Newspaper Page Text
HjcJijibcSaiu* Sentinel. ^TCRIUY. MARCH 10,1881 | ^^ToCALXE 1U& ^Dolinqi'.cr.t tax payors-will <!c, -ell to call at thr* collectors office L w onas possible—otherwise their property will be seized iml sold ao jordin? to ,iUV -^^ __g,. e if you can iiiul the two ad ^tisetuents in this paper, ntuj parted "New" and the other •Old/' _Francis Sternberg has been ted Route Agent on the Mor *ppoin «g*ii's Rail Hoad between New Or igins and Alexandria. _We are under obligations to fle Department of the Interior for icopy of tho census of 1880, a W ry valuable book filled with in ((resting statistical matter. —Chester B. Darrall being el liowed out of Congress by Kellogg i been appointed, Register of the laud office in New Orleans. Dionne & Ilimel are prepared to lell stone coal to planters on the La fonrehe. Their well known punctu llity and integrity is a guarantee {that any contract they may make will be carried out. See their ad Ifcrtisement. —The Methodist Churclj in Thib [dilanx has been repaired and paint (d, improving its appearance so greatly, that its own friends hardly recognize it. This is said to be t^e generous work of Messrs. E. J. (Jay ami Andrew Price. —George Drury, who was Ivel og's first Lieutenant during the last political campaign, has been appointed Collector of Internal Revenue, District of Louisiana, F. P.Hertrig United States Assistant Heawirer at New Orleans, and W. B. Merchant has been appointed flontmaster at New Orleans. —The Houma Courier says that flbe prohibition of the sale, of tqoofin Thibodanx gives general |ttisfactiou." The extraordinary Ireility with which the Courier githers np news ought to give gen tnl satisfaction also. —Eifwiu Bonner, accused of for *«y arrested last week, and af tea preliminary examination, was at before the District Court, un der Bond of $350.00. Failing to obtain a bondsman he infill in prison. —Hon Clay Knobloch has con dructed on his premises a graceful prdener'8 cottage which adds uia teially to the attractiveness of his temtiful suburban residence. Thomas A. Bndeaux, Esq., bas tel an additiou made to his house, ith a view to a complete remodel Sag of the house itself in the not distant future. On the lot formerly owned by teMaggioli family, but now be toging to C. Azema, a neat and (Bipreteutious cottage is in course i construction. The band of the builder is still *pon the new Engine house of Pfo tetor Fire Co. No. 2, and the Court Souse Saloon property of Evariste ■Mouge. The Wat i: it.—Th.; Ohio river Sm fallen aud is low as far down as faducah. At Cairo the fall is ra* The Mississippi is falling at »• Louis, wii'i its tributary feeders farther North still frozen. The top of the rise has pass HMemphis, and breaking tlie Lev between Memphis and the Ar J*? 838 River. Tile immense reser Jtesot the Yazoo, Arkansas, and white livers ate filling op. The "j® a t Vicksburg is only about JMiuch per day, with three or teet to sji;ite before arriviug «ie high water mark of 1S82. yroin present indications we per •re uo reasons to create apprehen *° ns of disasters below Red River. „Tiie Bayou. —On the morning ot March J the Bayou in front of lliibodaux had risen in 21 hours about one inch and was 26 inches below the highest point reached in 1882, or at previous occasions. On Saturday morning another inch was 'gained ; Sunday morning the nuirx showed another gain of one inch. Monday morning indicated the usual rise. On Tuesday morning the mark indicated 20 inches below high water mark. On Wednesday but little change was noticed, but the rise was resumed during the day and full two inches! were gain ed during Wednesday night, bting ing it up to about 17 inches below the highest mark of 1882, full high enough to make it look nncomforta bln and decidedly dangerous. On Friday