Newspaper Page Text
11 u Shibodaux Jfeuiuicl, 8ATURDAY, OCT. 20,1883 AT L VEN1NGT1DE. The ligate fade out of calmed wa, Dark shadows seam its lustrous breast; Flashed, like the |ietal of a flower. The while sail melts into the west. Far o'er the blue the weary wind* Have winged their flight, and »\veH uo more The waves' sad music, or the shrill Of ripples on the pebbly shore. Best comes at last! o'er purple hills The silvery sheep-bell tinkles clear, Slowly the lowing kine descend The homeward paths, and on the ear. Bing joyous echoes from afar As reapers lay their sickles by : Then all sound dies, and land and sea 81eep calmly 'neath a silent sky. Best comes at lost! oh, weary heart, Fevered aud fainting, racked by care. And toiling 'neath thy earthly cross, Too great for uioital strength to hear. Take courage—faint not but euduro ! Soon shall thou say, "Thy day is past!" At eventide the end shall com And bring tbee quiet rest at last. SUCCESSFUL BOOK AGENTS *'I Lave been told ih it there is a book canvasser who lias earned $25,003 a year. Is that so?" a Suit reporter said to Mr. George Wu.-hiugtou Davis, who baa charge of the cauvassiug de pertinent uf D. Appleton & Co. '•Y«»u may judge for yourself," said Mr. Davis, pulling out a memorandum book. "This Ann has paid $20 000 to Mr. Samuel Collins siuco September last for his s ervicra iu can Ah.. L..a,b I A i-iSmi Sit TTiitiaos *1* FAMingfor one buok, 'Artistic Houses. '•Is not that mu esceptimiHi amount t" •'That is a large sum, but Mr. Collius Has been a book c:iuvus*er for lift ecu years, Mini lias made a hatid-ornu in come. He began at $10 a week. The book sells for $300 the set. Oue of oar agents made $2030 in one mouth Selling Appleton's Cyclopaedia. Such men thjnk it a poor Week when they do not earn $1M). One of our canvasses s named Rush, earned $1248 iu teu weeks selling the *Ait Journal.* Anoth er earned $750 in a mouth selliug 'The Gallery of British Art.' 1 could give you the name of a woman who has earn ed $357 in oue week selling our books. There is Mr. Fowke, who has been for ty years a canvasser. I should say he averages $10,000 •% year by his person al sales. He ha< sold many sets of the Cyclopavlius. There is a lady who has just come in who earns $2503 a year. 1 suppose there are titty men in this country who are earning $103 a week as book agents. ••Of coarse, these are unt the sort of men that fnony paragraphs aro written about. They are gentlemen who are good conversationalists. People like to hear them talk, aud they know how to talk to the right people. They ride in carriages, dress well andjlosejuutiiue. They kuow thoroughly what they have to sell and how to sell it. We cud de pend npou them to sell a given quanti ty* •'Could they take any kiud of books and earn such wages ?" •'Probably uot- The most mouey is made in selling expensive books- Pub lishitig ruus in that direction now._ This firm put $500,000 into the Cyclo-* pmdia before they got a cent back. They put $200,000 into 'Picturesque America' before they began to get {heir money back. That sells for $24 a copy. If we depended on the trade to sell If we Should have to get $500 a COpy/fA- wake it pay. Agents sell boolf%:that could uot be sold any other wayvj People will uot go to stores to lookArr books, lint when they see real ly goOd books offered iu the right way they ; will buy. The best books are published by subscription." "Do you find women or men the best agents?" "Meu. There have been some sue cessful women agents' but they do uot show the same perseverance as uieu.V "'Do men often fail at it '•Oh, yes, I try 3003 people a year who think they can be good canvassers, and I think I am lucky if I get teu good canvassers, out ot the 3030. It is like any other business, and requires braius, aptitude aud perseverance. Mere brass and assurance will not do. A good book ageut must be a pleasant person." "How do you find them ?" "They come \to us. The most proli fic season for good canvassers is inline diately after a business panic. Meu who get out of business, and have no capital but brains, often begin as (book agents and gef a fresh start in life. Sometimes they keep at llio canvassing only until they get capital to begin busi ness again. Sometimes they keep on for life. The demand for good book ageDts is brisk, aud likely to increase." —New York Sun. Logical.