Newspaper Page Text
t&ijc €i)ib*&au* Sentinel fcATLHDAY, MAY J 6 , 1885 . Wisdom Drops. The i idlest- man is he who wants nothing : the poorest he who wants ev ery thing. It is impossible for a limit to despair ■who remembers that his Helper is oin nipotent. Mo man can escape the vitiating ef feci of an offense against his own senti meat of right. Modem education too often covers the fingers with rings, and at the sniue time cuts the sinews at the wrists. Virtue will catch us well as vice by contact ; and ihu public stock of bones ty mauly principle, will daily aeon mu late. A wise man prefers wbat is necessary to that, vh eh se ves only for curiosity, ornament or pleasure. The physically blind thank you for your guidance , the mentally bliud usu ally reject it with indignation. Those who lack u good natural char acter inuy be sure they cannot long sns tain, without detection, nu attiticial one. 'Deep, unspeakable suffering uiay well be called a baptism, a regeneru tiou, the initiation iuio a new state A great anguish uiay do the work of years, and we come out from that bap tism, of liie with a soul full of awe and |dty." The Most Beautiful Hand.— Two charming women wine discussing one day what it is which countitute beauty in the hand* They differed in opinion as much as the shape of the beauti ful member they were discussing. A gentleman friend presented himself, aud by couimou consent the question was referred to him. li was a delicate tnat ter. He thought of Paris and the three goddesses. Glauciug from one to the other of the beautiful white hands pre sen ted for his examination, he replied at last,—"I give it up, the question is too hard for me; but ask the poor nod they will tell you the must beaati ful hand in the world is the baud that gives." —Exchange. Proceedings of the Parish School Board. __ Tliibodaux, April 6tb. 1883. The Pari*h Board of School Directors of the Parish of Lafourche met this dav in regu lar session, with President Grisamore "iu me chair. Present •• S. T. Grisuiuore, President, Thom as A Badeaux. Secretary aud Superintendent. Directors J. L. Aucom. VV. H. Kagan E. G. Curtis, aud J. M. Howell. Absent: Directors Ernest Roger. Oscar Le pine, aud Charles J. Barker. The minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. The lollowing report of the Treasurer was presented, aud on motion, duly seconded, was received, and ordered to be spread on the minutes. F. SANCAN, Treasurer, in account with Board ot School Directors, Parish of La fourche. * To Balance ou hand March 1st, 1883 $3188 33 To receipts since : From Tax Collector current tax of 1884 Poll tax of 1884 School House tax, 1884 State interest on 18th section IlfcTotal receipts Grand total By Disbursements : Teachers' pay, Corporatiou Teachers' fund 40 00 Teachers' pay, Teachers' fund District No. 1 130 00 Teachers' pay, " " District No. 2 1275 00 School House fund Diet. No. 2 49 50 General lund, including Asses sor's lees 418 34 Tax Collector's commission 74 09 Treasurer s com. a ti(<> onf 1988.93 59 80 Total Disbursements - Balauce on hand March 31st, 1885 Divided as follows Teachers' fund, District No. 1 265 94 „ ...... 