Newspaper Page Text
*ü}c Êljiboïiaur Scnlinct SATU K DAY, NOV. 14,1885. Frightening Children. The greatest difficulty in the wny of properly rent ing children is tliat their elders forget that they were ever chil dren themselves. Parents, with all their love and tenderness, are often so unmindful of the extreme sensibility of their offspring, that they think to amuse by frightening them. This is like tickling them w ith a ueedle : it is all pain and no pleasure. Because it *right is intended to be a joke, it is no reason that it is so understood, especial ly by the little folks, who are altogetb er litera'ists. Nothing can be worse for a child than to frighten it. The effect of the scare it is slow to recover from : it remains sometimes imtil matu rity, as is shown by many instances of morbid sensitiveuejji and excessive ner vousness. Not (infrequently, fear is employed as a means of discipline. Children arc controlled by being made to believe that sometliiug terrible will happen to them ; are punished by being shut up in datk looms, or by being put in places they stand iu dread of. No one, without vivid memory of his own childhood, can comprehend how entire ly cruel such tliiugs are. We have of ten heard grown persons tell of the sut ferings the}' have endured, as children, under like circumstances, and rccouut the irreparable injury which they are sure they then received. No parent, no nurse, capable of alarming the young, is fitted for her position, Children, as near as possible, should be trained n< t to know the sense of fear, which, above eve ythiug else, is to lie feared, iu theii education both early aud late. NEVER. Never betray a confidence. Never wantonly frighten others. Never leave home with unkind words, Never faugh at the misfortunes of oth ers. Never send a present hoping for on in return. , Never fail to give a polite answer to a civil question. Never preseut a gift saying .it is no use to yourself. *4 Never qnestiou a servant of a clii'd about family matters. Never fail, if a gentleman, of beiug civil aud pojile to ladiep. Never look Over the 'shoulder of an other who is reading dr writiug. Never associate witli bad company. Have good company or none. Never refer to a gift yon have made or a favor you have rendered. Never notice a scar, defor mity or defect of any one present. Tijv World's Old SaxstULE Man«— A thoroughly conservative man is Judge Good) fclu an old resident of St. Paul. He always likes to talk about missiounry work, aud lie always ex presses bis opinion that if God wanted the heathen converted lie would con vérttbem Himself Very quickly. The öfter day au acquaintance of the Judge remarked : "Jttdgey if you w r ere made Sh^reäie Ruler of the universe, what would you do Î" *'I'd resign immediate ly, 1 would by gad, sir. I'm nut hau kering after any more responsibility than lam compelled (o bear."— N. Y Commercial Advertiser. • .■ •• ■ ---- ------- - Cane cutting has become general in oar Parish, and in a few days all of our sugar-houses wili be in full blast, and judging from the quality of the sugar cane, the yield will certainly be very satisfactory. We hope that our sugar planters, who have bpen so often disappointed and so often suflered great losses in previous years, will be fully compensated this year, and that no accidsntor misfortune will occnr to destroy or mar tlieir present blight prospects.—St. Martin Reveille. -A'good story is told in Z ion's Herald of a wedding in a Methodist Church whereat a prominent divine who was to officiate, finding himself aud congrega tion iu the church considerably in ad vtlncO of the bridal party, finally asked that,some one should strike up a hymn t6 impiove the time, A good brother started off, just as the bridal party, eu teraHhe chnrch, with the hymn begin nitqf$ '•Come on, my partners *n dis tress." . Feeding the Sick. b Sad mistakes are made by hundreds of well meaning folks iu their method of administering nourishment to inva lids. It is the custom to keep the delicacies intended to tempt their appetites constantly within their reach. The result is. that instead i f feeling