chickens &o and t I ■_* e> -'- . . . - tbe protlnet of Ills lalior for ». ve mon s. | Tbe planter estimates that, to cut, hanl and manufacture a bogs I head of sugar, wiil cost $40.00 : j j SKttÄS I $60.00. ; ; U net proüt ot $24.00 will y loi il ; SGVTfi 00. anil fill bills nf mollisses $576.00, and 60 bbls of molasses . which tt.e 48 lihds would proba blv yield would give at 50 cents | per gallon $lô(K).00 $2076.00 as rent for 30 acres of land. 111;lk' IIo' One of those tenants estimates Here we find the tenant work ; n ! 2 -»?-m, C nn S/ l Pr r ing aU _ n,( -' 0,n ® j ffloOJ-OO net, Ills corn &c. and , das. y labor tor which lie is paid, | tor one year, whilst the planter ob ! ! t; iius from, the same land a siicnts ! ! a ,10t P rofat of ° ver « 60 0 ° P«* ac £ ber teiianfs on thU plailta i tion did almost it not quite as well The tenant system ns the Sf.n TINEL lias been advocating, judging from the above Jacts, is no more speculation. It may be , s, h » i dinarv tenants. It is Hue that j 1 he has good men, but when such an opetiiug as that is given to farmers, the best workers in the world will come by hundreds into j of I ! iute!iigl . ut aml moral Htizens. ; ; g ( .j JOO | houses and churches will I be built and a uew era will dawn ! i upon southern Louisiana, that' s { ar j. her forward in a career of prosperity that she has not seen for lo ! these many years. In concluding this article the Sentinel wishes to disabuse the minds of some of its contempo rar ies into an error into which some of them, notably the James Lonisianais, has fallen. Whilst we. have advocated the idea that, if the negro wishes to goto Kansas or anywhere else that he desires, he should be per tiiitted to go on his way rejoicing, have never advocated any idea of driving or forcing them then away. It they wish to re ; main and obtain an honest sup poifby their industry, let them 1 remain and no one wishes them : prosperity more earnestly than j we do: but if they want to leave. I why iu God's name let them go in peace aud quickly. The fact ; that jirogress enterprise, and iu j creased crops are produced in : «in»* «iiwitiikii tliM UaVtithnrn iiniiti ! any section of the southern eoun try which the negro has left, and given u p to the white man is as plain to the eyes of any candid observer as the suu in midday. _ . nal expense annually, in this 1 ar ish of some three tiiousaud lars. Voila le différence, We know several colored men, who are doing well,who owu land, make good citizens, and earn a comfortable living. No one wish es to molest them. TJiey do well, mixed in among white planters. But there are two many of the colored race in Lower Louisiana. Far better will it be for both white and colored when the lat ter will be scattered over the country. It takes the white race to develop a country, bai'd it up and start it forward with the rail road speed which the wants of this age demand and that is what Louisiana needs today. One more fact in relation to the plantation ot which we bave been writing. Each Tenant is a tax payer and aids so much in the uiaiutaU'ance of government : each one pays a |»oll tax and as 8ists so far in the support of good schools for all children,on the oth er hand tho hired colored men pay no tgxes,do nothing to keep up free schools, but ass : st in pil ing upon tbe tax payers a crimi dol PECTORAL STRIP for recent or chronic Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Irritâbility of tbe Larynx aud Fauces, and other Infiiuned conditions of the Lungs aud air Passages. Prepared and sold bv JOS. T. THIBODEAUX, Druggist, Th.b odaux, La. * How Wonder ini is Hn ! Man as a physical, intolllctual, moral being, becomes .nost com pletely developed in all his pat ts t and faculties by using daily, at least, one dose ot Brown's Iron j Bitters. Manv thousands are j P" i ,a ■» refreshing j pl»»iSir.'