Newspaper Page Text
'She Ibibtdaux Sentinel, SATURDAY. APRIL 7,1883. Proceedings POLICE JURY Thibodaux, La.. March 21st, 1883. The Police Jury met in regular session this day at 2 o'clock P. M. Present: Messrs. Grisauiore, President, Moran. Coulon, Seely, Delauue Kraemer. and Rousseau. Absent: Messrs. Matthews, Folse, Guidry The minutes of the last tueoliug were read and approved as amended. The following claims were referred to the Committee on Claims, viz : Theophilc Thibodaux, Sheriff............17.70 " *• « 3 80 •* •• ' •• ........... 10 00 « •• ........... 57 00 " « •• ..;........ 50 00 " *• •• 39 50 •• •• « 06 50 " *• ........... 9 80 " ** •• 7 05 J. W. Knobloch, Clerk................. 2 00 ** " •• " 7 50 " " • •• ................. 2 00 « " » » 4 00 « » •• •• ................. 20 00 Town of Thibodaux..................... 25 63 Thibodaux Foundry.................... 7 05 " Sentinel..................... 4600 J. N. Fleetwood, Coroner............... 15 00 ...... •* .................108 00 S. T. Grisamore (for sick man).......... 1 00 " " " (telegram)................3 05 « " " 3 15 " *' " (Small Pox, Williams)......2 95 Roth it Fleetwood......................4 00 F. San van............................... 8 95 Thibodaux Saw Mill.....................11 88 Brand &. Legendre......................5223 Aug. Meuuier............................ 1 25 The petition of Mr. L P. Lassfigne. praying for an exemption from paying parish license to keep a public bar room, was presented, and on motion of Mr. Coulon, seconded, was laid over for luture actiou. The commuiiicatieii of Mr. Bnrilleaux, ins pector of ltoad District No. 2, calling the at tention ot the Jury to the inadequate width, and dauggious condition of the Road on the Canal, at Lockuort, was read, and, on motion of Mr. Kruciuer, seconded, referred to the Committee on Roads & Levees. To the llouorable the President and members of the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafour che. Gentlemen :—The undersigned begs leave that your honorable body would sell him about ten logs, now iu the canal, at Longue ville. wlucli were used iu closing the said ere vasse. In payment of which, your petitioner would till up tiie road between the two locks—where the same has sunk sinee it lias been tilled up. 1 remain Gentlemen. Very Respectfully, Your's ^Signed) F. LAK1LLEACX On motion of Mr. Moran, seconded by Mr. Seely, the followiug report was received. Lafourche, Match. 21st, 18S3. To the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafourche. Gentlemen :—Your special committee to whom authority was given at your last ses sion to contract tor the buildiug of a Public Bridge over bayou Darden in tbe Chaekbay Settlement, beg to report the bridge as requir ed|is now complete and open for the use of the public ; and that in satisfaction of tbe contract, entered iuto by them and Mr. Solo mon Meyer, they Lave drawn against the , "Bridge Fund," iu favor of Mr. S. Meyer, the cuiu of One lluudred and Eighty |Five (£185) Dollars. Respectfully Submitted, (Signed) H. X. COULON, '• L. KRAKMEU, Special Committee. On motion of Mr. Coition, seconded bv Mr. Moran, the resignation of Mr. Frost, as Road and Levee Inspector for the first district, was laid oyer lor future action. The bond of Mr. Sbcldon Guthrie as Road and Levee Inspector, signed by Mr. Jean Pfere, as surety, was accepted. The following reports were referred [to the Committee on