Newspaper Page Text
<DiC vLijibobftiu Sentinel SATURDAY, FEB. 13,1886. OFFICE OF ST ATE TAX COLLECTOR, Parish of Lafourche. Tbibodaux, Januarv J3rd, 1886. Notice i* hereby given to the license pay fine! Tliis palish that 1 am now prepared to collect licenses h»r 1886. '11 o-r wish ini? to avoid cost** are requested to call at inv office Indore March 31 m r. e. l< »iuo. It. Deputy Tax Collector. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. L. S. Greene (lien, after a long illness, at llie residence nt her son in-law, li II. Allen, Esq., oil the Jlit ii/i {limitation, last Monday, aud was interred m St. John's eein eteiy on Wednesday. Bishop Gallelier will visit St. John's Church on to morrow week, and hold services at 11 A. M.aud 7J I*. M. Alter the morning services lie will conlirm a number of persons. Call ill 1 Liiiscremi it Bourgeois'Drug Store lor Civole Female Tonic woman' best friend. Professor Linn, who comes well recommended as a musician, is now in the I'aiisli and prepared to tune or repair pianos or other musical instruments. Professor Linn yuar an tees his work and only asks pay when wink is tested and found sat isfactory. Creole Female Tonic removes suppres »ion, cores prolapsus uteri or fall ol the wronili, and invigorates the fern ile organs On yesterday a tiioof suspicious characters were a nested in Town, who are believed to beloiij' to tin; squad of thieves who have lately been opcratir<j m lower Lafourche. Some properry, found on them is believed to be stolen property. They were placed in jail to await further investigation. — Hundreds of lives have been saved by tbs tiiuclv us:- of Creole l-Vmalc Tonic, which is t lie greatest remedy known lor fcll womb troubles and female diseases On Wednesday St. Philip street was enlivened by a iitnaway dray pursuin'; a drove of mules. Win tli •r the mules or the dray horse was the worst scared, no one knows. Tin* dray dropped one of the up rights under the gallery of Mr. Bou Crunic Female Tonic, tor «ud in vigorator, is Fleetwood. the great regula Hoid hv Kntli & Skkiofs Accident —On last Wednesday morning a horse that Alt. Thomas Jeffries, the foundry wan. on the opposite side ot the baton, was dtiving in Thihoduux ran away and passing over the Bridge threw the rider 01 P, as lie made the turn on the other side, se vm*l\ luuising him, but breaking ho bones. The Town Building approaches completion. It will he of great convenience to tin* town authorities who have hete tofore had no place to meet or to preserve the records. It will be an ornament to the city and add much to the attrac lions of the place. One el the improvements con 8ists m a lock up for petty ofietul ers, who have heretofore been con fined in the parish prison among criminals. Alin who sometimes violate laws without criminal intent should not be confined and placed with thieves and murderers. THE EYE. It is simply wonderful, the repu tatioii Hawes' spectacles and eye glasses have attained throughout the United States : they are known from the Atlantic tv» the Pacific,and the reputation is built upon real merit. lVstimnn ; *iU from tho most . '* v vlUUHMir meil ot the country Hr© given who tiave had their sight im proved by their use. All eyes fitted by J. T. Tbibo deaux, druggist, Tbibodaux, La., every pair warranted. Knights of Honor. On last Wednesday nicht num vuiicaiKij nifeiii, .1 nil 111 1 her of gentlemen met in the hall of i Excelsior Lodge No. 34, I. O. O. F. which had been kiudly loaned them | for the occasion and instituted | Harmony Lodge No. K. of 11. The following list of officers were selected and instilled : Past I )icta tin Dicta I in Vice Dieiatoi Assist. Dictator Bepoi l e r Finaiuial Reporter Treasurer Guide < 'hap!.mi Guardian Sentinel visiting Knight.' Lodge No. 300 I. I). Moore, Lewis Gllioti, J. M. Bourg, G. Boudieaux, E. G. Curtis, ! Jno. Fill ford, J. M. Guardi, i, Henry Fritzinger, I J as. Cherault, | Ed. Smith wick, j Anatole Boudreaux j A. r. Poichet M. 1>. Med. Examinei