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^g^UAùr.-i^ ' ■. r v. uw*i4-.^ tïcrtne of - Subscription On« y<?!»r [in advance! ........53 UO within 3 months____ 3 50 " C " .... 4 (Hi On-* Copy................... 10 'f'SAX'CAN. Pro'r & Business Manage rnu.:sar.n hvkrv Sati kdatf. ...... .... yMiiîIüg <JThib odim.At £fenttneL' JOURNAL OF THE —AND 9™ SENATORIAL DISTRICT. I _ J«f. M2S2I lêkt I Î < * i.:ilos»jThf îl 1 ? e> ï 5 i iil » $ i K. VÜI XVII. * ü i \u SATURl>.\ y. Ma Y J 88: ci ,vüLifcU}iag SQUARE (OF TEN U.\f,; finsertion................ $1 V>ù and insertion.............. 75 Sch subsequent insertion ... £0 liAN'aroATE.s ............... OFFICE*, (borner Gr en md T evoe S'iee•*. NO 4 S o«sl .a »äs. IV dors for Country Work. Either yfeia or Fancy Roofing and at: the, lowest rate.. Refer« to ,1. DAVIDSON 6t ro!,or AI.KXAADI.K HIl.L, .jM-H-ly. 1ÎO Cnrouilnlet Street. levait & Davidson, fEfttablished in 1827. WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. 110 Caronddet tit. New Orleans. ^ILI. BE PLEASED TO TAKE OR »AMC i. j iJiisox, **• Scw <M "" u fSEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT —and— DEALER IN ditfir Lime. Plaster, Hear tu! ale and Western Cement, ^fxtnto'- * ojr— SUGAB UM1: ^ tIENRT IlnvuRD. il. K. TIII8KKO HOWARD &THIBERGE Architeots, 13...... Commercial Place, ......13 NEW ORLEANS. F. Haukbk. C. H. Suvt.v. BARKERS SEVEN, Former Clerk» of SKVIN & GOUliDAIN, ami of F. P.SEV1N, *Commission Merchant. A \ i> DK ILK U IN A I.t. i;iN]tS Of vToimtvu l)roïm«.iFS?2 * ^ COTTON SUOAR. MORASSES. Bice, Potatoes, J'gc-. Homy, fues tra.r. TitUoiC. Wool, Hides, Boss, Poultry, life. Lie., l.iU' j".«I tilvant > s Hurte «n rnntiigusm 5 - *> No. lid, Decatur ;.'ieel, Ai;w 'MiBEANS. It Merits Your D.ilroutigc. IlllCRIlt. ÏSiLirï'UTÏ«.^ IV PRICE, Accoui]»allied with VAST 1M PROVEME NTS. -THE New Orleans Democrat Published Daily and Weekly, AT rOLT.OWING RATES DAILY, seven [71 papers per tmS Por annum... Six tuontlis........ Turee uiomlts.. .. .$10 0 . 5 u ' WEEKLY' I published Saturday moruin;,* 0 i'<tt .............................. «..^1 .»0 ■> ,, Six aiuie.k»........................... <•> Thrci uiocth»........................ «K» iu clntM of t«u (10] and ove: pme to ÿel ter-u|i of club), euch snbscritier per auninu Ia all'R i»9Btage prcpakl lu oftire. To newsdwtlera uud uewsb<»xs, Uuily amt «Kiek I v, g 10c j>er copy. free, ea request. With uews, literary, family ami agrieultu ral cleparuueuts equal to that of any other paper published in the. South, it materially excels all other* in its market», comroeleial *ud iodustrisl review« anti political de partaient*. Address THE DEMOCRAT, New Orleans. La - Th« Grunow water Ete Y^tor. ; AT ATENTG1V UATJIIS ARM WVlkK lil.FVtrui! AT •»W Kid If KAM" ms: FOI.« I.OWlüq KEÜI LIM WtBi: OBTAINED. 403,000 Gdtont of Water teere raised rti feet per hour ici It o' H eiglit-horse power **U* n ' \ ! The Vi'iiter-wheetfe \vro t,-ot diamete äldsix inch face, an is somethiugenttiely new. Krtnn resw'.ts otjdned and the ehettp _ _ _ s* 11 nnsg anddurabiiity oi< ll6 utaoiiine, it can not fail to be of intetv t tu t hits<- having draina rainage or irrigation Mo. THF MACni.vb V'^L RUN DAILY AT WEST END fl oui s dock until dark, Circulars do» crip live o. he machine will be Usniwi at an early day.v ör particular? ■*»>.' ;Sk ME«* * «ME* 5 81diu ' * L Mon >trrt '* i Frit* .