Finance. F. SANCAN, Parish Treasurer, in^ account with Parish of Lafourche. f General Fund 1882. To bal- on hand as per last report 153 49 " Ch. rec'd lroui T. Thibodaux, sheriff Forfeited Bond State vs. Wm. holding 72 00 Sydney Farmer 26 75 Edward Hunter 28 80 Cash Rec'd from Tax Col'tor Licences 1882 125 00 Current Tax 1882 5569 80 Forfeited Taxes 1881 98 45 Total receipts - $5.920 80 Total to the cr. of Gen. Fund Improvement Fund. To bal. ou hd. as per last rpt 622 46 " Cash reed, from Tax Col. Special Tax 1882 i mill '928 30 Total - Brulye Fund. To bal. on hd. as per last rpt. 1143 53 " Ch. rec'd. from Tax Col. Special Tax 1882 i mill 4 64 15 Total - General Fund 1883. To bal, on hd. os per last rpt.|2I5 58 To Cash. Rec'd from C- J. Barker lease of Lockport Ferry 500 00 Fr. Livaudais Ledet, H. F. 2 00 Total - $6,074 29 $1,550 76 $1,607 68 Total Receipts By Disbursements: By Cash paid out of Gene ral Fund of 1882, to Police Jurors per diem & M. 74 80 Witness..................... 45 90 Jurors....................... 66 30 Electiou Expenses........... 292 45 Road and Levee .Inspectors. 187 50 Salary of Officers............ 993 72 Clerk's Fees................. 80 70 Coroners Fees............... Ill 00 Jus. P. and Constable fees... 408 12 Incidental Expenses......... 95 25 Assessor's fees............... 200 77 Sheriff's fees...............207 90 Boarding prisoners........ k' 755 00 Tax Collector's commission.. 289 67 $717 58 $9950 32 Total paid ont...........I$3869 08 By cash ]>d out of Improve rnent Fuad to M. F. Dur.n & Bros. 57 40 Com. to Tax |Col'tor| 46 41 Total.............. 103 81 By cash paid out of Bridge Fuad to Thibodaux Saw Mill 17 55 F. Bariilleai>x....^. 100 00 F. Barrilleaux....... 150 00 Com- to Tax Col'tor 23 31 Total.............. 290 86 By cash paid out of Gen. Fund 1883 to J. W. Knobloch..... Theo. Thibodaux.... 250 50 00 Salary ot Officers.... 47 91 Total............... 100 41 State Tax Sales of Immovable Property. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA VS. DELINQUENT TAX DEBTORS, PARI8H OF LAFOURQHE. |FY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME BY TnE CONSTITUTION AND u lawsofthe Statoof Louisiana. I will sell, at the principal front door of the Court which the Civil District Coart of said parish U held, within the legal hours for judical sales, begmiiing at li o'clock A. M. on S/TUUDAY, the 7th. day of APRIL A. D. 1883, and continuing on each succeeding day, until said sales are completed, all immovable property on which taxes are now due to the State of Louisiana and parish of Lafourche, to enforce collection of all taxes, assessed in the years 1880, 1881, 1882, together with interest thereon from the 31st. day of December 1882, at the rate of one per cent, per month until paid, and all costs. r Th * t,le delinquent tax-payers, the amount of taxes due by each on the assess ment ol said year, and the immovable property assessed to each to lie offered for sale are as follows, to-wit: Name of persons Year in which Prin. of — assessed. assessed. T as. iu each yr. Description of Property. Aime Valcour Est. Bellanger Bridget Est. Boudreaux Louis Est. Brinkley Joseph Comeaux J. L Coleman Anderson Deblienx Honore Fabien Fortier F. Sc S. Gaillard R. P. Generes Louis F. Est 1881 1882 1881 1882 1882 1880 18S1 1882 1882 1881 1882 1881 1882 1881 1882 1881 1882 1881 1882 255 6 10 70 4 40 4 25 2 10 2 05 2 45 2 35 1 40 1 36 350 3 10 .. .. .