Newspaper Page Text
She iPUtbocUuix j&ntind J mi nut nT Ihn Ulh Senutoi-ml District ! OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBOOAUX. THE PARISH OF j Office : Corner Green »V. Levee Sts. I8SCK0 KVK1ÎY SATiatPAT S. Ï. G III SA MORE Editor. F SANCAÎL Pro'r A DnsinessMaiiager THIliODAUX, LA.. SATURDAY, JI NK 3 . 188 * 2 . JEdilorinl I traps. 1 —ZOEDONE exhilarates w ith out intoxicating. $ 1500 per year can be easily inaile at home working for E. C. Rideout i& Co., 10 Barclay Street, New York. Semi for their cat a lOgue and full particulars. —The Methodist Church on Jackson street is being repaired, something that was badly «»ceiled. —The attent ion of t ax payers is called to the notice of It. It. McBride State and Parish Assess •or, in anther column of this paper. —The delicate, emaciated and infirm lind perfect health, sure strength and youthful buoyancy iu Brown's Iron Bitters. —ZOEDONE clears and stimu lates the brain of the business Elegance and Purity.—L a «dies who appreciate elegance and purity are using Parker's Hair Balsam. It is the best article sohl for restoring gray hair to its ■original color, beauty and lustre. —Mrs: \V. II. Ragan, w ho has been quite ill for some weeks, left home last Saturday for Sour Lake Texas, m the hope of restoring her health. She has the wishes of of her inn ailerons friends that she may soon .return in good health. _Air. Richard Crowley, of Sa lem Mass. says: ''I can, from tpersonal "experience, recommend Brown's Iron Bitters as being a permanent cure for imligesciou, dyspepsia, sick stomach, painlui urination, etc. It really strength ens the whole general system. Its «effect is most wonderful. r-Maay persons will take no .medicine until prostrated on bed of sickness. This is folly. Na ture always calls for assistance «when needed to throw of impuri ties. With our habits of life, it is necessary to render this help. Prickly Ash Bitters will not force nature, but acts mildly ami tea ders the assistance required. Try (them. —I11 a discussion in the Legis lature, the other «lay at Baton Rouge some of the meiube*.s uni .mated that their colleagues did uofc know auything of the laws they were discussing. It has beou the opinion of many people that the members of the present Legislature know.very little as a general rule about the la «vs that «they make. ACClDENT.^iOu last Saturday, -whilst the workmen were engaged ■ «on the scaffolds of Brand & Le j gendre's new brick building, the supports gaye way, precipitating ! Mr/Doacet, white, and 8«, Just, and Fortune, colored to the ground, much ot the lumber fail ing on the men, Boucet ami Fot tune were badly hurt but are re covering. St. Just's injuries were painful but less set ions. 'This accident has caused work i •on the building to be stopped dm ^ug the week. I —The family of Emile Bugas ; •that was reported in last Sattir i -day's Sentinel as afflicte«l with i small pox, is passing through ! •their misfortune safely. Four of; them are now nearly or quite re j «covered, whilst the fifth ay«l last ! fOUC, who was taken died last ; night. The .confined to their their house, no rone being permitted to leave the premises. A neighbor sees that -every thing that is needed, i- got ten for them, The Piesideut of ,tho P-oliee Jury lots been lumi.-h iug them with food, medicines tmd a nurse. ws-W. H. Ragan, «me of the en iterplising wen ot Thibodaux has family has been 1 >• tmase. .... ! ________ _ ju*»t received a new brick majp° lUMfc Hsccivcu «I ...o I chiue, »lid designs to erect sheds ; at ouce, aud pioceed into the j ZiSStuA ... isick. ! ITis vard will be located just a ! . Ilis yard will bo bove the saw mill. This will be a business that has !