2 1983 24 School House Fnnd Dist. No. I 26 91 •* 2 17580 General Fund 202 43 Treasurer's commission account 71 20 -$1580 78 $4767 33 o 204053 2720 79 Leu surpln's paid out of Corpo ration teachers' fund 2724 54 4 75 2720 7 9 2720 79 Respectfully Submitted F. SANCAX, School Treasurer. Thihodaux, La., April 1st, 1885. A motion was made and seconded, that a committa on Finance should be appointed, whose duty it shall be to examine aud audit all bills against tho Board, aud on their writ ten approval of same, the Secretary was au thorized to draw warrants to pay same, and to report to the Board at its ensuing meeting. Carnied. The Chair appointed on this commit tee, Messrs W. H. Ragan, J. L. Aucoin and E. G. Curtis. « The following bills were presented, approv ed, and the requisite appropriations made to pay the same, to-wit: J- Louis Trone, repairs on L'kport Sch'l $3 20 L. P. Gaudd " " Scally School 28 80 An (appropriation of Ten Dollais, or so much thereof as may be necessary, was made, t* pay for the services of an expert to ex amine and report on the condition of the La forest school. The Superintendent was anthorized to ■Utke all the necessary !arrangements touch ing the bolding of a Teachers' Institute in Thibodanx in the early flays of next month. There being no farther business, the Board adjourned. 8. T. GKISAMORE, President. Thomas A. Badeaux, Secretary. a a STATE OP LOUISIANA. 20tli Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. CLERK S OFFICE I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the lollowing uamed persons were drawn as Jurors for the .lime term of Court 1883 by the Jury commissioners ol' said Parish on Mb day of A pril to serve as Grand and Petit Jurors, as follows, to-vit : For the fir-t week of said Court beginning Mouday, June 1st, 1883 tor grand am! pelit jurors,viz : Ward. 1 Otica-e Theogeno 5th 2 Holmes Sylvanie 2nd 3 Sweetwiuo Charles 'Jnd 4 Lane James 2nd 5 Seally David 7th 8 Aucom Yiftoriu M. 'Jnd 7 Wil son Robert 1st 8 lfaudolphe Charles 7th 'J Brand Neaville 1st 10 Reese Jordan 1st 11 lloadieaux Clay 5th 12 Tregle. J. A. 2nd 13 White Turner 5th 14 Brown Lee 5th 15 Augnste Thomas 7tli lli Gaude Charles E. 3rd 17 Forest Nicholas 4tli 18 Calvin Anatole 2nd 1!* Dugas Bertrand 2nd 20 Kiciiurd Leufroy 1st 21 'ihihodaux Douglas 5th 22 Brand Theopliile 1st 23 Plai-ance Wallace 4th 24 Molaisaii Fillmore 1st 25 Sauvel Oilier 1st 28 Boutcric Vietorin 4th 27 Walker Joseph 3rd 28 Kroiinner Howard Jr. 8th 29 Benoit Felix 5th 3U Gilbett Leon 2nd 31 Augustin Etieune 3rd 32 Jackson Jessee 2nd 33 Kelly Daniel 10th 34 Vickuair Urestile 5th 35 Ursin Tlu lt s ( IT-sin) 3rd 36 Kuight J. 11. 1st 37 Wells Kiab 1st 38 Espenan Eiuile 5th 39 Lehlanc Joseph (Kosemond' son) 2d 40 Trosciair Lculroy 5th 41 Donahue Thomas 2nd 42 Cliappuis Alphonse 2nd ft Toiips Emile J. 7th 44 Lehlanc Thomas 4th 45 Folse Leaudre 3rd 46 la>ilet Joseph P 7th 47 Folse Antoine Alexis 7th 48 Williams I'aniel 7th 19 Dickerson Matt 2nd 50 Parra Frank P. Jr. 10th 2nd. For the 2nd week of said Court begin mug on Mouday. June 8th, 1885, to serve as petit jury viz : W r ard 1 Champagne Hatdiael 1st 2 Gaude Arthur C. 3rd 3 Bourgeois Joseph loth 4 Rodrigue Loviuey 6th 5 Thoniasi Joseph Jr. 4th 6 Portier Aurestile 5th 7 Guedry Joseph P. 5th 8 Browu Augustin 2nd 9 Miller John « 10th 10 Riviere Leoni 2nd 11 hitch Tom 1st 12 McCulla John Jr. 2nd 13 Bergeron Leo. 3rd 14 Carter George 2nd 15 Watkiu Charles 1st 16 Lagarde Clay A. 2ud 17 Smithwick Kddiu 2nd 18 Riviere Edgard 2nd l9CoulunE,J. 2nd 20 Ledet Amf-d^e 5th 21 Bi/liu M. W. 5th 22 Adam Theopliile 1st 23 I.ii/iguan Charles 2nd 24DaigreJ.J. 2nd 25 Caillouct J. N. 6th '28 Knnhlocli J. V. 7tli 27 Gutliridge Paul 2nd 28 Morvant Jumoville 1st 29 kohicliaux Theodule 2ud 30 Thihodaux Auhan 5th In testimony whereof ( > Witness my hand and the impress 2 L.S: '• of niv seal of otiice this 9th day of ( April A. l». 