( 1881 14 00 1882 13 60 Hank£ Maurice I ' 1881 70 1882 70 Johnson Leo L. 1881 2 20 1882 2 15 Livaudais Jos. Frois. Est. 18^1 10 50 " *• " " 1882 10 20 Mack Louis 1881 1 75 1882 1 70 Powell A. J. Est. 1881 75 1 . 44 44 1882 70 Robinson Aimer Est. 1881 3 25 01 Unknown Owners 1882 3 40 hbepperd W. H. 1880 17 50 1881 1 35 14 4. 1882 1 25 Sabatier Gustave 1880 18 44 »4 ■ • 1882 17 44 it 1880 7 20 " " 1832 4 25 Solomon Ezikiel 1831 525 4 . 4 . 1882 5 10 Tabor & Morvant 1881 6 50 " " 1882 3 95 Thompson Benj. D. 18P1 4 40 1882 4 25 Tucker Robt. &. J. n. 1881 420 44 44 44 1882 4 10 Tucker G. W. 1881 3 50 1882 3 40 Unknown Owner 1882 175 Walton Tract 1882 10 25 Weber J. M. 1881 480 " " 1882 510 • 80 acres land, W. J of S. W. J of Sec. 28, T. 13 U. 17 E. Town lot No. 110 in square No. 56. 169 acres of land situated at Baton Pilon and bounded by lauds of A. T rose lair and J. M. Walsh. 32 acres land, lower Latonrche. lef; bank being lot 31, Sec. 22, T. 22 S. R. 23 E. (Perril lac.) Portion of lot So. 134, fronting ou Bourbou street, 85 feet by 130 feet deep. 0647 acres land, being lot No. 4, ns per Bou gerol Plan of Vachecie D. Livaudais. - 1418 acres lauu, being lot No 1 as per Bour gerol plan of Viieherie Dugais Livaudais. 280 acres land, being N- W. j of S. i ot N. E. i and S. E. J of Sec. 22. T. 13 8. R. 17 E. 160 acres land, being E. J of N. W. j, W. 4 of N. K. i Sec. 69 T. J5 S. K. 18 E. 362 72|!00 acres land, being 8. ] ol N. W. [Sec. 6. 79 acres. S. W. portion of N. W. i of N. W.J of Sec. 6, 35 acres. The S. W, portion of N. li. J ot S. W. 1 of See. 6, 3 acres. S. 4 of S. VV. i of See. 6, 78 32[ 100 acres. S. E. i of N. E. i of Sec. 6, 10 acres. Also, S. E. fjof Sec. 6, 157 40(100 acres, containing altogether in See. 6, 362 72[100 acres. All T. 14 S. It. 17 £. S. E. laud District of La. 1521 40(100 acres laud, being S. ) of N. W. J See. 4, 80 acres. S. W. f of See. 4, 160 acres, iu Sec. 5, 120 acres,in Sec. 22, 297 20(100 acres, iu section 27 198 84(100 acres. Lot 4 of Sec. 27 46 acres. X. W. j of Sec. 20, 159 72(100 acres. S. W. I of See. 15, 159 65(109 acres. Total 1521 40(100. 80 acres, being S. j of X. W. !. Sec. 15, T. 14, S. R. 18 E. 312 13(100 acres land. S. E. of Sec. 35, N. 1 of S. W. i of Sec. 35, T. 14, S. R. 1/ E. 304 acres laud, being lots 2 and 55 as per Bougerol plan ofVaeherieD. Livaudais. A certain tract of land in Vacherie D. Livau dais, hack of Longueville, bounded by lauds ol G. Schmidt and GUecus, Bro. measuring about 138 acres. # 80 acres swamp land in Brule Guillot being N. i of X. 4 of Sec. 59. T. 15 S. R. 15 E. 251 96 acres laud, being lots 1. 5 and 6. of Sec. 56, T. 15 S. R. 15 E. ol S. E. District of La. 80 acres land, lower Lafourche, left bank, and hounded by lauds of Lewis Sanders aud W. Pitre. 72 acres, at Bayou L'Ocrs, 1 ft bank Bayou Lafourche, being lot No. 4 of Sec. 49 T. 18* S. It. 21 E. Also 360 acres, being lots 3, 4, 6. 7, Sec. 58, T. 18 S. R.2IE. 600 acres of land, W. J of N. E. J of S. W. 4 ot Sec. 30. N. E. £ of S. iv. E. i, N. 1 of Sec. 30. X. W. 4 of X. VV. i and S. i of S. E. i of See. 31, T. 13, S. R. 17 E. A certain tract of laud situated on Baton Pilou, containing about 98 acres and bounded by lauds of 2. Toups and'otliers. 