Newspaper Page Text
ghihodaiix gmthtcl, SATURDAY, MAY 26,1883. Proceedings -OF THE- POLICE JURY Thibodaux, La., May 9th. 1883. The Police Jury met in regular session this day at 2 o'clock P. M. Present: Messrs. Grisamore, president, fieely, Coulon, Kraemer, Matthews and Rous aeau. Absent.- Messrs. Folse, Guiilrv, Delaune and Moran. The minutes of the last meeting were read, aud approved as corrected. The following claims were referred to the Committee on Claims, to-wit: James A- Frost.................. 9 75 Theopliile Thibodaux, shcritf and jailor 50 53 Theophile Thiliodanx, shcritf and jailor 31 80 Theophile TbilMidaux, sheriff aud jailor 12 50 Theophile Thibodaux, sheriff and jailor 85 50 Theophile Thihodanx. sheriff aud jailor 4 50 Theopliile Thilmdaux. sheriff...........119 00 Kotb A Fleetwood..................... t! Dr. John Fleets ood. Coroner........... 22 00 H. W. Krost.......................... 30 70 L. P. Cailluuet, J. P.................... 44 The following list of lands, pointed out lor assessment, tb 1 he Assessor by P. A. Thibo daux, was referred the commit t< e on Claims. List of lands handed iu by P. A. Thibodaux to be.assessed—1881. Xo. Names 3274 Hemley Horace L. 3275 Tucker Koht. &. J. H 3276 Johnson Leo. L. 3277 Hank 6 Maurice 3278 Gaillard R. P. 3279J)eblit-ux Honor.- F. 3280 Livandais Fran. > Jos. Em. Dnguis j 3281 oteiuuii Anderson 3282 Tucker Geo. W. 3283 Barrow Est. R. R. •1284 Solomon Ezokiel 3289 Powell Efct. A. J. 3290 Weber J. M. 8291 Lehman Jacob 3293 Robinson Estate or ) Unkuown Owners, j 3294 F. S. Fortier •, 3295 Aime Valcour Est. 3296 Barns V. C. J. DeGrt 3297 Generes L. K. Est. 3298 Gpneres L. F. Est. 806 Bellangers Est. Mrs. Bridget wife of II. S. Thibodaux. Par. No. of A. Val. Tax 1681 80 50 40 26 . 480.60 240 156 342.13 125 81 80 40 26 160 80 •52 1418 120 78 7303 600 390 2647 250 162 167.50 200 130 189.2 200 130 600 300 105 "80 40 26 720 300 195 240 120 78 251.96 200 130 280 140 91 80 40 26 ass 40 20 13 362.72 200 130 1521.40 800 520 J Town 50 32 ) Lot No. 1 10. The above is a correct list of lands given in "Y " A. Thibodaux Esq. for assessment 1881. (Signed] R. K. McBRIDE, Assessor Parish Lafourche. Thibodaux, May 8 tb. 1833. The following report of the Treasurer was referred to the Committee ou F'iuauce. ANNUAL report. To the Honorable President and Members of the Police Jury Parish of Lafourche : I have the honor to submit, herewith, this Annual Report. siio<viug the financial opera tion* of this Parish, embracing its receipts *™ "'•" nr 8 ftIuen t 8 , lrom January 1882 to -ttEV 1883. # From Statement A will be seen a detailed accouut of the receipts into the Treasury from all sources, amounting to-$11,192.69.-,. Statement B shows a detailed account of disbursements amounting to $ 9 . 001 . 5 x 4 leav ing a balance 011 hand of $2 191-17]. ■ statement C shows a detailed account of the receipts and disbursements of the liu 4 >ravement aud Bridge Fluids from Juno 1st. 1882 to May 1st . 1883. Concluded by a Recapitulation showing all receipts and expenditures aud the balances now 011 hand. Vcry Respect fully, Your obedieut servant, F. SANi'AN, Parish Treasurer. 