Newspaper Page Text
SIw Shifoibux-Jlfutiiul Journal of tlir flth* Sennierinl DUtrlci* OFFICIAL jUvJKNAL 0? THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE Af.'D OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. Entered at the Thilmdux Post Office as Second Class* mail mailer . Otfcce : Corner Given Levee Sts. ,S.T. GRISAMORE, Editor. F SANCAN. Pro'r. .v- linsii.t-ss Manager. «5I2«CK£F J XII.O-^ : One to;*!' [i:i advance] One copy.............. ____.fa On .... 10 it at sts nr AEHTr.irrswB.A'CJ t For each •■qmire of ton linos or loss, the first insertion. SI .V>. S,coiid insertion, 75 cents persqnaiv. lor subst-qui-cr insertions, perl tsjuare .Ml rents. Oi.itUiiries 10 cents per line, Professitmnl ;»!nl imsi-.ess cants, including paper, will lie pnhiisl.eil >,f toe rate, of Mi cts. per sipiaiv for the first insertion, un<l 25 cents for subsequent insertions. A liberal discount to yearly advertisers. Amu uncing candidates lor office £ 10, to lie paid for IN' ADVANCE Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time will lie inserted till forbid and payment exacted. Persons ..ending communications to this pa pet must id*...!■ ■ i \:!i th:*ir v tho Editors. \V * v. ili not save jectwi ituinnscri; ' *t s. Aiiud O',:. ! < r Uy <1 ispnrr one will never It c iii.*ertf-<l o\lm tiseniei.!- nor ti icn, ii peculiar! ble. t a! names to j or return re- j 7, 1883. SATURDAY, A.1 FOll U. S. FllESIBENT: tslAXf t J..AI villa 5 XjJLg\J..L?j OF 1 NEW YORK. —IV or Cooper of Yew York and a prominent citzcn for many years died mi n ition is directed to the advertisement of Win. II. Ra gan who has lately pa.rchpwsed the boiler manufactory of P. Hogan, just a 1 9 vo the Bail road Depot. Persons having work i:i that line can Had no bolter place to have it done. TayE Safest Wav - eat way tt restore the the hair is fxiix-.lx il 1. can;, v. hie!, i. i 1 rvc; superior c 1 erai!incss. * At the late session of the Bis t 1 it t A ..if 11 i v Iti u ti it a g tt Knoblcx. uas ii-.i esed t:iti following sen ten cos. Joshua Young, 2 years in the Penitentiary, Joseph Guedry 13 mouthy, Monroe Jones 21 years, Henry Et art! and P u:l Blanch u L for life. ten lian 7 r,.*..:*rs!Ta:r Dal "d f <2 years. 'life f-:t and sr.r. hfnl color of A? Been J V tor c: Ctccr. Good ;vies..—Y ou vill -.rorent ..v \ cure the uter part of ills that- a* ' ; S mankind (Li., or a:;y ter-iob, u you Lv.y your st< non, live aud ' laej.. ... p ■working order. There in no medicine known that does this as surely as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It will keep your blood rich and pure, and give you good health at little cost. See other column, THE JUST SUFFERS FOR THE UNJUST. Some time about one year ago, the Treasurer of the State of Louis iana notified the Superintendent of Education that there wa»*a certaiu sum of monpy to the credit of the School Fund of the State, ready for distribution. The Superinten daut made the pro rata apportion nient due to each Parish and noti fied the Parish School 'Boards The School Board of the City of New Orleans immediately drew the portion allotted that body* when it was suddenly discovered in the office of the State Treasurer that an error had been made and —' ' ,vv " about TweUty thousand dollarslUOre j j turned over for distribution than there were dollars on hand, and the Superiutendaut was so inform ed. That officer having paid the pro rata to Yew Orleans very Lou estly deemed