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£l)c ^l)ib0baiu* Sentinel, Journnl of (ho !»ih. Senatorial District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH LAFO'JP.CHE AND OF THE TOWN OF TKISCDAUX. CF Entered at the Thibeditr Post Office ns Second Chtsss mail math:)'. Office: Corner Green & Levee Sts. JS.T. GRISAMOKE, Editou. F SANCAN* Pro'r. k Busiuess .Manager. One year [in advance]..................53 00 One copy............................. 10 RATES ©F ADYIERTTSIHiCJ ? For each square of tea lines or less, the first insertion, £1 50. Second insertion, 75 cents per square. For snhsequent insertions, per square 60 cents. Obituaries 10 cents per line.. Professional and business cards, includin'; paper, will be published sit the rate of 50 ets. per square for the first insertion, and S> cents for subsequent insertions. A liberal discount to yearly advertisers. Announcing candidates for office $10, to be paid for IX AI)VANCE. Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time v.ill be inserted till forbid and payment exacted. Persons sending communications to this pa pet must always furnish their real names to the Editors. We will not save or return re jected manuscripts. Allusions peronnally disparaging to any one will never be inserted exce pt as adver tisemeuts nor then, if peculiarly objectiona ble. SBTURDAY, SEPT. •>. 1885 . r —Senator Dcrnas lias been nominated for Congress iu tlie second D strict of Louisiana by tlie Republican party. ,—Mr. Cragiu cf DuLac plantation on Ba yon Graud Cailloit lias sent to this office a Sugar cane with 20 full ripe joints al! over 1J iueh in diameter. — At a flood in Western Texas some days ago more than 100 persons were drown ed, and quantities of live stock were car ried away. Beauty Regained. —The beautyty and color of hair may he safely regained by ttsuing Parker's Hair Balsam, which is much admired for its perfume, cleanliness and dandruff eradicating properties. —As the rolling season approaches, the time to buy Charter Oak Stoves from S. T. Grisamore is at baud, who has a large as sortmeut of Croceery and Cutlery suitable for sugar house wants. —Arkansas has had an elec! ion for Gov ernor, giving a large Democratic majority Vermont has also had an election and gone Republican. No body has been badly sur prised in either case. —At a meeting of the American Associa tion for the advancement of science held in Elmira New York in August 1882 our fel low citizen George C. Taylor was elected second vico-President. .—Among the marriage notices in the Times-Democrat of last Tuesday is found that of Anatole Panalle to Miss Susan "Washington. The Custom House seems to have had a matrimonial effect upou our townsman. It is the general impression that the Re publican party is a God and morality par ty in which there is no guile. In 1880 the census says that there were iu Indiana 468044 males over 21, yet there wero cast 470603 votes. As the gain was all on the Republican side, these extra votes wero evidently cast by the pious Republican. Gov. McEnery has appointed Thomas Courtland Manning, of Alexandria, As s o ciate Justice of the Supremo Court in place of William M. Levy deceased. A wise and judicious selection. The appointee was on the Supreme Bench when the present cons titution went into operation and which va cated his office. -■-Six pills at once- What a dose to enter a delicate stomach ! Nonsense. There is no use in craming your stomach with such dis gust mg medecines. Discard your pills and semi fora bottle of Bailey's Saline Aperient, it is cheap, very pleasant, never failing aud warranted to give satisfaction. —.The Mississippi River commission met in New york August 28 1885. Major Richardson Chief of the Board of State Engineers, and Hou.D. F. Kenner ad dressed the commission urging the neeessi ty of adding $100,000.00 to the state Funds to rebuild levees below Red River. Only $50000.00 were recommended for that pur pose —People, who cannot comprehend the principle of a .i?My, have only to look at the effect of the high water la«t spring, in front of Thihodaux. The battures that ordinarily form along the bank, especially on the North side of the Bridge structure are washed away, leaving only the original banks of the bayou. A full stream with an increased current very effectually dredged all the loose deposits and carried them away. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. The Iberia Star ends an article on the Congressional election thus : With Kellogg - and Ackleu as ri vals, ami Danall oblivioued, the only alternative left to Judge Beat tie is to run as an independent can didate, in which case he might pos sibly be elected. The Ibetia Journal says: Iberia parish is solid for Senator Win. Pitt Kellogg to the 48th. Con giess Third Congressional District. J1 is majority will be over 1000 in this parish. The Morgan City Review adds: If any one doubts, let him trouble himself to inquire, as we have, and he will not be long in discovering that Hon. Taylor Beattie is lirst choice of both white and black, and not only in St. Mary buc iu all the adjoining parishes. As between Beattie, Kellogg and Aculen, Sir. Beattie lias the call, most decided ly, ''and don't you forget it.'' —The best remedy for exerting a power ful tonic effect on the muscles governing and coutruling the action of the heart, is Brown's Iron Hitters. -^The Tinus-Democrat continues to as touish die natives and marines. Its two Mammoth editions of August 2G and September 1 1882 surpass anything ol the kind ever gotten up in New Orleans. It not only gives statistics and information of the city of great importance but also of half a dozen Southern States. Success to such enterprise. It merits atul will obtain success. ------------- —It is enough to make a fellow shake his loose ribs out with laughter to read the N. Y. Sun end other northern papers of the same stamp. The Editors of the New York City papers climb up to the top of the tall columns over their offices, and with a copy of the River and Harbor Bill that Arthur could not veto, in their hands they gaze around their city and see works made at the ex peiuc cf the National Government that have probably cost 500 millions of dollars, then they wave the river and harbor hill, of 1882 over their heads in which five mil lions are given to the improvement of the Mississippi liver, aud bawl out''steal, steal steal ■' It is not the first time that rascals with pockets full of plunder have been yellow iug thief, thief, thief, to distract the aiten tioii of the pursuers. 'I LOST MY MASSA WHEN DEY SET ME Fit ee. —The latest song jewel from the great Mific Publishing House of the Soulh. One ofthose plaintive molodies like "Ohl Black Joe,'' lliat touch the hearts of all. Us subject is a faithful old time servant whom freedom lias not used kindly, and from whom the memories of "Ole Masters'' and the "Oie Plantation" call forth the patliet c lament: 'T am getting old and feeble and my hair is turning gray, And there is no one left on earth to care for me. And the hoe-cakes in the cabin they grow scarcer every day, Since I lost my massa when dey set me free." A song for the South, but it will ring through the laud. First edition sold in a week. Handsome blue aud gold title page Price 40 cents. Published also for B njo, aud Brass Band. Ask your Music Dea er for it, or order from the publishers, Lud den & Bates, Savannah, Ga. The Bf.ighest Intellects Sufueh most. —Young men who have lead a life of excess and dissipation, reform 1 Give tsue to the stomach, regulate the liver and bow els.trengthen the urinary organs, relieve those dull pains in the limbs, rid yourself of that feeling of nausea, biliousness, lan gnor and nervous debility ; give tone and strength to each organic function by using Brown's Iron Bitteis ; then will you expc rience a genial warmth and awakening life in place of that dead feeling of decay; and dyspepsia,milky urine, etc., no longer undermine your constitution. Delay is dangerous. —The exchanges say that there is a great deal of sickness in the ov erflowed Parishes of this State. In Lafourche such a healthy season has not been experienced for many years. If the duty on Sugar bad been re moved, the old jlink man could have made a fortune in buying up clarifiers, copper worms, evapara tors, coolers, tanks, etc., etc .—Mor gan City Free Press. —And every Republican Senator save three, voted to take the duty off sugar, and every Democratic Senator voted to retain the duty ou Opelousas.—E nterprise in any town is a good thing. Live people who are willing to unite forces and strength to advance public welfare, and to protect public interests are necessary to insure prosperity and cause progress and action. A Town with such people, aud a tew men who have public spirit and energy to advocate measures for the inter est of all the people, will always prosper, and even if unforeseen cir Cumst.iuces retard progress for a while, the onward march of the pub lie can not be stayed. Opelousas is a town that has been organized iu one of the most beautiful, "healthy and productive prairies iu the South for neai ly a century. And in all that time it has not reared up men enough to vote a light tax upon themselves to eua ble a fisc company that has gather ed together $S00.