>eeu greatly needed for many years iu this town. It lias often been the case that brick enough to build a tomb could not be had •without Uavjng them transport ,ed trom a distance. | Afr. Ragau deserves and Will re „mve the thanks ami custom of! the people du this vicinity tor -Ul . this new .enterprise which will prove beneficial to ihe public and ! Erofitikbleito thejtm^ptietqi;. A Trip. Wo arrived at Baton Ronge en ! Sunday April 14, at U o'clock 1'. j ^* "ben we weie caiitured by a good Brother, C. E. Chambers Deputy Grand Master of the I. (). O. E. and taken to his residence where a nice dinner was awaiting ns. Daring the afternoon Bio. Chambers took us out riding, with his wife and daughters, some live or six miles into the country which was a good treat, as riding over the hills brought to mind the memory of early «lays among the hills ol the West. Rali.m Rouge is improving great.. 1 l.v in appearance. The numerous old buildings that w ere to be . Il, r j^ ,s| ^ 1 l ,>l, ' sei'ii on «ivory square, a few years ago, have been repaired, new roots put on, ami the skill of the painter applied thereto. r l'he StattY House has been much improved iu appearance, and although not finished has many beuylitnl rooms completed.. The Representatives' and 8011a-. tors Hall are very handsome and convenient rooms well suite«l for the pin poses to w hich they are dedicated. Tim Governors' office and parlors are handsomely fitted up, large and capacious. The offices of the Treasurer, the Audi tor, the «School «Superintendent, the State Engineer and Mie «Secre tary of State are all ««omfortable ami commodious. The State House and grounds, when propel ly finished will he conspicuous objects, and fronting on the banks ot «he river will form a beautiful picture ami specimen of Archi lecture to the passenger on the river. Among other notable objects in Baton Rouge aie the State Un - versity, the Penitent buy, the «•enu ti-ries, and tins Barracks. * In tin* penitentiary then*, are not, many duellers as all the able bodied men arc out in the country building railroads. Northern Manufacturers have purchased the machinery ami ma ferial of the cotton .manufactory iu the building. This is now sepa rated from the huihling in which tin* convicts are confined. The spinning has just begun. About 7."» women aie employed therein. The Manager says that he was told, before (milling South, that he coutd nor get women work-in the manufactory, and that jSoulhcrn women could iiot learn how to handle the spimiles He finds plentv and tin* looms, of hands and finds that they learn as quickly as Northern women, and anticipates no trouble in se curing ami learning all the labor that, he may find employment for in Raton Rouge. t . No «»unis have yet been put to work, hat they will soon be placed *•* position. The Engine that runs all the machtnery ami spindles ,s «ane ot the Corliss manufacture nriul it is worth a trip to Baton 1 . Rouge to I see tt work. Limning with 1W> | ÄiKlTÄr"" vibration in-1 he buihiiag. This manufactory wi'^ prove a great benefit to Baton Rouge, fur nishiiig employment to 500 labo rers, principally women, and will also prove by its success time man ■ " 10 huihling j . . . , also prove by its success that man utaetones ate one of Site greatest promoters of prosperity and ad va «, cement in the «South. W„ are hamUnl to the manager tar kindness m showing us through Grand Dramatic Entertain ! ment.— The initial performance of the Evergreen Dramatic Club will take place at Waverly H sl n on Thursday evening June «Sth. i cast of characters : when they will present that grand society comedy, in five acts with magnificents<;ener>, entitled Lon don Assurance with the loilowing Sir Ilareimrt (biurtly... ..A. j. Lassei-m; ('iimji*.8 r.mrtiy ............... t. f a I lain jftVj;:;,:;;.:.;:......... ÏV"'i * Dai ' ,T iLu M.''iate ^sLnKiL^m Dolly Sparker..................I. L. L«*.m,mo ^"1;".................