1 STATEMENT A. General Fund 1882. Surplus of Gen. Fund 1881 602 89 Amount, trans. from Back Claims Fund 357 44 960 31 Ferries Fines *< Forfeited Bonds Licenses of 1882 Forfeited Taxes of 1881 Forfeited Taxes prior Jan uary 1881 Current Tax of 1882 507 50 55 35 127 55 2025 00 286 21 507 58 6723 15 $10232 35 4 2 - 2 8 Total Receipts. Improvement Fund. "Bal. June June 1st. 1882 1359 01 Received from Tax Collec tor Special Tax ] null 1140 87 Total _ Bridge Fund. Bal. Jane 1st-1882 »1083 89 Received from Tax Collec tor Special Tax j mill 580 61 $11192 69 — 2499 87 --- 1664 50 Grand Total $15a57 07 By Disbursements: ~ STATEMENT 'B. General Fund Casb paid Police Jr*, pr. dm. and mil. 395 03 Salary of Officer* 2149 95 Holding Dist. A Circuit Ct. 285 90 R. * L. Insp. salary 280 00 Boarding Prisoner* 1382 87 Election Expense* 353 95 Sheriff's Fee* 333 60 Incidental Expenses 279 40 Repair* on Levees 69 70 Clerk's f ee* 121 20 J®"?., , 957 10 Conviction fee* 155 00 Justice P. A Constable fees 449 91 Transportation of Convicts 168 00 Witnesses 29 i i M Chanty 216 05 Coroners fees 366 00 Assessor's fees 260 77 Tax Collector's commission 477 10 Balanee -- $9001 52 2191 17 $11192 69 STATEMENT C. Improvement Fnnd. Cash paid Tax Collector's commission Ex------ ixpensm paid Total paid Bal. May 1st. 1883 57 04 927 90 984 94 1514 93 2499 87 Bridge Fnnd. 'Cash paid , Tax Colleetor's commission 29 03 paid 47215 Total paid __ Balanee May 1st 501 18 1163 31 1664 50 Balances: General Fund Improvement Fund Bridge Fund 2191 17 1514 93 1163 31 4869 42 TREASURER'S REPORT, from March 21st. to May 8 th, 1883. General Fund 1883. To Balance on hand 731 50 •• Con. fees refunded 7 55 " Surplus «>t Gen. Fund '82 trails, to Gen. Fnud 1883 2191 17 •• Licenses ain't roc. fr. T. C. 365 00 Total - |3195 23 Improvement Fnnd. To Balance 1503 67 Received from Tax Collec tor Special Tax 2(4 mills 11 86 Total --I 3 t 5 53 Bridge Fund. To Balance 1192 68 Received from Tax Collec tor Special Tax i mill 5 93 Total - 1198 61 6209 38 By Dishuiseu cuts: General Fund. P. Jurors per diem and mil. Salary of Officers Koail and Levee In. salary Boarding prisoners Sheriff"s fees Incidental Expenses Clerk's fees Justice and Constable Fees Charity Coroners fees .Jurors Holding Circuit Court Tax Collectors commission Total Improvement Fund. Tax Collector's commission Bridge Fund. S Meyer build, bridge 35 00 Tax Collectors Com. 30 Total - Total Disbursements Balance on band Divided as follows: General Fuuil Improvement Fund Bridge Fund 89 5 ) 91 75 l!5 it 20 20 25 20 12 90 1500 486 40 5 00 28 25 1518 79 1*0 fl5S4 69 4624 69 1916 44 1514 93 1163 31 4624 69 4624 69 ASSETS To cash in the Treasury TaVes uncollected Current Tax of 1882 Special Tax j mill 1882 Jotal 4624 69 330 91 30 48 19 24 .$4913 33 LIABILITIES: 1 By claims approved and registered 122 31 Assets over Liabilities 4791 n-* I the Undersigned Treasurer 'of Hie Parish of Latourehc, do soleniuly swear the above is a true and correct showing of the finances ot the Parish, and I further swear that I have not directly or indirectly speculated] 011 the same. So help me God ! F. SANCAN. / Parish Treasurer. Sworn to and snhscrilied before lue this 9th. day ot May |A. D.] 1883. s (Signed) J. F. ALLA IN, Deputy Clerk. The following re|>ort of the President, ein bracing a list ol the warrants drawn by him tor tile payment of claims agains the parish, was read and received: Office of 1 lie Police Jury. ) - Parish of Latourche. j Thibodaux, La., May 9, 1881. To the Police Jury : I hereby report that I have drawn the fol lowing warrants ou Hie Parish Treasury to payabilities incurred previous to Jauiiary 11. X. Coulon $2 00, George Morgan 2 00. J. B. Aneoin 62 50. Tlieo. Thibodaux 10 00. Then phile Thibodaux 380 , Theophile Thibodaux 6650. Theopliile Thibodaux 9 80, T. A. Cage 4 50. T. A. Cage 8 50. Jacob Ward 2 00, A Mcutiier 1 25, G. Abrehat 2 00. 