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Slu Ihibodaux jfrtttmcl, jMrMt mf tkc 0tk» demtorml District. OFFICIAL JOUKNAL OF THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. f Entered at the Thibodttx Poet Office as Second Cldsss mail matter. Office: Corner Green & Levee S.T. GUIS AMOK K, Ep i ,lt. ? SANCAN* Pro'r. .It Business usuager. skbm;riptiox s One year [in advance]..................$3.00 One copy................................ 1° RATES OF AOVEKTISI.TG i For each square of ten lines or less, the first Insertion, $1 oO. Second insertion, 75 cents per square. For subsequent insertions, per square 50 cents. Obituaries 10 cents per line. ^Professional and bnsi'.ess cards, including paper, will be published at the rate of 50 cts. per square for the first iusertiou, and 25 cents for subsequent insertions. A liberal discount- to yearly advertisers. Announcing candidates for office $10, to be paid for IN ADVANCE Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time will be inserted till forbid and payment" exacted. Perseus sending communications to this pa pet must always furnish tlicir real names to the Editors. We will not save or return re jected manuscripts. Allusions peronnnlly disparaging to any one will never be inserted except as adver tisements nor then, if peculiarly objectiona ble. EOR U. S. PRESIDENT: GROVER CLEVELAND, OF NEW YORK. SATURDAY, OCT. 20,1883 HOTEL Alliil VALS. For the week ending October 19, 18S3. STRANGERS' HOTEL.—H. Lan^. M. D. GaudtsJr. A. Levy, A. Itoucbereuu, John P. Lewis, V. J. Dufaur, N. O ; !•'. P. DaUercs. pert; M. La to ret. Lafourche ; James I£. Put nan- Horace Woiuock, St. Helena, La. ; E. C. Humes, Felix Gousales, St. llernard ; W. P. Keeney, Evansviiie Indiana. —W. B. Gray has retired from the editorial chair of the Free Press of Morgan City, his successors be ing A. E. Woods and R. A. La bauve. t We greet the new firm with kind wishes for their success and pros perity. — Persons building dwellings should call aud examine the Enani eled Mantel grates, for sale by S. T. Grisamore which are both eco Domical aud handsome. Special Announcement.—.A large pro portion of the readers of the Tliibodaux Sentinel are farmers, many of whom desire a great deal more of farm literature than we are able to give in onr limited space. To accommodate all such we have made arrangements with the publishers of the American Farmer to give it as a premium for one year to every subscriber of the Tliibodaux Sentinel who pays his subscrip tion in advance. The American Farmer is a large 16 page paper, published at Fort Wayne, Ind.,' the subscription price of which is $1.00 per year. Every planter in Lafourche parish should avail himself of this magnificent offer. —The new Iron Bridge over the Lafourche at Donaklsouville, jndg ing from the comments of the Chief is not a success. The Board of Directors will not accept the work nncil certain strengthening repairs are made. The people of that vicinity have been anxiously awaiting the com pletian of the structure. Time to Stop it.— .It's too bad, Sir or Madam, bat don'tget frightened. A glance in the mirror, or an investigating coiumitce of fingers tell the dismal story. We won't discuss the possible cause. It is enough that Parker's hair Balsam used now will prevent further destruction. Is your hair somewhat gray too, and crisp? Alas, yes. The Balsam will give back theoriginal co lor, softness and gloss. Not a dye, not oily, elegantly perfumed, a perfect dressing. —Call and see the fine assort ment of fire-grates and stoves at S. T. Grisamore's Stove aud House Famishing Depot. Why go abont with that aching head ? Try Ayer's Pills. They will relieve the stomach, restore th e digestive organs to healthy action, remove the obstructions that depress nerves and brain, and thus care yonr headache permanently. —Subscribe to the and keep posted. Sentinel POLITICAL. Being absent some time, visiting relatives and friends of Auld Lang Syne among the Hoosiers, we drift ed somewhat out of the channel of the political current that is ebbing aud flowing over the peaceful sur face of Louisiana. Now it has beeu onr pleasure tor sex eral days* by a studious, perusal of the exchan ges to endeavor ;to get ourself iu proper position again. It has beeu a hard task. We re member distinctly, some weeks ago, that a few of the self assumed leaders of the Press, most empbati callj told a few of the Editors in Louisiana, who had the manliness to mention the names of a few men who would be suitable candidates for Governor, at tbu approaching election, that they must shut up, that the campaign must becouduct ed iu a dignified, gentlemanly man tier, aud that if the canvass was opened too early, it