■' ! Lh.i.v «t;.v Si>.«.iu.*r........ mi»h e. Springer Ji;m,«ay.............Mis« m. r.miau V.'""; "V"""" — " ' T ^ M Jos. i ,a< ; ux s Gmg btore. 4 . Tiiis . Cillb '"''I itj} tl0n ot public for tiie approba an effort to furnish entertainment for their fellow citizens, ot which there so little in Thibodaux. Waver!**y II.ill should he iiiled e , ir V " ni "*- ÏI '"" WÜ " ÄÄ ,,ü -- O -- —Tin* Bayou continuesto fall slowly. From ail directions, n* r t s °f tin«) gtowing crops, count y ------------- » ........ B v, T o, iu™; di. The [mtatoe growers have had I, «nt, eh,.,.i by wllinK U,«-ir crops at trom turee to six dollars ! per barrel. eiauiONAL : to m;\ o>b,v : Thu Voat.vh; Hr.i.r L'u., Marshall, Midi., - Ill send Du. Urn s Fflkbkatki» Lleciiio Yoi.r.uc HÉ ash Elm tuiv Afh.ian« es on trial for thirty dnyr to men (young or oldj who are alHictad with Nervous Ddiil ity. Lost Vitality mid .Manlicod, and kin dred tfoubtes. g .laraiiteeing speedy and complete nstoratinti >it health and manly ^ j man N It—No thirty day s trial is allowed. ____ . \ — «ZOEBÖXL invigorates with iputrenctiot),, as.with alcoiipL Olltlcjw. - A late number of The Mcchani e<tl News contains a diagram of ; Cowdon's Outlet system. It is plain and comprehensive, proposes He hirst. To cut an outlet below New Oileans Iront the Mississip J pi river into Lake Borgne. | Secondly. To cut a outlet lroin Bonne Carre into Lake Pontchar train. Third. To cut three outlets from Red River below Alexandria j into Rayon.Pneu f, and 1 hence into | Rayon \ ermillion. - aa outlet F«.nrth. To make j from lieu river via Rayon Ibeuf, | by means of a canal from the vi einity of Ghem-y viilc into the Cal casieu river. These would probably have iihont as mrtch effect upon the floods tira t com«* down the Missis sissippi river as tin* opening of four Rico Troughs in Bayou La fou relie, would have in that stream. Admitting however that they would be made large «uiuiiglt to draw olf the surplus water the re! suit of the first outlet would he to fill up Lake Borgne with deposjtho it and overflow the entire coast, from the outlet to the Gulf on the East bank of tho Mississippi river; the second outlet would fill up Lake Pontoharfcrain with deposit ami overflow New Br ie;.ns and the entire country sur rounding that Lake ; the ïiiiril outlet's would overflow all the country along Bayou Boeuf, and Bayou Vermillion and fill up the Basin between tin* Lafourche and the Tcche : the fourth would in umlate the Calcasieu, ajnl all com hined wmihl not be a particle of service iu preventing the floods of the river, semi ir «lowti stream i *" :l hurrv, allowing no formation io!°* immense side liver to be preci P'tared into the river at points lower down, remove the bars from that come down tin* Washita Va! ley submerging the lands between the Mississippi ami the Washita rivers.. Mr. Cowdoi/'s plan >vill not do., « ;, * ï o 1 . , Little Spiillg ht, niches will not answer tor outlets to the Missis siooi River Rio- nnonni.»« hive , 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 " ( M»LUlIlgS na\ t «»cell tried frequently and they <h> not give satisfaction. f 1 .. 1 . i: 1 , . ( Oils, met good so id levees two feet aitove high water mark of 1882, courtu® the water to the bed ! tl"' river, make it of 1 j cnilorm width and depth, ami there will be no further trouble w ith liigh waters. —A grand lair will he given, in the beautiful park hack of the Catholic Church, on the 25th hist. 1 1 |„. m . t |lJOC «...ds'ot the fair will 1 t!ie brick which is to extend trom the corporate limits of the , 0WII lt , the Cat!.