Newspaper Page Text
HOTEL HliS HT'KAGGERS. Eucnigunre des rues Green et Thibodaux. Mr. Thomas Alberti prévient ses amis les voyageurs qu'il vient de taire de non veaux arrengemeuts qui lui permettront de s'atisfiiire tout ceux qui voudront J'honuo rer de leur confiance Repas àtoute heure de la journée et su commande. Table d'héte à 10 heures du matin ponr déjeuner et à 4 heures du soir pour diner. Chambres commodes et bien garnies PRIX MODEREES. LE JOURNAL Les T*etites Affiches. Publié tous Its samedis à New-York, — PAK— «I. Jottrnnd, 1.. Tesson A Cie. ABONNEMENT .- $1.00 par an Envoi franco de numéros spécimens. On demande des agents dans les localités où le Journal n'es a pas déjà. S'adresser à L. TESSON. 52 l'iiuce street, New-York. On reçoit aux bureaux de la S;nt \h.i.k des abonnements et des annonces pour le Journal Les Petites Ailiehes. \n\n t SUiboilaux Sentinel, SATURDAY, FED. 13, 1SS6 THE STATE OF LOUISIANA 20th Judicial District Court, Par* isb of Latourclie. CLERK'S OFFICE I, hereby certify that on the 1th «lay of Keb rnarv the following named persous wcre «Ira 'Mi by tb • Jury eoii.i;i,• ■ i« :i ; to serve as ^raml ami petit Jurors for the April term of said Court. For the first week of said Court to serve as Grand ami lVtit Jurors, h« - innin- on Muu dav April 6th l* v> 6 as follow I I« S 11 im ii I . S. * I 11 » 1 Williams S.imui'1 2 Ledit A ill i'll :t Alexis St. -I "~t Jr. 4 Adam George 5 Au.'li't, Caul •i ({tiedry 1' " 7 LeBittue 1'i.vse B. S Foret Marcelin 9 Taliov Henry 10 liock Artlinr 11 Hornaril Oscar 12 Grübel t Paul IdChiqqiiiis Alphonse I 1 Carter Henry 1.) Parr Aurclicii Hi Hebert Ernest 17 Clement Beauregard IS Crtsmnni Cleoph is It* Jules Henry 211 Coulon Jtiles 21 Bourgeois J. X. 22 Talmr All-ert 21i Jones Fred 24 Chauvin Albert 25 Lagnrde Kiglitor dd Perkins John G. 27 Boudreaux Leandre 28 Toups Leo 29 Williams Richard , 2(1 McDonald John dl Me Evers James 32 Smith Charles dd Malbrough Arthur dl Adam Aurelien 35 Kohiehaux M. dti Malbrough Avis 37 Cnuio Augustin Jr. 3S Gilbert Lewis 3t> Wolf William U Lagnrde Joachim 41 Taylor Frank 11. 42 ('onion Rodolphe 43 Bourgeois Joseph 14 Sureau Francois. 15 Bouterie Oiens i'i Kohichaux Datum« 17 Stewart Hiram Jr. 48 Hebert Emile 41* Bourgeois Chillies 5 I (lande Prosper. For the second week id' said Court on Monday April 13th l-S-sii to serve us Petit Jurors as follows . 1 Mo it teg ut Fred S. 2 Toups Adonis 3 M il brou" h Osémé 4 Pieice William 5 Elliot Adolphe •I B.idenux Oscar 7 ('destin Henry Jr. S Elliot Joseph 'J G uidro/>,< 'Parles 10 Howard John 11 Boudreaux Valeria 12 Borne Gr.ieieu Id Stublis Kieluird 11 Wehre Leonard 15 Hebert Vasseur 10 Savoie Joseph 17 Glover Robert 18 Bourgeois Jllte. 