morning n fall of half an inch was perceptible, the extra rise ot the last two days having been caused probably by' high tide of the Gulf. j —Planting Sugar cane is now completed for 18S3. The season has been an excellent one—one the like ot which is seldom experienced. Little or no seed lias been daniag ed to any extent, hence the plant ing has beeu a good one. The tine stand of plant in 1882 ought to send forth an excellent stand ot Rattoon. Taking everything into couside ration the prospect for a crop should be as encouraging as was that ot 1882, whilst the planter is not alarmed about beiug overflow ed. * Corn and potatoes have been planted in fair quantities whilst preparation for a large planting of Rice are being made, which will be commenced at an early date. —H. H. Ilausell, of New Or leans, has in press and will soon is sue, a uew and valuable book euti tied Parish officers* guide, with nu merous forms, by IIon. Arthur F. Knobloch, Judge of the 20tb.'Judicial District. This book is a compilation of laws and forms by which Justices of the Peace aud Parish officers can be enabled to understand aud learn the extent of their legal powers and duties. This book, compiled and prepar ed by a learned Judge, who is uo ted for stern integrity and probity, and for a thoiongh study of every thing he undertakes, will be inval uable not only to those whose du ties it prescribes, but to every law abiding citizeu. —An-announcement which will be of great interest to our lady readers is the fact that Curtis and Badeaux have secured the sole ageucy for Tbibodaux of Remuauts of Trimmings and laces put op in bunches of from two to ten yards each, and wbicb they are prepared to sell at teu ceuts apiece. The la ces are of Torchon. Cluuy, Yalen demies, Blond, Breton, Languedoc, Saxony, Maltrese aud Vermicelli in over 200 different designs, while the trimmings are of Crochet, Irish, Everlasting, Cyprus, Cluny and Nottingham, Each piece contains the full number of yards marked on the wrapper, aud the price is lunch less than regular goods by the yard. Besides these goods, this firm .have just opened a large ami well selected stock of ladies' and chil dren's shoes, notions, dry goods, aud other objects too numerous to mention. As the prices are moderate, the patronage extended to the new firm is steadily incteasing. —As was stated in the Sentinel last Saturday, the sum of fifty do! lars was seut by the people of Thib odaux to the relief of the sufferers in Jeffersonville who were lately inundated by the high water in the Ohio river. The following reply has been received. "JeftereonTille, Ind. Feb 23,1883. The old adage "Bread cast upon the waters will return after many days'* is again verified in the receipt ot the Fifty dollars you seut us. 1 little thought then, (iu 1878) that wo would ever be in a condition we now are. People are helping us nobly. Toll youq folks we thank tlieiu sincerely for tbeir kindness to us In our distress; as they realize the condition wo are in, it is needless to eay more." Public Schools.— la the Par ish of Lafourche during the mouth of February 1SS3, there were tif I teen schools for white children. S Boys cm oiled 3G7, Girls 231. To | ta! 508. j Average attendance ; Boys 812, i Girls 197. Total 509. No. in First Reader 106, Second : Reader 99, Third Reader 64, Fourth j Reader S5, Fifth Reader 64, Writ I ten Arithmetic 277, Geography, 226 j Grammar 128, History 81, studying in French 218. There were ten schools for col oreil children. Boys enrolled 80S, Girls 231. To tal 539. Average attendance; Boys 224, Girls 153. Total 377. There were studying the First Reader 143, Second Reader 98, Third Reader 53, Fourth Reader 07, Fifth lieadei 34, Arithmetic 170, Geogcaphy 154, Grammar 40, History 2. Fifteen white schools with 598 pupils. Teu colored schools with 308 pupils. Twenty five schools with 800 pupils. —The late Levee Convention which met at Baton Rouge ou Feb. 20tb. 18S3 recommended an assess ineut to be demanded of the va rious Parishes in the Fourth Levee District as follows: Pointe Coupee..............