Newspaper Page Text
Wu f hibodaux jfontintl SATURDAY, NOV. 29,1884. Proceeding* «f the Parish School Board. TIiibod«ux, October 1st, 1884. The Parish Board of School Directors of the Parish of Lafourche met this day lor their reg ular monthly meeting. Present • Thomas L. Winder, President, Thomas A. Baileavx, Secretary amt Sui>eriii tendeut, and Directors J. L. Aucoiu, J. M. Howell' aud Ernest Roger. Absent iDirectors S. T. Grisamore, Lepiue, and-W. H. Ragan. The minutes of the last regular meeting of the Board were read, and approved us recor ded. The Superintendent submitted the follow ing writteu report which was received, and ordered to be spread sin the miiiutes viuctmi ess we oju CdW 4IU |iio 111 IIIU LCD To the President and Item her- ot the Parish Board ot School Directors of the Parish of Lafourche. Since our last regular meeting, I lure visit ed the Guion Academy uiui Corporation School. I found but » very small attendance at the Corporation School Daring the vacat'd!, considerable portions of the leuce have been destroyed, aud large gaps uow exist at the front and rear of the School lot. lu my opinion, it is useless to re build the fence, at it would only result iu further depredations. The Board should use the pickets now letc standing in the front, to repair the gaps in the rear,* aud should bhild a wire fence .long the whole front of tbq lot. The taucet oi l he cisteru needs re pairing. At the Guion Academy, th* attendance is good fur the first mouth, and the progress of the pupils is s itisfactory. The teachers are 3 ble aud paius-takiug, aud maintain a good iscipliua iu the flehuoi. The building is iu •erious need of repairs. The upper room should receive a ceiling as soon as there will be funds available for the purpose. The hall needs a uew floor, and the supports of the iliwl, ut the rear ot the building, are inse cure. and sli-uld receive immediate attention The large room up stairs has heretofore bean used iu common by the Principal jaud oue of the assistants, hut the iiiconvoiiieiices at tending this arrangement are sol groat, that the Principal inquests that the| Board shall authorize him to partition the apartment by nieaus of a curtain, which will bo compara tively inexpensive, and will have the advan tage of being readily removed iu case of need. The blackboards of the school want a coat of paint, wliieli will improve their usefulness very materially. By reason of high water, the session of eev era! schools was interrupted. Among others, may be mentioned the Laiorest and Vacherie sch ools. As the Luforest had only been in session one month, I took it upon myself, after consultation with the President, Ito au tborizejMisa Laforest to re-open the school, and to continue the session for three mouths, in order to equalize tins school with the oth ers, whose session for 1881 extends to four months. Mr. O. Faqnet, a very deserving and com petent teacher, asks to be assigned to the Va chene school which is entitled t* a session of two mouths and a half. The teacher of the Collin School, below the Cut-Ufi. requests that his school be accorded a session oi six mouths, in consideration of the fact, that no session was had at the Cher arnie school daring the present year, provi ded that the latter school shall have a ses sion of six months during the next year. Onr eificieut Treasurer baa prepared a com P*«t* *nd elegant plan of a school house. Which I hereby submit to your Honorable Body with the recommendation, that all achooi houses to be built iu the parish hereaf ter, shall be ia accordance with tbisplau, sub ject to the modifications as