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She Shibodaux Sentinel SATURDAY, SEPT. 2, 18S2. OFFICIAL Proceedings -OF THE POLICE JURY Thibodaux, August 9th, 1882. The Police Jury met iu special session this <lav, at 2 o'clock P. SI. Present: Messrs. Grisamore, Moran, Folse, Seely, Coulon Mathews and Krae mer Absent: Messrs. Ayo, Guidry, and De laune. The minutes of the last regular session and of the speeial meeting were read and approved as recorded. The following claims were presented and referred to the Committee on Claims, viz : Theopkile Thibodnux...................45 50 " ** 29 04 " " 108 50 M. W. Bilim.............................3 50 E. B. Ilaraug...........................IS 50 J. W. Knobloch..........................2 80 " " " 20 90 M. F. Dunn <k Bro. &. al................57 35 L. P. Caillouet..........................5 74 " " •* 2G 63 " " '....... 12 09 H. W. Frost............................66 95 Richard Burton.........................69 50 On motion of Mr. Coulon, seconded, Air. L. Nicholas, being granted the privilege of addressing the Jury, stated in substance, at follows : That the lease for the Raceland ferry Mr. Home, was, iu his opinion, illegal, as it was made by private adjiulica tion and without duo public advertisements, that it the ferry had been sold at public auction after due public notice, as the law directs, it would have brought a larger sum than that of adjudication to Air; Home because he and others intended to hid on same : in conclusion he prayed the Jury to annuli Air. Home's lease and to resell .the terry ^according to law : The following report of the Treasurer was presented and referred to the Commit tee on Finance. TREASURER S STATEMENT. To Balance on hand to the credit of Gen eral Fund of 1881. Trans, to Gen. Fundjof '32 602 S9 On lrd. Gen. Fund of '82 58 29 Total Improvement Fund Bridge Fund Back Claims 661 18 661 18 1359 00 1083 89 357 44 Total Balances on hand To Receipts since: On account of General Fund of 1882, fines 10 00 _ " " " " taxes 802 18 Improvement Fuiid 20 35 Bridge Fund 20 35 Total amount received ... $3461 52 $852 88 Grand Total By Disbursements since: Paid for expenses of 1882 1256 21 Improvements, Banq. etc 803 46 Bridge Fund com. to T. C. 1 01 Total Disbursements. - $4314 41 $2060 70 Balance on hand. Divided as follows, to-wit: Geueral Fund 1882 217 15 Improvement Fund 575 82 Bridge Fund 1103 22 Back Claims Fund 357 44 $2253 71 [Signed] $2253 71 $2253 71 F. SANCAN, _ Parish Treasurer. Thibodaux, La., August. 9tU. 1882. The following report ot the President was submitted and duly received. Thibodaux, La., Aug. 9, 1882. To the Police Jury: Gentlemen.—I have called the Jury to gether for the transaetiou of such jbusiucss as may properly came before it. Since ihe last meeting of this body there have been two cases of Small Pox in Priuee Murphy's house, ooe half mile iu rear of Thibodaax. This is the same house in which were four cases during the spring. I have bad them confined at home, a yel low flag placed in front of the house, and furnished them with such food and medi cines as were considered necessary. The cases are now about recovered. The principal business to which I wish to call your attention is to enact laws by which good publi c roads can be had through •ttt this Parish, in the future. I herewith place before you the decision of the Supreme Court in a test case sent, up from the Parish ot Terrobonne which will enable you to see more fully the pow ers that you may be invested with. In framing any road laws there is one point that will require alteration. The pub lie road leading from the Bayou Lafourche to the Taylor or Cross plantation, the pub lie road leading from the Brulee Guillot Settlement, the public road leading from the corporate limits of the Town of Tliibo daux to the line separating the 'Parishes of Latourclie and Terrebonne on the West side of Bayou Terrebcuno : the public roail leading from Bayou Lafourche, through the Mathews plantation to the settlements in the rear of said plantation, are not, by any construction, under the care of ai'ja cent land owners. 