Newspaper Page Text
bent* Sentinel. MARCH 17,1883. CaLNEWS. __Delflifn en t (ax payers will do _ e ll to<*#f at the collectors office jssoon afe^j*ssU>!e—otherwise their rQpertj'^lH b« seized and sold ac jean find the two ad i this and —See rertisc* leaded .. paper, one the other —Th# r w$t barge of stone coal fa 1884''* passed Tbibodaux on jiursday. ,—The^verAge school boy is dis posed, doSt. to lei the books alone whilst Iftftftes f or craw fish. —The Tbibodaux Foundry has jeceived ^ load of sand, from the ticiuity of Natchez which will be sold to those who wisli any of that article. -The amount of building and re pairing that is now being done in Tbibodaux keeps carpenters, pain |ers and paasons busy. —The Pblice Jury will meet, in adjourned session on Wednesday March 21 iust. As business of much importance will come tip for action the mem hers should*all be present. ■ ' ---» • ^---- —Now, the coal boats are begin ring to enter the Bayou. The price at which coal has been oiler edto Plauters delivered over the levee, is thirty eight ceuts per hbl. --- —April 25 will be the day for tbe Aittfoal Parade of the Fire De pirttMUt of Tbibodaux. This will, no doubt, be, as hereto lore, rgffhl day, whilst the parade willbfeQOal in beauty and gran dear to'nuy previous one. — ff. H. Iiagau started his new Brick jdachine to work on last ilon«ifm6rmug; Clay Lagarde lathe manager. With this machine ingperktion there will no longer be any .difficulty in obtaining brick iutkik Lagarde, the well luowa &rber who has been follow log hfs vocation in Tbibodaux for usoy years, is removing his stand, torn Main street, to the store moms formerly occupied by Roth and Fleetwood on Market street* where he will be pfeased to have kis friends and customers visit Mm, —On April 21 and 22 tbe Yoang Men's Benevolent Association ot Lafourche will give a grand Fair in Firemen's Fair Grounds. This organization never does anything by halves, but works always with tneigy and w ill which is a sufficient guarantee that tbe proposed en tertaimnent will be a grand, pleas ant and successful one. —The Bayou remaiued stationary from Friday last until Tuesday evening when it began to rise ajid by Thursday morning it bad risen aibont 3 or 4 inches. During the day it was stationary, bat rose an inch during the night* bringing it yesterday morning to within about 14 or 15 inches, of tbe highest water mark of 1882. This tejpjigbtless the top of the *we, tbat*pM been coming for six *eeks from Pittsburgh. Thk-Wat^US !!—Tbe Ohio riv basTtlwn to its ordinary stages. The fall has been coming down tbe Mississippi river gradually but knrely. For several days tbe wa <er has ceased to rise at Vicks ■burgh pud is probably falling at that poinfefo day. There will not bo much decline " the Hfeprche for some days, end itifcciWbre behooves all persons t® guaaf their levees for a *hort time* jrheu all danger will be over. The Markets— Ft would be a good idea to have the markets iu Tbibodaux opened every Sueur day from 5 to S 1*. M. The market is crammed with eus tdrners on Sunday morning, so that the vendors cannot properly at tend to them. It the markets were opened on Saturday evening it would not on ly facilitate trade but be a great convenience for many people who woujd prefer buying their supplies on that day, than to be crowded tor a 'half hour on Sunday morn i —Col. Lagarde from Lower La i fourche gave us a call on Monday last. He reports everything in prosperous condition iu the neigh borhood ot Longuevillc, and fears no future trouble from the old break in the canal that gave so much trouble iu 1882. —v\ e regret to have neglected to make any mention of a very ia teresting event that occurred in Thihodanx some three weeks ago, which took place at the residence ot Mr. J. S. Goode, one of tire able members of the Bar of Lafourche. It was the celebration ol his crys tal wedding. A number of the friends of the family, armed with every imaginable species of crystal or glass ware, gathered at his com fortable home, at dusk, where they were received with that hospitality and friendship, characteiistic of the family, and during the evening entertained in a very substantial manner by Mr. Goode and wife, around a table loaded with luxu ries and comforts for the guests. —The pupils ot the Gnion Acade my are rehearsing a number of songs, recitations and addresses with which they propose to euter tain their friends and the public at au entertainment to be given iu the early part of next month, say April 7 aud 8. The proceeds of this delightful affair will be used for tbe prolenga tion of tbe session when the public funds will have been used. . There will not, probably, be auy money received from the Peabody Fund, the current year, which makes it more urgent for both pa rents and pupils to use all lionora ble means to raise fuuds to contin ue the session during the scholas tic year. As the projected enter tainraent will be given exclusively by the pupils