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ifne u'llihrtl'kmi V rut til e-fLItlilll J — — ■ ; - ________ " LATURDAY, APRIL 11,188>. UNITED STATES MARSH sale. T AL S . U. Marinoni VS. P. (). liousseou et rt/v. No. 10901. the In tlie United States Circuit Court f„; Eastern I district of l.ouisiana. By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale to me directed in the above entitled suit, 1 will ptocced to sell to the highest bidder, ou Sat urday, the second day of May. ISO, atll o'clock A. M . at the entrance to the Court House nt the Parish of Lafourche, iu the town of Thibodatix, La. : \ certain Sugar Plantation situated in the Parish of Lafuure bank about daux forming desigllat. .. ino i.iinn nunc i ianiainiii as_more fully described in a plan made by Nicholas and Thibmlaux, April -3rd. 18iiU. and whereas all said tracts are color-d and designated numerically from I to XVIII, both inclusive, the whole 'containing aliout 'I wo Thousand Seven Hundred and fnrtv-siv 81(100 the Aube what fotlov lauds ot lllf pile 4th Jules daux, the p ____ _ ____...... j ..... sage ami way ami in front by Bayou 'l,a fourc|)e, composed of the tracts of land lierr iuattermore partieiihirlv described, including an outside tract colored in light green mark" ed "L. t. Auliert" on tin* above mentioned plan, which seems to belong to the succes sion of Paul Justilic.n Ttieriot, said tracts of lauds being described as folio.vs to wit .• 1st. A tract ot land inea-tiring live ar peuts, more or less, front by eighty arpents in depth bounded above bv'the tract of land hereinafter described, amf below by a road separating part of said land from the tract of hind hereinafter fifthly described. 2nd. A tract of land adjoining the above oue, measuring one arpent. 18 roises and 2 feet front by eighty arpents iu dentil hound - ed above by lands of estate of Charles Au bert, toriucrly, and the tract ol laud herein after described. 3rd. A tract of laud situated at the Forty arpents from Bayou Lafourche, in the rear ol lauds formerly' belonging to estate ot wid ow dairies Aubert above and adjoining tin the tract just described. . 4th. A tract ot laud of a triangular form situated at Eighty arpents from Bayou La iourclie in the rear of and adjoining the tract justdescriLed, containing about Thirty su perficial arpents more partinrlerlv described in au act before If. F. Knobfocb. Parish Judge, the above tract subject to the privi leges, servitudes aud charges imposed hv an act before 11. F. Kuoblock, Parish Judge, ou tbe'21st August, 1840. Together with the buildings and improve menu on said tract of land or iu auy wise he longiug or appertaining thereto, such as su gar bouse, mill and engines, cabins, stables, dle , said tract ot land composing the "Armi tage Plantation'' and figuring on the mentioned ' . —- ■ - Nos tract Aubert as above stated. (e Plantation'' and figuring on the above I'h ,n °* ^'cholas and Thibodaux us s- XV, If and V anil the little outside let colored iu light green and marked L* U. Parish on the left bank of the Bayou La lourcheat about eleven miles below the town ------------...__________ otlhibodaux measuring ilireo ai-peiits.and a half, more or less, front by forty arpents in «lept!i. bounded above by u pieteof land of one fourth of an arpeut ifrout with the depth ...... *-------------- thereon figuring OI1 the above'meutioued plan as No. XVI. fith. A tract of land situated in the same Parish on the ielt. bank ot said Bayou La fnurche at about seven uiilesbelow the town ot Thibodaux, anil forty arpents from Bayou Lafourche, measuring iiliout two arireuts, or ratber one arpent and forty feet, more or less, front by tortv ar|>ents in depth bounded iu front by lamt just described, above by the said Armi tage Plantation, and below hv laud fornierly belonging to Murceliu Robicbitux. 