to pliiueusious, as circumstances may reuder uecassary. I would suggest that a vote of thanks be ten wed Mr. oancau for bis beautiful design. The President snd I, iu pursuance of in structions. advertised for sealed proposals for the construction of a school Loose at Ba you Bine, Pierce's and Lougueville. After consultation with one of the leading citizens of Bayou Blue, we came to the conclusion, that inasmuch a*, no more than twenty five childreu, ou the average, would probably at tend this particular school, it would he a use less waste of public lunds to erect a building of eighteen by thirty-six feet in that -settle ment. We, therefore invited bids for s bouse of eighteen by twenty-five feet. Two Olds have been submitted, one being thst of Francois Boxer, offering to take the contract for six hundred and seventy-five dollars, aod the other, that of Leufroid Daigle whose proposition is, three hundred and fifty Dol ^e nre without any bids for the Pierce snd Lojgueville Schools. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS A. BADEAUX, The Superintendent and Mr-'T'T! ^Ucoiu were authorised to have some of the meet pnwiag repairs made on the Onion Academy. i w for the Bayou ntcd' h * be,n * the luweat > wasac A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. San canfor bis elegant plan of a school house. A petition praying that a school bouse be toeatod in the imm-diate vicinity of St. Johns ""tl'eleft bank of the Bayou was laid on the table, for the leaaon, among others that the locality was not suitable for the pur pose. Messrs Ernest Roger, Leonidas Tros clarr and J. B. Leche were appointed a com mittee to locate a school in their section, and report to the Board at its next meeting. • wu essigned to the Vaehe ne school for the nuexpired term of said school. The request of the teacher of the Collin ocbool was granted, and be is allowed a ses ^ ** the Cherami anshfissu -= The following bills were following bills were presented, snd the requisite appropriations made to pay the Mine : O. V nonet, for rent of school Amuse, ; Mrs. K. ] i Academy, re being no Lambert, for certain for farther business, the Board *3.0*. Guion _ Thara adjourned THOMAS L. WINDER. ' Thomas A. Badbaux, Secretary. No life Small Charities. •'Every good act is a charity." matter how obscure our walk in tlsen, we have the means of dispensing a large and wide-spread charity. It was charity for hnmble Susan to spend her holiday afternoon at the bouse of a still poorer neighbor, amusing hsr children and caring for the baby, while the mother finished and took home a piece of work, which bought them a week's food. Without that timely ■ 1! ■«., " - ........ , •' ,f h*lp. ah* said, the did not know when •ho should haws boon able to complete it. 8u»y hud helped to get them food for a wmkjyet the had not a peony of her'own in the world. A smiling re* coguitiou aud a few kind words from a young lady who sometimes employed her. sent a poor sawing girl to her dai iy task ut the shop with a lighter heart and a brighter eye limn common. She worked better for that small charity of a smile aud a bright word, aud won more favor from those who employed her. **I shall he obliged to drop off some of our workers," said the mana ger tir her piivately, "but you are be - coming so handy aud useful, Margaret, wo cannot spare you."|Tke good wotd '' ~ ' »—" wo cannot spare you."