Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, NOV. 21, ISS5. LOCAL NEWS Read'he advertisement lor the mile nf the lease of the Thiboduux Bridge for the vear 1S8G. Rev. Dr. C. M. Atkinson is at Sbieveport attending some iinpor taut ses-ion of the Presbyterian Church. Them is a steady rise in (In- La foilrclie,coining fiom the River, that will sunn enable steamboats of all .sizes to enterthat si team. The Steamer Alice Li-Bianc now makes semi weekly nips to Thilio diiux. The A. L. is a home-made boat, inaiiagi d by native eiiizeus ai d merits stippm t. Aiii^jig the uiiineiuus vi-itors to Thilmdaux, l hi week, was Madame Antoine, tin* Fameuse Restauiaut 1teeper nit St. Louis street in New Or eaus. Creole Female Tunic, the great regula toi ;llnl ilivigilliltor, is snlil by Until & Fleet u end. Any "in* wishing to purchase a small comfortable lesideuce, can find one on .Jac kson street, in a pleasant locality, by applying to Ogden Smith, on the Rieiiz; planta tinn, opposite Thiliodaux. Hon. J. L. Aucoiu has laid on our table a bunch of six oranges weighing 3 pounds, that are hard -to heat for size, and flavor. Fruit glowing will soon be one of the re vived arts of lower Louisian «. F«m tiik Si'MMKi!.—Far inure iiivignra ting Ilian a I'ip ullr -■ aside is the time ) iim' ol Cm It* l « in.i lr Ton ir. The grand entertainment to be gben by the Ladies Drauiutic Club of Lafourche will take place on l)e cember 15 and 1C pioximo. , It will be a .pleasant time. Everybody should attend. Call at R. R. McBride's, -at Thib Otiaux Post Office and examine the new Evans Corn Planter and Pea Drill with open wheel manufactured for John F Wood of Terrebonne. It is considered to be the most practicable and best planter ever made. Call at PunsenMit bourgeois' Drug Stine for (Tcnlc Female Tunic, womans bent friend. The fine, little steamboat James H. Letcher, Capt. Maui in, couimeu ced to make regular trips between Tliilmdaux and Dnualdsonville, on Tuesday morning, Nov. 1G lust.' It moved off nicely and will doubt -less open a good, paying ttade, and be of gieat convenience to the peo pie residing on the Lafourche. Creole Female. Tonic removes suppres sion, cures ptelapses uteri or fall id the womb, and invigorates the female organs No better opportunity to purchase • small farm can be fonud thau 4hat ottered by Walter Pugh, who is selling oft the Uucle Peter plan tatioil. It is one of the truest bodies of (Hinl in Louisiana ; in a good, heal thy locality ; easily drained, and of -fers every inducement for a turn'd/ moderate uu ans to make himself comfortable. Payments are easy aud can bo readily met. See his advertisement in another column. I Hundreds of lives have been saved l»v the timely use of Creole Female Tonic, whu;h is the greateest remedy know n for all Womb troubles and female diseases. Sugar making has beeu progress i&g rapidly during thepresent week. The weather has been excellent. Planters are generally satisfied. They are obtaining from 1000 to 3000 pounds per nrpent: Whilst big yields are read about do the papers, and heard of in the Atmosphere, Lafourche planters think their yield, put iuto hogs heads, is about as profitable as the hig yields elsewhere, pat in the newspapers. Good Times Ahead. The ladies ol the Diamatic Club of Lalourche are |>rtqia • iug an entertaiumeut, that will be given in Firemen's Hall about the middle