7th. The undivided third of a certain tract of laud of a quarter ol'au arpent front by forty arpents iu depth, considered as be mg a public Iliad or simply a right of passage pa^siu^ between tlie riparhm properties above described ti«uriu^ ou tlie above men tioned planar No. VI. Stb. A tract ot land situated in the same Parish on the left hank of said Bay on l«: lonrclie at about forty arpents from said Ba yon, anil at about seven oreight miles from the town ol Thihudaux, measiiring one ar pent, one hundred auil six leet, more or trout, by toity arpents in depth, bounded in e li ^ ^''"'eriv belonging to tho estate ot l • J. Ihenot. and widow a. (.h. 9 th- Also an undivided third of a certain tract of laud measuring one quarter ot an ar gent front by forty arpeuts in depth, eousiti ered partly as a public road situated in said parish, at about seven or eight miles below the i ' said tage to 1« from th^ Bayou one arpent mid less, ed in by lam by the the r abov lit Lafourche, eighty measuring j . li. A tract of land situated in the same above and below by lands of Edmond Thibo^ daux, together witli all the rights aud im provements thereon subject to a road across it and with the bcuefit of the right to the road leading to the Bayou Lafourche, figur iug on the above mentioned plan as No. 11 • parish, same bank of said Bayou Lafourche. measuring forty feet ou the public road at the Bayou Laiburcheby fortytire afpeuts in depth I liCLWKPil nar-kll#»l Iiupu ltnnn between parallel lines, bounded above by lands of estate of P, J. Theriot, and widow A. Lapine, and below by lauds of Fergus and Jules Beauvais aud others. 13th. Another tract of laud situated also 1,1 * lle8i !" I * e l "risk left bank of same Bayou, and at iorty-tive arpents fro'ni said Bayou ■ Latourche in the rear of the tract just des just i eribed anil other lauds of said estate of 1* J- Theriot and widow A. Bepiue having : front on said forty-five arpeuts of about tin 14th. A certain tract of land situated in the same Parish on the left bank of Bayou Lafourche, and at about forty arpents from said Bayou Latourche having a depth of thirlv six aments, bounded nlmve be bind , - . vo " Lafourche. at forty-live arpents from . the Bayou Lafourche measuring two arpents il half more or less front by about thirty *' v '' arpeuts in depth between lines opening as they recede from said Bayou Lafourche. and bei a,1< * Francois Ledet measuring two arpents, . . - ims its aud a halt by thirty-live arp. nts m dopt-li between opening lines ; bounded iu trout by the tract above described and laud lit feigns and .Biles Beauvais and above below by lands ot said estate ot P. ,1. Theriot ami widow A. Lepine, together with all the rights thereto belonging being part ot lot No. XI ou the ahovn mentioned plan. more or less, trout by t wenty arpents iu depth, together with the buildings and im provements aud appurtenances thereon he tug the No. XIII on the above mentioned plan. 13th. A certain tract of land situated in the said Parish ot Lafourche, ami at sixty 7 a pents from the Bayou Lafourche ou the left side of said Bayou, containing titty or sixty arpeuts in superficies, more or less, being the North east part of section number ninety seven in Towusliip number tilteen north range seventeen East, West of the-Mississippi liver, said portion of land with all the rights thereto belonging ami also to the right of a road to which said land is entitled ; to the right of passage figuring ou the above men tioned plan as No XIV. P*th. A certain tract of land containing about forty one 28(10(1 acres in superficies sit uated in the same Parish, left bank of the Bayou Lafourche at about eighty arpents from the suit B.ivou, back of the lands of . -- -------„ «red aud forty acres, and according to the ethcial plat ot the survey of the said lands, helu ~ lot -' 10 - ■ Die above mentioned plan. *hid. Aud a certain tract of land desigua ted on the said plan abov Lafourche, at about eighty arpents from said IHm.Tr.ri N ° - """ T* ;;° UB Huudicd and Lleyeu! iu Township fifteen west ot the Mississippi River ot range 17 east containing one hundred and twenty-five 77| 100 acres, being a part of No. II on the above mentioned plan. 21st. All of section No. Oue Hundred and Seven in Township No. fifteen, 8outh Range No. seventeen East iu the s outh u ami Mb °l , , .. —Ji-east-; ern Laud District ot Louisiana ; West of the Mississippi River, anil containing six bun ,,n the sunl plan above referred to as No. * , eontamiug forty-six liSjloo acres, more o' 1 Jess iu jsuirerficies,.together with all the T'Shts, privileges and servitudes thereto he longing. logether with all the buildings and improve ,U *V? 1 ^ 8 °".l ie said plantation, the refinery, Uiill, eu^ines, ujsurhiiu*r>'. vacuum pans. *- tea,n trams, pumps, tanks, cent lit u^als, tix Jures and apparatus and macbincry of every ou said plantation, and all the mules, <* art *S wagons, lai ium^ utensils, and improve j ...a.i.