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Sh? tThil'ddaux ^entuu'i, 8 \ I I L l > A N . .1 AN. 'Si. l*.Sfi SO liM KKX TEXAS. A Glance at Hi.- Wilderness in a Sew i ( ouutrv. Ti.. i , ■ * . 1', i v i 1 i /. *1 »• n has sadly mine i tii lii*V»ii! Hand i itmaiie.-of I lie geml .. Id r; u when. \ < ty \iHid vv.i* a hunt ii g g mmimI : but i »>' Kiiskiiiil"s who ) ill ni.ulining u i In- <*.>ni|.!o tiiwi n ,.X, \ railiiiail 'ii' gli .ii v Iheir teat- i i , \;l- rall'.l'l ca n j. ingress uml. i fill! -le; n: for a U<> <i,i nuiuy years Iv I'm e ii. n il! .1 -j Ill'll -IK Ii Vieadias as the . tup; M> ......ill) -> i vv ell 1 lie 8" III < - of tie I'oi.nado n.a tin !i of the Ri • Land, — ill' i>. ; i k 1'k"<- ii| IhiiJ*. VV ll ll, eliililn •ii > t a iiulli'.n •ertlei * vv. ui '• I'l.d ii- in lel. play i.Mini ar a »• 1 In: il ., kids in til Miiegia.-S COUIli i s-s . ■-ii'.. tiers vvli b r.. isin il the t> 11;. ■ _! lilll.l* of li wild--i n — may lent ,ll'»* •• ll'.vv st r IllgeiV f'l.t trai In ui-el v.-s in III. jungle like pine ' a . ! a- -e. ceiling il - i it id - at evei) !: J i ■ lid Hiding tile 1 Miller s .ing from t ll i: i ; anil in til. same way the lines >i i lie International l«sit I r*»;i«l cross tlie wild- 1 ness of .Southern I exa< Half a mile n m tin- track one may find s ec|>J In*?nvv- that seem neve, to have It. t it vr keil by the scream of tin iron ho'~i : -astHr'-s, where tin- an telope brouses as quietly as ou the highland- ot the -Mena Ma.l.e, even w i,,|, ih. io. V> echo the thunder of a train rasting b\ on its w y to the ili* tan I station veil III the 111 11S of tile u i* lit it Is diet.- ai< locks that have never echo, Between tlie San Sa ba, amt Foil S»>. an ae;, exceeding that of all Icanesee has never grieved the 'Oiils t.l ii' teamsters l.y a tailroad survey. The northern part of this re serration contains one tit I lie lemnining buffalo pasture-on this side of the Rocky Moiiiiiaiii-. A lew miles northeast of Fort Conch., ill.-old military road to New Mexi.s. usses the in* squite plain, and t. aiiist.-is who tiavel that mad in winter time aie pr.-tty soie to sight buffalo*. No! in lieid-: ill bison le gions of th. North American prairies are vanquish.-d forever ; but in.ops of tenor tw-lve are still occasional y seen in the ni>laud valleys, especially after hard frost-, tu spring tin s.- survivors of bettei limes take ictiige in the drea ry horde, t.f the staked plains, where they -epainie pair wise for greater se curity, and icipeat f>ii tlier hiilwaid at the least sign of dangei — Southern Bi VOU.lC, Hundreds of lives liavo he.-n saved by the timely use of Creole Female Tonic, which is tin- greateest remedy known for all w omb troubles and female diseases We dip th • following from the Lafayette Advertiser whose editor was present on the occasion al though too modest to say so: 'Dip following may be an old story revamp.-d for the occasion, but. the re porter will give it as lie received it: During the holli.lays a young gent at a dance in Lafayette went out so fre quently to a sail.on near by that Ids legs became weary and so did his ton gue. A friend advised him to go to •ome vacant room and lie down awhile. So he started in search of one and see ing a dooi aj.o-, lie entered a small room and ot. looking around lie found that he was in die ladies' toilet room. By this time his head began to whirl so beautifully he was afraid to ventme out again, and seeing a bed in the room, he snatched a pillow and crawled un der the bed. Pretty soon two young ladies came tripping into the room and after arranging their bangs before a mirror, Miss Rose said to Miss Louise, "Well, Louise, did