Newspaper Page Text
8>mts of Subscription )w year [is advance] .... ....$3 oe vittûn 3 month a.. 3 50 e Copy rr* Pro ' r & Bojinees Mans 9A |I 8 HEI> EVKRT SaTTRDay«. F =========== XVII. m if HB8W i m 1A ÄW» j&entmeL -AND JOURNAL OF THE 9 ™ SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Official Journal ol' (itc Purisli of è> l.afourchc aixl of Ute Town of Thiboilaux. . : FUgiiMertiJaL», Second insertion.. .......... 75 Each sHboeqacnt iaswtion . 50 . ~ — r ■ ■ • * OÏTICE;^ __ Corner Green and Levee Street*. / THIBODAt X, L—. SATURDAY, MAY 13™ 1882 NO 41 ■ j r .i». JOPBKfTJf*~3f ]>KliEtiïS. IK vidson, t* 3 ' a v 43 V [Esta fiisd in 1827. t , WILLIAM Vd. DAVIDSON, Practw' 1 ^' Slater. HO CaronddeVfßjjt- New Orleans. e atCect. «2 ____—V--- SifflCKL J llkoi, f Carondelct, St. New Orkans La ESBUAL COMMISSIONS MtRCUAXr —anil— \ > DEALER IN \ /Ire Bricks, llutr, dc. \ —Sole Agent of- \ a£LBY ALABAMA SUGAR LIME ©ot-il-ly. U.R. THIBERGfc HENKT BOtfARD. 13... t. Bakkkr. TO TAKE or.! Work. Either at the lowest J.\ DAVIDSON Sc »KK.HILL, HOWARD & THIBERGE Architects , .Commercial Place ,......13 * new ORLEANS. C. H. Sevis. BARKER & SF.VIN, Former Clorka of SE V IN & G OU KD AIN t And of F. P. SE VIN, Commission Merchant. AXO nEA 1 .BIt IN * 1 .U KINDS OF tCenninj province. COTTON SUGAR. MOLASSES. Rice, Potatoes, Eggs, Honey. Bees wax, Tallow, Wool , Hides, Moss, Poultry , Etc., Etc., liberal Advance« Slade on fonsigUHH'tltü. No. 119, Decatur Street, SEW ORLEANS. *» 10-80. It Merits Your Patronage. MATERIAL RtaiJCTlOA IN rules. Accompanied with %A.3T IMPROVEMENTS. * —THE New Orleans Democrat Published Daily and Weekly, AT FOLLOWING RATES DAILY, ween: IT I papers per week— Per ..............................^ Six months.......................... *, Three ............................. Tkrefl ............................... ~ " WttEKLY tsmblislied Saturday gtorningsQ ] ..... «1 50 Per annum................ Six .................................. ^ Three rnoudie • • • • f.................... In elubs of ten [10] «nd over tone w get tor-up of club), each «ubsenber per aunuiu • l ^.U oasM postage prepaid bv office. To newsdoafcrh and newsboys, uaily and weekly, i l-2e per copy. Remittance by money older, registered Any as a* »ample 1 promptly mailed ^Kvidfn^ws, literary, family and agrieultu «•»1 departments equal to that ot auy other paper published in t he South, it materially excel» aU other» in its markets, commercial Mid industrial reviews and polit-cal de partment». Address THE DEMOCRAT, New Orleans, La - The Grunow Water Ele vator. «W«dT EXI>'' TlftB F«H lÏwiÏg hksi lts wkkk OBTAIN KI>. «03.000 Gallons of u-ere raised tix feci per hour tcilb. an eight-horse power sngme. The Water-wheel'is two feet diamete and six inch faro, and is something entirely new. From results obtained and the cheap rAWÄÄK ms d AT WEST END from 5 o'clock until djrk. Frit* Jahncke, [Pat. for La] KcUlllnger Artificial Staue Varemenl, -Dealer I* North River «nd German Flags 'Jurb fkonc and Portland Cement. Nm. 2W and 210 DELORD STREET, JUitween Baronne, aud Carondelet Strcete dec,80-ly. Orleans. K FIRE fYSlJRAUCE. GEO. \V. /QUIRES, Thibodanx, «►Agent of the— Continental Insurance Co, of New York,, $3.888.719.45. Fire Association of Philadelphia Assets, $4.312.270,35. London JfSsurancc of London, As «I«, *1.287.503. W ill insure Sugar Houses, Stores, Dire! lings, and Merchandise, against Loss bv Fire at lowest rates. A une-üô-Sl-ly P. HOGAN, Corner Jackson and Levee Sts. Thieodaux, La., rEEPS CONSTANTLY full assortment of ON HAND A «roceries, Provisions Hardware, Sheet, Bar and Boiler Iron. Paints, Lead, Boiler riv ets, Gas pipe and fittings Barb Wire, Tools and Plantation Supplies of all descriptions. Set»0e4-81-ly. ries J, Barker, Notary Public. Attends promptly to all business pertain .ug to said olirce. Will also attend to col lections. Offlca at his residence Lockport Parish ot Lalouy-.he. oet-25 21 . Il OFFRI AI¥.