. U ' Wh ° ,e ^ ! mal system. —There is no use disguising the tact, disagreeable as it K j that Small Pox is rapidly spread . ing through tbe Northern and j Western States, from Boston to I San Francisco. No such a type ! ot that loathsome disease has j over been witnessed on the Auie- > c0:ltjn0 „ r „ roa> . m «»'««* wlntLer it will appear. ibe [ Police Jury have taken steps to ! l >roc,,re ?°° <l va '' d!,e «natter for | 'distribution tbroaghout the l'ar-1 |if|k Ex |K1S u()t | that remedy should hasten I to d.) SO. On Thirty E»ayv Trial j I ääää ! ; h««-s «.« trial f.»r ttui-ry .lays to y..un« t ; St'ÄÄiSSK i2Tä».^. ! ; guaranteeing speedy reliet ami complete, restoration ot vigor ami manhood. Also . restoration r " .. ....... | many <»rb«»r a goi for Khcmi: itisin. Neuralgia. Paralysis, Lii er ami Kidney ditttcuiii.-«. Ruptures, aud iseases. Illustrated pamphlet free. Address Voltaic Belt Co. Mar ine « >t IV shall, Mich "I never use such a Never —well —hardly medicine. erer. It _ _ ; l>eli , ( » t | y sj.lendid. One swallow j heaitlmru aud acid «tom j , aj j,_ coolingt and delightful ; | j M jy, vei s and sick headache. For : ! i, a | )iîua i constipation, I use it all ! ti„>e, and piefcts it to any thing else. It is sold at 30 cents i , ! lhus speaks a most sensible ) per bottle of 20 doses, and is) , known as Bailey's Saline Ai»e- | RIENT." cÂ*ïl | *'** al! , d ivtt on the morning alter (Jimstmas for Arkansas. j Now let the land owners in that county give white men a chance to work their lands and in less than thri'e years, they ^»celebrate December 20 as one tl,e S reatest d;, *v« «» ^ calen " ar - ° PECTOR %L STRUP for recent or chronic Coughs aud Golds, Broucliitis, Hoarseuess, Loss of Voice, Irritability of the Laryux and Fauces, and o-lier Inflamed conditions of the Lungs and air Passages, Prepared ami sold by JOS. T THIBODEAUX, Druggist, Thib odaux, La. ---o- —The Advocate and Capito I i»n of Baton Bonge have eon soli dated uuder the name of Capito ba«» Advocate and is now the of ficial State Journal. ! This is an excellent paper, anil J uiay be a power in the land, if it ; will not indulge the idea iDar | Ixnnsiaoa as it will not indul[ Baton Rcuge is seems disposed t disposed lo do present. —lion. William H. S]»arks, once a prominent planter, and poli ticianof Assumption died a tew remember his wonderful aud eon veisatioual poweis and the crowds he used to draw around hiui in the Court House square, to listen to his anecdotes and wit. days ago, iu Georgia. Citizens of Assumption, 35 years ago, will n.mpniha* i.Jm u-miHarfui a ,.<» Henry Clay, personally, long the best beloved public mau in the United States, was most dis tinguished as the bold leader of protection to home industries, and might more £ban once, perhaps, have been elected to the Presi deucy but for his stiff utterance, his "rather to be right than to be President/' and bis moderate opinions upou slavery and Texas annexation. When, among other j States, Missouri was carried for I him iu 1821, Mr. Benton was a j most prominent supporter, and, j s upon the ground, as stated by j bim, "that the most efficient pro j tector ot American iron. lead, ; hemp, wool, and cotton would be triumphant champiou of tl e new J tariff.'' Mr. Lenton, liosexer, | soon bowed, to other god - ; and Mr. Ciay, in^Sll, nnijj t.gatea bj*^ Mr. Polk on the r^tii? and L also by having his prolüctfr«, gar r | meut* suddenly stolen from him - t tons—of her blue-grass regions, with large disputable claims tor j tne quantity aud quality of her j mtre Bourbon pioduets ; but tbe j V ed by various .killed tu «..stries; ! !