i II. L. Boudreaux, j Trustees. -'Felicien ('elestin ( Leo. L. Molaison. Representative to Grand Lodge Isaiah I). M oore. ; The following of Labadieville were present : I). Bienvenu Jr. 1). I). G. 1). In staling officer ; I). Bienvenu, St M. I)., A. Graciani, Edgar Aucoiu, A. Littlejohn, W. W. Pugh. Jr. W m. Achee, Pierre Giihert, Sam uel Karges, Frank Hidalgo. Some 26 membeis open this Lodge and it bids fair to have a ca reer ot usefulness. After ihe ceremonies incident to the instil in ion of the Lodge and instruction of the members were concluded, the members, with their visiting 1 1 ieuds, repaired to J. A. Frost's Restaurant where a magni ticent supper awaited them, to which ample justice was done. Interesting Experiences. Hiram Cameron, Furniture Dealer of Columbus, Ga.. tells his experience, this: "Fur three years have tried every remedy on tin* inuikct for Stomach and Kidney Disorders, but. got no relief until I ii'ed Electric Bitters. Took five bottles aial mil now cured, and think E'eclric Bitters" the Best Blood F n itier in the world.''—Major A. B. Rceil, of West Liberty, Ky . used Elec trie Butei*. for m ohl stumliug Kidney iilb t tioo and says : ••Nothing li.i« ever don.- me mi much good a- Eleettie Bil let-* — Sold nt liFy celrtH a bottle by J . I •. I,: III111 V. A STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Latoa'che. Succession of Joseph D V. drugs and Community , Xo. 2114. For partition. Joseph 1 ted rugs rs. Victoria drugs et a Is. He Pursuant to an order and decree of the above ('ourt and iu obedience, to a commission to tun directed in the above entitled and mini hered succession and community I will offer lor sale at public auction pursuant to law to •he last and highest bidder at tin* Court House ill the I'rtcrn of Tli i bod an t , on Satur d i v. the "Oth d h v of March. I8«6 betw-en the lion rs of II o clock A. M. ami 4 o'clock P. M. the follow ino dese iboit property belonging to t ho ahovo succession amt community to offset a partition between the parties herein lntcrestedin iio'snance of a judginenr render ed theiein ou the 12th day of October, IRS.y to wit ; A eet t lin t raer of land situated in this Par ish on tlie right bank of Ua vou L ifnnrohe at about ten miles below the Town of Thiho ilaux measuiing one .arpent and a half more or le-s front h\ forty ar|i»nts in deptii boun detl above liv land of Felicien Foret and lie low by land just below described to a dis tance of ten arpeuts and thence bv land of Emile I'rosctair. Together with all bin dings and improvements thereon the Another tract of land adjacent 'to and be low the one just described measuring three quarters of an arpent trout on the lower line by three quarters of an arpent in depth also less mi feet mi the lower line by the whole depth of said land reserved by Emile Tros- ela'r. Moveable property : 1 bedstead, 2 tables. I anuoir. 1 clock. I looking glass, I stove. 1 cross-cut s»w. 1 band saw ; on the follow ing terms and conditions to wit : In so far as the undivided share nf plaintiff Joseph DeGruys in said property is concerned to-wit, 02715760 ol the w hole, one third cash and the balance one and two years from date of sale secured by special mortgage ami venders lien and privilege on the undivided share of lilaiut ff on the property sold is concerned and the share of the major heirs viz: Victoria De littivs wife of Oscar Ktmhloeh, Josephine De Grays wife of Robert Wagenspack, Augustin DeGruys and Yictnrin DeGruys being 927 |d7'i0 each of the whole tor cash and the share and portion of the mi hoi s Letitia Ali cia and Irma DeGruys being 25(381 each of the whole to be sold on following terms and conditions viz : moveable for cash and the landed property and improvements one third cash and the balance at one -and two years credit trom the day ot sa'e. The purchaser to furnish notes to his own order and by him ou dorsed in blank secured by mortgage w ith vendot's lien and privilege on the property 8oW mvU r tlie '. * aci de " OH olienando said uotD t«i Im» ii* ^ight n©r cent v**i 'aniiuin iroui their date until fully and finally paid and the act nf sale to « f ipuIato attorney 's fees, at live pet- cents on anumlt recovered in ease of suit being resorted to. to recover amount of said note or any parr or portion thereof February 13tii. I'*'»(». THEOI*HlLE[THlBODAUX, Sheriff men at tlif residence of Mr. It. H. Allen. ?" es,|av - K, ' 1,r,,:,,v ,,rh - sakah it. <;ueene, wife of i.. s. Or..,.