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She iluboda SATURDAY, local Yews Minor «* M. Simone who have each a bbtterkmf^fo^ Mlich they are desirous of selling. Wonder*When the members of the Town Council will inaugurate steps to improve the sanitary con tfition otThibodanx T The Telephone has beep iu oper ation in Thiboilaux about 3 months. JoUuny Baptiste says it can al ready talk English, Datch, French and Italian. The committee hi charge of the Firemen Ball have purchased ten lamps, for the illumination of the hall, which furnish more light than the thirty lamps which were former ly used for that purpose. ' The weedson a good many streets of the town are beginning to bloom magnificently j and if the Corpora tion-hoe does hot intervene, before the seed shall have matured, it is probable that the authorities will be compensated by a very lnxu riant crop of these distasteful orna meats next year. We are thankful ^o cadets 8. B. Cross, N. D. Folse, J. E. Keefe and L. O'. Roger, for an invitation to the commencement exercises, of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, commencing Sunday, June 28, 1885. '-MMMi-'i—?—**---- The steamer Helene makes daily trips from Thibodaux *o Donaldson ville and back, all in daylight, and carries lots of passengers. * On the fiiat page wilt be fouod a list of school books as adopted by the State Board of Education iu Louisiana. In auotber column, M$. J. M. Ri card has a notice informing the pub lie that he baa been apjioiuted di rector of the Excelsior Brass Baud, and that henceforth all comuiuni cations for that Baud will receive his prompt attention. Mrs. Theodore Bourg is having her house, at the corner of Main and Patriot stress, thoroughly overhauled. Wheu the repairs shall hare been completed aud a coat of paint given for laguiappe, tbe looks of the house will have been improved so aa to compare favorably with a uew building. Mr. John M. Walsh, Assessor of this ParisL, publishes to-day, in -anot her column, a notice request ing the tax-payers to call, during the next twenty days, and examine his books, which are exposed iu his office, for the purpose of detect ing any errors which he may have made in assessing their property. Dame rumor has It that oar eu terprising merchant Mr. Lange R* viere, intends brebkiug down the old building, at the corner pf Main and Gieeu streets, now occupied as a grocery store by Mr. Oscar Le gendre. and erecting a uew build ing in its stead. If this be a feet, we would suggest that Mr. Riviere build a two story building, even if it should cost a trifle more, as it would improve the looks of Main street. ___ _ In cousideratioVof the great sac cess, both financially and socially, of tbe Excursion, giveu by the Pro tector Brass Band, to Lock port, two weeks ago, they Have decided to give another to-morrow, on the Mabel Xfttteaax. Tbe boat will leave Thibodaux at 2 P. M. Fare for the round trip, 75 cents. As * rule th« Hmri hM'rtiwmr been kuowu to tMtndi tot* «* uatiou of sink eattqmM* u tk«y have occasion to be*ooj»nectad with, and this surely f« 1 not prove au ex ception to the rule. [CereewfeeteUy '' WORTH TRYING. Mr. EditorTo aa observer, it appears that, of late years, the teachers, of tbe Guion Academy, have experfencecl much difficulty in raising sufficient money to con linue the sessiou of their school after the funds, alloted by the State aud Parish, have been ex hausted. Although it is of uo per souul interest to me, whether they have trouble or not, as a citizen I like to see anything tha^tends to the development of the intellect of the rising generation assisted and encouraged ; to this cud, I will suggest a plan of obtaining the requisite amount of money, which, iu my opinion, is reasonable and will meet with a general appro val. For years, the teachers have had a custom ot getting the tuouey ne cessary by giving concerts nud fairs. This year they gave two concerts. Tbe oudieuce ou each oc casion was so scant that, after all the expenses, incurred by prepa ring the coucerts, were defrayed, there did not remain enough niouey to pay the teachers for one month's teaching. Now, therefore, it is obvious to tbe judicious observer that coucerts, as a means of procu ring the funds needed, are too pre carious and discouraging, # and for those reasons the teachers will have to abandon them and have re course to menus of a more substan tial basis for succor, 1 think, iu view of attaining that end, that the following plan would prove more successful, and thereby iusure a sessiou that would be remunerative to the teachers, very beneficial to the pupils add not expensive or em barraasing to the pareuts; it is this .