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$lw SUMtaux Sentinel SATURDAY, SEPT. 9, 1882. FOREIGN LETTER. (Regular Correspondence.) Alexandria, Egypt, Aug. 14, 1S82. Yesterday afternoon the Scots ajid Grenadier Guards and the 75th. Hi ghlanders disembarked here and proceeded to the front. The scene in dock presented a highly picturesque and interesting aspect. Three transports contain ing [Guardsmen, Scots, and Gren adiers, lay alongside the quay, their Bides lined with soldiers evidently delighted at the prospect of landing and eager to see the shattered city. The tioops looked very well after their voyage. Few of them had suffered from sea sickness. Each of these fine battalions ex hibited such eagerness to land be fore the other that the General deemed it expedient to give orders that they should disembark siinul taneously. The regimental bag gage, stores, horses, etc., were laud ed by midday. The men, however, dined on board, and paraded in full marching order at half past three. The order to fall in was then sound ed by the pipers and drummers, and received with cheers. Great astonishment was aroused among the assembled natives by the strains of the bag pipes. At four o'clock. Generals, Adye, Alison, and Graham, accompanied by Admiral Seymour, arrived to inspect the Guards, and with the Duke of Counaught, walked down the front of the line, about half a mile in length, ranks being careful ly dressed and colors unfurled. As soon as the inspection was over, Sir John Adye formed the officers into a circle and delivered an itn pressive address, pointing out to them .the duties and difficulties, hardships and perils of campaign I rl , . , , , mug. lie reminded them that they must be prepared to meet an ene my in great stiength, numerically considejed, courageous, determined aud well armed. He cautioned them against being too sanguine or over confident, and strongly exhort ed them to guard against surprises. At half past four o ; clock the Gre nadiers' baud struck up a quick march, aud the battalion moved off in fours. The Scots Fusiliers tol lowed headed by their pipers, drum mers, and fifers. Simultaneously the sailors manned yards, and set up a lusty cheer which was vigo rously echoed by the Guards on the quay. Along the line of route were to be seen many groups of Arabs manifestly deeply impressed with the magnificent appearance of these fine troops, and could be heard ejaculating "allali allah! what foois we are ! v The Europeans here turned oat en masse to welcome the Guardsmeu, who really offered an imposing spectacle, streaming on steadily through the white d6 bris of the burnt houses, shovelled together in heap, upon which the turbaned aud red capped Arabs gathered iuknots to see the English soldiers pass on their way to the frout. The Duke of Counaught, atteud ed by Major Lane, preceeded the Guards during their march through the city. His Royal Highness looks well and hardy. He has se cured a small house adjoining tha liamleh'Curap, which will be the headquarters of his brigade until, M ° Geueral Wolseley's arrival. _ , . , .... . The GOidstrance are still Olltsiue the Harbor, bat will land to daj and join the Guards Brigade. The J impression at present prevailing here seeuvs to be that the Egyp tians will give the English a deal of trouble. His cavalry is well Liimlloil lift h;is P'Ortil eneinpa at nauuieo, ue UdS goou tn^uies at his eomuiaud, and seems tolerably extort in flag signalling. He is strengthening his iutrenchments on the Canal, and bis monuments in that direction can be plainly seen from the English positions. OFFICIAL : Proceedings of Town Council. TOWN halo, ) Saturday, August 5tli 1882. j The Town Council for the '£uwn of Tliibo <1 aiix uiet iu session this day at • i o'clock P. M. Present : .T. L. Aucoin, Mayor I. i>. Moore. Klli.s Brand, J. M. Howell amt 1. Zeruott Trustees. Absent: 0. Azerna, H., Trus tees. The minutes nt the previous session ■were read aud approved as recorded. The following petition was presented. r lo the Mayor and Trustees of the Town of Thibo laux. The undersinged property owners, whose property is situated in the part of the town boumleu on the North by Lev.e, street, oil the South by Thibodaux street, on the Kast by Maronge street, on the West hv Jackson street, and known as the Fire District, beg leave to represent, that in their opinion the existing ordinances