Newspaper Page Text
She fthibodaux Sentinel, SATURDAY, MAR. 20, 1S86 Extracts from the Report of the Department of Agriculture, Upon the Numbers and Values of Fariu Animals for January auil February 1SS6. The return* of the number of liaises indicate an interest in horse-breeding of late, which i* due to the steady dr maud for serviceable animals for draff purposes and for the farm and road. A gradual improvement is noted by 'be introduction of famous breeds of Euro pean draft horses, especially the Nor man and Percheron. and to a consider able extent the English Shin-horse and the Clydesdale. It is evident that the every day walking h ose of Anu-i tea is to be a heavier ami st i ong er animal than lots been seen hen-to fore, and that the exportation of liai ses may in the future conduce to the stability of prices and the profit of breeding. Almost every State makes some in crease. Most of the Atlantic Stales allow an increase of about 1 per cent . as well its Louisiana, Texa*. and 1 ! 1 i nois ; New Turk find Virginia, 2; mid about the same rate in Arkansas, Ten nessee, West Virginia. Ohio, Miehieun and Wisconsin. The States of the Mias ouri Valley, with rapid advances in settlement and population, show a much larger rate; Nebraska, an in crease of 10 per cent., and Dakota of 13. T iiere is also a considerable ad vance on the Pacific coast. Theie Inis been a large increase in the Rocky Mountain region, as horse ranches ate becoming numerous and prolitable. The total increase in tile United States as estimated, aggregates 310,083, The number <d mules lias not ad ▼anced faster than population, but th> increase is distributed with swine irieg ularity, being greatest in the States ami Territories between the Mi-sissip pi and the Rocky Mountains. The ag gregite increase i* placed at 80,0-1. The number of cows has decreased somewhat in Vermont, New York, and Ohio, on account of low prices of dairy products. Elsewhere there has gener ally been advance with increase of pop nlation, while there lias been incu-ase more or less marked in the dairy States of the West. In the South the increase is general though small. In the'aggre gate a showing of 330.606 more cows than last year is made. Coming to sheep, it must be observ ed that sheep husbandry is in a period of deeper depression than any other uni mal industry of the country. The re suits of this inquiry manifest a loss of about two million sheep. It is esti m*ted that Pennsylvania has lost in one year a fifth of her flocks, or neatly three hundred thousand sheep. The loss is the more serious, as it.falls main ly on a region peculiarly adapted by Hs grasses and irregularities of surface for sheep farming, which has long stood in the fore front of improvement in wool growing. The decline is nlmust universal east of the Mississippi. In swine there has been a small in crease in the record, dne rather to a better enumeration of the stock ef the rapidly developing regions of the Missouri Valley rather tliau to actual increase. In most of the older States there is noticed a small reduction ; for two years past the supply per capita is less than formerly. The reduction in values, to which the falling off in ex ports contributes, tends somewhat to this decline in numbers. The decline in horses, mules, and cat tie has been in progress two years. In sheep and swine it was noticed i n the January report of 1884. The extent of the reduction is greater iu this return than in that of a year ago. It averages only about 3 per cent in horses and males. It is about 8 per