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ÊljC £ 1)1 b 0 0 a il X ibCULud) SA ri7 il DA. V, Aü.i. 7, LSStL A nous CAPTAIN. A ,î::ke I'I.iye 1 t pou s; Coiiiiiiaii'.UT. Ciijit.T- 1 '. ot the sloop of Concord in iîio West In.lin squadron, was a cillions c*o ns pou n«l of Immunity. Fanatically pious, nervous to a il«*oi«*e approaching actual hysteria, ho kept liis officers aial crew half the time in misery. Une time his ship was nearing the port of i'ciuucola, ami just at «law n the Milite sands ot Sauta i'usi island were sighted close aboard the windward. The oilicer of the deck sent a messen get boy into the cabin to announce the fact. A inimité later obi T. tusked out, <>] the cabin half dressed, g ive on - glance at the s ii f eh ircwai d a Mvay, and shouted : "Oh, merciful Lor«]—Jicre it is at last, a b e shore and no chance to claw oil 1 Call all hands to prayers,—call all hands to pi nyei!"' It took the oilicer of the deck half an hour to persuade the old gander that there was no danger, that the wind w as olf instead ot on slime, and the ship was heading for the Pensacola Bar in smooth water. One day in port a !'• w of the mills put up a big sell on the old man. A party of then: got permission to |go to the big bayou, wh re we generally got fiesh water lor ships in the squadron, on a fulling tt ip. They had been gone but a little while when one ot the conspirators left on hoard, purposely, went privately in to the cabin and told Capt. T. that the fishing party was only gotten up as a ruse to conceal the leal object of the party going ou shore. That was to en able two of the middies, Brown and Kyan, to tight a duel, tor it was known they had been quarreling in the steer age the night before. "Man my gig instantly !" cried the captain in nervous agony. *'I must stop this wicked thing. Just to think ot it—officers of mine fighting duels! Man my gig and putina half dozen mu fines. I'll arrest them both and put them in double lions.'' In a few minutes his boat was tow ing as fast as the crew could pull for the bayou. Old T. stood up in the stem sheets, urging the men to heed to tlie oars-—they were on an errand cl mercy,—to save human life. The boat was near the usual landing when the midshipmen were seen- iu a gioup, and toe old captain, pale as a sheet, shouted : "WVre too late—were too late— they're at it iuw !" And even as he spoke two pistol shots resounded,over the water, aud he saw two of the officers drop to the ground. "Oh, merciful heaven, that I should live to see this!" he moaned. "Why was I so late ? Oil. men—meu—pull —pull-that I may get thereto cousole them ns tney die !" The boat touched the shore, he leap ed out and rushed up into the group, and kneeling down, while tears stream ed from his eyes began to pray loud enough to be heard a mile tor mercy fur the dead or dying. While he was thus engaged the two who had been prostrate rose, and the whole group of reefers with bared heads waited reverently foi him to get done praying, Wlieu he was pretty well exhausted he looked up, and there stood Brown, liyan aud the rest, with no sigu of wounds or injuries upon them. "What does this mean, gentlemen 7" he asked iu wonder. "Have my pray ers wrought a miracle? Have the dead come to life Î Thank heaven I was not too late after all !" And you might have worked a week to persuade the old man that the whole thing was a farce and a sell got up for his especial benefit. Ho went back to the ship happy, lie had saved human life. Poor old man—lie kept getting worse and worse until the Commodore found it necessary to scud him home and put another officer iu charge of the ship. He was crazy, especially on religious points. Ned Buntline in Detroit Fieo Press. _____. Call at Danserean & Bourgeois' Drug Store for Creole Female Tonic woman's best friend. An 1ÙXT11AOU1MNAKV Hux —.'l'lie fol lowing account oi'a rallier reniai kable lien may be ci intei est. She is across between a game lu n and u Brahma cock, anil was hatched in May, 1363. She commenced laying iu January of the following yeat. aud laid one hun dred aud eighty-nine eggs, within the twelve months. Last year she laid one hundred and fifty-six eggs, and is still