you hear anybody say anytliingabout me to-night ?" "Oh, yes." said Louise. "I heard Johnny B, say you looked just too lovely for any thing. with that pretty dress which fits you so nice ; and he can't keep his eyes off from you." ••Well Rose" said Louise, "did you hear anybody sav anytliing about me to-night?'' "Oh, yes," said Rose. "George F. said to me that you were the prettiest girl he ever fell in love with. Now, if you will just set yopr cap right, you will catch him sure." After exchanging a few more compliments they started for the room where the dancing was going on, when our hero stack his head out from under the bed and bawled out: "Well, girls, —bic—did you hear anybody 6ay any thing about—hie—me, t'night?" Pun-tailing Trinkle. T. inkiv is in tumble. There was a meet mg of ci editors, small tradesmen, call' d a* hi.-house the oilier morning li.u In- iiulii i call th.- .netting: He re |at.-s his exi.eii.-nces somewhat as fol low . i he tailor, on accouut of my breech es of faith, look measure to collect, and gave in lu i'he Bookmaker's temper, got the upper limn! of him. At last 1 waxed angry loo. and in ilie- end, poor sole, gave him (he length of my foot. I Ju- hatter was mad, and Was brimful of impudence ; so to crown Lie whole, <>r .uthei to cap th- climax, I halter put him ...I. The wine merchant entered with a iso face. •*What ai-s you, Madeira sir 1 said he. "1 do claret's it a slimiie, ihis report ! What is the horrid gin of y.mi trouble 1 1 told liiiu tliat my .-lock hud goue down, and 1 couldn't lancet up, so lie d belter coik up, which u .ini, Vv nit my laundress 1 was in hot wn . , a d -he treated me with sad-iiouy. i uei* thecal riag>. maker spoke ; said lie d brought his re-seat with him ; that n. vva> tiled giving time since spriug <». -ueh a —, or to anybody else. 1 tl.i.-w -hills of ridicule at him. lie only answered. "Wheel ?ee. ' l it baker was naturally crusty, and site.-i« d tit nie ;is being fancy bread, and not well baked at that ; and added lu.vv i.iiHe it was lor him to be done so tl IIV. lt . 1 11 .- gr. cei- was spicesy in his re mat k> : said lie did'ut cure u fig for me ; dial I was nothing butter fraud to make him weight solo:'g; and actually thieateui-d me with as-salt. However, when he Siiw it was fruit-less lie sub cidered. upon which I said, "Cheese it! let u- soap for the best," Then I was bored by the carpenter. He wiis sharp and cutting; said things didn't auger well a hit, and that I was beneath his level; that I wasn't on the square with him. and adze that he saw phme-ly that I meant to chisel him out of his money, but he w ould compass me yet. The butcher tried to forestall met ters, vvlieu he heard my affairs were out of joint, but lie had'ut much at -teak, so lie went his weigh. Even the fishmonger' in his biss o voice, called me a scaly fellow that he'd like to finish off. The milkman, when lie heard what had occulted, said : "You have such a whey about you, I think I can wait." "Said 1 : "You water." Trinkle is almost crazy in the midst of the holidays, and m wonder. He swears that if such is the punishment for debt, he will never go tthere again. Married a Board of Trade Man. A young woman with tightly pressed )ips and a gleaming eye »at upright in cue of the seats of a West bound train. She appeared to be mad. and the other passeugers eyed her curiously. Pres eutly a near-sighted man came along, sat down beside her, and, after a while, began with: "Goi.Iar to go ?'' "Yes, too far," snapped the young woman with gleamiug eyes. But the near-sighted uianjreturued to the at tack with : "Been up to Chicago ?'' "Yes, I've been up to