«,lie Church 1 . I A special excursion t rain will | foave New OHenns at 7 ocfock on "II'm,......TIM 1 will reacli Latourcfie Crtvssmg at ............... ....... ti he applied to Vlie' conïpfeïïon" of I about t) A. M. w liera a boat will b * in readiness to convey excur sionists up to the fair groumls. By tiffs arrangement excursion t ists w ill reach the fair «'rounds at, l ;ll)0llt p 4 A M Iiitlu-m, excur j s i wi trafns coming direct to town j Uy Wiiy ot tlie br ^ ldl n * d ^ | i^en delaveà until 11 A. M. at j Te.reb.mne Station, until, the reg alar trains had all passed, and .......... f ..... tlie excursionists \vere lande«! ! i l,elc at The «lelay i - * I 1 tl,1,s uetMisioned being a source of ! ! annoyanco t.. the excursionists 1 j will be avoided by stopping the j j t ra * n at Lafourche Crossing and | i trausteiriug passengers trom that ! j I»°Bit by boats. The steamer As ! | •sumption will be at the fait ' ! g'^'Dids at 8 P. M. and will con i vey the excursionists back to ! ^'•dourchc Crossing in time to ; L leave the latter ]>!ace for N«*w (),* i leans and way stations by » p. M i Father Menai «1 p-omises that I J the appraoching fair will be one j o( the gramlestmiml best ever -nv j I en here, and we all know th it ; what lie sa vs he means, and what ! i lm nieaus he tiivariablv accom ! |llislies . ^ - aLCO,U | A W Oman's Experience__ Mothers and Baiighters should feel alarmed when weariness eon stoutly oppresses them. -'If lam fretful from exhaustion of vital "I«' roiôr ' isVihl'ii'i': I I builds me up and drives away | with wonderful certainty."" j pain Buffalo lady. i «1 ----- ( ; _The States now is-no« .« «5,, day edition widch wiff 1 ■ » ^ b ! ! : S2«evlÄÄ '»ï.aîy"«^ I ! is ErEr j sterling paper. ____ ïhibo.iaax had a Steam Fire Eu giue iu ns«*, before the Franklin . i tes e,ver d teamed of getting one. Ä ti 1 P ■, . * success ot that Fire Etfine *in,i ,h„„ .wi,-; ,yn lot Of -, 1 'S? a i ÄmTÄ ll " b0,l "" X Wüy bless your iunoeent soul 1 i...'i . L,, .. t ; --o- p T .. Tv ., , p . c , into rxstacies overX to fire j F.ankli„ l,a 8 „„rd,asea » Ä ! Silk Culture.— T héophile ria rang Editor of Capital and Labor j lias Dee» devoting some lime and j attention to the study of the enl j tare of the silk worm, \\ ith c.onsitl erahle success. There can no I longer be any doubt that silk can J he grown here as well as any J where else. It is an easy andsim | pie process in w hich women can do all the work, as il is light and j cleanly, Mr. Harang w ill furnish any in j formation taut may be reijiiired : on this important subject. j From the best information that | can be obtainc«! the cultivation j ;ind raising ol the silk worm may ! be made profitable, j 0 " ! —James !'. Thompson,for some j time assistant Deputy Postmas ter iu Thibodaux has left, on yes j terday week for Bftyoti Des Alle j mauds w here lie expects soon to i be employed as night operator for i the Morgan Railroad Company, j shnuhl he smree«*«l he will proha j bly be the youugesfc operator on ; the r«*ad. From his attentive and careful! i habits he will very soon be one of most efficient, —Reasons why Bailey's Saline Aperient.shonld he used by all classes iu preference to all others. It is the cheapo.*! and most relia b'e purgative ever offered. It has stood the test and gained an enviable reputation whereowr used, it is the only large size aperient that selis for 50 cents per 1-olt-le. It acts iijioii ilie stout I aeh, liver and bowels, without nausea, gripiug or any trouble whatever. Its taste is pleasant ! d-s uctiou is mild and it never fails. It relieves sick headache, acid stomach and heart burn in stantly. , ï In tii« p;i 80-01 the Parish «1 L*i fourche vs. J tho Parish of iovn-Itinim*, tin« petition to j til«« Supremo Court for :« rehearing wasovor Tllis «t«*eisi.,ti upsets ai, .«nier of which has. tuieflv exist« •l for a )KS I rioil of sixty years. Till! people of Davon Blue wiil l.e hard to he made to believe I that ihev belong to the Pai-idi of Lofotircbn I uotwithstainliiig die décision of tin; wise i Salons of tbis State. ''Learning without ill ! i,îb ' ;îli ' y wi ' 1 ' out learning is a weak thing ."