OCR Interpretation

The weekly Thibodaux sentinel and journal of the 8th Senatorial District. [volume] (Thibodaux, Lna. [i.e. La.]) 1875-1898, June 26, 1886, English, Image 2

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<£i)t €l)iboiiaux Sentinel
SAT UK DAY, JUNE 20,1880.
Journal of ili«* *lih» Senaiorml District
Entered at the Thibodux East Office as Second
Chtsss until matter.
Main St Between St
St. Louis Sts.
SANCAX. Pro'r.* B ustuess ianager.
One year fill advance]..................$3 00 ;
One copy................................ 10
For each square of ten lineg or less, the first
insertion, $ I . r >0. Second insertion. 75 cents
per square. For subsequent insertions, per
6%nare 50 cents. Obituaries 10 cents per line.
Professional and business cards, including
paper, will be published at the rate of 50 ets.
Mr square for the first insertion, and 25 cents
for subsequent insertions.
A liberal discount to yearly advertisers.
Announcing candidates for office |10, to be
paid for IX ADVANCE.
Advertisements not marked on the copy
for a specified time will be inserted till forbid
and payment exacted.
Parsons sending communications to this pa
pet must always furnish their real names to
the Editors. We will not save or return re
jected manuscripts.
Allusions perounally disparaging to any
•ne will never be inserted except as adver
tisements nor then, if peculiarly objectiona
Week ending;:.) uue
24th. I "- 6 .
Highest Temperutur
e. Rainfall
Date. Degiecs.
Friday 18 og
Saturday 19 93
Sunday 20 93
Monday 21 .-6
Tuesday 22 90
Wednesdayil 89
Thursday 21 95
Average 91.11
Aver, for June 9J.t3
Tot .1
Tot.i' for J mo
The Legirdatuie has lelused to
pass the High License Law, and
gave a quiet burial to the proposed
repeal ot Lien Law.
Have given Toiigaliuea thorough
trial iu seveu cases of neuralgia.
►Secured relief iu from oue to tour
hours. W. A. Johnston, M. D.,
Raleigh, Iud.
Some of the Republican members
ot Congress amused themselves the
other day by getting a long pole
and stming up the monkeys, but
in doing so they aroused a sleepiug
lion. It is safe to assert that they
will not worry General Joe Wheeler
any more, but give him a wide
berth iu the future.
Do uot forget that on July 7 the
staunch little steamboat, Joe Wehre
Capt. A. E. llotard, will arrive
here from Grand Isle, return the
next day. and make weekly trips
Persons who desire good sea
baths and love good fish, should
not fail to make a visit to Grand
The St. Martiu Rem We clips three
articles from the Thibodaux Senti
NEL iu oue week and piiuts them
as editorials.
We have no objection to furnish
ishiug editorials for tbe Reveille,
but thiuk that we ought, at least
'to have the credit of oue of three
Call at Dauserean A Bourgeois' Drug
Store for Creole Female Tonic woman's
best friend.
It is to be sincerely hoped that the
States will uot go into conniption
tits over the defeat of tbe Morrison
Tariff Bill. The country can sur
vive all such disasters as tbe fail
ore of tbe Morrison act.
Let tbe States rest contented.
A little cold water pouied on top
of tbe bead ofentimes does good in
cooling down fever that is produced
from a strong imagination.
Mrs. Cleveland is winning golden
opinions since her marriage. Her
greatest charm is said to be ber ge
nial manners and simplicity of char
All tbe ladies of Washington
rushed to tbe White House the first
opportunity that was presented to
see and^congratnlate ber.
The evidence of her simplicity
wasfoand, in a remarkable instance,
in ber wedding dress that cost
$500.00 in Paris.
The Capitolian Advocate publish
ed a strong article^ the other day,
iu favor of the reduction of the ap
propriations made by the Legisla
tute so as to bring the amount with
in the limit of taxes to be collected, :
This is the proper thing to be j
done. Not a of dollar appropriation j
should be voted unless the taxation :
would cover it.
it is high time that Legislators
should be made to recognize the
fact that debts should not be made
l>\ their votes unless there are
wa^s and means ahead to meet ;
them at the proper time.