Chicago." "Visiting friends, I suppose?" "No, on business." "Married?" ••\ r es, I am." "And where is your husbaud ?" "Chicago." "What's his business ?" "His business is none of your busi ness, you impertinent dude. But when lie came down to our place, puttiug ou ( style and sparking me. he 6aid he was i a Board of Trade man. Yesterday I went up to Chicago and called at his office." .'Then lie's a Board of Trade man, is lie?" "Yes, he's one of the jauitors. I'd like to skin him the wretch. But what is this to you, I'd like to know ?" "Ah, excuse me; here is my card. Should be happy to serve you, I m a lawyer otUCIark street, and my special ty is divorces. Laughing gas adminis tered, and alimony extracted without pain. Call and see me."—.Chicago Her ald, Creole Female Touie, the great regula tor and invigorator, is sold by Roth & Fleetwood. j Task about Lightening horse* 1 tlieresisu't a man on N-w York i<daud that h is ridden ns many mile- IT tne last twenty years in Ceiitiai I'.i k as I have ; aftl 1 have driven all k'lids ot horses, from one to four, and 1 never saw one yet w ink at a liicyc Clark soil N. Filller. Buy it liicyc «• tr.on tin i' M.tnu factui ing Cninpxuy, . I',■••. n . . A Weatlhv Fiatein-ty. — The w.*a tliie-t friendly body in > Iivv..'Ill |* ably i* th.* M.iiich-.-f- i K.ig'u.xl, I'ui ty of O.hl Fellow.-, who. • ie e.itty i- sued tiiinii.-iai >i;itenie»r show. .1 a total accumulated capital of £b 7TT793, IBs fid. Tlleie are .Vi-'J,8.*0 iiicmlicis. I had to ei.mb back t i>. h ip from my and oinii tin- ,..i!ting to conceal my baldness, I lien Parker's Hair, has made my hair as t hick and glossy a • ever Ladies whose hair is getting thin will find the Balsam just splendid. Maty Swanson, Chicago. A Satisfactory Ex pi. \ avion-— "O. Gawge I" "Yes, doling'' "I fear, O 1 fear, that my p.oeio will op p»se our marriage." "What makes you think so?" -'Why, yu i know, Gawge, mu thinks yo.'re a tbit She said no young m in had th it twist of the wrist who didn't -it up w:* h a good many girls regularly *. G.vv •••.are you deceiving m.* ?" T) iving you? Naw ! I got that twist w en I first went into the restaurant hu-iness— opening oysters. Iam all joins, An gelina." *0, Gawge!'" The Chicago Weekly Nei -ASP THE Thibodaux . Sentinel , For $3 a YEAR. Postage Included. Thb CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWB Is now sa eight-page, Bixty-four-colunm paper. It is the largest • 'dollar weekly" in America. Its eight broad, long pan* present each week a mass of choicely selected matter, containing much to suit each of the varying tastes of the family circl e. Fifst and foremost it gives tu. Tire news, complete as to details, yet concise in form. Its connection with the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS (mem ber of the Associated Press ) gives it facilities for news gathering unsurpass ed by any journal in the country. Its market reports are specially com plete and thoroughly trustworthy. Par ticular attention Is given to agricultural and home matters. Every issue con tains SIX COMPLETED STORIES, and • regular installment of an original story by some well-known English or Amer ican author, exclusively secured for the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS. Con densed notes on fashions, art, Isdu^ tries, literature, science, etc., etc., ajK pear regui'arly. Few papers in the country are so ex tensively quoted by the press in general for its bright and humoroms paragraphs as the Chicago Daily yeses. These are all reproduced in the WEEKLY NEWS. In its editorial expression the paper speaks from the standpoint of the independent journalist, and the fair