would become one of vituperation, abuse aud slander, that must by all means, be avoided. Well, those very same considerate Editors are now send ing out their regular editions filled with slander, unmitigated, unmerit ed abuse of the best aud purest men iu the State. Every base rumor, that floats about the streets, every crazy whim of an infatuated fool is tortured iu to columus of falsehoods aud slau ders aud the man or men against whom these charges are made is or are called upon to dispose them The dignity, decorum, ami honoi,that was to characterise this campaign is entirely forgotten, all of a sud den. One of the purest aud best men that ever grew up ou the soil of Louisiana, who is not, and has not. been, a candidate for any office to be filled at the next election, has been chosen by these detainers as the special object of their spite and veuom. Not even his own announcement that he can not 'and will not be a candidate will satisfy these mud slingers. The mud which is being so nu justly thrown at this eminent mSu will only recoil upon tho heads of the mud slingers. Not satisfied with abusing an Ex Governor, they then turn upon the present Governor in a similar strain and uothing in the catalogue of abuses can be found with which he is not charged. That which appears the most siugular is that tho mud slingers at tion, who failed to make a tool of him to carry oat their individual schemes, and those who are peltiug McEnery are found in the ranks of those who have failed to make him bow to their owu private requests. All honor to both of them for their firmness and decision. The friends of Nicholls, who know that distinguished gentle man, only smile at his villifiers and pity them. The defumers of McEnery are only driving the lukewarm and un decided to his support. Nicholls are composed generally of the sore heads of his Admiuistra 1 —The Supreme Court of the United States has declared the mis erable so called Civil Rights Bill unconstitutional, null and void. This places the negro precisely where he should be, on an equality with every man, be he white, black, red or yellow. He can now stand upon his mcr its, and need not appeal to the laws for privileges which white men were not allowed. This question is now settled for ever, and it is to be hoped that the nonsense of the Civil Rights Bill will pass away into oblivion, among tho other stupendous follies of the late Repnblican Party. —Small pox still lingers in Don aldaonville. colored people have been express ing their sentiments pretty liberal ly in regard to the effect of the late decision of the United States Su. preme Court, in which the so called CIVIL RIGHTS. The Leaders so-called, of the Civil Rights' Bill has been pro nounced unconstitutional. The ego tism and brass of these blatant de magoguesare wonderful. Douglass rants like a bull in a china shop, aud Bruce announces that this de eisiou "will set the country back fifteen years.' 7 ]f Bruce and the whole African race were cast into the midst of tho Atlantic Ocean it would not set the country back fif teen weeks. The self importance and stupid caut with which these colored beats strix-e to make it appear that the negro is the prime cause of the ad vaucemcnt aud progress of this great nation is becoming sickening and disgusting. Tho African race bears precisely the same relation to the wonderful advancement ami progress of the United States that a twenty pound weight fastened on to the hind wheel of a vvagou bears to its forward movement. Many colored people, who are la boring to make an houorable living, to be good and reliable citizens, aid thus far in the national prosper ity. They stand upon their iudivi dual merit and are judged by it the same as other men. —The Sentinel lias abstained from taking any active part in the present discussion going on among tbc papers in Louisiana in refer ence to the future nominee of the Democratic party for Governor. It has no taste for the vituperative dc bate with which the columns of many papers are filled. It takes no stock iu the uumerited abuse and calumny heaped npon the heads of McEnery aud Nicholls aud will m dulge in uothing of the sort. The Sentinel favors a fair and honest nomination for candidates for all the offices to be filled at the next electiou. —The Iberia Star has been advo eating the nomination of Geu. Nicholls for Governor, and filling its columns With heavy arguments in defense of its candidate. Now, that Gov. Nicholls has publicly de diced to allow his uame to be used, the Editor of the Star has with drawn into the very innermost re cesses of his tent, pinned down the ® ur ^ a * QS ^ aI, fl declines to take any turt ^ er interest in the approaching campaign. This is very