13 acres of laud, knowu'as "Temple." bound ed by lake Oiiocku and bayou Petite Vacherie and lands of Gheeu it Bro. 480 60(100 acres swamp land, N. W. J and S. E. i and X. E. f of See. 34, T. 14, 8, R. 17 E. 167 50(100 acres swamp land, iu rear of lands of F. «fc,T. Uauffe aud otuers,being lots 3 and 4 See. 109 T. 15 s. R. 17 E. A certain parcel of laud[or lot No. 133 Cor ner Crazy aud President st. as per plan of Thibodaux. A certain tract of land measuring 168 acres in rear of Highland Plantation aud bounded Inlands of Coulon, Tayior & Co. and Est. 720 acres swamp land, right bank Bayou Lafourche, 8. 4 of N. 4 *utKS. 4 of Sec. 59. S. E. 4 of Sec. 60. Ail T. 15 A R. 15 E. On said day of sale I will sell such portions of said property as each debtor will point out. and in case the debtor will not point out sufficient property, I will at once and without fur ther delay, sell, the least quantity of said property of any debtor whieliany bidder will buy for the amount of taxes, interest and costs due bv said debtor. The sale will be without ap praisement, for cash in legal tender money of the United States, aud the property sold shall be redeemable at auy time tor the space of one year, by paying the price given, with twenty per cent and costs aud penalty added. TIIEO. THIBODAUX, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Total Disbursements - Balance on hand.. Divided as follows to wit: General Fund 1882.......... 2205 21 Improvement Fund......... 1446 95 Bridge Fund................1316 82 general Fund 1883.......... 617 17 $5586 16 $5586 16 $5586 16 ASSETS: Ch on lid Gen. F. 1882...... 2205 21 Am't. of tax levied on Ass't Roll of 1882,3 mills for Cur tent Expanses____ 6954 06 Amoun't collected... 6393 75 Bal. uncollected.... Imp. Fund, ch. on hd. 4 mill tax levied on Asst'roll of 1882.... 1159 01 /mount collected... 1048 96 Bal. uncollected.... Bridge Fd. ch. on hd. > 4 mill tax levied ou Asst' roll ot 1882.... 579 50 Amount collected... 524 47 $4364 16 560 31 2765 52 1446 95 110 05 1557 00 1316 82 55 03 1371 85 Total...................... 5694 37 LIABILITIES: Claims approved and remain ing due, February 1882.... 11 74 April........................ 15 40 June........................ 7 50 August...................... 29 65 October..................... 19 20 December.................... 71 60 Total................... — — Assets over Liabilities.... $5536 28 Respectfully Submitted, F. SANCAN, Parish Treasurer Thibodaux, La. February l'4th. 1883. I, the undersigned, Treasurer of the Parish Lafourche, do solemnly swear that th above is a true aud correct showing of the finances of the Parish, and 1 further swear that I have not directly or indirectly specula ted on the same. So help me God. (Signed) F. SANC'AX, Parish Treasurer. Sworn to land subscribed before me this 14th. (lay of February A. D. 1883. (Signed) J. £. ALLAIN, Dy. Clerk. Statement of Financial Condition of the Parish. Gen. Fund 1882, To Balauce........ 2205 21 To Current Tax otjlSS2........ 358 21 " Forfeited taxes of 1881...... '23 30 381 51 1446 9o 59 70 1316 92 29 85 617 17 277 CO Improvement Fund, To Bal..... To Special Tax of 1882.......... Bridge Fund. To Balauce...... To Special Tax 18827:.......... General Fund 1883, To Balauce To Licences of 1883............ Total Receipts:.............. By Disbursement: General Fund 1882............ 145 28 Improvement Fund 1882....... 2 98 Bridge Fund.................. 154 119 General Fund 18S3............. (03 15 Total Disbursements......... $6334 82 465 59 Balance..................... $5809 32 Divided as follows: General Fund 1S.S2............opd (c, Improvement Fund...........1503 67 Bridge Fund..................111*2 68 General Fund 1883 ............ 