10 L\all John 20 Hebert Allhei t 21 l'aille Albert 2d 5tli i't. 2d 2d 9tU 7th 5th Olh 4 1 h 1st hit 2nd 2nd It It 5th 1 st 0th 2nd 5th 4th 5th 1st 4th 2ud loth 2ml 3rd 10th 9th 9 th 2nd 2nd 1st 7th 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 9th. 1st Sin l 4th 9th 5th dial 5th beginning ve as Petit •22 (4uedry C. J. 23 Adam Theodore 24 Scbnexuaider Kleber 25 Mire Sylv. ro 25 Coates Madison 27 Beary James 28 Morvant Clvsse 29Torres Albert F. 30 Oncnle Victoria In faith whereof. ( ^— > Witness my hand and the J L.S. y of the seal ol uiy ottiee. at Tl t '- v '~ J Parish and State aforesaid this Sth day of February, 188tj. J. W. KNOBLOCH, D v Clerlt of said Court 2nd 7 tli 2nd 7th 4th 4th 2nd 5th 3rd 2nd 5th 5th 717. ist 7 Lh ■1th 2nd 5th 9th let .nil 3rd 4;k 1st •ah 7lh 5th 1st Olh 5rh imp .'■ I.... 1 II. J. BRÜNING, mmm JjAKGAIXS. UAI1GAIXS. We arc now prepared to sIotjt one of tho finest assortments of Furniture, iu this city, I suitable for all purposes aud it taiiis IToSsggit IE^-v-3ry-iocd.3r T Give us a call before pure', using and non vines yduiself that one pri.-e- ale the very lowest Kcmember the number. 56 B AROME ST. NEW ORLEANS. 017-85 J. B BOSIO. J. P, GROS. B0ÎI0ER0S, -DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF fslsn "i cratry Met, Mo. US Decatur St. between St. Louis and Toulouse, New Orleans. constantly on hand, Mo y 9 Corn, Bran and Rock Salt, T A -Tx/TT -^-sr- DP'IAOTJS,, Corn Meal, Irish and Street Fata toe ». Onions, Apples, Oranges, Garlû', Etc. f : NStGNMENTS S0UC1TE0 0-24-85-lj* - Habitual constipation is not only one oi the most unpleasant, but at the saute time one of tile most in jurious conditions of the human system, and is but a forerun ner of disease, unless removed. This is usually accomplished by the use of purgr, tives. which for the time atford relief, lint after their immediate elfeets have passed they leave the system in a worse state than before. To effect a cure it is liccessa ry that the remedy used should be one that not only by its cathartic effect re lieves the Bowels, but at the same time acts as a tonic, so as to restore the organs to a sound, healthy condition. Thisl'KICK LY ASH BIT 1 KKS is especially adapted for these complaints. It arouses a torpid' liver to action ami restores it to a healthy condition, Now is the time to order one ot the famous Eva us Corn ami Feu Flaut ers from R. R. McDiide, agent at Thibodaux . ,, . .. lili.* % V Aie U IKlOU î >tet. 1J îuè xilKbSt plainer ever hi ought tion of Louisiana. ,|,io v ,w, 1 ^ ^ OV Ä k •» r *» jugs if iu bad health. There suej miseiable peojile about to-day with one tout in the grave, to whom n bottle of Fat hers Tonie would do more good than all the doctors aud medicines they have ever used. NO C VEA UX A h KAN GEMENTS. The Chicago Weekly News -AS'd THE Thibodaux Sentinel, Foi - S3 a YEAR. Postage Included. The CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS Is now an eight-page, sixtv- four-column paner. It is the largest "dollar weekly" in America. Its eight broad. Ion g pa cos present each week a mass of choicely selected matter, containing much to suit each of 1 he varying tastes of thefamilv circle. First aiid foremost it gives all T m: 7t::v. s, complete as to details, vet m-U' con-'ise in fori Its connection with tl.e-f IIIf,'AGO DAILY NEWS (mem ber of the Associated Prtx») gives it facilities for news gathering