The C'.-.d. then adds :
"The one eighth mill taken
from the General Fund which was
; given tO the School Flltld sllOUbl
and the appropriations for the sup
be restored to the General Fuud
port of the universities should be 1
made from the Educational Fund 1
. ,,ii „
where thev belong. 7
...... e ... ;
Now, this thing of robbing the
School Fuud for the safety of the
General Fund, is just as reprehen
sible aud as impolitic as making ap
propriations without contriving
ways and means to liquidate them.
The money that is given to the
universities has nothing to do with
the fund for public schools, not a
particle more tbau the Levee Fund
Universities do not benefit the
Public Schools : they are schools
for people who are able to send
their children to them and are of
little or no service to the masses
of pupils.
The C.-A. should begin to look
for reductions elsewhere.
It has uot a word to say about
bills, brought in by representatives
to ; pay $5000.00 for a few worthless
maps, to compel parishes to have '
maps made at great expense
that they do not need, to dig canals
about Batou Rouge to drain the '
frog ponds in the viciuity, aud tor
fifty other purposes.
Keep the General Fund flush, j
but to do so, rob the School Fuud. I
Let the children of the poor grow i
up in ignorance, but keep the Gen ;
eral Fund full to pay jobs that the
Legislators may bavea finger iu.
The criminal expenses of this
State are double wbat they should j
be, but we see no effort to reduce I
them, and relieve the people of!
some of the burdens they are com
pelled to hear.
It is time to hunt some other
means to fill ap the General Fuud
besides pounciug on and robbing
the School Fuud. Stop the mine
cessary and uncalled for leaks in
the General Fund aud there will
be ample means to pay all claims
against it, without depriving the
children of the masses of the privi
lege of receiving a common school
One of tbe most siugnlar freaks
of nature, iu the way of dispensing
rain, occurred some ten days ago,
in the neighborhood of Alexandria,
on Red River.
It is reported that over that sec
tion ot country the rainfall, inside
of 24 hoars, was 28 inches. The
Marksville Review says;
We hear that there was at least
a foot of water over the banks of
Red River from Egg Beud down.
The River rose between eighteen
aud twenty feet during tbe late
rain and submerged all tbe crops
from above point down, with tbe
exception of those ot Messrs Bette
vy, Ware, Moreau and Coco, which
were protected by levees.
Iu the rear of Alexandria, over a
country similar to tbe lands iu |this
vicinity, the water covered every
thing, and rushed by way of Ba
yous Rapides, Castille aud others
so rapidly into the river as to cause
the rise above mentioned.
It is said that at Cane river
some 20 miles above, where there
had been no rain that the current
of Red River was reversed aud
rau up stream.
It was a remarkable pheuome
non, to sUy tbe least of it.
Creole Female Tonic, the great regnla
tor and iuvigorator, is sold by Roth A
The pension business has become |
an enouuous load upon the Goveru j
meat, and at the present date is (
one of the boldest and most brazen
species of public pluuder that was
ever sprung upoa the Cougiess of
t he United States,
j Whilst we candidly admit that '
: every soldier iu the aiiuv of the
United States, who has been disa |
bled or contracted disease iu theser
vice, that unfits him for labor
should be libeially pensioned by
the Government, it is a disgrace to
; civilization to conduct the peusiou
business as is now ( doue by the dem
agogues of both houses of Cougiess.
In one day over 400 peusiou bills
were hunied through the Sen
tives has been permitting some 20
aie > aml House of Represent
1 or BO meu to
evening to asse
met t every Friday
mble and bestow pen
; sions as if they were doughuats.
Any man who has stumped his
toe nail off within the last few years
has only to demand a pension on
the plea that the accident occurred
because he was in the army 15
years ago, and a peusiou will be al
lowed him.
Men, who served in the war with
out ever haviug been wouuded
or sick, and were discharged at the
end of their enlistment, are now 7
making the discovery that they con
traded disease iu service and de
maud a pension.