it but sm pet of jus tice to pay over the same pro rata to the various-Parish School Boards as soon as there would be funds for distribution. But the School Board of New Orleans now comes in ami objects that the funds'col lected in 18S2 cannot he • used to * pay any deficiencies of the year 1381. In plain English, the New Or leans Board very willingly took the money belonging to the Parish Boards in 13S1, and refuse ter re turn it in 1882. The, Schools must suffer lor the error of the State Treasurer. If the example sr t by the mem bers of the School Board of New Or leans in thus making themselves parties to robbing the Parish Boards out ot tho school funds be longing to them, in every principle of equity, is to be held up as an ex ample of morality to the pupils of the schools under their charge, then God have mercy on the rising generation. A more high handed piece of usurpation neve* was committed* The Snperintenclanr of Education . wishes to do right. This Board i steps in and says, "no, we want no justice in this affair, we have' this money and we intend to keep it." "Let the innocent suffer, for the .stupidity of the State Treasury of 2 oe." ILL not equity that we want, it is rr.oaev that vre are after. 7^ 7 -r-, T ^ :r O'" Tryrvr 1 T-'pQ;ii pie rocecdii !gs of the Police Jury it ill be fo und that, that body, at its '-St sessi on, passed tin Ordinance, :A.i:jg i a penal .•.'•hence to ride on is lcveo 5 in this parish in fatr ro. u .nee a.; . .'.acted, a. her 1 V deiib'uation, in VOS ; A.e fo p ti . ; fi xm v ari( ns na rts t: e Pa Asl: during 'the iast t W (> XU'S. I iu th.e law, if our informa Ml bo Cv nect, in all the River I »ar . Y T v lomplaints have b( 'C'i u!e iu i r j d'ai age to '■ *rs( ■ 'aec ridets, and ai so, 'it m !t.-vo A-eqnently bt en ; fi: , A - . , ,.1 escend from tho top of he vbi '■ tl ?y ■ :ere wa Ik •L to C ive '.com to bulidozi ug 1 ':' :L;.LC-.L rr —Hok-.v • : d m the howls f s Hum l . items . V... !y • : -y ' L 1 y - U. • . . Ut • ( ; tast - • ino i ae - - . v 1 A -• ----3 f •• •- £ * .i ' ' . r ' • • r •' t ' ' . 1 i iu]Iy r rcdtheexpectAffi as the Cc-r and wage a 3 less war on eve hostility to our by selfish motives aud purchased by the great railroad corporations. aggressive ou of Waters, itomiued and trace y newpaper whoso interests is inspired GARDENING. j April. Sow Bush, Pole and Lima Beans, Sweet Corn, Cucumber, Squash, Melons and Okra. ? Beets, Carrots. Swiss Chard, Rad isli, Lettuce, Mustaid, Endive, Ro qnette. Cress, Parsley, Chervil aud Celery for cu tting. Sow Tomatoes, Egg Flaut and Pepper for succession. It is rather late to sow Cabbage seed now, but it sown the early varieties only can, be successfully used.. Kohlrabi cau still be sownybut it is best to sow it thinly in drills a foot apart, and thin out to four inches in the rows. Towards the end of this month a sowing ot the Late Itaiiuu Giant Cauliflower cau be made. It is very large, and takes from eight to nine mouths before it matures, so has to be sown early. It is always best to make a couple ot sowings, so that in case one should fail the other may be used. This variety is hardier than the French and Ger man kinds. A good plan is to sow the seed in boxes, elevated two feet or more above the ground, as it will keep the cabbage fly off. The plants should he overlooked daily, and all green cabbage worms or ether vermin removed. Sweet Potato Slips, for early crop, can be planted