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;ii( UtiMaux Sentinel Journal of«hc 9th. Senatorial District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBOBAUX. Entered at the 'l'hibodux Vast Utjicc us Second Clusss mail matter. Office : Corner Green & Levee Sts. ^S.T. GRIS AMOR K. Editor. F SANCAN* Pro'r. & Business .Manager. One year [in advance].................. $j 0.1 One copy................................ tU RATES <>£•" A2>VfiitRTn.*«£.VU ? For each square of ten lilies or less, the first insertion, $1 60. Second insertion, 7., cents persqnarc. For subsequent, insertions, per square 60 cents. Obituaries 10 c ats per line. Professional and business cards, including paper, will be published at the rate of 60 ets. per square for the first insertion, and -6 cents for subsequent insertions. A liberal discount to yearly advertisers. Announcing candidates for office $10, to be paid for IX ADVANCE Advertisements not marked on the e. py for a specified time will be inserted tiil forbid and payment exacted. Persons sending communications to this pa llet must always furnish their real names to llie Editors. We will not save or return re jected manuscripts. Allusions pcronnally disparaging to any one will never be inserted except as adver tisements nor then, if peculiarly objectiona ble. SET URL) AY, SEPT. 2, 1885. PROGRESS AND GRO Will OF AMERICA. More than three hundred years ago, when the Almighty, iu his never failing Providence, led our fore-fathers, across the great deep, to that America, then so wild and so unknown, and in spite of the hardships, the sufferings, which were encountered, settled them on its shores; little did these brave pioneers thiuk, that, they would give rise to such a grand and pow erful republic. When the eloquent voice of Pat rick Henry lighted the fire of Liber ty, in the hearts of our patriots of 1775, aud when the heroes of Lei iugton aud Bunker Hill, led by the noble Washington, bled aud staiv ed iu the defeuce of their home, they were far from believing, tli[t, from so many misfortune^go^ld spring a period of c£ quility, aud. gress with a firm it&a of what should be done soon, showed the remarkable go ahead for which it is renowned. In the new Republic extending j ! the from"' Ocean to the other, its j uubounded and fertile plains were ! cut through by rapid fi wing rivers j iu its bowels, rich mines of (litter j far ent mineral products abounded, j and animals with precious furs, from the'hnge buffalo to the indus trioiis beaver roamed over its ex I tensive prairies. In spite of so j many riches it was destitute of the greatest necessities of Life, and the j inhabitants, unable to enjoy its ad j vantages on account of the proper i of means, for their importation home, j were iu'lie gieatest poverty. | Urged thus, by want and ambi j tion; it was then, that, the Amcii I can people showed its success in inventions, and its great capacity for Progress and Civilization. Un til then America hud existed, and in had prospered, only by its geogra j pliical position; isolated from oth ! er nations by the Atlantic Ocean, it j was respected, and enjoytkl all its I prosperity by the commerce on its waters. But when, old Europe sent her surplus population, over the seas, it to the fertile valleys of the Ohio or ot of the Mississippi, as a glass filled i to the brim, aud in which a few more drops are thrown, then the water escapes in all directions. The I people of the United States being | formed of a mixture from all nation alities, which bringing over with them- different thoughts aud cus tom 3, and emigrating with the view of making their fortunes, laid a vi gorous, and resolute shoulder to the advancement of their adopted country."