any desire for the jellies, broths, etc , thus obtruded upon theit notice, the sight of them creates loti 111 iu g and disgust. Sick people should never be haunted with food in litis way Even persons in health would lose their reli-h for choice dishes, if condemned to live in a I aider, surrounded night and day with all the dainties of the season. If you lmve anything rare and delicious for your patient, sur prise him with it. A pleasant surprise is a good tonic, and you may excite l>is palate by springing a refreshing ra rity upon him unexpectedly. Never hand a sick man a pile of eatables, tel ling him that you expect him to de vom- tin* who'e of it. Feed him ou the iiitinitesimal plan, with fau* morsels : and as soon as he has takmt what be requires, r.move the remainder. In visiting sick rooms, how often one finds bowls of arrowroot and sage, dabs of jelly, cups of beef tea, fragments ol dry toast, slices of oranges and the like, mixed in among black draughts, boxes of pills, plaster, leeches, and oih er abominai ions of the ''healing art." No wonder the pale and languid in va lids have no appetite.—Ex, It will not disappoint \ ou. It i> the article known for purifying the blood and building up the health and strength. For 25 yeais erysij elas broke out in blotches on my face. I found no cure until I usei Fmket's Tonic two years ago. It is the medicine for me.—E. C. II. Stubble cane is yielding abundant!} in this palish, averaging!wo hog-head' per acre. This exceeds the yield of for mer yeais, and will afford some idea cf the excellence of the crop in our parish Last year protracted droughts rendered stubblccaue greatly unfit, for grinding, but it promises to make up for its los es litis year. It is to be hoped that when the uiaiket receives a suppl} «.f sugar it will still afford living price.-.__ Louisiana Farmer. We nominate the Hon. General Win Mahotte, late of Virginia, as a incnihei of the Clank Cixil Service Commission He doesn't take much stock in the hereafter, and would make u good Civ il Service Reformer.—Lafayette Ad vertiser. Chronic Dysentery. Mr. James Brannan, Second avenue Pittsburgh, Pa., writes : " For two yean I have been constantly troubled with a chronic diarrhoea, or dysentery, having had, on an average, from twenty to twenty-five passages every twenty-four hours, and every one bloody. I had thoroughly tried all the prominent phy sicians in Pittsburgh, was twice in the West Penn Hospital, tire firsJLtime thir teen weeks, and though I left it much better, yet in five days I was as bad as ever. I then tried two other great doc tors in this city, and one of them finally assured me I was not long for this world, and advised me to write ta my friends about it. I next went to Dr. Hartman, without the least confidence that he could do anything for me. He examined me, smiled, and said, he could stop the bloody discharges in less than two weeks, which he did with Peruha, and I have now been entirely well for several weeks, ami never felt better in my life, though I am still taking his Peruna. I will take it whenever I need medicine. Mr. Patrick Burns, Pittsburgh, writes : " I have suffered intensely from piles and chronic diarrhoea. I was treated by five of the best physicians and surgeons in the city of Pittsburgh, and with all grew constantly worse. Finally three of them laid my oniy hope was an operation. This frightened me, and I went immedi ately to Dr. Hartman, who has entirely cured me with Peruna. I have been at work now for three months, and never in my life felt better. Call and see me at corner of Twenty-seventh and Mulberry streets, Twelfth ward, Pittsburgh." Mr. Patrick Cunningham, S. S., near Sidney 6treet, Pittsburgh, Pa., writes : " For five years I have suffered inexpress ibly from internal and external piles. I have tried the best physicians of Pitts burgh and Allegheny without relief. I went to Dr. Hartman, who cured me without detention from work with Pe runa." Charles Frank, of Emrichville, Jeffer son county. Ohio, writes : I had piles and fistula in ano for four years. I had suffered constantly with a discharge