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fyzsxz&LJza i-ti >• ■cc'SzzzuKy? ^snaaaEBEBBVsaa <L:,-c <ti)ib05am* bcutind SATURDAY, AdKlL 17, lhDG. LORAL NEWS. The Finish aulhnritics h;ive give eu the new plank fence iiround the jail yard :i good coat of paint. Oyster season is about ov er, and the love is of bivalves can only smack their lips an I think of next Winter. Tii.s steamer dailies II. Letcher, after an ab lice often days, uia king rejoins resumed her regular daily trips ou Wednesday. The excmsioiiists complimented the Mayor, J. L. Aiuoiu and the l.ieat. Gov. O. Ivnobloch t>y a sere unde, on tlieir ailival here, last Sunday. Many orange trees that weie sup j used to have been killed by the cold weather in January are, show ing signs of life, and putting forth evidences of vigor. The : ain f.Ji i:i Thib.idaux since ' I, ha- been 1.S7 im-'ies, en I ti, y too ::i eh growing crops, I or lather, for crops that ought to he growing. «-» Aloes-' ■ 1 udlo-, I lie obliging clerk ! in lie- dr.,..; si" o of Daosereau & i limiigeui , on Si. Philip street, tap ped the Louisiana Lottery tor $i'(KU>0, at the last drawing, having one tilth of a ticket that drew $1000.00. 1'laiitcrs now say that both plant ai d stubble cane me beginning to show themselves above gtound. Enough li-iwev or Inis not come out to justify any prediction as to the piobablc stand, although there is a general belief that the stand will be good. Creole Female Tonic removes mtppres fiou, cures pi olapsns uteri or tall oi the w 11 lit It, am! invigorates the female organs We regret not to have been in our olliee, on btinday, to have met Mr. Lee Waters reporter of that able paper, the Evening Chronicle of New Orleans, who gave a triend ly call on that day. We spent some time at the Fire men's Hall, the headquarters of the excursionists, hoping to see some ot our Citv friends. Set* notice of A J. Meyer, Fiiysi cian, in anotin* ■ c doiann. Dr. Mi.vt-r is a graduate of the Me ■ il Colic; c in New ( L'eiuis, hi < p SSfld i ; or nior<* as iii dent g IMtl Mil' ' ii i: - Ubaii y llos pita!. I > e s i 4 . 1 is :t na tive of Tliibo l;ai:<, is ti ! a ks the pt .f on age of Ills flit* '■ s ; ud the puldu in gen eral. ll-indn- 's ot'lives It ve been saved by Hie timely us - nf Criole Female loiiio, which is the gre'st remedy known lcr all womb IroiioU-s and fi Ui .lc diseases. Lieut, li v. Ivnobloch has been laving a new coat of paint put in liis residence, iu Thibodaux, fliieli has been done with so much kill and taste that it is to day one il the handsomest buildings in the L'i'-rish. The style is a new departure from lie one t hat has been in use herc olote, and one that should'he more {euerally followed. THE EVE, It is sin;pi\ wonderful, the icpti tation Ilawe^' spectacles ami eye glasses hav attained throughout the United Stab-s ; i i-.ey are known from tin* Allan:! ■■ to the Pacific,and pthe reputation is 1 >u;it upon real "bait. Te-uim-miah i'loin tin* most ♦ffiinent men of the country arc jiven wl: ibave had their sight im l"oved by the., use. All eyes titled by J. T. Thibo druggist, Thibodaux, Ua., CTei J pair warraattu. The Excursion to Thiboilaux. i i i | ! i The excursion of the Minerva Be nevolent Association front