Newspaper Page Text
®he lltibodaux Sentinel, jMrnnl of the 9th. sienitionnf District. OFFICIAL JUUKNAL Of THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AMD OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. Entered kt the Thiboitiix Poet Office ns Second Ctnsss moil mailer. Office: Corner Giccii &. Levee S.T. GEISAMORE, Ep P SANCAN* Pro'r. A Business ,U. Sli:M^HI*riO>: One year [In advance] One copy............. ...... 10 IK AT CM OF AMTERTISKSG For each square of ton lino's or loss, the tirst insertion, #1 50. Second insertion, 75 cents per square. For subsequent insertions, per square 50 cents. Obituaries 10 cents tier line. Professional and business earils, including paper, will lie pnblishrd at the rate of oil ets. per square for the first insertion, and 25 cents for subsequent insertions. A liberal discount to yearly advertisers. Announcing candidates for office $10, to be paid for IN ADVANCE Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time will be iusertui till forbid and payment exacted. Persons sending communications to this pa pet must always furnish their real names to the Editors. We will not save or return re jected manuscripts. Allusions peronnally disparaging to any one will never he inserted except as adver tisements nor then, if peculiarly objectiona ble. SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1883. bMS**' FOR U. S. PRESIDENT: GROVER C LEVEL Alt D, OF NEW YORK. —The Cbpitolian Advocate after a long time has finally come out and stated that it agreed with the Sentinel in respect to the honesty of the gobbling up of Parish school funds by the School Board of New Orleans. IPs better late tban uever. —The school session this sum mer will be only 44 mouths. The honest gobbling of the school fnnds, belonging to the Parishes, by the School Board of New Or leans, shortens the sessiou one mouth iu the country schools. A leather medal with a tnrkey gobbler strutting thereon should be presented to each member of the School Board in New Orleans. —On next Thursday at Firemen's Hall will be the Fair for the fund ebeing raised to increase the size of the Charity Hospital buildings in New Orleans. Aside from assisting in the pro motion of so noble a charity, every tax payer in Lafourche is personal ly interested in this noble work. Did this Parish have to support the indigent sick that she sends to this Hospital every year, it would cost this Parish thousaud^ ot dol lars, whilst the sufferer would not receive one tithe of the benefit that he will obtain iu the care be stowed upon him in the Charity Hos pital. There he has able physicians to watch over bis case, and those no ble and pious Sisters of Charity watching, nnrsing him and attend ing to his wants. Let Firemen's Hall be crowded. The Fournier Crevasse.— The| Police Jury assembled iu special session, in response to a petition signed by numerous citizens. After consultation with them selves and some citizens ot the P ai ish that body appropriated $1000.00 towards closing the Fournier Cre vasse, and a further sum of fifteen hundred dollars as an advance pay ment that the Governor and Board of State Engineers agree to donate for that purpose. Messrs. Sosthene Folse, Wallace Lefort, and Ellis Foret were ap pointed a committee to superintend the work, which will commence as mon as there is a fall of 10 or 12 inches in the Bayoo. the mii^msG boom. XT . ... , . 4 _, , Not only is there i«a building boom . ____ u A ^ , t, . J ,, in Tliibodaux, but what is decidedly better, there is a departure from the style of architechture which has pre vailed throughout our section from time immemorial, and which can be fitly described as the buru like type of building. The extreme and mon otuuous sameness of our private dwellings is about give way lo a variety of neat, eomtorJable and ele gant designs, with some pretension to architechturul beauty. Of three residences soou to be erected, each one will consist of separate and distinct plan, and when completed, will prove an or unuieiit to the street where the^| will hejbuilt, and will lend to create a spirit of emulation among otheis who may contemplate buiding, or who may feel impelled to remode] their