unsurpass ed by any journal in the country.' Its market reports are specially com plete and thoroughly trustworthy. Par ticular attention is givt n toagriciStunil and Imme matters. Every issue con tains SIX COMPLETED STOHIKS, and a regular installment of an original storv by some well known English or Amer ican author, exclusively secured for the CinCAGt) DAILY NEWS. Con densed notes on fashions, art, indus tries, literature, science, etc., etc., ap pear regularly. Few papers in the country are so ex tensively quoted bv the press in general for its bright aud huniorotis paragraphs as tiie Chictu/o Daily fiev». These are all reproduced in the WEEKLY N EWS. In its editorial expression the paper speaks from the standpoint of the independent journalist, and the fair minded and thoughtful of ail par ties will appreciate and valia- its candid statements of facts and conclusions, all calculated to qualify the reader for the formation of his own intelligent opin ion. The political events of the year to come promise to assume such a character that a thoroughly truthful aud impartial record becomes ail-im portant. In all its departments the CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS aims to present an enterprising, impartial and run rimning family newspaper of the very highest grade. WHAT OLD SUBSCRIBERS SAY When Hoy Tienne their £ nUrrt'ptiom. Mi Aid "William <'>n-. Ponti ic. Oak!:'iid C(*'.mry % ■ ; think • > ; : t paper in *\Yv 1 It is be? rdcli. Sullivan, O.. pay • ter than many <A' ;iu* s-j papers. Jr.nuN» P. Malone, 2 '5 st < «rr^et. "New Origin-, La., pay*: *■ 1 : i - oTsipavin^ yon : pap.;*r with others 1 receive, i iiüjm: yonu*, the Chicago Weekly News, i** <h 1, tn'iier. host. 1 would soon■ r mips h Tm-nl than a Duinberof the N ■ News. th 18 Alfred P. 111., '■avfi: pu hi true to its nan «*. Alfred P. Pos it th? newspaper of the day îrv < » est Khodcs. Adrian. Mich., tt - 1 - ...... ne> Lau *• I Tike Th k V.'rk-üly J " -- 1 - ' W». I iy t»*r. Woodhull. Henry County, Î6 OIL ol til*' c*< Adrian. Mir want to miss i* number. U for papers n. Mich., nays: " Î nber. It is the best ver nia. hi : V. ee x ly News. ws 1 have ever seen." Estonia, saunder« Cr>nnty. lik*' The V.eexly News. It W. don't paper Pi-ti Keb says: •• I lik*' Thi: V. svaly News. It is fill of readable an! vnluaole new-, and al though I aru in receipt « t niir* we<'kly journals lam con st mined to rxiopt Tue W". k ma News aa No. 10. because of i;s lum-pirTisna attitude in i'oliti<s. Hjvin.y m< '.if* unhurt Jed irnih v >* n OtnuUhL tb'- 4Ctp» Oi ay, pciiucai i',uU * M. E. Haven; ort, Pan* v fa, N* % says: n "1^ -8 the cheopeat arni paper î ever a Mrs. I.. Schon an', TTan nib* 1. Mo.. sa4« : "ITiki your p::per very, I j* t S x *4 v **r pr^»**r**, but L tit) not like tncin a* Weil as \.u< Nkwb. m V\ . R. Msn«fii M. T.