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£i)c £l)ib 0 &fttir Sentinel S V L' iJ i t ) V YT .V j i x . !>•>*. LOCAL NEWS. Tliihodaux Saw Mill Company lias rcciMvetl a raft of lo^s which aic being cut up into lumber. There will be a tegular session of ilie l'oliee .Jury on Monday, An^ii't Hi. l.sSO, which every mem her of that b »d> Mioultl attend. The steamer .lames 11. Letcher Houle innflc'i trip to the (iclt coast, 0 n last Wednesday, with some IT* or *_'(> passengers ))M hoard, priuei pally irom Donaldsonville. Wedding cards are out for the marriage of Leo L. Molaison and Miss Virginia M. Frost, which will take place at St. Joseph's Church, on Wednesday. August IS, 1886, at 1:30 o'clock P. M. A real, genuine, old-fashioned pumpkin pie was mysteriously dis covered on the Editor's desk, the other day. It reminded him of the days long since passed away, when •Snell things were common. Practical reminiscences of lang syne make one feel a half century younger, and imagine himself a boy again. Thanks to the kind donor. The sensation of the week has been the arrival ot the magnificent Arctic Soda Water Fountain, made to order in Boston, Mass., for J. T. Thibodeaux and the placing of the same in the Thibodeaux Pharmacy, on tlie corner of St. Philip and Main streets. The Soda Water dispensed from this splendid and beautiful fount cannot he excelled anywhere. Everybody should give it a trial. Today the Sentinel enters its 'TWENTY SECOND YEAR. Its course for the fntOre will he guided by the history of its past. If, during its long career, it has said or done a word cr deed to in jure or wound the feelings of its numerous readers, such words or deeds have been incidental, not in tentioual. To all its readers aud friends it wishes prosperity aud happiness. -«<«#►•--* In our last issue wo inadvertent ly omitted to mention, in our re port of the Reception of the Calho lie Knights of America, the name of Miss Loti'se liofimanu among the "sweet songstresses'' who en tertuiued the audience with their vocal music. We take occasion to say also that the Thibodnux Bandenlivoned the exercises with their splendid music. The Southern Brewing Compauy placed ill the SENTINEL office the other day a keg of the splendid beer, that that Compauy manufac tures, after having the same cooled in the refrigerator at the ice inauu $ „ory of liagan & Schneider, that made eveiy one from proprietor to Devil exceedingly happy and well pleased with The Brewing Co., the Ice house and the balance of man kind. During the present week, two of the aged landmarks of the country have been laid away to rest in St. Joseph's cemetery. On Monday Madam Visier, who bad lived all hor long life of 73 years in Assumption Parish was buried, followed on Tuesday by Miss DeMamule who resided a few miles below Tbibudaux, aged 84 years. Thus the leaves of Autumn fall aud disappear forever. THE EYE. It is simply wonderful, the repu tot-ion Hawes' spectacles and eye glasses have attained throughout the United States ; they are known from the Atlantic to the Pacific,and the reputation is built upon real ^tnerit. Testimonials iiom the most 'eminent men of the country are given who have had their sight im proved by their use. All eyes fitted by J. T. Thibo ueaux, druggist, Thibodaux, La., Lvery pair warranted. K. 0. R. j On Sunday last, Aug. 1st, among j the excursionists from New Orleans, I was a delegation of the Order of the Knights of the Golden liule, on a visit officially and fraternally to Thihodaux Castle No. 136, of Thib oilaux. i The delegation was composed of I Mrv. A. M. Sharp. Grand t'omman i d r; Mi. E. T. Ducherr, Grand | Secretary and Mr. St. Fileal j Grand Treasurer; Mrs. L. Sharp, Secretary of Germania Castle j No. 307 ; Mrs. Oerlien, Vice \ Commander of Germania Cas tie No. 307, and others who were received at the depot by comrades Dezauche and Grisamore and es corted to the Franklin House whore rooms were prepared for their ac commodation. At three o'clock P. M. a special meeting was held iu the Castle room, wlieu the visitors were receiv ed with the honors of the Order, aud some time passed in iuler change of opinions upon the pro gtess and usefulness of the Order, after which the visitors were taken in one of Tetreau's conveyances by comrades McBride, Dezauche and Biiiniugs, oti a visit to St. Joseph's Church, with the grandeur and magnificeuee of which they were highly impressed. Thence they were driven around Town, which they found to be a much larger place than they had expected to find, and with the gen eral appearance ot whicli they were agreeably surpiised. Stopping at the house ot District Deputy Com matider, McBride, they were pleas antly entertained by the good lady