homes in accordance with the principles of good taste. There is not a house in town which is not susceptible of beiug al tered in such a way that increased comfort and an improved appear ance will be the result. Dr. Danse reau's residence shows how an ar ehitect call take au old style house and make otit "a thing of beauty and joy forever. We have among us many who have the means of fol lowing iu the footsteps of the worthy Doctor, and we trnst, that they will be spurred on to add to their own comfort, and the general ap pearance of the Town. —The new St. Joseph's Hall was inaugurated last Sunday evening by an entertainment given by lead ing amateurs of tbe parish. The string hand, prominent among which were Messrs. O'Sullivan, Dingle, Trou6 and Perrin disconrs ed some very sweet music duriug the intermissions. The hall is very commodious and can easily seat five liuudred per sons, as it is ninety eight feet iu length by forty feet in width. As the stage, with the green room, oc copies bnt a very small portion of the building, tbe auditorium is con sequently very spacious. In tbe course of tbe evening, the friends of the Very Rev. Pastor of St. Josej)h's Church were invited to partake t ot a grand banquet in the old St. Jose|>h's Hall, where the tables groaned under tho weight of delicate viands and the choicest wines. .The health of the venera ble host was proposed in very felici tons language by a promiueut mem berof our bar, who elicited an ap propriate response from the subject of his remarks. A Remarkable Steamboat.— Had Mark Twain ever beeu pilot on the steamboat H. J. Dickey he would have been under the §necessi ty of increasing the size of his late book on the wonders of the Mississ ippi River. This wonderful -steamer can cut up more capers than a one eyed lamb, aud do more singular things than any steamer that ever entered iuto Bayou Lafouiclte. She is tbe only boat that ever showed enough skill to run head foremost iuto a 40 foot crevasse; she is the only boat that ever sac cceded in hitting the piling on both sides of Thibodaux Bridge at once; she can break up more boxes and plank work, built to protect' the levees, iu five minutes, than 100 men can erect in 5 days. She is a great boat; she can hit and smash everything, that she has no need of tonchiug, and can do it # so easily that no one supposes it requires any effort. She ought to he named, "Texas Bull in a china shop." —The Terrebonne papers last Saturday report 15; cases of small pox on McCnllom's EUendale plants tion, and two on W. A. Shaffer's Crescent Farm. Two deaths have occurred at El lendale. The Charity Hospital.—Oi» next Thursday is th« time appoint _ * * *.t • » ». • e *i « eu for the Fair to be given for the benefit of the Charity Hos pital Fund. Professor Choi has charge of the programmelov ers of music will enjoy a rich treat. The ladies si Iso will preside at refreshment tables where ice cream, cakes, lemonades, meats etc. wifi be supplied in abundance. This is a noble charity and every person should aid in making the Fair a success. Nearly every psir ish iu the State is contributing. Pet it not be said that Lafourche, always liberal and grand iu good works, hus£dled on this occasion. The tame of tho Charity Hospital extends all over the world. It must be enl-uged to keep its usetni ness up with the times. Let every oup do sometbiug. A GOOD ACT BADLY REWARDED. —About two years ago, Arthur Weber, who had been supported by his uncle Valere Roger, the well known oysterinan of Thibodanx, robbed bis unde of some one buu died dollars and left without bid ding any one good bye. Some mouths after he leturned, and in stead of prosecuting his nephew, Roger again took the erring boy borne. Last Monday whilst all were absent from home, Arthur again went through tbe house and found about $200.00 which he ap propiiated by a unanimous vote, to bis own pocket. Ou Tuesday lie was arrested and taken before Jtis'ice Caillouet and sent before the District Court. The air around Baton Rouge will itn prove Arthur's morals. —St. Joseph's Catholic Church is receiving a coat of cement, the in tentiou being to exclude the damp ness troin the interior walls. At ter the