—"G eorge Alfred Ron fro, what were yon doing down town lust night till after 12 o'clock ?" "What was I doing Mrs. Renfro? Why. my dear. I was in the office balau cing up the books. I woiked there till Tcould hardly see. My head is just foil of figures yet." "Your head fail of figures! Figures ! O, yoa are mistaken, Mr. Renfro. Fig ares don't lie, you know."—Texas Sift ings.* ' TOM MARSHALL'S PLEDGE The following extract of a speech made by Torn Marshall at a meet iug of the Congressional Tempe ranee Society in Washington, has the stamp of true genius, atnl will be read with interest: "Mr. President, the pledge that L have taken renders me secure forever from a fate inevitably follow ing habits like mine— a fate more terrible thou death. That pledge though confined to myself alone, and with reference to its effects on ly upon uie, my mind, my heart, my body, I would not exchange for all earth holds of brightest aud ot best. No, uo, sir f Let the banner of.this temperance cause go forward or go backward ; let the world be res etied from its degrading aud rui nous bondage to alcohol or not—I for one shall never repent what I have done. 1 uave often said this aud I feel it every moment of my existence, waking or sleeping. Sir, I would not exchange the physical sensations—the mere sense of aui mal being which belongs to a man who totally refraius from all that can intoxicate his braiu or derauge his nervous structure, the elasti city with which he bounds from his couch iu the morning, the sweet re nose it yields him at uight, the feel ing with which UeUriuks iu through his dear eyes the beauty and the grandeur of surrounding nature—I say, sir, I would not exchange my couscious being as a strictly temper ate man, the seuse ot renovated youth, the glad play with w hich my pulses now beat healthful music, the bounding vivacity with which the life blood courses its exulting way through every fiber of my . ... . il. . ,, > j frame, the communion high which my healthful ear aud eye now hold with all the gorgeous universe of God, the splendors of tire morning, the softness of the cveuiug sky, the bloom, the beauty, the verdure of earth, the musie of the air and the waters, with all the grand associa tinns ot eternal nature reopened to the fine avenues of sense—uo, sir. though poverty dogged ;me, though scorn pointed its slow finger at me as I passed, though waut aud des titutiou aud every elemeut ot earth ly misery, save ouly crime, met tuy waking eye from day to day, not for the brightest aud noblest wreath that ever encircled a statesman's brow j not if some angel commis sioneil by heaven, or some demon, rather, sent from hell to test there sistiug strength ot virtuous result) tiou, should tempt me back with all the wealth and all the honors which a world can bestow, not for all that time and ali that earth cau give, would I cast trom me this pre cioas pledge ot a liberated miud, this talisman against temptation, aud plunge again into the dangers aud the terrors which once beset my path. So help me Heaven, sir, as I would spurn beneath my very feet all the gifts the universe could otter, aud livo aiul die, as 1 am, poor, but sober P' UMBRELLAS. Umbrellas are very ancient, appear ing iu the carvings at Persepwlis. They are described in early dictiona ries as "a portable pent house to curry in a person's hand, to screen him from violeut raiu ate heat." Niebuhr, who visited the southern part of Arabia, said that he saw a great prince of that country leturniug from a mosqae, pie ceded by sc.iue hundred of soldiers, and that he and ettcli of the princes of his uutuerous family caused n large um b.