The Piesident has vetoed a num
ber of these hills of robbery but it
is a physical impossibility tor him
to examine one fourth of the pen
Hon. Mr. Wallace the new mem
ber fr0,n tbe Se00,,d District iu Loa
isiane ba * bought himself into no
tice b * v deiuand,n S on these Friday
eveuiu S stings that a quorum of
sion bills that are presented to him > ■
tlie House shall be present to pass
auv more pensions.
The President has sent a message
to Congress, requesting that all,
pension bills should be passed only '
in a full hoase.
The way things are going on, it
will not be long before a man who
once thought of going into the army .
will be seeking tbe bounty of Gov
erniueut, aud a bill aud to pension
all the sisteis, cousins and aunts
that a soldier may have.
The ugliest feature about this
matter is that ;ull these demands,
now granted by Congress have been
refused by the Peusiou Bureau as
Let every soldier disabled either
by pounds or disease, or who has
become nuable to earn his living
since, ou account of age or other
disability, be pensioned, but itought
to stop there.
Without beautiful hair no woman
is beautiful. Is yours falling off or
faded 1 The loss is vital. Parker's
Hair Balsam will preserve your
hair and give back its gloss aud
youthful color. Clean, elegant, per
feet. Prevents dandruff.
We print to day a letter from
Dotni gos Freire, a physician of Bra !
zil, addressed to Dr. Joseph Holt,
of New Or lean*, on the subject of
inoculation for Yellow Fever.
As inoculation is a safe preven
tire agaiust Small Pox, there is no
special reason why similar treat,
meat may uot effect similar results
•a.. A v 11 ^.„ % 4 .
in the case ct \ell0W re\ei. At
1 " 7 11 1 ' 7 7
all events let us all hope that it is.
An enterprising, Reliable House.
J Omer Landry can always be relied
upon, not only to carry in stock the
beat of everything, bat to secure the
Agency for sacli articles as have well
known merit, and are popular with the
people, thereby sustaining the reputa
tion of being always enterprising, and
ever reliable. Having secured the
Agency for tbe celebrated Dr. King's
New Discovery for Cousnmption, will
sell it on a positive guarantee. It will
surely cure any and every affection of
Throat. Langs, and Chest, and to show
our confidence, we invite you to call
aud get a trial Bottle Free. 1
The Postmaster General has giv
en 29 clerks, in the various post otfi
ces between Pittsburgh and St.
Louis, the bounce for "iusnhordiua
tion in conspiring to obstract the
regulation of the service by tbe De
partmeut, aud to iujure its ineffi
There will be no difficulty in find
ing others to take their places.
Look oat for a Republican howl
-Manufacturer* of
-Wholesale Dealers in
Pipes, Smokers' Articles.
Country orders solicited. Write for prices.
Nos. 01 and 03 Chartres Street, New Orleans.
Factories— Corner Conti and Chartres streets. Nos. 00 to 72
Tclioupitoulas street,
It took Gov. Mi Eueiy just 20
minutes to sign the •Sunday Law
bill and send notice lo the Legisla
lure that he had so acted.
It took some people less time
than that to get very mad o\ei its
Mr. Coulon of Lafourche, has an
act before the State Legislating
which, should it become a law,
would pr.»ve the death blow to
some favored druggists in pro
bibit ion towns throughout the State.
The proposed law makes it a crime
j for a phy-iei m to prescribe spii itu
ous liquors with the intent to evade
or assist in evading the prohibition
as to the sale
»f alcoholic beverage:
—Fclicion i Sentinel
Miss Anna Johnson, of 24 Front street^
Columbus, Ohio, says: " I suffered from
an aggravated form of constipation and
indigestion for several months. My fam
ily physician tried all kinds of medicines
and pills, but to no effect. 1 began to think
my case was a hopeless one. A friend of
mine (Mrs. Elvira Redmond,of East Long
■ street, this city), called,and seeing the con
dition I was in, recommended me to try
your Mahauh. I must say I had but little
faith in the medicine, but after I had taken
a few doses I was convinced that Mana
lis was the medicine for me. After I
had taken one bottle I was entirely well
of my complaint. I consider it one of the
best remedies for constipation I have ever,
used. I have several friends who ere us
ing it. They think it an excellent remedy.