—Houma Com-i-icf. —The tacts of this suit to es ta Wish a boundary line are, that it has resulted in the fixing of the line precisely where it was 1 designed by the Act of the Legis * ' " ' ' lature defining the boundaries of the Parishes of Lafourche and Terrebonne. When the line was first located sixty years ago. there weie probably no residents on Bayou Blue. Whçn that ridge was settle«!, the settlers residing or. the West bank of that stream, be ittg in the limits of the Parish of ^'«Telwirne, began to pay taxes 111 said Parish. In a manner, to pographically separated from Lar fourche, tltose settling on tho East, banu «lid the same thing and all legal business and voting was done in Terrebonne by the resi dents of both banks" of Bayon Blue, up as far as the Acadia plantation. of the Police Jury of Lafourche. ... wh,eh NVi,s ' vel1 that the in habitants of the East Bank of Ba * voa BIre ' V( " re r ''»hlents of the Parish of Lafourche. This was done by tacit consent Me remember very distinctly 2,'> years ago when this question was agitated aud talked of in this ! Gy tl«« principal men and i î Il: ï fc ste,) ? wei>0 a,mut being taken I Té\ Mol»a t*.. ... ..... ! to ,,av,> tl . lose citizens pay taxes 1 a, . l< ! '' otc 1,1 ^t'om'che. The war j w ' !!clj * s !»iing up in 18(51 put• a | t° ''i j tiling ot that nature. ! ' ,at know mg that ! Î, rt sl I , ; ants Latourche on the ' 1 Line w«* re nearer the Par i !' 1 ° lerrebonue and that xvas niore convenient for them ; !° 1,0 ,h f r ! ^ {l1 l>l,si "«^ in Terre ,.* SOI «ne. than tt would be in Latour i' ste !' s l ,ave ever been tak I '* u to chl,11 ** l ' li,, ' position. Buta j v< * ars the I'olice Jury of j T^rebonne sued out an iiijime Uo 11 E - J * Gav Esq. ! to |,:1 - v tl,e taxes of Ids Acadia ! which had always been | paid ia Ldourch«*, to the Tax Col lector of Lafourche, and set, up a clai n to a large part of said plan iHtion. Herne the suit of the Parish of Lafourche vs. Parish of Terre bonne to establish tlie line be I V Tin'* Siipreù'i«' Court"' lias s TOl | ment years ago. That is all there j is in it. " tween the two Parishes. n. 1 The iipiiinating Sneer.-', of the ( Houma Cornier intended for the ^ ,1 I >r(;nu> Court are unnecessary. ! r,1( *- v (1 ° ,l0 t apply to the mem I "ï? f Ü "' t llw, *v !. U 'Kv are apj to flll . uu extent 1 Iry of tho Parish of .Terrehouim, XV llO S«*t UP il claim for lands ill ! the Parish of Lafourche to which :.......-v **v^ ".««..cini, iinii lel thiags alone as they had been! i »or sixty years, lliey ivuul.l ,,röb: e Hr tavo romaine, I just M ,| le j "?,T' , N °"' tüe leu< - r spirit ! of the Law must be carried out l..c j «insu m ijaiourche to which they had no title whatever ont j n' U ', $ """ '«*»Kl»»iinn* ! ÂÏ2 ÄÄ-'C bound/' ..«it j j "Wigwam" Siufday— 8 P. 2d. j Do "Club of Humbugs" met as I usual dis eve at do above boar, \ an pun takin his seat at «le en oh j <le bench de Parson splaiued dut he had herd remarks «legatory to de members ob «le club in ticku lar, an sum in general, an to pre vent any sich ni de near future he would take dis easiun to sur jess «latdey hau ober to de press ob dis little city a full count ob | deir «loins : j Be Crauk, stated dat «le idee j aguostiek to de fust principles i ««b de charter. Be Club, he sed, J hail been m zistanee sum years j au de members darott had always r* (I > o tjoyed dat selves, cause dev had limited speeeii,|au et wuz now* too previous fur to clmkc dem off. Be Owltlew up at «iuL, au loud dut de bump ob eouipreheusau on tie Parson's cranium wuz on a lebel wid «le facs in «le ease. lu de first place, dis club never wuz sheered t«> show up on «le proper casion : Ben agin, all do