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îcrms of Subscription ! ®ltrç Mïcrhin (SModaur ÜHtfind liâtes ot Aoncriring One year [Hindrance] ........$:; oô within 3 months ____ :j\30 " 6 " ____ 4 *iO One Copy ................... ]y Oxï SUCARE (OF TR.V LINK; —AND- F SANCAN. Pro'r & Burincss Manage Prm.ISHKO EVERY S ATI-RT) A TP. JOURNAL OF THE 9 Tn SENATORIAL DISTR ICT: Official Journal of (lie Puiisli ot Lafourche and of the Town of Thibodaux. First insertion................. $1 M> Second insertion.............. '75 Each subsequent insertion . 50 OFFICE; fir en I m re *» VOL- XVII \ THIBODAUX, I,—. SATURDAY, ABRIL 1" 188A STD 35 Ii;w OEîLËl.\>. J^yn.11 A Davidson, [Established in 1827. WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. 110 Carondtlet St. New Orleans. «till be pleased to take or . fT dors for Country Work. Either plain or Fancy Roofing and at the lowest oossible rate. Refers to J. DAVIDSON & co.,or am;\a>ih:k ieii.e., dee-20-ly. HO (JaroudalctStreet. sinuiiL j tnisoiv, 09 Carondelct , St. New Orleans La general commission merchant —and— DEALER IN Sugar Lime. Plaster, Ronendnlc uiul Western Cement, lire llrid.s. Hair, rfr. —Sole Agent ol— nELBY ALABAMA SUGAR LIME Oct-ll-ly. ubkbv iiowahi». a. n. TMtBKiaa; HOWARD &THIBEP. CE Architects, 13...... Commercial Plaçe ......13 NEW ORLEANS. F. Barker. C. 11. Skvin. BA UK £ ii & SEVIN, former Clerks or SEVIN Sc GOUKDAIN' ! ... .. ____... ' I {and of F. P. sEVIN, Commission Merchant. AH* I'KALKIl IN A 1.1. KIM** OF iCountrrç pvoîJncc. COTTON SUGAR. MOLASSES. Jfice. Potatoes, Eggs, Honey. Lees aa.v. Tallow. Wool, Hides , Moss. Poultry, Etc., Eu-.. l.iltmt! Dlvnmen Made «in t'imüiguitient». No. 119, Decatur Street, a L \V ORLEANS. It Merits Your Patcotinge. n.U'CKUl/ ICI DK TIDY IN PRICE, Aceompanied with VAST IM F ROVE. M F NTS. —the New Orleans Democrat. Published Daily and Weekly , AT FOLLOWING RATES DAILY, seren .171 P 'C"'* l nr «'fc/.— Per annum.........................0 .Six month».......................... ô i) Three mon i lis ...................- - - - - -* AVEEKLY (published Saturday mornings 0 Pur annum................ ..........9l.t Six months........................... • •> Throe mouths.........-............... ** In clubs of ten [it»J and over (one M get ter-up of club), each suhneriber per nun uni *1 25. . . . In ull cases postage prepaid by office. To newsdealers aud non.»boys, uai'y and weekly, 2 1 -2c per copy. Remittance by mioo.v order, registered letter or by dratt at our risk. Any issue as a kample promiitly mailed five, ou re<|ucst. With news, literary, lamt'.y and iigrtcuitu ral departments equal to that ol any other paper published in the .South, it materially excels all others in its markets, commercial *nd industrial reviews aud polit cul de 1,1 *Adü»"Ja THE DEMOCRAT. New urleaua. La - The Grunow Water Ele vator. »H'tlSI' rïi*'. F€»I. I.OWUG ttliSI LIS WERE OR l AIAED. 103,000 Gallons <p Water were raised rite feet per hour with an eight-horse power engine. The Water-wheel is two feet din me to and six inch tare, ami is something entirely new From results obtained and tbe cheap ness itnd durability of this machine, it cau not fail t« be of iu'erest to those having '■SMÄ'WÄ- RUN DA1LV AT WEST END from 5 o'clock until «lark. Circulars descriptive of ttie machine will be issued at an early day. For particulars ....... * jibïÏh * »»> üept-3-81-6rn. — 1 1,l " u Fritz .lalmcke, {l'at. for La] Ncbillingvi' ArlilicI*»! Stone ijrei Puvrnienl, --Ukalrk In North Hirer and German Flags Curb Stone and Portland Cement. Nos. 20S and 210 DELORD STREET, ILtweeu Barunue and Carondelct Streets •dec 20 ly., -Acts OrlcuJi«. HIUI\MR\\CL. GEO. W. SQUIRES, Thibodaux, — Aÿpnt of the Continental Insurance Co. of X York, Asset s\ $3.888.719.45. Xnr