cent in cattle, 11 per cent, in sheep, and 15 per cent, in swine. Last year the aggregate decline in to tal values was small; the present Valu atiou is $91,266,121 less than last year, notwithstanding increase in nambers of horses and cattle. The grand ag gregate is $2,365,159,862, against $2,428,425,983 a year ago, showing a reduced valuation of nearly 4 per cent. There is a small aggregate gain, how ever, in horses and mules. The rcduc tioc in values of milch cows amounts to $22,917,570 ; $32,426,039 in all other cattle; $15,516,783 in sheep; and $29,831,789 in swine. While d umbers have increased, ex cept of sheep, in two years past the ng gregate valuation of fat iu animals is less by something over $100 000,000. It is not improbable, from piesent nidi cations, that some improvement in val lies may occur duriug tbe coming year, though great changes in this diuctiou! should not be expected. While fluctu ati ms ate inevitable depression follow ed by elevation, there is tome reason to suppose that lower levels of valtta tion will obtain than in the pa-t two do cades. Parker's Tome kept in a home is a sentinel to keep sickness out. Used discreetly, it keens the blood pine, ami the stomach liver and kidneys in working order. Coughs and colds vanish before it. It builds up the health No wise mother will be without it. j ; ! I : | Proceeding* of Tow n Comicil. TOWN HALL. ; Thiboduux, Msireli 2nd, |8Sii. $ The Council, for the Town of Thilm danx, met. iu special session, this day at 6 o'clock, 1*. M. Present : Mayor Ausoin and Trustees, brand, Ht-rgt-rnii, Curtis and Zirnott. Abst-uf: Ti ustees M.mro and X iquin, 1'he minut-s ot the last session were read and approved asiecorded. The following claims approved by the Fi nance Committee were presented and on mo tion duly seconded the reouisite appro priation was made to pay the same, i, C Anl>. rt [on neet' char. Town flail Hi) 00 H. W. Fro.-t (on aeet) •• •• 100 00 A. Bnurgcois " •• ti.', 00 P. A. Da.M.inadu ** 24 60 Alfred Golden Sis. ami Dts. -JO 00 P. A D.-Manade " Banquettes -JO 00 .a. M.ilhiougu 1 mo. Corp. Lab. 60 00 •I. Auslet " •• Market House Id On fvital Y, Hr tud. Zoruott. Bergeron flit nit ami Cur Nays: Xme. The follow ing reports were read and refer c l lo the Finance Committee. t i-etism-ei-'N Ifeport. for Feb. 1SN6. To Ilalauee on hand - .Market House Wharf,me -• I \,s .'Si. " Licenses I s 'li CR. By Market House I'own li.ill "■ Corpora'ion Laborer " i|iiettes •• Str. i ts and Ditches •• S.ik.ry of Ufiiccis i olieetor s com. on $569.6; " Balance earned down 1710 53 *70 75 16 f,6 Odd 7< 60 0 00 00 51 IF 25 00 in 070 38 2060 63 2069 63 To balance on hand 070 iS Respectfully Submitted. K. & O. K. JOS. T. TIUBODEACX, Treasurer. Tbiboduux, La. March 2d, 188f. Collector s Report February, 1886. Collected, taxes 1886 . Genl s. Enoch Animus xi ;i7 78 P. A. Thibuuanx 7 50 '2 50 Olciis Boutene 38 12 Mrs. M. hpriuger 4 50 1 50 Mrs. I. Corbet 3 75 1 25 Jack Coleman 75 2J A. Uousseiiii 57 18 L. J. Jdever 15 00 5 00 1 1 25 3 75 ** " 3 00 1 00 48 05 16 35 Licenses, 188C. E. Asselinean R. M, 5 00 J. W. Trotter " 5 00 Mrs. S. A. Binning* It. M. 5 00 Blanche Curtisse froupe 5 00 Frank Iloftmanu L. 8. 5 00 Nelsju ltobiiisou bal. duo |3. S. 10 00 It. It McBride H. M. 5 00 Simms Sister* Troupe 2 50 Sam Matson F. W. 5 00 H. W. labor R. M. 20 00 T. K. I agarde " 500 John Celcstin Itost. 10 00 Unit is and Badoaux R M. 40 00 Sauoan and Lorio Drugs. 