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Newspaper Page Text
©l)c <£l)ib(rtiau* Sentinel. SATURDAY. MARCH 3, 1833. OFFICIAL Proceeding of Town Council. TOWN HALL, I February 9th, 1883. j The Town Council for the Town of Thibo danxjuetin session;this day. at 64 o'clock Present : J. L. Aucoin, Mayor, II. Duiiae renu, J. M.(Howell, I. D. Moore, F. Zcruott. ami Ellis Brand. Absent : C. Azeina. The reading ol the minutes of jthe Jprevious session was dispensed with. The following Treasurer's report was pre sented and relerred to the committee on Fi nance. TREASURERS REPORT, from Jan. 26th to Feb. 9th. 1883. To Balauce on baud 513 85 " Taxes 1832 65 17 " Licenses 1883 412 50 " Market House lor Jan. 85 65 CR. By Banquettes " Wharf & Levee " Police &. Criminal Expenses " Streets and Ditches ** Incidental Expenses " Corporation Laborer " Collector's Commission " Balance 7 75 1 50 4 50 5 00 500 00 50 00 10 10 519 32 J1107.I7 *1107.17 519*32 20 86 To Balance on hand " School Taxes rec'd since last report Respectfully Submitted, (Signed) JUS. T. THIBODEAUX, Feb. 9th. 1883. Treasurer. The following collector's report was pre" seuted and relerred to Ihe committee on Fi nance. Collector's Report. For 1 Jauuary ( 1883. Taxes of 1832. H. A. Loret H. Hoffmann Hoffmann & Aucoin H. W. Tabor John H. Fleetwood Aug. Meunier Mrs. M. Bourg Mrs. F. Blum John H. Fleetwood Roth & Fleetwood Jules Lapeue E. N. Roth John H. Fleetwood J. K. Fleetwood J. H. Fleetwood J. L. Aucoin Jules Lapeue H. W. Tabor E. E. LeBlanc J. H. Fleetwood H. Hoffmann Est. ()■ Mnronge Alex Jones George Bryant F. M. Hollies Mrs. M. Springer John Larkin Miss Alice Deznuche H. W. Tabor Miss Laura Dantiu Mrs. J. B. Bernard Mrs. E. Boutcrie Livaudais Dantiu Mrs. Elie Bourg Mrs. M. Naquin Themas Nathaniel Miss Amelia Bergeron Joseph Mitchcl Ellis Braud Oscar Gaudé H. W. Tabor Tliibodaux Bridge Co. Shareholders Tliibodaux B Co. C. S. Kleppingcr P. E. LeBlanc Mrs. Pierre Preslin Mrs. L. Dandridge Enoch Adams L. J. Meyer James McCormick L. J Meyer Mrs. I Palmer Est. Mrs. Harrison Est. Sylvcre Boudreaux John Henry Hollins Mrs. Joseph LeBlanc Pride of Tliibodaux Lodge. R. It. McBride Est. N. A. Lawless Oleus Bouterie Hoffmann & Abraham Frank Hoffmann 10 75 Cor. 450 30 00 15 00 9 00 22 50 3 75 15 00 11 62 II 25 15 00 300 600 16 12 75 6 00 6 37 3 75 6 00 4 87 6.75 7 50 300 93 93 1 50 450 3 75 2 25 7 80 1 12 75 I 68 1 87 75 1 50 1 57 2 62 56 6 18 1 12 56 3 37 30 00 15 03 6 00 225 75 1 87 2 25 15 00 14 06 11 36 300 3 00 3 00 1 12 2 62 300 4 87 450 37 II 25 32 25 Total 144 23 432 27 Licensee of 1883. Pat Civil, street pedler Harry Squires, street pcdlcr L. F. Schneider B K S Hidden Hand Co. John Guardia B. M. Hoffmann 4t Aucoin R. M. Henry Lagarde R. M. J. S. T, Dezauche C. H. &. R. M. O. J. Legendre Hotel J. A. Frost C. H. Roth & Fleetwood Druggists A. Lusignan Dray Wm. McClellan street pedler J. W. Trotter R. M. A. Malbrongb " " Dr. Win. U. Hunt stroet pedler Leo. Aucoiu C. H. & R. M. A. Molaison R. M. Thomas Allierti hotel Mrs. M. E. Hesse R. M. C. Azoma Restaurant Curtis A