ofDeceiubei next. We are not sufficiently behind il, " ue cut lams to give a description of the uiauy amusing and pietty scenes to be exhibited, but enough lias leaked out to justify the asset tiou it will be niw, original, [and attractive butli to the eye and the appetite. The ladies, who have the matter in chmge, aie able, willing, and de termineil to render the occasion one (hat will long be remembered by the pe.formers and by the partici pants. Consider Toiigaliue a very valna Ide remedy tor neuralgia, and rheu mutism. Have used it with good ♦•fleet, and can recommend ii. Juo. T. Hamilton, M. D., Crab Orchard, Mo The Police Jurv at its last regu lar session fixed the location of the Ferry at Lock port at the head ol Barataria street. This was done at the request ol the members of the Jury in wards 4 and 9 in whose wards the Ferry is situated. This action gave dissatisfaction to parties who desired the Feriy to be retained at Lafourche stieet. where it has been located tor sever al years. A petition, numerously signed, was subsequently presented to the President ot the Police Jury de uiatiding an extra session of the duty to take into consideration their protest against the removal of the location from Latourche to Bnrataiia stieet. On last Saturday a special meet ing was held. The petirion was met by another petition also nuttier ousiy signed demanding that the action of the Police Jury at the reg ular session be sustained. The members now found them selves in a position that was not at all pleasant or agreeable, with his Satanic Majesty on one side aud a very deep sea on the other. The dispute admitted of uo com promise. There was no halfway house in which to meet and shake bauds. If the jury stood by its fir-t action, one party would remain dissatisfied. Ifit sustained its previous actiou, and replaced the terry at Lafourche street, the other party would be dissatisfied. After considerable discussion and consultation and up on motion by the member trom Ward 4 seconded by the member from Ward 9, the location of the ferry was placed in Irout of another part of the toivu altogether. One faction wauled an apple, the other wanted a peach, the jury gave them an orange, without know iug whether the orange, will prove sweet or sour. C. V Majors. Esq., of Kolia. Mo., writes, '! I, ike pleasure m adding my testimony to i hat of ti ii iid• eds of ui to the effi eaev of l J i ickly Asti Hitters. I have not only Miltl it here and in Arkansas, hut have used it myself anil as a regulator of' i lie sto ii, n-li aud howrls, I do not think t there is anything heller. Its action on I I he liowels is free, without causing any* griping or putti whatever. | A Celebrated Piano. For nearly fifty years, the Pianos uaude bv Win. Kuabc & Co., of Bal tituore, aud 112 Fifth Avenue, New York, have been before the public. Their fame tor siuging quality of tone, ease of action, durability, aud workmanship was long ago estab lished. The most thorough aud cou scieutioue attentions it* paid by the firm to every detail. Iu the cou struction of their Pianos the best Rosewood, English Oak, Mahogany and Ebony are used; The evenness of the scale is marvelous and the upper toues especially, are as clear and sparkling as a bell. Knabe & Co.'s Piauos are used at Dr. Dam rosch's concerts. The firm estab lisbed an ageucj in Mexico not long ago, and orders are already pouring iu.