«»liiX-e, [Pat. for La] »rbllll-^Ariiacial onr _— Dkalkk Ik—— fi&wth Hirer and German ■Mrh^ntcnd e^Uind avl Nos. 208 and 210 DELORD Si RE - » aus. FIKK UStRAÏCii. OEO. W. SQEIUE8, Thü. 0 , 1 , —Agent of the— i Continental Insurance Co, of New York, Assets, 83.888.710.45. \ Fire Association of Philadelphia Assets, *4.312.270.35 London Assurance oj London, As sets, $1.287.503. Will insure Sntiar //.«,«. v..... lings. and Merchandise aira'iimr **' °'7 F;re at lowest riles g " iu8t **"• by uue-iiMl-ly. ! i p. HOGAN, : Corner Jack,™ ...... Sts. Thibodaux, La., K E S a SiS;S'- v ox Rs>:n * ! Groceries, Provision«, i ILurdicaicJSiieet, Par and Holler F on. Paints, Lead, Boiler fiv cts, Gas pipe and fittings Barb IVj're, Tools anti Plantation Supplies of all descriptions. Sept-*24-3l-ly. t liai'les J, Barker, Notary Public. Attends promptly (<• aii businos» p.-riain to suit) ofLeu. iVill also aüeiut t.< » ei#l Ipcmoiip*. OlHcu nt his resitlcuce Jjookpuit 1'«Irish of Laiotncln*. tH'l-Jä Pll(KtM> « «. RIOFFMAft*, Denier* in TV RE, Hardware, l'aint«, Oils V* ind.i'v glri-n. Wall-paper. Liiue, Sami »■aster, Cement. Metallic, rotte vveoil, itnuii walnut Collins, tils,» cypress r, Lem. tatiou (.lack i coldtis Binde (o order, &.c. &e . oaucctiuii A. 11 UofFurAKS, Caf Ifaltcr and Rci.ajrcr ol all kiit.i^ of fur i**. Mam Hirec.r, t7d l v Ret.Iaekscn and St Philip BfiiVTAIi NOTICE. III !l»Pt J. »rillet. inj:« riTri ly T J. p.ifCItE, DENTIST HAS LOCA d «. < tiled in lovrn perm au ally nrul will perform all operatioué appertitii'diig to his protci.Mc.ii a at very mod.-' .it t price.-t. lie will also practice tu the surroumtiDg country atm at,joining l'antdtes when calli.d 1er (,!!ice: Corner, of Market am! Marengo Si-. The heut uf ref.uvut-e given. Louis Gusli John 0. Leveri ?.. C. Bu h BVNH A LDVERT. t'ollou mul Sugar Ï "sictors. <1 General tv.mmipiiion Merclinnta. 11 It 1 I Pc 'dido Street. N. (> PATENTS ol.tcineil for newt uveuti»ns, or for iniprnv meuto iu old one». Caveat», 1 ratio Mirk aiul all patent btisincs» promptly attended to. Inventions ilmt have been rejet**«*«! may »till, tri m >si e;.se ii y f liei i^Y''soxèï^lï«-Ix. v tan «mtr, |mtent» ia ie»s I iiue t liau lliti ____ PM, O' IM enietl I» _/ it», lifitij; 't|iitit»iît' tie- s. I'a tl in !*;«*«-» t kin».* uioie from Wa»li:rgtou an- 1 who mu»t tie pi'tiil, upon the mails if all ta'iuisaetioi.» with the Patent Otliee. When inventors semi luoiiet or sketch w - make search in the Patent < Uliee untia<ivisi ns to it» patentability//w u/ eAarj,e Com » pomletiee eotuhlenlinl. prices lew, ami n«> i'liai'xe unless palen l 1« ole faiitcü. We rolee to lion Posftua ter General D. Officials in specially to clients at every State of the Union ami Canada. For special references, terms, advice, fee.. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Ou.ce. Washington, u C LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Agricultural &&d Mcchamcal Csllsp 8 • BATON ROUGE, LA. f'oi. ¥Vm Preslon Johnston, nsr.sniEXT. Session of .Vine Months Bujii-s October 5, last. Healthy location. Free tuitioij. Board. lotiging. medical expenses, ike., $16.00 per moutn. Cheap uniform. Full corps ot competent l'tole"»ors. Wovi shop "f aie cha.iieul Department iu speration- Milita ry discipline. For iiu'tbsr particular», tij) plv to . *— w "• — » HO USE and SIG X PA IN TEE Glaring, Graining and Payer Hanging a Speciality. riment in operation. Mi For inrtbnr particulars. PROF. L. W. SEWELL. Baton Rouge. L JAMES A. HARGIS, A LL ORDERS ADDRESSED TO HIM IA at Raeeland. La., or to Lu lie h. t-f Blanc, Thibodaux La. will be promptly at tenden to. Cct-8-Sl tende« to. Oct-S-H-ly. .