Newspaper Page Text
tlic €l)ibodau* Sentinel SATURDAY,! NOV. 29,1884. Jesrmii mf the 0th. Menuterial District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OP THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. Entered *t the Thibodnx Pott Office at Second Clattt mail matter. Office : Main St. Between St. Philip & St. Louie Sts. S.T. GRISAMORE,EP t ,R. F SANCANs Pro'r.* Business lanager. Nl' i One year [in advance]............ Oce copy.................... ; ..... RATES OF ADTERTISIAGt For each square of ten lines or less, the first insertion, $1 50. Second insertion, 75 cents per square. For subsequent insertions, per square 50 cents. Obituaries 10 cents per line. Professional and bnsi'.ess carats, including paper, will be published at the rate of 50 cts. per square for the first insertion, and 25 ccuts for subsequent insertions. . A liberal discount to yearly advertisers. Announcing candidates for office $10, to be paid for IN ADVANCE. Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time will be inserted till forbid nd payment exacted. Persons semliug communications to this pa pet must always furnish their real names to the Editors. We will not save or return re jected manuscripts. Allusions peronnally disparaging to any one will never be iuserteil except as adver tisemeuts uor then, if peculiarly objectiona ble. * 3 °®! The people of Napoleonville are beginning to rebuild and soon the ruins of the late conflagration will be among the memories of the past - ^ --- The City Item says : "People are beginning to inquire what has be come of that good old Democratic doctiijie of rotation of office." One would suppose so judging from the returns of the late elec' tion. Whilst sugar brings low figures the demand seems to be good, aud purchasers take up all that is put upon the market. Last spring the demand was almost dead. Au increased demaud may be followed by increased prices. The rivers are low at ail points. At Cairo, 9 feet, 11 inches above low water mark ; at St. Louis, 13 feet, 6 inches ; at Louisville, 3 ft., 6 in.; at Memphis. 5 ft., 3 in.; at Vicksburg, 6 ft., 1 iuch. It is rising at Cairo, and St. Louis ; tailing at Lonisville, Mem phis and Vicksburg. The Arkan sas and Red rivers are both low. The water in the Bayou, at Tbib odaux, stands at 9 inches above low water mark. No indications of large rivers are anywhere perceptible. The Picayune said that 2000 Dem ocratic votes were not cast in the First Congressional District of New Oilcans, and adds that those 2000 voters were the very men who would have voted'for Hunt andelec ted him, if they had thought that there w ould be a fair election and a fair count. If such be the fact aud Hunt has lost his election on that account, he should introduce a£bill into Coogress as soon as it meets in December, for an appropriation of $5000.10 to have the can f of eve xy one of those voters bored for the simples. There is mnch speculation in re gard to the composition of the cabi ■et of President Cleveland. He is fhlly able to make his own selec lions and if he does not make a bet ter one than some of hls predeces sors iiavq been choosing he wil) dis appoint bis Mends. There seems to be an almost uni versal desire among the Democrats throughout the country that Sena tor Thurman of Ohio will be one of the members. C. V. Majors, Esq., of Rolls, Mo., writes, "I take pleasure in adding my testimony to that of hundreds of others, as to the ef ficacy of Prickly Ash Bitters. I have not only sold it here and in Arkansas, hut have used it luyself, and as a regulator of the sjoniach and bowels, I do not think there is anything better. Its action oik WASHINGTON LETTER. (From Our Correspondent.) Washington, Nov. 25th, '84 Never in the history of the city have its inhabitants turned their fa cos the future with more interest, anxiety, hope or fear than they do today. The great event ut the win ter, the opening of the Congrvssion ai session will take place in two weeks; but this is scarcely n-uiem bered, for every body is looking three mouths beyond to the event of a quarter of a century, the return of the old Democratic party to pow er Did I say "old Democratic par ty?