20 00 Mrs. II. Hoffmann it. M. 5 00 C. H. ('bamjiaguo C. 11. bal. due 25 00 11. Glover It. M. 5 00 177 50 Wharfage, 1885. Str. Alice LeUlano 8 00 *• Lclcher 8 00 J- Assumption 7 00 " Fuller 8 00 " Jewel 1 00 " 11. J. Dickey 4 00 " Carroll 7 00 Recapitulation : Taxes 1885: General 49 05 School 16 36 Licenses 1886, Wharfage 43 09 65 40 177 50 43 00 Total 285 90 Respectfully Submitted to the Hon. the 41a yor and Trustees of the Town of Xhibodaux, March 2nd, 1886. J. AUSLET Collector. The Market Master's Report showing the total receipts, for February, to be $70.75, was read and referred to tbe Finance Com mittee. A special appropriation ol $145 00 was made to pay the following claims. Protector t ire Co. X. 2, 12 mos. allow ance, char. Fire Department $120.00 J. L, Auooin, sundries, ebar. Incidental Expenses 25 00 Total 145 00 Yeas : Brand,(Bergeron,Curtis and Zernott. Nays : None. The Conncil then adjourned. [Signed] J. L. AUCOIN, Mayor. P. E. LeBlanc, Clerk. presents given awty. id us 5 cents postage. $ 200 , 000 : and by mail yon will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at aace bring yon in money faster than anything else in America, All about the $200,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of ell ages, for all the time, or spare time onlv, to work for ns at their own homes. For tunes for all workers absolutely assnred. Don't delay. H. Hallett II Co., Portland Maine. TARLKAII ot the estimate ut'probable expenses of the Parish of Lafourche tor the year eudiuz De ecinber 3lst 1886 Salary of officers 1800.00 Police Jurors' per diera and mileage 500,00 Koad and Levi o Inspectors 1200 00 Grand amt Petit Jurors 1800.00 Witue-s fees in criminal cases. Tdu.OO Sheriffs fees 100o!o0 Conviction fees 30).O' 1 Transportation of convict* 400 00 Jnstiees and constable's .ec» 7 00 00 j Hoard in it Prisoners 'JOnO 00 ; Co on i n fees 410 00 !'s cmnuiisH-ons Lt>0 00 I Tax Colecter's rumrn siimi 1000.0(1 : Charity expenses ,„j lOKVlIfl '" -vlionl fund fij Mill | Drainage fund mn in fund 1 1 ,f)0 Of ! Election Kxpcnses fioo Of I Public road expenses . 600.(X Total $27400.00 «««>!> AIM'*: A«. 162 gainst the Pariah, their enumeration, their pay Uel.itive to claims a approTp1 order ol meat etc : He it enacted i»v the Police Jury in regular session asseiuhlet] Section I .— That on the approval of any '•l'"ui again-t the l'.,rish by the Police .)m\ It -hall 111 - the liutv of the Committee nil f-hiiniN to number each claim so approved bv sene-. ,,| fiscal \enr coiiimenciug bv Xu. 1 etc, ami im mediately after each session of the jury it shall be the itu'y of tbe clerk tbereof To have all ot said c-iaims audited by the l rea-urer. who shall tallow the same num he'.- nt en a in, rat nu placed thereon by the Committee mi Claims, until the last claim of the cnm-iit fiscal year sh ill have bc- li andi ted and uniubered. See 2—Be it further enacted etc —That all audited claims except charity claims shall be p I'd in tie order of their enumeration anil, tiivf whenever tin-re are any lauds iu the Tmusury dm......... of said f.i'et shall be ! made by tile 1 rea-mrei in the iiifit-lnl journal of the Parish notifying holders of claims No— to No.—asjt In-case may he to present same for payment w itliin the next 30 days following! its first insertion. Sec. 3—Be it further enacted etc.—That whenever any audited claim shall have been published fur 3 t days a* almve prnx iiieii. amt tbe same be n-it presented fur pavine;:t, said claim shall lose it- rank and shall he placi d bv t lie Treasurer at the lout ol the list of! unpaid claims See. 4—Be it etc. 1 hat all funds now in the Treasury he placed to the credit of the Gener al Fund, exeept. however, the Fund known as the Drainage which l - ne edy dec ared lira lienable and can be used for no other pose than drainage. Sec. 6— Be it further enacted etc.