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<Tr,c £l)ibobainr Sentinel SATURDAY, FEIi. 27, l.SSG. LOCAL NEWS The Presbyterian 'Church has liail the old roof taken oft, and a in w one put on, this week. Mr. Fiaticis L. Mead ayed 7s years di• <i yesteiday at 2 o'clock i. lb* wi M. in St. I e bin ii*d to day at oiln's ('emetei v. The seli'i.ition of the week ha* lii'c.n the a 11 neai a ace of a ** Herd it k on i In* >t irets, ieseuiblin" nothin}, ini tin* earth, oi nndei tin* sea. Civo'e Female To tor un i inv iooiatoi, Fleet wood. tin ! legllla Hot ii A T!ie sale of wild ducks lias eetis t il in i hiliodanx. They have been pleuiitid this winter and continued longer than they usually do. ( n oli• Female Tonic removes i>i ij>pr«*s aiim, cures prolapsus uteri in tall of the tin womb, anil invigorates the female organs . . ... ,, At the request ot the sherill, Mes 1 srs T. J. Johnson and C. S. Math ews ot Kaceiaml made a visit to Tliihodaux, on Thutsday, in order , to give their testimony in a suit be fore the District ' 'unit. Bishop (lallehcr will hold servi cesiLt St. John's ('hutch, to-morrow, Sunday ;ii 11 o'clock A. M. aud7A P. M. At t lie close of the morning ser vices the rite of Confirmation will j he administered to a class ot appli j cants. Hundreds of lives have been saved by : the timely use Ilf Creole Female Tiinie. I which is the greateest remedy known for all womb troubles and female diseases j Rev J ittior was iii Switzerland a ! tew days jtgo, whence he left to take a vessel tor America. The Swiss were so proud of the • visit of the youthful ltex, that j they presented him with a I piece of the identical apple that thej patriot hero, William Tell shot. j from the head of Lis young son, an ! honor that was never previously j conferred upon any living man. | Do not fail to go to the Firemen's Ball tonight, and give the Lock i port Dramatic Club a large an- j dience. They have come here to play for the benefit of the Firemen and I slionlil teceive a hearty and substun tail welcome. Let not Thibodanx fail to show ; her appreciation of her neighbors of Lock port. | Fill up the Hall and have grand time. We had a pleasant visit from Judge Pipkins of St. Helena Par isb, the other day, The Jildge is a prominent citizen of Eastern Louisiana, a very clever and social gentlemen. He came here on a visit to Mr. George C. Tajlor, on the Orange Grove .Plan tat ion, who is his brother-iu- law. The Judge left, on a visit Westward and will stop at several towns on the Morgan Railroad, and may trav el as tar North as Shreveport. R. R. McBride has ou hand au as bortiueiit of clay sewer pipe, just the tiling for drainage and sewer age. They never wear out, nor leak ; neither fire, water or air will dam age them. THE EYE. It is siuiply wonderful, the repu tation Hawes' spectacles and eye glasses have attained throughout the United States ; they are kuown from the Atlantic to the Pacific, aud the reputation is built upon real j KPlit. lcstimotl.als Horn the most euiiuent men ot the country are given who Have had their sight iiu proved by their use. All eyes fitted by J. T. Ttaibo deans, druggist, Tliibodaux, La., every pair warranted. I ! j The inanimate iform of Marion W. Billiu was followed to its final resting place in St. John's cemetery on last Saturday evening. The de ceased was a young man highly es teemed by his friends for his genial anti amiable qualities. He was quiet, miobstrnsive and gentle in all his transactions with his lellow ineti. Dicing: at tin* age of .'