Fire Association of Phitadetphia Assets, $4.312.270.35. London Assurance of London, A.s' sets, $1.287.503. " ill insure f?ugur Ihntsea, Stores. Died lings, and Merehnndise, against Loss by Fire at lowest rates. \ une-25-81-ly \ \ P. HOGAN Corner Jackson aful Levee Sts. Tiiibodaux, La., I'El PS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A IV full assortment of <* roueries, Provision«, \ Hardware. Sheet. liar and Boiler Iron. Paints, Lead, Boiler tir ets. Ous pipe and fittings Barb Wire, Tools and Plantation Supplies of nil descriptions. Sept-C4-Sl-ly. 4 hartes J, Darker, Notary Public. At'eu«!* prompt I;' To nil 1 >umhp*s p Haiti .ti£ lo Ha id oUuf. Will also attend to t-ol ! • Office at liis residence Lockport I UuriiJi ol I.alou'che. oct-25 oct-25 £2. linilfBAXA, Dealer» iu füïïïïLâ'ïïS .•limit» IJ Mlle to older. &c. A l-|>a| 1 last« r. Cement. N:<-l >1 lli«-. I ta*urn black walnut Catliu». also e\]ir< I .line. Sami lane wood, i ni lei h> connection with A II Hokkmass, Cal met Milker and Repairer nl all kinds nl i;ir .Main Street. I.Muiii I» ly imt Jackson and fb, I'liibi DO f AKi .ÜOTSCE. J. D-.IGRK. DENTIST HAS l.OCA ealed in tow ii perm .hi inly amt will perfoivo ii 11 operation» appert iiiniag protoa»iium at very mode'i prieei He will also practice i i the »nnotuiding rljoit rountr^ iiiiu iuljoiuit)^ raiibiit s ualU*«l tor Oltif H : Corner of Market ami Marou^n I Sts. lii** best of re 1er cure given. Lotiis Bush John B. Levert (I. G. Bu h BIKI1 A LEV LIST. 4*otlon aiu«l Kugnr l'aetori». il General Coin nimm, u lWercliantn. „75 1 v ii I'o'dido Street. N. l> FATBITS j | ■ I I obtained fo* lew inventions, or for improv liients in old ones. Cuvent», J rude Mark and all patent business promptly attendinl C iiveiil ions ilint Do vo ri jerlcd may still, m mnsi cases, b- uai cnlcd l>j ns. Being »ppn-iie tlie U, 8. Pat en Orth e, and engaged in 2*«(lent Du»* iur.«<> li\«To « «-1 y. wo mil secure patents iu less time tlian tlmse. \\ ini are re mote, from Wasbir.gtiui ana who must de I•♦- 1 ■ <i upon tile mails i all transactions with the Patent Office. \\ Iu n .ii venlors send model or sketch we make search iu the Patent * (fine aud advise ns to its patentability free of charge. Corres pomleiice confidential, prices low. and cliiirge unless paient is ol»* la !■(«*<!. We refer to Hon Posfnm- ter General D. M. Kky. Rev. F. i). 1'oWKK, to officials in the l*. S. Patent Office, aud especially «perm ■ i our clients in every State of the Union and u Canada. For special references, terms. r or s pi advice. &.c., Adilrei €. A. SNOW & €0., Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D C LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Agricultural and Mechanical College BATON ROUGE, LA. Col. IVin Preston Johnston, PKliSIDENT. Session of Mine Months Begins October 5. 1S81. ; Healthy location. Free tuition. Board, lodging, medical expenses, «See., $i6.UO per mouth. Cheap uniform. Full corps ot competent Professors. Workshop of Mr chauical Department in operation. Milita ry discipline. Fotfurtbsr particulars, ap piy to PROF. L. W. SEWELL. Baton Rouge, La JAMES A. HARGIS, HO USE <tftd SIGN PA IN TEE G miring, Graining and Paper Hanging a Speciality. A LL ORDERS ADDRESSED TO HIM /V at Kacetand, La., or to Emile K. Le blanc, Thibodaux La. will he promptly at tended to. Oct-8-81 ly. —Do yon want. « burner aud chimney that will not break f I you do, call at S. X- Giisauioie* stove Depot. S2TH34 as 0 : mi f m m m. v A. »01 ISO\, Watchmaker ik Gun smith. Cor. Mam and St. Philip St reets, Thibodalx, La. constantly F-EEP * » band a large and com plate assortment of F3AE ,!i;U EI.K1 WATCHES & CLOCKS In connection with the above a great variety of hove a great variety (i : A N PISTOLS, Powder, Cartridges. Hunting Materials Lie. The Celebrated "ELGIN WATCHES" ooustantly on hand. —ALSO— The NEW AMERICAN Sewing Machine. —AND— LOT OF ACCORDEONS. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Machines Fire arms. Ac., carefully repaired r.nil guaranteed A full stook of att.ach meuts.oil and needles for all kiud of Sewing .Ma chines can be bud by up plying to A. BOURON. Corner Main and St. Philip street. jan-10 LOUISIANA n m. ship i iioor. iiifiif 301,303. 305, 307 «ravier SI. IVEW ORLEANS. 9 U 0 I? E R T S & CO. Proprietors, Sash, Blimls, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and Ceiling, Newels balusters, etc., always on hand or made to order. Orders promptly attended lo. I ii t U'jrmtt d-t PS t S3 c.;3 CL: G m a S E =? e**z£ a a es CL a m il (H ci 5S ai § m m o tL m m -2 a d h a ■:r. m s p* m m (Sr. flg LABOR-SAYM W mm a 3 d J X*~ Ô 0)0* ^5 ot< wïjl/l i w o o O 0< 0 £9E Z<qO «ja mm HP. < xiijji QOo X 3 m in S<os J3 DP m n ■o oo aw H IÊTï Q -SS20QÜS Urn tt U Zl >ug Jpg 3«b.f tamino* y 5?"' GEORGE ENCER « CO. Wholesale Carriage Manufacturers. jui m I »09 \ -in 70 7Z ïïÊM/m > a 5a* n-v> < ao 'S» o m <■ /Tl 9.1 /W lit« s Qr Hr m* OFFICE AND FACTORY : Cor. Court and Sycgrooro Sts., C1HC1M?!AT1, QhiO«^ Buy A lie Celebrated YALE & JUBILEE ORGANS. 'O 'W m mm is The Best. Most Celebrated, Purest Tone, Mort Imrable. Most Simple, Most Perfect in tho world. Organ Send for circular. SEW HAVEN ORGAN C0«, New Haven. Conn* o3 L « ULl 5 2 S3 r O CO LU Ul £2 CL xn 9 « o « (0 LU ®5 O LÜ 3= Pi Q o S2 o: a=s S 5* cc > H* 3 0 £ 5 O ec 0 5 c— a < LU ?2 LU > 111 <Ii 3 LU Ul z 03 « i OOo o LÜ h m z < flic'll I ï!,» r î: : ;. ÜC. OL o < Hi 5 s > 8 j seJÊt^Mïi UIJ s 3 LU o V MAC BLANQUE, Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, Etc., 1 No. 231 Poydras St Cor. Dryades, New Orleans. * Orders Promptly Attended to. Goods delivered free of charge. SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS. -ADOPTED BY TUK— Parish S.Jiool Lourd for Ute use of the Pub Uc Schools. I —For Salo by— Jos. T. Thibodeaux. I I Orders for boohs promptly filled j at Publishers Prices. 1 Paper, Pens, Inks, Slates, Pencils, Blanks and Time Book, Envelopes, Chalk Crayons &c M AT MODERATE PRICKS. nPI.ibeml Discounts allow ed to Teachers. llu Shibodiutx j^utinrl Journnl of the 9lh Senuionnl Diutrirt OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. Office : Corner Green & I.evpp St», ISStTKD EVERY SA IT KDAV S.T. G RISAMOIIK Editor. F SANCAN» Pro'r .v Business Manager OOicial. Proceedings .of Town Council. TOWN IIAT.L > Tuesd» Atareli *th 1S-S-J. \ The Town Council for the Town of Tliibo danx met in regular session this day at 7 o'clock P. M. Present : IL W. Tabor Mayor and J. L. Aneoin. H. Dansereau. C. Azotua, 1 D. Moore and F. Z -niott Trustees. Absent : J M. Howell. Trustee. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved as recorded. The following report of the Committee on Finance was presented and received Thibodaux March 7th 188 . 7 o the Honorable the Mayor and Trusters of the Toicn ot Thibodtus. Genutlenien : Y'onr Committee on Finance have carefully examined the corrected re ports of the Treasurer and Market Masters respectively for tha month of December and ttic Jan uary reports of the Treasurer Market Master and ''»Hector respectively anil find »one trne and correct. Thev licy ring liave cancelled the warrant» accoinpanyiu Ä the's report and have entered their approval on Ids account boooks. I'he moulii I v salaries of the Market Jins ter and Cotporatiou Laborer respectively and the yesriy salary of the Treasurer arc d e and sn s the usual monthly apprortiou to thcFire Department. They have examined and find correct. Bill of E. E- l.eltbmo Dy. Clerk for re eoriling banquette license 10 09 They apiKMid tbe requisite resolution