— _ D „ V01I „„, , and c bini!j(*y that WÜI rot blThk t Ij #t Ö ' ^ Oiiteîiii cic' ÏÎOî K»^, trVrfc/<»f <Â> r ce G'h n fét)i i ! ',t. i ■ V»:'} » IS ma w°in £2 il FÆ & ÈÊ 3 S mml '»il i "ip ii" * •-Li. Cor. Main and St. Philip Streets, . HlliOpAl X, Lv. IJ KFP eonst.iiitly on I ». hand a tarne and emu piete assortment of B' XE JBUEI, \ WA rCIlKSÄ CLOCKS lu coauoetiou with rlie above t ari a! variety of . O test pistols', Potrder, t'iirl ridges, IfihitOtg Materials A ! c . Tiie C'denuted "ELGIN WATCHES" Poust;inti\ on lr.ind. —A LS< >— The NEW AMERICAN Sowing Machine. —,»n;>— LOT OI' ACCORDEONS. tSU Wt«,tidies. Cloeks, Jewelry. Hewing Maeltinea Fire arms. Ä e., earefuily rejtaireii ami guaranteed A full stool; oi attaeii inents.uil and needles for all kind of S wing Ma chine, can be had by up plying to . \. BMCRO.V. Corner Main ami St. Philip street. jam 10 ' n K I ö 33 5 s SiJJ LOUISIANA in nil iiii.lp lâlf Ilf, SOÎ.SOS, 30.», 307 «i.1»' ier "V KW OKDE.V >7K. nsi a pi mu R OBEI T i s 4 (' 0 . Prunripiors t i Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mold,lings. Flooring and t'oilii g, Neve's balusters, etc., always on li.tiiti or made to ordei. Orders piomptlv attended to. Se*«.V IJ tsJSitSlA. t^ it .' Y Y n r . Sp iSM>y *[ n fö y >:î iS! -y i H Kl S à Se|;8 N'.Y ÎMnSË: m LL f-i ü= o fe- p . m f, ^ . .-js s s dfoiija « l'îgs ; m* ilia Wm mMM éMÊÊÊM ■i%i K tHT t: i£Si 5» r,1 ?iSN u » *; x ' O Ui4 •" ^ c. ift y m F\ w » < Ë3 SB) CD H co s » o •d i'jcSwg pM ,1 «igis! Mjî »wiilii*"5 ä ,»;» iK .- , êtJÊÊ^éoiîU ''Wlslgg >!S ¥ » WffgiE-ä C Jit * «Kl V 1 W! GEORGE ERIGER $e CO Wholesale Carriage Manufacturers _IW oat Him azi: 2« F! "H « :©0> i _ :e j •Sfî ft 7T\ ■3 »J ws 5SO* Ï : - OFFÎCÎÏ AMD FACTORY BGor. Court end 5ycomo?o £t3., *__JM ■■■■■ « ! H IM -- ---------" " .......... — CêMC!«3NâTS, Ohio,' ltuy the Celebrated YALE à JUBILEE ORGANS. TM j?« a» fiL «• ^St£StSSi. SlSS ** Oroah m iho world. jnsw EâVEH^OAH «)., > gf l « UJ • • a O G V— CC3 ■SE Ü £rises ii LI 11 fe- j CL l: Ml LU Si CL C£ a S-U (S 9 ~ ci: Lai rr YD Q o CL IMA 3« g£ > IJLJ Uii G o or 5 5 ^(3 £* oC LB - r-J id a C \— O <S W 'A tn <E~ c a mn 09q o 111 h z < & mM K. 0; o <; i! 5 s M P* « > O -j UJJ 3 o u. m MAC • LAN QUE, T^niil.v Groceries, j INES. LIQUORS, Etc., j Xo. 231 Poydras St. Cor. Dryades, New Orleans. j Country "'rtl«'^ !»r..inpti r At tondfd to. j Goods delivered to landings nr de pot free of drayage. j SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS — -AIM »PTED BT THF— Parish Schott! B bir-t. for the usk of the Pub He Schools, —For Si H* !> v— •5o«. S'. Tliaboiica 5x. Orders f ter boohs prom pt h; fiff at Publishers Prices. Taper. Pens, Inks, Slates, Penc!!s^ r "* and Time Book. En/t!epe$, Gjfi Crayons &c., A T MODEM ATE I'M? 'Irl.ilK' fui Gtîscot^* rt t 2 OTT etioJ , feaclier». fis. j ! j • ! j J i iTUf «rhîhrtd p «Î-'WC »♦ ; j - VST (.until <.f the iu i/eti tun-tm »iet rlel OFFICIAL i(TüÄN/ T 0P THt PARISH ÖF LAFOURÇK^ 3 *^E TOWN OpfHIBOOAUX. !>llice : Cap Green & L»vee Sts. -f'.'.i KVKI-.V SATCUCA V s.T," ÏÎÏSaMORE Editok. t PmV ioShfrv Î i?2ot!sers l ! .TSoDicr* !!! ; Are you uisturhed at night and Atokcii < fyuur n*st by a sick child '».(•tbuing uu*l crying with the ex 'd j ! i ! i ' Business d a linger ! 1 • | v»'<-i<-.ting pain.d cutting u*etl, Ï j lt so * b'° '« Net a bottle j . , L will reoeve tue ;>>f Mlf. W INFLOW'S SOOT He INti SYiHJl f»oor lii t le sitff'.'