|Tke good wotd '' ~ ' »—" « ( f the morning had helped her mote . , , . .. .. than she knewto keep her situation. A heavily loaded wagon was passing through a gateway, and when partly through, the gate swung to. A boy passiug at the moment quietly set it hack and w.iIked on. The driver did not observe the gate and never knew what a jolt, and perhaps inconvenient breakage he was saved. But the boy hail doue him quite a service, never theless. A man in the city saw a fir e creeping along over some dry hay in a stable, and promptly stamped it out. What, if he had passed on, and thought, ''it isu't tuy stable!'' The Chi cago tire began in a stable. Do little helptul things, and speak helpful words wheuever you can. They are better than pearls aud diamonds to strew slung the roadside of life. They will yield a fur more valuable harvest, and you will not fail to fund it after many days.—Early Dew. This liberty u«ed iujconvetgatioti, tie f.-uts its own end. Much of the plena are, aud all the benefit of (lie speaker's veracily. Faith puts strength aod veracity into all our virtues ; it made Abraham re joice, aud Noah sit quiet in the midst of the deluge. It is the spring that sets all the golden wheels of love, cjui fort, nnd peace a going. Like the bee. it sucks sweetness out ot every flower. Give not thy tongue too great liberty, lest it take the prisoner. A word u n spoken is, like the scabbard, thine. If vented, thy sword is in another ,s hand. If thou desire to be held wise, be os wise as to hold thy tongue. —The job office of the Thibodaux Sentinel has been lately supplied with the latest novelties in fine and tancy types, aud it is prepared to execute any job work requiring beauty of design and finish, in the highest style of the typographic art. It is supplying tnauy business and professional ineo of this and ad joining parishes with envelopes, uote, letter aud bill heads, circa lars, receipt books, and sucb other articles of stationery as are reqair ed for the transaction of alt kiud of business; and it is also execu tig wedding and ball invitations, and cards in all the prettiest and newest designs, and all, at rates be low those charged for the sain work by the stationers in New Or leans. Why order your stationery aud have yonr professional and bus uess printing done elsewhere, when both can be supplied to yon heie at borne on tbe most moderate aud reasonable terms f Patronize home industry should be the watch word of every good citizen. When you come to Thibodaux call at S. T. Grisamore and see the new designs he has for monuments, tablets, tombs, <fcc. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Coart, Par ish of Lafourche. CLERK'S OFFICE I hereby certify that the following persons nave been drawn to serve as Jurors for the ensuing term of said Court begining on Mon December 1st, 1881, by the Jury comm is stoners of said Parish on Oct. 9th, 1884. For the first week of said Court beginning on Monday, December 1st, 1884, as follows : 1 LeBlanc J. A. 'Vtm-nl. 2 Malbrongh Ldmd 3 Babin David 4 Adam Emile 5 Lejenne Taylor 6 Adam Tucker 7 Adam Cletns 8 TroseIair Leonidas 9 Belcher March 10 Babin Jean Jacques 11 Peltier Ozdmd 12 Bergeron Oscar 13 Tuite Joseph 14 Joseph Alexis 15 Hebert Sc.hnyler 16 Folse Alexandre 17 Lorio D. H. 18 Caillouet Clay 19 Picon Theodnle 20 Abribat Louis 21 Lacroix Hector L. 22 Briggs H. J. 23 Hebert Wellington 24 Griffen Bruce 25 Collins Andrew ihile 26 Bergeron Theop 27 Alleinan Allred 28 Rousseau C. Otimi 29 Price W. H. 30 Leonard Alfred V. 3l|LeBlane O. C. 32 LeBlanc Edgard 9th 2nd 7th 1st 5tta 1st 1st 5th 8th 1st 2tid 2nd 4th 7th 3rd 3rd 5th 2nd 2nd 9th 8th 2nd 7th 6th 1st 2nd 9th 7th 2nd 5th 2nd 4th 33 Bernard B. P. SKr*—i * Clement Guideline 37 Legendre K. H. 38 Marks Henry » Riviere Hcury *0 Dantiu Joseph P. 41 Folse J. T. Layman F. M. fj