—That all charity claims 1 e anil they iiv*hi-rci>y de dared privileged claims ,v d the President is authorized t * pav ail such claims from any funds in the Treasury not otherwise apprepri ated. and witliout regard to their euumera tion. Sec. 6—Be it further enacted etc.—That the Sheriff of the Parish of Lal aurehe be and is hereby authorized to retain in his hands from eel he t ions of ta xes made bv him, the amounts due him as jailor far boarding prisoners and that whem-ver he is ready to make his qiiar terlv settlements with the Parish Treasurer he shall submit his detailed accounts as jailor aforesaid duly approved by the District Attor ney to the President of tbe Police Jury who shall then warrant on the Treasurer for the amount of the same, so as to eualilt- him to effect a settlement. Sec. 7—Beit iurther enacted etc—That all ordinances or parts of ordinances iu conflict herewith, he and the same are hereby repeal ed. Sec. 8—Be it further enacted etc.—That this ordinance do take effect from and after March 1st. next 1886. H. N.COULON, President. P. E. LkBlanc. Clerk. j pur NOTICE. The public is hereby notified not to nego tiate for two certain promissory notes secured bv mortgage made, signed and executed by M ai-iou W. Btlliu to bis own order and by him endorsed iu blank, dated January 17, 1883, each for the suin of One Thousand Dol lars, payable respectively ou the I st Januii ry, of the years 1884 and 1885, conditioned to bear eight per.ceut per annum interest from date till paid ; payable at the Clerk's office of the Parish of Lafourche. Both notes beiug signed "ne varietur" by Emile E. Le blanc. Deputy Clerk of Court, to identify them with an act of sale anil mortgage passed before said Deputy Clerk on the 17th Janu ary 1883. Saat notes being tbe property of the undersigned were lost, or stolen, on or about the 30th January. 1886. RICHARD FORET. CLIMAX HOTEL. NAPOLEONViLLE, LA. R. H. WEBSTER, Proprietor. F13'86 LE JOURNAL IPetites Afflches. Eublie tons les samedix d New-York, — PAR— J. Jottrand, L. Tea won dk Cle ABONNEMENT $1.00 par an Envoi franco de num^ros specimens. On demande deg agents dang les localitds oh le Journal n'ea a paa ddj&. S'adresser a L. TE8SON, 52Piiuce street, New-Tork. On re^oit aux bureaux de la Skntikrlle dee abonnements et deg annonces ponr le Journal Les Petites Affiches HOUYEAUX ARRANGEMEBTSi HOTEL DEM BTRANGERM. Encoiga are des rues Green et Thibodanx. Mr. Thomas Alberti prfivient sen amis les voyageurs *,n'il vieat de faire de non veanx arrengeaients qui Ini permettront de s'atisfaire toat ceux qui voudront l'bonno rer deleur conflance Repas 5 touts beure de la journos et sn cemniande. Table d'hOte 5 10 heureg du matin 'poor ddjeuner et ^ 4 heures dn seir pour diner, Chambres commodes et bien garnies PRIX MODEREE8. A. B0UR0N, Watchmaker and Gunsmith Cor. Mata and St. Philip Streete, Thibodaux, La. K EEP eoaataatly on hand a large and com plete assortment of FI>E JEWELRY WATCHES,A CLOCKS. Iu connection with the above a great v H ioty of O CSS, PISTOLS. PO WDER, CARTRIPOKS, Hunting Materials Ete j The Celebrated "ELGIN WATCHES" ; constantly on hand. — ALSO THE NEW — j American Sewing Machine — AND — LOT OP ACCOKREOXS. THE PERFECT NUMBER [ V" Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Ma chines. Fire arms, A c., carefully repaired and guaranteed A lull stunk of attachments, oil