«... aged to at 11 o clock A. M. N*. O. 1 *i«•;«vunt* nl* year?*, 3 month** and 6 days. The informant *°°- k - , ' li ' c ' 5 Ht " St - cbl " ->>' _______ gPraWBBgV Jt"/ ^ ' y tyi ji'vqj THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 2(P!t Judicial District Court, ish ot leifniuchc. Richard Mi tli hen rs .Vo. 2174, Mari/ .1. Cross. Par Mrs Take notin' that actnijr iind^r an order of seizure and >ai»* email if i nir fro;n the above eni'f'ed <*t»nrt. in fin* above entitled and nnmh. red ca>e. I have seized and will offer for -ale at public auction pursuant to law T'> tie la-t and highest bidder at the ('oiirf House i: flu* Town of Thilmdau v. on Samr da v. t Sic *JD| li da\ of Maul.. l v -Sli, between tli-* hours of 11 o'clock A. M anti 1 o'clock I*. M. the one (iiii!i \ id* d li ill*of tin* followi do scribed property helon^ini; to tb * said defon d.utt, v.z : A certain tract of land or Mijur plantation known as the Oi a tup* (I»nvc I Man tat ion. si* ua leu in the Parish of Lafourche on the left descending bank of I'avo.t Lnfourch*' the dweilliit*: Dei1a !»onf four miles from Thilio dauT and three in lies fr on said Ha v oil situa ted in Township it South of Raiup* iti Hast except a small pm t on nt t,.e tract hereinaf ter firs? described ami composed of the follow in_r tracts, viz : 1st. A certain tract oi* land bounded above ; hv lands i t M. \. ('onion and below by lands < f I . Ken t At Bros cornitn inuu^ si\ arpents from Mavuif I afoimdie and running l ac.v thirty-tbur arp *urs hav ing a front of one and a half arpent . .'ml. A tract in the rear of and adjoining the tract just ibsriibed havimr a tiont of i f wo ai'pcnts and m quarter arpm.ts and run ! niti" back twenty ;u penis, bounded above by binds of II. X. i'onion and below by ,.nd* of T Foret A Hi os. in tbe rear by lands oi ven- ■ dor Mi*d. Tin* main bodv of the plantation com posed of Nt. The South half of the South ; east quart *! of M it : on 10b containing SO j acres. 'Jnd. Tin* South i-.asl qnartM* ot see- i | ti«n 10b containing DO acres. .'Jrd The>ontb i of section 104 containing diS.d qlOO, acres. i dtli Ihe Xnrlli-west quarter of Rcetion j 104 containing 160 acifkfi. 5th. The Esst half | I •»f South V\ phi quarter of section 101 coutaiu • Dig SO ii'Mth. Cth. The South ha f of South- 1 i west quarter of section KKl containing | 84 14110 > acres. 7th, The North } of section | 111 containing 310 3C|100 acres. 8th,: A fractional portion of section 110 ©on- j taming 104 acres. Together with all the 1 buildings and improvements thereon, stock, cattle, horses, mules and .arming utensils and iin dements thereon, aUo I portable en gine. til* mules. 4 wairons. 4 carts. I Rotary Hoc. 1 cotton seed meal distributor, hai r» ws, 18 ploughs, I corn planter, 1 fluke, 5 Multer ploughs. 14 set* double and tingle trees. 1 stubble digger. 12 wagon loads of corn [about;. 75cords of wood (nearly), 1 su gar brute stove and cooking fninitu'e. &e 3 > cane knives. 5 spado*. 14 sets of harness and all the seed earn* on s »id plantation. To pay and satisfy in cash tin* sum of One I hoiisand and Twenty three .'>.q10D I )<>|lars. Together with eight per cent per annum, in terest thereon from 3rd May. 1S84 till paid and ten pci* centum «n the aggregate thereof ns attorneys* fees and. all tin* e.>-ts herein which said amount is secured by mortgage with vendors piivilege on the properly above described by act of sale and mortgage passed befo»*** Albert d. 1 asseigne, deputy clerk and ex-othcio Nwtary Public of said Parish on the 3rd May, 1884 THEOPH1LK THIHODAUX, Sheriff Feb. 13th 1 S8n. STATE OF LOUISIANA. j j i ; ] i j : j | I ! 