.ft immediately— depend upon i< ; there is no mis ,niv'- ebe.ot it. liiere is not a mother on earth who lias ever nsed if. who will not fell you at one. that it will regulate the bow * Is, and give rest to tue mother, and relief and health to tin* ebild, i operating like magic. If is perfect 1 ly safe to use m all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest presonpuon oi one or tiie ol ''»»'l best female pliysictans ."."—.i and everywhere. 25 cents a bo* 'le. PRIGKLY N 9^ BITTERS The ma,}orily of the ills of the human t:odif arise from a derangement of the K.iver, affecting both the stomach and boieels. In order to effect a eure, it is necessary to remove the cause. Irregu lar and Sluggish action of the Boteels, Headache,Sickness at the Stomach,Pain in the Baekand Loins,etc..,indicate that the Liver is at fault, and that nature rr q vi res assista nee to enable this organ to throw off impurities. I*rlc&ly Ash Miîtei*»a»*ee»p«etrtlljr compta ended for this purpose. They are mild in their action and effective as a cure; are pleasant to the taste tnd taken easily by both children and adults. Ta ken according to directions, they are a safe and pleasant cure for Dyspepsia, General Debility, Habitual Con stipation, Diseased Kidneys, etc., etc. A*« Blood Purifier they are superior to any other medicinef cleansing the system thoi vughly, and imparting new life and energy to thr in valid. It is a medicine and not an intoxicating beverage. ASX VC-BR CROGGIST FOR PRIGIIT ASH UTTERS, and take no other. KUCE, *1.00 per Bottle. MEYFR BROS. & CO.. • SOLE P»OPRIETOR5, St. Louis and K«iwm City, Ho, Pi.C ©f« »L SI'15UP for u ceu i or «-i.iouic Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, 1 1 riiability* of the Larynx and Fauces, and other inflamed conditions of the Lungs and air passages. Prepared and sold by JOS. T. 1 THIBODEAUX, Druggist, Tbib ! daux. La. — S. T. Gtisamote has trace », plow shales, plow bandies plow beams, haines, single trees double trees, backhands, [»lows, spades and shovels for sate. WASHIIMGTOjr i!lTr£R - 11 brk in the house. The tea y Bill. ,11»»« in the j fis' shin Bail- i .fonkUngand the\ Cabinet f'„i au 1€ *ti be hanged, i r ,;/-<o,espo, oient] 1 f. romourÿ 1 1 j W ii'litito to/ • ' "' This l„.j/L"' 'lind Mtoiday «»• | i he moil/. ,b " session nt the House N /dev«ted to action up- j on inotijr SI !, S * , ' 1 '! J< t le ndes ! i'pr tIie/ SM1 » e hills. j Tf/" Iu exiet.ii the charters j llt , } »0(1- Mat, bauks will be ta ! lo-„/ b—iio.irow, and at, efiort , wil/^ to reach a ünai »ote. j, / ot probable, however, that will be passed btfore I'lesen ted. foe RcjioUiic;,!! caucus has de '■' , b'd > 'tM*a!l up a number of cm \ tested eiert ion cases during WC k, a nd I he Urn n nlu:.u> c-atest ; anus will piobabiy be sea.ed. • ht>;. louions committee ; " ul soon be to ask conside ! talion for the Pension' bill, and , 'the Legislative, Executive, and j Judicial appropriation Dill, both j ol which imve been perfect«»d by j 'Î "■ |, " , " ,ll! r' il " ,1 1 ' vii !JR-obably b, leponed to the House on j Wednesday: * The Senate. Th(' five jtcT cent, bill was tak en up in the »vSeiiate to day. It provide» tor the payment to the valions public land states ot five per centum of the value of the binds reckoned at the Government minimum price which have been located by soldiers' scrip or bouu »3 1 bind (variants within tlietr re spective boundaries. When this bill and the Board of Health bill shall have been disposed of, an animated contest for precedence may be looked for among the re spective champion» of the Bank niptcy i«i!l, the Geneva Award bill,and tiie Eads Ship liailwav bn,, .he claims of all whi-.h bate already, on several