of matter from the parts, and sometimes from the contents of the bowels through it. I could net have borne it much longer. I had heard so much of the ill j effects of a knife operation that I resolved to go to Dr. Hartman. He ridiculed the j silly idea of cutting it, and at once per- ! formed his own original operation with- I out the knife, and without pain. I am ! thoroughl y cured v thongh of course I took * b More Stores "Needed. The great want of this country i* more stores for the employment of the thousands of talented young men who like the man in the Scrip tures, cannot beg aud are ashamed to dig. These young men command our sympathy. They sit «around the street corners of the thousands of towns and villages and wear out i.the seat of their breeches in abject misery, because there are not euough stores tor them to clerk in.. The country does not need farmers, and machinists, and blacksmiths,and wheelwrights.and shoe makers and ditchers, aud miners, and all sorts of mechanics. It needs stores in which young men can get employ ment and part their hair in the middle, and useLubin s extract oil their hand kerchiefs and dress uicely, aud brush tlieir liai r as often as they please, and stay iu the shade all day long and uot have any band-hardening, baek-break ing work to do. This is what our country needs—stores for the young men. — Abbeville Meridional. C-EOÎ ' fV If .1 If* To *M i».%S VYlVtMHfMi lUO. ; M*'.j O' f' > ! •! » ' l oil I Proceedings of Town Council* TOWN IIALL, / Thibodaux, Friday, Nov..9th, 1385. } The Co'iuvil, for tlie Town ot Thilm (taux. met. in regular sessiou, this day at 5 o'clock,* P. M. Preseut : Major Aucoin und Trustees, Bergeron, llruud. Curtis, Moore and Zernott, Absent : N..quiu, Trustée, t he minutes ot the last session were read aud approved. The loliowing claims approved by the Fi nance Committee were presented and on mo tion duly seconded the requisite appro priation was made to pay the same, i*. A. DeManadé char Mar. House 1 00 J. Ausiet 1 mo. " *■ " 10 do A. Malbrough l mo. Corp. Lab. 50 00 Alfred Uoliieu char, to Banquettes 2 50 P* A. DeManadé " " " 13 00 lohn Johnson " " " 5 50 ** " " " Streets & Dts 9 0) Alfred Golden " " " IT 00 John Johnson " " " «> 00 P. A. DeManadé" " Town Hall 15 00 ■Alfred Golden " " " J 5J Tom 111 lice *' " *' - - * T. Acbé " " " 69 00 .11. Aupied " " 6 00 J. Au-let j mo. cons. sal. of officers 22 91 Théophile I bibodaux, sheriff, P Sc C Ex 21 50 W. it. Kagau, char. Market House 10 95 E. LeBlanc, assessor, Sal. of Officers 50 00 Yeas: Bergeron, Braud, Moore, Zeruott, and Curtis. Nays : None. The following reports wore read and refer red tu the Fiuance Committee. Treasurer's Keport. for Oct., 1885. To Balance on hand 1ÎT 64 Market House lor Sept.'85 76 9.» •* Wharfage 8 00 " Taxes 1885 147» 01 Licenses 1885 70 00 CR. By Market House 20 63 " Town Hall 10 1 75 •* Corporation Laborer Banquettes " Collectors com. •• Streets aud Ditches "JIucideutal Expenses •* I IiiliiriHnr'fl riiininitiaii Collector's Commissions " Balance carried down 50 Uo 21 8-i 1 21 19 50 16 Ot 8 90 230 18 Equilibrium 471 91 471 91 To balauce on hand 230 18 j j ! I ! * Respectfully Submitted, E. Si O. E. JOS. T. TH1BODEAL X, Treasurer. Tliiboduux, La. Nov. lltb, 1885. Collector's Report ior October, 188o, to wit ; Taxes 1SS5, collected: Geu. School. Evariste Maronge 15 00 5 00 " •» 3 75 1 25 Jules Nicholas *56 18 4 . et 1 12 37 Mrs. G. Hepler 1 12 37 E. W. lllako 3 75 1 25 «i ». 4 50 1 50 *« »4 75 25 L. Si bi lie 2 62 87 N. Duuu 37 12 Jacob Bettus 93 31 A. Dave 243 81 4 . .» 1 12 37 C. C. Williams 2 25 75 A. Weissenthauuer 3 75 1 25 " ' 56 18 Chas. Lusignan 2 25 75 A. Boudreaux 18 06 Mrs. Theodule Bonrg 2 62 87 Kobt. Washington 93 31 L. F. ScDeider 1 50 50 Tbibodaux Bridge Co. L. V. Riviere 45 00 33 75 15 00 11 25 Henry Frauklin 131 43 44 »4 4 5« 1 50 (4 44 # 4 87 1 62 44 4« 3 76 1 25 145 31 43 43 Licenses 1885, King. Burke aud Co. Circus 15 00 V- Lmanuel, oyster taloou, J. U. ialbot, Coffee Uouso 5 00 50 00 Wharfage. 1885. 