requiring that all build ings tenements anil edilices witliiu said Dis trict and all repairs and alterations thereof, shall he made ot lire proof materials ought to permit said structures, and the alterations and repairs thereof, to he made of wood, pro vided they are suhstantialy built and covored with slate or other lire proof rooting. They therefore pray your Hon. Body to make the amendments and modifications above suggested. (Signed.) Mrs. 0. llergeron, Mrs. Mari E Hesse,'.Jean Celestin, James McCormick* J. Badeaux, Theodore Vender, Jos. T. Thibo deaux, John VV. Trotter, H. Dansereau, Ellis Braud, Mrs. Eock Horton, M. A. Legendre, S. T. Grisaiuore, agent Sue- 11. F. Holden, S. T. (Jrisamore, E. Maronge, A. Molaisou, John H. Fleetwood, E. Keller. Arteniise Bourg, Geo. Flasch Estate, H. Hoffmann. S. T. Grisa more, for Police Jury Parish of Lafourche, Mrs. O. Gautreaux.Mrs, E. Lagarde, Thomas A. Badcaux, President Protector Fire Co. No. On motion July secerned Ordinance No. 77, amending sectiou 27 of the lieviseil By Laws of the Town ot Thibodaux was adopted as follows : ORDINANCE NO. 77. Whereas, out of tlie thirty proprietors own ing real Estate situated within the l ire Dis trict of the lowu of Thibodaux and whose ag gregate assessment for said real Estate on the rolls of 1882 amounts to the sum of $50,300. the follow ing named of said proprie tors to wit." If. Hoffmann property assessed at......4000 00 J. McCormick.......... A. Boim.n............ Mrs. M. E. Hesse..... A. Molaisou......... Braud &. Legendre— Mrs. VV. C. Horton... E. Maronge....-...... J. 11. Fleetwood...... T. Verrier............ Est. B. F. Holden____ S. T. Orisamore...... Mrs. M. Bourg........ J. Badeaux............ ...1700 00 ..............2500 00 ..............1*200 00 .............. 600 00 .......;...... 2200 00 ..............2000 0J ..............1500 00 ..............4500 00 ................ 2000 00 ..............4000 00 ..............1800 00 ...............2000 00 ................2500 00 Est. Mrs. Hubert Aucoin..............1600 00 Jean Celestiu.......................... 800 00 Est. G Mrs. A Flasch........................1000 00 J. VV. Trotter. have petitioned the Town ot Thi ot the Rev the Town so ns to permit the construction, within the Fire District, of the town of frame buildings with slate or other lire proof roof ing and Whereas said petitioners, numbering twen ty one of said proprietors whose assessed v a!u atiou of real estate within said limits amounts to S41.S00 constitute both in numbers and in amount of the assessed value of real estate seventy psr cent of all the landed proprietors and assessed value of real estate within said District, he it therefore orda.ncd by the May or and trustees of the Town of Thibodaux in Council assembled. Section 1. That section 27 of the Revised by laws aud Ordinances of tlie Town of Thibo daux lie and the same is hereby amended and re-ordained so as to read as tallows to-vvit : "Sec. 27. Any person or persons who may wish to construct new buildings, tenements or edifices of any kind, within that portion of the Town of Thibodaux, bounded on the North by Levee street, on tho South by Thibodaux street, on the East by Maronge street, and on the West by Jackson street, which portion of said town shall be known and designated as the Fire District may construct such build ings, tenements or edifices out of wood brick or other building materials but all such build iugs tenements or edifices shall he covered with slate or other fire proof rootling. Be it furthej ordaiued. etc., That this ordi nance take effect from and alter its first pub lication. which shall he by posting at tiuee public places within tho town. Yeas: Moore, Zernott, Howell, and Braud. Nays: None. On motion duly soconded the Counci ad journed. [SiguedJ J, L. AUCOIN, Mayor. " A. J. Perris, Clerk. A true copy : A. J. PERRIN, Clerk. , ■ . , ... rent, taxes or claims ot any tana. On motion the Superintendent was directed to make a purchase of the above named prop j erty on the condition that the lease of the [*T:^i& f SSo&N„ri,n,b, ; pointed assistant Teacher in the Stafford i School, was referred to the examining com mittee. ! A petition in reference to a school in the Parish School Board. SESSION 30. Thibodaux, La., May 4th, 1882. The Parish Board of School Directors for the Parish of Lafourche met this day in the. office of Moore and