out. Early Irish Potatoes wilf be fit to dig now, and the ground they are takeu out of may be planted with Corn, Beans, Squash, etc. Sow Pumpkins of both kinds, the field and the Cashaw. German jMiilet should be sown this month. Tlie ground ought to be well plowed and harrowed. Three pecks of seed is the quantum to be sown per acre. It will be well to ioil the ground after sowing and the seed wilt require no other covering. If no roller is handy, some brush tied together ought to be passed over the ground sown. For hay, it should bo cut when in flower. Every planter should give it a trial. Seeds for sale at Tbibodeaax's Drug store. —Judge J. H. Overton, for many years a ifromi^nt and influential citizen and public officer, of Opelou sas, died iast week iu New York. His remains reached bis old home ou Match 30 and wer^jnterred iu the cemetery ia which repose many of his early friends and com panions who have preceded him to the unknown land. —The N. O. Picayune is doiug this State a great good in uncover mg to the public view the transac iions of the Laud office in receiving scrip for lands, sold, tor which pur cliusers have paid solid cash. These expositions have been iroinw on for i - on ior •'Bit yet no explanation SlKiiC WOtivS is given. Hon, John hlcBucry has publish fd a lengthy lector iu which ho chums that he is justified by the laws lor what lie does. IBs expla nation, is not at fill satisfactory. .Jr. xboliardsou clo'es his doors to h'tizens of Louisiana who may have a desire, - and who have the r; d to examine- the public records. ere is a- rottenness in these nc G.- t'qp-.-.-.G c> -o p.,.i ,. pffnr ... held jCtiCl be removed. -he facts ahonl 1 bo made known. - t the Picayune con tin a* its ex •Uion.s, tim -• taxpayers of U It * otain her , T ,, , O" McEncry h-.s appointed in each Pariah of the .......... - .;te will bud good work. slate to assist in raising funds to improve and enlarge the Charity Hospital of New Orleans. _ Ih:s is a worthy object and should ba liberally met by tho peo pie. The com intttoe • for Lafourche is, J Jr. John Fltettvood, Judge E. W. Blake, and Clay Knoblocli-: that of Assumption is, Alfred Tete, W. W Pngh andT. B. Pugh; that of Ter rebonne is, Dr. H. M. Wallis, D. S. Cage and Walter J. Sothon. ' HOTEL ARRIYl For tho week ending April, 6, 1883. STRANGERS' HOTEL—Henry Smnton, B. E. Abndie, Alphonse Dreyfus. H. Bsiitz, W. O. Pomtnarede, N. O.; N. Dnepit, and Mr*. Alice Daapit, Honnia ; Mr*. A. Chaude tier New Iberia ; Mr*. F. Seymour, Plaque mine ; F. Vineut, Donaldsonville ; E. Ledet, Lafourche. FRANKLIN HOUSE—Pflilip J, Duhen. W. C. Churchill. John J. tiorinau and family, Lawrence Lee, Mike Kennedy, J. F. Smith, C. A. Loujoy. Dan Iiracile and O. O. Johnson Naw Orleans; Tho*. S. Foley, Galveston Tex e» ; O. Guidry, Terrebonne; E. Laruoureux, Thibodaux; Henry Griffin, Lafourche, Louis Duprd Assumption. notice Having purchased the eligibly situated boil er shop of P. Hogan, iu this town, I am now I inquired to take contracts for making new ioileraand repairing old ones. Full sat isfac tiou guaranteed, work will be done at the low est figures. I have secured the services of Mr. P. Hogan, as foreman and manager who has had long experience iu this business. Parties will find it to their interest to call on luc be fore making contracts elsewhere. Wm. H. RAGAN. Thibodaux, April fith. 1883. NOTICE. Persons who may have heavy articles to cross the Hayou at Thibodaux, are notified that lie delay should lie had in crossing them, as the bridge will very soon be closed tor re pairs, which will require some three or lour weeks to consummate. S. T. GRI3AMORE, President Thibodaux bridge Company i a» ■ ^P&rkcr'a Ginger 3 onic jj Isvijontinj Misicint fiiai SavDMMoxics'e* 8 This delicious combination cf Girder Ruche 3 Mandrake. Mi hnj-ia. and many odor ofihe beat g veseiab.e known. c;;rc., Kcr.iale Com S ?