\, Dealers in piTPNTTURE. Hardware, Paints, Oils A Window glass, WalVpaper, Lime, Sand Plaster, Ceurent. Metalmi,Toie wood, ir-imi tation black walnut Colniis. also cypress coffins made-to order, &<u &>.-• In connection with A. H moitjuss, Cah inet Maker aud Repair er ol\ill kinds ol fur mture. Main Street, lâiunTU ly Ilet Jackson, and St Philip 9Ëi\riL WOTÏCE. Wh \ T J. PMC,RE, DENTIST 1IAS LOCA *F • rated in town perman utly and will perform all operations appertaining to bis prolessiom at very modeeati prices. He. will also practice iu the sm-rounding country aud adjoining Parishes when eallt-i for Odiee : Corner of Market and Maronge Sts. Tho best of reference given. Louis Bush lohn B. Levert R. G. Bu h BUSH & LEVERT. Cotton and Sugar Factors. *<1 General CoraniisMoD Merohaiito. u7â 1 r i I Perdido Street. N. (* PATENTS obfaini d for uew iuvectiens, or for improv œents iu old ones. Caveats, Trade Murk and all pateut business pivnuptly attended Invention!« that hate heen rejecter! way still, iu niosi eus.- . !>•• put entvd bj us. Beiug wuposite ibe F. s t'i>, en Qllive, unit engaged hi Futrnt ££tis ] Lvcluntvel}', we mn seeiuv " ' ' **---- BSH B»AV£««BS 1 « t »» u v tin sj -..on patents iu less time Ilian those who are. re mote from VVaslucgtou aa- ! .who n-ust ric pend upon the mails i' all traasaetioa witli the Patent office. Wbt n Inventors semi monel or sketch we make search in the Patent Office ami advise as to its patentability free of charge. Corres pondeuco confidential, prices low, and nc charge unless patient in ob« mined. We refer to Hon Post, ma. ter General D. M. Ivur, Rev. F. D. Power, to officials in tho U-S>. Patent Ofiiee, and especially to our «liants in every State of the Union and n Canada. For special references, terms, advice. Are., Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Office, Washington, D Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D C LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY —AND— Agricultural and Mechanical College BATON ROUGE, LA. Coi. Wm Preston Jolinston, PRESIDENT. Session of Xinc Months Begins October 5, 1831. Healthy location. Free tuition. Boa^d, lodging, medical expenses, &.C., $iC.l»0 per month. Cheat» uniform. Full corps ot com|»etcnt Professors. Workshop ot Mo cba.iical Depis-tment iu operation. Jiilita rv discipliue. For l'urthsr particulars, ap PlJI t0 PROF. L. W. SEWELL. Baton Rouge, La JAMES A. HARGIS, HOUSE and SIGN PA IS TEE Glaring, Graining and Paper Hanging a Speciality. A LL ORDER! ADDRESSED TO HIM A. at Kacelani, La., or to Emile E. Le Blanc, Thiboduut La. will he promptly at tended to. # uot-8-bl ly. —Do you w.-int a bunter and chimney that will not break? 1 you do, call av S. T. Gtisamoie' s to tie Depot. i | ; ; -V.i- ; m m mi -cjssr,^ mM s mWm mm A. &OIJROT, Waichni her <x Gun smith. Cor. Main ami St. Philip Streets, ThibodaL'x, L 4 v. |/"EEP constantly on t\ hand a large aud com plete assortment of FI'« 21 jHWGLUT WATCHES & CLICKS Tn connexion with the above a great variety of or.\.< ' PISTOLS,' Pom!4 r. Cartridges, lI'Mtln;i,jfiUcriais Tic. The Culoorated "ELGIN mm? constantly on luind. —also— The NEW AMERICAN Sewing Machine. — *sn— LOT OF ACCORDEONS. |'5" Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Machines Fire arms. &.»■., carefully repaired and guaranteed A full steak of attach ments,oil and needles for all kind of Sewing Ma chines cau be. had by up plying to A.BOUROX, Corner Main aud St. Philip street. jan-10 n ci y ill b» a LOUISIANA ) § ? mi II llif il V, i m ¥ ntt« m 30S, 303, 30.1, 307 «ravier St. NEW ORLEANS. ROBERTS A C 0 . Proprietors, Siirsh, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and Ceiling, Newels balusters, etc., always on hand or made to order. Orders promptly attended to. to h teagJi: B ai-vi a f. m flo i'- 1 * Sn hAa feav;s.-c r.i -U*i\ .5 f Siijl £!pi ? P!!!!