1 am of the impression that it would be wise policy to sell the care of those roads, either at public auction, or Un written hills, for the space of one or more years, t'o the lowest bidder. This -will prove more satislactory than to attempt to keep them by any other method. 1 am informed, that a good, passable road for carts and buggies can be made from the settlements on the Malagay and Bumf Bayous to the public road on Coteau Folse tor $150.00 oi less. The opening of such a road would be of great convenience and usefulness, and its im portance should demand, at least au investi gation by this body. I also hand you for your guidance a copy of Act No. 104 of the Legislature of 1382 being Amendatory ot Act Na. 80 of lsso, in refer cnee to the preservation and protection of the public Levees in this Parish This Act will require your serious consideration. The ex perience of the past six months should teach us to be prepared for the luture. I also call your attention to ihe condition of the jail lot . lne fences around the same ar(J becoming dilapidated, presenting anything but a beautiful back ground to our Court House square, now tlie finest iu the State. The jailors house is barely tit for occupation It would be well to inangurato measures looking to a thorough rcuewal of both house and fencing. Trusting that your deliberations may be characterised by harmony and good will I re main Respectful It. (Signed) K. T. OK13AMORE, President. A communication from Mr. Glynn, presi " ' - • - 'i of Point dent of the Police Jury of the Parish Coupee, calling for assistance to build the Fatain Diko, was duly read and laid orer. A copy of a resolution passed by the Police Jury of St. Alary Parish, authorizing the Pres ideiit of that Body to appoint [3| Commis sioners to co-operate with commissioners from the other parishes in the 4lh. Levee District, for the purpose of raising means, wherewith to close crevasses affecting this portion of the country, was duly read and laid over. A communication from Air F. S. Goode, and an enclosed slip containing the proceed ings of the Commissioners of the several par ishes in the fourth levee district, were duly read and laid over. A communication from Major A. J. Smith, of Points Coupee, enclosing copy of resolu tions passed by the Jary of said parish, ap pointing a commissioner, and inviting this among other parishes, to do likewise, and so co-operate in devising means to raise tumls for the purpose of closing crevasses, inumlat ing the parishes in the fourth was duly read and laid over, The following communication was read and laid over. levee diRC-ict" ! ' I State of Louisiana, A Office Board of State Engineers, > New Orleans, July 20tli. 1882. ) lion. S. T. Grisumore, President Police Jury, Parish of Lutourche. Sir: The appointment* of Levee Inspec tors heretofore made by the Board of State Engineers in accordance with section 10 of Act No. 88 of 1880, it is understood will bo va cated under the amendment of said section 10 by section 3 of Act 101 session of 1832, which amendment while authorizing the appoint ment of Inspectors, makes no provision fur their compensation. Should your Police Jury desire the appoint incut of such Inspectors lor your parish, it is respectfully requested that you so notify this Board and nominate some competent person therefor. Upon the receipt of such notice and nomiua tion from you the Board of State Engineers will make the appointment authorized in the amended Act referred to ; provided the Iu Chiei State Eugineer. The District Attorney then read and sub initti-il two ordinances which he had been re quested to draw up, one relative to Hoads, the other relative to Levees, and on motion, seconded, the same were referred to the Com uiittee on Roads and Levees The President requested the Committee oil Public Building to examine the jail yard, jail and other building thereon, and report- their condition to the Jury to-morrow morning Ou motion of Air. Coulon seconded, the District Attorney was requested to submit to tlie Jury, his opinion in writing as to tlie le gality of the lease of the Raceland Ferry, to Air. Home. Ou motion of Mr. Coulon. seconded the Jury adjourned to to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. (Signed) Certified: S. T. GRISAMORE, President of Police Jury. J. F. Allaix, Secretary. Thibodaux, La.. August 10th, 1882. The Police Jury this day met pursuant to adjournment at iOo'cluck A. At, Were Present: Messrs. Grisumore, Seely, Folse. Moran, Kraemer, Mathews and Coulon. Absent: .Messrs. Ayo, Delauue anil Guidry. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following report of the committee on claims was submitted and on motion second ed, received. Parish of Lafourche, Ang. 10th, 1882. To the Hon. President and Members of the Police Jury. Gentlemen —Your committee on claims bee '111 leave to say that they have examined caref— ly the claims referred to them and report fa vorably ou the following, to-wit: L. P. Caillouet, J. P..................... 26 63 L. P. Caillouet, J. P.................... 15 04 Tlieopliilo Thibodaux, Sheriff...........109 50 H. W. Frost, Constable................. 66 95 L " P. Caillouet, J. P.................... 5 75 Tkeophile Thibodeaux................... 45 50 M. W. Biltin, J. P....................... 3 50 J. W. Knobloch. Clerk of Court........ 20 90 J. W. Knobloch, Clerk of Court......... 280 Tkeophile Thihodaux, Sheriff........... 29 65 E. B. Huning, J. 1*...................... 18 50 Jas. Moran............................. 25 00 M. F. Dunu A Bros..................... 57 35 Total...............................$427 07 [Signed] JNO. S. SEELY, " L. KRAEMER, ** JAMES MORAN. , By Mr. Coulon, seconded by Mr. Mathews Resolved, That an appropriation be made of Three Hundred and sixtv nine 72jl00 Dol lars out of the General Fund to nay claims from No. 1 to No. 12 inclusive ; and a further appropriation, of $57.35 out of the Court House fund to pay claim No. 13. Ayes : Messrs. Grisamore, Mathews, Seely, Coulon, Moran, Kraemer and Folse. Nays: None. Carried. Thibodaux. La., Amg. 10th, 1882. To the President and Members of the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafourche. Gentlemen : Your committee beg leave to report, that after a carelul examination, they find the Treasurer's Statement of the Finan ces of the Parish to be correct. Your committee with a view of abolishing the "Back Claim Fund" respectfully recoui mend, that the Tieasurer he authorized to ! transfer the amount now to the credit of said Fund, to the "General Fund" account of the current year; and that henceforth all hack claims that may he presented he paid from the "General Fund." Respect I ally submitted. [Signed] H. N. COULON, ('ommittee on Finance. On motion of Mr. Mathews, duly seconded, tlie foregoing report was received, and the suggestions therein made, adopted. Thibodaux, La., August 10, 1882. To the Police Jury : The Committee on Public Buildings report that they have examined the Parish Prison and find that it is in good condition, not re quiring any repairs al, present. They find that the jailor's house is very old and generally in bail condition aud will have to be renewed very soon. Yotir committee would recommend that the entire fence should be renewed ; that the fencing on Thibodaux, Maronge and Green streets should lie made from 8 to 10 feet iu height and solid ; that tlie fence on Main street should be made iu a neat and elegant style, and that the fences immediately about the jail should be made in a 6trong and sub stantial manner. We also recommend that a new jailer's house should lie erected and the old line re moved. We therefore offer the following resolutions. Resolved. That the President of the Police Jury with the Committee on Public Building* be authorized to'receive specifications and plans for a suit-aide building and fences for tbe jail yard square and to ascertain the prob ablo cost of erecting the same, and report same at the next meeting of the Police Jury, Respectfully, [Signed] S08THKNE FOLSE, « L. KRAEMER, •' H. N. COULON, Committee on Public Buddings. On motion ot Mr. Kraemer seconded, the fisregoing report was received and the resols Lon therein contained adopted. Thibodaux, La., August 10th. 1882. To the President and Members ot the 1 uliee Jury: , , Gentlemen.