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St )t tZIjibriiau* Sentinel SAT U HD AY, JAN. 1«, 1886. BETSY B LI YEN. '•Ye*.'' said Betsy Blivcn, "I'm a Maine gu ! ; I calculate liiat. I cnu earn mj own living if anybody can." Mias B iviMi was tall, elect nnd com posed. She bad seen the world, and •be wasn't afiaid of it. "But to think ot a Bliven going not •a a hired girl !" said Mrs. Midget, a feeble, pink eyed little woman with ehtotdc eatai'tli and a dejected smtlie, who bad been born Matilda Bliven. •od attached superstitious respect t < (be name. "What's the odd* t" said Betsey. "I'*e got my living to earn, and I naan to earn it.. Now, you, Tilda.' with n c-uupassiouate glance at the pink eyed aristocrat, you're made to work without any wtigea, juat lor tin* satisfaction of being called Mra !'' And Betsey poked up lier bug, shouldered her umbiella and stalked out to meet (he stage, whose rumbling wheels were jast beginning to sound upon the road like distant thunder. Miss Btiven had visited a Boston in telligeuce bureau, and there they hud obtained tor licr the address of a house in tha northern part of the State whsie a reliable gut was wanted in the c«l»a oity ot table waitiess nud chamber ■aid. "Wages ?" demuuded Betsy. "Fourteen doliais.'' leplied the gen (leuiaiiiy cle.ik, who was smiling be hind the high desk. "Privileges f" again questioned the young woman. "A whole day to yourself every ■south, and every other Suuday ufter Boou," replied the man. "Any other girls kept 1" inquired Miss Bliven. "Four,'' said ihe mail, complacently. "Humph !" commented Betsey, "Family laige ?" "Well^rather," admitted the man. f*Aud the situation is very louely. uud •o—" "I don'i care anything about that quickly interrupted Betsay. "I'd as •oou keep house for a hermit, or go on a desert island. I'm not very youug and I've no followers. Let me see— Grand Trunk railroad to Black Gorge, atsge coach to Bleak hall—yes, I've got the directions all written down." Betsey paid her fee, took her card, and creaked out ot the room in a pair of new calfskin boots. Miss Bliven traveled comfortably. 8he carried her lunch in a splint bas ket, and ate comfortably on the road , •he beguiled the lagging hours with a newspaper, and was not very tired when at last the conductor flung open the car door, and yelled out, at the top of a stentorian pair of lungs— "Black Gorge !'' And Miss Betsey found herself standing on the platform oorrouoded by the dark, pine woods, "Where's the stage T" she asked. "Lady f >r Bleak hall t" inquired an insinuating voice close to her ear, The next minute she found herself lifted politely into a close, dark wag tail with leather cushioned seats, "Where are the others 1" inquired the driver. "What others 1 ''asked Miss Bliveu. "The two gentlemen who were to come with you, madam," "There were none," said Miss Bliv ob, "I came alone !" "Alone!" exclaimed the driver, fianeing uneasily aiound thorn. "All (be way from Boston !" "Yes, all tho way from Boston •aid Miss Betsey, a little impatiently, "Why shouldn't I ! You don't suppose I needed keepers do you ?" "Oh, no, mum ; certainly not," promptly responded the man as he dlimbed into his seat and took the reins. He drove circumspectly along a lone lj road, Miss Bliveu observed, up to the very door of a dark stone house kedged about with funeral-looking spruces and cedars, as Betsey could discern, in the star-sprinkled darkness, aad a narrow door was opened. "I've brought her said the driver to a respectable looking man in black whom Betsey at once concluded to be tke butler, "all alone." "Alone ! Bless my aonl cried the nan- "I hope you didn't have any trouble f" "None it} the least," said the driver; i ' "she is quiet as a lamb '' •Well, I n**vsr 1'* said Miss Bliveu tu herself. "Du they take me fur a ra ging lioness, 1 wonder t' } In an in»tnut her aiim was drawn ibiougb that of the respectable man iu black, and she was conducted along a i dark, stout--paved passage, lighted >•* ' ly by a twinging lamp that hung above their heads. '•Veiy polite they are here. I must say," thought Miss Belacy, to herself. B it the idea was scarcely fumed in her mind when she touiul hei&oif push eil geiiuy. but suddenly into a smnl stone-paved loom with circula/ wall windows high above her leach, and tile SC'itlllesl allowance of full! lulin a