Üt by Mr. Polk, who came out at the last moment in favor of "faif-f ^ protection to our agricultures, aud commerce." At the decease ot Mr. Clay, Mr. Breckinridge, a life-loug political ad versai y, but a knightly neighbor, rleclated in his eloquent eulogy : If I were to write bis epitaph, I would inscribe as the highest eulogy on the stOna which shall mark hi« reating-plaee : "Here ties a man who was ia the public sen ice for fifty years and never ftMtmpted to deceive his conutry men/' Kentucky is a nob'e State, of ample proportions, peopled by a gallant race, and is cutitled to great credit for the prm*-blooded stock- the Durliams and Lexing been a leader in the early pan of the race it may be confidently ex peeled site will yet sive herself j ou tbe "home st retch.'' Georgia . and South Catoiina, losing no j time in belated hosannas to Slat** j I rights idolatries, seem alive to j ! that statesmanship which brings j j them to the front of growing pros > petitv ; aud mainly because these »«eli:d« »««. «lib f.«t I^ " [ judicy of "entire independence ot ! a 11 foreiga states as respects our | ossenrial wants." The whole imnntm <iwm piuiIps« »MMtiimlo ! t ! «W«.«.IM br the btttuu«f I». cou ntr^i owes endless gratitude • 0 the great Kentucky states^ man, the splendor of whose ora tory may be forgotten aud bis com promises forgiven, but whose early patriotic advocacy of Arne rieau industries with their protec tion will forever cause his memo ry to be decorated with fresh bor iu every State .—Senator Mor rill. PE? TORAL STRI P for recent or ehro' ic Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Irritability of the an ,, aia Passages. Prepared ami sold by JOS. T. THIBODEAUX, Druggist,Thib odaux La YVeSknesN Cured. Lynn, Mass. Dec. J8 1880 I gave that valuable medicine, Brown's Iron Bitters, to niv sister fi)r wpslk!l ,. Ss . Afl# . r ' takiaS , wo bottles, she was able to walk and inn as w» 11 as ever. It is certain '- v - "*$•* jo>- es . ---o- _ . taki.igr two A Bef/s S'ing is only o !... Ä eit1ier! ,,Jr: ^"^èriain VerXntï wife danced to a late hour one uiglit—became overheated, and returned home, in a thin dress. Next moaning she had a severe headache and general pain and aches in her bones and joints She aud her husband considered it a trivial affair, and thought of no serious results- The next few days she became much worse aud a doctor was called iu. He failed to find out tbe cause of suffering, and only prescribed for the fever «and besidolte. She recovered only after two years suffering, and was then enied by the use of ! Dr. Dromgoote's English Fe J ^vle^BitteAs ° Oue"*botlle of ; thjs ^omtwfnr'femaM» regulator | would have cured her during tbe first few days, granite iron ware, common ware, withstand sets, toilet sets and a laige variety of crockeiy, tin ware, glass ware, granite iron ware, feather dus ters, parlor lamps, lanterns, lamp chi iu ii ies and wicks always on ^ , Diunpr sots ot v lmui sou hand at Giisamore's Stove Depot aud House furnishing store. WASHINGTON LETTER. ! _ « Tugging at the Tariff. The Moral oj the Mormon question. Committee Dilemma The Kout ton Diplomacy. [From onr Regular Coriespnndent.J Washington, D. C. Jan. 17, '82. Now comes the tug between tariff and free trade, a question; that, ta some extent, makes ha- f VMC w j,[, yi aS ou and Dixon's line alieady we see Messrs.! au ,i Beck ou opposite s j f p. Si y[ r# Bayard is influenced somewhat by liis locus ; the Uni States* is neai Penn sylvania, and lie i> pe, haps, a ht contused by presidential Mr. Beck's protection n|i|ioiii*nts sa vs that be is «.Iso iu b\ his loeus male, which jj^tian ù, r AL . Beck vues not, hotter er, tiuvoeuie tree tneie | >or e ai „i simple. He w.