Badeaux R. M. Braud & Legendre R. M. Rhody Dezauche B. & E. S. Oscar Legendre K. M. A. Weisscutbanner Confectionery 2 50 5 00 20 00 5 00 6 00 20 00 5 00 50 00 1000 50 00 20 00 5 00 5 00 500 10 00 5 00 50 00 15 00 10 0J 10 00 5 00 20 00 60 00 20 00 5 00 5 00 412 50 Respectfully Submitted fSigned) O. J. LEGENDRE, Collector. The Market Master's monthly report for Jan. 1883, showing total collections to be| Eighty five 65|000 Doll _ . liars was presented and referred .to the Committee on Fi nance. The following resolutions presented by the Committee on Finance were on motion duly seconded adopted. Resolved that the sum of Three Hun dred 4» forty seven 96[00 Dollars |be and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the fol lowing claims to-wit : Taylor Lagarde char, to Market House 30 Both A Fleetwood " " Incid'nt'l Kxp. 50 Theo. Thibodaux " " P. A C. Exp. 9 50 O. J. Legendre salary as Market Master for Jan. IMS char, to Market House 1* 66 A. Malbroagh Cor. Laborers' salary tor Jaa. 1823 char, to Corporation Lab'rer SO 00 J. L. Aucoin Mayer's salary for quarter ending Feb. 1.1883 eher to sal of eft'rs SO 00 A. J. Perrin Clerk sal far quarter ending Feb. 1 1883 char, to sal. of otkesrs II55 Jos. T. Thibodaux Treasurer sal. for qnar ter ending Feb. 11883 char, to Muary of „Officer* 3125 O. J. Legendre Constable salary for quarter ending Feb. 1 1883 chargeable to salary of Officers. 100 00 F. Sam-all Printer salary for quarter end ing Feb. 1 1883 chargeable to salary of Officers 37 50 Flemming Charles char, to Stsddt Dts. 6 00 " ...... " V 4 00 Alfred Golden •• " " " 5 50 •• •* ...... " 6 00 F. Tanner " " In'd't'l Exp. 12 00 347 96 Total as and .Braud. Nays : None. Ou motion duly seconded Messrs Chs. Lusi gnan and Clotaire il'ai-nard were elected De puty Constables without salaiy. On motion duly seconded the Council ad journed. [Signed] J. L. AUCOIN, Mayor. *• A. J. Perkin. Clerk,Pro tern. A true copy : A. J. PERRIN, Llerk Pro tcm. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th. Judicial District Court, Pars ish of Lafourche. Parish of Lalourclie. ) Clerk's Office. \ I, John Wilfrid Knoblocli clerk 20th, Judi cial District Court for State and Parish atore said, do hereby certify that the following per sons [electors] were duly drawn by the jury commissioners of said parish on the 1st day of February 1883 to serve as Jurors for the next term of this Houorablo Court. For the tirst woeek of Court to servo as Grand and petit Jury beginjuug on Monday the secoud dao of April A. if? 1883 to-wit : 2nd 1 Bergeron Oscar 2 Boudreaux Louis F. 3 Boudreaux Nurcisge 4 Timps Louis 5 Higginbotham M. T. 6 Gan- c Myrtile 7 Bourgeois Alceste Charle S Lusignan 9 Hebert Nniua 10 Hepler Thomas 11 Caro Oscar L. 7th 5th 2nd 5th tear i. 12 Hebert R. E. •O.