minded and thoughtful of all par ties will appreciate and value its candid statements of facts and conclusions, all calculated to qualify the reader for the formation of his own intelligent opin ion. The political events of the year to come promise to assume such a character that a thoroughly truthful and impartial record becomes all-im portant. In all its departments the CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS aims to present an enterprising, Impartial and entertaining family newspaper of the very highest grade. * WH-AT OLD SUBSCRIBERS SAY When they Renew their Subscriptions. William Cannon*. Pontiac, Oakland County, Mich., Bars; "1 think It la the best paper in America.' L. A. Welch, Sullivan, O.. atvs: "It Is bet ter than many of the $2 paper*.'' Jarnea P. Malone, 26J St. Chirlc* street, New Orleans. La., says: "In comparing your paper with others I receive, I most ray yours, the Chicago Wiekly News. In good, better, beet. 1 would sooner raise a meal than anumberof the News. It is the newspaper of the duy. ll ie true to it* name." Alfred P. Foster, Woodbnll. Henry County, HI., rave: "It ie one of the clear,set pupere published." W. W. Rhode*. Adrian. Mich., *avs: "I don't want to rui*. a number. It ie the beet paper for new* I hare ever seen." Peter Lancing. Estonia. Maunder* County, Neb. save: " I like The Weekly News. It is full ol readable Mid valuable new*, and al though I am in receipt of nine weekly journals I am constrained to adopt Tiie Weekly N ew* ae No. 10. because of its Bon-partisaa attitude in politics, giving me the umrarbled truth con cerning the actions of all political parties." M. E. Davenport, Palmyra, N. Y.. says: "It ia the cheapest and best paper I ever read.'' Mrs. L. Schonan. Hannibal, Mo., say*: *' I like your paper very much. I get six other papers, but I do not like them as well as the Weekly News." W. R. Law, Manffi.'id, Tex., *nvs: "I am highly pleased with the New*, for I get poli tics presented In It in such a way that I get both sides of the question fairly set'forth, which is utterly iiniiossible to get lu a strictly party jour nal of either side." Its size and character considered, the CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS is tU cheapest weekly in America. ONE DOL LAR A YEAR, postage included. Our special Clubbing Terms bring it within the reach of all our subscribers. Speci men copies may be seen at this office. bend Subscriptions to thi:. office. | j ; ! j I I \ 1 I j A. BOURON, Watchmaker and Cor. Mam M. Pump Streets. I'ti i in >o a cx, > . f^EEPconatauli.v on iiaii.i ■ iaige an.I <•••■. IV plcto assorlui ill ... mi. ji:n > «\'A i • I ' A ( I.IM Ki ln connection will. Me- a a jl.-ni a iety of G L'.VS, /'/s.ii/.s .">> II ht-hl. .i . / /. i!'t; l.'s, ti ! I tltj Mllhtiuls t 'i. The Celehralci ..Hi« WATCHED con.Htaui i> * i» t*.. .« — » M» i ': K > t V\ Americau be wing Machine LOT OF Ai'« »*1.1 IKONS. THE PERFECT ftUfotBEB r r Waii'iic chine*. Fit. ... im r.tiili'c>l A In!I s.o.. . los lor-'I •-'*. bail l.y apj.l > c i \ ■(• \x i:ig M:i o' t pa 1 eo n nil .. •>■•;.ml need VI eu u tie .'•I CON . ' *• Philip h| rert. American Sewing Machine^ . .. Bestinthe World I flMrsss. O. L. CCER, Manager, 180 Canal Street, - Far Salt Sy New Orleans* UU JOHN W. TROTTER, Copper, Tin and Mlteei from Worker. -t. Philip St. between Thibodttnx and Main Thibodaux. La., -Keep*on hand a full tine of COOK AXD HEATING STO YES. —A'*o agent lor the— barter Oak and Fame Moves. utioulur attention given to Rooting and Unlienivg. JODLEl WAGONS Si CARTS, Mun ulatutn tl by Bodiey Bros., > REELING. W Vo i V\ \1 WAG ,\\ CAUTSo/ every nlyle \ rr its ,.-r Wh *-i*. -aga.