-uld r •* - - iuipo. t* su tieientiy w.>uld _ t •» keep (wetie j irous m the 1hi>, « birli ^ - ' ■ « the support o! an Amu, Navy, leg:-»di.f»», and eriil .-et \ice, Uni hi wOiilu mu tax in port*» wuli au object w> stimulait and protect lion e n»au u fact ores f Now tbe Senate may debate till doom, at least to the doom of the 47th. Congress but everybody knows that the Congress will not materially change the present re venae laws still, it is well to agi täte, if for no other reason, that every fainter may not have to ask his neighbor what general Hancock was said to bave asked a Democratic Senator : "Who is Tariff, aud wbat does be waut with revenue only" In the House, they have been agitating the monogamy ques tlon, as ielates to Mormons, aud Mr. Kaakell, of Kansas, has been iHisitiveiy lurid in bis eloquence Mt denunciation ot this errini« against the civilization ot the al most twentieth century. W hear only the anti Mormon sid of this controversy and the Moi mous are very wrong lor Pr*>\ i ileuce does not fa»or the weak batallions. But tbe Mornnn. plead poor devils, that they sup |ioit aud acknowledge all tint wives, while members of Cmigre» a sa rule, recognize and suppoi ... j but one of tin ir wives. W •*. ar» j right gentleman repivseutarives, j and Senatots; the dense burial lions are on ou: side, but let nor "poiut the rough and thorny j way to heaven, while we the prim j rose phades of dalliance tread and reck not our own read. Speaker Keifer is having no lit tie trouble to harmonize his par ty an l vindicate his committees. His latest proposition is to en large the com mi. tees, but it is doubtful if the House can be im j p~«*l with I lie i-Ui'-.icy ot reraeJy. Experience lias taught ! deliberation bodies «hat large j . ^ . , « -, j CTOmtUlUeeS HM} IIU^ICIuN* j the tendency h is been rather to j create »«« »mmittee for .Ue «m sidération ot special subjects 1 Mr. Kassor will oppose the enlar {' A 11 ,1 gement of the C( inmittecs, BIHi there is a prosjiect of a debate l»etwecn him and Mr. Roberson, of New Jersey, ob tins subject. dinner. they were mom. and Yon have, perhaps, beard ofdi (domatic scandal, relative to the Russian Minister Bnrtholeimei; liorr he came here with a woman who was not his wife ; and horr they have lived in a house with out fminiture, aud have avoided social intercourse with the other legations, and high officials here, j until the death of the late Czar made it ebligalory upon them to! open their bouse to receive con ! ,1,,1,-nees. Then .beygave \\ Ill'll the guests arrived j ! j Ill'll the guests arrived j shown into tlie dining i « at .. .. «• *« i* , I room, rtin! tllli wiio Pi t»îK uij>.0 ! mat, who is an Eglisbwoman. come up from the kip-hen with a j tîHieeil OI SOU|>, vv lllrh silt* s;ii<l had not been spit in according to Russian custom. The remain i g courses of this strange repast . were b ought in by a caterer from the oulsi.le and tlie hostess | to make »hem •« i»'«'" 1 " I'liiiteiy c..,.c„i ; U g lhei amusement anil disgust) During the j>:c nie. Madame ï, g lhvl and diffgust told lier guests tli it it was quite j tbe tiling to be illegitimate Eilat. I she her husband aud all their ciiildien were iliigitimate. Now that tbe diplomat bas been recalled, the scandal has been , _ tlllOWII Upon the winds and it shall i « i 1 .:________,, i .... .... - ......... , Help to billig into lllsjiute tlll'>0 I Utterly useless but expensive dip ! :___ .«• a i i.