*'It is old only in name, and in its identification with principles for whicli|the word is a synonym. It is uew in its persouel, new in its tri itrnpli over the effete party which it has deposed. | i | I I | l What will he the policy of the administration I Wuo will the uew president call to How will he treat Republican office holders f These and a thousand cog nate questions are discussed in po litical circles, aud they give expres sion to a great diversity of opinion and speculation. The questions are interesting to all, aud vital to few. There arc few in Washington who live, move, aud have being, iude pendent of politics ; iud a change, after twenty four years of uuinter opted Republican rule, to a Demo cratic administration, will affect so ciety, industry trade, life,at the ua tioual Capital* , 7*" Iu less titau a year from now a habitue of the streets, churches or theatres of theeity, will observe a great change iu its personel. Thou sands of 1'aiuiliar faoos a id Uavo do parted and new oues will be seen in their stead. During the last twen ty five years Washington has grown to be the strongest of Republican strongholds. Yankee Republicans from the New Euglaud states and their' political progeny from the West have fraternized with Carpet Baggers aud Black Republicans from the South—a bete.ogeneous mass, bnt solid on the principle of drawing their pay, aud voting for the party that {paid them. Yon would think that there were no Democrats here, but this is,a mis take. A tew of the genuine braud have survived the quarter of a ceu tury, and though mellowed by age are not to bo terrified. It wns indeed a spectacle to be remembered, the Democratic proces sion in houor of the election of Cleveland last Thursday evening It was composed in great part of Democrats from Virginia and Mary laud, bnt the city of Washington famished a respectable contiugeut. They marched over the Concrete streets and avenues of the Capital City with torches, banners, trans parencies and roosters, real and ar tificia!. The procession was fully a mile and a halt in length, and the tens of thousands of Kepubli cans who thronged the pavements on their Hoe of march, realized for the first time, perhaps, that the election had been decided, and that a new chapter in the history of the country had been began. For once, the Independents in policies have made their power felt, It is difficult to say or guess how strong that faction of the Repnbli •an party, designating themselves Independents, was in New York, Connecticut aud New Jersey, hat there can be no donbt that it was numerous to jgive New evefcind if not tbs other two States named above. It fgave rebuke to the Republican safor putting* corrupt and nu priuelpM candidate at the head of tbeir ticket. The Independents in this Congressional District, elected E. J, Gay beyond a donbt, and gase a plain and undisguised re buke to the leaders here for codeav oring to foice upon them a mao **« > 6* r~ |s#*t**P su ftc; 4 nr+fjs aA&t -#*■•'*■** -r -1$ Money to be made. It is said tj^at dull tiunptare not known by Ala* agent s f<$r the great publishing house of George Stinson & Co., of Por.lurid, Maine. The reason ot' this exceptional success is found iu the fact that they always give the public linn which is keen ly appieciatt d aud at prices that all | can afford. At present we uuder i stand, their agents are doing wou | derfully well on several new , lines I They ueed many more agents iu all I parts of the co.iiiu v. Those who | ueed profitable work should apply at once. Women iio as well as l men. Experience is not necessary, | fpr Messrs. Si in ion <£• Co. undertake i to show all who are willing to work, not hard but earnestly, the path to large success, It should bo lemeiu bered that an agent chi Oo a hand some business without icing away from home over uignt. Another -I advantage—it costs nothing to give the bustuess a li ml. aud an agent can devote all his time, or only his spare moments to it. Stinson & Co. guarantee grand success to all who engage and follow simple and plain directions that they give. We have not space to explain ah beie but full particulars will be twin free to those who adddress the tirui theii full add ices is given above. Petition Denied.