*0 years, he had barely entered the meridian of life wLeii the Des troyer came, and tiie stiong man went down before him. It lias been our sad duty of late to bid farewell to many ot our elder tiiends ami companions, but tin* . ruler on the pale hoise, calls foi the yoiithtul as well as the old, and all obey tile mineiiuiis .mi m it,oils. i Happy is the man w ho is prepai ed to obey the summons, and to pass away into that bourne w hence no tiaveller returns. You are not old, yet your hair i> ge ting thin. Your friends remark j it, your wito regrets it. Parker's! Hair Balsam will stop this waste.! save your hair and icstore the orig I i ,, a | jr| oss ilM ,| color. Exceptional Iv clean, prevents dandtuft. a pel „ i teet diessing. Owing to the continued illness of i Mr. J. B. Winder, and the death of] I : j j : I j his brother Van P. Winder Mr Thomas L. Winder has deci j ded to remove to Houma, in thej Parish of Terrebonne. This will cause much tegret to to the numerous fiiendsof Mr. Win j der who has been so long a resident of Thibodanx, and whose social friendship w ill be gieatly missed. Circumstances lequiies him to take this step. The tiiends of him self and family, whilst regretting their departure, will wish them happiness and prosperity in their new home. j Miraculous Escape. W W. lined, dmggiftt, nf Winches ter, 1ml., writes: ••One ot tuy custo mi ls, Mrs. Louisa l'ik*-, Raitoiita, Kali do i ll IK., liu ,wasa long stiftelei Willi t oiiaiiuqitinu, and w;isgi'«*n up tw me by iiei physicians, She braid ot Dr. Kmg'a New Discovery for Consump tioii, and begun buying it of me. iu MX month's time -be Walked to this city, a distance of six miles, and i*s now so much impioved sin* lias quit using it. Nile leeis she owes bet life to it" Free Tiiai bullies at, J. U. Landry's Ding btuie. Professor Linn, who comes well recommended as a musician, is now in the Parish and prepared to tune or repair pianos or other musical instruments. Professor Linn gnat tees his work and only asks pay when work is tested and found sat isfactorv. 1 T >r | i | "Delavs arc dan^eious." The fretpietit Cough ami general Ian' gnor announce the approach of pu! ^ ' , moil.try disease, which is piomptiy arrested bv Dr. Davis's Compound Syrup ot Wild Cherry aud Tar, at llemembei that Mardi Gras is close at hand. A large crowd ot visitors is expected iu Tliibodaux. The day will be fitly celebrated iu doing honors to Rex Junior, and by a grand ball at night in the Firemen's Hall. Everybody should attend with bis cousins and bis uncles and hi aunts, and his wife's relatives too. 4ft years' test. For constipa tion use Davis's Liver Pills. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 2ftth Judicial District Court. Par ish of Latourehe. Thomas L. Winder rs. His Creditors. Xo. 21!)ti. To ail whom these presents mag con cern tary Public ot said Parish, at bis office town of Tliibodaux, ou the 3rd day ol April, 18^6. beginning at 10 o'clock .V. M. tor the pur j p»se of taking the affairs ot ti svm jj,. A-c.. and that ill tin* GREETING: That in pursuance of an order the 26th day ot of said Coart granted Februarv. 1^86. accession the said insolvent was mat aud that a meeting ot the s.,,,* ^o . m take place before Louis Philip Caillotiet, No ' ...........the >n ot the propet tv of un i* to tiis creditors. e said creditors will the said insol pponitn.eut v>( . _____ _ - meantime all I proceedings agaiust the person aud proper ! ty ot the said Thomas L. Winder be staved. Iu Testimony w hereof. r i Witness my hand and the impress ? L.S. > of my seal of office at ThiboJanx. ) this 26th dav of February, A. D. 1886. j ' J. W. KNOBLOCH. 1) v Clt-ik of said Court. for Mole. In order to close out, I will sell the re maining stock and fixtures ot "Leighton" stcre cun-isting ot a lot of dry goods, grocer ies. hoots, shoes, counters, scales. Ac., at \erv low prices. ANDREW COLLINS. Feb, 27tli. l'JStj. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court, ish of Lafotiiclie. Pat Succession of Joseph /> l . (drugs and Co in m unit)/, Xo. 2114. For partition. Joseph ItcCruns rs. Yictorin He (irugs et a Is. — 1*11 l*H 11 mt to an on lor ami deert m of tho allow* < . ou t and i*i o. x*t|ii*H<*t ■ to a ci • inmi-s on in mi- < 1 ii ! I- -ted in t • illlHVl* I -nti* 1. J 1 ami iinm b©r**il -mc ami foiimiuii' ' v l ■ will nfirr for >a le i it pnbl.i am*' :i oi pm -u mt ( o la v to the last unit big Im t hiJde I* at t lo* < 'oil! t Mouse II 1 the low ii •' i Tliiln dan v on - .lur day. tin 20th .1 in of Mar. It. IS-Vihc t'vcn ti n* horns of 1 I o'cl .. 1 x A. M. and I o'cl. •i-k V M. ♦In* toll, to thi* 14 «!»•*«• prooorry hfloH^im; l,v threequarters less MX feet n tli a'lmvi* siirfi Nsion mi l romniUMir v t rff ict ;i |t;i 11 it i*»n lift \vi*«*n f h»* lioni lPtpi'Hstfiliii pursnam ♦* of a jn*lremh* oil Tlioivin on tho 13th il.iv of O.-ttihor. l^ s to-wit : A portiiiii tract of laml ^ituatoil i»* this Bar i*h on th** ri«;ht hank of B ivoit Laf*»nrolio at • bout ton imlos hHow tin* Town of Thiho ilauv nio 'suf in^ om* arpont ami a half more or loss front l»\ forty arpmits in depth lmun ilod ahovo 1»\ land "f FHirmn Forot and h« • low hv land jn*'t ho low d»**n*rihi*il to a di« taiii*o of ton arponts and thonce hy hind of Kniih* Tmso'air. fo^oflior with all the buildings and itnproveinentH thorei n Another tract of land adjacent to and be low the one just described nioasurinsr three ijuarier^ of an arpont Iron' on tin* lower line ot an ament in depth also the lower lino hv tin* whole depth of said land reserved hy Finilo Tios rla»r. Mov»»al»le property : 1 bedstead, '3 tables. 1 arni'dr. 1 clock. 1 looking 'da-s, 1 «*t->ve. I cross-cut saw. 1 band saw ; on the fol'owinjj t* i ins and conditions to wit • l»» so fir . s the undivided .-hare of pla'iititl losenh It»*«I*uy in said pp-|»« rfy is ponm-rued to-wit, ot the whole, one third < ash anil tin* hahinee om: and tw • years fro n d *t« t.l sale secured bv -pocial niort'jairo mi venders Inn and pri'ilc^eon tin* undivided share of plaint fi on the proport v sold is eom-erned ami the share of the major heir- vz: Vic''»v ; a I>c (viiiys wife of * »s at Knoblocb, .lo.-epbinc Do (Sruys wife of Robert Wa^ens":«ok. Anvils i * DeOruvs and \'i« t«»»i•• DeOrnys boinn eai h • f the wt oh* for cash and the share and portion - f tin* minors Letitia Ali cia and Irina l> Uruvs bcim» *2 >| WI each «*t the who'* to bo sohl on following; terms and conditions viz : move hie for cash and the landed property and impiovcinents one il rd cash and tin* balance at cun* and two years credit from tin* day ot s i o. The purchaser to furnish notes to tiis o\\«i order and by him on dorsed in blank secured by liiort'^a^e with vc*ndoi's lien and privilege on ihe pro »erty sold under the prtrf de mm aHniando said note to bear eight ner rent pc* annum from their date* until fully and finally paid and the act of sale to s'i ml ite attorney 's fees, at live* per cents on ainoutr recovered in case of suit hein<; n sm ted to. to nvuvr amount of said note or nnv part or portion thereof Februarv 1'hb. I sw f>. TH KOI* HIKE THI HOD AIX, Sin*i .S STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial Di'tnct Court, Par ish ot Lafourche. Richard Mil liber rs Xo. George C. Taylor. 217.". Take notice That acting under an order of seizure and .-ale emanating from the above en titled t'ourl in the ubove entitled and num ber: d c;is I have seized a d will oiler for s ill* at public auction, piu-uawt to law 10 the la-r ai.d highest bidd* r a» the Tourr lion-* i*t tie* town ot Tliihodaux. on Saturday M noli 39tb. 18-»., b tw< <4b the hours of 11 A M. and { o'clock 1 M. tie* om* iiiniiviilcd half of the foriowiug described property, belonging to the defendant, viz : A ci itaiii tract H laud or sugar ]d mtation ki.owu as t lie < >rar ge Drove Plantat ion sit ua ted in tin l'ari'b ol Laf uncbc on the left des ecndm4 bank i*t B \ on Lalciirelii*, ibcdwel ling being about f nr miles from Thibodanx and i bree miles from .