-.'The parents, of each child, attending the Guiou Academy, to subscribe, annually, the sum of two dollars. T have been told that, dur ing the sessiou, there is au at tendance of from 125 to 150 chil dren at the Guiou Academy. Now, say that there wonUl be only 125 (Hipils and two dollars given tor each one, by emnineratiori this weald make a fund of $250, which amount would be found amply sufficient to run the school two uiouihe,4hese added to the eight mouths obtained by the taxes would make a session often months, ually, being the leogtb desired IT The that the reason that tbe parents will ob jeet to comply with any such ar rangement. Should they form a conclusion of this nature, it is my belief that they err in so doing, for any parents that are desirous of having their children educated, will not, for the sake of two dollars a year, have it impaired by the diminution ot the school session. To coulirm my belief that the pa rents would not object to subscribe, I have been told by several pareuts that they would be very willing to pay, tor their children, a reasonable amount to help to extend the ses sion of the school; now, when some profter their assistance, in this manner, without being asked, it Is reasonable to infer that, were they all requested to donate the above specified som, they would not hesitate to respond in a man uer very gratifying to the teachers. I think that all that is necessary of the teachers is a littie energy, direc ted towards this project, and they wilt perceive that the futnre is brighter than present cireomstan ces indicate. Trusting; Mr. Editor, that these remarks will prove eflfectu^l, in attaining the end desired, I re main, Yours Respectfully, CCHU. be feathers t ax ay, probably, say this plan is impracticable for A. Riggs & Bro., Cistern Makers 247 Delord street; N. O. Sena for price tot. - i IN MEMORIAL. Some time ago we missed from onr midst, me of our most respec ted and beloved citizens, in the per son of Mr. Alphonse L. Ancoin. His death cast a gloom over the entire community and now bis de voted wife, strickeu with grief and sickness, has sneenmbed to the in fluence ot that great destroyer— death. She died; Wednesday, Jane 17th, 1885, regretted by all who knew her. As a ebristian, she did ber duty, both to God and man ; she was pa tient, loviug aud kind, to all who knew her Mrs. Aucoin leaver toor children and many other relatives, to mourn her loss. As it has pleased the Almighty in His great wisdom, to take away a kind and affectionate mother from ber dear and innocent chil dren, and an amiable friend from the poor, all we can do, to is pray for her, and revere her memory. Regrets for her sake are not in place, for she is now at rest with her Holy Father, guarded by His otunipotentarin,and rendered imma culute through His great mercy. Her deeds of goodness will shine foith as ornaments ou that great day. Let ns try to imitate ber pawnee and follow ber amiable example to meet her again, iu the great- be yond, where all is joy and peace, and where neither sickness uor sor row can trouble ns more. A Bereaved Friend. Call at Dansereau & Bourgeois' Drug Store for Creole Female Tonic, wouiau'.s best friend. The rider on the pale horse con tiuues to make his visits to this town. After a long illness, Mrs. Mary Magnolia Picou, wife of Octave J. Legendre, town constable, died, on Sunday, June 21, 1885, leaviug four children to mourn tbe loss of one whose love aud devotion cau never be replaced. The deceased was aged 31 years, 6 mouths aud 20 days. Ou Mnudjy, ber remains were followed to St. Joseph's ceme tery, and laid away to rest, snr rounded by weeping parents, bus band, children and friends. On Monday, Jane 22, 1885, Mr. Frank Hoffmau, 8r. - passed quietly away, at tbe age of 70 years. The deceased was born in Prussia, but some years ago, baviug lost tbe partner of his life, he came to Tbib odaux to pass tbe remainder ot bis days at the home of his sen, on Jackson street. The old gentleman made mauy friends by his kind, gentle aud dig nifled manners, and was followed by them, on Tuesday to St. John's cemetery, where bis remains were placed i'n their final home, to aWait the resurrection of the dead. E. G. Ross who has been appoiut ed Governor ot New Mexico to sne ceed Lionel Sheldon, was a Senator in Congress, when the Republicans attempted to impeach Andrew Johnson, President. Ross was one of the Republican Senators who refused to be made a tool of biR party, and voted against impeachment. Since that period he has been a printer in tbe fcrWe*. wodtfog to rejoice that hjs pluck mA n hac reeeived its reward. rejoice that hjs pluck mA n hac reeeived its reward. ctotawe wd anfcfce. th« sod ff ts tbe brain tor tbe best mm tal work. The beet physicians pee scribe it, and it is well worthy of a trial by all. An ExcuftSfON!