70 (X) Str. Jewel 1 00 •• " 1 00 " Helene 2 00 " Latourcbe 1 00 .4 4» 1 00 *• Alice LeUlauc 2 00 Taxes 1885 Licenses 1885 Wharfage 1885 Récapitulation : 800 193 75 70 00 3 00 Total g; I 7;i Respectfully Submitted to the Hon. the Ma yor aud Trustees of the Town of Thibodaux, Nov. 3rd, 1885. J. AUSLET Collector. Hie Market Master's Report showing the total receipts, l'#r October, to be $77.05, was read and referred to the Finance Com luittee. • The Council then adjourned. [Signed] J. L. AUCOIN, P. E. LeBi.asc, Clerk. Mayer. .OUISIANA mil MSI, Ml AMI lilfoif » 301,34)3, 305, 307 Gravier Sit. NEW ORLEANS ROBERTS à 00. Proprietors, . Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring aud Ceiliug, Newels ballisters, etc., always on hand or in ado order. Orders promptly ail tended to. OKBlVtYCK YO 181. Be it enactod by the Police Jury in regular session convened : 1st. That the President of Hio Police Jurv he, ami lie is hereby authorized and directed to sell tlie least* of the Ferries in the Parish of Lafourche, giving 30 days public notice of the .same, on the first Saturday in the mo"t!i of December. 188.5, to the highest responsible bidder. 2nd. That the leas» of the Kerries shall ex teud from the first »lay of January. I3S6, to the 3ist day of December. 1887. inclusive. 3rd. The location of the terries shall he as follows : 1st. One at or near Angellos' store about 7 miles above I'liiho l.nt v. 2nd. One at or near St. John's Chapel about 4 miles above L'hihndaux : 3rd. One at or near St. Charles Chapel about six miles below Thilmduux. It'i- One at or near R seel.uid. 5rli. One at Lock port. 6th. One at or near the Chapel ol Notre Daim- de St. Rosaire at Harung's Can il. 1th The prire of adjudication shall liens follows : One eighth of the price shall he payable in easli. on the day of sale. One eighth shall de parable on the first dar of the months of April, .lulr and October. 13.80, and on the first days of January. April, ./ill y and October. 18*'7 to be represented bv mites mnde payable on those respect ire dates, sign ed bv the purchaser, and go >d security to be approved by the President of the Police Jury. 5tli. Each purchaser shall give bonds in the snms of $250.00 binding the keener to keep the Ferry, at ail times, >n good order, and faithfully perf.n-m a'l the duties incum bent ou him as a publie Ferry k •eper. recov erable before any Court of competent juris diet inn. 6th Each Ferry-keeper, will 1>> required at all seasons of the rear to maintain a good road or ramp, to euable persons and car riages to get on and off' the terry with ea.-e and safety, under a penaltv of $*50) for each infraction recoverable before any Court of competent jurisdiction 7th. No purchaser will have the right to remove his terry without pertuisdoii of the Police Jury, tinder a penaty of twentv-livn dollars, recoverable before any Court of com petent jurisdiction. 8th. All ferry-keepers shall eras* all chil dren going to and returning from sell >ol, eith er publie oi private, free of charge. 9th. The following fees shall he charged i'ii nil ferries : Each foot passenger, with privilege of return free same day. 5 cents. Each horse and rider, for euch crossnig,5 ......buggy with d:iver, for earh crossing. 10 " buggy aud 2 horses, each cross- ' ing. 25 " " carriage with 2 horses, for each crossing, 31 " " 3 mule cart, for each crossing. 30 " " 4 horse wagon, for each crossing 10 " " and every loose animal, for each crossing, 21 " From 7 o'clock P. M. until 5 o'clock A. M. between Met. 1 and March 31. From 8 o'clock P- M. until to'.-lo-k A. M. between April 1 ami September 30, the ferry man may demand double the alsive lees. ifltli. Each ferry-keeper shall keep a list of these tolls postod on a conspicuous part of his '.»oat. or on a bulletin board placed con spicuously near the ferry-landing. 