-aid Bavou situated in 'lowusliip 1 J South ot Range 1»'> E.*st except a sm ill portnui of the tract hercii after tirst des oribed aud composed of the following tracts \ iz .* 1st A certain tract of land bounded above by lands of II X c on Ion anil litlmv !i y lands ui'T Fai nt .1 Bins cun im iicinj six ar|iruts rmni l'avuil L ttuiiiclii* and running liack I'iiii (\ lour arjicnts liavinj; u front of out* unit a half al'i'cnt. •Jnd A tract in (In* rear of anil niljoininf; » 1 "' i"y f .les-rii..-: tmving a front m two and a nuartcr arpents and ruunuia lock twenty arpents Imunded atiove liv lands •*' *'• ^* < ' ull, ' , ! l 1, . v 1,ll,ls °t >• fon t iv liras, m thi* rear bv latnis of u-u , loI . did Tin* main body of tin*gdai'*at ion com posed of 1st. t he South luiii of the South east quartet of section 100 containing 80 acres, gnd. The South cast quarter of sec tion 10.5 eontaii ii.g lliOaeit s. dril. TheSouttli half of section 101 containing 5IS ;i:i[luj acres, Ith. The North West quarter ot section 101! containing Itjd acres. 5th, The East hall ot South-west quarter of section 101 containing 80 acres, (ith. The South half of South-west quarter ot section 103 containing 84 14[100 acres. 7 tli. The North half of section 111 con taining 310 3!ql00 acres. 8tli. A fractional portion of 110 containing 164 acres. Togeth er with all the buildings and improvements thereon, stock, horses, mules and (arming utensils aud implements thereon. Also one portable eugiue J9 mules. 4 wagons. 4 carts, 1 rotary hoe. I cotton seed meal distributor, 2 harrows, 18 ploughs, I corn planter. 1 fluke 5 Matter ploughs. 11 sets double and single trees. 1 stubble digger, 12 wagon loads of corn (about], 75 cords of wood (nearly), 1 .m .o^ , <»,» „»> To pav aud satisfy in cash the sntn of One Thousand and Twenty three 6.ql00 Dollars together with eight per cent per annum iuterest there.m from tv.e 3rd day of sugar house stove and co >king furniture ,35 cant* knives,5 spades. 14 sets ot harness and all the seed eane on said plantation. May. 1.881. till paid and ten per centum on the aggregate thereof as attorney's lees and .ill costs herein which said amount *s se cured by mortgage with vendor's privilege on the property above described by act of sale and mortguge passed before Albert J. Las seienc. deputy clerk au*t ex-officio Notary Public of.said Parish on the 3rd May. 1884. Februarv 13th, 1886. ' THEOPHILK TH1BODA1 X, Sheriff. oTATE OF LOUISIANA, 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Walter Pugli rs Xo. 21 SO, John M. lloicc and Hermogene liobi chu iu\ 1 a!\I* HOt H P S' I/.III i* a Dll III H»l ( 'out l , that Mail* phi .Hating; from tb»* attovp u tlieabovo PiilltUrrl Iiml niliu l have anil wiil tli ictiug under an order i | public auetion pur -t and highest bid iu tin* tow u ol Tlitbo e *jutIi dav of Mareli ars of I ! o'etoek A ■ M. * followin'; lie.-eribed i known tl Ml till* Oil the iiml 11 our it .1 live l III* iou im o. IfFS Mil havill*4 ,i ! |.i*ui> : ! In* lollmvs . It* Di .ii « (' 1 av D'ojfl U. M.-lamj Dinio.^ oiler silant to law to tlit ot a a t he i cmrl i 1 1 ti.iux on Salur lav l^'l. bl'tUtPII III. and 1 o'clock 1 * M. pi opei t v. to-wH : A ceMain tract of land or pl.ditat i a - t hi* *• V\ a vc-rly i 'lautal ion' Nil oa ihnisii ol Lalouit he. in this Shit i igh . th-M ♦ nun ^ bank oi Bayou i.ulouiehr reon, at about three miles * town oi liiiPod.iu\ tin* first cou siiiiii^ iwt uit \ arpents from 11111:1* n said Ba\ou; the second couc*-ss:on rout oi .