Newspaper Page Text
4* U (terms of Subscription ■ aa One year [in advance]........$3 0® withiu 8 months____ 3 50 I " * i " -- * W. On« Copy .------ A —.____ io S'SjdfCAN, Pra*r A Barter» 5 rrrge 1 = oüechli) tnttnei Uates ot Qtöoeri?i.i3 i One 8 {Cars (or ten UNrj -AND JOURNAL OF THE 9 ™ SENATORIAL DISTRICT. j First iasertion................ $1 JO : Second insertion.............. 75 j Eich subsequent insertion . 59 UAVDrnvrK*.............. " t ft j Pnr.tetflCD tfsi Satcbbats. Official Journal of Hie ol fiitounhc and of the Town of Tiisboilaix. ^ r T7.' r ~" ' Ofrxvn ■ A. "__ OFFICE; Corner Gren ant' Levee "Streets. THIBODAÜX L—. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4"' 1882 NO. 27. 5 RU w ns ww arm mm mm 'w ®,wm w W 1 ! W ill w 1 # ^ J |7 CAML-STREET, TOURO BUILDINGS AND GRÜNEWALD HALL 16 , 18 , 20 , 22 , BARONNE Sl\ NEW ORLEANS' OFALL THE BEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. nue in mu mini OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. wwmm&m n»§ bk&u. CHEAPEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH Eft F'i ■zä WS. m m çjiasaawffh-. sts OF ALL THE BEST MAKERS IN THE 1 WORLD. OLD PIANOS AND ORGANS EXCHANGED FOR NEW 0 ES ALL KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEES.. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED. NliW ORLEANS. Lya.ll & Davidson, I Eataldiabad iu 18.7 WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. 110 Curondelet St. New Orleans. |*riM, BE PLEASED TO TAKE OK TT der» for Country Work. Either ihiiu or Fancy Roofing »nd nt the lowest io.»ibl« rate lie 1er « to J. DAVIDSON Jt i;0„ or ALEVt.>«i;H IIMI.f Ire-dit tv. ll'J (JulomlrtU t Street. »intcL j SI'J (Jarundekt, St. Neic Orleans Lu «KNKUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT —aud— DEALER IN •Sfrgtir FI liter, EvscmMs »ml M'«*.'«-» Cmiftil, the HrKs, Unir, Jr. —8*4 a A gmt of— *iLSY ALABAMA it CAR LIME ►et-ti-ly. if «MO D. u. k. Tiur.ri ùit HOWARD &TH1BERCE Architects, 3.1...... Commercial Place, -----.13 NEW ORLEANS. P. Kaukkk. C. It. Suiri>. BARKER k SEVIN, IVvator Ckrk, of SKVIN & GOUItDAlN, [aud of F. P.6EVIN, Kommission Merchant. AND ilKAl.KK IX ALL KINDS Of tCounlrij Produce. COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Mite, Potatoes, Eggs, Honey. Bccs «•«#, • Tallow, Wool, Hides , Moss, r&nltry, Etc., Etc., ItihiTUl Advanrr* Mad« ioii.ignwenti*. N». 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. . «ledit*. It Merits Yonr Patronage. MATHRUl. RFVICTION IK PRICE, Accorajianied with VAST IMPROVEMENTS. —THE— New Orleans Democrat. Published Daily and Weekly, AT FOLLOWING RATES DAILT, wre**;i»l j papers per wttk— P«r ...... ..........................0 Six month,....... fhre bree month«.. WEEKLY I published Saturday morningsO Per annum...........................t 1 gix month«......................... .. Throe mouth«......................... •**» bree mouths......................... ^ In club« of ten (I0J and over tone to got t«r-np ot' club), each subucribcr per annum W-np IH5 la all oases postage prepaid by office. len* and uewsboy», dutly aud To newsdea reekly, 2 1 -2c per copy. Bemitttwc« by money order, registered Wttcr otjby draft at onr risk Any i*sno a* a sample promptly mailed fcee. on request-. . , . With news, literary, family and agricttKn 4epartuieo ta rouai to that of any other Pa®er published in the South, it materially iVaat.'.M ____ : ...