Badcaux at 4 o'clock P. M. Present: Badeaux, Grisamore, Aucoin and Ragan. Absent: Winder, Blanchard and Barker The minutes of the last session were read aud approved as recorded. A communication fiom Valere Guedry was read, enclosing proposition from 'Theodore Cherami to sell the house iu w hieb the public school is now kept, to the School Board, for the sum of sixty dollars. Also a proposal ot Olucien Cherami to enter into written i 1 he following claims were presenti j L Le(lelif()P benches in Ledet school M. Boudreaux for privy LeBlanc sch ment to surrender to the exclusive use and j ontrol of the Parish School Board for a term j of years, not exceeding 20 4 arpent square j of laud, as mav he deemed necessary free of town of Longueville was read hut the names of nearly all tho petitioners being sigued by the same h tnd no action was taken u op it. The following claims werte presented. ' mol 5 00 school 6 00 J. T. Thibodeaux, sds. Guion Academy 6 40 S. T. Grisamoree, hjrooms Guion Acad. 1 U5 " " " Uor. school 35 " Postage 125 Miss Beatty Wood for Toups sshool 2 50 Total $2 55 On motion an appropriation of Twenty two S5(100 dollars was made to pay the same. A coiiiiiiuiiicaMon, from L. Kramer in reterence to the erection of a school house on Bayou Malagay was refered to the Superintendent for investigation. Letters from Senators Jonas and Kellogg were read acknowledging reception of resoiu tions passed l»y this Hoard January 10 1882 i and pledging their services in aid ot the same. The following report was read. Quarterly Report* F. SANCAN, Treasurer iu account with School Board of Parish of Lafourche. Januarv 1. 1882. 1340 94 5*279 93 To balance on hand Received from State apportionment 887 16 Parish Taxes 1881 2871 83 Parish school house tax '81 717 96 Poll tax 1881 685 00 Forfeited taxes 65 68 Entertainment olCor. schoo 52 30 Total — February 6 1882. Parish school tax 1881 172 40 School house tax 43 10 Poll tax 66 00 Forfeited taxes 25 22 State apportionment 1793 22 Peabody Fund 200 00 Total — March 1882. Parish School Tax 1881 303 04 School house tux 75 76 Poll tax 155 00 Forieitud taxes 6 40 Total — Total receipts By disbursements since: January 1, 1882. Treasurers commission 36 68 Tax collectors commission 217 02 Teachers fund District No. 1 J80 00 Teachers fund District No. 2 157 27 School house fund Dist. No. 1 5 30 School house fund Dist No. t 87 15 General fund 243 44 ' Total — February 1882. Tax collector's commission 15 34 Treasurers commission 46 36 Teachers fund District No. 1 181) 00 Teachers, fund District No. 2 1017 73 School house fund Dist No. 1 31 90 School house fund Dist No. 2 27 7 70 General fund Total. 22 66 March 18S2. Tax Collector's commission 27 01 Teachers fund District No. 1 ISO 00 Teachers fund D,strict No. 2 1017 73 School house fund Dist No. 7 50 School lioo.-e fund Dist No. 74 70 Treasurer*s commission 43 62 Total — Tocal Disbursements April 1, 1882. Balanceou hand Divided us tallows in Teachers fund District No. 1 121 87 Teachers fund District No. 2 4579 7*2 School ho se fund Dist No 1 41 48 School house, fund Dist No 2 321 04 General fund 28 06 Tieasurer's commission 141 18 Peabody fund 200 00 Cor. School En. fund 81 30 Total — 2299 94 540 21 $9461 04 — 916 S6 — 1591 C9 1497 84 4006 37 5454 66 Respectfully submitted, [Signed] F. SANCA' School J Thibodaux, La., April 4th 1882. The following reports were read. Thibodaux, La., May 4, 1882. To the School Board. I report that there were. 18 white schools in the Parish in the, month of February showing the following result. Number of hoys enrolled 427 number of girls enrolled 308, total 735: Average atten dance, of hoys 352, girls 261, total 616. There were eight schools for colored cliil dreu. Boys enrolled 295. girls enrolled 239, total 534. Average attendance, hoys 219 girls 181, total 404. Total enrolled 1269, total average atten dance 1015. In the month of March there were 24 schools there wee 21 schools for white children show irig boys enrolled 560, girls 417, total 977. Av era go attendance of bovs 493, girls 315, total 838. There were 19 schools for colored children as follows : Boys enrolled 315, girls enrolled 273. total 618. Average attendance of hoys 262, girls 202, total 464. Being a gain over the month of Febrnarv of white schools 6, colored schools 1, total 9. Boys enrolled white 133, girls enrolled 109, total 242. Boys enrolled