to cover above.claiui". Kespeetfully Submitted. fSigned) 1. D. MOORE. < bairman. J. L. AUCOFN, it 11 a \ H. DAXSERKAlT. Tlic following resolution prc»eu*p<l by flic cm i mi* tee on Finance was 0:1 motion duly Resolved. That tbe sum of one bundled aud sixty twoti2|!00 Doll.irs be and the same is iierehy appropriated to pay the fol lowing claims tu wit : I U. J. Legendre Market Muster charge 16 Ö6 chargVnble to Corpo H. H. A Co. Nu. . L/egel able to Market Master t) Malbrongh Corpor-ition Laborer lointioii Laborer 1 chargeable to Fire Department, Tliibodiwix Fire Co. No. 1 cliar. to Fire Departement Prelector Fire Co. No. 2 char- to Fire Departement. E. E. LeBlanr Inc dental Expenses A. J. Perrin Assessor cliar. to Salury of Officers 50 Ot ! 10 00 10 0<) 16 00 60 no Total 162 65 Yeas : Dansereau, Aucoin, Azeinn, Moore Si. Eernntt. Nays : None T lie following Treasurer'.«5Report was'pre seated and referred to the Committee on Finance. Treasurer'* Report. For February 1832. To Bid. on band last report IS^T 54 Batiq- H. h. Iloifiiiann's 1[5 13 i'5 • F. H. Ls'gendre " - r ' Ra K. U. Leblanc P E. LeHlanc G. C. Thibodaux Mis» A. E. Rogers Mr.«. O. Aiu- do in foil 23 97 5 88 7 57 3 32 9 27 i 10 33 Market House tor February 87 5.» Licenses of 1832 1 Taxes •• 1831 230 0 ) 14 91 UR. By salary of officers " Str. >-t- Si Ditches " Wharfs «V Levees '■ Market House 237 53 23 35 47^11 Fire Deiurtiot-ut rp*»r l'olit-e uml «-riuiiual ijxj) Rjurti alion Laborer Bumjiiottr.» t'olirctors com. on I'uLiucc citrii-. ti down 13 26 : 43 30 53 3.1 , 12 0.1 91 11 12 19 1795 53 2 359 69 2 359 62 = ; 1795 58 To Bnliinrc on h out. • Kos,«'rfully submit (Si"ueil) Jos. r. THIBODEAUX. Troiisai-.n-. Tliiboduux March 7th 1882. The followiug f.'oilcctors Ri-por*. tor Frbrn or.v was j.rcsciieil and referred to the Com miner on 1 iti, m « Collector's Repart, Foi the month of February 1833. S. T. Grisamore Henry Jackson Grandson Sanders Mrs. A. J. Brooks Miss Laura Damii IW.&W. Boston Frost Total Licenses 1882, Mrs. S. A. Rir.uings, R. M. P. Verrier, " " School Tax. 255 13 22 38 38 75 5!) I 00 C. T. 7 63 37 1 12 1 12 2 25 1 50 3 00 5 98 17 94 A. Molaison, 1*. Hogi.n. auklii 11. Franklin, A. Weissentiianner Brand &. Legendre, Roth & Fleetwood Oscar Legendre. Jack Mayo Tayl ir I.agarde. H". Marx Agi, John Trotter, C. U. «C. s. it. : II. ! 1). R. M. S. G. V. D R. M. G. Boudreuiix, L. F Schneider 11. Totreau, Jos; T Thibodaux, II. 11. Michelet, 5 O'* 5 00 5 09 10 00 50 on 5 00 60 nu 20 00 51*0 5 09 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 20 00 5 00 20 00 5') 00 E & B. S. L S, D. O. H. Respectfully Submitted. à J. 1.EUEXDRE, Collector Thibodaux March 7th 1SS2. The Market Master's repo*t for the month of February showing total collections to be Eighty seven Sc 55 1 100 Dollars was pre sented and referred to the Committee on j Finance. Un motion duly seconded tlia Council udjournad. f Signed) K. W. TABOR, Mayor. " A. J. Ferrix, Clerk. 93 ; [ j i j j I j I I j j j Curt, I SUCCESSION OF ABRAHAM PAYTON. NO. J098 PROBATES. Twentieth Judicial District Court. CTATK OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF O Le f: une lib. VVliereiui Edward Badcuux of i said perish, has this day uiadr application I to the »aid Court to be appointed admiuis- I trutor o! said succcRsion. -W. all persona are hereby warned and notiiird to tile their ohjcciioiiH if any they have, with the Clerk of said it ins olhfP iu th** low» ol lhitioduux within ten days after the lirst publient) hereof, otherwise the said applicant will iu due course ir.-eot law be uppuiuted adminis trutor of said succession. J L.S ~Y Witness my.hand and tlie im . > pres» of the seal of my office, this 1st. day «if April A. 1). 