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Richard Mill ike i> rs Xo. 2175, deoreje C. Taylor. small portion of the tract hereinafter first de Take notice That acting under an order of seizure and sale emanating from the ahovo en titled Court in tho above entitled and num bered ease I have seized and will otter for sale at public auction, pursuant to-law to the last and highest bidder at the Court House in th» town ot Tbibodaux, on Saturday Maieh 20th. 1886. between the hours of II A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. tile one undivided half of the following described property, belonging to this delbiidatit. viz : Aceitain tract of land or sugar plantation known as the Orange Grove Plantation situa tid in the Parish of Lafourche on the left des rending hunk of Bayou Latourehe. the dwel ling being about four miles from Tluhodaux and three mill's from said Bavott situated in iown-hip I I Smith id Itan -c 111 Iv st exeeni a ,1 . r , . , I imposed of the following tree! rilieil and r iz : 1st A certain tract el land bounded above by lands of II N ('onion and below by lands ofT Foret .V Bros eoii-ineiieing six arpeuts from Bayou Lulourchc and running back Thirl v four arpeuts having a front of one and a half arpent 2nd A tract in the rear of and adjoinin'-" tlie tract just described having a front of two arpeuts and a quarter arpents and ruuning back twenty arpents bounded above by lands ot II. V ''onion and below by lands of T. Foret & Bros. 10 the rear by lands of vou dor. 3rd The main body of tlie plantation coin posed of 1st, The South half of the South east quarter of section 100 containing SO acres. 2nd. The South east quarter nt sec tion 105 contaiuing 160 arris. 3rd. Tlie Souttli half of sect ion 1"4 eontaining 318 ;t,t| (up acres. 4th, The North Weal quarter of section 104 containing 160 acres. 5th. The East half of South west quarter of section In] containing 80 acres. 6th, The South half of South-west qoarter ot section 103 containing 84 I 1(100 acres. 7th. The North half of section 111 con taining 3 10 30(100 acres. 8th. A fractional portion of 110 containing 164 acres. Togeth er with all the buildings and improvements thereon, stock, horses, mules and farming utensils anil implements thereon. Also one portable engine 20 ntules, 4 wagons. 4 carts. 1 rotary hoe. I cotton seed meal distributor, 2 harrows. 18 ploughs, I corn planter. 1 fluke 5 Matter ploughs, 14 set* double and single trees, I stubble digger, 12 wagon loads of corn (about], 75 cords of wood (nearly). 1 sugar bouse stove ami cooking furniture .35 cane knives. 5 spades, 14 sets of harness and alt the seed cane on said plantation. To pay and satisfy in cash ihe sum ot One Thousand and Twenty-three 55(100 Dollars together with eight per cent per annum interest, thereon from the 3rd day of May, 1884, till paid and ten per centum on the aggregate thereof as attorney's leee and all costs herein which said amount -s se cured by mortgage with vendor's privilege on the property above described by act of sale and mortgage passed before Albert .T. Las seigne, deputy clerk and ex-officio Notary Public of said Parish on the 3rd May. 1884. February 13tb. 1886. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX. Sheriff. OA(l ... ... . ,, 20 th .1 ml leial District Court, Par TATE OF LOUISIANA. ish of Lafomcho. Walter Pugh rs Xo. 2180. John M. lloicdl and Hcrmoyene lioln chuux. Take notice that actin'; under an order ol sei/iirr and sale email.trom the :move c ilit D ii Com t Hi the above ewlitie.l and hiim heed last* I have seized and oiler for salt* at public auction pur rtiiaut to law to the last and highest hid l* r ai tin* i 'oid'T lioiitM* in the tow n m Tinl il-itix. oil S;i iirilav tilt* 'JOill day of March 1Sm ; , in*! \\ r •ii tlo* Imurs of 1 l o\ lock A- M. au<l l i/iML'k i*. M. tin* following Gtsclihcil proport v. lo vit : A 4*i*i i am I ract of l.iml or pl.mtati on known as tin* "Wav tri.v i 'latitat ion*' si. ua tea IN tio* i'aiisii o! l.aiomcbe. in ibis S'. »tc. on the right descending bank of Uavou i alburidie ami fronting ther»* »u. at about three miles above ihe town of Tbibodaux tin* first con cession nn a>uiing twenty arp(*uts front linuc j or less on said i»u\oii ; the second coni*»ss on having a !roi»t ol .