-qu 14 Nick less Foret 15 Coulon Rodolphe 16 Champagne Arthur 17 Pierce Daniel 2nd 1st 6th 4th 3rd 18 Klanagau Joseph 19 Chauvin Joseseph 20 Daigle Lcufroy 21 KUliaril Loul'roy 22 Boudreaux Joseph 23 Bergeron Emile J. 24 Arsenaux Pierre 25 Lee Job 2a Lee John 26 Jackson Narcisse 27 Brand J. C 28 Bergeron Arthur T 90 Nchaubut Barthélémy 30 Riviere Edgar 31 Ledet Henry 32 Brown Auguste 33 Cox George 34 Griffin Henry 35 Schneider L. F. 36 Rountree Darden 37 Leblanc Pierre 38 Boyd Felix 39 Bontcry Oleus 40 Gaignard Victor 4th (2nd 1st 9th 2nd 3rd 5th 7th 2nd 6th 2nd 7th 3rd 2nd 9th 2ml 5th 9th 2nd 41 Cox VYlllia l.lfbob I 42 Ktiobloch E. E. 43 Darden Win. K. 44 Bernard Washington 45 Griffen Jno K 46 Jamison Samuel Jr. 47 Gaudé L. R. 48 Conrad Jno W. 50 Ayo Delphi 3rd 2nd 7th 5th 4th 9th 5th 3rd 2nd For the second week of Court to serve os petit Jury beginning on Monday tlio Ninth day of April A. D. 1883 to-wit : 1 Pezauclic John 2 Richard Aim-lien 3 Robinson Nelson 4 Bergeron Joachin J. 5 Bourgeois Alfred Ward 2nd 7th 1st 2nd 6 Lesscps Albert 7 Hargis Thomas J. 8 Bourgeois Cha 8 Bourgeois Mias. 9 Le pi lie Nelson 10 Babin Froisin 11 If algout Franq V. 12Serin Felix P. 13 Thibodeaux J. Lemuel 14 Ledet J. Alcide 15 Richoux Nicholas 16 Ledet Leo 17 Hoffmann Henry J 18 Lepine E A 19 Boudreaux Ozt'ffitS 20 Folse Aloxis Jr. 21 Keller bosthene 5th 4th 2nd 7tlT 3rd 4th 2nd 7th 5rh 9th 2nd 22 Rivière Emile 23 t 23 Parr Etienne 21 Bonvillain Norbert 25 Bernard Jackson 26 Guidroz William 27 Boudreaux Drauzin 28 Cherault James lies Aleck 28 Cherault J 29 White Jam 30 Williams A For the third week of said Court to serve as petit Jury beginning on Monday the Six teenth daÿ of April 1883 viz : 1 Price Leo 2 Kuoblock Adolphe 3 Page Warren 4 Toups Finnin 5 Hoffman A. II. 6 Davis Chas J. 7 Bourgeois Richard 8 Arsenaux Valsin 9 Foret Lent ou 10 Préjeuu Gerasi.ine 11 Coleman Jacksou 12 Dugas O. N. 13 Bergeron M. 14 Boudreaux Clovis 15 Gaudé Alexandre 16 Warmold B. A. 17 Roussel L. E. 18 Briaut J. D 19 llymel Loviucy F. 20 McEvers Jno. R. 21 Newell Evariste 22 Morvaut Henri 23 Pochié Alfred 24 Rock Arthur 25 Pochié Octave 26 Beruard Miles Taylor 27 Molaison Léo 28 Randall Albert Ward 3rd 7th 2nd 7th 2nd 9th 2nd 3rd 5th 29 Achéa Sylvest Cyprlc 30 Axenia Cyprien In iaith whereof 2nd 5th 8rd 5th 7th 5th 1st 3rd 5th 2nd I 9th 1st 5th 4th 5th 1st 2nd 9th 5th 2nd J l£ l th^thT t"5 hand and 8eal office e 8t ' y,of Fobnwry A " D ' J- W. KNOBLOCH, Clerk. NOTICE. A meeting of the Stockholders ofjFiremen's Hall Association will be bold in Firemen's Hall on Saturday March 17,1863 at 6 o'clock P. N. for the purpose of fotior upon a propo sition to dissolve seid association. 8. T. GftlSAMORE, Présidente Thibodaux, La. Feb. 17,1883. LOUISIANA mu m, mu i ms ItlfOtf 9 301,94)3. 303, 307 «ravier St. NKW ORLEANS ROBERTS & CO. Proprietors, Sash, Blinds,, Mouldings, Flooring Jand Ceiling, Newels balusters, etc., always on hand or made to order. Orders promptly at tended to. A. BOURON, Watchmaker &' Gun smith. Cor. Main :>nd St. Philip Streets, Thiiioualx, La. J^EEP constantly hand a large and com plctc assortment of FIAI) JEWELRY WATCHES & CLOCKS In connection with the above a great variety of GL'XS PISTOLS, Puirder, Cartridges, Hunting Materials Etc. The Celebrated 'ELGIN WATCHES" constantly on band. —ALSO— The NEW AMERICAN Sewing Machine. —AND— LOT OF