and need les for all kind of Sewing Machines can he had by applying to A.BOURON. Corner Main and St. Philip street. American Sewing Machine, Best i n the World I O. L. CEER, Manager, 180 Canal Street, Far Sale B, New Orleans, La. ! '■ ! , I i j < i ADOISCA HOTEL, PAINGOUKTVILLE 1A. K. DUGAS, - Proprietor. H tX IXG seen rod tbe rommodions and eli - glide ivrcinises lately occupied bv Da mien Gai inni, Esq , I can ofli-r tine accotnuio balion to transient or perm tuent guests at exceedingly moderate rates. Billiard and Liquor Saloon attached and bar supplied with first-class ti\ tun-s. wine.-, liquors, etc. Give mo a call. F 13 86. hsperonza P. E. DURAND. I Propi-:ei;r, All Kinds of Brisk Alms on Eaad V in lota to suit, ami delivered at Purchaser** Lauding with dispatch and at lowest Market prices. Terms: Cash or Citv Acceptance. WELL BRICK , FIRE BRICK. KETTLE TILES , LIME, CEMENT , White Sand. Fire Clay, &c. JOHN ¥ TROTTER, Copper, 'fin and Mheet Iron H erker. it. Philip St. between Tbibodanx and Main Thibodaux, La., -Keeps on band a full line of COOK A NI> HEATING STOVES. —Also agent lor the— Charter Oak and Fame Stoves. particular attention given to Roofing and Guttering. BODLEY WAGONS & CARTS, Manufactured bp Bodley Bros WHEELING . *9 w. Va C ANE WAGONS & CARTS of every style. Timber Wheels, Bagasse Carts, Town darts, and every siae of small Carts, Drays, Two-horsc- Wagons, Spring Wagons with Pole and Shafts and Mprinff Meats. The IS KMT Axle Grease made, and CMII/Y Perfect Distributing Machine for CottonSeed Meal and other Fertilizers. OUK FACILITIES for manufacturing are (inequaled by any house iu the L. S. Whereby we can furuisli FIRST CLASS work us CHEAP as any inferior work offer sd • n the South. Win. II. RAGAN, Agent, anj.l Thibodaux, La. FRANK BARKER, Successor to Barker 4t Sevia, Commission Merchant. AND DliMX tN ALL KINDS ON COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON 8U6AR, M0LAS8ES. Bice, Potatoes, Eppt, Honey, Been wax, Tallow, Wool, Hidm , Moot, Poultry, Bte., Etc., No. 119, Decatur Street^ NEW ORLEANS^ Liberal Advnaeea Wake sn Job Work done neatly, scientifi cally, speedily and cheaply, by the Sentinel Job printing office, Main St. between St. Philip and St. Louis streets. JOSEPH SCHWARTZ, .Manurariurer of BAROUCHES, BUGGIES AND SEEING WAGONS. Dealer in UA ERTAGE, IV I GON and CANE C.lRT MA1EE1AL, Agcr.l For RENICK & CURTIS REiCHLE BROS., ;i ■;d Studesaka: U t,m ERR Mint STREETS. J k Coiill! <a>L I?S>AIN isxion Mprchinit, --WILL ATl IvNl) TO Til l' SALE OF-- SUGAR, CO LTON . RICE, MOSS, Wool. Hides, 11 one's Eagg , Poultry Becstra.r. Etc. 103 & 105 DIX'ATUU STREET, Nt ctv 6t !viigis LIB' HAL ADV \ NCKS M VD1 SIONM ENTS .83.1 v. KURSKEEDT Sc BIENVENO Ciiiilder.' Ilurdware. MARBLE, SLATE A. IRON MANTEL. MO\t: RESTS. TO it US, UEADSTOXWf 111, 1IM. l*JO Camp Street NEW ORLEANS. Fof Orders apply to J. M. WALSH Thibodaux. LOUIS BEZAUDUN, Restaurant He la Lonisianc, (FRENCH STYLE.) 107 • CUSTOM HOUSE ST., • 107 Near Iloyal. Nctv Orleane. Private Dining Room. Comfortable Baoma for Travcllcra. Dee-6-84-1 y. sT?2) ENDORSED BY SCIENTISTS AS PRACTICALLY IfidestmcliDle BETTER m CHEAPER THAK ANY STUNE. „. . MAHUVArruKD rv MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, UlMW tt. OOMM. S- T- GRISAMORE, ASEXTT, For the parishes of Assumption, La fonreha and Terrebonne. Call athis office in R. R. McBride't tore and see gpecimen* and designs. NOTICE. Thibodaux Benevolent Lodge, No. 20, will meet the second Sunday in each month at I o'elouk P. M. By erdsr el' the W. feb-19- 84