-cYcnicen and a halt ai j pcnt> : i.iie -aid pl.iuiatam being bomit!>->! a tollows : Ihe trout concession t»v J tic Hnis will it- (Jr . nd Fiu ueRo id wine i sc palate - it trom t ht* pi op**rfy fmincrlv Im*IoU 2,IN? lo Dr. 1*. li. Ait •latioon and the rear COHCC -.-.lull by lands now helon-iii- lo 1 l.'I'V il » Mii e and lie low l> V • a*i<;hioii Ihaiita timi m 1 1 K. 1*. Pugii. To-' ether w ii ii ul 1 tin r Du 1 !dilii;s amt till prove: im tits tlieieou iuelmltii ^ su**ur liense. • mil. t •urines, iiutciiiuci \ UNO making -ip..;u'. (tits »»f e\erv k .Hid, staolc. ea 'ins. lilllles . wagons, carts. piowi 8, ami farming rl i|ition « liatsm-M l" it ...ud |ila nt at inn i lid ; t in- Minii- pruii, t ty liou-fll :ii-<|tiir<-d I'.v ssimi ot M f.-. Cvut lita li t ii Us i Is ot every de used to t he eilltivation l.ieleto helwll^llly. lieil umeli the Saul .loan M pill chase I'm o tile slice Fiiol,. Also ;ihout "Joiltt liarrds of coal, about d'l loads ol hay. about i'.U wu^ou loads of Corn, 4!' mull s. - _.s plooe|is IT sets of ucais, stiihhlc diners, i carts, I'd wagons, it wooilcti cistern I set ol lilai k-mitli tools, I lu-ttalo cane scales. I iron roller. 100 arpeuts ol seed earn*. Itl can** knives, da hoes, 1 lot of old w.t;; ojt axli sand win els. 1 set trust hoops. l'i> pay tindsati-t v the sum of live thousand dollars cash aud iS "[0 interest tiom the I'tli daauary IS v ti. easli and the balance of said in deateduess of twenty lour thousand with Jt 0(0 percent interest from ttli Vehroa ry lisMi on which said ttli February ItkStisaid tialauce falls due together with five per cent attorneys fees on the suit! indebtedness and allpuists therein said sale be u ade on the following terms and eomlitions and accord it'd to law as follows : • Cash surf cient to pay and satisfy five thou sand dollars with 80(0 interest from I8tli .Ian ii ary lSStiand on a term ot credit to the 4th February. lS^ii, to pay and satisfy the hal alien of .-a d indehteducss witii fw enty-ii\e Thousa'n 1 Dollars with 8 0(0 interest from, Itlr February, ISSli, together with 5 OjO attorneys fees on said indebtedness and all easts which said amount is secured or inortd.tdc on tlio property atiove dcscriheil hv act of niort"a*'C passed before Eilj-ar tirima Notary Public of the city ol Xew Or cans on the "Jlst rlav of I'ehrutrv 1^4. Said sale to he made with out appraisement. February FJtli. 18SiF lHlIOl'IlILE THIBODAt X, Slid iff'. 20th Judicial District Court, Par STATE OF LOUISIANA. ish Lafourche. - Emma C. Flash rs. Xo. 2183 Christi . . 11 i traetionai lot ot Alexander Kilibeck anil I v ... I 1 ......: ..I l.. . , i , ana Lindner et als. Take notice that acting under a writ of Fi Fa emanating front the above entitled Court in the above entitled and nnm hered ease I have seized and will otter for sale at public auction pursuant to law to tlie last ai d U gliest bidder at the Court House in tlie Town of Tbibodaux on Saturday tlie -Oth day of March 1886 between tlie hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the fd lowiug described property to wit: 1st. A certain lot of ground or town lot situ ated iu the Town of TUibodaux being tlie North East quarter of lot No. [2i) twenty hve ou the (dan of said town, bounded in front or North by Main street West by Jtlic North west quarter ot said lot South by the South East quarter of said lot and East bv St. Loins street together with all the buildings and irn proveuients thereon. 