___ .ksi u oAtnlMi'l'i'IN all others in its market#» ©oinmotvial V&L review« aud pa!it enl TIIE DEMOCRAT, New Oidf Aii», L»' J/Vitac .1 alincke, [i'ut. for Lu] Kcltilllnper Ai'lificial Klone i > uvriufiil, --Dealer I.s North Hirer and German Flays Curb Slone and Portland Cement. N..e, 208 and 210 DELOUD STREET, Butwepii Hai'ouuft and Ciiruu»l»}pt Strei ts dec20-1 y. I%civ OrlcaUN, hid; issiRi^cr, CKO tV. SQUIRES, t li'hndaux, —Agent «<f the— Continental Insurance Co, of New York, Assets, .$;J.8.SS.71iU5. tire Associât in n of Philadelphia, Assois, *l.aili L'7U 35. London Assurance «J London, ,4s sei.i, $i.2S7 r*u;s. \\ ill w;.sn»-i* Sugur /i:m::c 3, Störet, I'trd' »•JTL» Î ii.itj* ititfi J ferch mdhf, Iamss l»3 •Mi«» Ht lov ot ldi«'«. ju.ic a«*-S 1*J v 1\ HOGAN, Corner Jackson and Levee Sts. Tîubod.v v x, La., 5 ' Ei l'S CONSTA N t'LY IY full assort y tent of ON HAND A I («rot priest, Pravaion«, Hardware, Sheet, Par and Boiler Iron. Paints, Lead, Boiler riv ets, Gas pipe and fifthly* Barb Wire, Tools and Plantation Supplies of all descriptions. Sept-24-81-ly. tharles J. Barker, Notary Public. At♦«nd« promptly to all hindnpM» p rtnin a u ii.l ntllf'e Will tlls.l utteilti to <'Ol .ng to «aid otflee. leetioup. Ottiee at hia rosideuco l'ariah ot Lafomche. I.i'ck poi t oct-25 The Grunow Water Eie vator. AT A TKSTÜIYD.Y THISTKW KLCYlfifit AT utvi.'.«'!' I > I O]. I.UWnU MliSili.i'K WKKK I.DAt till Hi UBlAnKB. 403,000 Gallons of Wurrr irere raised tij ftrt per hour teil* an eight-horse power ngtite. The Water-wheel is two font diameter and aix inch fai r, and is something entirely new. From rvsnlts obtained and the cheap nés* and durability of this machine, it can not fail to he of ia T crept to those having drainage or irrigating to do. the machine will run daily AT WEST END from 5 .. clock until dark. Cirotilars descriptive of the machine wilt be issued at an early tiny. For particulars apulv to otHeo of ' n hi er vi iiiiii: a co., Sept 9 81-tim. 22 Union Street For ^ale. Otic good hand Fire Engine capable of throwiug water ever loO leet. Sold tiecsnse its owner« have purchased Steam Fire Engine. For term« and particulars, apply to u no 20-80-310. W. C. RAGAN. FOR HAMä. The Washington Hotel property^ vvi'1 ho soM on cmi^.v term* to effect n partition. It not sold will Im leased for a term of years at reasonable rate*. __ _ ...... Apply to T. L. WINDER, Thibodanx, La To Kent. Plantation to lease or rent, for cosh or on «hüte«, situated on Hayon l.laek. Apply to this office. — S. T. Giisamore at Depot has Hall's Flows for samt also Plowshares and Plow baud les which are sold extra. tisamore at his stove; H-ill's Plows for sale! nail S l lOWfc wr " niffii mt BOI ROY, Watchmaker & Gun smith. Cor. Main and 8t. Philip Streets, Tiiibod.U'X, La. I/'EEP eon.stautl.v on » » hand a large and com pletc aseortuient of G's\i: Ji:n WAÏCUK8& CLOCKS III eouneetion with the a'lMive a great variety of O XS PISTOLS, Pointer, (.■nriritlges, Hunting M iteriuls Etc. The Ceienrdted 'ELGIN WATCHES" constantly on hand. —also— The NEW AMERICAN wing Machine. — AN!» — ACC* » It [) KONS \S iteiiCA 1 i : »* - s. ■'Xt rv - .•» .*-.; 'i tuxi (*.' i ij*- .i , n;s.ic . • i: * * : ud :raiiree;|. A {;»ii sf * »R i>4 ai tacit • a •uts..»U aad nerdlc*, for •itI kind nt •■•wing .Via e *••*.- i'.