- ». .. _ . •. icmatic establishments, it will have done some gootl. Mother» ! Mother» ! ! Jlofhers!!! Are you disturlied at night «and broken cf your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying with tlie ex crueiatiii" t>niu ot enttinir teeth I ... -, ® . ." It 80, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ISQ-8ÏBÜP. It will relievo tue poor liltle sufferer immediatelv—! cleueiiil upon it * there is no inis' ___ . .. • , taKO about it. There is not a mOther Oil earth who has ever used it, Who Will not tell you at onoo that It will regulate the bow els. and irve rest tn tnu imitlior ^ « 41 uu .u m ' aud reliet and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfect! ly safe to nse in aU cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians ami nurses iu the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. TUTPS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEN, ANB THE AFFLI CTED EVE RYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TBIUM PH OF THE A 6 L . SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. JjOM of appetite,Nausea,bo wela oo«ttTf. ftin in inefleaq.with a dull »en aation in the beck put, Pein ander the #hoold#e blnde, yiikamaft e f eet ina. w itfT»dJeia ettoa tion to exertion of body or intnd. Irri tability of t emper. Low apirile, iMß of memory, with a feeling of baYtnsjgg tec ted some duty^wearineea. Diaaineae, Fluttering of theHeart, Dota before the IP THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. SSSSSäSSS^BSSSSSSSi Id b* UieirToaile Ai They__ body to Taka tbue tba ifkin k TUTTS HAIR DYL Okay Hat» or Wnrama changed to a«u.T PÄ SÄ e Ä&°"i SLSSiSS^o. Bold bjDtuKgislOyOff sonl by osproas on recoipc off 91. Office, SB Murray St, New York. f er. Terra uun *r '■' ■il'J .* 1 *" 11 ? 1 ■* ■ (Cm»< ■M win ha aalM FMI makaa Rata ipot HodiMOM« Bitten arava ope rati Tbij giYi iff? To all whoaff tr of the bowel quire an Hop Bitt jatl IMIHIdMtwIth. >Sffl wrattra propntfia af aU other MOW» , KSTÎS 8S21 1 mSS' ÿloa, axM when Bop BYartedaedparfeetantr * imcalaiT .ariaary orfua, or who n Toaie and mild Sttaralaat, ten an iBTaf^oabia, without Into** cat I ns. I No matter what,_______ _ _ are what the diaeaee or aliw™eot la naa Hop Bit Hoot wait until yooa%ra Ode hat if yaa only feel hod or miserable.«"»* them Itma 7 mTe 70 haam** T ad 1 «900 win ba paid for a «■!» *£* TÄLS« cure or help. Do not aiffer% 0 [| , »I 0 '*frlmid« aaCerJMt am and area themrn** W OP 1 Bonember, Hop Bitten ia noWa®*» drunken nostrum, but the Purest Stediclne erer made ; tho IIIIIlT and ion* and no pen ahould be wttbout.theaa RrfeS'________ narcotic« all Bold for Circular. ■ XT a „ la an abaoluta and Irreatfble .___ unkeoees, use of opium, tobacco and tlca. Alt aold by druptrtata Scr^u ' aad Toronto, Ont. SiATjb OF LOUISIANA. lie, • Cou Marie Magnolia Pion, v if.- vs. Octave J. riegcu.irc, liuslaml. case having krn regularly fixc.l for trial was taken U|t aud tried amt tbe law ainl cvi.ii-iice being iu favor of the lMaintiil .ml tbe law ami against tb:- .left-miant. it i* or.k-r.-ii ii«ljo<i"v»! »n.l .lecrwa that null.» pi.-m wu-- of o.-tnve la-^vniîi-e ai <i her «od i.usbiin.t octave j. I f p. n lire the uetepu.tut »«cereeiiijf ;i separat ioü ut propitv liFtwi^n êititl {ihiintiiT ami gHVii ^ n dissolving tbrever the eommiinitr of iÏÎÏÏLSSS SSS?, the sole aud exclusive in iiua^c meut aud ad {' 1 ' 1 ." latl;l 1 , '" u ol 1,( ; r i'>'"t*erty. lhus done read, signed in oi»en Court till-*» 7th. «lay of January A. l>- lSSÿ. ' ' " """" " " Minnie Frank, wife. v.. Henry Marx, bus band, ami tbe evi.leuee in favor of tbe plai a.t.jlÄSSS'w j That Judgment l>e and is hereby rendered (Signed) ARTHUR F. KNOBIAIUH, Judge