colored 60, girls 34, total 84. Average attendance, white 222, col ored 64, total 286. Number of pupils in February enrolled 1269 number of pupils in March enrolled 1595, gain 326. Average attendance in Feoruary 1016, average attendance in March 1300, gaiu 284. Iu tlie month of April there were 23 white schools show ing boys enrolled 576, girls en rolled 410, total 986. Average attendance of hoys 490, girls 351, total 841. There were 9 colored schools : Boys enrol ed 387, girls enrolled 337, total 724. Average attendance, hoys 310, girls 268, total 578. Total hoys enrolled 963, total girls enrolled 747, total enlistment 1710. Average atten dance boys 800, girls 619, total 1419. Total enrollment in March 1595, total enrol ment iu April 1710. Gain 115. Total average attendance in March 1300, to tal average attendance in April 1419. Gain 119. There was an increase of one white school, but two schools wero temporarily closed on account of overflow's. I have lately visited the Corporation school colored, and find it in a flourishing condition. The repairs lately made to the buildings havo rendered the pupils more comfortable. I have also visited the Stafford school, col ored, which 1 found lull of pupils and requir iug an assistant teacher. The building is rath er small for the number in attendance hut he ing in an open plain, it is cool aud pleasant otherwise. I visited the Guion Academy, white, I no ticed the same energy and perseverance in the Teachers heretofore exhibited and an at tendance of pupils that is not excelled iu any j school. I have been unable to get the aid of j the Municipal authorities iu making some im ! proveuients that are needed about the yard | and buildings. 1 visited the Naquin school, white, where j I found a much larger attendance of pupils i than were recorded at any previous time. I The teacher and pupils both seemed to be striving to make rapid advances in their ; studies. I also visited the St. Vincent school. Here I found a good school under excellent discip line and the pupils farther advanced iu their studies thau 1 have louud iu any country school. I also visited the Moreau school, colored. There was not a large attendance, hut the children I found present showed evidence of careful teaching iu their studies. A great iroutde in all the coloredochoots is the deficiency of hooks. Scarcely a class is called up which has not ane or more pupils that have ue banks. Respectfully, (Signed] S. T. GltlSAMORE, Superintendent. On motion of Mr. Ragan the Superinten dent was directe'd to have a new partition fence made at the Guion Academy, aud the outer fences repaired, aud One hundred dol lars or so much thereof as may bo necessyry was appropriated to pay the same. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Sigued T. A. BADEAUX. President. S. T.Ghisamoke, Secretaiy. Notice to Tax 1'aycrs. The Tableau of Assessment for the Corpora tion ot Thibodaux for the year 1882 is now completed and will remain open for correc tion during ten days from and after this day. Thibodaux, La.. August 19th. 1882. A. J. PERRIN, Assessor ,N'oticc. The Local Board of Swamp Land Commis sioners. not having been prepared to pass tho sale of the double concession ot Lands tront ing on Bayous Lafourche, Blue and Terre bonne, within the period specified ill the ad vertisement ot July 8, 1882, notice is hereby given that all landowners, wishing to pur chase their double concession, will bo siven until September 19,1882, to the same, previous to which date application must ho made to, and funds deposited with the undersigned to secure the purchase. S. T. GRISAMORE, Secretarv and Treasurer. Voters Take Notice! Office Registrar Voters, Parish of Lafourche, Thibodaux, August 31st. 1882. I hereby give notice that the registration office of this parish will he open at the Court House in the town of Thibodaux on the 7th. da.y ot September 1882. and will remain at the same place untill notice is given of other appointments. All persons who are already registered by mo need not register again. All voters who may have changed their precincts must give notice of the same in order that they may he transferred to the proper pre cinct. R. R. McBRIDE, Registrar Voters, Parish ot Lafourche. Notice of Kstray. Found atiarge, at a short distance below Thibodaux, on the right bank of Bayou La fourche, one gray Creole pony, branded wi h letter D on lelt shoulder and with letter It on left quai ter. The owner can recover same by proving property aud paving costs. Apply to L. 1*. CAILLf'UET, J. P. 2nd Ward, Lafourche. Sept. 2nd. 1882. FRAKK BARKER, Successor to Barker & Sevin, Commission Merchant. AND IIEAt.K11 IN ALL KINDS OF COTTON SUGAR. MOLASSES. Rice, Potatoes, Eggs, Honey , Bees wax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Moss , Poultry, Etc., Etc., No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advances Hade on Consignments. aug-12-82. Lyall & Davidson, [Established in 1827. WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. 