occasions, been urged for immediate conside i K , ration. Tin* prospect for the pus sago ..f Mr. Eads' «Ship Railway bill is not bright. It is difficult wiihont actual (lemonstiatiou, to prove the IViksability of transport iug loaded ships across the Isth mas. Demonstration in this cast very expensive experi meut.. ?dl. Eads is opposed by the gigantic monopolies that have railroads made or planned across the continent, and als.» by the friends of the Lessens Cmiai ! S me vt*iy eminent. Eugiueeis be lieve in tin* feasibility of the un «lerotkiiig. \\ bib* ofliers insist that flu* Wring and shaking to winch a s!ii\jr would be subjected through transportation by rail would make her unseaworthy. The opposera of t« is argument urge that the shaking on a rail road prepared especially for ship transportation w o 111 *. 1 not be as trying to the strength of a vessi 1 u» is i he rede iinichineiy with vvliicli eveiy -bipi» first launched, and they mg-, .with much plaosi bilil.v, lhat a ship iuiii! to endure the loiigi» treatment ot wind and wave will iisi on these cars as in a 11. » fl»or. Surely this is a won erfu!'y progre»sive age, and it is >oi impossible that before Les »epscuuioletes his Darien Canal, or turn.» centra! Africa into anotb er Médité a aseau. we may see ships mo' ing across the Mexican i limn . over track of inimense width, sup oiled on gigantic . nek», and diawn by engines of Inpeiob'ous strength. There are rumors, which, liow ver. can le traced to no anthen ic source, that Mr. Conkling will ne » flV-r« (i the poiffolio of the .Sei; te'ary of State, and that the pies eot Secretary, Mr. Fivlinghuysen, will be mad»* minister to England mstfiiil uf Mr. Lowell. Guilt auV applm! was lengtliilv ^ •tritiiMl I.,fore'he Cumt id taAl last week. Xo decision' will be! rendered until the 22d. ot May, luif tl;»* dec-sion of the Couit be low will be affirmed, and Guilteau w ill be hanged on Friday the 30th of June, just one year, lacking two days, from the date of his .-rune. • ------ - ------- j —She attended a ball—danced 'Oil litte hour—became overhea! ! ed—went home thinly clad, ill a ' .'Old, da nip night all, and caught ■ cold. \ext day—headache —loss of-appetite—slight fever—dry skin ' . 1 1 , . , J pains and aches—chilly sensations ( —iudlK! Oeition to get up. Kemedy . -»one boni» English Ft il.aïs levs prepared for such eouditious, ____ ^ " SOCIETY Belles.—U n i CCOUUt «I H» ivwiiitablj «»lb.».last ng fiygi.nicc sovitty bi les fire o:»d inlheir praises of F.oreston Cologne. " A Couoh, Gold or SorG Throat should bo so pped. y eg- ^' ct fretfneutly results in an In cum ble Lung Disease or Consump tl ™i BllOWX'S BRONCHIAL IhOCHEb do not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the {inflamed parts, al!:mng irritation. give relief in Asthma, Bronchitist Coughs, Catarrh, and the Throat Troubles vvkteh 7 Ingers and Publia speaker's are subject to. Fortbir ty years Brown*» Bionchial Tro ehes have been recommended by physicians, and have always giv perfect satisfaction. Having ® medics of the age. Sold at 25 on is a box everywhere. been tested by wide and constant _______ Bailey's Saline Aperient.— 1 This tin*article has growu into rapid favor with the people, the masses, and very justly too, because the pro piletors wer« iibeial enough to of 1er it at one half the pricoWh ar tides had been heretofore selling at. It is placed at 50 cents per bottle so all can afford to use so potent and pleasant a medicine jltisa charming purgative, -well adapted, to summer use, as rt [cools the system, ' 1.... ...... 