Brown Reese 44 Hitnel Helluin ™ Fulford J. D. B*«fi« Edouard ia f r "«kliu Henry JJ Barrio* Emmanuel Boudreaux Vslerv JO Frauklin William Fo i t * l '' • eco ®d wet k of Court, begining on Monday December8th. 1881, as follows, vix Ward 1 Girnd Jean 2 Ponrifle Olczi 3 Guilloi Furry 4 Kuhn Joseph 5 Delatte lieu 6 Pierre Tuo.aaiut 7 Legendre ./.jArmant 8 Gossiu Henry F. 9 Bernard J. C. 10 Ledet hanrent 11 Toll|IH JllM-llb 12 DeMumuh* p. A. 13 Granger Anthony 3rd 1st 7th 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 7th 5th 5tb 5th 2nd 8th 9th 4th 5th 9tb 14 Gall'll R tphanl . . 15 Malbrougli Anrestile 16 Leehe Ernest 17 Memniinger William 18 Champagne U. 19 Caillouet Joseph 20 Bra ml Wilfrid 21 Bailie Etienne 22 Bourgeois Just,lien 23 Boudreaux Arthur (son Jos.) 24 Lahie Charles A. 25 Abraham E. 26 Dionne George 27 Boudreaux Lovincy 28 Printz Frank 29 Hollowell Lincoln 20 Rogers J. I. For the Third week of Court „„ Monday, December 15th, 1881, the foliow L Ward. 1 Hoffman Wolf 5th 1st 1st 5th 6th 2ud 2nd 5th 2nd 1st 7th 2nd 2nd 10th 2nd 5th 2nd 2nd 4th 7th 2nd 5tli 2ud 2nd 7th 5th 5th 2nd 5th 2nd beginning on 2 Guillot Pauliu 3 Lacroix Eugene H. 4 Thibodaux Alidor 5 Davenport N. B. 6 Caillouet P. Felix 7 Rodrigue Florestan 8 Harang Dominique 9 Bourgeois Oscar 10 Billups Robert 11 Ramagossa Fernand 12 Keeler Henry 13 Gunby W. H. 14 Aucoiu Aruiund 15 Ellis Thomas H. 16 Bergeron Krauk H. 17 Plaisance George W. 18 Carro Beauregard V 19 Abribat Charles 20 Tregle S. V. 21 Rossiguol Adolphe 22 Basset Jules 23 .Smith Ogden 24 Toups Prosper 25 Gritten Issaae 26 Moller Bxrthelemy 27 Toups Joseph P. 28 Perrin Edward 29 Hebert Eugene 30 LeBlanc Hampton Iu testimony whereof 2nd 1st 7th 2nd 4th 5th 5th 9th 5th 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2ud 1st itb 2nd 9th 2nd 2nd 1st 5th 5th 10th 6th 7th 2nd 5th Witness my of my seal of hand and the impress „_______office this 21st day of October, A. D. 1884. J. W. KNOBLOCH, D'y Clerkof the said Court SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS —ADOPTED by the— Parish School Board for the use of the Pal lie Schools. —For Sale by— Jor. T. Thibodeaux. Orders for books promptly fiUed mt Publishers Prices, ms, Ink, Slain, Pencils, Time Beck, Envelcpcs, Ckalk, Craycn Ac. AT MODERATE PRICES. WUkera1 to Teachers. HnmhIs HllcwcS, FRANK BARKER, Successor to Barker St Serin, Commission Merchant. * AND DEALER IN ALL KIDDS OF tCflutvinj product. COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Rice, Potatoes, Eggs, Roney, Bees wax, Tallow, Woo J, Rides, Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., No. 119, Decatnr Street, NEW 0 RLE AN 8. ■Alteral Advances Made ea CensigBEKats. aug-12-82. A. MEUNIER, Corner Main and St. Philip Sta.|Thibodaax, La -Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Rats, Caps and Shoes. FIRST QUALITY AND LOW PRICES. Grand Lake Coal Co . DIONNE & HIMEL, AGENTS FOR Filtsburgh, Anthracite and Cannel Coal. Ibibodaox, La. Feb.9.1884. H. MANUEL, -WHOLESALE DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, 4 c. 20 & 22 Chartres Street, NEW ORLEANS. April*20-*84-ly. MUSIC STORE. Prof. E. Choi with J. Guardia, PIANOS, to sell and rent. ERMERSON PIANOS, Guaranteed for 7 years. Lewcst Possible Price*. ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. June 211884. B. T. BLAKE, Attorney at Law, Will practice in the Courts of Lafourche Terrebonne and Assumption. Will attend also to all Notarial business in trusted to him. Office on Green 8t. near the Court House THIBODAUX La., COLLECTOR. I am prepared to collect all kind of bills intrusted to my care. Prompt attention given to all matters intrusted to me. Best of references furnished. Address: FRED DAVI8. Constable 9th Ward, Loc-kport P. O. Ang. 30-'84-ly. Lyall A Davidson (Established in 1827. WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, Practical Slater. 