1 Ith. The purchaser ol the Ferry at Lock sort shall be required to locate the Ferry at the head of Barstaria street. Adupted at session of Police Jury of the Parish of Lafourche held on the 8th day of October A. D. 1885. II N.COULON, President. p. E. Leblanc, cierk. A report was received from the special committee appointed vestsrday to examine the Records of the office of Clerk of Court etc ; it is as follows : Tltibodnnx. October 8th. 1885. To the Police Jury of the Parish of La fourche : Gentlemen :—Your special committee ap pointed at your session of yesterday to ex amine the records in both blanches of the clerk's office beg to report that they are un able to complete this work in so short a time; hence, yonr committee respectfully ask tor fuitherjtime,—say until yuur next regular meeting. Your commitfeo have, however, carefully examined the nine first record Books of the Parish ami find them to be in a very bud eon dit ion and requiring immediate utteution. They, therefore, tecnimuiud the reeopying ot the 1st record book. Said book contains 363 pages and your committee estimate cost of reeopying, including tlio double indexing of same to be about $100, aud from informa tion taken the binding of the 8 other hooks would cost say two dollars apiece—$16.00— or a total expenditure for 8 Imobs of $116 which should he attended to iinmc.liatelv and your comniitt ->e so recommend. During your recess your committee will make furth er examination and report in full at your service. Respect lui lv Submitted. ' E. E. Lt-.BLANC. H. N. COULON, J. W. KNOULOCH. $*PRIGf$ SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Yanflla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc flavor as delicately and naturally as the trait. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. TjOVU, ANKKUIM omurr lEMfl* H. MANUEL, -WHOLESALE DEALER tX- Dry Goods, Notions, dec. 20 & 22 Chartres Street, NEW ORLEANS. April-20-'84-ly. , Ramos Saw and Plaining Mills. ° t MART I ft 8c ORËIBHOLZ, S'loprictors, Manufacturer* and <L.akrs in rough and J hissed C Y PR ESS L V M B E 7.\ C E / L Z W (l S , S' Tit 1 / 11 T A A D BEVELED WcaWoarfis, Casiap. Moalflinis. Etc. At Lowesï Marko t Rates. m m ms mi Always «ta ha mi. All Communications addressed lo Eox 72 Mon City will receive prompt atloation. Aug. 22-82-1 y. CORN PLANTER. Attention is culled ?o uiy new coml ined COHN AND i'EA PLANTEE, • !«a f t tinvo luul luaniiT.ivtuiTd cs**.«î^?Ï5 tor* I >'.m r à i i 1.9 j.l.mti* • in snpiM ior tD ttnv om* i.ow in js»». ( all anil sec a sample at LlfVcti i. I iiiI kmI. tu \ Kur further parfiriilars imj'rro of It II. Mtiiriilo, akcui, 1 hihouaux, ur JOHN 1\ VfOOD, UtUina, La., a^eul io*' Loina aUA. Cm U 24 FRITZ JAHNCKE, [Pat. -for Lui SöüEnpr Artificial Stsiî îitmI, - Deai.ku Ls - North River and German Flags Curb Stone and Portland Cement. Nos. 208 and 210 Delord !St., Bat. Baronne uud Carondelet Street. ileo-20-ly. Hew Orleans. SUGAR MAKERS -AND BREWERS BONNABEL'S Bi-Sulphite of Lime. Kstablinliert in 1851. /CONSTANTLY USED BY ALL Sl'GXR v5 Makers in LouiHi»nii mid hv BREWERS all OTer the eouiiu v. Send for circulars. My article ca» al way* be obtained from Messrs 0. Ehlerumnn Si Co., 22nd St., and Sr-ott Ave.. Sr. Luuia, and C'oolidge Sc Mar cus, 211 Water street. New York H. BONN AHKL, 3 'i Bienville 8t. Box 3197. NewOrlevns. * Sept. 19-85. DR. A. T. P0ICHET, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,. Former House Surgeon of the Jeffer son Medical College Hospital, , and resident Physician of the Philadelphia Dispensary Respectfully offer» his services la the inhab t , tants of Thiboduux and vicinity. , Office itnd rraidence ST. PHILIP STREET, , [Judge BlakFs ITouse.] Hours : from 8 to 10 A. M. & from 6 to 8 P. *. Messages may he left lor him at Mr. Jo#. T* . Thibodeaux s Drug Store. 24-Mv 85-üiii PATENTS Obtained, abd all o*her business in the U. S Patent Office attended to for Mol) EH ATM | J 4 ' K KS Our office is opposite the U. S. P.itent Of- 1 lice, apd we can obtain Patents iu less time i than those remote from IP.t XftTXG TOY. Send MODEL OS DMA WING. We ad. J vise as to pufeiitabilitv lree of chur ,r e ; and we make NO CHAltGE UNj.A'SS JYA' OB * TAIN PATENT. We refer here, to tlie Postmaster, the Sapt ot Money Order Liv. and to officials of the U 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms . aud references to actual clients iu vuurowB State or ceuntv. addles». , C. A. SNOW & 0., i Opposite Puteut Office, WasliingtonD V.