-m ............................ -- - - pe «M ini , ug '., , , . winch said described "Bush Grove" plan tlU '°n, belongs to the present mortgagers hv ,uc; *" s «*' the purchase which they have ,ua <le therot from Dr Edmond Soucbeu. j, er **et passed before me notary, on the third j , av ot •Miuuarv. Eighteen Hundred aud Eigh l.v-fonr » eiz e'l the above suit, " r,U8 : Cas1 ' , Lu 'fr'' Stales Marshal's Office, New Or leaus, 20th tlpy of March. 1885. , J. It. G. PITKIN, 1 ' *' Mars hal lor the Eastern District of La. --------- ---------- ~T ------- UNITED STATES MARSUAL'S SALE. | Charles Emmanuel VS Caul fletnrn , ,1 l \i a ?,J£ taee i 1 JWUSSCau Ct alS. j\o. 10S98. ! ' I Iu the United States Circuit Court for the 5th Judicial Circuit and Eastern District of , Louisiana. By virtue ot a writ of seizure and sale to 1...1 j i> „ , ,■ ■ , ; —----™ v I bank of Bajou Lalourehe, at about ten umes j daux. Lu., the toliowiiig described property, viz. A certain sugar plantatioa situated in the Parish oi Lafourche, in this State, ou the left husbandry .'tools, mulcsund^ther'lfrTwlfk i .on the western or upper aide by u hue of (525) feet wide marked C. D. and running Nurth and South on the northern or railtoad side bv a line ol 1KW feet lo-jg marked A. C. and run ning East aud West, and on the southern or Bayou Lafourche side by a line of 922 leet long marked B. JD. and running East and ! until paid aud and live per cent att fees on the principal and interest n I costs. * West; the whole forming one irregular par raleiograin covering an area ufS Sc liTiltO arpente. Seined in the above suit. 1st. ^ TerfUs: cash to pa y nnd sat sfv peti tioners e'aini the s-.itn ol seven thousand live hundred dollars with eight per cent interest amount, of the two notes from their maturitv attorney's lud all ! -«d. 1 he pureliaser to assume the payment ot a note for thirty seven hundred and lifty dollars with eight per eent |air annum inter , est lrnm January 15. 1883, laliin- due Jauu I ary IStli, 18!Sfi. ' | 3rd. The lialan -e cash, United States Marshal's Office. New O leaus 20th day of March. 1885 ' United States Marshal for'the'Earteim'His trict of La. Mch-21 85 jucu zi s,». ' —- — - - - STATE OF LOITIST A \ T A lSsl rake notice that acting under an order of seizure and sale emanating from the above entitled court, in the above entitled andnuiti lieredsuit 1 have seized and will ofici for! . - , , , - ..rpeuts in depth; the lateral lines converging so as to give a superficies of about Four Hundred arpents ; bounded above and below by lauds ot L. C." Aubert and P. J. Theriot &, Co. 2nd. A tract of laud adjacent to and be low the plantation above described, measu ring four arpents more or less front bv for ty arpents iu depth, bounded above by said plantation aud below bv lauds lormerly be longing to P. o. Theriot & Co. 3rd. A tract of 'and iu the rear of and in the vicinity of the plantation firstly deseri bed. being section It'S of T. 15 Last oi the Mississippi Kiver containin' 7 Five Hundred and fifty-four acres Together with all the buildings and im piovenietits thereon ami the appurtenances thereof; mules, carts, wagons, farming uten sils. implements of husbandry and all other appurtenances used iu the working anil culti vation ol said plantation commonly known as the ••.Meiodia" plantation ami also, I wo tracts of lands situated in said parish ci Lafourche and on the left bank .of Bayou ,i , of li. i~ j 1 new or lormerly beloug iug to Louis Oamle. on the South by tract marked A. E. F. and by lands of Mrs. A. Le pine and P. J. J heriot, now or formerly ; on lied and South-east bv Afrs'. LeniiieViii.l'p""'i , Theriot ; oil the West, bv those of L i' An 1 bert. " ' I T description see Conveyance Book iu Convey uuee 0mcL ' Par 'st. of Latourche No 5 p 270 et seq aud which said first, tract is hound ' the North by laud j the East by lands now or formerly belongin E. C. Aubert, and ou the West by lauds c Ursin Babin, The second tract, of a triangular iorm. is bounded on the North by tract above deseri The whole being in T. No. 15, S. R. 17 E j u uu : for better I hi the South Eastern District of Louisian-**' ! west of the Mississippi river as net- idau deniis | iteil iu the office of the Heeorder of said Pal | ish of Lafourche. ! Also, 51 mules, 3 wagons, 12 carts 30 ; ploughs, 2 small carts, 20 sets of harness ! and uue harrow. icruD*aucl conditions of sale cash on th spot iu United .States treasui v notes to niv principal, interest and cost, in the above suit, March 14, 1885 THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, Sheriff. c. hv oft.l. Tmlini-il n er -DIB « UlllCUI Dl^lili.t Court, Iar j ish of LafoiU'clie. STATE OF LOUISIANA. Frank Barker r* Xo. 20(»7, J. Rousseau tfc Bros. ^ Take notice that acting under a writ of Fi .Fa emanating from the above entitled ami numbered suit I have seized and will offer for sa'e at public auctiou pursuant to law to the last ami highest bidder at the Court House, in the Town of Thibodaux on Satur | day the 2nd day ot May, 1885, between the «? U f? of 11 o clock A. M. and 4 o clock P. i M -, * h0 lf, t. A certain lot ot greuud situated in the ' "*' 1 '....."* ------------- ' Parish of Lafourche at about seven miles bo low the Town of Thibodaux measuring sixty feet front on the public road by a depth of one arpent aud a half; hounded above by lauds of Bush (Grove plantation of Dr. Ed mond Soucbon. formerly, auil below and iu Edmond Thibo Imildiugs aud laud situated in 1 the left hank of j Bayou Lafourche at about seieu or eight miles below the Town of Thibodaux and back of tlie lauds of widow ErancoL Bourgeois I measuring two arpeuts front less a few feet, j more bl less, and less quo eighth of au ar land situated in this Bayou Lafourche the town of Thib i m ' !<M,nrln « half au^rpeut more or less Dec.27-3m FOR SALE. A portable engine, ol aliout ten horse-pow er, ou skids. Apply to BADEAUX Sc GROS, Labadieville P. O. La STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20lb Judicial District Court, Par isli of Lafourche, Levy Loeb Sclieuer & Co. vs. 2072, Marcellas LcBlanc. Xo. Pursuaut to an order and decree of the above Court and in obedience to a commission to me directed iu the the aliovo eutitled and numbered case 1 will offer for sale at pnb[ic. auction pu.suant to law, to the hist aud high est bidder at the Court House, in the town of Ihibod tux, on Saturday, the llth day of April. IS,So. between the hours of 11 o'clock ' i?t r-Vl'I f!"':!* '' M ' i 1 1 aboxe suit the sumo being ot a nature, to-wit : j The entire contents of the store situated in I sai,i ^"risli. left bank of Bayou Lalourehe, near llaraug's Canal, at about forty miles be i low tlie town of Thibodaux, consisting of . | XOTIt'E. A n:«i! IUO\lAL Fastkst I*. O. La., March 13, 1885. T. P. Him 1. Esq. Labadieville, La., Dear Sir:—We have had a good opportunity to test your "cane scraper" aud find it to be all that you claim. Bur tor the underfoot condition of our plan ters, and poor prospect of getting any help lrciu the commission merchants : would have , no trouble'in selling all that you can make, j 1'lie machine can scrape fall planting us well 1 as Spring. I consider it worth twice the price you ask for it. In a crop of loll acres plant oaue it will pay lor itself three times iu scraping that umouut cane. Verv trill v yours. Mu 21 85. * JXO. B. MARSH. Special Anxocxcement.-^A large pro portion of the readers ol' the l'hibodaux Sentinel are farmers, many of whom desire a great deal more of farm literature than we are able to give in our limited space, ac( -' 0,,1I,l0< late "11 such we have made arrangements with the publishers of the American Fanner to give it as a premium for one year to every subscriber of the Thibodaux Sentinel who pays his subscrip tion iu advance. The American Farmer is a large lti page paper, published at Fort Wayne, Iud., the subscription price of which is $1.00 per year. Every planter in Lafourche parish should avail himself of his magnificent offer. OF THE SOUTH, FOR THE SOUTH, IS FOR ALT. do Tlie farmer, tlie mechanic, the workman, tha merchant, the manufacturer—persons in every avocation in lile, members of every household, tho wife auil the uiulliur aud the ebUUreu—ail will tiud s.i »oik., ouiorpriaiug iuall li'iiigs, it Reccmmsiids Itself to the Consid eration of the People. The »mv 'rniKvilEniH RAT. eight ti> 1 y. i nty-Im.r pnges.:«-»i-.