-x . fs:y highly pF-iwed w ill tin Nrv tics preheated in vt hi » ides of t er' y in Wl£.vLY the qtman utterly impo-e bie to get i.. nal of either side.'' for I tfvt po k hi *uc i * way that 1 £ tbo'n Mon fairly s» t for-'.i. *a ..Xu is Birietiy p -rty juia Its size and ebarnuter c^nsklorcd tlte CHICAGO WEEK LY NEWS is the eheanest verily in. America. ON E DOL LAR A Y'EAK.piisiiigciuelndi-d. (Ji.r B|w«-fn.1 Cfubbing Ten:r<br»r>w i v. ithin the reach <>f all our miwvik r« 8-r•< i•> men i-'pii-s may Ik- 8ee.i at 11 :« ( llkn. bend Sum-.Tli'!ions to ink oklcu. 4 i! X ■( prrsrnls i qp wl f 1 r,- I'I »1 Fs,.n,i us 5 eetils postage, and by mail you will g>-r free n package ot j goods of hr ge v tI He. t h it will ««alt von in j otHMlS of i,rp' work tli it will at once lu ni you in faster titan aiiythiu.' else in about I"*«* ) t.D > ) in i>ros-nts wit b eaeh box. you inoui'.v America. All 'about', m* " : I *.d » > ui pros-nt s wit a ('.tch !m»x. Agent-» wanted every wlierti, of cither se\. « >i' f 11 ages, for nil tie- turn-, or snare time only, . «*• , » «•l- 4. ,(■ I 1 ■ it mi' m 11 . . ■ »•» .. to work for title's for nil Don't delay. Maine. their own homos. For workers absolutely' assured. 11. 11 vi.r. rr A C Portland joiix Tv. TROTTES, * v • Copper, Tia and Sheet Iron VT orkrr. U. Philip St. between ThiboJur.x aud Main Thibodaux, La., _: •- '^r -Eerpson hand a full Hue o' CO OK A XD HE A TIN G S TO FES. — Also »gent lor the— Charter Oak and Fame Stoves. -articulai at! ent'.ob git ta to Roofing and Gutteion-g. ÎÏ0DLKY WAGONS A (.'ARTS, nrr Ma n nine i it red bp r* > .ü,T7 ^ Eoaiey res. \y:!Ki'L/ mg. ir. /xa:-:.; a to »ns&• cautso, v2Tit*tber Wi, -els. Jlagiisse Calls, Town ''.'' sizi-ot -tnail Citf'-. Drav , i'w. tiovsi Wiig-.n-. big Wagon* with '.lie and Sanft: and Spring Kl-itl*. '1 he J5IWT r.b- < ;*-< :i -«■ intub-. and l>.V LY ! g .--.'c:-; Distiibiitiug Mat.-liilie for 'i-tton S -i-i'i V ■ 1 n:ii 1: •;* Ki-t-t tli.a-i s. • »rii ■■ A i Di 1 I : > fin- iiiiiiutfi i-Diving me t IlCilUlt E-'d i 1 v \ î ; nasi* in tile 8. VVbet <- .v , \, * ft ■ toi --it FIRST CLASS vor;, iu CHEAP as any interior work oder ■ü u tile .'Lottii. Will. II. IDK.1X. Ajïï'tsî, mj.) 77.Iy. Thii'.odalx. La. FRANK BARKER, Suceessor to Barker & Sevin, Couiiuissioi! Merchant. ami I-KAI.KK IN A 1*1. KINUa of mmm fhoduse, COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Rice , Potatoes, Eggs, honey. Bees wax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS, l.iticml Advance* Slade Fou*igumeut*. aug-12-82. e^LY m h m Pi m mm S-- 9m S a h BITTERS The majority of tho Ult of the human r,o4y arite from u laronftmont of the Liver, agecting both the tiomuth atut bvvrlt. In order to ogeot • turt, it it mooettarg to r omoo t the tt mto. Irregu lar and SluggUh aetton of the Somit, Beadaeho,aiekn«tta*thoBlommeh,Pain in the Both and Lotus, ate., iudioato that the Linar to at fouit, and mat matur e re - qulrto attittanoo to o ntMo this organ to throw og impurities. Prickly Aik mt tw nro otp eeiallg compounded for thio pw r poo o . They aro mild 4« thoir aottou and of ttMoo a» a ourtf are plotwsmi to tho taoto and taken easily by both children aud admit* Ta ken affording to directions, »heg are a gaffandpleasant «in/irBjrflpcpsta, General Debility, Habitual Con stipation, ki weed Kidneys, etc., etc. da a » lo ad Pkriicr they are superior to meg other medicine: cleansing the tgttom t horoug hly, and impart* ng note life and energy to tho in vtUii. IG« a ncdiciM Md nota» Intoxicating boverago. AU TGOB CS'uMlST M* NWUT AM BOTUS, end token-» other. VtUCM, IlM »or Bottle. PfllCFLY MK BUTS« M..SK.2 W»iSi5fcT088 et, kwif ai homme car. Va j j •111 Sm ! .