--! The Nineteenth century fois hardly da wtfced when a cry of ail miration risi pie, from on the other ; a taken in the lias overconij ships propel au uudeniabl The greates by human mj of America's! the year 183 vented, and! agoetic t. ^1 a grt, PUS s lor the American peo side of the earth to giaut stride has been march of intellect, ilis , " , " , * ' by st";..u stand a-.i Unices are n< ithing, Robert Fulton them : his boats, bis tiroof ot his genius iiiipu, yet achieved is gained by one ; pitting §ons, in udV ,i to wires, and olution in com liange of news | t:ess pi adopted to lo its, telegraph a sure . Thriv ^spring a the stars and stripes have been raised victoriously, over fields of glorious strife, and in spite of the successful and disastrous efforts of some of its great livers, to leave their natural beds, to break their banks, and to spread, as great lakes far and wide, over the surrounding country. Yet the American people have conquered the elements, over come the disasters of a civil war and is the happiest, the strongest, and the richest nation of the World. AVliep we reflect on the quick, and steady development of this land, the activity and liberal views of its inhabitants, compared to slow progress, to the tardy advance ment of other nations of its day can hardly realize its brilliant exi fence but by placing it under tb protecting wing of Providence. America the weakest nation, the mtuibei, of its active army, ail j in the efficiency of its navy is e spected, and feared by all, lor wilt cause ? does its geographical ?si tion protect it? or does tfie "ell known, and tested bravery of i in habitants, shield its shores Pin the conquerors heel? Whichver it is, America is honored, am ad mired by the most haughty ners ot the old Continent; fronthe biave emperor of Powerful ttuia ny, aud the new czar ol tlnRus sias, to the numerous pacha* and cniefs ot barbarian tribes, The Roman empire, and tbking dom of the Ptolemies, whit had been until unw unrivaled itgigau tic and stupendous works a now sur[)assed by us; and altliofb the lofty Pyramids are yet Coring in the skies, with tlieir foithous and years of existence, as t most undeniable prooi^t the gat ness of their architected gent; can we not oppose cur tunuelsailt uu der rivers? oir bridgesuniting tlieir shores, anl do we ndiear of the works of Cijpt. Eads did lie not conquer the rapid e'ents of the great Missiisippi by epening its bed, and loes not s gteat ' Blind Already idp t wo. §* by au Y , • J qveil:!Dtl-jrstf|i >ship—rway. its ianti fir on dune Oc^to anoth. er; iVo'm (Hiit Hhe umee cold of xtreni. north,' covered ; udV lh "'"*** w l'nt*rogrcis - yet, un ed'tffdect,;,:!^-----'..... Telegraph a*l teldeone wires in .connecting ciWs atn^wus, cross | each f ber as a »t wm ; «he blue | etliei/ is hid fbm ft gaze, by a clouds of smoke, romp,« numerous 1 Liufacturiug factories of thrivu l>la</es. nr great lives, Krmerly gnfod by the s'iftl anoe of the hlpytly Algotiqut £ now filled, itli mtignificeu! Ating palaces viiyinj over thciir®rs, and occn tied ill transport tlie rich pro — o j ■ ij na\i [ducts if the lab(J ra\ inhibitants. State-i in'. oat .igiicu ,1-roads aboan(I e Uuiou, ft'Oj O busy Nfg\ Ele work in lie comi our ktexti > i Jcco, 1 I 1 1 ! G* ry • ! i 1 j ; ; ; • t | ! " tilSl !?»"' Jriiftnt, of or Lf Mim r.,ntO fn ' tbe flvi! 1 