1>. II. L.uio 2 00. J. Fleet wood 108 00. J. M. Lef.irt 2 09 W. T. Price 2 00, J. Breaux 200, C. A lire hat - 00. J. A. Billiu 2 00, A. Alleman 2 00, T. Fo ret 2 00, J. T. Badeanx 2 00, Alliert Haran-r 2 00, L. Meyer 3500, L. Mcibro 5 60, F. BariP lean 43 .5. J. S. Seely 6 50, M, Delaune 8 10 H. X. Coulon 6 10, L. Kraemer 850, J. Moran 8 30, S. T. Grisainore 6 00, J. Waish 8 33 s Riuirigue 25 00, J. B. Aucoiu 62 50, 8. T. Gris' amorc I 00, S. T. Grisainore 3 65, Small mix case 2 95. 8. T. Grisamore 3 15, J. W. Kno bloch 20 20. Tlieo. Thihodanx 39 50, J W Knohfbch 2 00. J. W. Knnblnch 7 50. J. w! Knob loch 2 00, J. W. Knohlnch 4 00, P. E. Lo ~ 05, Tlieo. Thihodanx 17 70. Theo. Thilie lio 7 Oo, Then. Thibodaux 17 70. Theo. Tliibc i danx 7 05, Theo. Tliiliodaux 57 00 , Theo. Tiiib oilaux 50 00. H. W. Frost 25 20. H. W. Frost ! 62 50, Thibodaux Saw Hill Co. 1188 Tlieo I Thihodanx 83 33, Theo. Thibodaux 83 33 '> ^Tlteo. Thibodaux 83 34. 8. T. Grisan.ore 10 40 ' I J F. Allain *250, F. Satican 25 00, J. Walsil i 8 34, 'ihilmdunx Sentinel 3125, Thibodaux Sentiuel 46 Oil, Sick men to Hospital 8 95 Babin D. 43 75. J. N. Feetwooil 15 00 , Roih A Fleetwood 4 00. J. N. Fleetwood 12 50, E. A O'Sullivan 25 00. S. T. Grisamore 10 42, J F Allain 12 50, F. Sanean 25 00. Respectfully Submitted, (.Signed] 8 . T. GRISAMORE, President Police Jury. The following report of the President, rela tive to the charges made against Mr. Dclphiii Babin. Road atui Levee Inspector, by Mr. Mo ran, at the last session of the Jurv, and the accompanying report were read and received. Thibodaux, La. May 9,1883. To the Police Jury : At your last session it was moved and adopt ed. "Whereas charges have been made against D. Babin for negligence of his duty, the said Babin is hereby notified to report ill person within five days to tiro President of the Police Jury and should he fail to give good rcasous for this neglect of duty of which he :s charged he shall l»e declared broken of his office of Road and Levee Inspector of Dis triet No. 4 of the Parish." The above resolution indicated that I was to-be the judge of wbat would he considered "good reasons," and I at once had Mr. Babin served with a eopy of the resolution per mail. Having seen several prominent citizens resid ingin his District who informed me that there must be a mistake in the charges I de ferred taking anyaction until Mr. Babin could have tune to offer proofs of his innocence so far as those charges were concerned. In a short tune he handed me the -enclosed eomtnunieation, when I directed I 1.111 to con tinue in the discharge of the duties of his of fice until the present session of the Pol fee Ju ry, when that body could take such action as it might deem expedient and jnst. ~\ Respectfully submitted, [Signed] 8 . T. GRISAMORE. President Police Jury. Parish of Lafourche, Louisiana, April 6 , 1883. Hon. S. T. Grisamore, President Police Jury Understanding that accusations have been made against Mr. Delphin Babin for neglect of duty as Road and Levee Inspector, we i j ; j