— New York Sun. - Professor G. G. Linn, is now stun , . 1 1 ...... *.............. ping in Thilfodanx, fur the pm post of tuning htid fepiiiriiig piano>, or gaus &c. Mr, has been working lor some time in the parish <»i 1 "" j bonne and comes liigliU ircoinmeud I ed by numerous citizens of t iiai j•.■ i ish, and will doubtless gim satis faction to those who will engage ln> services. Pitifessor Linn ciiii In* Iminil im the present ut the ISiraii^* t'- Uu u*l, and in,ikes a speci illy of tep.m ingot Inlying old itistt uincnts. .mil attain it i ccs wmk to gi, ( - s.insluc tiou mi no payment. With Mahotte's fall political ttai tois can read their doom. It wa so with Aitioit Burt, it was tlm.s with the biiiliant Tom Marsh il, it was thus with Join* Tyler, .net lot) others, and it will be evet so with men who betray the voters that placed them into power. When men ni.-li to change then | political ' iews let them do so. But ! let them go at once to llieit pioj posed destination, barn llteir ship- ! ......... .«" k - "*«•'• I'*"" lions uoltlly (III lllell IteW pta lortll. .. .. . ,i , , lilt 11 they Will, al least, retain the respect, if not the con tin. nee ot their late political associates. But whenever they t ide into pow er by the support of any p.uty,aad tlieu betray that paity ami aiienipi locarry with them in their uesei tion a billowing of then loraier sup poller.-, their tail into tiisgiace and oblivion is just assure and <>s cel' tain tis that the noonday's sun will sink behind the Western hills. Tin people ot these United States never did siisiuiua political Hanoi, it is not likely that they ever will. Those pheiioineiias flash up oc casionally like a ineteoi, but tlu-y drop like a lotten apple* Rice Sacks. Otter to sack Him crop. Sec veitiseincnt in autiihci' chIhiuii. ml Ax Iti-limmi, fresli fiom the «iu|, anil anxious to secure a humming-bird, caught a large bee instead ; it stuug him, when Pat ciied out, *Houly ino sos! how hot its little fut i»." A. Rigg-& Bm., t 'l-ti-i u M tkets 247 Ddoitl street ; N. O. Semi tor pi ice list. t I | BESTTOMC. I Thi* medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and comptetelv ( urea Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weakness, I inpure Blood, Malaria, Cbiils and Fevrrs, and Nenralala. Iti* an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidaeyn and I.tver. » It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache,or produce constipation —other Iron medicine* do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, aud strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, lassitude, lack of Energy, Ac., it has no equal. 99* The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. ■aSa Ml/ ky BROWS i HSairal CO, BALTIIORK, Mil. : ; notice' OFFICE POI.K'E JURY. ) Parisli ol Lafourche, Saturday, Nov., 21, '85. S Whereas at a session of the Police .lury, held on the I Ith Ordinance No. 181 re lative to Ferries w is amended in the llth see tion thoreof estah isliuig the location of the Lockport Ferry, tim sale of the said Ferry will not take nlni e as already advertised on Saturday, the Dici-ml.or, 1880. hot is postponed to Saturday, the 18tli, December, I88o, when it will take plan* under the terms audjiouditiiui- set lot th in tlie Ordiuance as amended. This will in uo manner interfere with th e ante of the other public Ferries of the Parish: these will he rob) ns already advertised on Saturday, December ath. 188i. n. x rot; lon. President. NOTICE Tk. "nj.. • i, ' . The undersignodj give publie notice, that ° f rH r : ^ arr , ? nn * J 1 "' 00 - daux, the contouts of the store, aituated cor-. I 'J P h \ ,, P •feet*, JHiiboilaux. 