( 0 to purchase a Steam Fire Eugiue to protect the houses in which they live from be iug destroyed by fire. The Fire Company ought to spend five do! lars and buy a leather medal 'to elevate in the public square, com memorative ot the wonderful feat of the property holders in their town iu voting down a proposition to raise a small tax to buy an appa ratus to save their property in time of danger. Why, Thihodaux, that was not dreamed of until years after Ope lousas imagiued she was a big town, has a Steam Engine, a hand Eugiue, a Hook aud Ladder Co. and a dozen lire wells, and wfeenev er the firemen ask for any reasona ble aid it is always given promptly and cheerfully. Any property bolder who would raise auy objection would be boot ed out of town by the little boys. Mr. David D. Jones, cf Parkersburg, W. Va., writes: "I experienced for many years great annoyance and suffering from rheurna tis:n and weakness of the kitlueys, aud my bowels were almost irregular. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, whicli acted like a chamrestoring me at once to regular health end banishing all pain from my body." —Now that September is here you can eat as many oysters as you please, provided that you can get them. —The Tariff Commission have had sessions iu Ciucinnatti and Louisville. Leading commercial citizens in those cities heve argued before the committee, against any reduction of Tariff on Sugar or Rice. — The "Can't Get-a way Club" of New Orleans will give an excursion to Chicago on Saturday Sept. 16 1882 at 5:30 P. M. by the Jackson Route. Excursionists will have the privilege of returning on any regu lar train uutil sept. 30. Round Trip only $17.00. This is a good chance for any one to visit the west at a low rate. —Yesterday a little blustering weather indicated that the storms or cyclones that have been sactaee* ing about the Gulf of Mexico late ly bad produced same effect iu this region. —Yellow Fever exists on the Rio Grande and at Pensacola. It is not probable that it will spread this fall. WIlio trial of the Star Route swindlers has beeu going on for some jime, aud has beeu given to the jury. —The war in Egypt continues. It is difficult to keep posted ou its movements. —The Congressional race in tbis Congress District is warming up* The friends of the various candi dates are not idle. Beattie and Acklen are personal ly engaged in visiting the voters, in the. different Parishes. Let the people awaken, this is an important election. —The Republicans though? they had a Bonanza when they trapped Malione and went for the indopen dents with as much vim as a terrier does for a rat. Now they have an independent running against Ilowk in Tonnes see, one running against their (lar ling Chalmers iu Mississippi, Kel logg is running independent against Beattie in Louisiana anil thsee or four im'.opeudeiGs tun in their strong district in South Carolina* So by their beioveil independents they are likely to lose the only Dis triers in the South in which they hail a chance to elect members of Congress, ilui rail for Mahon ism ! —The Marquis of Lome, Cover nor of Canada and his wife, a dangh ter of Queen Victoria of England are making a visit to Calafornia. We have conversed this week with several planters from differ ent sections of the prnirin and they all agree that the crops look better and promise more this year than they have done for years back. With a favorable season more cot ton will be made than can be ga thered.— Mark&villc Bulletin. —And now the festive inn'e Trader is about and the \ nice ol the mule is heard in the land. Messrs. Crosier of Kentucky and Drexler of Missouri arrived this week with droves of stock. —Of all men who appreciate good roads commend us to the drum mer and the peddler. Iu St. John parish the people pay taxes and licenses exactly the same as in other parishes, although there is now in power there a Po lice Jury from whicli the people were led to hope for an entire ex emption from such burdens. It waseupposed that, with the disap Police Jury and i he installation of one appoint ed by his Excellency, everything would be happy and prosperous, and that such things as luxes and licenses would be unknown except iu memory.— St. Charles Herald. —The abeve is a fair sample ot the senseless twaddle of the Radi cal Press. After that party has stolen millions horn tiic people of Louisiana in taxation, when the power to continue to plunge their bands in the public Treasury is taken away, mica stutt'as the above is beard from them. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The Best, Cleaiest and roost Kconooical Hair Dressing. Never rails to Rstore the youthful cobr to •y hair, goc and sires at druggists. floreston Cdogne. . A new and errwdtaf PARKER'S 8 enGERTonc •»V$rw **• A Pur* Family Medicine that Never letexiates. If you are a mechanic or farmer, won out with overwork, or a mother run down by Cunfly or household duties try Parker's Ginger Tonic. If you are a lawyer minister or business man exhausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use P ip - ker's Ginger Tonic. If you have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney it rinary Complaints, or if you are troubled nth any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels. with any cUsorderofthe lungs, UUW co, blood or nerves you can be cured by Parker's Ginger Tonic. HISCOX * CO., 163 wnitam St., Kew Turk. Me. and one dollar ilzaa, at all daalan In GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SB*. B. T. BLAKE, Attorney at Law, Will practice in the Courts of Lafourche, Terrebonne aud Assumption. VV ill attend also to all Notarial business in trusted to him. Office ou Green St. near the Court Ttouse THIHODAUX, La., J. S. GOODE, Attorney at Law, TIIIBODAUX, Parish of Lafourche , Louisiana. Especial attention given to the Bor rowing anil Lending of Money on First Class Securities. L. PHILIP CAILL01 Notary Public, ' RpitpectfuUy informs his friends and pubic that ho bus just opened a uota? office in connection with bis office ol Ji, ticeofthe Fence and is now ready to ntteuik promptly to all Hie business intrusted to bun. Refers to lus past connection tor ov er three years with the Recorder s office ol the iansh ot L*fouro!je. Office on Bniket Street, between St Louis and Groan Streets. JOHN W. TROTTER, Co|»pcr^Tin nr.-.J ijtteei Iron. \% 4>2'1*; > 2*« St. Philip St. between Thihodaux and Maul Thihodaux, La., — Kelps on hand n fall line o.'— COOK AND HEATING STOVES. —Also agent for the— Favorite and Excelsior Stoves. Particular attention given to Roofing and' Gutioriug. 13 3 .It FA L A OT ICE. T J. SMGRE, DENTIST HAS LOCA . call'd m town permaie nlly and will perform, all operations appertaining to his professions at very modo'iita prices. lie \\|1 also practice in the surroundiuc country and adjoining Parishes when ( Office Corner of St. Philip nnd Thihodaux ots. 11*' DtMt ol roltnvuue ^ivou. P. HOGAN, Corner Jackson ;md Levee Sts. Thihodaux, La., I* iqPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A I\ lull iissor' * " a t incut of Groceries, B J rovl»ions, Hjrdtcarc , Sheet, Ear and Boiler Iron. Paints, Lead, Boiler riv ets, das pi fie and fittings Barb IT or, Tools and l'l.'mlatEoa Supplies ot nil descriptions. pept-2T-3i-ly. NKW AllR.VNGL.ilENTS. STKAAGEHS HOTEL. Mr. Thomas Alberti informs his friends fid the travailing public that lie has made .ionic new arrangements which will enable him to satistv all those who will honor him with their custom. Meals furnished at all hours of the day Ilroaktnst at IU o'clock A. ,M. and Dinner it 4 o'clock I*. M. Commodious and well furnished rooms. MODERATE PRICES. II. HOFFMAN*, Healrra iu NE IF Al) VERTISEMENTS. DR. STRONG'S PILLS-! $ 10 *« $ 20,000 F URNITURE, Hardware, Paints, Oil* Window glass, Wall-paper, Lime, Sand Plaster, Cement. Metallic, rose wood, itnmi tation black walnut Coffins, also cypres* coffins made to order, See, Are. In connection with A.'ll Hoffmann, Cab inet Maker and Repairer of all kinds of fur niturc. Mum Street, !5-jan7G ly ,Uet. Jackson and St Philip.. The Agonies ot Hiliou» Colic. the indescribable pangs of Uhronio Indiges tion, the debility and mental stupor resulting from a costive habit, may bn certainly avoid ed by regulating the system w ith that agree* ble and refreshing Standard Preparation, Tar rant's Seltzer Aperient. rROCURAHLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. The Old , Well-Tried , Wonderful Health Renewing Remedies. Strong's 1*4-4-to i'll I insure hearty appetite, good digestion, regularity of the bowels. A sure remedy for Colds and Rheumatism. A precious boon to delicate fe males, soothing and bracing the nervous sys tom, and giving vigor and health in every libru of the body. Strong's Sanative Pill* for the Liver. A speedy cure tor l iver Complaint, Regulating the Rowels, Purifying the Blood, Cleansing from Malarial faint. A perfect cure for Sick Headache, Constipation and Dyspepsia. Sold by leading druggists. For circulars ;mu almanacs, with full par ticulars address Box t>50, New York City. In legitimate judicious speculation in Grain Provisions and Stocks u our perfected plan yields sure in on tidy profits to large and small investors Address, for full portion-j lars, R. L. KENDALL Sc CO , Com'n. Mer - chants, 177 17'J La Salle St., Chicago, III. MEDICAL STMTS. S or announce men and full informs- i tion, address the 1 n n of the American Medi- ■ cal College, St. I .on is Geo. C. 1'itzer, M. D., lll'J Chambers St., St. Louis, Mo. K EN MORE UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL I —H. A. Stiode (Math. Medalist V. Va.J Principal. Preparatory to University of V* Charges moderate. Session begins Sept. 7* | For Circular address Principal, Amherst, V* A DVERTISERS! -end for our Select Li* of Local Newspapers. Geo. P. Kowe At Co., 10 Spruce St., N. Y.