—A fine oppor tunity will be given to all peisons who wish to visit the Attakapas couutry, on to-morrow week July 5. The people of Jcaunerette a thriving little town, near New Ibe ria, have seeu their homes destroy ed by tire, and are how striving to orgauize an efficient Fire Depart meut that may avert, in the future, the serious calamities that have fallen upou them in the past. For this purposfe they have or gauized excursions on July 4 to Jeanuerette from Thibodaux, allou ma ami all intermediate towns East of Jeanerette and from Opolousas aud all intermediate towns West. Tbe traius* will leave Thibodaux on Sunday July 5, at 8.15 o'clock A. M. and returning will leave Jeauuerette at G P. M. and arrive at Thibodaux about 9 P. M The Alice LeBlanc will bring pas seugers from Napoleouville to con nect with the train here. Fare for the round trip, from Napoleouvlle, $2.50 Labadieville, 2.25 Thibodaux, 1.501 Terrebonne, 1.25 j Tbe citizeus of Jeannerette will , receive the excursionists right toy | ally, and all who go will have a graud good time. The Seutiuel trusts that a large i number will leave the Thibodaux j depot* ------ An Important Discovery. „ j Tho most important Dist.-ov.ery is that which brings the most good to the greatest number. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, will preserve the health aud save life, aud is a priceless boon to the i afflicted. Not only does it positively! care Consumption but doughs. Colds, Bronchitis. Asthma, Hoarseness, and all affections of the Tin oat. Chest, and Lungs, yield at once to its wonderful curative powers. If you doubt this get a Trial Bottle Free, at Thiboduiis Drug store. Mr. Charles McD: Puckette, whu was oue of the visiting members of the Teachers' Institute, that visited Thibodaux iu the early part of June is now editor in chief of the able and sterling Democratic sheet— The Shreveport Times. From his salutatory, we clip the following, which has the ring of tbe true metal * National aud State issues are now pressing for solution ; and ii is the province and tho duty of tbe press to shape these issues as best it can to secure the greatest good to the people. Tbe advent into power of the Democratic party should l»e the begiuuiug of a new era iu this nation. The autocratic ideas of the Republican party, dwarfing the State and magnifying the central government, have itn pressed upou this people a species of local helplessness that the Demo eratic party cau do mnch to re move. We welcome Mr. Puckette into the editorial fateruity. Now, it he will print one quarter of a column iu the phonetic method of spelling we promise to give it to tbe readers of tbe Sentinel. Hundreds of lives have been saved by the timely use of Creole Female Tonic, which is the greatest remedy known for all womb troubles and female di Donaldsouville is becoming pa triotic, and foiling back into old habits. Dreaming over tbe musty records of the past it remembers tbe fourth of July as it once was iu the £0 away period. On J ely fourth the Donaldsonvil lians are preparing to have a grand old fashioned celebration. The Military will parade, the Knights will play at the Tournament. The old folks will rejoice by day and the yonng ones will dance by night. Company A., C. K. Guards of Thibodaux have been invited to participate in the festivities, and if they go, they will doubtless be ce ceived with royal honors and princely hospitality. We will furnish the Thibodaux Sentinel aud Chicago Weeijg News, for one year, to any sobscrib er for $ 3 . Tb tekf* tnt't nut of steel, rnb tbe steel with aw. et oil ; iu a day or twu with finely powdered unslaked lime until the rust all disappears, then oil again,.roll ia woolen and put it in a dry place, especially if it be table cutlery. -THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weakness, Impare Blood, Malaria, Chills Bad Fevers, aod Nearaleta. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseatesof the Kidneys and Uvnr. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoes not injure the tset h, cause headache .or ■WmJucc constipation —other Iron mtdicine$ do. rhenriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength en* the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, Ac., it has no equal. 49* The genuine has above trade mark and crossed redlines on wrapper. Take no other. Ba«.M>irbr mows ouncu co, Miraou, an. For Male One twelve foot tubular boiler. One fi inch draining pump, good as new. Apply to, WM. MINOR, Jns.3T S5.5t Houma, Terrebonne, La. For Snle, One Ivens' Draining Pump. 10 inches dia meter of pipes, with engine of ','0 horse-pow er, good as new. having been used only one month. Will be sold cheap it applied for soon. Address or call on, M. DKLAUNE. Jne 27-85-2t. Lockport, La NOTICE. The undersigned, having been elected di rector of tbe Excelsior Brass Band of Tliibo ltiux. takes this method of notifying the pub lie that all communications for Balls, Picnics, Parades. ct«.. addressed to him' will receive prompt attention. J. M. RICARD. ! Assessor's Notice to Tax Papers. — ; Offic* OF Asskssoh, - J I Thibodaux La., June 24, 1885. 1 f All persons liable'to taxaiioti upon any de ■ seription ijf property, ■ whether real estate or i movables, are hereby notified that in confor mity to Section 22 of Act No- 9b of 1882, the i listing of the property, and tbe estimated } valuation made thereof by the Ass«s*or iu aa i cordanee with law. and that the said lists I will be exposed iu the office of the said Asses sor for inspection and correction for a term j of twenty days beginning next after tbe ten days required for notice as herein provided 1 shall have expired. All tax-pavers are earn i uestly invited to avail themselves of the op portnnity afforded to make known their ob jections to any assessment and tto test their correctness ia tbe manner provided br law'. JOHN M- WALSH. Assessor, Parish ot Lafourche. | THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. i 20tb Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafonrche. Jules A. Gauche , vs: No. 2167, Tay lor Adam. I Take notice that acting by virtue of a writ | of Fi Fa emanating from tbe above entitled I Court in the above entitled, and numbered j case I have seized and will offer for saie at j public auction pursuuut to law to the last i and highest bidder ou the premises situated I in the parish, l-igbt bank of Uayon Lafourche ; at alteut thirty live miles below the tows, of ; Thibodaux, on Saturday, the 11th day of j July, 1885, between the hoars of 11 O'clock A. Si. and 4 o'clock P. M. the following des cribed property to-wit: The entire content* of a store consisting of goods, groceries, wares and merchandise, also one mule and one cart. . - Terms ami conditions of sale: cash on the spot, in United States treasury notes, to pap principal, interests and costs in the above suit. Jana 27th, 1885. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, A CARD. I wish to inform ay friends anct the in general, that after a lapse ot nine I find myself by a combination of liroU ces, once more numbered among tho-, chants of Thibodaux. This happens, 1 1 say. at a time of very general depressiou throughout the whole country, in which our immediate locality has not escaoed to share alike with others- I most say there is Bath ing apparent to encourage one to embark in' merchandising, bat, be this as it may, I wtK> have to take my chances with the times. I will say I have opened at the corner of Mar ket and St. Philip Sts. (Major 8. T. Grisa more's old stand ) a store for the Sale of all household goods, crockery, glassware, bard-; ware, woodwarc, charcoal, coal oil, insn oil for oooMag. I have ranee ail, oil for oooMag. I have ranee ail, also on hand a well selected stock of oooking stoves, siich as the Charter Oak, Cotton Plant Crescent and Belle of Orleans, and any am * * * * ' * liouseketpii „ of which I f pose to sell at low prices for Cask ; and is ' -tienlarlv too numerous to enumerate,all of vite all housekeepers, tbe laities particularly, ' -tienlarlv vite all housekeepers, tbe laities particularly, to call aud examine, and see for themselves ; no pains spared to please. I will say that my slater Mrs. 8. T. Grisa asore, is interested with me in the business. And tr u st in g we merit, aad will reserve a i the nnUie, I am it. r. McBride, _ Corner Market and 8t. Philip Sts. The undersigned will be found at the above establishment where he will be pleased to welcome his friends and former patrons. _ S. T. GRISAMOBE, Thibodaux, La., June 6th, 1885. •hereof the patronage ot tho ith much respect