()U18i Ai\ a « ï F ■n p « KL! i fill jifîsiï) liOl.SIMi. tWi-îïvier NI. new ovrv?s (i ■n 13 E It CD 1 A k> {j U rro[)rlr>tors Sa.-di, LÏ liuds. Doors, Moulding. Flooring and Ceiling, Newell ! hal'usu-Vs. etc., always <>n aaud or imjigv '*» order. Orders promptly at j tended to. DR A i roK'ilET PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Former lionne Surgeon of the Jeßer son Medicot College Hospital, ; and resident Flii/sician of the Philadelphia Dispeusury I Ucspoetltiily ollVrs bin sers ie»'s to tho inhabi ! tnuts of Thibodaux and vicinity. * tViiiro and i-t-sidt-nre : ST, PHIUP STREET, [Judge Blake's House.] Hours : from 8 to 10 A. M. & from 6 to 8 P. fH. Messages lnav be left for liiin at Mr. Jos. T. Thibodeaux s Drug Store. 21-My-85.tim , DENT AL In OTICE. äg» J. J. DAtGUE, ^X)f:n r n st, j Has located in towu ............: , t pet f-irt-iall op rati.- it* ap|«-rtai mg t . . jirol* ns at v rv i:' « *« i « » » -at » t *i. - s. will als-- pri.i-t'.ee in lit s' I'o-l t..-t eolin try and ail.j him i'ai i.-'.ms I r ] < hhvt : I oi iHT • k ! »1 id a . al i'L ia - \> 3U. The'eat->1 r 1er ne -iv. ' „ „ „ SCHOOL TEXT BGQK.S, -Adopt- d, for the use of tin- hï Ihk iy ib ïdù 5cl:d ---V r Na 1 ' b ---- 9 'OS. T. THIFODEAÜX. Orders far !;•">':* pro:o ;>*'•! licit a cl PuLHohers Frères, - P2?sr. Pens. Ink, Slates. Pensth Ma-*< sr.d Tinut Books, tnvclopes. Chalk, wrayo.ti Aa.. wiayû.iâ AT MODLJiA Til I'i:tens. CJ k.îÎM-i al £>i:.,OKnl.* iil-'ivveil ît» 'cî::ï:î?3»vî X SAW M! ? ? -'L-v'-j S-J: Vi H ST G OAK, AW2Î, crrn&ss r.n;5 Lumber at tin* lowest insirkct prices Oivlçrs promptly aitouilci. j lo and filled at the alioMcst 1 o. I st I tic notice. risterus Made to öi«lei*ii.> Ai SLO Oit LEAN-, l-JiHlES, V». il. RAT AN, Fioaidciit. r A , iIïTîOB STKAM FLANEiNG MILL. Ij. 0. AlfIJKRT, Confrrn tor A Itiriiih r T'roprirfor. j i I IIoüs» ;:nd .Sugar Uonso buiiùiiî ami ît-pairiii^. f'ialpliur'Iuehine* and t'isfeni-. wade îoorder. All work guaranteed to give .iatisfacthn. LUMBER FOR SAIF, L. C. AUBERT, 1(12-7-8-1. Jackson Stroct. Thibodaus. La t^PRICf^ Ü SPECIAL EXTRACTS ' î * 1 I î j I I j I j MOST PERFECT MADE Ifiirest iviul strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, la-mon, Orange, Almstid. Ko«e. etc., flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. ST. T.OTTTS. $3. OÖ l>;»vs for liotli the (Jill CAUO WEEKLY NEWS and the Tliiboditux SENTINEL lor one year, postage t»;ti(l. Se id subscnp tious to this otlice. H. MANUEL. -WHOLESALE DEALER IN- GoOlls. ^UtlOIlS^ <1'C, * 20 & 22 CIlîlKrCS Stl'CCt, .J vrtvom imvö » -^-L ii UiiLLaiJut April-20-'811y. - ■ Ramos Saw ari Plaining Mills, _ ° ■ MARTIN & DBEIBHOLZ, l*ropi-irtop*. Manufacturers and dealers in rough and Pressed CYTEESS L UMHER, CEILINGS , STRAIGHT AN1) Il E VEL ED (WcatHerDoaTös, Casings, Moalûiii£s s Etc. At LÖWGSt Mai'kot Hates, fllJffffIB PffiS PD??