I 1 i j 1 I j ; ' whose name* are hereunto subscribed, have the honor to report. That Mr. Delphin Babin has performed the duties of Road Inspector as well aa could be expected under the circumstances, that the public roads in his District are in better con dition than they have been for several years, and that we do not know any justifiable rea* ■ms why such accusations should be made against liim. We therefore request that he be maintained iu bis position of Road Inspec tor. Res|iertfully, [Signed* C. S. Mathews. La garde, F. Celestin. 8 . Abraham. R A. Frost, A. Lejeune John L.vall. Thomas Johnson. H. Hiznn. L. Lerille, C. G. Davis, A. Masse, Adrien llarbier Jiilien Acoste, Pierre Baihier. A. Rossi. V H Larvrnssc, P. T. Lcliianc. Richard Foret. M. C. Melaiiijon. J. M. Daigle. B. Avo, A. LcBlanc. A. Mela neon Ozcine LeBbmc, Tlieodule Boudreaux. Adelurd Boudreuux. Xuiiia Lelilauc, .los. T. Badeanx. Camille Hoiiureaux. Jos. Boudreaux, G. Ahrihut. A. Braux. Jusiilieu Foret, F. Davis E. B. Ila rang. O. Harang, M. Kant rowitz, Joseph Co inarj. Napoleon pjen-e, Kstliival Savoie. A. ■I. Pierce, Alfred .Me'aiieon, V. l*nye, Victor Mt4:in<o|i. Auguste Savoie, T. Etienne Ise Illanc, Vasseur Gautreaiix 8 r. Nnma Bon drentlx, L 11 I 1111 Gautreaiix. Auguste Gan treaux, A. Barrios, B. lVnonilli, .1. L. Tenney. F.. A. Lepilie. ,1. L. I.eBlane, R. A. Murray, iis iar as I know 1 approve the above petition J. 8 . Billiu, and others. The following con,moniestian was read and laid over. Mr President of the Police Jury, Parish of Lafourche : I was authorized liy Lawrence Kraemer. to examine the Darden Bridge, for the bal ance of the work which not quite done when II. N. Coiihui, aud L. Kraemer accepted the said bridge from Solomon meyer. So I state that. 1 have examined the said bridge to-ibiy, and tumid it strongly built, and well finished. File amount due on the said Bridge is Thirty five Dollars, to which S. Mover is fully etui tied. Chaekhav March 19th. 1883. [SignedJ hVMI'llOKF RODRIGUE, Road Inspector. A comiiiiiuica'ion from the Board of State Fnginecr*. relative to levees, and suggestions lor the proper rare thereof, was rend and laid over. The following proclamation was read and laid over. The Governor has issued the following: Levee Convent.onj Executive Department. State ot Louisiana.—As all the citizens of Louisiana are vitally interested in the main taining, repairing and building of the levees, the inauguration of a practical system to jue vent ami close crevasses, the adoptinu of a plan to prevent the cutting of levees lur road ways and the use of them as highways, and iu the means employed for the improvement of the navigation of the Missis ippi River: there fore I Samuel I). McEuery, Governor of the State ot Louisiana, have thought proper to calfca convention, to be composed of delegates to lie elected li.v the police juries o< the sever a! parishes and by the City Council of the city ot New Orleaus. to assemble at tb • eitv of Baton Rouge, in the ball of the House of Representatives. 