laying. I may add that she is quite a cockney, having lived on the leads of a public office for toe last two veau, lier owner being the hall porter. She is very fond of lying before the Sire, stretching herself like it dog. At meal time a chair is placed for her at the table, her food being washed clown with a lib-ml supply of stout, i ossi bly it is the latter, combined with the warmth of her quarters, that lias caus ed her to lay so well. The most cu rious tiling is that a great number of the eggs have been laid in the lap of tile porter's wife. Loudon Land and Water. A custom«*:*, from tho country, sent | the following mill order, to a druggut in Tiiibodau.x : "Pleas Fill this bottle and Be kind enough to Send me a sample of the description, if you Pies." Prescribed Tongaline for a pa tient whom I had been Jtreatiug for neuralgia, and after taking a few doses she was entirely relieved. Have also used it iu one case of neuralgia, aud one case of acute in ilanunatory rheumatism, with the very best results. J. X. Page, M. D., Yamleicock, Ills. What is that which a man does not want, aud struggles against having as long as possible, but which when he gets lie Mould not part with for all the world? A bald head. An enterprising, Itcliable House. J «»mer Landry can always be relied upon. not only to carry in stock the best <>f every thing, hut to secure the A!»' iii-v for such ai tides as have well known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining the reputa tioii of being always enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for the celelnatcd Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will solely cue any and every affection of '1 liront. Langs, and Chest, and to show our confidence. we invite you to call and get a trial Bottle Free. 1 A New Telephone Discovery. The Expense of Telephone service greatly decreased.—Some Remark able tests without the use of bat teries The U. S. Telephone Co., at Mad son, Iml. has aevised an improve ment in tlie contruction of tele phones which bids fair to révolu tionize the cost of telephonic ser vice and at the same time an al most perfect system. The clear ness and distinctness that results in the use of their telephones is won derful. The telephones were tried on a line twenty miles long, and a reporter carried on a conversation which was tar more distinct than for a few blocks with the ordinary telephones. There was none of the infernal humming that is al most always heard in other tele phones. Not a sound marred the clearness of the conversation. The telephones are made to work on ehe club system, with trunk lines and requires no Exchanges. As the Company sells tlie telephones outright, consequently there is no exorbitant rents to pay. By seudiug your address and a postage stamp to the U. S. Tele phono Co., at Madison, Iml., yon will receive an illustrated circular, giving description of telephones with prices, Sic. The Company have been in operation for years, and are composed of reliable busi ness men. — Exchange. It is said that thousands ot tons of leather scraps are ground up and sold for fertilizers. Gentle men who have baen raised on the too of a boot will readily see how efficacious leather must be as a fer tilizer. Chicago Tribune. »«»interim turcs. W. D. Iloyt C«>., Wholesale and Let. «il Druggists ot Koine. Ga.. Say : We have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electie Bitters mid Buck Urn's Arnica Salve for two yeass. Have never handled remedies that sell as weil, or give such universal satisfac lion There have been some wonder in I cares effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pro inmnced Consumption have been entire Iv cured by use ot a teM' »»«»tries ot l)r. King's New Discovery, taken in em* ncction with Elcctiic Bitters. We guarantee them alwavs. Soid by J O LuL-thy. * JOM W. TROTTER, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker. it. Philip St. between Thibodaux and Main Thtbodaux. La., --Keeps on hand a full line of COOK A XI) HEA TING STOVES. —Also agent tor the— Charter Oak and Fame Stoves. »articular attention given to Roofing and Guttering. COD LEY WAGONS & CARTS, Y Manufactured by Bodley