1882. J \V KXOBLOCK. Clerk. liolhcrN ! Mothers ! ! Mothers!!! An* you Disturbed at night and broken tfyour rest by a sick child siifiering and crying with the ex ciluintii. g pain ot cutting teeth ! If so. goat once and get a "bottle ot MR8. 'A INFLOW'S SOOTUe ING 8Y KLU*. It wid relieve t ne poor little, sufleier jmmi-diateiy— dcpt-ntl upon it ; there is no mis lake about it. There is not u mother on earth who has ever sed it, who will not ! ell you at once i Dar it will regnlaie tin* bow els, and give re.»t to tue mother, anti relief and health to the chilli, operating like magic, lr is perfect iy safe to use in all eases, and pieasatu to the taste, anti is tl:e i*iescription of one of the oldest <>iiil best t<male physicians and nurses in the United Stales. Sold everywhere. 25 ceiits aboutie. THE UVER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. well establlabwl fact thst tha f diseases to which tha human ibjeot arise in tbe first place from rf aome derannament of the Liver. This organ is cot only the lurgest, but at the same time one of the moat Important. Tbe venous blood, on its re turn to the heart, passes through this organ, and in its passage the also the secretion . ____ also the secretions which are necessary for digestion ns well as for a o assist fn the renewal of waste mate cathartic to assist fn the renewal of waste mi rial dc. are eliminated. From is easily s that tha Liver is liable to tret out of order to a greater or less extent, and when this ocean it is Impossible for it to properly fulfil its office of re moving all objectionable matter from the blood, but allows it to pass througb, carrying with it tba poisons of which it should have been relieved. With im do r©- DR.B. P.SHERMAN'8 ilood the whole ays-! PDIPIf I V ACII em becomes affect- ! BhI rniwiui n*n ed,and noorçan properly perfora function ur supplied wl blood to maini its strength. So Lirer becomes t important,and ^ when one has the feel ing of being continually tired, worn out, is con • stipated, htendea i.fiSH.C BITTERS. The result of years of study, experlm'nt medical • research and practice of Dr. B.F. 8HERMAN, its s. originator, and, success w herever used Issuf ientguar ityfor its merit. Drastic Pur BITTERS Natives and that class r remedies oforder.and a remedy is required^ to assist nature &. r «i accumula tions, and restore itto its origii St: inali rthj ciiprc ALLDISEASESOFTHE LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND BOWELS. STsTTr can bave but one ef fect — that their is by violent tion to range and weaken system. igor.i For all the' plaints complainte! of this kind there is no medicine that equals <3% BY& ALL DRUGGISTS priceIdollar. PricklyAih Bitters seta directly the Lit Kidneys, Stomach, At Bowels, In a mild yet effect'. thetute any cordial, and is ss eaailytaken by chiidi os adult) : , * I ' that equalsl________ _____J_J as adults. PRICKLY ASH BITTCR8 la a medicine of ram merit, and not an intoxiostlng beverage, and being purely vegetable in its composite can be naed atoll times with beneficial results. It is not claimed ns a cure-all, but for derangements of the organs mentioned, it ii a specific sod se s BLOOD PURIFIER rank« above all other pre parations. Ask your druggigt for It, and give it i falrtrlaL If he has none on hand, ask that It bsoi dored for yon. MEYER BROTHERS A CO. BOUS PBOPBXETOHS, JST. LOUIS AMP KANSAS CITY, MO Pi:C 3 OR II* SYRUP for recent or chronic Coughs and j Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, ; Loss of Voice, Irritability of the ; Larynx ami Fauces, and u'lmr Inflamed conditions of the Lungs i and ah Passages. I rrrlZ^nv frvt 1 by J °£i ? I TOIBODKALX, Druggist, Ibib ouatix. La. age Advice to a flicht« gnn Windmill flan. tllit' A Michigan mac who has a pa tent windmill went down to Ten nessee last fall to see what he von Id do among the farmers of that State. Reaching a town iu the central part of thy State, he went to a dealer iu agricultural implements and stated his desire to erect his machiue and call at ten'ion to it. "Well, it can be done, I güess,u was the reply. "B it how had I be<t proceed V 1 "Well, yon kiu put her up over on the. hill thar. 1 dou't know who owns the ground, but ifyoa treat the-crovul—1 „gueaa— no one will object." ''Very well." "N.