I recommend it to all who are afflicted
with constipation or indigestion. Any
one doubting this statement is invited to
call on me at 24 Front street"
Mr. Milton Knotts, Urbana, O., writes:
* Last November one year ago I was tak
en sick, and called in our family physician.
He examined me and said I had symp
toms *f typhoid fever. He gave me
medicine for two weeks or more with
out any relief. I began to think that my
days on earth were fast closing in. I
saw at once that his medicine would
not reach my disease. Just as I was about
to conclude that I would have to die, my
daughter brought me one of your pamph
lets. I noticed a case whose symptoms
were like mine, and Pebcxa and Maxa
Lix had cured him. I concluded at once
to try it I procured one bottle of Prbc
ha and one of Maxalix, and took them
as directed, and beiore I had used the two
bottles I began to receive strength and
gain in flesh. I finished the rest of the
two bottles and continued its use until
the third bottle was used. When they
were used I could cat anything I wanted
to and go about my work. I consider
that if it hadn't been for your Phscxa I
would have been in my grave. Parties
wishing information can write me at tha
above place. I recommend your medi
cine wherever I go."
Mr. John R. Davis, Moundsville, W.
Va., writes: " I have been handling
your Pxritna ever since its introduction.
All who have used it speak highly of its
curative properties. I consider it a reli
able remedy."
Mr. George Fisher, Portsmouth, O.,
writes : " I am handling your Peruna,
and having a good trade on it. It give*
splendid satisfaction."
Proceedings of the Parish Board
of School Directors.
• --- „ , , 1QOr i
j p T '' La-Msy Hh issa. ;
The Pariah Board ot hcliool Directors of,
. the parish of Lafourche, met this day pur- j
scant to call.
Present: President X. T. Grisamore. Di- j
rectors J. I.. Aueoiu, W. H. Kagan, E. G. j
Curtis ami Thomas A. Badcaux. Secretary >
and Superintendent.
The minutes of the last meeting were ]
read, and approved.
It was determined tha t the school* now in 1
npeiation should close a? tbe exp.ration of
four and a hall -nouths Horn the date of their
The Fuperintendent wa* instructed to make
arrangements for the opening of white schools
in the neighlmrhood of Oscar Lepine. on the
left hank of Bayou tautoirehe. at Mathew's
plantation, and at Wi^jpl Due's, the tirst ot I
Septemlier, 1886.
The following bills were presented, a id the !
requisite appropriations yiade to pay the
same :
Enoch Duan, repairs on hi* school. 13.80
F. Xancan prin'iug warrants. 4.uu
Leufroy Breaux, repairs ou Breaux School
House, 38.63
The Superintendent reported that Mis*
Kate Al>er had been assigned to the Malaguav
School on the recommiuendatiou ot the local
The following preamble and resolution*
were adopted
Whereas.the teachers ol the Gtiiou Aeade
my have petitioned the Heard fora donation
to enable tin m to purchase a , organ lor the
use of said school, ami whereas, the Board
deems it unwise io -stahhsli :1m precedent of
making donations i f funds fursm-h a , impose,
however praiseworthy *uc!i a purpose un
doubtedly is. and whereas, the Board is will
ing toexten I the said teachers of the Guion
Academy every facility to enable them to
carryout their object-.
Thci efors.be it resolved, that a loan of
fifty liollvrs be. and tiie same is hereby (jrau
ted to the teacher* of the Guion Academy
ior the purpose of assisting them in tho pnr
eh.» re >d an organ tor tlieir nolo ml said loan
to be drawn lium tbe School lluu.-e Fluid of
District No. 1. and to be payable to the or
der «t the piincipal id tl.e Guion Academy, it
bon |t understood that the balanee that mar
le needed lor the purchase of said organ
► hall le irited hy raid teacher*
Ri port ot the Ti insurer front April 1st 1886,
to May 5th. 1880.
lo 1 alancr on hand, Aplil let. 1886, 4FV51 50
To receipt* siuce .