thereof, whence, alter a visit, to the Firemen's Hall, they were escorted to the depot aud embarked for their homes. They expressed themselves much gratified with the hospitality shown them by their comrades here, aud citizens generally. The Older of the K. G. 1{. is a beneficiary order similar to several others, and dtilers witli them iu this, that the holder of an endow nient certificate receives not ouly the amount for which the same calls, but also the accrued benefits, otherwise aud the amount of assess meats the deceased has paid during his membership. It also has a class of members who are over 50 aud and under 60, which enables elderly persons, who cannot obtain membership iu other orders to become members and do something for the benefit of their families iu case of death. Tbibudaux Castle now numbers 29 members, after au existence of t wo years. The Children's Frolic.*— And now the third Saturday of August approaches, when Firemen's Hall will be given np to the little boys and girls tor a frolic. A frolic that will be entirely their own, not to be interfered with in auy shape by the big folks. All the children in the town and vicinity should attend aud have a regular romp. If they are too little to go by themselves, they cau invite their nurses to go with them—if they have no nurses, they may iuvite their mothers to attend—if they have no mothers they can take their big sisters along—if they have uo big sisters they can call upon their venerable.auuts—it they have no aunts they cau iuvite their eousius—if they have uo cousins Messrs Theophile Bergeron and Max Coiutment left on Tuesday, on an excursion to Galveston, Hous ' ton aud San Antonio, foi the pur pose ot enjoying the Texas breezes and obtaining a little recreation from their arduous toils. The Sentinel wishes them a pleasant trip and an agreeable time: On the trip of the James H. Let eiier were a couple of distinguished gentlemen who could not swim— something not unusual, however, but rather inconvenient to bathers in the "deep blue sea/' Of suspi cions natures, those two worthies smelt mischief ahead, and decided not to go out into lie sea wmIi the other battlers, who, not having the fear ot old Neptune before their eyes, might incontinently souse them into the s.ilty waves and give them what is termed in modern language, a good ducking, 8o one quiet evening they went ofi by themselves and ventured out into the waves until they reached a depth that brought the water above their knees. Here they halted and congratu lated themselves that they could have a nice hath without getting wet above the waist. This tact and the sensation occa sioned by the waves rolling by them, brought out the concealed oratorical powers that lay dormant in their bodies, and one of them i 7 j began to repeat the famous lines of j Lord Byron :— "Roll ou thou dark, blue oceau, Ro—o—o—/' Just then a big wave ] came along and lifted orator and frieud off tbeir feet and extended them broadside in the water. Then began a series of llounder ing, somiuersaults and acrobating tumbling that would have raised the envy of a first class gymnastic club. With oue hand hold ot his part tier and the other extended in the ! air, the orator began to lepeat tbo | old lines so dear to the heart of the superannuated schoolboy, "Help me Cassius or—''between the rolling, waves, that sent them 30 feet tow ard shore, whilst the uudercurreut; hurled them back 35 feet. Friends went to their relief, led them on shore and placed them ou a log to dry. The project proposed by Capt. Guiou, for a test of corn culture, has been con ineuted upon very fa vorabiy by the N. O. Bee, the St. Martinsville Hevtille aud other pa pers. A list is now open for subscribers at the Post office, iu care of the Ed itor of the Sentinel, that ought to be filled up rapidly, so that a meeting of subscriber eau soon be held, in order to lay out a plan of operations for the next year. It matters little whether persons think that corn is an object of small moment, the point to be ascertain ed is, how much cau be growu per acre and at what cost, when a lair chauce is given that cereal. Experience and practical tests wtll alone suffice. Theory will not solve the riddle. About September 10 the re-union of their old folks will take place iu Firemeu's Hall. A large uutnber ot the old people iu Lafourche, Ter rebonue aud Assumptiou are expec ted to be present ou that occasion and have a good time iu talkiug over old times, renewing ancient friend ships, and passiug a pleasant day together. At night the Hall will be open for the young folks to enjoy them selves. NOTICE. Scaled proposals will be received during ten days by the undersigned, for the furnish ing of the necessary desks, benches aud two privies for the Wilfred Du6 School. THOMAS A. BADEAUX, Parish Superintendent. Thibodaux, La., Aug. 7tti 1880. Lost or Stolen. Notice is hereby given to the public not to negotiate a certain promissory note executed by Pierre Joseph Bourgeois, of tlie parish of Lafourche, for the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars, dated January 28th, 1885, aud payable Decemlier 1st. 188a. with eight per cent per annum interest Iron; date, j said . note being identified with au act of I mortgage passed before Auguste Cretini, notary public on the 28th January. 