1 .....' " cleanses the stomach, opens ihe bowels and un ioclv.s the liver, while it is one of the most pleasant beverages in use. For immediate cure of Rick headache, heartburn, etc., it has no equal. PEt TOkTiTsYRI P for recent or chronic Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Irritability of the Larynx and Fauces, and other Inflamed conditions of the Lungs and air Passages. Prepared and sold bv JOS. Ï. THIBODEAUX, Druggist. Thib odanx, La. Renew Your Lease. — There are times iti every one's life when energy tails and a miserable feel iug comes over them, mistaken for laziness. Danger lurks in these symptoms, as they arise from diseased organs. Parket'« Ginger Tonic will restore perfect activity to the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, the blood, and rent vv your lease of health uud comfort.—Ad rocafe. — Now that dark nights are appt oaching buy one of those *»l>b*udul Lauteins in Giisamcre's Stove Depot. Neither wind nor rain can blow or put them out. Parish School Board, SESSION 28. Ttiibfitiiux, L» , February if.;- 1SS2. *i In* I'ari»ii i'oani otSeboei Directors me lb.» day a! I «V-loek P. M. in tiie office of .Ii * .or» um} B:i.J. aux. Present: liiuleuux. Ragan, Winder. An rein ami Gri»amore. A'o»»!it : tilaaehard amt Barker. T be minute» oi the lust seesiou wore read unit api'riivi il as lei-onb ii. A .petition irom die inhabitant« of tbe Giieilr.v neigiiborliood was read, requesting die Blind to appoint August Cretini as I limipul of tliefunedry sc boni, eu |nmtior of Mr. H inder Mr. S. Cretini was assigned to the Guedry »cbool. A pi litio'. oi citizen« of Longueville ask ing for a school to lie established at laingito ville was read which was laid on tbe taW; without action. A statement of S. Love, teacher of the Kacelaml school was read, asking for au a» «istunt in said seliool. The examining Board wa-> directe«! to examine certain -»p plie. mis «ml if they deem it iieeossafv, to place a competent assistant in »::id A bool Miss B. U; 1 Guiiiot sc B. Capelio was assigned to tbe Prüfen A petition of citizens residing on tbo left" Bank of Bayou Lufonrcbc it the vicinity <*f asking for a school to boot Lu La toute lie L'ro- »iu^ hp ltwated in rhe »» bool Louee ou ttcsiUv-a plantation während. The prsvtr of ibc're titioners was gtatited aud C. A. Angeron an pointed to Inc said ec.iool. * The siiperiutemient was directed to noii fy »••ccbeiK that, ia future, only such books as lins Board nas adopted must be. ) nicha» ed lor l lie Public schools. The loilov. iug bdts were presented Fol-e Benelii » iu St. Alary's School Mrs. ScUool. _ A. II dory's Setiool $30 20 Pi ecu sundries Bourgeois t'A golitsXcbooi. . ... c .. „ kiJi: 0 '""" Orisamore Stove and pipes Fat 11 on Total 43 (k. On motion en appropriation of Fortr three 9ë[IO0 dollars w as made ta pay the above, bills when the Beard a<!jcnrn. n. THOMAS A. BÀDKAIJX, „ _ „ President. S. T. Grisamobe, Secretary. SESSION 29 March 14 188* The Parish school Board*met this ffity at 4 O'clock t\ K. in the office of Moore ard Present: Badcanx, Ragan Aucotn and Ori»»more. Absent: Barker, Winder amt Blanchard. Mr. C. H. Morvaat waft assigned to th« Naquin School. Mr». Ellen Dunn was i'««igntd afc ass«.» Bin'ï'ftÂI An appUcMtidn for a rchooi cn the Ma » thews plantation wa* considered and C. fi, I MalhewswaftuuHloimdtoniaUethe necei. Mis» F. Hadley was appointe»! aseittai.t dincnc ww aubmirixiu iu mau« trie ; edjaurueci. , I Signed T. A. BAD EAUX. S- Î GEiiAJtiiJUL, Stettuy. Pr «*du»t