gardening FOR SO Ufa LOUISIAN | Septemb. . y Now i3 the best ue ^ nence sow seeds for ;er garden. It would able, after the first wt 4 large plantations of dwarf '% 0 " j yet is not too late to plant ^! * i ul - a succession and late cro[ Strawberry beds may n pre|^ired, and the plants s j iuriijg moist weather. Str |i j es j planted this and the uioulli, or (luring the mouth the'vernier which is the most b!e season for setting them cron will produce a good iSpring. Wilson's Albany, altliJ tive, kiul if not properly attend to, iill'Ie to burn in soinelocaliti a little acid, is the most profit kind. Triomphe de Gaud is of i flavor and larger, but less pr< KentHeky is a large and excell variety. To this list may beChn Downing and Sharless. All c toregeing have perfect floors,... succeed here better than i ninny o t er varieties that are popular i.; cuj er climates. The latter part of this month , the best time to sow onions h ., genettil crop. Creole seed is till best.) The large Italion oni n- ar said to succeed well in Gecrgii; Our gardeners should give hern trial, i This is the best month to sow tu nips j)f all kinds. Thiu out, wuert needed, those sown last month Transplant asparagus hi i ol cabbage, cauliflower, celbry c,.«I !<• luce. In this mouth the prlncipd crop of beets, carrots, and laisiiip. should be sown. Spinack inay b sown from time to time, dudnj tin latter half of this mouth. Sow beets, cabbages, carotf ery, chervil, cress, endive, robbi, leek lettuea, museird, „ % ley, parsreps, radishes, roquetta salsa fy. Plant "Iriie, onions and shallots.' In the ruit garden, b cldiug may j still be p't formed. Nov is the time j lot »rc n tin- l«.ng lig irePT tty cut shoots 0 Fh!spmr.ose well ripened Oe se Mrs. f' ......i..„bscph ■ ,■ th should 1 ri11 / has don-Thibodeaux. • , . 5 more than any othl 11st to, J • . hster and eucouragu iu pansu & ' a taate for the cultival has o' plants and choice fiow^h, thanks for the beautifa! j ^ thanks tor the beantun! ' whr'r ei ' ii she sent us this week. yw >.\ey for a Rainy Day.— "For -,ix .fa my daughter was sick from kid my f other diso: dors. Wo had used up oar ( r iiigs ou doctors, when our dominie advi ,'d us to try Parker'c Ginger Tonic. Four etlected a cure, and as a dollar s vurt ] 1 j, as kept our family well over a year, we liavebeen able to lay by money again (01 a a My day."—A Poor Man's Wife No Wiltt FO . 10 cureVu' - 011 . ^. t .ogs,befe l ' ; tbe6i% - lk 'ermiti jf L. 1 li.jii (lieiiie tores to healthy tious, aud stops a. 1 nf the organs att'a 1 gi\ing inedieiue c-' amis of living witues-e linn the truth of thft I'ottl" will ronvince v-si C . ion.—.T here is v. »n wi.ether of the ki<' oi the pulieut 01 life, and the i. 1 approaching, This mo 1 a iket- jd parts, res 'lo-' 1 uvif'"' fmte y** 1- away life pin; \ i-t fhons and read isserti iA A Kiss hyMooxuuh* " ^ - '' ihstu dent Victorian became «Vv d"',- '"timw.-. ,-d with the personal b-w •.* au.. • 'ns of Prosperino, daughter to Ih Kiog'd '■'a-ptes.* He freqently scaled the w.'i ( ai h m order to steal a kiss by moot. 'it wh.> Vlie pale moonbeams were playiai upsa krl diis led features, and alone t.u'i» apt « J mtsecstasy lie ask. "What has uisib th.Cj so beautiful ?" Was such a n»n ' , pounded to onr prettiest woman th^- io<t, ern times,'the reply would be, l uly Female Bitters which. ■; s »,i s and oains" It is the only ku fu use aches and pains, » »•« --------- - - - male boa::tificr and tonic lor tuarrie ' - sillg : c . _ — ----** 7 , Bkacty ItKd.UNED.