188.'), •which act lias been duly recorded in the | mortgage records of the parish ot Lafourche ' on the second day of Feb. 188.'). Said note j belongs to the undersigned and has been eitii cr lost, or stolen troui their possession. : Til. HUGOS A BRO. Thibodaux, La., July 31st, 188ii. NOTICE. Office Police Jury. Perish of Lafourche, ) Thibodaux July Dtli. 1886. j 1 will oiler tor sale at public au.ition to the lowest bidder on the tirst .Moudav of'August next, at I o'clock P. M. at the Court IIoiiTp i„ the town ot Thibodaux. the content-* tor tin* construction of a dirt bridge at I tmgnevillo. 'hi- .......unions of which..... given m the pro feedings ot Police Jury, published this day H. N. CUL'L'tX, I'resiitent. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 30th Judicial District 'Court, Par ish of Latomclie. Richard V'7/7'.rtt rs. 3174, Mrs. Mail / .1. Cross . Take no*ice that acting under nn order of j seizure and -ale ......noting lY-un the olio\e entitled Court, in the above citiihil ...... numbered ease. I have seized mid will offer lor sob-at public auction pursuant to law to tin* last and high -sr bidder at th ■ Court House in tin* I own of Thibodaux. on Satur day, tin- Itli day of Soot -IIIber. I -ts,;. n -tw.-.-n the hours of 11 o'clock A. M and 4 o'eloc'- I* M. the one undivided half of the following tie scribed property belonging to the said dclen dant. viz : certain tract of land or su-ar plantation known as the Orange Grove Plantation, skua ted in the Parish of Lafourche on the left dt-s-ending hank of Bayou Lalouiclie the dwelling being about four miles from Thibo daux and three miles trom said Bayou situa ted in Township 11 South ot Range 16 East except a small portion ot the tract hereinaf ter tirst described and composed of the follow ing tracts, viz : 1st. A certain tract of land hounded above by lands of H. X. Conlon and below by lands ot T. Foret & Bros, commencing six arpents from Bayou Latourche and running b o k thirty-tour arpents having a tront of one and a half arpent. 'Jiid. A tract in the rear of and adjoining the tract just described having a trout of two arpents and a quarter arpeuts and run ning back twenty arpents, hounded above by lands of II. N. Conlon and below by lands of T. Foret A Bros, in the rear by lands of veu dor 3rd. The main body of the plantation com posed of 1st, The oil'll half'of the South east quarter of section 100 containing SO acres, -ml. The South East quarter of see turn 10.) containing ItiOacres. 3rd, The South half of section 104 containing 318 33(100 acres. 4th. The North west quar'er of section! 104 containing 160 acres. 5tli. The East hall j ot South West quarter of section lot contain- I ing 80 acres. 6th, The South half ol Soiiili W - st quarter of section 103 containin'' 84 ll|100 acres. 0th. The North J of section 111 containing 310 3O[|00 acres. 8th a fractional portion ot section 110 containing 164 acres Together with all tin- buildings and improve incuts thereon, stock, cattle.' horses, mules and tanning utensils and implements thereon, also 1 portable engine.-JO unties, I wag-ms. I carts. 1 Rotary Hoe. Jeo'tou seed meal dis tributor, s J harrows. 18 ploughs. I corn plan ter. 1 fluke, "> Maker plumbs. I I sets double single trees, 1 stubble digger. 1J wagon loads of corn [about |, 75 cords of wood [nearly;, 1 sugar house stove ami cooking furniture Ac. J.ieae.c knives, 5 spades. II sets of harness and all the seed cane ou said plantation. To pay and satisfy in cash the sum of One Thousand and Twenty-three 55(100 Dollars. Together with eight per cent per annum in terest thereon from 3rd May, 1884, till paid and ten per centum on the aggregate thereof as attorney's lees and all the costs heiein which said amount is secured liy mortgage with vendors privilege on the property above described by act ot sale and mortgage passed before Alh-rt .1. Lasseigne. deputy clerk and ex-oftiei-i Notary Public, of said ' Parish, on the 3rd May. 1881. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX. J-heritf. July 31st. 1886. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20tli Jmlicinl District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Diehard Mil liken rs Xo. 2175, George C. Taylor. Take notice That acting under an order of seizure and sale 'emanating from the above entitled Court iu the above entitled and num bered case 1 have seized and will offer for sale at public auction, pursuant to law to the last anil higbess bidder at the Court House in the town of Thibodaux, on Saturday, Sep tember Itli.'1886, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the one undivided half of the following described property, be longing to the defendant', viz : A certain tract of land or sugar plantation known as the Orange Grove Plantation situa ted iu the Parish of Lafourche'on the left des rending bank of Bayou Lafourche, the dwel lin being about four miles from Thibodaux and three miles from said Bayou, situated in Township 14 South of Range 16 East except a small portion of the tract hereinafter tirst described and composed of the following tracts viz : 1st. A certain tract of land bounded above by lands of II. N. Conlon and below by lands of T. Foret A Brot. six arpents from Bayou Lafourche and running back Thirty-tour arpeuts having a front of one aud a half arpents. 2nd. A tract in the roar of and adjoining the tract just described having a front ot two arpents aud l a quarter arpents aud running back twenty arpents bounded above by lands : of H. N. Coulon aud below by lands of T. Foret A Bros, in the rear by lauds of vendor. 3rd The main body of the plantation com posed of 1st, The South half of the South-east quarter of section 100 containing SO acres. 2nd. The South-east quarter of section 105 containing 160 acres 3rd. The South half of 'section 104 containing 318 33(100 acres. 4th. The North West quarter of section 104 cou taing 160 acres. 5th, The East half of South west quar'er of section 101 containing 80 acres. 6th, The South half of South-west quarter of section 103 containing 84 11(100 7th, The North half of section Ml containing 310 30(100 acres. 8th, A fractional portion of 110 containing 164 acres. Together with alt ti e buildings and improvements thereon, stock, horses, mules and farming uteusils and implements thereon. Also oue portable engine 20 mules, 4 wagons. 4 carts. I rotary boe, 1 cotton seed meal distributor, 2 harrows, 18 ploughs. 1 corn planter. I fluke. 5 Maker ploughs, 14 sets double and single trees. 1 stubble digger, 12 wagon loads of corn (about) \ 75 cords ot wood (nearly), 1 sugar house stove anil cooking furniture. 35 cam- knives, 5 spades, 14 sets of harness and all the seed cane oil said plantation. To (iay and satisfy in cash the sum of One Thousand and Twenty-three 55(100 Dollais | together with eight per cent per annum iu tcrest thereon from the 3rd day of May, 1884, till paid and teu per centum on the aggregate j thereof as attorney's fees and all costs herein ; which said amount is secured by mortgage with vendor's privilege on the property above act of sale aud mortgage passed before Albert J. Lasseigne. deputy clerk and ex-officio Notary Public of said Parish, ou the 3rd May-. 1881. July 31st, 1886. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, I Sheriff. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th, Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. 'John Cabin -10 Co. in lit], rs. Xo. 2207 George C. Taylor et ol. •John Colder it Co. in lit/, rs. Xo 3308 Mrs Abbic Cross , icitlow of Dr. H. IF. Cross. 'Join Calilcr tO Co. in liq. rs. Xo. 3301) Gear ye C. Toy lor. Take notice that acting under three writs of Fi I a emanating Ini n tile aimv. entitled Gullit in the above entitled and numbered ■ ii es I li tve i-eiz-d and will tiller tor sale at I uli ie action pursuant to law to the last and l.ighr.-t bidder at the Court House. ;u the Town of Thibodaux. on Saturday, tin- Itli day of September, |SS0. between the limns of 11 o'eioek A. JI. and 4 o'elock 1*. M. the follow ing dim rihed property, to-wit : A eertaiii tract of land or sugar plantation known as the Orange Grove plantation situated in the Pal ish of I afourelo-on the left descending hank ot Bayou Lufouiehe, tin- dwelling house be ingahoui four miles limn the Town of Tliibo d tux and three miles from Bayo t Lafourche situated in T. 14 S. R. 16 E. except a small portion of the tract heiein.ilter tirst descri bed and composed of the following tracts to wit : 1st. A certain tract of land hounded above by the lands tormerly belonging to H.E. Le det and below by lands formerly belonging to Nelson A Donelson, commencing six ar pents from Bayou Lafourche and running back thirty-tour arpents, having a front of one arpent and a half. 2nd. A tract in the rear of aud adjacent to the tract .just descri bed having a tront of two and a quarter ar pents and running back twenty arpents boon ded above by lands formerly belonging to H. E. Leilet and below by lands formerly of Nelson an l Donels >n and in the rear by said Orauge Grove plantation. 