'Hie btwmeaa of atud eatabliah H herealTtef be opneiMinted uu derthe Firm name of u t iceuL.l? NNE > o,u-. , . Thibodaux, La., K«t. SOth. 1885. -------- — —U.11M111 ii, . w »- >*"'« a full supply of Coal at lilt.Ml Jtooge which we can deliver on short notice. BROWS .V .loxiis. Now Orleans, La. _______ ' _ iloilce. Thiboduux, Oet., I7tb. 18,85. At a meeting ol the Directors ot Tbilio daux Bridge Company, h.-td on tiet.i. iso, ....... ........i.i.. t \.!l'. , r'. < i" ,! \ ,M . 1 8,l ' m ':. Wits ill tbc till ared. payable mil of the revenues ot mouths ending S ptemher 30. I8S.5 .. _ .. F. ZERSOTT, h. G. (. Kims, President Secretary. 4tocl7'8.'i. * otic 1 in- co p.i i i in r.-liip hctetofoi'c existin'* be I*'- I* t-nui-gi-.-id .V t . .1 ll.ii ker'iu the ill'll" too MIC-- iit I.III-I,'. 1'jii-isli lit |„, h'liicke is hereby dissolved. In mulual mm s III. I lie s..lie* 'ii:Mil. ss will In- e-iiiliino ,1 .i I I lie ole -i .. ml Dl-. .lolin S. i liiiisiin ,\ < •'."' ; nil n ......... ii the linn, and ii 1 ■ 1 C' i mi ii I — due ly -aid ntiriiig linn are hereby a-Miitic-l hv tin- new linn. , , III I ISA I 1' A BARKER, I.nck|iiMi, i li t , lss j 3m.O.I7\s.'i. .virm: ( Ollice nl 'I lctio.laiix liiiilge Cm. I I'diinlaii *. l a.. Nov Nth., |S8.',. * I N' ACCUDAM'E V. Hit A Kh UUTlllN pas-*-il hy (he l o;,ni «,1 Diiecloi's. 1 tin mill- rsigi ed. will se I, at pnhiie auction, tn tlie liiglie- iMihler. on MONDAY, D.CKM I I K 7th., ISs;,. llt m „Vln. k A. ,U. at the loot ot J: ekson stieet the FaI.M of tin Hedge or llie year IS>'6. The purchaser to comply with existing re** ul. lions. " , F.ZE'NOTT, President Thihiakiux llri lge Co. | ! ! For Sale,-the Uaele Peter Pl,nt,ll„„. 'I" 'uiihieigiii-M utters tin* Uncle Peter P antniion fni .-alc ; as h whole ot hv itr ......— ~. |.ents in wii'tli. I I mini ucing )it the liny of Auguste I e let amt going Eastward, or com meiiciiig at the lower line ot the idantiilmii ami coming W.stwmd Said pinnertv will lie sol I as a whole or in lots to sn't, f (1I . e ough cash to secure a 1'i i ioaiient sale l>al •'i'1-i" ''ii su Ii 'iuie as iniieliaseia mav ih-aire, UO! t" exi ee fiv. or six years. Inl'eicst on iiiKtalliuiHitM pa\«iUie animal>v For lurthei- carticiilur.-. ii(i|.iv to" o walteupugh. -in N.14. So <o Carol.ilel t St. N.O. Aohre to 4V(iii-nciors. TmVVN It\EE. > Town ill Tliilmdaux, Uetolierk'll h, IS.S.7. ^ Sealed pro|.os,iI for ; Ik , tlie new Town II.ill to ho i -I i<iceil and i hilitnl pehtcr work on i-led on i lie eor , , , -----,........... . Is. will lie re <*••1 \ ••• I l»V I IIP HIM I 1'olUlN'il (*it||||i|it I PC up to t Im* *Jol It o| Nnvittihfi ;n o'r'otk i J ho work to hr ti.Hii* a* ' oniiipr i,, pi.m a „,j spi eitie.itions on exliiti t on at the ollice m I Siiiu iin, aiehiteel. I lie aw aril to lie made to the lowest amt In st Indoor. | |,c rig t.liowev! er. IS ii— el veil lo reject any and all'bids p,o jiMsals inu-t he sealed and emloi-sed "Bid ,„ r the cat |»t*!iiir wot k on Town Hall'* hum i„. deposited with F. Saneaii, chief supervisor ot c> list ruction b.y o'cloc k ou the L'otli November, I8S5. I- 1). MMOJJK. ( hairinau ELLIkS BitAUI) ' J. L. AUCOXN, ' Building Committee ______ .......... AOI 14,1'.. , ~ "J 1 * *""'ks adopieii hv State Board of Edit eattoti. w'th I- M'hiinge I'riies, as per contract awarded to r. r . iliiiisell & Bio., New o r - leaue.aml tor sate at Thibodeaux's Pharmacy. Foil KI.KMKNTAItY SCIIi uu, j Exchange. McGiifiey'e Revised .'pellcr.