540 84
5001 14
I'aiisli school tux u! 1886
183 65
31 411
Poll tax. 2885
87 00
8ebool House tax 1885
40 8|
6 97
'1 otul Receipts
By Disburse ment* :
I «> i ut of loacher* F und :
Dist riot No. 1
220 00
District No. 2
1125 00
Pay nut of School House Fund
District No. 2 .
22 75
Geueral F uud
26 40
Treasurer com. account
42 34
Tax Collector com
17 49
Total Disljui sement*
'1 o balance ou hand
3547 16
1 >:\ ided a« folia ws .
Teachers' F'uud, District No 1
293 60
No. 2 :
2714 09
School House F'lind" No. 1
68 59
........ No. a
116 79
General Fund
1*7 76
Treasurer's commission acet.
106 31
1453 98
3547 16 3..17 26
Respectfully Submitted.
School Treasurer.
There being no further business, the Board
adjourned -ubjeet to call.
1 h< 'Mas A. Badkai .. President.
Proceeding* of*Town
Thibodaux, June4th. 1886. $
The Council, for the Town of Thibo
ilaux, met. in regular session, tbi* dav at 5
o'clock, I\ M.
Present: Mayor Au-oin and Trustee*,
Brand, Bergeron, Curtis and Zernott.
Absent: Trustees Moore and Naquin.
The miiiut-* m the last session were read
and approved.
The following claims approved by the Fi
nance Committee were presented aud on mo
tion duly seconded the requisite appro
priation was made to pay the same.
. Chargeable to Streets aud Ditches :*
Alfred Golden
t 'bar. to Banquettes :
P. A. DeMauadtf
A. Malhrough. Corp. Laborer.
J. Ausiet. Market Master,
Cltae. town Hall :
John Kulford
H. ff. F rost
Char, .salary of Officers :
J. Ausiet, Constable, llalanee I quarter
ending November 1st. 66 66
P K. LeBlanc. Clerk, 2 quarters end
ing Novell!bee 1st. 37 50
J. L. Aueoiu. ,Mayor. 2 quarters end
ing November 1st. 1900)
01 50
50 00
77 45
115 91
Blind. Bergeron Curti
490 18
and Zer
Nays : None.
The following reports were read and refer
red to the F'iuaiue iiiuiuiltee.
Treasurer's Report.
.for May 1*36.
To Balance on baud
Market House
•• Wharfage
" Licenses 1886
By Market House
*• Towu Hall
" Corporation Laborer
" Streets aud Ditebes
" Collector* com. ou $105.15
*• Police A Criminal Exp.
" Balance carried down
905 01
82 00
33 00
70 00
16 66
307 95
50 00
4 12
691 92
1090 16 1090 16
To balance on baud $691 92
Kcspectlullv Submitted.
Thibodaux. La. June 4th. 1886. *
('•Heeler's Bepert,
for May. 1886.
Lee N. Aueoiu R. M 15.09
L. A- Daunts C. H. B*l. * 25.00'
M. A. Legendre and Son R M. 5.S0
Jos. l-rBla&c B. aud E. S. Bal. 15 00'
F rench's Show (5.00
G. R. Platt, Photographer, 5.09
12 09
4 06
33 00
Wharfage, 1886.
Str. Jewel
** Assumption
" E. W. Puller
•• llclene
Respectfully Submitled.
The Market Master's Report
for May, 1886.
sliows the total receipts, to he $82.15.
A conimuuicatiou from Gustave Schmidt,
eoinplaiuiug of a preference being givcu vug
etable vender* mm regards stalls in the Mar
ket, was read and referred to the Market
A petition from several merchant* praying
that in view of the fact that Imt'alane* hod
lately tieeu committed, the lowu furnish a
night Bidiceman for the business nr center
portiou ol the. Town, was .read and action
thereon deferred.
Tiie Committee ou Improvements were in
structs: i to inquire iuto the couditiou of the
Market House.
The Council then adjourned.
[Signed] J. L. AUCOIN,
P. Emii.k LtBLASc.

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