—The committee on roads and levees have examined the ordinance reterred to them relative to Hoads and Levees and finding no serious objections respectfully re fer them to the Police Jury for final adoption. Respectful!v snbmi'ted, 1 C. S. MATHEWS. SOSTHENK FOLSE, .. JAMES MOHAN, >. II. X. COULON. On motion of Air. Coulon, sccoudcd, the foregoing report was received. Oil motion of Mr. Coulon, seconded, the jury formed itself into a committee ot the whole and after deliberation reported that they had [Signed] ! taken up the Hoad Ordinance No.——section I by section and recommend the adoption of the whole as amended. The Jury took same under consideration. Thibodaux, La., August 9tli, 1S82. To the Members of the Police Jary of Lafour che. Mr. President and Gentlemen.—In answer to tlie motion dulv made iu your Honorable Body, that I should givp you my opinion as to the legal effect ot a private sale of the lease of any public terry within t he limits ot the Parish of Lafourche I beg to say. That in my estimation any sale or lease of public ferries made without the same being advertised for 30 days and then adjudicated to the highest bidder would be without legal effect. Revised Statntes, sec. 1501, sets forth the powers of Police Juries relative to the estab lishment of ferries Sic., '"said police juries shall have the right to lease the ferries within their respective parishes lor any number of years not to exceed live," and It. S. see. 1502 sets forth bow said lease shall be made "It shall be the duty of Police Juries to have the Idling [or lease] of ail ferries advertised ] £p, e to let or lease the ferries at a private ! sale, without advertisement &e I We find even in the Ordinance of the Police ] Jury of June 1870 page 2b, sec- 4. "The Stat 1 utes of 1855. page 367, makes the duty of the ; police Jury to udcertisc the h-ttiug of terries j during thirty days ; the lease of said ferries to , be sold at tlie Court House of the Parish, ,by i | j I the President of the Police Jury to the highest bidder." Yours Respectfully, |Sigued] E. A. O'SULLIVAN, District Attorney. Attorney. The foregoing written opiuion of the Dis trict Attorney relative to tlie sale of ferries was submitted and on motion of Air. Coulon, ordered to be spread on tlie minutes, Mr. Coulon mo\ ed, that action on Mr. Bur tons bill lie postponed indefinitely, for the reusou that tlie Committee on Claims bad re fused to recommend its payment because the District Attorney would not approve the same. Motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Kraeuier, moved that Whereas at a session of this body held June 15th. 1882, this Jury acting under the impres sion that they had power to lease the Ferry ' at Raceland for a term of 4 years, by private : that be gives solvent bonds of $250.00 aceoril Mi agreement, and Whereas the District Attorney has given a written opiuion that a resolution passed June 15th. 1882, which read as follows : "Resolved, That the lease of the ferry at Raceland be grauted to Mcrville Home, for the suace of four years commencing January 1, 1883, for the sum of $80. payable $2U per anutira on the first day of January of each of the years 1883, 1884, 1885. 1886, conditioned ing to law for the proper maungcmciit of tlie 6aiue,'' is illegal and not sancl ioned bylaw. Therefore be it resolved, That said resolu tion be aud the same is hereby repealed, i The motion owns seconded aud resolution ; adopted. i C>n motion of Mr. Coulon seconded by Air. Kraemer, the Jury adjourned to to-morrow ' morning at 94 o'clock [Signed] Certified : S.T. GRISAMORE, President, Police Jury of Lafourche. J. F. Ali.ain. Secrcturv. 