—j :: 'S Nervousness, V.-ikcfalreiS ■ *r<. a I laser, -rs i f the hovels, stonudi, liver, ? > ■ ■ and un- iTjr organs. £ i: V u ; -»'e l.-t your axprii-.e and are low ? 'P-'H'd- er suffering lrmn age, or any inSrmilv, if ii.i l'»r,.rr I.GingerTonic. It will strengthen S Lraui »uu jo iy and rive vri new iac and vi~ar r , I 00 DOLLARS , I for »;ig tiijurion* io-.ind in Ginger | J c: :c. cr for c f.-.;.ure I j h-'-> or cure I L.-r....i, r Uyl»tS.lUf r ' t '- '-ro,cr.rf,.i. „o x- r.., ltSWm.tuN.1 , __________.... .. ..... SUCCESSION OF EUGENIA LECHE AND MICHEL MONTZ BOTH DECEASED NO. 1112 PROBATES. Twentieth Judicial District Court. S TATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF LA lourchc, W herons Emile Vickmur of the Parish of Assumption administrator of the above succession lias this day rendered a fi nal account ot his administration and praying the homologation of the same. • Now, therefore all jpartioa interested aro hereby warned aud notified Mkroducc in this office, within ten days follos^M the' publica tion of the preseut uotio^ney objection which they may have to the homologation of the same, otherwise the san e shall bo ap proved aud homologated aceoruing to law. / -V *v;' ' the irn office, this (;—) Witness my baud and th < L.S. > press of the seal of my offic (^vw.),th. day of April A. D. 1883. J. W. KNOBLOCH. Clerk. - .......... ... mteresteu are o; iv waru ?^ aU4i notified to produce in this olliee, within ten days following tho mib SUCCEsSION OF MRS. ANNIE LYALL DECEASED WIFE OF BERNARD PE NOUILH NO. 1022. PROBATES. Twentieth Judicial District Court S TATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF Lalourche. Whereas Marcelin F'oret of said parish, administrator of the above suc cession has this day rendered a Provision ai'aeeonnt of his»admini.stratiou and prayin ' the homologation of the same. Now, therefore all parties interested are i..--------™... following the pub lication of the preseut notice, any objection which they may have to the homologation of the same, otherwise the same shall be approv ed and homologated according to law. ( ) W itucss my Hand and the" impress < u.S. > of the seal of my office, this 7 th. day l'^~)of April A. D. 1883. ___J.<F. ALLAIN, Deputy Clerk. TUE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th. Judicial District Court, Par ish df Lafourche. —-*— i PURSUANT TO AN ORDER AND DE J- cree of the above Court aud in obedience Succession of J. Alphonse T. Ledet No. 1102 Probates: ? . . IU UUtJUU'IlCO , t .nt1f < i° l rt"' I T lOU directed iu the above entitled and numbered succession I will o' fer lor sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder *t tho Court House m the Town of Thibodaux* on Satur day the 12th day oi May D-d between the hours ot 11 A M- aud 4 o'clock P. M. the fol lowing described ptoperty belonging to the above succession to-.wit - ® ** pffiSrvfx-" 11 ' 0 *' th ° tt,iiowi ' c « dc8crii ""i . A certaiu tract of land situated in this P ar - isa