-......10 I't Readers.. 10 ! " -'tid •• ..16 3id •• 25 " " 4th " 30 5th " 45 " ** dill •* 50 Johannot s Nat unit History Ri ader MiteheU's 1st Ei a-niis Gaagrapliv 30 New Primary............30 " llilerini iliale........70 Reed A Kellogg-s tirade Leasotis English.......................... incil A Kelloggs, Higher l.essous English:............ ......... _ Reeds Word l.rasmis ............. Young (ii'ViinuiO'ii Ula-et Book... Vmi'eestri '8 i'l iiuary Diet.....ary____ Webb's Mannai id Et.yim.lngv____ | Mills l'tt vsittltijiy Hinl .'.arciifics ... Dimitri - Hi-lm v ot l.oiiisiana.... Holiiii-s New Hisiorv ol tlie Uuiied Stales 11.ill-ell s IYiuiialiship Nn liolsiiii s I rinuiiy Arithmetic... 10 " In emu i uie •* ...20 ............ "(iu prise) JO Wi lls Seieiiee ('lUllliion Things... Erleei le Drawing Books, Not. 2, ai d 3 cadi....................... Eeh i-iie Drawing Books, Vo. 1.5, 0 7, 8 ,.ud !', « aeh.:............... C'haiiibi i-.-e I'weiuy L s.mmi.s ill Bonk keepiug.........................' ■ta'I. 20 Si 50 60 85 1.00 1.25 4o 70 1.40 70 30 1.20 CO 85 *"° 10 30 40 1 00 15 20 75 • — — • ——- - — .__ THE STATE OF miII«JIAVA XllL. (U-iUE OP HOUIblANA. - 20;h Judicial Di'tiictCmnt, Parisli . .. , .. ; *' ot La Ii>;irelic. : Meyer Weill vs M>. 2133 Marion If. ; liilliu. i».V :l 'ieptli id lol ly arpenls lying at lort'v ar pents in iear ol lands J. it. Leji-une and J. B. Leebe. the whole linining a plantation the "*aiu Imdy whemd is bounded almve l»v h.ii.U ol .1. B. Lejeune and J. B. Leche and below by those "I It. N. Cm...... and l>v a tract o! oue acre front mi Bavou Iatfouretn by ten oeres in depth l.elonging to Johns! Billiu, together with all the buildings and iiuprovcments thereon, mules, wagous ra,ta - f'S'ue. farming utrnsits and in a word everything attached to or forming part of aaiil plantation also lit mules, 4 wagons 5 carts, 13 ploughs, .6 hOcs, 20 cauo ktuvee,'2 | Take notice that acting under an order id [ seizure and sale eniauatiug lioui the above : eni'lled Court in tlie above entitled and | numbered ease, I have seized aud will offer I lor sate at public aiirto u pursuant to law. to Die last aud highest hiddi-rat the (?ourt Hmi*e iu tip: iown of Thitmdnux.ouKatnrdav November 21st. 1885. between the hatiiisuf It o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M.. the fot. lowing il,-sci ihed property, to-wil : - *'**- A icitain sugar plantation situated ■ii iln- 1 ausliol Lalourche, on toe left hank of B.iymi Laloiiri-lie at aliout one mile above tlie town <d Hiihmiaux aud kuowu as the iilantath ii tMHii.iiuin^ about hcvpii hiiiidied and filly arpenls io^ superlicies, by a depth ol sixty ar.ituts ou the] lower line and lit t v-si x arpenls or tliere (■limit ou i he upper line, one iirfient by twen y inx epih at forty arpeuts haek oi land II N. Couloii and also three aud a halt arjieuts MY II (leotli III lul'fv ivim. -it .... burrows, 1 stubble digger. SMatter ploughs 1 !j n ^ e , , , . ■ ' . Another rertsiu tract ut laud situated! 