'Ori Thibodaux, La., August 11th, 1882. TL„Tury met this day at 9] o'clock A- M. piirsr**it to adjournment. Preixjut: Messrs. Grisamore, president, Coulon,\Mathews, Folse, Moran, Kraemci and Seely. Absent: Messrs. Ayo, Delaune, and Gui dry. On motion of Mr. Moran, seconded by Mr. Coulon, the Ordinance No. 146 relative to roads, submitted to the Jury on yesterday by the committee of the whole was taken up aud adopted as amended by said committee of the whole. 1 On niotiottof Mr. Coulon seconded, the Jury formed itself iuto a committee of the whole lor the purpose of considering Ordinance No. -relative ti Levees. The President called Mr- Coulon to the chair. After delibe&tion the committee of the whole reported to the Jury that they had tak en up the LeveejOrdinanee, section by sec tion anil recommended its adoption as a whole. * The President Asumed the chair and On motion of Ml. Coulon, seconded by Mr. 1 v ,1 Mr ' ^T'. LeVee > <)rdluauee Ko ' 147 wa8 aa .':l ut " u - On motioifof Mr.IKkaemcr, seconded liy Mr. Moian. 7 Messrs. Taylor & CV- of the Orange Grove plantation were granted the privilege to place or erect gates oA tlie public roads, as asked iu their memorial; provided that the said Taylor Si Co., place a keeper at each gate, and not unnecessarily detain any person or persons, on foot, horseback or otherwise, at any time, during t. Ul ' day or uigl.t, from passing through Rates. Provided fur tlier that said Taylor Go. keep the road, so enclosed, in travelling condition, at ull rimes of the year. Ou motion of Mr. Mathews seconded by Mr. Moran, the Jury ailjo ,, r , "'d. (Signed) ' » T. GRISAMORE, President. Certified : J. F. All u.v Secretary. Notice lo Tii* Payer*. Tlie Tableau of \«sessi uc, it for the Corpora tion of Thibodaux for the year 1882 is now completed and will remaiV "pen tor oorree tion during ten days from 4 n< * alter this day. I...- I.. ._______. :9th i*s-> Thibodaux, La., August '-Gtb. 1882. A. J. PERRIN. Aastissor Police Tlie Local Board of Sw ufP Land Cnmmie sinner*, not having been pret^Yed to pn*s tlie sale of the double concession 01 Lands front ing on Bavous Lafourche, /Lie and Terre bonne, within the i>eriod spei*d'''l in the ad rertisement id July 8, 1882, udioe is hereby gireu that all landowners, v'*biog to chase their douh'e cooeesaion, Wl 'l b® sivei until September 19, 1882, to the®»™». previous to which dat *. application must b® made to, and funds deposited with the indersignsd ts scours the purchase. 8. T. QilSAMORE, Secretary «d Treasurer. Dr. Wm. PATT, After forty years experiment. MENS SANNA IN COEPORE SANO, and the drafting of the home air, with the herbs growing iu the same climate proper ly treated with in sickness of ail kinds and fin ms, will effect a cure to young and old, better and more natural than all imported agents whatever; because they grow at your own h me, will he sufficient to the same air that we are bound over by nature, like every living creature, from lifes be ginning to lifes ending, and if a living crea ture i.s sick, it is generally from the cause of the failing of the supporting air, which fails to penetrate through the suffering parts of the body, and this very life cur rent air at home, produces every year her own agents to be called on, if doing so, this air will ho compelled l»y her own agent to work on the suffering bodies. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, DO NOT FORGET THIS. | • Tf ■ My motto is everpw here. If my treat meat, with home growing herbs, don't sat isfy my patients within ten days. I will re turn them their MONEY, I generally give satisfaction in every sickness I undertake. My boat will lay at the Th:bodanx|bridge until the 8tli. day of September, after that date I will leave for down the Bayou La fourche, about 35 miles below the Town of Thibodaux, to gather herbs which are due in September, also I have a number of pa tients to see in Lower Lafourche, I will re turn on October first and will remain here for six weeks. My practice in Thibodaux has been very large, notwithstanding the bad weather and th" scarcity of money amongst the peo all for me, is. i Remember young and old folks of both sexes and all nations. AGAIN 1 SAY after following my directions, if satisfac tion is not given within ten days, I will refund the money. DR. WM. PATT. 22 years experience across this Continent as an experience Naturalist anil Botani cal Chemist. N. B.