New Or • , loans arrived at noon, on Sunday with 11 large coaches, with gay people, enjoying t he flesh country breezes, and icjoicing over the pleasure of an escape, for a few hour , - ............. , . ......» v s, out of the turmoil, smoke and confusion of a great city. There were about 1000 people tn the train, and was oecidedly the hu g'-st excursion that ever came to Tiiibodau x. The visitors made tlieir head quarters, in the Firemen's big LI ill, that was given them for the pur pose, free ot charge, and in which they enjoyed themselves finely. A hand ot music accompanied the ex cursion and furnished the music, to make things lively. Many of the visitors went to the homes ot relatives and friends, in whose society the day passed away. Seme partook of their lunches in the hall, others dined at the restaii rants and hotels, whilst many drove and promenaded around town, mak ing observations. Many of the ladies returned from their promenades, with a profusion of ii iwers and bouquets that almost obscured Uieii happy faces, fnnn file eyes of ilieir admirers, that had been culled from the yards and gul dens of tin- citizens. For such a huge and promiscuous multitude good order and conduct was maintained, that spoke well for the visitors. lot* tram left at 7 o'clock, return ing to their homes, the vast multi tilde, none of whom regretted then visit to Thibodaus. On May 2 there will be an exclu sion noiii Gretna, given by the Si. Joseph Benevolent Association of that place. It will arrive here about noon. The Firemen have given them the use of their grand hall, which will be their heudquar ters during their visit. An Investment That Will 1*AY\—Now i« the season wheie 1 colds are contracted. All who have used Dr. Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar at test its usefulness a-< a remedy for Lung and Throat affections. Sick headaches cmed by Dr. Davis's Liver Pills. Caugiit.—S ome time last Fall or Winter a wedding was to take place, on Jamison's Like Oak plan tation, 2 miles above Thibodaux, between a pair of colored persons, who had decided to unite their des tinies for tlieir future lives. Tiie man's name was Jimmy Bap tine and as the couple stood up bi-fore Parson Rhodes, and was <• uinn-neing the matrimonii.!! ceremony, one Kesiah Collin-, a f. male who had a hankering toward. Jimmy, rushed in and with a kuif. 1 egaii to make mince meat out o! the gro i n. After .-tabbing him a tew times she left them with tin marriage ceremony incomplete. Last week, constable Etigerrun met her coming down the levee, a few miles above here, ami arris' ted and brought her to the Parish prison. The water in the Lafourche stood x esterdav at 17 feet, 7 inches above ' low water maik, which mav be con siil-icd al...v,. ilimsi-r line.' This is about the same point that ii reached some time ago, aud sub y ■ sequently fell several feet. The Mississippi river is full from Cairo down, and overflowing its banks in some places. The Ohio and tributaries have tarnished the present floods, but that stream was falling as low as Louisville on last Wednesday, which lull may be near Cairo to-day. The Red aud Arkansas are both low, so that no apprehensions of! trouble below Red River need be entertained concerning any water coming now. __ w t * Creole Female Touie, the great regula tor :uul invigorator, is sold by Iiotli >3fc Fleetwood. FlI.'KMENhS ANNUAL I'AUADE.