$2500 West Baton Rouge.......... 3000 Iberville........... 3000 Ascension...................1500 Assumption................. 2500 Lafourche...................1000 Terrebonne.................. 3000 St. Mary..................... 3000 Iberia...................... 1500 St. Martin.................. 500 St. Lvi.dry.................. 025 Avoyelles..................1000 It must be confessed that the members of that convention were very liberal towards the Parish of Lafourche. Estimating the por tion of Lafourche liable to injury from river overflows, prorata to her territory, the amount that La fourche would pay, if her wlio'e front was subject to subuiergement, her assessment would be about $6000.00 Why should tuey.—>N® man or womau can do satisfactory work when tho brain is dull, tlie nerves unsteady, the system re laxed and they feel generally wretched Why should anybody drag through their work in this condition, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic will at moderate cost give them the strength and will to perform their duties satisfactorily.,— Ed. Mothers! Mothers !! .Mothers!!! Are yon disturbed at night and broken cf your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying with the ex cruciatir.g pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately— depend upon it; there is no mis take about it. There is not a mother ou earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bow els, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. If is perfeot ly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the proscription of one of the oldest and best female physicians aud nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. HOI'LL ARRIVALS. For the week ending March Pth. 1S33. STRANGERS HOTEL,—Henri Mantras, ! Zelnieker, Bouchcrean. E. K. Lucas, Hart- i man, .f. Loeb, A. Gugcnheim, Chss. A. Lain I qne. Turgcan. L. E. Generally. N O; A. V i Vallot, St. Martmrille, La: John H. Isley, Donuldsonvilie La. j FRANKLIN HOUSE.—W. T. Anderson, Thomas Gorman, It. it. Madison, Mrs.-Reams, T. Theriot, M. Keuuhdy, N. O ; E. N. Harlan. La : J. Kahn, Atlanta, Ga. , A. Barrios, Lafourche ; K. liart. Mobile, Ala. ; James lloidaue, Scotland. NiOTflUi:. Persons who may have heavy articles to | cross tlie Bayou at Thibodanx, arc notified that no delay should be had iu (-missing them, as the Bridge will very soon ho closed lor re pairs, which will require some three or lour weeks to consummate. . S. T. GRISAMORE, President Thibodaux Bridge Company. HOFFMAN •& A V CO IN, ACTS; -FOR LHOTE & GO., ESTABLISHED "OLD BASIN" IN ISA SASH, BLIND, DOOR & MOUt FACTORY & LUMBER YARD. PLANTATION CAmNS, till sizes. Factory and Yards, Head of Old Basin. OFFICES : Cor. Franklin & Toulouse Streets, ttiul No. 41 Carondelet Street, New Orleans. riIP All orders left with them will meet our promt at tention. aug-12-S2-ly. Nunn;. The Local Hoard of Swamp Land Com missioners are now prepared to dispose of the lauds which they have for sale- Persons wishing to secure their double concession should call without delay. Tbibodaux, December op, 1882. S. T. GlilSAMOKE, 3uis. Secretary. Grand Lake Coal Co. . DIONNE & HIMEL, —Agents for— Pittsburg*. Anthracite and Cansicl Coal, Thibodanx, La. feb-10-83-Gm EDWARD CURTIS. EDWARD BADEAUX. CURTIS & BADEAUX, Corner Main and Focus Streets, Thibodaux, La., K eep constantly on hand a com piete assortment oi Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes. Clothing, Hats, Gents' Furnish ing Goods, Groceries. Choice Liquors and Provisions. dee-30-82-ly. L PHILIP CAILL 0 UET, Notary Public, Respectfully informs the public that he is fully prepared to attend to tlie sale and purchase of rerl estate. Parties having such property to dispose of will find it to tlieir advantage to confer with him. He is also agent for "The Western Assu rance Company of Toronto," Canada, with a Southern Department at Columbus, Sliss—and ready to write for all risks against fire. Ollice : Market street, Thibodanx, ta. * AMU US, .1 UTIISOIY, 69 Carondelet , St. Few Orleans La. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, —aud— DEALER IN Sugar Lime. Planter, liwteiitlale anil Western Cement, Fire Pricks, Rair % dre. —Sole Agent of— SHELBY ALABAMA SUGAR LIME, Oct-1 i-ly. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. STRAAbi:E:M IMJTJK*,. Mr. Thomas Alberti informs his friends nd the travelling public that he has made aome new arrangements which will enable him to satisfy all those who will honor him with their custom. Meals tarnished at all hours of the day Breakfast at 10 o'cloek A. M. and Dinnei it 4 o'clock P. M. Commodious aud well furnished rooms. MODFRATF. PRICES. > K £ = =? 2 Li 3 ■» S c v 3 | r. " V CO 2* i 8 ° o' 5- *5 3 3 " h " s- O Hi :i.r • A foil line of this celebrated thread in White, Fast Black and Colours for sale by hikAI i) A", LEGENDRE. Charles Frenis, * BUILDER. 520....... Chartres Street. .......520 Acv, Grleatis.' Has lately built the residence and store on Bush Grove plantation. Louis 3tis*a Jc!;n 3. Levert BUSH & 1L33VERT. Colton and Sngar Factors, aud General Commission Merchants. 31 Perdido Street. N. O. AOTIC2-L My friends and the public are notified that I have opened a Grocery in the Red store opposite i he Thibodanx Bridge, where 1 will keep constantly on hand a full supply ot Groceries, Provisions, Hines and Liquors.* Give me a call aud examine my assortment. JOHN* DKZAUCHE. jan-20-3m. to H a 'HsS s j! liar's: 3 t-sr ao t j j 2 < > SE 1 - ijjfgpS; ® p3 P! « P ® 5 oc " § ?o c » H. 3 *So3 n Ci 1 " Fo 0-03 v 5,3 -003 £» - 2 ©o J8 8 *« -i Zcoo® °o®" gr ? UJ V m 4 C/i O) II. UOFFMASft, Cabinet Maker —AND REPAIRER , Main Street, bet. St-Pbilip aud Jackson Sti THIBODAUX, LA. IAURX1TURE manufactured, and repair JL ed to at the shortest notice 23oc-76 wui De maned fsee to ail applicants, and to cus tomers of last year without ordering it Itcontains about l.ppaires, 609 illustrations, prices, accurate aeecnptipnB and valuable directions for planting IS 10 vanetiMof Vegetable and Flower Seed*, Plants, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, espec tally to Market Gardeners. Send for it! O. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mioh. CROCKERY. IV. C. SHEPARD & Co, 49 Cam.]) Street, Xeic Orleans. Wholesale and Retail Crockery, China and Glass! Speciality.. Hotels.. Speciality STEAMBOATS AND General ESotasekeeping Supplies. ASSORTED CRATES For Country Stores, alwaye on hand. HEADQUARTERS FOB AMEBIC AN CHINA. Full Dinner Sets...........$10, $!f>. 511. $15 Full Tea Sets..................... *:>, sfi, $7.40 Chamber Sets.....$2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $ti,'$7.50. Pcirigeraters. Ice Cr-am Freezers, Watei Coolers, Bathing Tubs, Plated lvuives, Forks and Spoons. WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD sept-2-82-ly. •U. T. BLAKE, Attorney at S.avr, \\ ill praetice iu the Courts of Laloureh Terrebonne and Assumption. \\ ill attend also to all Notarial business i trusted to biiu. Oltiee o:i Green tit. near (lie Court IIous THIBODAUX La., BRIDGE HOUSE iismsiyoiiiHSiiiffl MAIN STREET^ (bet. Jackson and St. Pliilip Streets,) Thibodaux, La Tliis new establishment, under the managey nieut of C. Azetna. proprietor, is kept in the best style ; the prices are moderate and tha waiters are polite anil attentive Oct .-144