the public will feel au interest in its success, and will doubtless assist liberally to render the enterprise a success both so cially and financially. —Judge Arthur F. Kuobloch's work has just been published. It is entitled "The Louisiana Civil aud Criminal Justice'' with an appen dix containing ''The Parish Officer's Guide by Judge Olcott aud Judge Hemy M. Spofford," revised, correc ted and eulaged. The work of Judge Knobloch is designed to supply a want long felt in (his State, that of furnishing Jus tices of the Peace with an accurate and complete guide to their [duties when exercising their civil or crim inal Jurisdiction. Though following the arrange meat, to a certaiu extent, of the ''Louisiana Magistrate''yet it is iu no sense a revision of that work. On the contrary, the learned author has wiitten a uew and original work embracing everything of interest not only to Justices of the Peace but to young practitioners at tbe bar. A valuable feature is a synopsis ot tbe law of evidence and of crirai nal law, both of which topics are bandied with great skill and dis play the profound knowledge of the author. This work is so far superior to the ''Louisiana Magistrate'', that it will, without doubt, supersede it eu tirely. —The Sentinel is ntu'er obliga tions to Mr. A. J. Meyer of Thibo daux for an invitation to the An nual commencement Exercises of the University of Louisiana that will take place at the Grand Opera House in New Orleans on Tuesday March 29th, 1883. Annual address by the Rev. Bishop Hugh Miller Thompson and the. Valedictory by Stanhope Jones. Oar young townsman Mr. Meyer, occupies the honorable position of Chairman of the Committee of Ar rangements, one which he will till with dignity and credit. —There is a case of Varioloid in a house on Green street near the canal, and a case of small pox on Harrison street, in the tear of the Episcopal Cemetery. Both are isolated and are appa rently doing well. The first is a man named Williams ; the other a boy named Brooks, both colored. Small Pox. —The frequent cases of small pox occurring in this Pal ish, although isolated and general ly confined to one family, are sufti cient to create considerable anxiety. This loathsome disease is becoming too cotmnou to add to the comfort or pleasure of the masses of the peo pie and has a tendency to interfere with business. Whether any laws can be legiti mately passed to check the recur rence of the disease is a question that is difficult to decide. Iu the Palish of Saint Mary stringent laws have beeu passed against the appearance in public of any one who has been ntHicted with small pox until a certain delay has occurred. Iu -West Felieiaua the Police Jury has passed an Ordi nance forbidding the admission of any child into the public schools who has not been vaccinated, and other stringent laws have been en acted in other Parishes. Coinpulso rv vaccination should be required. If people are so silly as not to com prebend the benefit of tlfis simple remedy to at least, remove many of the horrors of small pox, the mas ses of the geueral public ought not to be made, to suffer iu cousequcuce thereof. —James Lewis has been appoint ed Surveyor General of Louisiana. Oil the principle that the occupaut is uot expected to understand any ot the duties of tbe office be occu pies, this is an admirable selection. Lewis is a colored gentleman, stands well with all classes, and is worthy of the position. That he will make au efficient officer, no oue will doubt. HOTEL ARRIVALS. For tbe week ending March 16th, 1883. STRANGERS' HOTEL—T, Frois, Wm. O. Poniarede, Chua. A. Laroque, J. Kearney, New Orleans;.!. F. Bermucho. (Centreville, L*.; Jos. Delaune, Bayou Salle La. ; C. J. Lalande, Napoleonville La*.; G. llarang, Lafourche La. J. F Bermucho and wife, Centreville, La ; Miss G. Bermucho, Lafourche, La. ; M. R. Shoemaker, St. Louis, Mo.; Julius Kahn, At lanta, Ga.; A. Bouchereau, Henri Mason, N. O. FRANKLIN HOUSE.—Mr. Godfroy Salva dor. Ruitz Thomas Lee, O. Guidry, Terre bonne ; E. Parr, Lafourche; M. C. Guidry, wife and daughters, Paincourtville. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th. Judicial District Court, Par isb of Lafourche. John F. Wood vs. JYo. 1858 Pierre Auguste Aucoin. T ake notice that acting by vir tue of an order ot seizure and sale to me directed by the Honorable the above entit led Court in the above entitled and numbered case. I have seized and will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to tbe last and highest bidder on SATURDAY the 21st. day of APRIL 18S3. at the Court House in tbe Town ot Tbibodaux between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. tbe follow ing described property to-wit: Two certain lots of* ground or Town lots, situated iu the Town ot l'hiboduux being lots Nos [106 and 107| One hundred and six and oue hundred and seven as represented on , tbe plan of said town made by Jauica B. Grinage 1st, May 1812 and said lots are bounded