balance ob de grate family oi) Humbugs got darselves iu de papers, an et doneem good. Be Protess—sed it did —«hits ef of ' «ley didut git in umler de report on Cranks. Be Pardner—spoke up sayin dat he wuz ut.dcu ided on de «pies tion fore de gang, but, in* wnz willm an ready to vote wid de Profess on all motions—in tae. «ley wuz paired fur dis session. Be Parson den tuck a tresli chew, an opined «lat 3 ob de ma jority wuz iu tuber ob de clause as amended, an datiere elated de pint carried. Be Profess rose on a question ob ptivilage an asked «le Parson how long an how far eould he car ry a pi it l widoat ober-ilowiu i Be Parson hoped dat his icpu tashum iu «le club woo l counter ack dat sumation, an ef eny one else dniged in parxvu alitys, he wood bring dem be too «le bar ob de house.' Be Owl set jested dat de Parson put eut behine «le bar. Be Crank asked of dey ment a skeeter bar, he needed oue. Be Pardner, interjected «lat a har ob soap would be more j»ro priate. An de Profess sed dat debar'd him fniin cumin • iu dat time. Be Parson den qui red ef «le iTz itor wood be in dis eve— de lass meet in he let' long foie de «dosin hour, an as he. lit out «1er«* seemed to l*e sum grate wate prayiii «Ju Jiis mine. Be Owl, screeched, dat dar was no pray in bout «le Visitor. Be Crank taught maybe he had gone to sit up wi«I a ten ob hisn. Be Profess s«*d he had been*sit tin up wid er fur sum time, an de Pani tier diagnoeed et as a bad case. Be Parson related dat he one't know'«! a girl dat wuz so cole all de boys frooze to er. Be Owl sung out dat ho was quaiuted wid one dat wood'ntcum to de table cause de salad wasnt dressed properly. Be Profess beleibed dat she wuz a sister to «le one «lat wuz so iuo*lest, she woofl'nt pur. a watch i iu her belt pocket, cause et had j der an aetl «lat made time fly. I Be Profess, den proposed, dat . .1 ». «.II «.It *< i , | dey ail lend «!«• ciiia h in a body, j " bar «lev coni.I see some body. 1 )k Kiaul; niï,*i»,l ,i . , De Cniuiv offered t® put fur (le chib wen He plate nasse«] in- ,.f , ,, , ' . * . , G «te 1 ardner wood prowide | IU . t j e lunch alter de «levutions. Be Parti, waz agreeable to de foregoing, an after <ie Parson had notifyed de Club to be on hand at «le dance nex week dey filed out two a breast in de still, dark ni-te. In conformity wid d e under standiu above speeifyed. Witness dis day ut our Lord my signature: his PERU X mark. hands. Be Pardner sed et look'd cense ble ou de face ob it. Au de Crank remarked dat dey all seem'd wound up. Be Parson agreed dat sum ol> dem had to go it on tick. Be Owl look'd at his stem win ' ^ - B. Democrat «ieserves ; :l t»f credit for its ef ( ,orls to render itself the ablest ■ u< ' WfS l ,;, ! ,l 'V i' 1 the South. 1 increasing jp value ami 1 1,0,11 ,lav to (! h" lM '*.4 in f«l|' irra'rôîloving ! do - mU ,,lwn - vs a " l 've with its edi ......... ceedings of torials. but for * "*'*''* "«- » •''!*• l|Mtr IL is i ° XC< * ^ ,lolie ' a,J( * tills a va j long been pmcepti *' 5 ' s| nee thedays wlieu Lumsden > >'«'» the J'icayune, 1 '*» h ™*~'" r ........ . ...... " ith its '*21 hours of ahead of the I , llls been ' ^ ^ overllowcd Bis. ! 11 iS S,,1, P'.V D«ealculable, !!!;! î C „. 1, , li ': tt « 01 ' ol »ishiug sup ,. 0/ .„ 4 , .. 1 , 00 , utl1 a sierling, e ,Uuru "? b.,Pn>8«»rive n e ,v S ,,a|,or j «n« snoeess to enable it te ! exl " t - J. «*i «urn 1>l,t ! s aml il, f'>i''»nli(>u. ; f .,uVe of' '"ct, Mi - ,Zt j SÄ —The Supreme-Com t of Louis iana has decided, iu the ease of the Treasurer of St. John's Parish vs. Theo. Sehneaydre, that Po lice Juries have power to fix a tine upon any one for liding on the public levees in that parish. ZOEDONE is valuable as a remedy iu sea sickness. The action of the Republican House oi Representatives on Jdon . ,jay last was one ot the most* un scrupulous acts of tyrannical puw er that, that party has yet at tempted. o 1 It proves that nothin«'can be j allowed to stand in us way when j it puts on its liver, to serve the j devil. __ a . ° T, , ^ onr ^ etl banc upon " hu h the murderer Guitteau plac ed so much reliance has spokea llt ' hut Guitteau will bang on j .