in .i zj hi cut, was accosting he the polite butler through a grated 111 Al. . "Eh !', jruid Betsey, '-what's this q Let me out, will you 1 ' ••Quiet..n.t'atu, quiet. Th it's a dear?' said ilie iexpectable personage. "You shall have some sup per directly if only you >viil compose yourself." "But 1 to get out." said Betsey, ratlliug at the dour. "Quiet, quiet 1" soothed the tutu. "Don't excite yourself !" "What on earth is the neaniug of this?" said the bewildered woman from Maine. "Now, pray, be calm," said the but ler. "Quiet—that's the way.'' "But 1 won't be quiet!" said Miss Betsey. "I'll shout lor help. What have I*- to be shut up likes prison er and a mad woman t" "Geutly, gently.'' urged the respect able man iu black. "Jonas; I'm afraid you'll hate to bring the straight jack et ! ' "The straight jacket !'' And Miss Bliveu dropped down on the little stone beach that was screwed against the wall. Was impossible that they believed her to be mad ! "Slop !" she said, trying to calm the wild, incessant beatiugs of her heart. • Don t put on that lihug. I will be quiet.' "That's a dear soul! 1 said .the man, in caressing accents, as if he were rea soning with a fractious infant. "It's a deal the most sensible thing you cun do." - But there's some mistake here," pleaded poor Betsey, on whose brow, iu spite of the chilliness of the night, great drops of perspiratiou had brok eu out. Tin uot mud !" "No, no." said the man, ''of course not ; you shall have some tea directly, and a slice of dry toast, apd-" "Brousou," called out a clear, dis tinct voice, 'you're wanted. Where are you ? What are yon doing 1" -I'm with the new patient, sir," ans wered the respectable uian. "She's quieting down very fast, aud—— "What's the man talking about?" interrupted the voice, shrill, sharper and more distinct than ever. "The new patient has just come, by special couveyauce from Warreuton." -But then who is this 1" gasped the respectable mao. -I'm Betsey Bliven," said our heroi ne. "Let me out, I say ! Betsey Bliv eu, from Maine, I'm the new waitress and chambermaid, at $14 a month, aud you're taken me for a mad wo man !" "Hush—hush—ah ! for heaven's sake!" said the respectable mao in black, as he made haste to unlock the door. "Nobody is aad here—only a little peculiar. I'm snre, ma'am. I beg your pardon, bat we are expecting a Mrs. Laniarqnt, from i ortlaud/—aud yon correspond almost exactly with the description— and then we didn't know that the new waitress would be here na til to mo,vow, and Mrs. Lamarqne is subject to dangeious tarns, and—.and I hope,ma'am yon won't mention this tc. the superintendent t" "No, I won't," said Betsey, with a grim chuckle, for she was beginning to ■ee thelhamor of the ^tiling now. "So this is a—mad house, eh V "It's a private retreat," said the re spectable man. "Very select and excln sive, I'll introduce yon to ,the house keeper at once, ma'am, if you'll step thiB way. Yon will find her a most la dy-like person." "She ain't mad, is she?" asked Bet sey. " Not at all," answered the man, rath er shortly, "Ah," said Betsey, "I didn't know but everybody in this establishment was a little cracked in the upper story, You must be or you never would have taken me for one of yourselves!'' To which taunt the respectable rani had no answer prepared on the spur of the moment. Three meiiths later Milts Betsey Bliv eu wrote to her cousin, Mrs. Midget. : ,,1'lH ill H Iliad lull! Mat hi. da. my dear," slu- ex jin-— etl lid sell *'.4 .i! e.rl ly. except foi i ii- iu in.. 1 tin 1 vi y tbiug veiy nic^ nml << 'in ni la Lie. We're very :ii ii mi 1 hr ivli. >le 1 bud society hr.,- a ......I'd *a! po urn and mm e cei .-iil >u>.i h tnan i is mil side tlie walls. An t 1 slip r'U '■ mil say that I'm a- mail MK 1 !,e i.l« es and gentlemen 1 wait on, wlu-n 1 tell ymi fhaf I'm cugng d • lie mill jet In Mr. Iiubcuck. the lif ii keeper >111 I'm getting pm mil to tisane pie. it ml really I see my way ft- II' to du mg nme gund III llie \vm Id it 1 CO.iCi nil to slay here permanently.'' .So Mi.-s Blivi-n found ilit- place :i life long benefice, mid whin Mi>. Midget was asked by the miisinhuud. "What has become of Betsey ? ' -lie was woui to answer, in a uasnl whine : "Poor dear ! She's gone into a luna tio asylum, and slip's man ini the head keepei ; and I don't know but it is as bad us being crazy one's self. But Bet sey seems to like it. Betsey always wus peculiar.''