— Oil April 2>S, (lie fourth Wednesday "f tIn* month, will t:rke place the d grand annual parade of lhe U>u«ii 'ilium ■ .T t , , U |, ( .....,/ • /• drawn i I "ill be fully equal in beauty and ' splendor to any pre\ i uis o,i ;iml 1 will, doubtless, attracf quite a I nge I iu tmv " "» ' vi:,u ' ss | , S . ,n P'" 1 ' 'hawing tlieir liandsomt* an<l * * fli r 11 , n , j b'"* V* ' ' ' TV 1 n, ' U '*" yU U '» of tee i.ay wiU b * concluded by a grand bn!', at niylc. in the Fire a good time as we seniors dit 30 years ago. Let it he a gala day and let every body a good lime. young J 1 1 ; i v e 1 20 or gi n ml have I'ltICKLY A>!! KUTKltS is not an in toxicat ng in VFi;ii;e, but a pleas; iiL. luibl laxative and efficient Tonic. :icTin*_r (fircct, ly on tho L !\'CF, IydIlcYS. »StUUU4v ii aud Bowels A Heavy Sentence.— One Mai, jor While, colored, who, some' time ago, Inoke into tin* house of a colored woman. who is known by tin- name of Jinnie Bush. residing out on or near St. (Jinnies street, and brandished his pistol -iro-iml metr. iieeiv th:-- tlening to j | v il smile one, was tried before tin* t list i it;- ( '<hh !, .hi last Momla found gum v of hi-! m a must be that everv man's and eastl-*, an i no matter how poor or how degrai-d b ■> owner may be.!,; no one eaa hr ak it o. i»n with inm l-iniity. Everyman and woman will be sustained :>y the strong arm of Gov crnineut, in s'tti'ig in i-ix own IT Ulto a itb intent ncnirentta senteiicc. to know however be, is Ids liome, !»e it palace or hut, and pro , , i , tected from m fusion, from the en tire world. Have been using Tongabne upon U patient who iias been sUtieiing witli neinalgia for fifteen y«-ars ; the effect was icniaikahle. It gave immediate relief. U. T. ConnaUy, M. D., Mountain Fork, aik. ( p, a) ,,. ons, when e, o • . ... .... Tiie use of sewer pipe ior biidges and conductors is becoming ai most universal. They are much better for bridges over plantation ditches than wood, costs Ics.-x, will never wear out, al- j ways keep themselves dean, require j no repairs, and allow a solid, per | maueiil load n^iil ovei them, tliusi wi ■'J ■' i 1 c> ui be used, Jt. IL McL! j the largest i !! hist tin*! ; t i , tin: i \: 1 -lit for Mi ain Chi . . . ay h nn, lus • i el ■in 1 the I .. from d •• .,! tio Ih.: u vv. 11 ev :uu* o ibi ■ ii i . n y i<l(* is ■ igeiit for Ollt v ol ; i i | ; "" i : | , - .a a a t.i. in ll * 1 country. He lias samples of the pijies, together with prices, and any iiu'ormation d sired, and can fur! .u . t ; a.»t may oe notice. ; nisa am a.: , , | tel 1°' ... ... . Dr. David O'Sullivan who was - buried two weeks ago was a mem i ' berof tbeLodge of Cathode Knights in the town of Lubadievillo, La., 1 and held an endowment policy of $2000.00. 1 ------- ; The season lor crayfish parties is ac a !l' l il ** AL,i f° D " . f w-at-*r and : - !. • c-me j parties Slave at ' - anted to do.