* '«tst riiday in June, and then 1^ h°pe«l newspapers will drop lbu vlli am. ef — -------- .. v j | t | a j a ; j j a PARKER'S HAIR BALSA»!.! The Rest, Cleanest f Keo snd most Kcpnonrical Hair LVcssin'j. Sever Famiofostore the youthful color to «:rey hair. 50c and $1 sizes at dru ggists. f F!creston Colore, i A new and exceedingly I fmjrrai-t nml lasting fi i.«e. Price 25 auiX \ï>c, | PÂMSSR'S lïüfâEî A Pitre Family SJsdicIns ft at Never Intoxicates. Ifyou arenmech Jiy Parker' If you are a lawyer ministe :hai;stcd by uiental strain o: net lake intoxic tin ▼ sticiul ker's Ginger Tonic. uness man or anxious cares da •abuts, but use Par If you p re v/astin r any disea; ERTONICal ___________ ö ___ will never intoxicate.* It ves ; it may save yours, j HISCOX A CO., 163 William St., N*w York. $0u } acd otw dollar £itjs, at all dealers iu :n«sdRiabS. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLiAR SIZE. A Card. Hull of Protwtor Fir«* Co. No. 2. Tue liiuli-i-si^noit coiiiuiitt«-«-. ut u rej;uliir meotins ot Protector Fin* Co. N.i, 2. !u*bl ou til«*. 2*iml «luv of M«« v, ! it«-n*l«y t«*i:<lt*r tl»<* tlnniks i.f s ; ;i<I oreuuizu :iou to ntl «vli.» <*«>utril«!i , .| to the »örce«.-. of saiti eoijH»nu v on tho oeension of their (>;« rail«*, unit in A part icuiur nuuilicr t» 1. Jj.i*.*u*s Luiii'n. Lneui'iti* ami Minnie UimiiuR.' tor their valunble e, r«ices iu «le - ■atinir the. ropes. !. To V . < CUl*il *; J" Mrs. I«'. H. AÜ, n, Frank Iloti'm.inn anil \\ ni. itrocktinfj, f„r tlio use of their horse- and carriage-'.. 3. To the TtiilioOHiiY S. C. B. for ttieir exoelîi ti! nmsié. 4. To Win. Brockiinft tor the limiutifel tun«-It w.iicli lie serveil to die eoini>auv (li ter the par.iUe. SAM ,T. HLUJI, Cliairiuau. A. J. I'Ll:IN. M FOIXTK HENT, JAS. E. CJlEBVEliS. T. McUOKMfCK, Fommittee. IXotice. Tlie umlersignM citizens warn the jiuhtic not to cuter upon or puss over their hinds situated he low Tlitboiianx or to coiuiiiit any tre.-.-jmss tiiercou, under the |n nallv of lie ing prosecuted to the lull extci* rtf tlie law. II. TETREAU, Widow Tli. liOUUG, E. W. BLAKE. COX(i. C. CHURCH, Pi»- L. \V. ÜLAKE, President. J. S. GOODE. Notice. Oiik'o State and Parish AWssor. > ■ Tlii'oodaux. June 3rd, ISs2. ^ I huivhy give uotico to all lax-payers of the Parish oi Latoureht* wiio hav«-. net made ici urns ol «heir assessments tor the j year Psg, to do so within ten days. Thirty ! days will he given for tho settlement of ail ! gii-vam-s iu Iieionlaneo with the revenue l \ lW I v ' i!1 at my «Dim *t tlie I «.our. Houselroui and alter Monday June , 5th. P82. K. R. MeHRlDK, Adtsessor Pnristi Lufourelie. ('OIMIM'A URIS S£ Bi». JAUS. HOURGKOtS AND DANS EKE-\ U, I ' _ have ii^sueidt, ,1 tiienixelved Lu* tku raelieo of medicine and surgery, ZOEDONE A Delicious. Sparkling, r/tos jdiatiu! Iron lieceraye. NON-ALCOHOLIC. Refreshing, S.imi.ltv Stimulating, Highly Nmiitioiis, ami »Suit*. — Fui* S«;îp. at— JOB. T. THIBODEAUX'S DRUGSTORE. |» cumoB« K CURIOUS wAf»a»r»5iS!li FAN. De.jçrn com r-IttUH. in.'s,.:. . r 1 v ill A crt .-nlti.'...:'. f A**- 1 Alli« tTmoi Co., TMiattrii —h:,| to f'a-u c T'-f • • f f S-J-vIb. ■«•••. .*»*• a « ««..t «el.., «. j u t 'k^y Ui *»'-** i L *'-j uttisjM fli* 15. T BLAIvE, Attorney at Law, Will practice ill the Courts of Lafourche Terrebonne and Assumption. Will attend also to all Notarial business — . ......................... ...... l intrusted to him. J «« Gl "' " S: - Gm Court House. vi----- » I *2 1 OOODL. I i 1 THIBODAUX La. lv ui. 2<)-82. Attorney ttt Law, TIHBOBAUX, Pansh oj Lafourche , Louisiana. SÏZX t Ä: 1 | I ! Our Stock MEN'S —OF— YOUTHS' BOY'S -AND— uhilduen's Clothing, —eoj: tiii:— SPRING ami SUMMER SEASONS IS NOW COMPLETE AND C0.VPR, 8E iu. m*-« -U,.