-ella to be carried by his side. Old chiuuware shows the Chinese shaded by umbrellas. It is said that the first persou who used an umbrella iu the streets of London was the philanthro pist, Jonas Hanway, who died iu 1786. For u loug while it was not usual for meu to carry them without beiug bran ded as effeminate. At first a single um brella was kept at a coffee-house for extraordinary occasions—lent as a coach oi chair iu a heavy shower, but not com monly carried by the walkers. The Female tattler advertises : The young gentleman belonging to tli9 Custom House, who, in fear «.f rain, borrowed the umbrella from Wilke's Coffee House, shall the next time be welcome to tlie maid's pattens". As late as 1776, one John McDonald, a footman,.says he had '-a fine silk umbrella, which he brought from Spain, but he could not with auy comfort to himself use it, the people calling out, 'Frenchman, why don't you get a coach V " Ho further says : "At this time there were uo umbrellas worn in London, except in noblemen's and gentlemen's houses where there was a large one hung in the hall to hold over a lady, if it rained, between the door and her carriage, but," he adds, "that lie persisted for three months, till they took no further notice ot this novelty." Now is the time to subscribe to tbe^SENTINEL. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th. Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Succession of Joseph Dantin No. 1122 Probates. Pursuant to an order amt decree of the above Court aud in obedience to a o>inniU*ion to uie directed in the above entitled and nuin liered succession I will ofter for sale at pub lic auction pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder on the premises, situated iu the Town of Tliiiiodanx on Saturday the 10th. day of Xovcniocr 1883 between tbc hours ot II o'clock A. M. ami 4 o'clock P.M- the following described property belonging to the above succession to wit: 1. A certain fractional lot of ground situa ted in the Town of Thibodanx, in the parish of Lafourche, being a portion of lot Xu. 1151] oue hundred and fifty oue on the plan ot said town of Thiliodaux, made by James B. Grin age on tlie 1st. day of Slay 1842 and measur ing one liuudred and fifteen feet Six iuehes front, more or less, on linker street, by one hundred aud forty nine feet four inches more or less, in depth anil being bounded in front or Xortli by Baker street. Hast by President street, south by the portion of saiu lot Xo. 151 sold to Ozeuie Xaipiin a:id West by the por tiou ot same lot 151, sold to Zenun Guil'ot and now belonging to liellouie Lirctte. To gether with ail the buildings and improve ments thereon and all the lights privileges and immunities thereof, lie ng tlie same property acquired by deceased March 28th. 1854 at the probate sale of Joseph Dantin Sr [Conveyance Hook Xo. I. pp 362-36l less the portion soiil to Ozeiuc XaquiiW Sept. 17th. 1831. (C. Book Xo. 20 p 320.) and to Zeiinn Guillot March 2nd. 1S33 (C. Book Xo. 21 p 137.) MOVABLES. 2. One Bureau. 3. Two large Hocking Chairs, 4. One hall'dozen chairs. 5. One Clo:k. 6. Olio mahogany ariuoir. 7. One Bedstead" a nd Bedding. 8 One wash stand. 9. Oue old clock. 10. One smalt tabic. 11. Two spittoons. 12. Two lamps (glass) 13. One old cypress dining table. 14. Two small cypress tables. 15. Oue old table. Iti. One old cypress safe (cupboard). 17. One old waluut safe. 18. Oue cookiug stove and utensils. 19. One oil stove. 20. One ironing furnace. 21. One tot of Crockery. 22. One lot of tinware." 24. One large stone jar. 24. One large pot. 25. One large bathing tub: 2d. One tool chest and contents. 27. Oue wood savr and one hand saw. 28. One lot coal about 8 bids. 39. 3 stone jars 1 lot of old bottles.. 30. Two small mills (coflee and pepper) 31. Oue silver watch ami chain. Terms and Conditions of sale Cash on the Spot in United States Treasury Notes to pay debts. October 6th. 1883. THEOPHILE TI1IBODAUX. Sheriff. SUCCESSIONS OF OXEZIME CHAMPA GNE AND WIFE CELINA T11IBO JJAUXNO 1125 PROBATES. Twentieth Judicial District Court. JTATE OF . LOUISIANA. PARISH OF S . Lafourche, Whereas Marcellin Bergeron bas tliis day made application to the said Court to be" appointed administrator uf said succession. Now, therefore all persons are hereby warn ed and notified to tile ibcir objections if any they have, with tlie Clerk of said Court, at liis office iu the Town of Tliihodaux