1,1 'be Palish <>l J.almiiclic lx" i £ lot or see ,,, " l No. 68 on T. IIS. If Mi East conainint i 33 J0| I Off acres and lot or section 78 in T. 14' I Sa'Jtb K. Iti East, continuing 145 45|100 wre* i 1 lie "Aliby" p|.nitai ion atoresaiil to bn ; sold subject to it lease m ule by Marion W. I Ilillin to J. II. Lugardeoo tbc 10th day oif j January. 1885. ns per act la-fore I.. P. Cail louet. Notary Public, of i lie parisli of La Imiichc. reconleil in tin- ( 3e i k's office of the j Parish ol l.alnuiclie mi the 13tli day <>f Janu , ary. I88.>, in mortgage Imok I,, p. 166 et seip< possession ol said plantation to be delivered* j to llie purchaser ou tlie 1st day of Jauuaey ■ A 1) , 1886. V I. -* r, l A certain sugar plantation situated. i in llie Parisli ol Eulmirchc, on llie left bank j ol liavuii l.ahMirclie at about tilt ecu miles t* I low llie town ot Thih"ilaiix and kuown ua llie "tilii|ii.i ' I'l.u-ialioii -iruated ationt two ; mill s lan k trom Havon l.afourclie heing iom I'osed ol lots Nos. 17. IS. Ill, VC. -,*7 ami v>8 OB a plan exeeiite 1 hv liongerol. surveyor. OS 111 -.n li .tigusl. IS37< and m pesited in the«l j ln-i- «»l lino Seghers late Notary Puhlio ok j llie I ii v ot New i n* I cans as plan No 42 said pl nilaiion heing Uouinlctl iu front liy lamia I Ini-mei'lv lielongiiig to the estate of Mot* j llirdsa'l intil to willow -laeipl. s Folse and bv - Hu- Hart o| land known as the I'.i'lure travf ■ now or lorinei'V lielongiiig to Mrs. .?. S. Pe» ki."' l '"l •>.' a roailway lielongiiig to MarioB >» llillie a il adjacent losaid Pasture track * Ik . I t'.l - I .1 III 1 1,1 l II I 'll loll II ■ , il* j,n m ■*. me ,n •<> liilliu | ^iX^S:,ZZ"S alme-aid which is a ccri du- Parisli alinvc hv tin* 1C;■<-•-l.iin 1 (il.inl"tiini now «r for? mnl.v hi li'iigiiig t» "es.-rs Ii. N. Situs. J. B. '' .....I Mr-. 1 . .1 Ewing unit helow " v '*"• M.ii v el iitn'iini fiiriiierlv In h>ngin|f ml Pc kins, iiicellici- with all tlie Inn hi i iigs a ml iiu|M'nvi-im-uts tlicrciin ; mutes, w ig'Mis. cai s, engine, mill, liirniing utensils .mil in a w tn il i«\ |.pv In ii g at ached tn nr lorm mg a |».n t ut sniil I'l.miali n, ..|>«. •>> mules, 4 -b- iris JS |ilimg|is,4.1 it "|" is phmgli^ •tiini. k. I hallows, I icvniMiig hallow,2>tub licit ggers I eot t tun seed wagon. 1 Matter I'loiigh. , I* *i- A I'l'i-t iill si ri|i of laud nr roadway twenty live lect wide umreor less, inrlnding jin' ililchesiMi i- cli siile ot saul lomlwav fo he i.ikcn !ii*m ilie i-\11i-mc loiM'i' side nud to the P.i lure true! no tract ot laud ite MIC I iii-li ol l.alMLUclie oil Ihe le l tiank of Iki.'on E.iliMirche al .iImmiI liltee . miles h«» l "« "" ln» n ol 1 lulimlaux w tin h said tiac* ' h i- a front .. . .sai,| iiaymi mi four and a half ai i'imiI s liv nilei'lh ol linly .ii'|n nts aud il hounded ahnvc hv lands loimcrly helongin* io I In-estate ot ilinil Uirilsail and tn*1ow by l.iini- ol AI nlor fotse. the rpglit. to use aaick l,oad way is reset-veil m |iei pel nit \ to tlie pre# •"I .mil an.v lullin'i.uio r oi iho Maty plant* a lore-aid ami further the riglii of drain 1 hi imi gIi the iliteli mii the upper side of gaiS loailway >s reserv> d and grained in perpetni l.v '" ll"' presen ■ or am till ii ii owner or own • ■is of tlie Pa-luii' tract aforesaid. i erins and eoniiil ions of sale ; eusli on tbo spot in liui'ed Stales treasury notes, to pay pi uicipui, interest ami attorueys fees ana costs iu tlie above suit Thiboduux (htobir 17th, 188a. THEUPHIbl'. THIBODAUX. Slieriff • TATE OF LOUISIANA. j . , —Otlj Judicial District Court, PrtP* j jsl| ot t.ilfnlllclie ............. I - , Mafic AdeUi C It (tit >'hl, wife. VS Ze I , t • ,»» , ' . 