s«fi, as liis powevlnl blows cracking over tlie beads of his opponents were both edifying and interesting. It is to hoped however that tho campaign will not be abruptly brought to a close, as we would like to indulge iu the skrimmage, after a while, when the weather becomes cool. If yon would have Appetite, Flesb, Co lor, Strength and Vigor, take Ayer's Sarsa parilla, which will confer them upon you in rapid succession. —From a copy of the San Anto. nio Times of October 1, 1883, we learu that Mr. J. Omer Landry, for. merly of this town has been cele brating his birth day and that "Mr Landry is one of our best citizens, who came out from New Orleans a few years ago to cast his lot among us, and we are glad to notice the fact that ha is meeting with sue cess, and is already considered one of our solid business men." NOTICE. Reports having reached Tliibodaux that Messrs. Lusignan & Boudreaux, Butcbeis bad butchered a beef that had died on the train, arriving at Terrebonne Station. On last Wednesday, at the request of the Mayor of Thibodaux I have thoroughly investigated the matter and find the facts to be: That one of tlie Beeves shipped to said batchers had, on debarkiug from the cars at Terrebonne Station, fallen and so seriously in jured himself as to be unable to walk, when be was immediately butchered in a proper manner, and thoroughly hied. * O. J. LEGENDRE, Market Master. Half Out leH. "Blessed be the uiub;" mu! Dub Quixote • weary squire, '"who invented sleep." Raneliu • gratitude is ours, but what if one oouaot fur any reason enjoy that excellent invention "Nervousness in m»* had become a disease, writes Mr. William Coleman, tlie weU ltuown wholes ile druggist of Butlalo. N- Y. *"I oould not sleep, and ray nights were eit er passed iu that sort of restlessness which nearly crazes a iii.iu, or iu a kiud of stupor haunted l»y lormopting dreams. Haviug tuk eu I'ahkek s Tonic for other troubles, I tried t also lor this. The result both surprised aud delighted me. My nerves were toued to eon cert pitch, and, like C'tM ir'i fat men, I fell in to the ranks of those who sleep o' nights. I should add that the Tonic speedily did away with the condition of geueral debility aud dyspepsia occasioned by ni.v previous sleep lessness, and gave me strength and perfect ili gest'mn. In brief, the use of the Tonic tho roughly re-established my health. I have used Paukku's Toxic with entire success for sea-sickness and fur bowel disorders incident to ocean voyages." This pivparai i-in, has heretofore been known as i AUhi.i.'s Ginger Tonic. Hereafter it will '••• advertised anil sold under the name of Pa i r.Li.'j o.Nu.— emitting the word "ginger" Htscox .V »v». are induced to lioiki- this c! a ge n\ aeiion »f unprincipled dealers wloi have lo: years dei-rivell their rustollli-rs by substituting inferior [reparation under the name of gii.o -r. We drop this misleading word ali li:. nmri- willingly. nS ginger is an au important flavoring ingredient, in our Tunic. Phase rein.-inlier that no change, lias been, or will In- made, in the prepara tion i:! I. ami a.I bo tiles remaining in the d- .1- is. wrapped iiuder thu name of "P.m to: < iimji n 1n\ii:"run It. in the genu ine im die ■ ii Iiie—iniiio signature of liis Ci'.x .V in. is at the bo; tom of the outside \i r.v|i- r. fcLSUUTI i).Y \O J I K. 11Y viiirn: <»f the ai'tii-irity JLJ vi— teal 111 nm liv Vemilntinu adopted by tlie Police Jury of laifonrrlie. in special ses . sinli roiivi u*-*i en fhe 13 th. day of Scptciulier lS'vl ami in put-.'liim-e to an order dated Sep tember l:bh. I mid to mo directed by J. F Altai., Seen fary of Police Jury of Lafoiir oh.- ! h -rohx give puhllf notice Mint there wil. he nil • lection held in the Parish of La f"H"'-h,- .it.i'e aforesaid on Saturday the *.' 0 th. day i i-ioli.-r lsS 3 . ironi 6 o'clock A. M. to "i k P. M, :n the Third Drainage District eft he i-.iii.-'i of lnifouri-ho roNiinriit-iiig at th'* i.p;-r Sine of \i-mlin plantation anil run timer line Ilf till- plnntntiou 'uke the sense of J he duly quaiiiie -1 .-|e,-!oii who are property holders iii uni,; lv-'- c» i.n the adoption or rejection of the fi< lo m ori'inatiee viz: ft. it ,,t'.liiii,.-.| by the Police Jury of the Fan l> s • .nioerehe that the Drainage Tax in tin- 3rd. limiting!- I rit-e of the Parish lie ami is herein itie;-ea.»ed I'rnm i to 3{ mil I s on the Dollar >■> lie levied annually on the nlore Said value of a'l the piugiei tv iii said District Resolved Until, r that said i 'rdiii .ii.-e fa come njierative. Iiiiiding and-.f liiil etf.-et if Jit said election the majority shall ire ill favor of the transiting .