— 'J-trrebonne tint'-*. : That our neijibors ol IVrrebonue j "'ure trouLce l w:t;< siuguiar delu sions is well known, bar, taut they! were so i ir gone, as to lisli lor ccij fish on drv land, is worse t'aau re 1 * . , , ports llCietOtOrC justified. i he i nler on the pa.e ; bfse, lias been leaping a lieh harvest in this Faiis!), lim ing the Iasi few mouths. Friend after friend has fallen he fo; > Ins Hi i gL v ; ow v-r, iiiuii niin j and sorrow have f'uditwed ms tiimn ' p.; ; :c n.mcli, head-, bowed in gi :ef. j h ati-sad .mil s-Ucken bewail the ihejlos. of the foved, whil>; memories, j rich n. atfecuou, .eead the virtues and tho i»iaers of tho hist. outs. j For a time, the iaial power of the . ilesfroyt-rwo- expended upon tho-e upon whom lime ii placed his in I .Itdibi c tool print but on Tim . day, ! -Ni*i ii ia* so Igiit Ills \ cii in ^ i!i«* tut : t* mt.iui an ! t In; si ion*;', V. ilrii lilt- l Ul't.l ill s l), cotii; \\ , M* i-.ii-itili g i bis WO! bi 1 1 Dill I ! i 1 i l he unknown, w. re w lthdrawu, and nidding a !l•• ai 1 au-wei| to all that ^ was deal and precious on earth, tin* I spirit of .Miss Lou M. Fugli, freed i . ! Iroai its mortal tenement. ( as.-xi-d down tliiough the vnile\ of d-atli. to enter Us eb i md i- at u -r, litr t uox oln-\ i 1 m on eart a. ■line, and I o on , a 1 e< i bv 1 m l i h. lu\e and rl,,. lit;: tittles to . . air with s the w hours, then ere ' lie S;m at t ..i> you::;; (( ,,j ! t>., i j : i . : com i;:g ij v. b:! ; : I J , in ss . *i M-c'i-s, to warm . ;,ic! pH , y :!- love f lie 1 , ,,, i ,, : ' .......' ( ' n .. i rt* 'on •!• • : l;y ( j-,; . o! hum iiiity. 1* id tn ■ I t' - i.I.-l It sc remains we re but s ago. eon igueil to the hvf.i-'ed was tie seeimd 1 , \y H r - •! i s 1 !,- |. • >, j t.^f a IVv we- ks I ....... ....., - < .. tv . I . re \itm ! <>u Thursday h -r bt.dy was taken St. John's Cmr -ii, at the aitar >iy Ib-ligion, v. here the iinpressivi cet emoiiies of that chinch were he'd, after which her it mains were tak n to the steamboat J. II. Letcher, up on which, accompanied by relatives , . - . . . , and fnends, they were transported to Madewood Plantation, in the Parish of Assumption and laid away to-repose by tiie side of her father, until time shall be no more. Voted let Self to the SCI . i ** (■■>!, and t lie p: actice of lli>. ( 11 tll au mb Beauvais.— This venerable citizen, on Wednesday April 14. ISSb, at 12:30 A. M. at his home, seven miles below Tliibo daiix, passed (juietly away, to his eternal rest. The deceased had readied the pa : i iar • dal age of 85 years, ami was vt-r esteemed for Ids kind and. gi-n ,.- . ', tit* ilispo! i!Hl. his many a . ai--ie honorable, a good citi vii: lies t hat atlfacts the iove, !i iead i s*.ii>» and vt ueiation oi 1 1*-.s-*- vlmi i 1 | -in t'ue circle of his companioa 'ship. ; He was a i Zc'U, all obliging m-ighhoi'. a kind parent, and will be mourned and la : mented by every one who has known | him in this world. As a falling leaf - o d man has gemly passed away | j !0in to rei-civc the lewaids earned bv a long life of usefulness ( ; and holier. ' f. TSTO3 B i x a»; hiiuiam. • Whom fhe fjodn /ock movt. d'-c i/oo n<j' on th.- Kith isaiiut u,*Ht sadly exemplified in l he tukins n-vnv of our voutijj friend M ' L T' M ' i,Ui " 1 In her wen- c-m! u 'y S t ? a ; c.-ko,,., ; 1, itie ' iwa: " j r , i r>. is- .. i-j ovim-k, miitni^ht tj . 