-xt Tuesday is market day, and there'll be heaps of folks in town. Yoh want to be arouiid early and treat the crowd." "Yes." "Set the old thing going and ask the boys over to drink some "JilSt SO." "You want to stand on a bar'l and make some explanations, of course, for it will be new to most of'em. But don't talk too long. Make it about ten minutes, aud then treat the crowd." "Yes." "If yon have to talk any more, tell Vm ihere'n another drink .... „ ... 1 1 „ ■ /. a,,eau - "I 806." »ilfti... .^ 1,1 t______ • " T ma " Joa " COmM Hl Willi 11IS l)OVS tht*re'll be U TOW in the fl'OWd. TlieV shoot OIY : t » *■ . . sight. Keep your eye peeled, and if you see any signs of a row, ask the whole crowd out to drink.' "Yes, but — A 1 "Look out for dog fights. If one takes place you can't hold the boys a minute. Keep your eye on tbe canines. If you see a yal 1er purp begin to bristle up ask the ctowd to step over aud mois^ ten*'' • "Yes, but by that time the whole crowd will be drunk," pro tested the agent. "Sartati jt will, and lhat's what you want of course. That will give you a chance to skip out and take your life along with you, and if you make a stop, anywhere with in a hundred miles l'll send tbe windmill by freights—provided tbere's anything left to send! Nothing .ike knowing how to ban die a Tennessee orowd, my friend* Did you ask me out "to take smithing F ~ . I Miller, late overse,.? on | '' ol,u ' g Carey's plantation, Cypre Ji ,nl L ^D'le Mr. Carey's riding horse, (luring the overseer's ab sence in New Orleans, ami is sup posed to lave made for Texas. Miller was formerly overseer at Grand Woods and W.-p. Kemp er's. He is a very tall mau, over -ix feet, dressed in bine, black hair and eyes; talks rapidly. Tbe horse i» n bay. with roan flanks. The public are warned to look oat for them.— Morgan City Review. Profit, $1,300. "To sum it up, six long years of bed r dden .sickness, $200 per year, total $1,200—-all of tinsses pense was stopped by thiee Bot lesot Hop Bitters, taken by my wife. She has done her -owu housework for a year since, with ni t the loss of a day, and [ want everybody to know it. lor their benefit.— N. E. Farmer. —As a standard remedy for tho permanent care of chronic female torn plaints, English Female Bit ters has won the graud prize over all competition iu thé United btates Married and single ladies * are delighted with its wonderful efficacy in relieving tlietn-of their troublesome pains and aches. If you need stiength—if you wish an appetite—if you desire iron in your blood—if euiacisfted aud you wish to posses» more weight—it is the very medccitie you want. , A Couoh, Cold or Sore Throat should be stt pped. îîeg leet tregneutiy results iu an In curable Lung Disease or Consump tion, BROWNS BRONCHIAL TROCHES do nor disorder the stomach like cough syrupg and balsams, but act direcihj on the inflamed parts, allaying initation, give relief iu Asthma, Bronchitis, Çouÿhs, Catarrh, and the Throat Troubles which 7 Ingers and Public Speakers are subject to. For thir ty years Browirs Bioncbial Tro ches have been recommended by physicians, and have always giv en permet satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly aii entire "genera tion, they have attained well meri te,! ''"^>'2 til« few staple re mediesof the age. 8o!d at 2? <-»mts a box evetA where.