-« \cntcM*ii amt a bait ai sanl pl.t a; a! ton bcin^ bounded as 1 be limit concession by t lie Briis 'iicarKo.i i w 1 1 '• •> i! from t v i01 mi rly he on^no in Dr. •hi 1 aim the icai concesMoti by lands 110v* oeloimin- to I >«m \ il * Min* and bo low bv eidolon Biauratioii of R. i.. l'u^n. I o ' pI'oM mill. 1 * in l* w i: Ii ; ui ti.. huiiililj^s ami Mil tilts tlu*lt ■ou iut imliu^ su^ur hniKt*. _im*s. ina t*iiim -1 \ .mil sU 4 .ir making U- of fV tit Ui ;i«l. -tauU*. <*ahins. wagons. 1 UartK, jidiws, aii'l larmiii" utensils oi every desciiption whatsoever u-e<l 111 tin* cult iv at ion ot said plantation and t i-el eio beUn^nio, bciu^llie same propel tv w icli I In* said .loan \l. tlovveli acquired ny pmdiase fui.o the succession ol Ml's. 1 \ nt bia Bu" h. Also about 3olld barrels of coal, about 3b wa4011 loads of bay. about 30 wa^oti loads of corn. 40 mub s. *48 ploughs 17 sets of peat's. 3 stubble is. • carts, 13 wagons. 3 wooden i istern I set of blacksmith tools, 1 bettalo cane scales. 1 iron roller, 100 arpents of seed cam*. 31 cane knives, 3.» bocs 1 lot of old w.t_i on axles and a heels. 1 set trust hoops. To pay aud satisfy the >um ot rive thousand dollar-cash and 8 op» inf 1 t'csi 11 om the l* s tb 1 .January 18»H, cash and tin* nulance ol said in ! de"teduc-s ot twenty lour thousand dollars wit h 8 0p» per cent iutcre-t from 4th Februa ry ISSt* on which said 4tb f ebriiai v I v 80 said balance tails line together with live per cent r torneys ice- on tin* -aid indebtedness and all cost- therein s.i'.tl sale la n side «*u the bdlowuiix terms and eouditiom; and accord in<' to .aw a> lol ows : Cash sit.. 1 ieut to pay and satisfy live thou -ami dollars with 8 0p> iutci est from ifctli Jan u.ii y I8.80 and tm a tei tn ot credit to tin* Itli 1 1 lunar). I8 w n. to j ay ami satisfy the 1 al nice of said indebtedness w ith Twenty-live fh -usaul Dollar- w itii 8 0^1 mieresr Iro.n, ith !* •\. I s >f. to*; titer witii 0 Op) attorneys P-es oa said indent • ness and all eo-is wbieli -a d aiiioiiut 1- -ecure t *»v mot tii.ezc on tli ptoperty above deserib* d b v act of mortgajie passed In*fore Ktl^ur (i»iirni Notary I'.iiou; ol the eity 01 New Dr can- on the 3 l-t day id h«bru«ry 1 - 8 S 4 . Said sale to be made with out apprai-eiueut. Febraarv 13tn. l^^b ltlKulMIiLK THIBODAUX. Sheriff. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial Di.-tiict Court, Par ish Lafourche. Emma C. Flash rs. Xo. 21SJ Christi I ana Lendner et als. Take notice that acting under a writ of Fi ! Fa emanating from tiie above entitled j Court in the above entitled and iinm j bered ease I have seized and will offer j tor sale at public auction pursuant to law to j the last aid li gliest bidder at thr Court | I muse iu the lown of Tliibodaux on Saturday ! the Joth day of March ISSli between the hours | ol 11 o'e oek A. .)1. and 4 o'clock 1'. M. the lot lowing described prooerty to w it : 1st. A certain lot of ground or town lot situ Hied ill the Town oi lbibodaux being (lie N-rtii Fast quarter of lot No. [-*'>) twenty five on the plan of said town, hounded iu trout or j Nmtli bv Main street West by Jhc North west nuartcr ot said lot South by tin* South ! Last i|Uarterof said lot and East by St. Louis 1 street toget 1 ci with all tin* buildings aud im j provements thereon. 'Jnd. v certain fractional lot or town lo* sit j Hated m the town of Tliihodaux measuring • tilt \ -one feet five indies trout on St. IMiiiip | street I iv seventy-five feet m depth together ! with all the buildings and improvements there j on bounded in front or West by St Philip | stieet South by lot of L. .1 Meyer East by | fractional lot of Alexander Kihbeck and | North by fractioi al lot of Louis Longman be ! mg the -outli era part ot the Western half of . lot No. Id on the plan of the town of Thi bo ; daux. Terms and conditions of sale cash on the spot in Coiled States i re,usury Notes to pav I principal interest and cos ts iii the above suit, j Februarv Idtli 18*45. • THEOrillLE THIBODAUX. ; Sheriff. STATE OF LOUISIANA. - i j ! 