-mi'H m the ve .r, i a 10 •mliseiHiers ,it TWICl.VK DOM.a 113 I'l-i: A.'. X L,| :u propoi tiouaUj pncea for * Je»i*en«HU. i he ivi;<:hi.y tihix. nt'.nociitr, twelve losixteen imblishetl Sainnhiys, IS me lie.', t„ suhjerihers ;it OX 10 DOLLAR AXD l i LTV LEX IS X'EK AXXUM. To every DAILY ami WEEKLY yearly sub Tiber, ft Tiines - Democrat Ulmim OR YEAR BOOK, Will he sent 11 SR. ThoT.-W. .41. n »IV AC has il user veil lv aitanipil .i w ,,i e v . j t prf limiie a *urjre am.unit of ciinruil amt uemjial. ivticli euue.1 hy Lie student. ii,o -> mail. .•. ! „| hy al i intetii. ' eaLM-Mie. he.i.le, a,, tin neiy enpiavvd aim anpru ■ ilieoutain a i.npe double. ' "''ed ami artiKtieallr r,,. graved Wnf.^ye v,„« „f TIlr buLdinr*. yroiiime and locatm:, „f ,|,e WorWs iuUuatrial am, Lotion Ceutenuiai Exposition. RemittaBces ran hr made with, hnt little in Convenience or trouble from any po-toffice, by postal note, money order or registered letter. ' For all purposes address' THE TIMES-DEMOCRAT, Orlsaas. La. HCllts iu a coiuli inf«»rt nation. iof Ml. | ip In a • most ii iar joittii ran. Tis^ i • IISII rent« Thi usual qiiantil v of prut l * llllWliiHou*. pare. iiccuraiei; r <l« OF This pure wine Is s simple vege table extract without Intoxicating qualities, and has proved to be the most astonishing TONIC FOR WOMEN known to medical science. it A well-known pentlemnn *ars: "My wife has been in delicate health tor flf I teen yean. She suffered fearfully every I month with pains and excessive menses. | Doctors could do her no good. Ons txrttie I of McElree'a Wine of Cardui restored her health, and she gained eighteen pound* i In weight in two months while taking It'* McElree's Wine of Cardni la recom mended for painful monthly habit, difficult, suppressed, excessive and irregular Menses, Whites, Falling of the Womb, Change of Life, General Debility, and as a tonie for delicate ladies. It was tested la 7000 eases and cured 8500 of them. Its aston ishing action mystified Doctors, de lighted sufferers, and restored thou sands of suffering women to health and happiness. Druggists sell it at •1.00 per Bottle. A sixty-four page pamphlet telling all about it free by mail. CHATTANOOGA MEDICINE CO. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. SCHOOL iTEXT BOOKS — aPOITED BV THE— Parish School Hoard for the use of the Puh lie Sclwols. • —For Sale by— Jon. T. Thibodeaux. Orders for hooks promptly filled' nt Publishers Prices. Paper, Pens, Ink, Slates, Pencils. Blank an Time Book, Envelopes, Chalk, Crayons &c., A T MODERA TE PRICES. tp'liiberal DisconntN allowed to Teachers. ISA.QUUL J AMISON, 69 Caromlelet , St. Xew Orleans Lq> GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. —and— DEALER IN Sugar Lime. Plasier, Jiosendale and Western Cement. Fire Bricks, Bair, dc. —Sole Agent of— SHELBY ALABAMA SUGAR LIME, Oct-11-ly. NOCVEAUX AKRANGEMENTS. HOTEL DEN ETHAAGERN. Encoignure dcs rues Green et Thibodaux^ *(r. Tlionias Alberti previent res uiniir les voyageurs qn'il vient rle laire de now veaux urrengeineuts qui ini jieruicttront da satistuirc tout ccux qui voudront l'honno* rer deleur coufianre Repas Atoute heure de la journce et sue comniande. lahledbAte A 10 lirnree du matin pouy dejeuner et a 4 licures du soir pour diner, Chaiubres commodes et bieu garuics PRIX MODEREES. Mme. E. A^KBCLINEAUs Market St. corn. St. Louis — THIBODAUX Fancy iHillinery Goods NOTIONsT'etc., Etc.. TRIMMING, UOSIERY. LATEST STYLES OP £ STRAW HATS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES, -AND— artificial flowers. School Hooks A Niatlo depot. *»''ry Dps. J. a. Thnrher Sc $ion, dextists, No. 130 Itoyal Street, Orleans, Assistants : Er. II. Picrsom Dr. T. J, Hopper. MAKRIA6E GUIDE •ssiiins alftu. , a ri