—The heautyty . color < f hair may he safely regained • usuing Parker's Hair Babam, which much admired for its perfume, cleanliness ami dandruff eradicating propWties. mm |. , st . j |FAL iR'S HAIR BALSAI The Best, Cleai and most Economi^ Hair Dressing. tSeverFailsto Re T |the youthful color| grey hair. 50c $1 sizes at d ruggi F Florestoo Col^til A newindexce^ingf fragrant »nd loitii)(M _ fume. Price 25 m«l 75 nvi'li \ Pure Family Medicine that Weve> „..,„^ , 1 Ifyouareamechanicorfanner.i,, .. | venvork, or a mother run down by on V nUl | ousehold dimes tty Pakkkr*s GingiKJt* * I If you are a lawyer minister or l»tisirif' 0NIC * I fhausted by mental strain or anxious ($"5" I bt take intoxicating stimulants, but use*! |er s Ginger Tonic. I If you have Dvsp U rinar th any < >od or nerves you < NcitR Tonic. jlf you are wasting away from arc. dissination * ai ?y disease and requires stimulant takeGiv | cfk Tonic at once; it will invigorate & build TO ti I up fromthefirst dose but wlllii<rverb;( 0 ,ic.-, tt , j, I has saved hundreds of lives ; if may sav;' un UISCOX * CO., 1 C .1 william St., Vrw tat'L m.' id one dollar »ize«, at all doalers inmadkiaet. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE, B. T. BLAKE, Attorney at Law, W I I•■tic-o in tho Ciiurts of Lafourche] -1 rcndionne auiLAesumption. 'Mi'" itti-nil iiLui to all Notarial bueipew in trusted to him. 'i'll - -1 Grt'i-n St. near th.i (Court Houee TIIIBODAUX, L.v, J. 8 . GOODE, Ai t urney at Law, TIIIBODAUX, Parish of Lafourche , Louisiana. E-pcjnl attention given to the Bor rowing' 1 Lending of Money on First Class Sij rities. j L. f HUP CAILLOUET, lolury Public, l ally informs bis friends and th« i he lias just opened a notaria. f 'Sbiicction with his office ot Jus i . * ! *• IVuoc and is now ready to attend ro1 1' <-6 nil the business intrusted to -s to liis past connection for ot *» "» with the Recorder's office of f Lafourehe. 1 Mai ket Street, between Bt. ■recti Streets. IHN W. TROTTER, >er. Tin and Slieet Iron Worker. 1 St. between () ,i aux M a in La., . full line oe— "AlJ Ul-Al'ING STOVES. -Also Hjjcnt for the— Fforite and Excelsior Stoves. "it'tu#' attention given to Roofing and Guttering. |>:\ 3' VI. NOTICE. 1 ,T dentist has loca . ,. a j in to vn permanently and will perforin ' * oper .tions appertaining to hi* slip aud Thibodaur professim , at v. y moderate prices. He will' 80 1 ; ractiee in the-JUi{roumIiuj country 'djoiuiug ParisJieswheu called tux 7 c nun try for Olfine St- The ». LOG AN, Coruf Jackson and Levee Sts, Thibodaux, La., K IEPS .CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full ikortuieut of ♦Srojerl*-*, Provisions, Hr'hctfe, Sheet, liar ami Boiler ho . \f.tis. Lead, Boiler riv *, , ... pip* anti fittings j Win, Tools and Pis*, italion *>tii»it>lies • (fl all dt scriptions. •l-St-tv. U. M W A L ItN (j E M ENTS. *'it t ^ t.a;ats hotel cl i ( J , uftie-' s Alb, '■I 'OK p M inform* his friend* f ■ that he lias uuw* utii'i: u ar i which will ennbl# ■ii'.-it'v all ;bn who will honor hiu» d ,t 11 hour* of the day A. M. aud Dinner ud furnished rooms. I;a, PRICES. ■ - - , Un : > f r. - |w ■Fvl '*•*( ciP 1 | w-aiuuc (JoUins, also cjf*v— j a, ! 10 order, &.e, Ac- _ K V, a In with A. II Hoffmasn, Ue i'i' Repairer ol all kinds of * tlcaler in . ' ■ 1 -id ' in it. ■ijiuss, Wi i to, l'aint*. O ij aper rose J.inic, S* v wood, iEW . nut Coffin*, also cypn* Re pa Mam Street, .Bet. Jackson and St PbihP IrkukHr Ise. in 1 lut.ouaux, « ---| ty Ifao, -stablislied iiii year* At S. T. grisamoke. Agent 'or Sale, fhibiwlaux, » fin*