*a *>•• liait ;* = r>!v iog : li » :■ : • . . er 'Iain t; : » ;i . i'iiüi-i - 1 r it. i ii. iU I RTtll i I », 11 I L si LOU ISi a • J 5Î Ui a * ifU ■j? -f R 0 î* ^ -À) 301,303, 303, S©7 «invm rv K\V oiï I ,i A r B E R T S 4 ; u . K f Sash, Blimis, Doors, Mouldiiiofs, FIi.orii;<r Balusters, etc,, always ou liant! or marie ,o m attended to. ■nij)r;oi«--rs i > t . i \ t '( ®e.\ i'al \OT;n;. J. J. D .10HE. DENTIST CAN I.Ot rated in tow n periuaii n;iy nun will perforin all operations appertaining to his professions at very moderat i prices. He will also practice in the surrouiiding country ami adjoining Parishes when called for Ollice : Corner of Market and Mur-iOy Stf. The host of reforenee given. 1 ■ —Do yon want, a but net nu<! chimney that will not break f !i you do, cal! at S. T. Gtisstuoro etove Depot. il. HOFIMiAY Dealers iu ITtCliNlTLRE, Hardware, 1 A 1 Window glass. Wall-paper, Paints, Oils Lime, Sand Piaster, Cement. Metallic, lose wood, immi tation black walnut Collins, also cypress coffins made to order, &.c, &<:■ In connection with A. H Hoffmans, Cat inet Maker aud Repairer of all kinds of fur inline. Main Street, lôian'6 ly Pet Jackson and St Phii.p Dr. J. H. FLEETWOOD and SOY. Iliive opéued tboir oßice on Market Street, one door above liotb and Fleetwood's Drug store. Consultation at all hours. —Carl felloes, spokes, plow beams, plow handles, plow shares,'! plows, wheelb.u rows, and traue chains for sale by S. T.Oiisamore. — S. T. Grisamore has copper ladles. Skimmers, Lan lerus, lamps, wrens, j &o. such asare needed c* sugar ladles, bfeiinmers, Lau terns, lamps, wicks, cllitnnies . ......... , . r rol ■ 1 llllg. I 4 rj «•. ti.,u <1 no-lit - i 1 >d ■ ml alt ]i t I. S 1» vc* s t ,. ***T***'i :■*• f; cuti-ii li, us p • n Oit■ a' ■ t* ill»'«!. : Nt 5 .: * ! pat. ! t * i i.'s- 1 -in mo c iYoni - t peu I u '-on i \. ;l!l • In ! .. In n i. n ::l *■ scare.! :i: ; . , as to it" p it. nlabiiin j onih-ncc cuti. charge unless tninvd. We refer to Hun l'ostui.i Ir (I.c.- ial D. M Kkv, Lev. P. i) P.i.Vi,". to uffi. nils in the U. S. Patent Office, an . spi ciilly to onr cueille in every Mate of the Union and u Canada. For spa :al relercuccs, terms, ad* ice. Ac., Aihircs- V. A. SNOW k CO., OpposiJo Taïcnt Oi. WaMhiii^ttm, \) (! j»r ovs !• v lEiîVIII Hi* oh Lcuis Hush John b. Levert IL G. Ba. IliSiS A MA' . C'oltoii and Sugar S'aeiors. nd General Ca-.i nissinu .1.-:-. livils 175 1 v ! * Pc'lidi* 'tree. *i ■■ lODAttlMEIMillP. JARS. BOURGEOIS AND DANSEUKAU, Lr have associated themselves lor the practice of medicine and surgery. ÜEI.U1G Oi l AT COST. On account of departure, I will-sell mv ! cutire stuck of morolianilise at cost. Also I I ! for sah- my House lot mid furniture, good ' as new. For terms apply to L. MEYF.R, at the Seven Star Stocr ' a wiM-k ia your own town. $5 Outfit free. No risk. Evcry new. Capital not requir on We will iui-niah yon every thing. Many are making for tunes. Ladies make as much as ; mpn aaJlK>Tattl „i s j r u make great pay. Reader, if you want a btwmoM at wliiob you can make great pa, .11 thc hme you wo;U, write for particul A*.. Pottlatid, Maine. ut to ii. Hallet l r F L UE SUN. NEW YORK, 1382. The Sun for 1882 will make it« fifteenth annual revolution under the present man agement, shining,a«always, lor ail. big und iittlo mean and gracious, contented and un happy, Republican and Democratic, de pr.iveil ami virtuous, intelligent and obtuse. The Sun's light is for mankind and wmnan rery sort ; hut its genial warmth good, while it pour« hot fliscom c blistering backs of the pet 1st kind of every sort is for t he fori on th nt \vi. kutl. Tin* Iise Si-n of 1368 was a newspaper of a ne.v kind. It discarded many ol the forms aud a multitude of ihe super,d wus wands and pUrasi s ol iiucc'iit joucoalisrit It un o'eport in a fres.h succinct un mid way ad the news <4 Ihe world couvouti'.n.... omit , mg no event ol kiuuau intcr. st, aud ■ oiiimi ntiug upon a Hairs with tli" learless uess of absolute iiiiUqicmlcnor. The .