011 Monday, the 18th. day of June. 1883, at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose ot devising such measures us they may in their judgmeut deem necessary and proper 111 the premises. Given under my signature and the. seal of the State of Louisiana, at the eitv of Baton Rouge, this the 7th. dav of Mav, A. D. It 83. [Signed] 8 . D. MoEXERY, By tberiioverno:: WilL'A. iSTKoxc. Secretary of State. On motion ol Mr. Coulon, seconded, the District Attorney was requested to investi gate the qnestion ot the public road runuiug through Laurel Valley plantation from Ba you Lafourche to Baton Pilui and Coteau Boudreaux, and report to tiiis Jury at its next session. Ou motion ol Mr. Coulon. seconded the Jury adjourned to to-morrow at 10] o'clock A. M. (Signed) S. T. GRISAMORE. President. Certified : J. F. Aluix, Secretary. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. -Otli. District Court, Lafourche. Susan McMastcrs versus Fortune Sole. rjlHIS CASE HAYING BEEN REGULAR A ly taken up and tried on the petition and the amended pet,thin aud the law and the evi donee being in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant and justifying this judgment. It is ordered adjudged and decreed that Susan McMastcrs do have judgment and re cover of her husband Fortune. Solet. tlie sum !! r ,,nn, f re, l six and 50(100 Dollars interest from February 14. T ? -1 ^ uI ! t08t8 of 8 ,| it. Dis further ordered that her general taeit an, ' le £ a, 1 mort « a Ke *»u all of his immovable P r, *l ,elt .V l»e recognized as valid and binding V* f* 1 '"?*" 1 » »a«l amount from the 25tli. of ■ Tnl,r 8 r ' It is further ordered that the said Mrs. For tune Solet be aud she is berehv declared seen rate 111 property from her said husband and that she is hereby granted the administration ot her separate paraphernal property. It is further ordered that the community ot ac qnets and gaiu3 heretofore existing between them lie and th«same is dissolved and tliut " er renunciation of the same he aud the same is accepted. Done read and signed in open Court at Tiiib odaux, this 24th. dav of April 1883. (Sigucc') ARTHUR F. KNOBLOCH, 1-1 11 -i a. ;* u< *R e '-Wth. Judicial District. Filed April 24tb, 1883. (Signed) J. F. ALLAIN, , . , . Deputy Clerk, t I A true copy: < L 8 . > Test: Clerk's Office Parish of La (•***- J iourche. tiiis 27th. April 1883 J. F. ALLAIN, Deputy Clerk. B. T. BLAKE, AUarney at Law, Will practice in the Courts of Lufourclie Terrebonne and Assumption. Will attend also to all Notarial business in trusted to him. Office on Green 8 t. near the Conrfc House, THIBODAUX La., BRIDGE HOUSE BYSTiR SALOBI UN 1ESTA81AIT MAIN STREET, (bet. Jackson and St. Philip Streets,) Thihodanx, La This new establishment, under the manage ment of C. Asema. proprietor, is kept in the best style : the prices are moderate and the waiters are polite and attentive. Oct-14-8 CROCKERY W. a SHEPARD & Co., 49 Camp Street, New Orleans. Wholesale and Retail Crockery, China and Glass. Kpeciu I i tjr.. IIoIcIm .. Npcclall tjr STKA MBOATS AND General ll<> nst-keeping Supplies. ASSOUTED CRATES For Country Stores, iilwave on hand. fl KAIKJUARTEKS Foil A.MEillCAN CHINA. Full Dinner Sets...........$10, $16. $14. f !5 Full Tea Sets.....................$ 5 . $ 7.41 Chamber Sets $2.50. $3.50. $4.50, $ti, $7.50 Hefrigeniters. Ice Cream Freezers. Wufci Coolers, Bathing. Tubs, Plated Knives, Forks and N|hioiis. WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD scpt-2-82-ly. Bi^trTtpCookStorh X THE BEST ON EARTH. _ _ y'4 These celebrated Stoves win ROAST. BAKE and HEAT IRONS In less time and with LESS FUEL than any other vapor Cook Stove made. >- Be sure and buy the Dangler Non-Explosive Vapor Cook Stove* 1 XizvncmzD bt nz DanglerVapor Stove & Refining Col * CLEVELAND, OHIO. U xo* Sals bt Oub Agxxt. Lyall & liu vidsor., |Established in 1S27. WILLIAM S'. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. 110 Caromlelet St. New Orleans. A W ILL BE PLEASED TO TAKE OR ders tor Cotiutrv Work. Kitber plain or Fancy Hoofing :tiid at the lowest possible rate. Refers to DAVIDSON A CO., or HIL|„ dee- 20 -ly. lit) Carouilulet street. Fritz .lalmcke,. I Put. for La] Ncbilllngcr Artifivlm Mow Piivcmcnl, -Dealer Ix North Iliror and German Flags Curb Slone and Portland Cement. Nos. 208 and 210 DELORD STREET, Between Baronue and Caromlelet Street. •eo- 20 -ly. \ Aew Orleans. JOHN W. TROTTER, Csppcr, Tim and Nkcfi Iron Worker* St. Philip St. between Thibodaux and Main Thibodaux. La., —Keeps on baud a full line o."— COOK AND HEATING STOVES. —Also agent for the— Favorite and Excelsior Stoves. Particular attention given to Roofing Guttering. and J. S. GOODE, Attorney at Law THIBODAUX, P arish of Lafourche, Louisiana. HKme. E. A8HKLLDKAI, Market St.* [cam. St. Louis—THIBODA UX Villinery Goods -AKO— NOTIONS, Etc., Etc., TRIMMING, HOSIERY. latest or ^ STRAW IIAT 8 , GLOVES, * RIBBONS, SSBsw LACES, -AND— ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Mckool Books At Stationery depot. St EfcriSs Dap «ATEnU|/S,^< Of pric* Accomjianied wit^ VAST IMPHOl '-the-. Times-] Published Daily agi.] AT FOLLOWIN'© »ATB$ DAILY, seven m**ff*£t>5* PcriMinuiu............ rr" •Six umuths.................... Throe months........]....."*•* W KLKL1 (published i Per unuitin............. Six mouths.......".".7.7 Three months... In clubs ot' ton [lOjiimi ovisrTii ter-up ot club), each subscriber Iu all cases postage prepaid bt 1 1 o lu-wsdealers aud UewsbotV weekly, « l*«c jHir vupy, Remittanee by money ordar ■ letter or by draft at our risk Auy issue as a sample Tree, ou request. With news, literary, family and ral departments to thiit of paper published in tile .Sooth it excels all otliers iu its inarkata md industrial reviews and partuu nts. Address THE DENOCRif j Newf- m K0RSHEC0T & Hu 11 drra' HnrlvaiJ MARBLE, SLATE St IRON Mil 5 MOXUMEXTS. TOMBS, 11 m, 12 ^ Cmaapi NEW ORLEANS, •n'i°j7.? r * Kr ® "I'PfJ I® J. N. 1 uibodaaxe BoiSH 9v» A 91 Camp st., and 565 —Imorters and Deale* 70RKIUN AND Hardware, Cell cry | TINPLATE. SHEET IR02, A Tinner*-' Stock and Tin*n*' mac blan< -DEALKB IX Family Gr< WINES, LIQUORS, ] No. 231 Poydras St. Cor, New Orleans. Country Orders Prt*) traded Is. Goods delivered to landings ori pot free of draysgs. FRANK BAB] Successor to Barker 4 Stria, Commission Mei AXD DEA1.KK IN ALL HUM ( i&ounlri) Pro) COTTON SUGAR, MOLi Rice, Potatoes, Eggs, He wax, " Tallow, Wool, _____ Moss, Poultry, Etc., Jfe, No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. \ Liberal Advances W«d> — Coaslgnauats. atig-12-82. Drs. J. A. 'fhiirfoer it DENTISTS, No. 130 IIojhI Streep New Orleans Assistants: Dr. H. Pitrssn. Dr. T. J. Hopper. SCHOOL TEXT B00I —ADOPTED BT TUB— Parish School Board far the urn iff* lie Schools. —For Sale by— Jo«. T. ThibodeiRir Orders for books promptly at Publishers P ri c es. X Paper, Peas, Ink, Slates, Peaeih, —-- Time Beek, Envelopes, Ckalk, OrapM A T MODEM A TE PRICES. ITLIheral Dbcoents < to Teachers. W. U. RA0AH, LOCAL AGENT A * D COLLECTOR. Odce, Thibodaux Saw-Mill, Thihodan x, L A-