4 , \ j i j ; j j j 2fttli, Judicial District Court, Par ish ot Lafourche. Lewis Moore rs. Xo. tors. 2Ido his cred'i Pursuant to an order and degree of tin above Court and in obedience to a conuuis sion to me directed in the above entitled and numbered case I will otter for side at public auction pursuant to law to the last and high est bidder at the Court House in the town of Thibodaux on Saturday the 20th day ot March 1886 between tho hours of 11 o'eltck A. M. aud 5 o'clock P. M. the following cilseribed property ceded by the said insolvent to bis creditors viz ; A certain tract of land or towu lot situated in the Parish of Lafourche on the right hank ol' Bayou Lafourche at about sixteen ! arpents therefrom on the qutskirt et the town —, . . . . . I LeBlanc a front ol two hundred and eight teet j on a street or roml bounding it tou tlie W est | ot Thibodaux said lot lraviug a front ot sixty ; eight teet on a street or road bounding it on 1 the South and separtmg it from laud ot 1 aul and separating it from lot now or formerly be longing to Pierre Lagarde a front of sixty eight feet on the, North or towards Bayou La fourcbe abutting lot of Anthony Grauger and a back line, ol 208 tact tliis tine being paraleli ed w ith slid sixty eight feet from the Western boundary. Together with all ibe bui'dings and improvements thereon. Terms and conditions ot ale : cash'on the spot, iu United States Treasury notes. February 13th. 1886. " THEOPHILE THIBODAUX. Sheriff. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial Dm■ lot Court, Par ish ot Lafourche. Richard Milliken rs Xo. 2174, Mrs. Mari / A. Cross. Take notice that acting under a*' nrdc* of s<*i/air.* ami sale eman iting Irom the a*ions entitled Court in the. above entitled anil numbered ease, I have -eizi-il ami will otter lor sale at public auction lo law to the lasr and highest bidder at the Court House ii the Town *»t Tliihodaux. on Satur itay I lie 2D| b dav of Mail.. ISSli. between tie hours of I I o'clock A. M amt 4 oeiuek 1*. M. tiie one midividi d ball'of tins followino de serile it property belonging to tli** said dcleu ill. z ^ ^ ^ A cei tain tract of land • • r -ilii.u* p autation k no a n . - 1 lie Ora 1141- (iiove l'hm ta t .on. .-it ua ton ia the l'ari-h of Kilourcln* on the lelt ib'-e.-miinjj hank nt Ba>o » Lafourche the d vv.-illii.4 beinj; about four miles lrom i'hibo «lau\ a "l thre • miles Irani said Bayou situa ted 1:1 I'o \v u > 1, i * 1 ii s,,uth ol Ran^i* 1 !| East f'Xn pt a -mall pm t on ot t.,e tr.ief hereinaf ter first described ami composed ol tin* follow in4 t facts, viz : 1st. A ci rfain tract of land bounded above by iai it.- of II. N. Chutloii and below by lands of I. Foret v\: Bros eoniim uein^ six arpents from I • a oa aPuitvhc and ruin ii,4 bacK tliii t v-iom a rj»cuts h iv ing a front ol one and Ajli a S t a r j -I'll r . ■.nd. \ tract in the rear of and a<ljoinin«r the tract just deseiibed bavin*; a iiont of t wo arpents and a quarter arpents and run 11 in ii back twentv hi penis, bounded above by land- of il X. Toulon ami below by muds of T Fun t Si Bros, in tb«* rear by lands ui ven dor 3rd. The main body of the plantation com posed of 1st, The South half of the South east quarter of n i t : on 100 containing SO acres, uud, Tiie South East quit tir of sec tion I0o e Hifainiu4 100 acres. 3rd The south half of section B>4 containing 31<8 33|100 acres. 4tb 'fhe North-west quarter of section 104 cont ii"inj; 100 acres. 