-ucrcss ot this experiment was th" success ol llln Si s. t i ficcte.! a permanent change in the style cl American newspapers. E\eiy unpoitant journal caruluUhcd in this rail» I iv ru t. dozen yea is has be. u mo ieli eif after I lit: Sex. Every important piur i,i,| a li'.'aiiv e.\i-tuig has neon imnlitied amt hciirtcti oy the toice ot UiK St'N ti exam ' I I l'il k I N of i882 Will be the same outspok ei., and inteiestiiignewepapi iiy a liberal use of the means which s jih.ut eroaperity aifurds, we shall make ver i »eil. re nt ah lim r*uiiabitt si.a e, and tueasuting it* im if i»t* r iw than tv VV.T i*iiut ai» Lite news, pn:tin s ill i i: ll it A not !>y ti.o tiailiti'iiial 'ii'iUtick, i..u ,-iv its ival intiMcst to ihe | eoi»U*. Lli8 i. - cm* i * - iu • rioting iiona«* ''■iijnai* is not (ii* iiu.-i i a ills *c » ini idii wîiii i il»; 'L'N. When t ve. hi*pl>'.-us \Vt*!lh ivjior ;n^ we .il i he i>.n i ifiiiti s» va heihcr ü. iU*ooki>u ■ il « I >i'k lidI'fl. iu \: • lititcs we have dt c*nle«i o}»iuioD8; u art* a* t u-tonu G to e-X|.»res^ them in Jan H^e In it t ail *»e uiitJi istotai. We say \'.t . a ink alunit null ai ti everts, that ,i h lie. « ■ • i *y MC ci ni i HE 4 S S Jx».iti . eonr>e. • i K. Ki.Y . UN gathers into eight . . > . .»e .'I 111 r it S V 111 *, it li: .il -4 »•e ; .«lit .t t il ,d.R..i VS. : i lt .. i :.e la: u . r - t'l jll i. 1***5» «.f u >t U in .{». M >i* k L , * **h a -.1 » • t K .. •. S i» t t.v Oi Hi IO » n»*-l ,|.;i>!{, .. <H* n"î t.ltl' Dil-d »»I ■* iiil. '■> t ;or i'i;K Mi . . ! • ,i *1-1.4 Î ii.lil P * 1 u *\ * y *i. 1 . * * > . O') . . j y Lw Ll.oJL »At AÀ !J À üAiiûûàiii kriÄai là «üsha^isai Soliôge baton roi-gi-:, la. Foi. Win rresion Juhaslon, ruKsmuNT. Session of Xi ne Months Begins October 5, 1831. , I ça It ay litcation. Free tuition^ Bearil, hni-iug ui iiicat expeiirtes, Ate., jlfi.Uil per uio.ith. Clteap uniform. Full corps ot *-i.iiijn-teut i'iofeesora. VVor;*«h:>p «'*1 *de cna.iical Departiucut iu «pci-atmn. Milita ry <tiacipliuiN For tartitar particulars, ap i'ly te PROF. L. W. SEWELL. iiaton Rouge, La JAMES A. HARGIS, JIO LSI. g mi SJGA PAINTER G ating, Graining and Paper Hanging « Speciality. 4 LL ORDERS ADDRESSED TO HIM A. at Rat-eland, La., or to Emile K. Le Blanc, Thibndaux La. wiU be promptly »t tended to. Ocf-881-ly. --Persons who wish genuine Insurant:»* Oil enu ßntl Hie satne at S. T. Grisa inured Stove De pot. Uo selU no other oils ander that tiauie. SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS. —ADOPTED BY TIIR— Parish School Board for the us*, of the Pali lx Schools. —For Sale by— Jos. T. Thibodeaux. Orders for books promptly filled at 1'ublishers Prices. I Paper, Pens, Inks, Slat vs, Psnci!;, 3!an!:s I anJ Tima Ooek. Envelopes, Ch.vik Crayons &c., AT MODE HA TE PH ICES. lyi.tbtu a! iIDronuD nllcvr ctl lo TeacUi-fs. L PHiLiP CÂ1LL0ÜET, \ola.y Fisbiic, lietpectfnoy iufor iis his tVien Is and ti, j ubie timt ho has just opened a ini arm ottiee iu ciiiiitectioii with Uis oiiico oi ->u tire of the . eaceaud is 'j.nv ready to nt'en 111 ! promptly to all the business intrusted i. him. Kefei'8 to Uis past couuec ion lor ov er thr"»years ..iitlt me Recorders ollice o the i'arisli of La'.muetie. Ottiee ou .Hu.ket Street, het.weeu 8. L uis ami tireeu, ue :riy oppos.te iiu It <&. leetwood's Drug store. Jauitary 1», I8sl. Notice ! T;i\ t ctor's Oifiih*, J i ihtKl •. x. An^is: Hib, J \ « -liî 1 ' i i*<'li*).i io **t" \c!