vOtb. District Court. Filed January 7th. lSSJ. (Siguetl) J.' \V. K »OBLOCH, Clerk. ( ^— k A true copy : < L.S. > Test: < lerk's office, Parish of ( > t.afourebe this Ærd. day of Janua i\- A. D. 1S8J. J. F. ALI.AIX, Deputy Clerk. ~ STATE OF LOUISIANA. Parish of Lafimrrbe. No. — 30th. Judicial District Court. This rase having been regularly fixed lor trial was taken up and tried, and the law and the evi.leuee heilig in favor of the plain That Judgment Ik- and i infavorof the plaintiff, aud against the I uefuDilnut. ilrereuiug a s**p?u%ifinn of prop* ! erty b**twouii Haiti plaiutitl, Minnie Frank wile of Henry Marx aud defendant, said j tween them «mil aceorüiug ;#ml grantiu£ to . | plirintitl the soK- aiitlf-xcliiHive lu.iii.-ig.-iuciit i.ii'l iuiuiiuistratioD ol her separate busin.-ss ami property. 'rims done read and signed iu open Court this Jlsf. day of January 1882. [Signed] ARTHUR V. KNOBLOCII, ■Judge 2iith Judicial District Court. Fil.-.l January ^lst. 18-<g. [Signed i j. W. KNOBLOCH, Clerk. ^ A true I"!, - ; J. F. ALLA IN, Deputy Clerk. st ate OF LOUISIANA. j I 20tl1 * Judicial District Court, Parish of ajnm-ie. Succession of William Harvey, No. 1049 Probate#. — Pursuant tn an order and decree of above * i Court :tll<1 in obedience to a commission to ! i me directed in tbe above entitled aud mini- [ - ! ________ rcli 4th. 1882 between tbe hours of ÏÎ M. the follow- i , me dill . ct ,. d in ,, 1C at>ove entiUed a I Ii«-r«-.l succession I will offer for Sale at pub- ! ! lie auction pursuant to'.aw to the last and ! hifflifst bidiif r ou thp nrpmiiMi sihiutod in lie auction pursuaut to .aw to the last and highest bidder ou the premise# situated iu the iiumediate vicinity and West or above | the Town of Thibodaux, on Saturday , March 4lli. ISS'J lietn eon tho lukin-a «»** II e'eluck A- M. and 4 o'clock P ... . 0i . -------- - - j humired Vud' tbntj tVu y w,wo fc(-t°"n ' depth, tbe upper or WeKtcrn line slightly ■ ®l ,eil * u R ^ w u> give one hundred amt five j b'ct ou tbe l-car or Southern line.The lower or Eastern line to lie at Two hundred and j «^enty «even äUilOO feet from ami West j Äb ft SS'Äa'ÄJ'ISÄeÄ ingtoaplanofsulKliYisionofthe property ^ lhihodnux •'wm Mill couiDunv ext* iug described prnjicrty to-wit: i 1. A certain pn-co or lot of gronud situa tc-d in the pacish of Lafourche, in the im mediate vicinity and West or above the town of Thibodaux measuring Ninety two Company ext j cutcd by S. S. Evans and now or formerly ! iu the possession of said company for re*er ■ elict ') bounded in front or North by St. 1 'soutl'brîands 1 n?.w 0 or' formerly of ? U?e ; he-rs of Gouge S. llumn and West l»v 1 projierty of the Thibodaux Saw Mill Co-j 1 I ,il,1 - T - t ogether vrith all the buildings and • improvement# thereon, title see Couyeyanoe Book No. 1C. p * t^ÈTteSSVo of the Thibodaux 3. Cer* ilieate Xu. tm Q ( t ul «... , »« »fm k «r Mi,| C»n.p*ny ^ 0, '• 1 « "-lor *et, two marku ^ ,b "' a.,d chaiiH. rooking t»***!". •»i*v hotes. &.«». T. mi» of Sal- Cash oe the «»» „ t.iK-ft I n-aeury Note» to pay debt* Ja unary L'Sih. 1 s»-j THEOPHILE THIBODaUT _______ «Writ STATF. OF LOClSUy]^~~^ i rit District C'-iurt for the p atiA ' . n lean*. 0 °* «V »rx Lery & U-osT v* 4PÇ1 S inKHl ueriA s Oftite, THlmJMx, Pariah of Pursuant to an or.lcr and ,l rr r , onrt a:ui in oU.- ii.-m e to a r - .lirccfci in ,|,o l'eve^Æy«» to »e I suit. I will „for , or A,' 1 *« »»s, -t:»n niir-iiiiii' !o !»* •« t L*?W'lie l.ifi.ler on tkopre.,,^» JT. tot .!•» «freer in tl- Town ofilfcjtj!** •» •■Äftiasg . h* ei.lire ennfert,* 0 f « tli-- .i.-femrint Simo/ruS -I Dry O..O.U, CUrtUiuw and"î* W "' i »* ,» A-.