*''? MuciUM WMIMM »WimWI SlUAjidili « f A I Way» «Il llîïüîîl. All Communications addressed to Box 72 Mod k. flan City will receive prompt attention. Aug. -22-82- iy r CORN PLANTER. Attention is called to my new eouil-iued r COHN AM) PEA PLANTER, that I have had manufactured . xpres-ly ior yjv.t-i Louisiana. This planter is superior to any <"»e no»- in ase. ( all aud see u sample at me i'ual Olh- -) jili Thibodaux. For furtlier purtionlara inquiro of R 1!. IdcBlide. ugeut, Thibodaux. or * JOHN F. WOOD, y ,Houma, I.a., agoui tor Louisiana. ; ' V fim.U 24-'85. 3 * fb.,,--; f FRITZ JAHKCXE, y iPati. l'or Lai f Artificial Six: îiTanl -Dealer Is iorth Rivet' and German Flag» T Curb Stone and Portland Cement. p$os. 208 and 210 Delord SL - Bat. Baronne auil Carondelet Street Orl«Mfc ( b- ' - - -- - - - ^ " jSUGrAR MAKERS - A N D H R E W E R S - BONNABEL'S R;- Sulphite of Lime . Kst:ilt!ls!i('(l iu 1SÔ1. Kr î a: î i y i s :> r.v all sroAR Ivors in ;m<1 bv liltKAN KH8 j nil iivi-i tliv. i'ouutpy. Svnd !or cirGilüN. nrfir*•*' um u!w:iva b« obtuim-d Iron» i >ii ■»:•* • . Kbb-i •riii,n i ('o., ^bnl St., nud I / • • • î t » \ C N i. ijiiiis, iiini ( • m» 1 ; « î m: ^ AI ,ir • cid, 'Ml W att*: N**w Ynik. II. GON> AUEL, Box •. 1 .-7. Sept. 1 - 8 ">. 32 V .-ville 8t. New Olli-Boi* ' ** ?î p working ol#»«»« Kend S '» ' , L< J<*♦• *rfor juist »■»«•, ami w»» will î ; ' , f Lr iiiai' you //*#•/, a i ■ . ;i î . valuable * 7^! t ^ I»*»v «*! nHin))b* ^onds that will 1 LÜ a J Si « * >!lf VM,î * ri , * u ' WJ,V «I' inftkinjc "* ijioi»* money iu a lew day« tiiatt I you pvrr tliou^tit pos-dldo at any busi î ! K-"'. < -ipilal not ri-tju i»*d. We will Start j yin. Y ou va a work all tin* time or iu «paré I t no only. Tlmworki-» mu vei h illy adapted I to bot a hpxp*, ynnn** and old. \ on can zanily earn Iroin -»U eHiit** to £.» overy eveniog. Tlnd all win. want work may tt*f*i ibo buttiii**,** j make tliin unparalleled /»H*«*r : to all who art I not wHI Kutistio i w« will R»*nd s| to pay j th** trouble of writ in*,' u*. Full particular«, dnce: '»»•!>. bent lie«*. Kortmies will b# made by those wlo*. vivo their whnlrt titue rt tlie work, (ireat suer is- r»b'-»»lulely »»irt.t Don't delay. Start now Aù.i: » s*> SriN*o>' 4» Portland, M n ne. IfIKTS Obta ne ?. and all o*J»er iHFinc'- in the Pat« nf Odiue attended to lor MODERA** WMMS Our .idler is opposite the S. Patent !:< •. • • "v can «*bî tin P.itentn in I lUÏ * than t ■ a* remot■■ from H I SULSGTOX* Send MoDKIj OKA WISH. We w \ ;. e a to patenta oil it v free ol charge; - • •* yo ru » v*a: vsuits we o* TAfeV DA TtiS'i . V* •* rtler t:ere. rr» M.e l*«»st master, th# ol "d it y («nier I)iv. and I«/ olhciala ol the U ^.Patent Other. Kor eil viilar imIvicC. and reference* to actual ci it* ut s ui State or county, addles*. C. A. SX04V & C0-, (Jjq ositc 1'uti-ut Ofiice, »Yaahiugton D