within ten days after the first publication hereof, otherwise the said applicant will iu due course of iaw he appointed administratrix of said succession. I Witness my Hand and the impress r L.S. > of the seal of my office, this 13th. day J of October A. D. 1383. J. F. ALLAIX, Deputy Clerk. SUCCESSION OF VALERIE VICKNAIR AND WIFE, ADKLK VICKNAIR NO. 1115. PROBATES. Twentieth Judicial District Court S TATE OF LOUISIANA. PARISH OF Lafourche. Whereas Francois Vicknairof said parish, administrator of the above suc cession bas this day rendered a Provision al account of liis administration and praying the homologation of the same. Now, therefore all parties interested are hereby warned and notified to produce in this office, within teu days following tlie pub lication of the present notice, any objection which they may have to the homologation of the same, otherwise the same shall be approv ed aud homologated according to law. t ) Witness, my liana and the im < L.S. > press of the seal of my office, this * ) J3tii. day of October A. D. 1883. J. W- KNOBLOCH. Clerk CROCKERY W. C SHEPARD & Co., 49 Camp Street, New Orleans. Wholesale and Retail Crockery, China and Glass; Speciality--Hotels.-Speciality STEAMBOATS AND General Housekeeping Supplies. ASSORTED CRATES For Country Stores, alwaye on hand. HEADQUARTERS FOR AMERICAN CHINA. Full Dinner Sets...........$10, $16, $14. $15 Full Tea Set3.....................$5, $6, $7.40 Chamber Sets.....$2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $6, $7.50. Refrigeraters, Ice Cream Freezers, Watei Coolers, Bathing Tabs, Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. a", WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD KUaSHEEOT 2c BiESVE M Bnildera' Hardware. (MARBLE, SLATE fit IRON MANTEL. MONUMENTS. TOMBS, BE A DS TOE E, 114 , 118 , 120 Camp Street NEW ORLEANS. For Orders apply to J. M. WALSH Thibeduax. | 1 ! ; ! ! Bead Proof of Wonderful Cures. Santa lloaa, Cal., Feb. 9th, 1883. B. J. Ken lull 4k Co. .Gentlemen: I feel it a «lutv t«» other® luffrrinjf with tM pllM twl telling of the return to write von. I have) had the piles and prolapsus of the rectum lor five veal - "*, for the past three years I have auf fared the most agonizing pain. Tried every tiling without relief, but after tea days use of Kendall's Spavin Cure I have not sera or heard of tlie piles siore. One who has not suffered as 1 have caunot coiupreheud the great joy that I feel at being cured of a dis ease almost worse than death. I hod o valua ble young horse that had a large bunch gath er on his breast bone. I tried all kind* of liu irmut and bad it cut open without auy bene fit. Saw vour advertisement and bought o bottle of kcudall's Spavin Cnro land ordered my teamster to use us directed, la less than one week the lump had disappeared. Tbiuk ing that a liniment that would do what Ken d.iils Spavin Cure Iota done for my horse might liem-fit more. I tried it as a last resort. With gratitude aud best wishes for your success. ' I um faithfully yours, J. U. GLENN. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Cincinnati. Ohio. Jnne 3. I*>2 B. J. Kendall & Co., Gent* : Being a suf f.-rer from tlie rheumatism, 1 have tried o great many remedies for that complaint, us ing everything that I heard ot or my friends kuew of, ami lie ing treated by tlie beet phyai claim in this city without effect. 1 had be come discouraged ami had concluurd there was no help for this disease, when 1 fortunate ly met your ageut. Mr. John Fish, who told loe it was unnecessary to suffer any more, as Kendall s Spavin Cure would do the business, and as I w us of tlie same undessiou ho pre sented me with a bottle, which I used, aud 1 must say without any faith, iu uuo week I am able to walk without a caue or any other artificial help. I don't kuow that the Spavin Cure did it but thi 1 do know 1 will ;never lie without Kemlull's Spavin Cure again, aa I thoroughly believe it deserves ita popularity, mu! lias unqualified merit. 1 write thia eutire 'v unsolicited. Yours truly, H. B. SXUW, C. T. Kendall** Spavin Cure, Fort Worth, Tax.. March I2tli. 1883. Messrs. 