— A'e ltarn that the State Board of Pardons refused to giant the petition for pardon of Ben F. Jenkins, of Mans field, convicted of the murder of Rev. J. Lane Borden, and senten ced to the peiiiieniiary for life.— I Skte *W°rt Democrat. j The Sta,e Bo " d "* Pi,rdon s de i f®"'® c !' (,it * or tl,u l» ositi< »u they | I j j | life. JOHN JilJARDIA, WATCHMAREB, JEW HER AND GUNSMITH THIBODAUX. LA -Dealers in fine- — Jewelry, Watches, and locks. Guns SFESTACLES & Mmis. oEh ALL KIADS OP N-ewing Mnchines, A FULL STOCK OF ATTACH MENTS FOR ALL KJN0S OF SEWINfi MACHINES; Watches, Cine as. .lewcliy, wing Ma chines. Tire A-ih-. Etc,, ciiicfiilly re. paired ami gu.irmiiiwd. T. L. Miller 00., B iasness ahb Inrostsas a* HEREFORD CATTLE COTSWOLO SHEEP ._BERKSHIRE SWHHL mam; . vuc»,/ Uumm 1 * ' * f 'Mmum *4 «»U cam** *. - %^-m tnM*Sm i*"»- ' be jrovt STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20ib Jodi i? * I Court, h« fdu|t: s ?<rr 4 W, > an order or decree of tlie above obedience fo a commission to i the above entitled aud number Pursuant to Court aud iu medireeted in . ________ ed succession _ and coiiiuiuuity I will offer for sale, at public auction, pursuant to low to the last aud highest bidder ot tbe Court House iu tbe Town of Thioodaux on Satur day the 20th day of December. 1884, bo tweeu tbe boura of it o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock 1*. 11 the following described proper ty, to-wit: A certain tract of land, in tbe Parish of La tourcho about three quartet a of a mile below the Town of Tlnbodaux containing Twelve E3|1(I0 srieiiit uinre ur In) iu auperficiea ou the right side of Bayou Lafourche commeu ring at a point five arpeuts distant trout said Bayou extending back 2401 feet more or less by a mean width of IS7 feet inclusive ol a roail or street running full length of said tract 40 leet wide subject to right of way over same, granted by the late Jo epli S. Goode, to the Moses Baptiste Cbnrch and Cal vary Methodist Episcopal Church (C. 11. 10 1 ». 578 C H 20 p 385 Iteeorder's office of Lafourche. Bounded iu front liy liu.aoce of icaidenoe tract aud Ihibodaux College property; below by lauds ot H. Tetreau; above by lauds ol Jno. A Francis >iuCullu, aud behind by the Calvary Cemetery. This property-, being lots Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 3. II, 13. 15.17, ISt'dl, £1, 25, 27, 20. 31, 33, 35, 37, 3J. 41, 43. 45, 47, 49, 51, with the forty met road besides cnbjeet to rights ol way aforesaid agreeably to a plan of same imide by P. A. I hibodaux, Surveyor on the 15th May, I8<9. This sale is made subject to a servitude of drain iu favor of residonce traot of Joseph S. Goode aud community. The purchaser to keep main ditch cleau ed to receive water Horn frout tract. Terms and conditions of sale cash on tlie spot in United States treasury notos. Nov. 15th, 1884 THEOPHILE THIBODAUX. Sheriff. Mothers. If yon are failing, broken, worn oniand nervous, use "Wells' Health Renewer" I Dollar. Druggists. Life Presort er. If yonr're losing your grip on life, try ''Wells' Health Reuewer." Goes direct to weak apots. "Rosgh ss Toothache .' 1 Instant relief for Neuralgia. Toothache, Faceache. Ask for''Rough ou Toothache,'' 15 aud 25 cents. Pretty Weaea. Ladies who would retain freshness and vivacity. Don't fait to try ''Wells' Health Renewer." Catarrhal Threat Aflectlsas, Hacking, irritating Coughs, Colds. 8ore Throat, cured by 'Rough on Coughs," Troches, 15o. Liquid, 25c. 