-. *• *«"* Bertha,. JuiilMI V ^Sl)l. IS-by ' THEOPHILE THIUODaPï _________ y- r :. EAm. J. A: T hurl»» ^ ^ DENTIST#,} No. 130 Boy« I 8tree|, Orleans, Assistant»: Dr. U. Piemn ________ Çff. Hopptr FRE 8 CH BESTXDSAlf, ' 1 *• Kireet ROOMS AND BOARD. Se Habla Es)ianul. AUGUSTE rit Vor-IOSl-üm. JOHN W. TROTTER, «.-•»pm Tj „»a >na St- Pliil:p St. »- , *t w.en Thihodaux aad Mahk Thihodant. L«., —Ke. )»s on hand a fid» line o. CODKJAND HEATING STOVE'S. —A'so agent f.M-tho— Favorite und Excelsior stoves. Partien'nr at:rnliun g'v»n »« Roe(iuj»ii4 Gutering. "** LÏTTLK KXCUÂXGÊp COR. ST. LOUIS AND ClIAUTK Jj, .New Orleaa*. JOSEPH RODRIGUEZ, OYSTEH~SÂLOO« r C'hoite I« in es end Lii/uort ahcofs oh hs>i FURNISHED 1K011S. Hot Lua.-tj (rum9 A. M. to 2 P. 11 Oet-1-81 -ly. GARF1ÎLÜ iffrV-KU: Gm field. A cilia plete, t .it Ill'll I history' fmm ermll# to gr.iv , hy ihe ciuineat iuoaropher. Col. C«k"»--IL di.. tioU Ujr liis Evrdiee.ey. Julm 1). Ijoug. Uovernor of .Massachusetts. Bw.-lw all ready 1er delivery. An elegaullj illi» trated v.ditine. Kuiiorsed fslitian. terms. Agents lake orders for from S3 I» >1 copies daily. Outsells nay utlier book ten to one. Agents ne\*-r niada mons.T sa fast. The Jo-os sells itself. Kxperie»!« not ■Maewary. Fai'ure unknown. All aal« immense profits. 1'rivale terma tm Heorg* NHimmb 4 Ca, Portlani' Maine. PATENTS IX «- continue to net a« Solicitors far Pal *. Caveats, Trade Marks, l opyriflits. Hr., wr the Uuited States, Uauada. Cuba, Kusjl.uid, Franco, Geruutny etc Wc have hail tfelrr lj five }>ar» evprrlrncf. l'aient-, ohtaim-d throngli us sr»- noti«4 in the Scik'.tific AVKr.u ax. Tliis Lirt* aud splendid illustrated weekly f»#iiw, f-»-* a year, «.hows the Progrès# of Niroer, !> very iuterrstiug. aud lias an enormoua rir cn la tion. Address M INN * CO. P»te*J Solicitors, l'.i Id «slier« of Se'l k.stihc ASWI CAS, :j; I'ark Row, Now York. Hand bask uh.»nt Patent* sent free. ==SÂÎwwS53ô «a»d é=i*l ,1 busiiie** u-iw liafiir* thj pi 1 * lie. Yon .ini make nwnaj f.«at-r at «oik lor as than « any thing rise. Capital »« m-.-.t.-J, We will start ja« fl : a «li'.y .in4 u»»w«rta mi* at 1 Mime iiy tin- imluatYiou*. Men, WBiW. hoys ami girls wunte.1 everywhere 1# »•* for ns. No « is the time. You eft# WW»i* ,i spare time uuly or give vonr wkoi#*• the bu.-iiless. Yon e.m live at bom# W# W tho work. No other business will fW-li nearly a* well. No on# can Ctu »J'" 1 at woe. CW)J ........ .... ....... .one» maJ# bf eosity, anil honorably. Aildresi TXCf •*'* Augusta. Maine. NE IV' AD VEHTISEMEm A — Ji'mllyi Pmttnfaiies —MAfl KIffi J\ .CENT huIWay j.remmt« ; piaiiufurtcs. four very haad«om# ro##4 J ner#. nww kkI . uses, three H,, ** aB * ÎS?» fSÜS. 75 tof-.W.."#.' ; catalogne prie##, t** ** U »HJ0 : sati^lm-tinn giuuwwt.'e.t « «?£ refunded ufter ou# ye#r'# u«'; "r 111 ™ pianofortes, f|-J5 to fjjji-ataloBJt** to # ivse. not I let orgi __________ . _ _ lor, ATI* upward ; visitor# write«* - carriage meets tbe trams : IUbbOwI** lague (holiday editioé> free'_ Awh*. pianofortes, Jl'25 to #205catatoOJC#* r"y I»09 to ^HD«i.- standard piahofaririj* " uuivevM*. um »wund* toatit'v; Wfflfi w ? "'*> to »mu-i : standar.t piauoisr»«» .*• -r uuivev#e, u.h tbo isands toatify; w™* ^ uiamuioth list'of t.-Mimnniall ; J»ii>et organs, cathedral, eburrb. eh*p*»>P lew É*hl muraval • rîâitan • * , I mgue inouuav emu«#/ »»y » — y- — tall npon DANIKI. F. BEAlTV, : cw»- New Jersey, j ' LOUISVILLE. KY* Coarse thorough and pr*rtt«#t lal. For catalogue und Ter«* »R W!H II B01XH« W' 41« Thiiii Ate., Lcnttmsr 0 B, ». U .VggjSi HABIT (IKE for iu v l-ook on The II» Free. * I idem # giTC».. —,^ | eue# to cut#» Fy and plufi f *?^ m $777 A YEAR#ud Outfit free. Addwq/a# | THlirr;. A ■ 8 »"^ I