cement has had sufficient time to dry, it would not be a had idea to have the whole exterior paiuted in some pleasing tint. The attention of the trustees is called to the fact, that the yard im mediately in front of the church should bo guarded against cattle which commit such nuisaiicss there in, as to be an eye sore to visitors, and a positive iucouvenience to the worshippers. It is a pity that such a beautiful spot should be disfigu red in any way. HOTEL ARRIVALS. For the week ending May, 25,1883. STRANGERS' HOTEL—Win. O- Porna rade, V. Roux, Charles Jaufroid.Hiram|Co!m, Simon Pie^ril. F. lianuumiaitA Krtnib fW.lun Lammonette, Frank Ogden, V. Dufuur, Jas. Hanrahan, J. U. Lafaye, Geo. Serge ns, C. A. Woorhees, Houore Dessom mes, John Rexnch, N. O.; F. Bergeron. Xa)>o lennvillc ; J. R. Wilson, A. J. Mullain, Geo. Mullaui, J. V. St. Martin. Donuldsouville ; E. Pelichet, Iberville ; Geo. Dionne, Lafourche ; A. J. Siinoneanx, Jeannerette ; J- F. Berniu clio, Centreville ; Miss Alice Fernandez, As sumption ; J. W. Flanders, Lowell, Mass; Jno. K. Lirisay, Norfolk, Va. Notice! ce. 5 rcho, > It. 1883. > Tax ColIcctors'R Office, Parish of Lafourche Tliibodaux, La., January 20th _ ____ To all persous engaged iu business iu this parish : You are hereby notified to call at. my office and pay your State and parish licenses for the year 1883, to avoid costs of Court and 10 per cent penalty as attornevs foes. THEO. THIBODAUX, Sherift and Tax Collector, parish of Lafourche. Ordinance No. 183. Making the wilful and wanton discharge of fire arms in the public road, on tho public levee or in any other public place, or into gr towards sueb public road, levee or other public place witbiu range-thereof, a misde meanor and providing tbe penalty therefor, aud for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Police Jnry of the Parish of Lafourche, iu regular session us semblcd. That whoever shall] wilfully and wantonly discharge a pistol or other fire arms iu the public road, ou the public levee or iu any other public place, or shall, whether from his owu premises or those of another, willful ly and wantonly discharge such tire arms in to or towards the public road, levee or other public place within rauge ot such ruad, levee or public place shall be guilty of a misdetnea nor aud shall be liable, upou due conviction thereof before any court of competent juris diction, to a fine of not more than twenty five dollars,, or to imprisonment in the parish jail not exceeding thirty days, or both, at the dis cretion of tho court. Sec. 2. Be it enacted etc., That one half of anv tine which may be collected under this ordinance shall go to the benefit of tho infor mer and shall be paid over to such informer, upon its-collection bytbe court exercising ju risdiction, iu the case. Seo. 3. That this ordinance take effect from and after its first publication in the offi cial journal of tbe Parish. Approved and adopted this 10th day of May 1883. [Signed] S. T. GRISAMORE, President of Police Jury. Certified: T J. F.iiun, Secretary. Considering tbe jMt necessity of drainage amt the immense benefit that the inhabi tants of Lnfonrche would derive if its uato ral drttims were cleaned and opened to car ry off surplus waters, enhancing the value of the lands and increasing the products thereof. Section, I. Be it resolved, That the Parish of Iaifonrcbe be divided into districts, known and designated as Drainage Districts, to wit: District No. I. Shall extend from the upper line of the Parish of Laionrche, on the right descending Bank ot Ba.yon Lafourche to the lower line of Ridgefield plantation. District No. 2. Shall extend from lower line of the Kidgetield plantation right descend ing hank of Bayou to upper line of Acadia. District No. 3. Shull extend from tho low er boundary of district No. 2, to the lower line of Sostheue Folse's '•Auteinaiit'' planta tion. including bayou'-Blue. District No. 4 shall extend from the lower boundary of Dis trict t'.o. 3 to the Gulf. District No. 5. Shall extend from the upper lino of the parish, left descending bank of ha you Lafourche to the lower line of the "Laurel Valley - ' plantation, including upper and lower Choupie Baton