721 51 5869 32 5869 32 Respectfully submitted, [Signed] F. SANCAN, Parish Treasurer. Thibodaux, La. March 21st. 1883. 1 Ire chair appointed himself and 3Ir. Rous seau as temporary members pf the Commit tee on Roads aud Iajvees. On motion oi Mr. Coulon, seconded by Mr. Kraemer, the Jury adjourned to to-morrow at 10 o clock A. M. [Signed] S. T. GRISAMORE, President, Police Jury of Lafourche. Certified: J. F. Allais, Secretary. >JWl 1«L Prohibiting riding fr driving os the publie levees 5 Prsvidinfc penalties fer the viola ties of tbe same, and the manaefr is wbish such penalties shall be sol lee ted ; Provid ing how levees may be ridden or driven over. Section, I. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of tbe parish of Latonrche : That a fine of fi ve (5.00) dollars be, and the same is here ky imposed upon any person riding or driving on the Public l^evre* of this parish. The above fine recoverable before auy Court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 2. Be it ordained etc.. That the Road and Levee Iueiiectore are ordered to enforce the provisions of this act in their respective districts; and tha* auy third party giving such imformation, shall be entitled to one 4 half of such fine when collected. Sec. 3. Be it farther ordained etc., That tbe provisions of this ordinance shall not ap ply to mules or horses towing water craft of auy description up and dowu the bayou,| or to auy person riding 01 driving directly over the levee for the purpose of Reaching the wa ter's edge. » Sec. 4. Be it further ordained etc.. That this ordinance take effect immediately after its publication iu tbe official journal of this parish. Be it further ordaiued &c. ( That all ordi nances or parrsof ordinances in conflict here with be and they are hereby repealed. Approved atd adopted March, 22nd, 1883. (Signed) S. T. GRISAMORE, President. Certified : J. F. Allais, Secretary. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th. Judicial District Court, Par isli of Lafourche. John F. 'Wood vs. No. 1858 Pierre Auguste Aucoin. T ake notice that acting by vir tue of an order of seizure and sale to me directed by the Honorable the aliove entit led Court iu the above entitled aud uuuiDered case, I have seized aud will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder on SATURDAY the 21st. (lay of APRIL 1883, at the Court House in the Town ol Thibodaux between tbe hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the follow ing described property to-wit: Two certain lots ot ground or Town lots, situated in tlie Town of Thibodaux being lots Xos [106 and 107j One hundred and six and one hundred aud seven as represented on tbe plan of said town made by James B. Grinage 1st, May 1812 and said lots are bounded West or front by Lower Canal street South by Lots [I15audll4j one hundred and fifteen and one hundred aud fourteen East by Presi (lent and North by Clinton street, together with all the buildings aud improvements thereon. * Terns*! of Sale, Cash on the Spot in United States Treasury Notes, to pay aud satisfy the principal interest and costs in the above" suit. March 17th. 1883. THEOPHILE thibodaux, Sheriff Five sizes made for Family Dailies. I Five sizes for Factory use. Perfect stock and the best work. Strong, simple, efficient, convenient and dur able. They continue to be THE STANDARD CHURN OF THE COUNTRY. TRY OWE, Send for full Descriptive Circulars to PORTER BLANCHARD'S SONS. __COMOORP. N. H. Lyall- & Da vidson, {Established in 1827. WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. 