«, E „, « nm ,1 k. X.,» M tmgrn « IN ELEGANT STYLISH SHAPES, W,m h e "" *"*t bo Kurp.waed läi Durability an<1 Beauty. CONFIRMATION SUITS Oi II» Kl* H-, h:ivc !, „„1 «... , 1 sortha-nt ouit.«!,lo fur bôvo ofaU ft A8; —Also— A COitl'LETE LINE OP Genfs Furnishing doods —Amt— q SPECIAL NOTICE, WK SHALL PliESENT "»rKr® Ween. -- è We mean exaeily what vo »«lv, r tU 6 ,,.4 • »Ho« no <*xiip.|* ilt h„i or nii8rS»IW«u tatam uum rany oiu-umstaiictt, A inoiii.-nt s exuiaiuatioii of <rur «tock wiUl eon vine«; any , a lier of this f^j, a MSI LWK, 3 :lT, l«>7 und 1DD Old l^rerHt Corner St. Ann, Opposite Frtaoi Harisct. Largest ReUil Clothing Htrzsc in the Cly. a)) (."J-liii. / H5rs. 3. Aslli(i;*Jhcr Sc 9»on DENTISTS, 9 No. 1,50 Ifoyal ötieet, 2 «ew Orleans, AcsutaitH : J)e. 11 Pierson. Dr. T. J. Uoppef % F 3 EÜCH HEJF. fl .(/ 3 ââIT, II« Rooms and hoard. AUGUSTE, Act. Se Kahla Espnuol. O OY~ ii) <S1 -.»ijj. LITTLR EAHCAXOB, Uo:t xf. LOUIS |\XD CHARTRES, •>ew Orrann. JOSEPH RODRIGUEZ, Prop. oysterIaioos, ( ioice It tues mat Liquors always -on hand-. FURNISHED ROOMS. Hut Lunch trom 9 A. M. to 2 P X Oot-l-Sl-Iy. Chares Front*, BUILDER. •>2i).. — ('hartres Street ......520 Orlortn*. Hus lnt.-lv .uplt U,„ rechne«; und «tor e- l-3in. on Hush Gr«>v,o piaututiun. * To FA-Mrr»S A «" TaRrsHCHOEJ tfetegg; asÄßätssa *1 «r-n, to Inr tlnesfilng,na«ND| f *'<' mrp^es'. buy «h* Vr^y~ "Xi.T.-.t !to-,.itr' "Tit * 1 " F»r Prie« f'i* 1 (">=• JU i'U.itfl Painnhleii ïfivcïSS.isgS PI l! ,'ifl * , '''- s *ia'« now lm turn tlio pab J |i! v h! lie. You can make nrnuey * ■ taster at work fur un tlnui at anything els**. Capital not mu.leil. We will dart you. "' " ^ " $12 a d..,v (»ml uiiwartla made ut home hj tho industrious. Mon, women, hoys and girls wanted eve it whore to work for us. Now is tlm time. You can work in al>arc time only or give your whole time to tlio business. You «-an live ut Imme and do t!m work. No other Inisimsa will pay yon nearly as well. No one can fail to maka enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms tree. Money made fa»t easily, ami honorably. Address Tuns le. C* Augusta. Ala ine. Agents wanted f# tab* of fretin Garfield. A WH f GARFIELD pteto. 1'litlitiiI history from enulle to grate, by i lie eminent Im.gruplier, Col. ConWfll Intri'duetioii liy His Fxçellelioy, J'd*n D Lung. (Joveruor of M.issaeimsei«.'. Bonk* all ready far dehv« iy. An elegantly ilhis triit*sl volume. Lmiorsed edkitijJ. Li lierai terms. Agents lake orders for troiu 20 U) ■) I copies daily. Outsells uziv other liook tell to one. Agents never made money *0 j fast. The book selis itself. Kg périmée not necessary. Failure unknown. Alt make imineus.! prodt*. Private ' terms tree. George Sliusuu dk l'o^ 1'ortUml .Maine. NE IV AU V EUT I SEM ENTS. Dll STRONGS PÏÔSJ The Old. Well-Tried Wonderful. Heatt . Renewing Remedies. Strong's IN-i-foriiI Fills in*"** hearty appetite, good diyestioii, «•gttlitnfy of the bowels. A sure remedy for * . und Rheumatism. A precious boon to u<?H eat« female*, soul hing and tiraeiuj the »er - svstem, and giving vigor antita^HB ................. ..... vous system, and giving °'strong' 'si «»uiilve FUI«* for , tta Liver. A speedy cure for Liver toiHl'Isinb Regulating tlie Bowels, I'urifyuiJ!t!»« Cleansing from Malarial Taint. A per»*®* eure for S«ck Headarhe, Constipations»^ 1 Dyspepsia, sold t.y leading Urtiggwu I .... ......»«a....... ............ ticulars, address Box dirt. Now York City A *)( i !*«■ r Werk esiy be made is %P»3*A loeutity. Aon.. thing ootivety tor jge-pts. S*.» outlif fro«.' Is- " Git til Ol A 450. ltostoii. Ns»-.-«.