2nd. A certain fractional lot or town lot sit anted in the town of Tbibodaux measuring tifty-mie feet five inches trout, on St. Philip street by seventy-five 1'oet in depth together with all the buildings and improvements there on bounded in trout or West by >t. l'biliii street South by lot of L. .1 Meyer East bv j North by fractional lot of Louis Laugn an be ing tlie southern part of the Western hulfof lot No. Ill ou the plan of the town of l hiijo dans. Terms and conditions of sale c ash on the pay spot m ('mini States ireasmy Nh in tieipal interest and cos ts m the above suit, Februarv Lltli 18-tj. THEOPHlLE TUIBODAUX. Sheriff'. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20tb, Judicial District Court, Par ish ol Lafourche. Lewis Moore vs. Xo. tors. 2135 his end i j Pursuant to an order ami degree of the above Court and in obedience to a cominis sion to me directed in the above entitled and numbered case I will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last and high est bolder at the Court House in the town of I I nbodaux on Saturday the 20th day ot March 1886 between the hours ot II ocltck A. M. and 5 o'clock P. M. the following edseribeil property ceded by the said insolvent to his creditors viz ; A certain tract ef land or town lot sitnated in the Parish of Lafourche on the right bank of Bayou Lafourche at about sixteen arpents therefrom on the outskirt ef the town of Tbibodaux said lot having a fr*nt of sixty eight leet on a street or road bounding it on the South and sepsrtingiit from laud of Paul LeBlauo a front of tw o hundred and eight feet on a street <>r road bounding it ton the West and separating it from lot now or formerly be longing to Pierre Lagarde a front of sixty eight feet on the, North or towards Bavott La fourchc abutting lot ot Anthony Granger and a back line, of 208 leet this tine being paralell ed with and sixty eight feet from the Western boundary. Together with all ihe buddings and improvements tberaon. Terms and conditions ot ale: cash'on the spot, in United States Treasury notes. Februarv 13th, 1886. THEOPKILE THIBODAUX. Sheriff. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. Parish of Lafoniuhe, 20th Judicial Distiict Court. Etienne Rousseau is His Creditors. Xo. lit 88. To all those idiom ; hese presents mag concern : Please tike not ice. That in pursuance of an order of said Court, giantcd on No* 3rd February. lS8t». a inci ting of the crcilitoes of the said insolvent will take place bc*ore Kmi!** E. Lci'.htiie. cb i k of.-aid Fonrt « t ihe Parish at Ealourcbe on tin* 13th day of latch I8sd, iM gii.nmgat lHo*.» ock A. iSl. tor the purpose of i ak i n g tin* a It. i i rs ot the said in solvent into con-idt ration tin* appointment o| ndie. A: c.. and t hat m the hum nt line all proceeding* agaiu.-t Jn* person and property o! the saiii iu-olvent. Etienne kousscau, bo stayed. 1 n testimony whereof. sr-> 1 W itne>s 111y li.tnd and tin- impri'SH . ... tlx-si-al nt in\ tillin', at I'liiituilaUK ) 111is -uli dayul Kstiriiai v l.'i'-ii iSi^m-d} 1 *'v < \V. KNOlil.OClI, d -aid l ourt. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 2Hi It Jiuliciul Distiict Court, Par ish ol Lat'otirelit*. Leo X. Aucoiu rs Jlis Cred tors. A o. 1*1 76. I'o all whom these presents mag eon eei'ii : (41; I". FT I NO ; That in pur>nance of an [order "I slid Court d ranted oil the "J".' II 11 day of ■l.innaiA, ls v, i;. accession of the property of the.said insolvent was mane to his creditors, iiiul that a no etirid ot tin- said credit' rs will take place hr I ore Corns Philip 1 ailloii t„ Mo lary Public ol said Pn isli. at It s otlieo in tlie townot I In obaitx. oi. the Kith day of Match isso, hi-dinuiiid at 10 o'clock A M for tin- par po-c ot taking the atlairs of the said in-ol u'lit into con-ideraiioii. tin- appointment of syndic&i-.. ami that in the meanume all proceedings adaiust tlie person and proper t\ ot the said la o X. Aucoiu be stayed. in testimony whereof, i s-'— 1 \\ ituess in y hand si ml the iui|iresa . I,.S: ■ nf my seal of office at 'J'hib-.alaux f — ) this •doth dav of Januarv. A. I' 1886. .1 \V. KNOBLOPH, I)'y Clerk of said Court. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial Distiict Coint, Parish of Lafourche. Succession of John li. Pittman, Xo. 1174 Probates. l'nrsuni t to an onh r ami decree cf the above Court and in obedience to a ci mniis sion tn me directed m the above entitled and numbered Mu-cessimi I will nftVr for sale at public;! tietion pursuant tolaw to I lie last anil Inchest bidder on 1 lie premises on the Oak drove plantation situated in this parish, left bank ol Uavou E.ilotii"' lie at about leu utiles below the town ot Tliibobaux, on Saturday the Fltli. day of February, 188-i. between the hours ot II o'clock A. M.atid 4 o'clock. !'■ M. the following movable property belong ins to the above succession to-v cows, Ii mules, i pouey, 1 horse, 1 ox 2 hulls. -J old carts, 1 lot of hat lass, I n are ii 1/^'JK.W"-. 1 - '••'«»««' ' >"t. 3 tvstjntli* I lot Oi Old W'l hre'v, o tfcsiiers, 2 Eu 1 hit of house ii'.rniiuie. I lot of copper pipes, Ac.. Ac. Terms and conditions of sale easli on the snot ill Fnitcd States treasury notes. TIlEOPllILE TI1IBODACX . Sheriff Januarv 30th. 188>. THU STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial Distiict Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Succession of Fortune Ankrvm Xo. 1168 Probates. Pursuant to an order and decree of the ! above Conn and in obedience to a eominis ! cion to m- ilim-ted in the above entitled and | numbered -accession I will otter for'sale at ; public .ruction pursuant to law to the last I and highest bidder at the Court House in the town ol 1 hihndnux. on Saturday, tlie 13th day of February, 1886. between the hours ol 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M.. .the following described property, belonging to tba above succession, to-wit ; A certain traetionai lot of ground situated in tins Parish of Lafourche on the right bank ot Bay on La ton re lie in the immediate vi cinit.v of the town ot Tluhodaux said lot men soring one Manured and sixtv three feet front tow,ltd the West and one hundred and ninety-two feet toward the South, ninety one left toward the Last and one hundred am! ninety two feet toward the North, li.iuu deil in I runt or West by a road six feet wide reserved by Charles -Dupre. South by the ball lot now or lorim rlv belonging to jtilieu Sager and Last and North by land formerly belonging to Charles Dupre. Together with all the buildings and improvements tlieieou. I erms and oondittons ot sale; cash oil the spot 111 United States treasury notes, to pay di bts. THKOPliiLli THIBODaUX. January Oth, 1886. Sheriff FOR SALE! Tlie square of ground situated iu the town ot Thibodeaux, bounded by Jackson, st Mary and Harrison streets and the Kail-road Alley to be subdivided into lots to .suit pur chasers. I he Eugenia Plantation, situated in the Parisli of Lafourche, a' forty miles below the town of Thibodeaux measuring seven ' and a half arpeuts front along the left bank of he '* * - ,ue Bayou Lafourche by torty arpeuts in depth between parallel lilies containing 300 arpents of which 250 arpents are subject to cultiva tion. Together with large dwelling house, three small houses, stable and other out houses. Also four other tracts of landsjik the rear, on the Bayou L'Ours eentaining about 440 acres of which one halt is composed .ot hj.rh Live Oak ridge lands subject to cultivation. Another tract of land situated in the Parish of Lafourche at torty-six miles below the town oi Thibodeaux measuring ten and a half arpents front along the right bank of the Ba you Lafourche by forty arpents in depth, bounded above by lands of Jus. Clierami and below by lands of estate of Liu-ien Guedrv. This tract contains four hundred and twen ty arpents in superficies mostly high and above overflow the levee being only eight in ches in height and more than sufficient to pro tect it trom the highest water of the Bayou Lafourche. For liberal terms and particulars, apply to P. A. THIBODEAUX. Thibodeaux, La*