110 Carondelet Nt. New Orleans. W ILL BE PLEASED TO TAKE OU ders for Country Work. Either plain or Fancy Roofing and at tho lowest possible rate. Refers to J. DAVIDSON &. GO., or ALEXANDER 111 LI.* dee-20-ly. 1 10 Caroutlalet Street. SAMUEL J IMISOA, 69 Carondelet , Nt. New Orleans La. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, —and— DEALER IN Sugar Lime. Plaster, Jiosendale aiul Western Cement, Eire Bricks, Hair, Ac. —Sole Agent of— SHELBY ALABAMA SUGAR LIME, Oct-1 i-ly. Fritz .1 almcke, [Pat. for La] Schillinger Artificial Stone Pavement, -Dealer In North River and German Flags Curb Stone and Portland Cement. Nos. 208 and 210 DELOUD STREET, Between Baronne and Carondelet Street. dec-20-1 y. New Orleans. HENRY HOWARD. H. It. TillIIEROE. HOWARD &THIBERGE, Architects, j j ! i <> Commercial PlttCC .......13 | ........ ........ ' NEW ORLEANS. j i ------------ I I'll-11*1 lie I'lipi;f u t vlltUHS 1 1 t II18, ; 520 " BUILDER. Chartres Street ........520 New Orleans. 11*9 lately built the residence and store on Bush Grove plantation. Louis Bush John B. Levert R. G. Bu.h BUSH &LEVERT. Cotton and Sugar Factors. and General Commission Merchants, 31 Perdido Street. N. O. It Merits Your Patronage. MATERIAL INDUCTION IN [PRICE, Accompanied with ' VAST IMPROVEMENTS. —THE Times-Democrat I Published Daily and Weekly, AT FOLLOWING RATES DAILY, seven [7| papers per week— Per annum............................. Three mouths....................g 50 WEEKLY ipublished Saturday j mornings. Per annum...................... .■ w Six months..................75 Three months........................ 5^ In clubs of ten [10] and over "ume "to get ter-up ot club), euch subscriber per annum $1 25. In all cases postage prepaid by office. To newsdealers aud newsboys, uaily and weekly, 2 l-2o per copy. Remittance by money order, registered letter or by draft at our risk. Any issue as u sample promptly mailed free, on request. With news, literary, family and agricultu ral departments equal to that of any other paper published in the South, it materially excels all others in its markets commercial aud industrial reviews aud political do purtments. Address THE DEMOCRAT, New Orleans, La. KURSHEEDT & BIEHVENO, Builders' Hardware. MARBLE, SLATE & IRON MANTEL MONUMENTS. TOMBS, HEADSTONE, H I, 1IM, 130 Camp Street NEW ORLEANS. For Orders apply to J.. M. WALSH. £ taibotftaiux. 9 kice bor.\. C1I. j & 91 Camp st., aud 565 Magazine street. —Imorters and Dealers iu— AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Cutlery Edge Tool. TINPLATE. SHEET IRON, IRONWARE,. Tinners' Stuck and Tinners' Stools. MAC BLANQUE, -DEALER IN Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, Etc., No. 231 Poydras St. Cor. Dryades,. New Orleans. Country Orders Promptly At tended to. » Goods delivered to landings or de pot free of drayage. CHAS. H. SEVIN, Formerly Barker So Sevin, Commission Merchant, And dealer in all kinds of Country Produce, Cotton, Sugar, Molasses, Rice , Po tatoes. Eggs , Honey , Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Moss, Poultry, etc. No. 141 Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. made ftp Liberal advances meuts. on enmugn aug-12-82 Drs. J. A. Thtirber Sc Sion, DENTISTS, No. 130 Royal Street, New Orleans, Assistants : Dr. H. Pierson. Dr. T. J. Hopper. SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS. —ADOPTED lir THE— Parish School Boartl for the use of the Pub lic Schools. —For Sale by— Jos. V. Thibodeaux. Orders for books promptly filled at Publishers Prices. Paper, Pens, Ink, Slates, Pencils, Blank and Time Book, Envelopes, Chalk, Crayons &C., AT MO DEBATE PBICES. El7 Liberal Discounts allowed to Tcnchers. IV. H. iMGA V, LOCAL AGENT AND - COLLECTOR Office, TtanoDArxiSAW-MiLL, Thibodaux. La.