*«<- Carl*. I'll \V II art *. a ml e .-er siz> <>l -mall Curls. Dray-, wo 1... rs. Wag • m*. Spring Wagoti* will • .1. at. 1 SI,.-.ft* ami * prill*; Neats. 11 it Axl.- lir-une made uiui * T l.v Perfect Distributing Machine for '..tIon Seed Meal anil other Fertilizers. ■ .ft; KACII.ITIKSfor inumitucturing are ll<- 4 |lisil<*si by nnv house in the ( . S Viierebv xx e xum uiruiali FIRST CLASS x or!, u* CH KAP as any inferior vrork ode; .1 n the South. Win. II. K.4CSAN, Agent. mj.l Thibodaux. La. FRANK BARKER, Successor to Darker 4i Serin. Commission Merchant. and oeai.kk is am. kinds or COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON SUGAR. MOLASSES. Rice, Potatoes, Eggs, honey , Bees wax, Tallow, Wool, Hides , Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advances Made Consignments. ang- 12 - 82 . LE JOURNAL Les l*eti<ew A Hi client. Public tons les samedis a New-York, — PAR— J. Jollraud, ft*. Teasou A. Cie. A BON N EM EM': $1.00 par an Envoi franco de nuintiros specimens. On deiuau.le des agents dans les localitds oil le Journal u'eR a pas d6jk S adresser a L. TESSON. 52 Piiuce street, New-York. On reyoit aux bureaux de la Sknt nklle de- abou nements et des aiiuonces yiour le Journal Les Potites Afficbes NOt' VLAUX ARRANGEMENTS. IIOTfift, DES LTRCIGERft. Encoignure des rues Green et Thibodaux. Mr. TboniaH Alberti previent see an.i* | les voyagenrs qu it vient de faire de non j veanx arrengements qui lui permettront de ; s'atisfaire lout ccux qui voudrout l'honno ! rer deleur coutianee j Uepas ittoute heure de la jouru£e et so I cemiuaude. Table d'hote it 10 heurea du matin pour I dejeuner et ii t heuren du soir pour direr, Chambre* eoni mode* et bien garnies PUIX MODEKEES. ftfesAQfk 1WUV 11 presents tjiren au-ay \ qp^'•rvF,»ftLFi/Senil u* 5 cent* postage 1 and by mail you will get free a package of I goods of large value, that will start you in j work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America, All about the $20.1,000 in present* with each box. Agent- wanted everywhere, of either sex, of ?ll ages, for all the time, orspare time only, to work for us at their own horneR. For tunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Ham.ktt k Co., Portland Maine. JOSEPH SCHWARTZ, tlisaur.ts'isirer of BAROUCHES, BUGGIES AND SPUING WAGONS. Denier ia UARRTAGE. BM GON and CANE ( \RT MAIERIAL, Agent Par KENICK & CURTIS KEiCHLE BROS., rut a Sindebaker Jam WAGONS. ! 1 i: IP I, l>l In* DIRECTS, 2.Tz-kv Orltor.s, I_.a. 'l. y ICS-- tv .1 K <iOx'!xI>AIN~ C.miHiis-imi ii. reliant, -XV tu ... III*. vl.fcuK s? I, i • (ll i'i\. RICE. M088, Wool. Hides. Honey, Uygs , Poultry llrcsin'Etc. KK5 a'v; 10.» DFt .v i l K STREET, Atw Bi lcitlis UlllVtAL \I)VW( i-;s MADE ON CON 'i E • I s. jtu.27.S3.1 v. KURSHEEDT & RIENVENI lltiilder* Hardware. MAKHLE, Ml.A l'E .V IKON MANTEL. \tO.\t r MK.\'T.S. TOM HX. UtiAlmTOAB lift, II*. 120 lump Street NEW OUL1.AXS. For Orders to J. M. WALSH 'l'biboditux. LOU 18 BEZAUDUN, — :o: — Restaurnnt ile la Louisiana, (FJtE X CH S TYL E.) 107 - CUSTOM HOUSE ST., -107 Near Royal. New Orleans. Private Dining Uu.nn. Comforiablo Soomi fur Traveller*. Dee- 6 - 84-1 y. INDORSED BY SCIENTISTS AS PRACTICALLY! MestrutiUe BETTER ANN CHEAPER THAI ANY STffNE. Over 500 Beautiful Designs. Send for | Price List 0 Circulars. wASlis MANUFACTT 8 ED »Y monumental bronze company, JBT. count. S- T- GRISAM0RE, -A-OEiTT, For the parishes of Assumptiou, L* fourche and Terrehonne. Call athis office in R. R. McBriddt store and see specimens and designt» NOTICE. Thibodaux Benevolent Lodge, No. !'0, will meet tho second Sunday iu each month at » o'clock P. M. By order of the W. feb-lM$