1885. J. W. KNOBLOCH, D'y Clerk of said Court NOTICE. At a meeting of the Directors of Thibo daux Bridge Company, held April 2, 1885, a dividend of 75 cents per share, was declared, being three per cent on the capital Stock, of said company.of the earnings of three months ending March 31, 1885. F. ZERNOTT, E. G. Csijtib. President Secretary. 4tAp4'85. NOTICE. Thihodaux Benevolent Lodge. No. 90, wi meet the second Sunday in each month at 3 o clock P. M. By order of the W. M. . feb-19-84 FOR KALE. Several ;jeod second-hand portable En gines. ran eing from 6 to 14 horse power. Feb-7-85-t-f- o: W. H. RAGAN. Special Announcement.—A large pro portion of the readers of the Thihodaux Sentinel are farmers, many of whom desire a great deal more of farm literature than we are able to give in our limited space. To accommodate all snch we have made arrangements with the publishers of the American Farmer to give it as a premium for one year to every subscriber of the Thihodaux Sentinel who pays his subscrip tion in advance. The American Fanner is a large 16 page paper, published at Fort Wayne, Ind., the subscription price of which is $1.00 peryear. Every planter in Lafourche parish should avail himself of his magnificent offer. Lya.ll Sc Davidson |Established in 1827. WILLIAM S. DAVIDSON, „ v Practical Slater. 110 Carondelet St. Neio Orleans. WILL BE PLEASED TO TAKE OR »v ders for Country Work. Either plain or Fancy Roofing and at the lowest wssible rate. Refers to J. DAVIDSON dt dee-20-ly. llfl Carondalet Street: "Basgk M Congbs." Ask for "Rough on Coughs,** for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Heat muss. Troches, I he; Liquid, 25 c. "Rough sn Mists." Clears ont rats, mice, roaches ; flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, go phers. 15c. Druggists. Heart Pains. Palpitation. Dropsical. Swellings, Dizzi ness. indigestion. Headache, Sleeplessness cured by "Wells'Health Renewer." "Rough on Corns.'' Ash for Wells' "Rough on Corns." 15c Quick, complete cute. Hard or soft Corns, warts bunions. "KoiigTi on Pain," |Poroused Plaster $ Strengthening, improved, the best for backache, pains in chest or side, rheuma tism, neuralgia. * '1'liiu People, "Wells' Health Renewer." restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Head ache, Nervousness, Debility. One Dollar Whooping Cough. and the many Throat Affections of chil dren. promptly, pleasantly aud safely re lieved by "Rough on Coughs." Troches. I5e' Balsam. 25c. NTothers, If you are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' Health Renewer" 1 Dollar. Druggists liiie Preserver. If your're losing your grip ou life, try •'Wens' Health Renewer." Goes direct to Weak spots. "Rough on Toothache." Instant, relief for Neuralgia. Toothache, Faceaclie. Ask for"Rougkou Toothache," 15 aud 25 cents. Pretty Women. Ladies who would retaiu freshness and vivacity. Don't fail to try "Wells' Health Renewer." Catarrhal ' u reins* Hacking, irritating Coughs. Colds. Sore Throat, cured by 'Rough on Coughs," Troches, 15c. Liquid. 