—The Companion. I had to comb back tin* hair from my foichcad and omit the parting to conceal my baldness. Since then Parker's Hair Balsa in, has made tuy bait as thick and glossy a < ever Ladies whose hair is getting thin will find the Balsam just splendid Mary Swanson, Chicago. The Chicago Weekly News -AN® THE Thibodaux Sentinel , For $3 a YEAR, Postage Included. Tn CHICAGO WKBKLT YXWt " now *■ eight-page, Mxty-feur-ooluma xper. It is the largest "dollar weekly" i America. Iu eight brood, long , :>ngp*«* present each week s msM ef choicely ich to suit paper, in Am preset: _____ selected matter, ooauining auudh each of the varying tastes ef the family circle. First and foremost it gives av.v. the news, complete as to details, yet concise in form. Its connection with the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS (mem ber of the AteodaUd Prem) give* h facilities for news gathering unstirpaas ed by any journal hi the country. Ito MARKET REPORTS are specially com plete and thoroughly trustworthy. Par ticular attention is given to agricultural and home matters. Evarylssua con tains SIX COMPLETED STORQtB, and * regular installment of an original story by some well-known English or Amer ican author, exclusively secured for the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS. Con densed notes on fashions, art, <«»bit tries, literature, science, etc., eta., ap pear regularly. Few papers in the country are so ex tensively quoted by die press In general for its bright and humoroaa paragraphs as the Chicago Daily Newt. These are all reproduced in the WEEKLY NEWS. In its editorial expression the paper speaks from the standpoint of the independent journalist, and the fair minded and thoughtful of all par ties will appreciate and value its candid statements of facts and conclusions, all calculated to qualify the reader for the formation of his own intelligent opin ion. The political events of the year to come promise to assume such a character that a thoroughly truthful and impartial record becomes all-im portant. In all iu departments the CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS aims to present an enterprising, impartial and entertaining family newspaper of tho very highest grade. WHAT OLD SUBSCRIBERS SAY When they Renew their Subscriptions. WUhsia Cannons. Pontiac. Oakland County, Mich., aava; " I think it to the beat paper ta America.'' L- A. Welch, Sullivan, O., say*: " It Ubet- a ter than Mr of the S3 paper./' 1 Jnmea P. Mak.Be, XI St. Charlee itreet. New I OratM. 1 a, mj.: " In compering your paper with other. 1 raedr*. I bum .ay yoara, the Cmcaoo Wrax-T News. i. pood, better, beet. I wool* sooner mias s meal than a number of the Nnwa. It i. IP* new.paper of the day. Is la true to its name." Alfred P. Peter. Woodhnll. Henry Coanty, * ** ** ** * f **** P*psta W. W. Rhodes, Adrian. Mich., say.: "I •oat want to mist a number. It i, the beat r for new. I have ever ieea." Maunders Coutr, inaiT Nawa. It ----------- valuable new., aad al though I am in receipt of nine weekly journals I am conatrmlaed to adopt Tn. Wbeklt Haws as No. 10, becanne of it. Doo-partiaaa attltndo In politic, giving me the nmnirMed truth ed* cernlng the action, of all political partlaa." M. S. Davenport, Palmyra, N. V., asyu: "It is the cheapest and best paper 1 over read." Mr». I,.Febonan Hannibal. Mo .My.: "I Uko voor paper very much. I irrt «ix other paper*, out I do not like them aa well as the WsgitLY Nswa." W. R. Law, Manafleld. Ter., mv.: *'X am highly pleased with the N*ws, for I get poli tic presented in it in auch a way that I get both ■idea of the qucation fairly aet forth, which la utterly impossible to get In a strictly party jour nal of either side. ' Its size and character considered, tho CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS is th4 chea Peter Lasting. Katenia. M Neb..iaya: "IHke TiiWi to full of readable and value LA tpett weekly i RAYEAI W in America. ON E DOL B, postage included. Our special Clubbiag Terms bring it within the reach of all our subscribers. Speci men copies may b« seen at this office. Bend Subscriptions to this office. A. BOURON, Watchmaker and Gunsmith Cor. Mam aud St. Philip Streets, Thibodaux, l, a. K EKP constantly on baud a targe and ci>" pleie assortment • FI.