5th. The lv»st half of South West quaiter ol section 101 cotitain iiii; 80 acn-s. (ith, 1 be South ha f of South west quarter ot section 103 containing 84 14[100 acre-. 7th. The North J of section otrainin»; 319 33|100 acres. 8th, ctimial portion of section 110 con taining 101 a res. To^eliter with ull the buildings end improvements tln rcoii, stock, cattl- . horses, mules and .arming utensils and im eluents 1 lu reon, also 1 portable en gine. 39 1 wagons, 4 cars. I K* t«ry Hoc, ) cotton seed meal distributer. 3 har rows. 18 plough*, I corn planter, I fluke. 5 Matter plnu£ti8. it sets double and single trees. | stub de digger. 13 wagon loads of cm n fabouty. 75coids of wood (nearly), 1 su gar bouse stove and cooking furniruie, &e. 3.» caue knives, 5 spades, 14 *et» of harness and all tin* seed cane 011 said plantation. To pay and sati.-ly in ea.-li tin sum of One Thou-ind and Twenty-three 55|l()i Dollars Tog« ther with eight per cent per uiiDum, in tere> thercon from 3rd May, 1884 till paid and ten p.*r centum nti the aggregate there©!' as attorney.-* Ices and ill the costs Herein which said utimuuf is secured by mortgage with vendors privilege 011 t he property Dove descrioed by act ol .*>ale ami mortgage passed befote Albert 3. Las.-eigne. deputy clerk and ex- din i ' -u v l uidic of said Parish on the 3rd May, 1884. 111 ED PH ILE TH l BODAUX, 8heri* Feb. 13th 1886. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. Parish of Lafourche, 20th Judicial District Court. Etienne Rousseau rs His Creditors. Xo. 2188. To all those idiom these presents mag concern : Please take notice. That in pursuance of an order ot said Court, granted on the drd February. Issii. a meeting of the creditors of the said insolvent will take place boor, Emil.- E. Eelilane, clerk of sanl C ourt of the Parish of Lafourche on the 13th dn.) of ilarch 188t>. beginning at lb o'.dock A. M. for the purpose of taking the affairs of the said in solvent into consideration the aipointment oi syndic. .Vo., and that in the meantime all proceedings agaiust the person aud property id the said insolvent, Etienne Uousseau, ba stayed. In testimony whereof. M itness my band and the impress of the seal of my office, at Tliibodaux this 5th dayof Fsbruary 1886. (Signed) J. W. KNOBLOCH. D'v Clerk of said Court. l"l: STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Leo N. Aucoin rs His Creditors. Xo. 2170. To all whom these presents mag con ca n : GREETING : That in pursuance of au [order of said Court granted on the 22nd day of January, 1*86, accession of the property of the said insolvent was made to his credithre, and tli it a meeting ot the said creditors will take plan* before (amis Philip ( ailionet. No tary Publie'of said Parish, at his office iirthe town oft hihodatix. ot: the 13th dayof March 1H86, beginning at 10 o'clock A. M. for the par pose of taking the affairs of the said insol vent into consideration, the appointment of syndic Ac., aud that in the meantime all proceedings against the person and proper t v of the said Leo N. Aucoin be stayed. In Testimony whereof, f l Witness my hand and the impress } L.S: ■ of my seal of office at Thibodanx ( S this 25th dav of January, A. l>. 1886. " J. W. KNOBLOCH, D'y Clerk of said Court. For Kale. IN I.OTS TO SlIT I* t: KCIi.VS tits. One covered rockaway. six sauted. One open Jersey wagon, four seated. Harness for the above. One small three-mule cart. All the above articles are in fine order and cheap. i 'tie pure Jersey hull, very reasonable. 3 grade Jersey' cots aud heifers . prices lrom f to $ Two horses at f3U.(K) aud $60.00, respect ively. Fine Berkshire hogs. Two large cisterns. For further information apply on the plan tation of the late David Pugh, to JOHN H. PUGH,