25c. Rough ou Itch." ''Rough ou Itch" cures humors, erup tions, ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, frost ed feet, chillblaitis. The Hope of the N a tiou. For childreu,slow in development, puny scrawny .and delicate, nse "Wells' Health Reuewer." Wide Awake three or four hours every night coughing. Get immediate relief and sound rest by using Wells' "Rough on Coughs." Troches. 15c.; Balsam, 25c. 'Rough Porouaed • Pain," $ Plaster. Strengthening, improved, the best for backache, pains in chest or side, rheurna is m, neuralgia. JOHN W. TROTTER, Copper, Tin und Sheet Iron Worker. St. Philip St. between Tliibodaux and Main Tliibodaux. La., -Keeps on hand a full line ol - COOK AND KEATING STOVES. —Also agent for the— Charter Oak and Fame Stoves. articular attention given to Guttering. RooflDg and LE JOURNAL Les r*etites Afflches. I"ublie tons les samedis d New-York, . -PAR •I. Jottrand, L. Teisoa AtCle. ABONNEMENT .• $1.00 par an Envoi franco de num£ros specimens. On demande des agents dans les localitds oh le Journal n'en a pas d6jh. S'adresser a L. TESSON, 23 Dey street, New-York. Ou refoit. aux bureaux de la Skntixk.- i.t w des ahonnetnents et des annonces pour le Journal Les Petites Afflches* Tpr,^?, 8 *.^ 188 ' Dwewts. StOK HCAMCHf, 7 °" p J, d Live*. Malaria, Indigestion. Sour 8 tom BNtATKVeRTKXX JAUNDICC. PV SB NT SH Y, emlaroxd Splk en, Drowsiness after Meals, flo. Without Git me, SictctNltc •» Wiakewno tat 8mm nos*. ON* KEAN MUCH, SB CENT*. ABK for BTLB BEANK-Tnke as Subutitote. HdM I Q HtsaipiL Sold by Druniati W. r. SMITH A CO., tole Props. at. Louis, Mo Tkftodaux Saw Hill ty WHITE OAK, C ¥1*11 ESS, PINE, ASH. Lumber at tbe lowest market prices Orders promptly attended to and filled at tbe shortest pos sible notice. * Cisterns made to order at New Orleans prices W. H. RAGAN, President. Cheapest House in the South, fw. G. TEBAULlj WHOLESALE v^-AND—-i Retail Furniture, Nos. 37,3S, and 41 Royal St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Nov-22-84 Le Journal LGS PETITES ANNONCES ET LE GUIDE DE L'EXPOSITION, Intermediate da commerce franco-Amdricain Paraissant le LUNDI de chaque semaine. Abonnement $2.50 par an. 350, ViUerd, et 102 rue de Chartres. 29-uov-84-ly. Anti*-Asthmatic. F. GOUAUX'S INHALING Anti - Asthmatic Powder -and ANTI-ASTHMATIC MIXTURE will relieve in a few minutes any case of Asthma, Bronchitis , Shortness of the Breath , Suffocations , and al DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. x, — Tcs. 7. Tixi'tecd.ea.-u-ac. OF THE SOUTH, FOR THE SOUTH, FORTHE WHOLE COUIT&I. IS FOB ALL. Tin* farmer, the mechanic, the workman, tho mention t, the manufacturer—pereons iu every avoruuou in lile, members of every household, the wife ana the mother end tho children— all will nod riie ideal ue*v*ps,Mi- for 'he olHee. uhps sue llie home. | t „ a iieee«*i|r, al . low even poverty w ill Hnd ||V,|... „„ •miy It U luxury lo whirl, all „,, ier | llxllr f c< rh,itild ioitdily .iiboriiliiale ( otnolei,. i„ new-H, iiidepmidm.1 and for.