/ .7 \*.t}C« 4 .h lir.iviy J. y 'a f-.» r!ie T:: « .•! : is© r s.. >i >: che I uf r - • . s* iu »Z.-* y» tr *. . !«• -«et î ; » • .< i'bi'SHLi iii * « » JiCO hihI i rt^v.v ; • ilit* i i • » .Li'ii ; th ' O.v *u* il I .VJ :} -•*.**!* »I '* i . e l it-, a, i ■ r .anu :* Vltll .11 .'! at on, cri .st mi G, I. iIU , a •. C -i.refer, L ,inarch F-or Root. he i -o tore, o,i i iia street near tile ceiae. S:. '-*'i*!i l i, lie V oC •Uptcd by h. Mey • r. l'a * : sit-,. -i' 1 be given cti the Itifb. ' iv -t .InH't.-irv. Apply to Jit.-. ,. .illBODEADX, Drug Store. ,s A" F L'VÎLSIA *A. p.ii-h e* ; -;c. m i. Iai Pisfrie, I'* t, * it'.- v*. Oct ITô J. -1- re. i is m m i. i :g i. , lip r g a ne. I ami the la v I'iii- e ,- ■ - tr;:i! was t.,a an i ami against tm- neii-tmaui. it in ordered auj-nlgeil and decreed that .114 in : .-i vor of t.ii-l'iainti 'f liiint tin- «Icfoniiaiit. Jiulgi-metit l,c hu* 1 tho «mue i* hi-n-by ieu deri-d in fovor of the plut tiff. Jluiio .tlug iioliii t'icou wifo of Oct» vu J. Legendre :n <1 iiguiiist her «a:*i Uushauil Oi-tavo J. Legen dre the ilefcpitiiiit I'.i-cn-i-vig :l «epaiation ot property between *;,hl phiiutifi null '.eleu «tant dissolving fortr--r tho coniiuuuity of acquêt» :iml gain-* existing between them hi tl aceoriiiug and granting to the plaintiff he eole and exclusive management and ad e tin iiiuietratiou et her property Thus doue read, signed gued in opt tliis 7th. day of January A. !>• 1882. (c-igueii) ' ARTHUR V. KXOBLOU3, Judge 20rh. Judicial Distriot Coiut. Filed January 7th, 1882. (Signed) J. W. RxOBLOGlI, Clerk. A true copy: ? L.S. > Test: < leck » office, Parish of ( ) Lafourche this 23rd, day of Janua iv A. D. 18S2. J. V, ALLAIN, Deputy Clerk. SUCCESSION OF WILLIAM HARVEY xO. 10h4 PROBATES. Twentieth Judicial yistrict Court. oTATK OF LOUISIANA. PARISH CP O Lafourche.— Wherca« Susan F. Well*, widow of »aid deceased of saht parish lia« thi» day tna*ie iipjd'eafiou to the said Court tobe appointed »diuluLtratnx of said eue ct ssiou. Now therefore all person» are hereby warned and notificil to file their objections if any they have, w ith the Clerk ot said Coart. at hi« office iu the Town of I'hiise daux witbiii ten days aiter the first pithlicà tion hereof, otherwise the, adit applicant wi.I iu doe comae of law be apiiointeil ad uilnistratrix of said «ueee«oion. 1 Witness my tiand and tho im L.S. > pies* of the seal cf lity office, tin* h. dav of January A. D. J8t.2. J. W. KNOBLOCH. Clerk. £»■ KTSCa CTHM 4 ®îic Sltiboîlaux ßcwtmK — a n ii— loam.!! or ihe 9th «cHutormi Dr.trlet OFFICIAL lOURMA.L OF THE\PA(l!Sî! CF LAFÜUKCKE AND OF The TCwfJ CF THIBODAUX. x Offiire : Corner Green & Levee St«. tg Ul.n Ktt.ltv SATlKll.W S.T. flJiriSAMORK Editor. •' S.\XC\N* i J r'> r v R tstnoss Mana^or — Now that dark nio|,t s aro :i]>[»!caching buy one of those splendid Lanterns in Giisamore's Stove Depot. Neither wind nor rain can blow i»r lint them oat. THE UVER AMO IT8 FUNCTIONS. [T has become « ml] estnbltehed fact that th« larger portion of die e m n ee to which tha human famitjr la subject arise in the first plooe from •ome dnranRement of the Liver. This i th« largest, but at the which t ■ first p , r "- ' r «*■.