ACCORDEONS £35" Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Machines Fire arms, &.C., carefully repaired and guaranteed A full stook of attach inents.oil and needles for all kind of Sewing Ma chines dan be had by up plying to A. BOURON, Corner Maiu and St. Philip street. TABER ORGANS ARE GUARANTEED STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENTS. Sand ffireot to the Manufacturers for Descriptive Circular. TABER ORGAN CO., WORCESTER, MA88. Misent [ History Mid bewfmethods I seses, Fodcter Crops, Trees .________________ rniïïü Cato,w <* MM MEM. ISOM t HIRAM SIBLEY &CO, CHICAGO,III. Rochester,N.Y. SBBSL Moot ly lOrts. varieties, I I BLEI CLARK JOHNSON'S iî ^yladlan 0100 a syrup WM Churoa all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, æaEBS Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Million* testify to its effieacy in heal in^ the above named diseases, and pro nouncc it to be the best remedy known to man. trade if are. Guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. MTAGENTS WANTED. 4 !! Laboratory 77 W. 3d St -, New York City. Druggists sell it LONGSTREET. DE SOTA PARISH. LA. Moseley's Oasinet Creamery "THE STANDARD GREAM-RAISINC APPARATUS OF THE PERIOD." (irvffAxirsY iTD srmionkAroi combined). Tm tiSoncs TTNtTT FREMICMS Mid IfkilALff ttir* »ny rinitir la Am.ricv ReiiBi-M IrM ire to (». i t than any other Portal4a Creamery en the n-iarV-i. Is protected try tetters patent. wo Patjwt ox Dxvicr or Fsocaa AGENTS WANTED. For Chnclara address th. maou&cturen, Uoseley & Stoddard Iffg Co., Podtaey, 7t BALDWIN'S IMPROVED ENSILAGE AND FEED CUTTERS.^ Simplest aad Best.' Only Three Peed Gs^rs. U512ST BlYXlSe 113 ruiiisT ccttiaC EicaiiE IÏ TBE I1EXET. • Tkorotiglil 7 tested ùnr kigtheoiuttlirejseaso:;* _ for Cctüng Ecs2a-e, and proved a jirscd luee«* • fliCed with the only »eliaMo Safety * JJmvipéion, Prizet a+l tör C. FIEEPCSf l CO.. i'A C:î*, frank zkrxott. ZERNOTT i cm WATCHIAKSa, GVSSüij, •thibodacl u -Dealer, Jewelry, W.itth*,' and Cloth. EPICTAClEi & l( ALL K1AD8 0 / Serving Macl . - r . < i u A FULL STOCK OF ATTACHIEim I KINOS OF SEWING IACN&1 If. . ' Wn telles, Clneks. Jewslrv. Ktstel chines. Fire Arm«. Etc..' ranfibi piiircd and gnonuitmL PATE Obtained, and all other hnsinoisis ratent Office attended to fix FEES _ Our office is opposite the T.8. . ffee, and \vc esn obtain Patent» is than those remote from 1F.4 S!Wt( Send MODEL OH DR A HISS. rise as to patentaliilitv free «f we mute .VO CHARGE IJRjJtSi TA IX PA TEXT. We refer here, to the Fogtmsstsr, State'or county, address. ! C .A. SNOW AI Opposite l atent Oil ee, Washil ol Money Order Div. and tu officials l S. Patent Office. For i-irrnlar. (dnwi and rcfi-rencee to aetinil clirnU is i I The Latest Thel THE BEST IS THE CHE The handsomest and muct ( LARSE ARM IWtSIl Tet produced. ILLUSTRATED CIRCULA1SI ox irrucATiox Victor Sewing Machii Hiddlstown, Coan. T. L Miller Co, HEREFORD CATTLE* ' COTSWOLD SHEEP. BERKSHIRE aran,' ' Wm Co, / I'tr 9alr. The FrMnklin IIou** in Tliibod'ii^*j hree at«ry Hotel estuhlieheil J Apply to 8. T. GBISAJ