-ild- i u direrl,on. e.eveied iu lorn-, rettiiod in liter.,lure, *" * nml work, euier(iriaing in all Recommends Itself to the Consid eration of the People. The UULT TtWra-DKVtOUUAT. elzht to twenty-four pages, Wo Issues in the yeoi i, PKK LNvI'AT T ' VE, ' VK W01.BAR8 lessperi^L " l " ,>U '' le "" Cea **» T1.0 WKKKLV TIUtWt.WBWot'BAT twelve to sixteen payee, pnblisheil Baimdsvs' la mailed te subarribeis at ONK DOLLaH AND FIFTY CENTS l*Ell ANNUM. J t ZT T BA1LY a " J WKEKI ' Y X«*>!y sab The. Times - Demacrat Almanac, OR YEAR BOOK, Will be sent free. The T.-IK. u.n,, deservedly attained a wide PoonUOtv n cents in n condensed shape a Isrire . Informatiou, mh-uI. aerii«n„| *en«ral. wl.i"h lain almost resnl.vr reone.t i„- ,i 10 Htu.iem politician, the business man. him) bv u| | inteu', Kent on izi'n a. TJii«.y ear's issue |, W1 usual (jUiU.rty or liiiely rngrnyj^a, s pnsieilln-ir.itin,,*, si.....uism^L^do, * PM*Jce-, ra rely desj-ned »,,, art,.,'-, ,r ^ graved bird's-eye view „f n,e V . grounds and lo, «,mn andlottou Ceuieonial Kxposiimu. Remittances can be made with but little in. •ouvemence or trouble from w peatal note, money ertfer or regieteled letten * Tor aU purposes address THE TIMES-1> K MC ICR AT, { 1 i 1 POt WOMEN HcBm's WINE OF CMI00I n^A« Isdlw fitn«l#n»,j chMhl, and IMetastfaf la I ■•etety. It sonfcrts stoMisg . wives, ereaa ■litcrs.sad hsao | ly itlrle lata lortai aothrrs, ■salable Ataghten, aad bea • McBrN's WIRE OF CARB01 corrects all dsnagcacab peculiar «a Ladies, rellevea Use palna ta wbieb they ara ■abject, quiets tbe nerves, purl flee the blaad, sad re stores bealtb. It imparts vi tality, mad tuauesa dear ease* plexiaus. MeElrae't WIRE OF CAROUI to mere ■tiaolatiag tbsn rise made ffaa grapes, mare | atreuptbeuiafl tbsaauy prep aration of iron, yet It does net I intoxicate, but to as hmrmle ss pure water ta tbe mist delicate Lady. { Send for ear sixty-Ibur papr pamphlet, telling all sbuul It. Addrsss Tho Chattanooga Msdielno Oa, Cbattaaaaga, Teau. fOl SALE BY DRrOOHtt. SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS —ADOPTED bt the— Parish School Board for the um oj the Pi th lie Schools. —For Sale by— • Jos. T. Thibodeaux. Orders for books promptly fills* at Publishers Prices . Piper, Pens, Ink, Slates, Pencils, Blank an. Tima Book, Envelopes, Ckalk, Crayons k., AT MODERATE PRICES. ET" Liber a I lilsconnia alloweO to Teachers. RinuuL J imsoi, 69 Carondelet, St. New Orleans Lch GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. # ~ aud - • DEALER IN Sugar Lime. Piaster, Jtosendule and Western Cement, Fire Bricks, Bair, Ac. —Sole Agent of— SHELBY ALABAMA SUGAR LIME, Oct-11-ly. NOCVEAUX ARRANGEMENTS. HOTEL BEN ETRANGERg^ Encoignore des rues Green et Thihodaux. Mr. Thomas Alberti previent sea amis les voyageurs qu'il vient de faire de non veanx arrangements qni Ini permettront da s atisfaire tout eeux qui voudrout l'honno— rer deleur coiihuncu Uepas ktoute beure de la iournle et sap cemmandc. Table d'hote A 10 henres du matin pun dejeuner et A 4 heuresdu soir pour direr, Chanibres commodes et bien garnies PRIX MODEIiEES. lme« E. ASRELIilEAV, Marke t St. com. St. Louis — TRIBORA OX Fancy Milllaery Goo da —AND— { NOTIONS, Etc., Etc. 1 TRIMMING, i HOSIERY. 1 LATEST STYLES OF STRAW HATS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES, -AND— __ ARTIIIC1AL FLOWERS. ticboal Beaks Ac Stationery depot. Dr«. J. A. Thurber Ac hoM, [DENTISTS, N 9 .130 Royal Street, New Orleans, Assistants: Dr. H. Pierson. Dr. T. J. Hopper. HMlMtE lllllte