1 j ' ,V.'' : f! ilA FX. -on of L. J. kobi ; e . ux, a" y yivir., a native o, Ilubodaax, parish ul Latourche, La. bodied s i in.iiiy nobio qua'.i tii-x as to i-ihId.ii- l.*r to all, and she will be reuiombei t-il for h r talent.—lor her cheerful lnnnia-r and sorglilly wit.—for her smile wlrieh sei-intd iuius- d witii a lovelin -.-i from heavoii. -for the puiity and unaffected aim plicity of h.-r eliaracter,—and tor the self-xae , ...... riooe and geiieiooity ot lor heart Minch sue iiiiosteutatiousli cxoioited on every occasion. Sije was good iu every rouse of the 'Void. not only as a efin-tia-, but also as was given evidence to bv the h„.x* ot lneuds who could not l.avo loved so devotedly ouo /cm good. A- a i.aeghter, ns a -aster auil as a Inend, -i ,;i v, . and w uere * yer was unow u "7 1' -'pint, —"Id sac be sauly missed. ... ' ; ■ - ■' - ; 1:1 'he • v tie: peucil-toucnes bh-' _____„_ T a.- k. J.-. , . "A *' --'J' - s » fnursdav, Twoiitv-Filfh Animal Parade 1 ^ Tin* ( iliiVci en: Fin- Co Jll | ii< s will as-eiiiblH at t Iici F 1 rsj i. dive Eng i c aim 'i'i iii'li : llollsOS, ai ! <>"•■ t;; k 1*. M. an.i at i-i v.iii move t« t iif".: r :.\v station ■s air l a >.sa!in • jiwi-.tiua 1. 1 *rnte( to- Fire Co . No. 2 Oil Main St. h- ::U 1. • i 4 on G i cell st. . «>iuc Hook and 1 J 4 ,i,i, r Co. N o. 1. on (i:vcu : hi n mg North. , liuai 'I rest ng on Main *st. a. Tiriimlaiiv Kirn C<>. No. I. 01 Green So. i south, lit-.ol ic-Kug <'ii .U.iin St. I'liii'i'wiiiu w ill uiovr .i: ll:l>n Mil 1-P' Grand Mumbai, A N DUI-.U PRICE. S i-.-i:.i.i. 1 illllil.i,,lt \ i- 1 ■ llepa. tlUi-nr. 'li ; od. l'l-.ei'rlor Kuv Co. No. 2 1 - u. .ii. IItiuai- ilooi, and Ladder Co. No. 1.*. Tlii'ooifjiax Kira Co. No. I. Carnages ior iioiioi-.irv uiema.-rs .mil iuvi ti-.l - I rt will ,.i o \ imno diaiely in tin) ira o| flirir laiiiriivi eoiaiioi'ios. ■liii! .Ii.ila wiu .vpolt to tliiiuil tor l'li tf£4»tr !'i: : —— i i m will uiiivr u|> Main St. to J.iek soli, down Jariisou to l».sri, down Kaker ti> St. * 'ti I ii,i. up St 1'iiihp t> Si. firidort. down • s t l(i idt;rt 11 * < uiiril, itonn Citniil to U.iker. tlirnri- 11 j * llttny Cl tv st. to (Jivau St., up <1 k a st. f-: tdgi-t, St. ISriUgot ti) I'»-rsidi-ut. up I'rosidi-nt to Murk-.-t, down M.irkat to St. Cliarlt-s. up "t t'harli-s to I.rv -r, tip Ei von to llii-i'-j. down tiiroti to tie- i im t Honrs, llii- provt-saion will tlieu h.-o d'x!,rd. I II ) ti M iiip ... tin- ball i if..a I <-.>11 tin- Fire g't.f ami Truck i >■ lit* a to tuko lot- third will •••ii -v i t Hit n . I.-. Mt ilUIUE, C'fc t Eug ;:••• t. TDi: ST A fE OF LOU. Si AN A .. th. Judicial District Court, l*ar» ish of Lafourche. ccs.'i in <>f Joseph JJumini Fee / in jtedi vys, Xo. 1 Ini Probates. , , , . , I'ursu i a tv mi nr- i t- :t :.l decree of tb« - \ e -( :. t; iu t. . ■ i* to a t-iunuii-) -I- n t i iiv- d.; i i t.-.i i i :t>ve entitled and nun: .-.-i t-il -- ixr I will oftt-i- fur sale nt public aiit-t ion pur.xuant to law l.t the last and high t-.-l btdt.t-r at. lUe Coait House :u llio town of Tliibotlnux on Satnrd.iv. the L'ndtla.v ol May, ISSli lietwi en the hours ot II o'clock A. M. and -I oVl-.ek I'. M. tho following described property, to-wit : II 1 Estate. 1 - A cert aiu truer of land situa ' ' t '"' 1 'a 1 ' 1 -* 11,: - the ns lit bank ofiJayoa Lafo ii .