—A speciality given to nll private sicknesses. aug-2(i-2t FRANK BARKER, Successor to Rurkcr Si Sevin, Commission Merchant. AND IIEALKK IN ILL KINDS OP £ounln) Pvobuce. COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES, Rice, Potatoes, Eggs , Honey , Bees wax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advances Made on Consignment*. aug-12-82. Lyall & Da vidson, [Established in 1827. WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. 110 Carondelet St. New Orleans. W ILL BE PLEASED TO TAKE OR ders for Couutry Work. Either plain or Fancy Roofing ami at the lowest possible rate. Refers to J. DAVIDSON k GO., or ALEXANDER HILL, deo-20-lj. HO Usrondalet Street. SAMUEL J AMISON, 69 Carondelet, St. New Orleans La. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, —and— DEALER IN Sugar Lime. Platter, Jioecndale and Western Cement, Fire Bricks, Bair, de. —Sole Agent of— SHELBY ALABAMA SUGAR LIME, Oct-11-1 y. j i j i j | , , Fi'itz .lahncke, [Pat. for La] Kchilliuger Artificial Stone Pavement,* -Dealer In North River and German Flags Curb Stone and Portland Cement. Nos. 208 and 210 DELORD STREET, B twee a Baronue and Caroinlelet Street. ileo-20-ly. ^('iv Orleans. liKsitv now aud. II. K. THIIIKRttK. i pur-- HOWARD &THIBERGE, Architects, 13 ........ Commercial Place ........13 NEW ORLEANS. Charles Fronts, BUILDER. 520 ....... Chartres Street ........520 New Orleans Has lately built the residence and store on Bush Grove plantation. Louis Busk Joha B. Levert R. G. Bu h BUSH & LEVERT. Cotton and Sager Factor*. end General Ceminissioa Merchant*. M Petdide Street. N. O. It M r im Your Patronage. MATE^l RIDIXTIOAI [PRICE, ipanied with frROVEMENTS. Tim^-Duiiocratj PublishccWaily Weekly AT FOl JWING UTES DAILI, sere [7| papers\ccek. Per annum... Six months Three mouths To newsdealers weekly, 2 l-2c per $10 0» 5 00 250 WEEKLY (pub hed Auluntny jtiioriiitiyk Per anu uni Six months Three mouths. In clubs of ten ter-up of club), cu «1 25. In ull cases post e prepaid by office, $1 50 , 75 50 ] au d over pme to get subscriber per annum I newsboys, daily and Remittance by letter or by draft Any issue as a free, on request. Witli news, liters ral departments eq paper publisbed in excels all others in vud industrial rcvfw partments. Address Ttt uoney order, registered >ur risk. tuple promptly mailed KURSHEED Buihlc MARBLE, SLA'I 3IOXUM EXTS. 114, UK, 111 NEW For Orders appi Thibodaux. Jo & 91 Camp st., —Imurters family and agricultu. to that of any other South, it materially markets commercial, anil political da DEMOCRAT, New Orleans, La. & KE 8 VEJW. Hardware. , A IRON MANTEL. 7 JWS, BE A PS TONS, Camp Street RLE A NS. J- M. WALSH, KICK I* KiY. & C1». d 565 Magazine street Dealers iu— POItCIU* A l> DOMEKTIC Hardware, Cu TINPLATE. SUEE Tinners' Stock ry Edge Tool, RON, IRON WARE Tinners' Stools. MAC BUNQUE, -DEAI t IK Family Groceries j WINES, LiqrORS, Etc., No. 231 Poydras $ Cor. Dryades New OLeans. Country Order*) tendei Goods delivered pot free ptly At* ndings or de rayage. CHAS. H. SEVIN, Formerly Barkl is. Stria, Commission Merchant, And dealer in Country Cotton, Sugar, Moi tatoes, Eggs, Ho Tallow, Wool, iidtt, Mou, Poultry,etc. No. 141 Decaiir Street, NEW ORLEANS. kinds of educe, et, Sice, Po Beeswax, ry Liberal advances oadt on eoesi ioma. eos-fiftt Dr*. J. A. T limber it &on, DENTJSfS, No. 130 Kotal Street, New 0rleaks, Assistants : J)r. IT. Person. Dr. T. J. Jfopper, SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS. —ADOPTED BY TUB— Parish School Jtntrd for Ihe Ull of the tic Srho<ils. —For Sale 1 Jos. 1. Tltib y— Orders foi books pr « eptly at lublishera Mires. Paper, Pens Ink, Slates, 1 Lis. Bk Time Book, Envelopes, cl Ik Crayor At' MODEIIA iM y bices. try l.ltxral IMm* ji*t» >0 to Teacher*. '] W. H. RA \\% LOCSL AO BIST COGLffl Otter, Tbibodat