|l 3 ö|ii ©i i Pi c ' î iiEiii ^;gg üE«i?Ba g tel mmi iü -- | fit <]Mp 2 N I o-B 0 " gis® «rssâ |l!s! i X m s A lÄ m I 'Jfi. : W ■mn ' î - m «s. Si 1 .m t) o «Ssî? m 'l^pî I r %:> t ïdêt. i3 3 SqÏ I 2<0 t\ j C t p e-T j rq ; «ï»iyî J i""" " j r wm ills Cv H 03 m q 'mm u. ü ö c/2 _ essh mmm v a | 1 GEORGE ENGER * CO, Wholesale Carriage Manufacturers. & -IL5 »05 m >0 Hrt r •o n >u m mu Nil o 00 3 ti £ y j o-< &Sa SQ* OFFICE AMD FACTORY! * ; Svc?.more Sts.. CINCINNATI. Ohio. I Cor. Court and Syccmore Sts., mm a LAJ Buyxtlie Celebrated YALE & JUBILEE ORGANS. — Q) Ü C 3 K O cv ^ Lu ■£^1 u »2 CL en UJ o TO CO UJ o5 c. LLi =E » Q 0 PCS o: 0» 0 ■ UJ 5 O m U £ 0 I— H <C mml % ^ LU en LU S LE , ,7 , eu eu LU •1 LU VI WA Z eu T r v m vam » o & k o as MM frA fil« K m i z U. *§ï ii ______ -si! the Best. Most Celebrated. Ponst Tone^ Most » _ — Durable, Most Simple, Most Perfect _ Otaxs ia tko world. : = Send for circular. M3W HAVES ORGAS CQ,, New Ujivcn, Conns. MAC BLANC)UE, -DE ALER TN Family (Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, Etc., No. 231 Poydras St. Cor. Dryades, New Orleans. t'oaulry Orders Promptly At tended to. Goods delivered to handings or de pot free of drayage. SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS, —adopted r.v the— Parish School It > trd for the use. of Ike P\ib lie Schools. —For Sale by— Jo«. T. Thiliodeanx. Orders for books promptly filled at Publishers Prices. Paper, Pens, inks. Siales, Penciis, Blank and Time Book. Envelopes, Chalk Crayons &c., . AT MOD STATT PRICES. ! llfLiberal DEeouuts allow ei! ot Teachers. She Sinbodmix enfmd, — ANl)— L»urn:»l of the? 9th Seimtorrnl Distriri O'FICÎAL JOURNAL OF THE PARiSK CF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THiBOJAUX. Office : Corner Green &. Levee St». ISSCB 0 EVKRT SATURDAY Ö«,T. G RIS AMOR K Editor. ' l 8.1NCA.N« Pra'r « business Manage Siolïiers I ! ! ülother» : ï : Arc you disturbed at night and broken cfyonr rest by a sick child suttcriug and crying with Hie rx cmciatu g pain oi cutting teeth? If so. go at once and get a bottle pleasant to the taste, and is the I of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHe j ING SYRUP. It will relieve ttie j poor little sufferer immediately— ; depend upon it ; there is no mis tak»»'about it. not a j mother on earth who has ever ; used it, xvho will not tell you at j once that it will regulate the bow els, and give rest to the mother, j and relief and health to the child, j operating like magic. It is perfect I ly safe to use in all eases, and -"ï prescription of one of the oldest ' and best female physiciaus and 1 nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents aboutie. PRieKLY I ^4 w m BITTE The majority ofthe ills of the human bo,It/ arise from a derangement of the Diver, affecting both the stomach and botrels. In order to effect a cure, it is necessary to romore the cause. Irregu lar and Sluggish action of the Bowels, Headache,Sickness at the Stomach, Vain in the Back and loins, etc., indicate that the Liver is at fault, and that nature re quires assistance to enable this organ to throw off impurities. » Pricfcly Asti Bitters are especially earn pounded for this purpose. They are j mild tn their action and effective as a eure ; are pleasant to the taste Hid taken easily by both children and adults. Ta ken according to directions, they are a safe and plea sa n t eure for Dyspepsia, General Debility,Habitual Con stipation, Diseased Kidneys, etc., etc. As a Blood Purifier they are superior to any other medicine; cleansing the system, thoroughly, and imparting new life and energy to thein vdid. Xt ia a medicine and not an intoxicating; beverage. ASK YOBR DRUGGIST FOB PRIEKLY ASH BITTERS, and take no other. FBICE, »LOO per BotU-3. MEIER BROS. & CO., - SOLE PROPRIETORS. St. Louis and Kansas City. Mol P3-C :• Oil 18a S1RI P for recent or chronic Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Irritability of the Larynx and Fauces, and oMicr Inflamed