110 Carondelet St. New Orleans. yp-ILL BE PLEASED TO TAKE OR Tv ders for Country Work. Either plain or Faney Roofing and at the lowest possible rate. Refers to J. DAVIDSON fc dee-20-ly. 11* Carondalet Street: OF THE SOUTH, FOR THE SOUTH, FORTHE WHOLE COimi. IS FOB ALL. The farmer, the mechanic, the workman, merchant, the manafactnrer—persons ia ■V'luatinii in Ills, mein tier, of everr hnaaahnlil ■lie wife ami the ntllm sad the Vlliiisa sli will Had — TkTnz-ieniKRii * 2 '? »w»»l*a|MT for "he „mce. the aliop ,, , • mmr - '* •« • low !l.-l even |M.v.-rir will lln.11|. Iwe au w , u . mi.v. II ix a liixiirv in which ail ollior luxuries alsssulnt insdilv *ttl»«»r«tttiam. « mu|d.-tr iu new.. iiKiriH-mieiit ami forcible t n airucilea. eievaimi m u.u,. icliiiml in iileratura. "" * u 'k. eu leisriaiug iuall Recommends Itself to the Consid eration of the People. The MAILT TIHm-nENeCBAT. slsht 1 * T!r* r „ri^*- *»'««•» iu tiie rim ii maulv'i K.auuaeriUcr. at TWKI.VK DOLLARS ITm VRKXLT TIWKW- SEMSCRAT ■"•hhahed Satuntara.' ** nulwcrilieiii at QNK DOI ran AXlmm CENTS PER ANNUM. * J t Z r ~ r OAlLX "** reurir SUE Tie Ties-Democrat OR YEAR BOOK, Will lie went f,««. TIlfi T..|». I|.. ltlr , dmerrmllT attainmlwide u " seine 111 a coiKiesieiwl *!,»,« a , atpe anio , 1I1 ^ f •'"f 1 "-' 'vrolat ret)neat l,v u, e ...... ... th *ei.l cltixeiiM. Tin, . ..... , „ '"telil UMial qiiaiiuiy ut tn„-) v eim,^^av«l m7* "* priateiliiminuin,,.. ' 9Sss.aveurateir .ie.iu„„i ar u^' ir em srav.-d birdV-eve v le w „r ,, ' ,n Rrmimiaaml lmaikui of .l,e Clu.'^ui sud Cottou Ceutoiimai KxRoaiUoa. l U Remittancea raa bemaile with bnt little convenience or trouble from auy „o,romce bv postal note, money onler or registered letter. * for all purposes address THE MMES-yiiMOCRAT. - - j - m WOMEN KcElm's WME OF GAIOtfl Tsfftas vlfssleBS) f. It ssaw s Xs swMI s wi vm.wsm sto t s * s»s ly girls lata Isvlag i McBm'sWKOFCJUMI ssrrssti all 4nM|tSMS th* part Has s tsre s hwllb. It: HcElret's WME OF CARDUI Is man stlaiBlatlaM thsa siasmatefteagnm SMttlsn or from, yet It iatsHlests,hat Isas ss pm re water t* the del tests Iiaffy. sAmuKL j inisoiv, 69 Carondelet, St. New Orleans La, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAN'u —and— DEALER IN Sugar Lime. Plaster, * Rosendale and Western Cement r Eire Bricks , Hair, Sbe. —Sole Agent of— SHELBY ALABAMA 8UGAR LIME. Oet-ll-ly. NOUVEAUX ARRANGKMENTS. KOTnia KTRAilGERS, Encoignure des rues Green et Thibodaux. Mr. Thomas Alberti previent sea axus t* ies voyageurs qa'il vicat de fsire de non VT." r * rr ® n * e,, *e , > t » qni iui permettrost de • ntisfaire tout cenx qni vondront I'kona*. rer deleur confiance coimMd^ U ' eheUre d ® U iOUPn<e *• W Tibled'htte h 10 besres dx matin (pat ddienner et A 4 benresdn soir ponr direr, Chainbres commodes et bien garnie, PRIX MODEREE8. RICE BOAtlf. fit CD. 'dt 91 Cam pat., and 565 Magazine %. D®»lers in— fORRlMN ABB DOMKSTIC. TINFLaTK^XEET *fSuN WAR it Turners' Stock and Tinners' Stasis. lac. E. ASSCLIIVEAI, Market St. corn. St. Louis—TBJBODA UJF FStacy Ktllllasry hlssffia NOTIONS, Etc., Etc.* TRIMMING, HOSIERY. latest styles o» STRAW HATS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES, -AND— ARTIIIC1AL FLOWERS, 4k StRtisxerz depot. £ ■Hr*. J. A. Thurber * Mm DENTISTS, Rn. 130 Boyal Street, New Orleans, Assistants: Dr. R. Pierson. Dr. T. J. Hopper. ISBMJPIdE