'Rough 4MB Itch." "Rough on Itch'' enres humors, erup tions, ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, froet ed feet, chillblain8. The Rape ef the ft attorn. For children,alow iu development, pnny scrawny.and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer.'' Wide Awake three or four hoars every night coughing. Get immediate relief and sound rest by using Wells' "Rough on Coughs.'' Troches, 15c.; Balaam, 25c. '■each m bPala," t IPoroaseM Plaster. * Strengthening, improved, the best for backache, pains iu chest or side, rheuma tism, neuralgia- • "Rough ou Coughs." Ask for "Rough on Coughs," for Coughs, Colde, Sore Throat, Hoarseuess. Troches, 15c; Liquid, 25c. "Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-hnga. skunks, chipmunks, go phers. 15c- Drnggists. Heart Paisa Palpitation. Dropsical. Swellings, Dizzi ness. Indigestion. Headache, Sleeplessness cured by "Wells'Health Reuewer." "Rough on L'eru." Asli for Wells' "Rough on Corns." 15c Quick, complete cute. Hard or soft corns, warts bunious. "Rough on Palm,'' [Poroascd Planter* Strengthening, improved, the best for backache, paius in chest or side, rheuma tism, neuralgia. Thla People, "Well-' Health Renewer." restores health and vigor, ouroa Dyspepsia. Head ache, Nervousness, Dsbility. One Dollar Whospisg Cough. aud tbe many Throat. Affections of chil dren. promptly, pleasantly and safely re lieved by "Rough ou Coughs.'' Troches, 15c Uaisam. 25c. Malaria Anti-Dote. -AND- ChiBs and Fever Remedy. A Srjte CUBE POM CHILLS ASD Pi!} - A HAND ALL DISEASES ARIS TA O from malarial . POISONI A G of THE BLOOD. ___ It produces no hewUcke or ringing ia Itok-isM A cure'in warranted in every case. 3 PREPARED AND FOR SALE BY i « ■ Cot-18 84 . As* T. TUboEesax. I ■ » ' ' 8 1 i f ' ■ f - * fl ' ! * m *«A p*tfro%> W ANTED.—To borrow about Uie 1st J an. ary, ISt'i, $1500 00 for one year at 8 0]0 interest, on projHTty in Tbibodauv worth ■*1 thlfi Ail aMSHtitAa^smWaal voiiilno'n nntti $3,1X10.00. First legs : also, trausi ou buildings fijr l Thibmlanx, d vendor's privi inter of Fire Policies fp. cIolLOUET. Agent. [Ort If. 1884. Boiljey Wagons & Carts Manufactured by Bod Ivy Bros WHKHLIKG. IK. V*~ C ANK WAG 'NS & CARTS ot every ttyle. Timber Wh -.els, liugasse Curts, Tewu Curts, aud every size of small Curts, Drava Two-horse Wagons. Spring Wagons (wilL Pole Mini Shafts and Kprisg Neats. The MKMT Axle Grease made, and Oft LI' Perfect Distributing Machine for Cotton Seed Men I mid other Fertilizers. OUK FACILITIES for loauiiloctiiriug are liaequaicd by any house in the U. 8. Whereby we can fiiruisb FIlfST CLASH work as'CllKAP as any inferior work offer ed >i the South. Win. II. KAGAN. AgeM, Tuirodaux. La. Sugar Plant Exchange Hotel aud Restaurant. Corner Decatur and tit. Louie Sts HOT LUNCH from 9 o'clock A. XI. to 1 P. M. ALBERT DAZET, Fiopiietor. Seot-29.83-1.. Ouse Biliousness. Dyspepsia Sick Hcadaoms, Torpid Lives, Malaria, Inokmztion. Boor Btom aor, Bad Breath,Vertkkx Jaundice. Ovsinterv, Cnlaroeo Bpleeh Drowsiness after Meals. Mo. Without Cmme, Siokeminc or Wemkhim the OmtM DO-a. OJTK BEAK. HUGE. 85 O M T8 . A 8 K for BILE BEANH—Tak* bo BqbHitataMalM anq^m»qKri— XAMiera OfMfBlim. MUfi nr CffCNUtr*. m L SMITH A CO., BoloPnma. 6t. Xfty'4, Mo PRieKLY The ma j or i ty mflhaiUa office ham— bb a ri m prim a S iraRg i s al mf IM Uw ( RFsMnf htt fibHNMatoad ba w l s . JsMdn> «*4M a atmta, <• 4 s IflMR AmJ MlmmialBh maHam Ah MANHOODF fOSITIVB|.Y miTORID. for *he working eluos. Heud 10 • rents for itoatugc. and ws will mail you free, a royal, valuable box in sample goods that will put yon in Mu, way of making more money in u f, «• days than ^ ou evpr tlmni-lit |Mi.-silds nt any busi ness. Capitol not required. We will start you. Yout-iiu work all the time or in spare iXSir".S.? 3 gJ make this unparalleled otter .- t» nil who are JV* '* «' " »eo.i »i m pay for the trouble ol urutugun. f ull partieulars, directions, etc., sent. free. Fort nun* Viil be' made by thtose who give their wtfhlc time to JKTSdtSSSS* Jon't delay. Sturt now. J'ortlaril, Alatue. i* ■ * r I!-,-),, If ■ if ... A X0 Hem*, 4A « '-ay 1 -*4»