conditions ofthe Langs j and air Passages. Prepared «ml sold bv JOS. T. THIBODEAUX, Druggist, Thib daux. La. — S. T. Grisamcre Las ttacu s i i.nsonnr uus uacu WASHINGTON LUTTER. A little color in Congress. The Public Printing. A big Wiiis key Lobby. [From our Regular Correspondent.] Washington, D. 0. May 2,1882, Lite Re j » in majority in the louse has been increased by two oles. Mr. Lynch colored has ' U tue Acr,,uo,.cau >u,r, "'Vh "°' V , i 01 y hv of the colored race H, Çon gross the only one that has been .a congress since Senator Bruce, d.ssissipiu. who iert il.e'Senate more than a year ago. Tho new r\ seated Congressman isa UiUj .(to ot very bright color, with a lace that is deep led ly more Cauca -mn than African in its features. lie argued bis own case with great abiliiy, and received the en ire 'oteof the Republican ma ji'i-ity and one D« moeratic vole, hat of Mr. Ellis, of Louisiana, and was sworn iu with great (■•monstration of applause horn noterai Chalmers, ot Mississippi, bus, reducing the Democratic ote by one. and Wild'adding one o the Republican vote. Mr. be Repu hi can side ot the Louse lhe Democrats lose one ot their readiest and most brilliant debat ers in general Chalmers. THE post OFFICE APPROPRIATION The Douse on Saturday adopted ï he report ot the Conference coin mittce on the Post Office appro priatiou bill. A number of mem bers were very decided in tlie ex New York the benefit of this ser vice, the appropriation should In struck out ailtogether. Mr. Robe sou, in the course ot his teiuaiks, said very distinctly that he voted for the conference report wiili the nuderstauding that the other great cities besides New York were not to be deprived of their share of the appl'opii 141011, anu 11 the Postmaster General should do this he would violate the spi rit and intent of the law making lhe appropriation JVJr. Springet said the appropriation for tin great railroads bnt he did uot add that two of the great rail roads only have, up to iliis time, had had any appreciable share of the api>fopi tation. Mr. Robesons remarks were drawn out by a 1 ■tatemeut ot Mr. Caswell that the pression that, unless the other great cities wcie to share with i | Postmaster General did not iu tend to make any new starting points, but to hold on to N«-w York as the great centre ot the universe. THE PUBLIC PRINTING. A new Public Printer has been appointed, and this is a local event iu Washington that is cou sidcred of quite muclbimport.iuce by fifteen hundred employes, and thiiee that number that is dependent upon them, as the appointment of a cabinet officer. „Important changes are expected in the manage incut aud personal of the office. »Since tin* | wav. the public public priutiug j has cost the Government not less tuan $54,000,000. ïae Govern nn-nt Printing Office is by tar the ........jlioin largest establishment ol lhe kind iu the world, and a more caretul management ot it would save more than a million annually to the Government. The main tea Min of the outlay lies in .the tact j () j t [ !t . practice of CollgleSS Ol der iug the printing of voluminous and utteily worthless documents that find their way, by the cart ioadsj to the pulp mills. THE WHISKEY LOBBY merchant princes The whiskey from all the large cities ba^p been 1 hoverng about congress for, weeks urging the passage «t a SS ,*««1 .»«wW .h» lime that whiskey can remain in bond. By means and methods best known to wealthy lobbyists, thes have made such headway that thev claim a nu jority in the Semite in favor of their bill. The effect of this measure will be to to reduce very seriously the reve ones of the'Government. I« i s believed that the President will veto the bid, if it shaii be passed il, the shape desired bv the Whis key Lobby. llun;an ^qfitiring Relieved. Intensely seveie headaches, con stipatioti of the beweis, deficiencu of bilious secretions, flatulency, unsteadiness and weakness of __ __________ ____ ________ _ ; tnuscuiar power, lowness of spirits despwuiency, heart flutter mgs, nervous debility and weakness Influence of newspapers —A school-teacher, wlro bus been a long, time engagetUltr "Uls pro fessfurtr aud vit né sled the infiuen ce ot newspaper oilU' fi,ududs ol a family ofehildreri, * Yvfites as follows; I have fou-id iùto be a universal tact, vithoilt Axt p tion, that those .