7 J * I pkyrtu loliys, Jr., husband J i I 40. I ! ti * . . . . , s < * ase having hem regularly lixe<! fop trial was regii'arly lakeu no and tried a ini' ! i ,V"'' 1 ' ' "jenee "emg iuiavorof , I't-MUlitt aud against the ilelemiaut. *' I s 'ktrih'ic ord'-red. a".jiidgod and d«-, eici d t.iat piaiulitf Mrs. M ine Allele (;hao ''"do Imvo and nmnci-judgment again**' j imsliand, Zeplivrin i olios .1 r. dissolving, I hncvoi tlie rimimiinil.v ol aei|Uetsand gains ! *'crulof"rc existing heiweeu iln ni. : nd that ; t * 1 " - 1,1 and is herein declared separate in pro j | '"in her said hiisuand aud is hereby giaiited Ihe :ii.ll, tree and i nmplete ailuiinia liatiou id her separate p.irapiierual property. 11 is lurtlii-r iii-ih-i'ii that lIn- said Zephym' I i ll11- ,/1 " pay all tin- costs of suit. Unis dime, read and signed in open Court, this 17th day of Or tidier, 1885. (Signed) TAYLOR BEATTIE, , Judge 20th District. Filed Oet., 17th, 1885. J. W. KXOBL0CH, l)'y Clerk of said Court, A. true copy . ( ) Test. Clerk aOltice, Pariah ofL*-. -. 1* s. > fourthe, October 17th. 1885. C—J W. KNOBLOf H, D'y Clerk ol' said Court. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Gourt, Pap j ish of Lafomche. Lewis Moore vs Bis Creditors No. 2135. j : To all those whom these presents may. 1 concern : * Take notice.- That in pursuance ot an order of ! said ( imi i t granted 30th Sept, ui'u-r. I88.5, the eeH-iou "I '.he properly id said insolvent lias ; been accepted foe the licnctu of ilie creditors | nl the same aud Hint a meeting of his said creditors will l ike place before I,. I'. CaiF j louet, Notary 1'm.lic id sakl Uansluat his of : tire in the town ol Thiliodaux, oo Saturday . i ll,,! ' l - 8 ' A - " ,ss5 - »'om * , meimng al lUi.elock A M to lake iuto c«l siileratiiMi ihe petition id' said iiixid.-cut ap pointment id a syndic aud tli.-u in the mean lime all proceedings ugaiusl said iusolvent ate stayed. By order of Court, iu testimony whereof. Witness my hanilf and tlie iiuprcaa ihe seal id mv ottiee, this 30th dsv Septeuiher, 188-5. J. W. KNOBLOCH,* D'y Clerk ol said Court in u-siiiiiimy w t A Willies \ L.S. > of i he sea ( y of Sep tee . T „ 1 ariSll Ot Lltfourclie, CoUltofJ F Pirtm-in i ti. v. I llUIldtl. ' . --' Simon Abraham vs. No. 40 Auqus -• * y j I Take notice that acting under a wri* of Fi. Fa. emanating from the above entitled j Court iu the above entitled ease 1 have seized and will offer lor sale at publie auction our on'. n » •*1... 1.,.* _____1 L: . - I • il . STATE OF LOUISIANA. i Pitrisli of Lttfourclie. 7th Justice I tin Auguste. suunt to law to the last and highest bidder in trout ol the office olJ. F. Pittman. J no tice ot tlie Peace, on Saturday the 5th day of December, 1885, between the hours of II o'clock A- M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the follow ing described property, to-wit: . 10 sacks of rough Rice, now iu Latourebe Crossing Rice; Mill. Terms and condition of sale, cash ; to pay aud satisfy the principal, interests and costa in the above suit. W. HEBERT, special constable, 7th Ward, Nov. 2tat, 1885. Parish of Lafourcba.