3rd. The main body of the plantation composed ot 1st, The S j !oiflS. E. * ot S. 100 containing 80 acres. 2nd, Hie S. K. J of section 105 con taining 160 acres. 3rd, The S. 4 of section 104 containing 318 33(100 acres.. 4tli, The N. W. j of section 104, containing 160 acres. 5th, Tlie E. j of S. IV. j ot section 101 containing 8" acres. 6th. The S. J- of the >H. W. j of sec tion 103 containing St 14(100 acres. 7tli. The X. \Y. 4 of section 111 containing 310 3J|I00 acres, and 8th. a fractional portion of section 110 containing kit acres. Together with alt the buildings and im provements thereon ; sugar house, mill and engine, dwelling house, stables, cabins, cribs, stock, mules, cattle, horses and fanning implements thereon, of every descrip timi whatsoever used in the cultivation of said plantation also portable engine, 20 mules. I wagons. I carts, 1 rotary hoe. 1 cot ion seed meal distributor, 2 harrows. 18 ploughs, 1 corn planter. I fluke. 5 Maker (doughs. 1 I sets of double aud single trees. 1 stubble digger, one sugar bouse stove and cooking furniture, Ac., 35 earn- knives, 5 spades. 11 sets of harness, about 1175 cords of wood, and the growing crop on said plan tation : I Ledow cultivator, 3 shovel ploughs, 1 dozen blind bridles. J dozen leather collars, 2 mie-hmse plows, 15 hoes, about 2000 feet ira tiling timber. I draining machine en gine. Personal property ol George C. Taylor: J horses. 2 single seat buggies, 1 two-horse wagon. I microscope, 1 single set ol harness. Terms and conditions ot sale : Cash on the spot ill United States Treasury notes to pay principal, interest and costs, iu the above suits. July 24tb, 1.886. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, Sheriff. S.-TATE OF LOUISIANA. 19tli Judicial District Court, Par islt of Terrebonne. Succession of Alexis Lrjeune. Pursuant to an order and decree of the above Court'and in obedieuce to a commis sion to me directed in the above entitled succession I will offer for sale at pub lic auction pursuant to law to the last anil highest bidder at the Court House in the town of Thibodaux, on Saturday tlie 4th day of September, 1886, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M- the fol lowing described property, to-wit: 1. Subdivision lot No. 1 of the let No. 42 on the plan of the town of I'hihodaux. in tlie Parish of Lafourche said lot No. 1 measuring tilty-five feet mere or less on the Northern boundary Thirty-live feet more or less on Henry Clay street the Eastern boundary fif ty-one leet more or less ou the Southern boundary dividing it from subdivision lot No. 4. twenty-six feet mere or less ou the Wes tern boundary dividiug it from lot No. 3 and fifty nine feet more or less dividing it from lot'No. 2, together with all the buildings and improvements thereou. Jud. Subdivision lot No. 4 of lot No. 42 on the plan of the Town of Thibodaux, iu tlie Parish of Lafourche and lot No. 4 measuring eighty-eight feet more or less oil its Western boundary dividing it from lots No. 3 and 5 thirty feet more or less on Short street, its Southern boundary eighty-six feet more or less ou Henry Clay street its Eastern boun dary aud fifty one leet'more or less on the Northern boundary dividiug it from lot No. 1, together with all the buildiugs aud im provements thereon. Terms and conditions of sale: cash on the spot iu United States treasury notes. July 31st, 1886. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX. Sheriff. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 2ml Justice (Jourtof L.P. Caillouet, Parish of Lafourche. Mrs. Theophile Prcjeant vs. Anatole Boudreaux. Take notice that acting under a writ of Fi Fa emanating from the above entitled Court, in thejahove entitled case, I have seized, aud will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last aud highest bidder at the bouse and premises belonging to Mrs. Tlieo phile Prcjeant situated in {the town of Thibo daux, ou Canal street near C. O. Dantin's store, ou Saturday, the 14th day of August, 188<), between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the following described property, to-wit: 3 large bed steads 1 cradle, 1 dozen woodon chairs. 3 rockers, 1 clock. 1 sewing machine, 1 (armoir, 1 extension table 2 withstands, 1 stove and utensils, 1 large looking glass. Seized in the above suit. Terms and conditions ot sale : cash on the spot in United States Treasury notes, to pay principal, interest aud costs in the above suit. C. A. EN'GF.RRAN. Constable, 2nd Ward. July 31st, 1886.