\K WATCHES & t LOCKS. Ill connection with the above a ureal va iety of a U.VS, PISTOLS PO w ip Kit, r unu limps, //(oiling Material* Pi r TM Celebrate "EMIN WATCHES" couHtnuti y on haiul -ALSO Tt'l S • W — American Sewing Machine —AM- LOT OF ACCORD EONS. or Watches. Clocks .1 ewe.ry. Sewing Mt cluuee, Kire arms. &e., earetulh repaired and guaranteed A full stock ot attaelnnentB, oil and need les for all kind of .Sewing Machine* can be had by applying to \. BOURON. Corner Main and St. Philip street. THE PERFEC 1 NUMtteri American Sewing Machine, Best in the World I Address. Far Sal* Ir O. L. CEER, Manager, IBB Canal Street, New Orleans, La. JOHN ¥. TROTTER, Capper, Tim usd Sheet Irs* Darker. <t. Philip St. between ThtW.anx sad Mots Thibodaux. L«., --Keep, on hand a full tine oi— "OJK AM* HEATING sto vts. —A «n atfclit lor lhe— liarter and Fame NUi \ t's. irti ifi\ »o k«*<»fih|r find :N)»LEY WAUONH c CARTS, UtiHUUn i it . i 'i bw Eodiey Bros., H . / K i LI hid. H . i « 1ANK WAG 'Nb A CAUThof a.ery *!y!t ■ ^Timber ^VL eia. battx- 1 ' Carta. Town nrto. him! o n-rv aixr of -out11 Carta. Dray-, 'wti-liorae Wagnii-. Spring Wagon, will • Ur- am! Shaft, and hpriag Seal.. The HIIMT Axle Greaar made, and IM,Y Perfect Distributing Machine for 'otl oil Seed Meul afld other Kertilin-rs. ■U'K KAGILl t lESfwr ntouufarturiag are t H«^Ul•l(r4l l>y any house iu the l. S Viiureny we t-uu Kiraiah V'lltST C'LAttf *»rU aa CH KAP aa any inferior work otter d u the Soutli. Wa tnj.l II. RAGAN, Agent. Thibodaux. La. FRANK BARKER, Successor to Barker It Sevtm, Commission Merchant. AND DKA1.MK IN AM. K1NDK OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON SUGAR. MOLASSES. Rice, Potatoes, Eggs, honey. Beet wax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. laibcrsxl Advance* Diode em CORsigRUeRtS. sag- 13-82. LEJOURNAL Les Petiteg AlHclieg. PubliS tons les samedis d New-York, —PAR— •I. Jo Strand, la. Tenon A Cie ABONNEMKKT ; $1.00 par an Envoi franco de nutn6ros specimens. On demands des agents dans les localitAs ott is Journal n'en a pas d8)A. S'adresser a L. TE8SON, 32 Fiiuce street, New-York. Oo r ego it aox bureaux de la Skntnkll* de* abonnements et des annonces pour 1* Journal Les Petites Affiches. NOUVEAUX AkUANGKVB»T8< HOTKL DES ETBAHGER8. Kaceignure des rues Green et Thibodaux. Mr. Thsmas Alberti pr6vient sea amir les voyageura qu'il vient de laire de non veaux arrangements qui Ini permettront de s'atisfaire tout ceux qui voudront Phonno rer deleur eonfiance Bspaa htoute Ueure de la jourafo et su eennaande. Table d'hAtn h 10 heures du matin pour ddjeuaer et h 4 heures du soir pour direr, Chambres commodes et bien garnies PRIX MODEREES. retcnti given away. cents postage, ckage of $200,000i r and by mail von will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America, Ail about the $J0U,«K)0 in present# with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either »ex, of fll »*e«, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. For tnaM for all workers absolutely assured. Do* t delay. H. Hali.ett A. Co., Portlaad Maiae. JOSEPH SCHWARTZ, Munnfaeturer ef BAROUCHES, BUGGIES AND SEEING WAGONS. Dealer In CARR TA GE. WA G ON and CANB CART MATERIAL, ' gent Por RENICK t CURTIS REICHLE BROS., PERRYCAPiTS A LB**«:, Osri ud Studebainr Ftrc WAGONS. il to 47 PERDIDO STREETS, 2^Te-vi r Orleans, XjSi. d-y lt- v . r * ly. J K GOURDAIN Commission Merchant, --n-ILL ATTIC*r> TO TUB SALS OF— sUGAR, COTTON, RICE, MOSS, Wool, Hides, Honey, Eggs , Poultry Beeswax, Etc. 103 & 105 DECATUR STREET, JVew Orleans LIRKRAIj VD VANCES MADS OX COS S1GN MENTS. jan.37.83.lT KURSHEEDT & BIENVENO i Builtlsrt' Hardware. MARBLE, SLATE & IRON MANTEL. MONUMKNT8. TOMBS, HSADSTOBB IU, li«. 138 C'nsnp Htrael MEW ORLEANS. Per Orders apply to J. M. WALKS Thlhodam. *« LOUIS BEZAUDUN, —:o:— Restaurant de la Louisian©, (FRENCH STYLE .) 107 - CUSTOM .HOUSE ST., • 107 Near Royal. New Orleans. Private Dining Room. Comfortable for Travellers. ENDORSED BY scmmsTSis mCTICALLT IBatrvQUc ...____ MAwvAcn>«En .nr monumental bronze company, MBMSSSIT. comm. S- T- GRISAMOKE, -AwO-EiTT, For the parishes of Assomption, L» fourcbe and Terrebonne. Call athis office in R. ft. McBriddt store and see specimens and designs, NOTICE, Thibodaux Benevolent Loiflge, No. 90, will meet the second 8unday in each month at 1 o'clock P. M. f By order of tke W. fsb-l*-M