-he ,t • an . .-it uieht or nine milt s below the T.iv.-n III r bmlunx ineasiiriu" four nr » i.-i tya. tin- feet uiora or less front by ant;.* a i ■ -j» - • 111 .s i:i tu-jub boumlt-il above by ml-of <'lr > • m - Litg.vitle anil below by laiiil- ul M eet-1 E. Hull it*, toi-ether with all the b tililings anil improi emeuts thereon. Alm oelile* : Two horses, one inn, one bu>; ",v, oi « jji-ii dstoue, one oue pirogue, one a\cl tire, oao lot linruess, one wheel-har row, one plow, one lot of cooking utensils, • ne safe, one rocking eliaii', li •hairs. "J tables, one sewing machine, one bedstead and bed ding. one In dstcad and oue clock. Terms and conditions ol sale : cash on tke spot, iu United States treasury notes, to pay debts. April 17th, ISSfi. TIIEOPII1LB THIBODAUS, Sheriff. (STATE OF LOUISIANA. j of: i i 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Leon Godchaux rs. No. 8112, Moses Marlow and wife. j 8aIe , ;, , T unction pursuant to ]»« ' f ' i-.-t b-.l-|,-r at the Cour j li-■ .-o -n ths town o: 1 hibodaux on salur Tal -,e mi! :<-e that acting of I i ! a ciio.nati;:-- from th« t 1 . alw) e entitle: 1 have sr'zed and i sale at public auction p ; to - ' • lust . :;d highest bid unitor a writ auovo entitled and nuniliorcd lot law tho Court 11 i>v: - v s>: i:. I.V-T, hot woeu k A M. and 4 o'cloi-k *'• iweig ot -c.! property, to vrit : T>:i- t! it '• .I n'! tin-hytturf ia trout of tho ■-u d L lb ddia -1 .'h il: i- land p' >u | Miuati-d .11 ii is p.-irish Ictr hank of Baron La j ^ ' m- ' ,uil<f8 b " knT tUt,lowu -11 1 -. fit ii s o 1 sale: onsaon the t S: a 'vs 1 asur Notes. rmi-UMMLE THIBODAUX. Sheri If April I0lh 1SSG. j j dvmt 111 __ 2l)th Judicial District Court, Par ! STA' : i: OF LOUISIANA. licial District (on ish ot Lafourche. ou ,' lt | ei l Court, in the above entitled and nnmbi ho j '"March I3ti>, 1 THRr Joacbin Leoni de rs No. 2103, Si'as Bailey. T;;k.) hi [ico that acting nudi*i- a w r ri* ot peizur.) and sate rmanatini: fro in the above 1 ease I l.ave spi.:ed a- ! will offer ' fwiidU- anetion pn- aunt t • law to ai I highest bidder at ii.e Court House in th* Tonn of Tfiibod inn. i--i Satur day, tile 1. la day ui April, ii. . b,-.; .vcea thn In urs of I! o'clock A. and 1 o'clock I*. M. the iollou ino described property, to-wit: Tin- Northern half of a certain tract of land situated in the Parish of Lafourche ou tho right bank of the Bayou Lafourche be j () , v ., m i j,, ,i u . vicinity of the. 'I own of Thibo d.uix at abour twcutv arpenM from said Ha vou t i, :(t U commencing at a point twenty ar bets distant from said I'.avou Lafourche | uud running back sever -a it-penfs iu iicntli bor.nded ia front tow ai ds P.-.yoii La fourche oy Sand dow or formerly owned Ur the late J. rv Goode, above l.y land formerly belonging to estate of Charles Dupre and ba i, )VV | )V | ;tn d of Mrs. ./.din Donahu-i less one arpeut move or less in supetlieies to tie lak en from tIi"- Southern portion of the said Nor them half, together w ith nil the buildings and improvements thereon, Terms anil conditions of silo : cash en the j npot in United Staten treasury notes, to pay principal, interest, attorney's fees and costs, m the above suit. . 1881 XHEOPH1LE TlIIBODAUX, bhsnd.