110 Carondelet St. New Orleans. t \tTlLL BE PLEASED TO TAKE OR yV ders for Country Work. Either plain or kaney Roofing and at the lowest possible rate. Refers to J. DAVIDSON •&. CO., or ALEXANDER HILL, dee- 20 -ly. no Carondalet Street. Fritz -J almcke, l Pat. for La] Schillinger ArtificIa]Ston Pavement. ■ Dealer Is North River and German Flags Curb Stone and Portland Cement. Nos. 208 and 210 DELORD STREET, Between Baronne and Carondelet Street. dec-20-ly. New Orleans. JOHN W. TR0TTEB, ' Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker. St. Philip St. between Thibodaux and Main * Thibodaux, La., —Keeps on hand a full lino of— COOK AND HEATING STOVES. —Also agent for the— Favorite and Excelsior Stoves. Particular attention given to Roofing and Guttering. J. S. GOODE, Attorney at Law ! THIBODAUX, Parish of Lafourche , Louisiana. 1 $ Merits n ■UTENAL IN VSKI, Accompanied with VAST IS —THE— Times-Democral Published, Daily and Wffilb, at following Kates' DAILY, seven (T| pepers — Per annum............... Six months...........".*1******"— Three mouths.........I!!*****"*'** I 1 ** WEEKLY {published Saturday\ "* ^ Six months....................... Three months......................... % In clubs of ten [10] and'over"* ter-up of club), each subscriber $1 25. e* In all cases postage prepaid by oft. lo newsdealers aud newsboys. . weekly, 2 l-2c per copy. * ' Remittance by money order letter or by draft at our risk. ' Any issue' as a sample promptly ____ free, on request. — With news, literary, family and __• - ral departments equal to that of paper published in the South, it excels all others iu its markets eomaZS and industrial reviews and noIitiiTsr partnients. w Address THE DEMOCRAT I _ New Orleaas, U KUBSHEEDT ABlEtf® Builders Hardwan. MARBLE, SLATE fit IRON MANTB MONUMENTS. TOMBS , BMADsSU 1KA, Its, 120 ('amp Street NEW ORLEANS. Thibodaux apply to J. M. WAR* 9o & 91 Camp st., and 565 —Imorters and Dealers ia FOBKIG.T AND 1FO.WEMTIC Hardware, Cntlery Edge Tad. TINPLATE. SHEET IRON, IRON WARS Tinners-' Stock and Tinners' 8tsola MAC BLANQUE, --DEALER IN Family Groceries^, WINES, LIQUORS, Eto, No. 231 Poydras St. Cor. Dryaisfy New Orleans. Country Orders Promptly At tended to. Goods delivered to landings oris- ' pot free of drayage. FRANK BARKER, - ^ Successor to Barker h Sevia, • Commission Merchant AND DEALER IN ALL KINM Of iCountri) protaio. COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES.' Rice , Potatoes, Eggs, Honey, Bm* wax, Tallow, Wool, Midst, Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., 4 No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. l.Ihcri|l Advances Made Oft i Consignments. aug-12-82. Dr». J. A* 'A hurber & DENTISTS, No. 130 Royal Street, New Orleans, Assistants: Dr. H. Pierson. Dr. T. J. Hopper. SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS. —ADOPTED III* THE— Parish School Board for the t(M of the PdS * tic Schools. —For Sale by— Jos. T. Thibodeaux* Orders for books promptly fiUot' at Publishers Prices* Paper, Pens, Ink, Slates, Pencils, Blank Mi Time Book, Envelopes, Chalk, Crayons it., - AT MODERATE PRICES. Liberal lFlscounts allowed to Teachers. IV. II. RACAY, LOCAL AGENT and . COLLECTOR* > Office, Thibodaux Saw-Mill, k Thibodaux, I*