■* —wu> m m» x*1tbt. ThUoraan tgnot oaly the largest, but at the seme time one of the most important. The venous blood, on It« re* turn to the heart, passes throesh this organ, and in its passage the Impurities,as also the seoretior - whlchaie necessary for digestion as well as for oethartietOMMtstfn the renewal of weste mat Hal Ac. are eliminated. From this it taeasU jam » a It Is . w fulfil if« alRaa of jectional - juts it :s office of i *m the bit impossible for It to properly_____________ _ moving all objectionable matter from the blood, but allows it to pass through, carrying with it the »Isons of whieh it should have been relieved. Zî%A?„Ç". e r-=—i»«- B- F. SHERMAN'S blood thewholesys-.r tern becomes atfact upuriy puriorm iu< tnction nnieseitis tppliedwith lURJc blood to maintain Its strength. So the Liver becomes all^. important,nnd when one has the feel- < ing of being' continually tired, worn; out, is con •> stipated. withtonden cy to Pilas, Headache, BickStom ach,8allow Complez'n PRICKLY ASH bitters. ! The result of years jof *fudy,expcrtm'nt xlieal of8kin,e— they may be ire their Liver is out ofordor.aruU a remedy in required to --(tnat'rej À In relieving I T Itself of all of a accumula- , tions, and '! restore it to M Its original: Strength! and Vigor.! For all the* complaint* of this kind j there Is medic! -----Jne that equals' »RlCi jmeiilcal research and practice of Dr. F. ÖIIKHMAN, its .\oi!t:infttor # and, success bereyer S vB ftt jQüfad Is su f ^ ^ '"iPfrT*] ficientgunre -" ÄÄSH2. BITTERS CURES ALL D i SE A S ES OFTHEjà, LIVER kidneys! STOMACH AND BOWELS. f^Ts a aty for ,—lsrit. iDrosticPnr ! gall vos and Ithttt class of remedies can bare but one ef Ifect — t hat iii by their •violent ac jtkm to de* •rnnee and weaken the system. FrloklyAih Sitters net« directly on tho Liver, Kidneys. Stomach, dt Bowels, in a mild yet effeot'v manner, and Is as — taste nc any cordial, and la ai casilytakac by children a« adults. ilng pur* t all tim used i beneficial results. It is no mL it?s a'epecif?and # Si leant a aimed moa a c claJ the cure paratioi Fair tria deredfo METES BROTHERS A CO. ; BOLE PKOPBTETOBB. ; ST. LOUI8 AND KANSAS CITY. MO. A Couoh, Cold or isovo Throat should bo stopped. Neg lect frequently results in tin In curable Lung Diseuse or Censvmp tion, BROWN 1 H BRONCHIAL TROCHES do not. disorder tho stoniiieii like: c»u^h syrups and balsam , but act directly rn the infl .med parts, all«vii»g Uj rtation, give r<-Jiof in Asthma, Bronchitis. Covyhs, Catarrh, and Mu, 'I hr oat Troubles wkich .Singers and Publie Speakers are subject to. For tJiii-. ty years Brown** Bumeltial 'I ro dies have been reuonimended by physicians, aud have always giV en perfect satisfaction. Having beet: tested by wide and construit use for nearly an entire genera tion, they have attained well meti ted riink among the lew «tapie r«* inodies of •the age. Sold at L'ü cents a box everywhete. Two 6rgu n«. Regulate first the stomaeh, sec oud the live* ; erpecially the fiifct, so as to petfotm their funcliot a perfectfy and you will remove at least niiieteen-twentieili.s of ait the ills that mankind is I eir to, in this or any other climate, Hop Bitters is the only thing that wilt give perfectly healthy natural ac tion to these two organs.— Main% farmer.