-chobrns of* both sexes and adages, who l^rVe ac j C0ts rie ^ pi ,^. at bome whea , Jiti tiiose, Ä^ave 1 IIOl 1 ale • . . , 1 First,-^Better readers, excellent; in prohonneiatjou : ba\ T e read j lU()rö a ud uuderstandiugly. Second—Tiiev aw tattir »,»1 , , |d de| , - , , ith c J S e , . .. obtaiu practieff! kuowh-dge of geography^iu aU J most baif tlu , {Hne it requires of otl as tUe uewspnpt J g Lave lnade then, acquainted with the l!)calion of i^ poitanc ,,| ace8 of 1 * nature, their government, and doings on the globe. Fourth.—They are better gram mariants, lor having become so familiar with every style ill the newspapers,from the commonplace advertisements to the finished and classical oration of the states man Uley more lea(1)Iy coia . )re j Ueu{l the Iueaniug ofth e text 5 [ nd consequently analyze its construe j tio;i Wlth accurac /. Fifth.—They write belter com positions,.using better languauge, correctly expressed. fSixih.—Those young men who have for years beeu readens of newspapers, anu are always ta king the lead in debating socie ! ties, exhibit, a more exteitsive 1 knowledge upon a greater variety of Htibjvcîs; aud expresâ thedr vimViS with greater fluency, clear ness ami correctness. Heaven's First Law.—I t is absulutely detuanded that the mental and physical laws of our nature should lu* kept in equili brium. System and order must be recognized as fundamental; any depat titre entails sickness, disease and death, as penalties. To be healthy, beautilit! and tdloy ant, the whole constitution must uiauitain regular action iu aR its component: parts. ATeinale who imprudently exposes herself' and becomes prostrated with head ache, [iaia in the back, feyet, ir regular or suppressed monthly ac tion, with constipation and loss of appetite must be restored to régulai action, must be revitalized recuperated at once, and for this purpose nothing equals Dr: Drom goole's English Female Bitters. It is prepared expressly for all such diseases. odans, La. — Now that dark nights are approaching buy one of those splendid Lanterns hi Grisatnore's Stove Depot? Neither wind nor rain can blow or put them out. | j . • . . . V'S over them, mistake« ^ lazlI,ess ; Dan ger lurks m these aymptoms, an they arise diseased organs. Parker's Renew Your Lease. — There are times in every one's life whea energy fails and a miserable feel Ginger Tonic will restore perfect activity to the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, and rent vv your lease of heallh aud comfort.— Advocate. Society Belles.—O n account of its remarkably delicate audlast ing fragrance society -belles are loud in their praises of Florestoa Cologne. A Couoh, Cold or Scro 1 Throat should be stopped. Neg J«-*ct frequently_results in an ln a curable Lung jsi&ease or Cotuyvip !tfcjBowps I IXOLHLH uo not disorder the | stomach hge cough syrnps und J balsams, but act dirmly on the : '»finned part«, a» aviug irntatioo, ; .- 1 ' r» Uet til Asthma , Bronchitis, i Gouyhs, Catarrh, and the Throat to j troubles wkteh hingen and Public | Speakers are subject to. For tliir s i ty years Brown's Bronchial Tr ! «des have - been recommended by pbjstcians, and have always giv '' u l Hltect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire genera* tion, they have attained well trieri ted rank among the few staple ro medics of the age. Sold at 25 ents a bo* everywhere. of OP ES.—No ■TTIE dan _ Brights DffiJEASEK ; Kidneys, SHAbETES. I thefe diseas»-« if ^00 use j Hop-Bitterly bwfci, bait»* the Subscribe to the Ss^ïdtei,