Pilou. and CUackbey as far down as Bayou Kampanpon. District No. li. Shall extend from lower boundary of district No. 5 to the npper line of tbe "Kaeeland" plantation, including Coteau Boudreaux, .Malugny, Coteau Folse and Ba you Btcnf. District ho. ,. Shall extend from the lower boundary of district No. 6 to the lower lino „f the "Matthews" plantation, including "Uto pia' "Loveridge - ' aud Vachoric Dugais Livau dais. District No. 8. Shall extend from the lower boundary of District No. 7 to the "llaraim" Canal. District- No !). Shall extend from the lower boundary of District No. 8 to the Quit. 2. riiat lor <mch :i 11 ci pvery District, tbct'ii sli:»ll bt; three coiurniHsionurs, by the Police. Jury, who shall bo ivshlonU of the District tor which they are appointed, mid possessing property therein. They snail hold their appoiutiue..t tortus long as the Police Ju rrjshalljdeeni tit. Sec. -i. 1 hat the dlities'of said eominisisson era sliail eousist in opening nil the natural drains in their respective districts ; they shall have full power to make contracts for the opening of said m ains, and approve and ac cept same from the parties with whom said contracts are made, aud in ease the cutting or opening of new drains shall lie deemed no cessary in any district, and the majority of the land holders residents of said' district shall so decide, they shall have, in the matter of said cuts and drains the same powers as above. See. 4. That when parties with whom the District rommissiouers have contracted, shall have fulfilled the conditions thereof, the said District Commissioners shall give a writteu approval of the work d-ne, if the same meets withjtheir approval and shall certify that the amount claimed tor said work is correct aud upon the presentation of said certificate ot ap. pi-oval to the President ot the Police Jnrv he shall draw a warrant for the came upon' the funds appropriated for that purpose. See. a. That in order to meet the expenses of said drainage 2 mills on the dollar of all as sessuicnt shall be paid over to the Parish Treasurer who shall place the saute to the ere dit of said fund. The Treasurer shall then proceed to divide among the several Drain age Districts allowing to each district a pro rata of said fund to he based and calculated upon the assessment of property in tho res pective Districts, which pro rata shall go to the payuieut of work dune in each respective district. Sec. 6. That said commissioners shall re ceive no salary but the actual expenses incur red iu the performance of their duties shall be paid. Sec. 7. Be it further resolved &c.. That this ordinance shall take effect from aud af ter its promulgation. Approved and adopted this lOili May, 1883. (Signed) S. T. GKISAMORE. „ . President. Certified: J. F. At.laix, Secretary. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th. Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Succession of Donatien Benoit, No. 110 (i Probates. V 1 URSUANT TO AN ORDER AND DE cree of the above Court and in obedience to a commission to me directed in the above entitle.! and uurabered succession I will offer for sale at- public auction pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder on the premises situated in said parish at about seven ini'.es from tho Town of Thibodaux in the settle ment known as the Chackbay settlement ou Saturday the 26th day ot May 1883, between the hours of it o' cloek A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. tho following described proper ty belonging to tbe above succession to-wit. 1. ' A certain tract of land situated iu said parish of Lafourche at about seven miles from the town of Thi'oodaux situated in the settle ment known as the Chacbay settlement tuea suriug two and halt arponts front by Twenty one arpents in deptli more or less boarded above by lands of Jnles Boudreaux and be low- by lands of Elie Panvel, together with all the bnildiiigs and improvements thereon. 2. Another tract of land sitnatud in the Chacbay settlement being swamp land inens urin — ------' - ' ring two arpeuts in front by seven arpents i depth and lying immediately iu the rear of the land of Jackson Barnett. 