West or front by Lower Canal street South by Lota [IJ5audll4j one hundred and fifteen and one hundred ami fourteen East by Presi dent and North by Clinton street. Together with all tbo buildings and improvements thereon. « Terms of Sale. Cash on the Spot in United States Treasury Notes, to pay and satisfy the principal interest and costs iu the above* suit. March 17tli. 1883. THEOPHILE TBIBODAUX, Sheriff HOFFMAN & AUCOIN, AGTS, ESTABLISHED "OLD BASIN'' IN 1817. SASH, BLIND, DOOR & MOULDING FACTORY & LUMBER YARD, PLANTATION CABINS, all sizes. Factory and Yards, Head of Old Basin. OFFICES: Cor. Franklin & Toulouse Streets, and No. 41 Caroqdelct Street, New Orleans. VW *All orders left witli them will meet* our promt at tention. aug-12-S2-ly. NuTlUi;. The Local Board ot Swamp Land Com missioners are now prepared to dispose of the lands w!T ill they have for sale. Persons wishing to secure their double concession should call without delay. Tbibodaux, December 2!*. 1882. S. T. GRISAMOKE, 3uis. Secretary. Grand Lake Coal Co. DIONNE & HIMEL, —Agents for— Pitisburg, Anthracite and Cannel Coal, Tbibodaux, La. feL-]0 83-f>m UPWARD CURTIS. EDWARD BADEAUX. CURTIS &■ BADEAUX, Corner Main and Focus Streets , Tin bod aux, La., K eep constantly on hand a com plete assortment ot Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes. Clothing, fiats, Gents' Furnish ing Goods, Groceries, Choice Liquors and Provisions. dee 30-82-ly. L PHILIP CAILLQUET, Notary Paiblic, Respectfully informs the public that he is fully prepared to attend to the sale and purchase of ret.I estate. Parties having such property to dispose of will timl it to their advantage to confer with him. He is also agent for -'The Western Assu rance Company of Toronto," Canada, with a Southern Department at Columbus, Miss—sand ready to write for all risks against fire. Office: Market street, Thihodanx, I a. SAMUEL .1 YMISOIY, 09 Carondelet , St. Few Orleans La-. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, —and— DEALER IN (Sugar Lime. Plaster. * Rnsendate aud Western Cement, Fire Uriels, Hair, d'c. —Sole Agent of— SHELBY ALABAMA SUGAR LIME, QCt-li-ly._____________ NEW ARRANGEMENTS. stua.\u:ks hotel. Mr. Thomas Alberti informs his friends ltd the travel) ing public that he has made aome new arrangements which will enalde him to satisfy all those who will honor liiui with their custom. Meals tarnished at all honrs of the day Breakfast at 10 o'clock A. M. and Dinner it 4 o'clock P, M. Commodious and well furnished rooms. MODFRATE PRICES. A full 'line of this celebrated thread in White, Fast Black and Colours for sale by BRyLUD Si. LEGENDRE. Charles Fronts,. BUILDER. 520....... Chartres Street. .......520 New Orleans. Has lately built the residence and store on Bush Grove plantation. Louis Bush John B. Lever! BUSH Sc LETERT. Cotton and Mngar Factors. and General Commission Merchants. 31 Perdido Street. N. O. LYOT 1C U. My friends and the public are notified that I have opened a Grocery in the Red store opposite l.lie Thihodanx Bridge, where I will keep constantly on hand a full supply ot Groceries. Provisions. Wines and Liquors. Give me a call and examine my assortment. JOHN* DEZAUCHE. jan-20-3m. M of S 5 o§ ■ *o<M 3 GO sag t» 3 ® S Q® GO S«o® CjJ 1-4 OU2KI rt A f 9 o 2 2 • S >2 , e* 0.0 ac® i c » 2. !3®3 i II. iSOFFWAXlY, Cabinet Maker —AND REPAIRER, Main Street, bet. St-Pliilip and Jackson Sto THIBODAUX, LA. L'lUKNlTURE manufactured, aud repair I cd to at the shortest notice IWoc-76 Vlll be milled fbeb to J applicants, end to cus tomers of list year without onlerinK it It contains about 1,5 patres, 6U0 illustrations, prices, accurate* SS5! :rl P t,OTlf and valuable directions for planting 1500 varicties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds. & T srrJL to «£R , ,* u ' owc * O. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mioh. CROCKERY, W. 0. SHEPARD A Co., 49 Camp Street, New Orleans. Wholesale and Retail Crockery, China and Glass: Speciality -. Hotels- -Speciality STEAMBOATS AND General Housekeeping Supplies. ASSORTED CRATES For Country Stores, alwaye on hand. HEADQUARTERS FOR AMERICAN CHINA. Full Dinner Sets...........$10, $16. $14. $15, Full Tea Sets.....................$5, $6, $7.46 Chamber Sets.....$2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $6, $7.50. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Watez Coolers, Bathing Tubs, Plated Knives. Forks and'Spoons. WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD sept-2-82-1 y. B. T. BLAKE, Attorney at Lax, Will practice in the Courts of Lafonrcha Terrebonne and Assumption. Will attend also to all Notarial business la trusted to him. Office on Green St. near the Court House THIBODAUX La.,' BRIDGE HOUSE MAIN STREET, (bet. Jackson and St. Philip Streets,) Thihodanx, 1 a This new establishment, under the manage ment of C- A zema. proprietor, is kept in tna best style : the prices are moderate and Hw waiters are polite and attentive. Ocfc-14-S