14. J. Kendall !k Co.. Alaiut tight month* ago them was a valuable stallion brought to the stable of Faruies ami ilrury to be treated for a boue spavin, which was oue yearn growth aud of pronounced site, aud having learned through outside sources that your liniment known as Kendall's Spavin Cure was valuable. 1 co nine need a-mg it on the enlargeumut and after six weeks using and having applied two Imttles the horse was cured entirety, leaving the leg perfectly smooth. CIIARLT.S HENRY. Charleston. 8. C. 8i|ly 22. 1883. Dr. J. B. Kendall 4k Co.. Dear Sirs .- 1 par chased at Louisville. K.V., a very firm bred colt, and iu shipping he got his bock badly hurt on the outsiao of the joint which caused it ta swe*d three or four times the natural size, which made him very lame. I tried a great iiuiiiv liniments which failed to benefit tbs mjiuvd part. At last when disgusted, and ready to give up the eolt aa ruined, I happen ed to sec your advertisement of "KendaH'a Blister ami Spavin Cure," and thought would give it a trial, I first applied the •'Blis ter" to the hock which by this time had be come calloused, nun to my surprise fouuil it worked like a charin. In twenty four hours the part that was hard became soft and the lameness began to leave. I then got some of "Kendall's Spavin Care, and ap plied it according to directions, which has made a perfect cure, nnd the Volt is now aa sound us any horse alive. I merely write this letter to you, as I think it a duty I owe to vou and also for the good ot the public at large. The fore going statement I will make affida vit lo, and can also have the same verified hy tne liest horsemen iu our city who saw the colt before and after treatment. Very Uesneotfnliy, 12 Chapel St., John r. Askold. Price. $1. per bottle, or 6 bottles for #5. All druggists have it or cau get it for yoa, or it will lie sent to aty address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. KENDALL 4k CO., Euoaliurgh Falls. Send for Illustrated circular. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. e-16-83. | DugMfafafcStnk THE BEST ON EARTH. ^ *■ These celebrated Steves will ROAST, BAKE and HBAT IRONS In less time and with LB88 FUEL than any other vapor Cook Btovo made. Be sure and buy the Dangler Non-Explosive Vapor Cook Stove. nzvCTA i r uaap n rum Bangler Vapor Stove & RefiiuBc & CLEVELAND, OHIO. " Fob Bale vx Oku a ooz" J. S. GOODE, At torney at Izaw THIBODAUX, Parish of Lafourche, Louisiana. , . . , . j j DAILY (10 to 24 ptgw), *2* J| SUNDAY dOp^siL 12 ffke Wa i l sy fa part si tea WEEKLY (12 pestL $190 p»^ | I t ! jj ; : THZ TJX ALMANAC tor HM4 Hr ste p wk M s —a u# pm a m gUPta tester—fly h«s 4 jl 2 r •ml/BMtrtA tea msaf Mm HMbbmniMnM. TOC 1 S-DKMOCBAT, Ip < IflD oNoiiiME § eirruhtt % sos aw s sa w p •ns rswgwmsw —aptsestai THX TnOSB-DEXOCBAT U A* i paper telAs pmM amiss tea ITIMMA OaMste dm mul srUMsas jri fwfsl ta MX fli THX TIHKS-DXXOCllATS arpf| MyrM»i wn ms sfwt i wm Mi issaMlM ef Cite XMX and sm Isadta# sates and mtwtfm ' • . j j j i ' , t | TI MXB-D K MOCR AT it : •aprsssd rerft*Uus jpcssa t UXsjMpsr, Isnstag ft 4 a I atSHmOr. flu I Md Am. Its Hr tt, ■■Wi y ytar t drm/t, sr postal awsoy sig I Uttar, at risk sf sJUa Art i ! fttICE BOKN.ACil 9u 4k 31 Cam,i st., and 565 Magasi —Iinorters and Dealers is— FOBF.IG.Y A.\l> DO.1 >y. Ilortlvrure.Cutlery EdgeS TINPLATE. SHEET IllO>, IEOH Tinners'' Stack and Tinners' I FRANK BAUK 1 Successor to Barker 4k 8evM Commission Mei AND ntUl.KK IX ALL K1XM 0 j <Countnj pro) COTTON SUGAR. M0I Bice, Potatoes, Egys,Ho wax , Tallow. Wool , Moss, Poultry, Etc., Ete J No. 119, Decatur Street,] NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advance* -Had* I t'onsigameuts. aug-12-82. Dm. J. A • '1 Smrber 4 k 1 DENTISTS, No. 130 lloyal Street, New Orleans, Assistants: Dr. H. Dr. T. J. Hopper School text b! —ADOPTED 11V TIIR Parish School Board for the ns* (\/$ lie School*. \ —For Sale by— Jos. T. Thibodei Orders for books promptly at Publishers Prices. | Paper, Pens, Ink, Slates, Pencils, Time Book, Envelopes, Chalk, AT MODERATE -Pfl/CJ&l ETLiberal Pisconats i to Teachers. W. H. RlCUf LOCAL AGENT axd COLLI OfBcr, TuiBODArx Saw-Mu