3. One lot of household furniture and cook ing utensils &c. &c Terms and conditions of sale cash on the spot iu United States Treasury Notes, to pay debts. April 21st, 1883. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX. Sheriff. NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received by the Polica Jury at its session on the first Monday of Jnly at two o'clock P. M. for tho construction aud erection of a jailer's residence on the jail pro perty, corner Green & Maiu streets in the Town of Thibodaux. according to plans on ex bibition in tbe office of F. Saucun, Treasurer of the Parish. All bids will be made for cash payments on completion of work. Tim Police Jury reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By orders of the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafourche. 8. T. GKISAMORE, J- P. ALT.AIX, Clerk. NwTlCE. Having purchased the eligibly situated boil er shop of P. Hogan, in this tow'n, I am now £ re pared to take contracts for making new fillers and repairing old ones. Full satisfac tiou guaranteed, work will be done at the low est figures. I have secured the services of Mr. P. Hogan, as foreman and manager who has Iodr experience in thisbusiaess. Parties will find it to their interest to call on mo be fore making contracts elsewhere. , W*. H. RAGAN. Thibodanx, April 6 th, 1863. LEON Clothier and 81, 83 & 85 Canal STEW ORL] There is no line of competition it more , judicious huyiny is than, the trade in Goods for Men's Consumers are rnffcaf J ticylar as to Quality , StSSi and the profits oj Clothiers, ore are so reduced that the irlio does not exert the best sources oj supple undersold and his busmo by his more watchful and, titor. We hare made it Our to meet this necessity , and in the trade possesses onual handle GOODS AT LOW „ Our well Inown facilities ' posing of goods in large able us to operate directly tt faeturers , and to purchase i at a much loicer basis of usual. This gives us J the lest and most ream saving losses that with other business houses must bet extra profit Country Orders LIP Samples and self measuring sent on ay of charge. Democratic and/or a tariff for i The lieprcttnhtlitt Xeuspeptr of 4 THE WEEKLY COURIER-JOUI AN ORGAN Live Issues, Li AND MORAL FOl or AN ENEMY OF Monopolies, Oil ASD TH8 SPIRIT OF SUI AS EMBODIED 01 That Thieving THE WEEKLY COURIEBJC Has do superior as a great i_ cal paper iu the newspaper wo latiou is MANY TIMES LAMtl than any political newspaper ia and is ^excelled by but fow h („ States. It contains, cac-ii week, UmI jdete summary of tho news ofths ' its editorial columns (Heury tor in-Chicf) are always ab bright. Among the ESPECIAL FKATCKES arc Telegraphic Specials from aU tbs ! points in the Uuited States rial and Short Stories, Ta the d»v after delivery in Hr__ cle, .Market Reports, Fashion___ and Stock Reports, Answer* to € dents Department. Poetry and Ik, for Children. No home in tbs should bo without it. SUBSCRIPTION TEES Daily $12 a year; Sunday, Weekly, Single Copy, one year. ' Copies, oue year, 65.50. After* has been scut us tho club raiser , out the year, add single • . - ccived at our lowest club rati ly subscriptions. Yearly sub cau la) received at this rate, less thau a year are SI for 8 mo •riii for 6 months; 50 cents for tliras A sauqiie copy of Weekly Cl sent free of charge for exam plication. Liberal cash comm canvassers, and outfit sent ti charge. Address W.N HA! President Com nn U. D. TERREB0I Steamboat Agent GENERAL COLLECTOR ALL CLAIMS, Thibodaux, REFERENCES: Thibodaux: New Brand & Legendre I John I 8- T. Grisainore Clay Knobloch B. H. FM „ A. F> HkneL NOTICE. My friends and the pnblks are notit*4 ^ I ha vejopened a Grocery in the Bsfi • opposite the Thibodaux UriM I will keep constantly on hand a fn of Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Give me a sail and examine my JUtlJ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,, THE SUN From morning to morning ®rom to week THE SUN prints a oootinnedj oi the lives of real men and women, their deeds, plans, loves, hates and tr Tkio story is more interesting man mancc that was ever deeieea. Daily [4 pngesj, by mall, 55e. • "Jy $6.50a year; Sunday ( 8 SfjEfb 1 Weekly i S.T^UkdT-^,