>rd ; naiiee. I he t-ll-el ion w ill lie hehi at the tllli** nhoyo sped bed an 1 at the following unuit-d pu.iiug places to wit . First Preen.,-f. At Ars.iie TVrgeron. com missiom rs ,rse:.e Bergeron, J. t„ LeUluiie mid Joe la-Hhiiir. Seeond I'neii.rt At Jules Thihoilnnx's, commissioners. Jules Thibrnluax, Joe Lefort and Joseph Le Blanc. ( Third 1'reeinet. At Lovelier Folse's stow, Cimiitiissiiiiiers. I.ovinry Folse, Dr. J. 11, U. G.izzo Jr. and Win. Davis. tmirth Preeinet. At Ben Folse's store, commissioners, Adnlidie Folse, Alexandre raise and Tlioinas A. Cniiio. September 18th. 18X3 TBKit.'HILE TIIIRODAUX, Sheriff oi the Parish of Lafourche. Is a compound of the virtues of aim* atillingia, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash and iron, all powerful blood-making, blood-cleans* ing, and 1 ife-euatabling elements. It is the purest, safest, and most <tff«rt m| alterative available to the public. The sciences of medicine and chemistry have never TimflneoH a Mnuuia never produced a remedy so potent to all diseases resulting from impure Scrofula and all cure all diseases resultii blood. It cures Sen___ scrofulous diseases. Erysipelas. Kose, or St. Anthony's Fire, rim nlgia, Female Weaknesses Irregularities, Jaundice, Affia of the Liver, Dyspepsia, En •Ion, and General Debility. - v its searching and cleansing n«-u ties it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and muse derangement and-decay. It stimulates the vital functions, restores and pre* serves health, and infuses nsw life and Vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any disease of the blood nfled despair who will give Aykb's Sarsafakilla a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the nn merous low-priced mixtures, without v \? uea ' < ' ffeied » blood-puri. flers, while disease becomes more firmly eeated. Ayeb's Sarsapaeilla is a modi cine of such concentrated curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest! anti t® bl ?°*I-P u rifler known, to composition, and prescribe it. It has been widely used for forty years, and has won the nnqn-n. fled confidence of millions whom it has benefited. PBEPARED BY DR. I. ft AYER 4 CO Practical and Analytical ITbsmlsls, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY AU Danes MTS a v aa i ■ ■■■ ■ . A. Riggs & Bro., Gistoru Ma kers, 247 Delord street, N. O. Send or pi ice list. The OLD RBLTAiqj FAIRBANKS SCAL& -Hide with all tue latest imp Bras* Beam figured on both sidesmdlmi shipped with each Scale, requires fait^SJ any other heals made, and fully makers. (fi.UU extra ior double Braea Bs^x bile of Platform 10 feet by 22 fat je-16-83-lui. F. F. BRADWAY, A, Mf Ovfan 1883 -- Spring snd Saner LEON GODCHAUX, Clothier mid Furnisher,, 81, S3 & 85 Canal Streep NEW ORLEANS, There is no line of business competition is more active, or judicious buyiny is more is than the trade in Goods for Men's Wear. Consumers are critical in c.„ ticular as to Quality, Style anil and the profits oj Clothiers ami ors are so reduced that the Mu icho does not exert himself to the best sources of supply finis It i undersold and his business ce by his more irutchful and able titor. lUe hare made it Our _ to meet this necessity , and no __ in the trade possesses equal abiBts handle GOODS AT LOW Ci Our well known facilities fir i. posing of goods in large quantiVa t able us to operate directly icitk s facturers, and to purchase pirns \ at a much lotccr basis of cost usual. This gives us comm the best and most responsible __ saving losses that with other ItisN I business houses must becovereii extra profit. Country Orders Soli LF" Samples and instructions , self measuring sent on application ,/ of charge. fipij U. D. TERREBOI Steamboat Agent 1 AND GENERAL COLLECTOR' ALL CLAIMS, * 2'hibodaux, REFERENCES: Thibodaux: New I Brand & Legendre John I* 8. T. Grisamore B. H. Clay Kuobloch A. F* F asion catalogs For Fall and winter RI5XT FRRK To any one eemling full name and Contains lithogrnphod Fashion Ff almye 1,800 lieaiitiinl Wood Engrav.., tratingjthe very latest novelties is Anil Chiloren's Suits anil Cloak*, U»' Iiilants' Outlits, Hosiery, Gents' Goods, Laces, Fancy Goods, Si I vet elry, Watciies, Boots and Shoes, |Halr 1 etc., cto., Prices lower than those of 1 er house. II. C. F. KOCH AMO. Ave AStOihMt., New York. EDUCATIONAL. MORAVIAN SKMINJ FOR YOUNG LADI BETIILEIIKM, PENS Nl'I.TA.YIA. ESTABLISHED 1785, AND IN FUL OPERATION EVER SI Apply to Rev. J. BLICKKNSDI Sugar Plant Excl Hotel aud Restai Corner Decatur and St. HOT LUNCH from 9 o'clock A. H.I ALBERT DAZET, Pic Sept-22 83-ly. NEW ADVERTISERS1 KNABI UNEQUALLED W_ hi fonCu, i WILLIAM wriss * < No*. 204 and 3M West Baltimore BOWL* No. IU Fifth Avenue. New York. rr>0 ADVERTISERS. — Lowest A advertising in 977 fif* " sent free. Address Geo. P. 10 Spruce St. N. Y.