ou the right bahk of bayou Lafourche at eight miles below the Town^ i TbibS* 1 '"'iT 1 " urc M lw ^ bayou bounded above by lands ol' Louis Lour geo.s and below by lauds new behXimTm ' v n " low , F .' Ga "^- Together vyith alUhe build p"" 1 * improyemt-uLs p;i said lower half cx 6 A^ POrl °f dwelling house of bs -rtofc^RKr&sr** " w of Also the Xote»4 and open accounts * dn« TeutorVon «| at? " d6 "r ibed 'o the annexed in ' n^»L®r n 1 * " otbce for reference. _On the following terms and conditions to wit; ForCash to pay debts. April 7lh, 1883. - " THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, Sheiiff. THE STATE or *)UISI ish of Lafourche.* 20th. Judicial District Court bl. ha ** Successions of Veniamin f and wife and Communit* ?* 1028 FrobatuT T P URSUANT TO AN iORDyn cree ot tjie above Cfiurt in nl^.r-= a commission to n;eUieecte.l i,7.u. a tied and nuiul.crcdL^l^^'SJ 1 ty. I will oiler tor sak* a suant to law to the last aa,l iJ l . au 5** 0 B« Court House iu the Town «# 2 2 u SATURDAY Him Iffihr ,L 0 fA tween the hours of H oc-IGMs. AKie'—~ SwViws^rr^ ^ 5|? A certain lot"w Jtffi ' h^mtl.hnVard • ments thereon sifnat,.,) in the tm£i'5Ep» danx measuring Seven tv seven iu front mi Market Street lc " j tp feet eight inches hound \ If, ket Street. East hy'gt! UuL t ^ ^ property of S. T. GrieamoreaiiYpFlM' mill .Soiltll IV wtlslirl;,-;. . . W- . *' *- Ga-Jl ■s and South by suhdivision SoTJ BaB SUBDIVISION N„ i> dl A certain lot with the buiidii,'-/„«*• roeuts thereon situated i„ tlie t.Tvvr, oVt^ daux uieaM,mut_Xhh ty eight IVet ei/J 1 on Main Str.-et i»v a ■leiith ( ,f K;r,, ei *" n bounded North bV subdivisioc \V St. Louis Street, >outh 1,--- u.'f** West by subdivision No. 3. * ' S rBet SUUD1 VISION \ 0 a A certain vacant lot .situated'in the to** Tlubotiaux u.c.isuriag Tiiirty eight inchesftimt on Main Street Gy South by Main Street, and \Y Cst hy°p^ belonging to J. F. Gaudet. 1 * ro P s ^ (M •* ~««Ml March 31st. lss:». - T1IEOPHILE TIIIlJODACX .1883*- Spring aiil LEO^ 1 OOBGHMn, Clothier and Furnish^ 81 , 8:1 & 8 "> Canal Street, ' OBLEA^S, There is no line of bmines^wlmf stitior. h pore active, or vim contpt judicious Oinjiv-i' than the trade in more iinporfag Goods for JTcn's Wear: Consumers are critical in every tg 1 ticular as to (tuolity: Style and Print and the profit-: vf Ciotkienand^k, ors arc so reduced that Mlllcrdml tcho does rad cwt kimdf to wet the best sources of supply finds hen undersold, and las business captured by lus yiore icciJi. \i and able com* titor. - . We hare 'i:\dj Our EmtnM to-mect this necessity, cud no hauli in the trade possesses t otal ability to handle GOODS AT LOIV COS Our well l:noicn facilities for posing ofgooth hi large quantities m able us to op-rate dim tlyHeith man* fheiurer*. and to purchase piece jooH at a much l err basis of cost than usual. This gins us command if the best and most responsible trad* saving losses that iciin other class of business houses must be covered by an extra profit. Country Orders Solicited.';, L 'A *8',-< - ■ ' ' - •>;, '-'ii.i.v far seif may's •' - .•* A of charge. ' ay. 7.8J ^ 3 K - u " H . | X - a 3 w c r- , w h r 7 .; S |it •■ faSg r : - n F I r { p ■ r ~ :z ■* '"'A Q ;V. L ' :* ■ :"1 h 0 * Uoraraf - / ■ ^ • ' x StfbAR, . . ■ Wool, Hid , n icy, ■. f, R A'.,::. 7, j,..., ■ . v t 103 & 105 D iOAT UI» IVcir Or] anns. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CON SIGNMENTS. jaa. 27 . 83 .l r .