Bros., WHEELING. IF. Va /~V\NK WAGONS & CARTS of every ntyle. CvTimber Wheels, Bagasse Cwts, Town CartH, anil every size of small Carts, Drays, Two-horse Wagons, Spring Wagons with t*me and Shafts and Spring Seals. The IST.StT Axle Grease uiaile, and Perfect Distributing Machine for Cotton Seed Meal aud other fertilizers. OUK FACILITIES for inunufaeturing are rneqnuled by any house in the U. S. VV'liereliy wo can furnish FIRST CLASS *-«rk as CIlKAP as any inferior work oder ,d u the South. Win. II. RAGAN, Agent, anj.l Thikodaux. La. FRANK BARKER, Successor to Barker & Serin, Commission Merchant. AND DEA1.KR IN AI.T. KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON SUGAR. MOLASSES. Rice, Potatoes , Eggs, honey. Bees wax, Talloic, Wool , Hides , Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. ■.literal Advance!* Made on Consignments. aug-12-82. H. J. BKURING. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. Give ns a call before yoiiis«*!! timi our |>ri KeniLUiber the uumL 017- c .» We arc now prepared to show one of the finest, assortments of Furniture iu this city, suitable for all purposes and At timi To T--very"cool3T, ipnre'-asing and coiivines ii-cs ,tio tiie very lowcet 50 BARONNE ST. NEW ORLEANS. J. B BOSIO. J. P. GROS. BOSIOGROS, -DEALERS IS ALL KINDS OF- 9 Testai ni Country Prsdnil, Zlo. 1 IS Decal in* mt. between St. Louis au<l Toulouse, New Orleans. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Hay, Corn, Bran and Rock Salt, Corn Meal , Irish and Sweet Pota toes, Onions, Apples , Oranges, Garlic, Etc. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED -, 0-24-S51jv„ H. MANU $■'! vT jJL-A — Wlim-ESJI.K DEAI.KI: .x— Dry Goods, Notions, &. " 20 & 22 Char*res Street, newoplhans. Ramos Saw d Fiaining Ail's, MABTIN & DROEHOIZ, I. 1 , opvii' ors. Manufacturers and dealers iu tonfi and Pressed CYP11ESS L UM B Eli , CEIL IN G S, S TR. i / G il T AND BEVELED WeatlicM, Casti®, H-rali®. Si:. At Lowest Market Hates. m osu mt m I Ahvnyson h:t»d. All Communications addressed to Eox 7?. Hcr l gan City will receive prompt attention. p- S Aus.-ia-fsa-iy. , NOL'VÜAl., A t. RAN (it MUX IS. hotel E)s:si i:tra\gi:i:s. Encoignure «Ira rues Grecu et Thihotluux. Mr. Thomas Alberti j>r<i vient ses am s les voyageurs «ju il vient «lu (aire «le îio.i veaux arreugemeiiis <j u i lui permettmnt «le s'atislaire tout ceux «jui vomiront I houno rer «le leur cou fiance Repas it toute heure «le la journée et su commande. Tableil'hôte it 10 heures «lu matin pour déjeuner et A -I heures «lu soir pour «Uner. Chambres commodes et bien garnies PRIX MODEREES. LE JOURNAL Les T^etitess .'Vfllolies. Publié tous les samedis à New-York, —PAR— J. .lot Ira ntl. !.. Tesson &. CIc A130 XX F. MK XT : $1.00 par an Envoi franco «le numéros spécimens. On demande «les agents «huis les localités oh le Journal n'en a pas déjà. S'adresser a L. TESSON. M Prince street, New-York. On reçoit aux boréaux de la S« NT « les abonnements et «les annonces pour le Journal Les Petites Affiches. Esperanza Brick Factory Pt Et DU RAN D, Proprietor. All Kinds cf Brick Always 02 Hand n lots to suit, ami delivered >at Purchaser's Lauding with dispatch anil at lowest Market prices. Terms : Cash or City Acceptance. WELL BRICK, FIRE BRICK. KETTLE TILES, LIME, CEMENT, White Sand. Fire Cloy, &e. Address Be lie RctcP. C.La, Comtined Till Great Refracting Power, THEY ARE AS TRANSPARENT AND COLOR LESS AS LIGHT ITSELF, Ami (or softness of endurhnee to the eye can not be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours without fatigue. In fact, they are PERFECT SIGIIT-PRESEUVEKS. Testimonials from the leading phvsfeians in tin: Lnitc.l States, governors, senators, legislators, stockmen, men of note in a!! pro fessions and in different brnmdies <d' trade, bankers, niechanies, etc., can lie given, who oaiiKeis. ineenanii-s, ete., can In-given, who hare bad tbeir sight improved l»v their list*. I All eyes titt.d by J. T. Tbilnnieanx. dru*- i gist, Tiiibodau.x, La. Peddlers will not |7 e ! supplied with these -danses at auv mice , ............ * • " ' 1 ^ I Every pair irnrranlcd. K O r iM. ! i prepared to taki- eontraets for making new Boilers aud repairing old ones. Full s, ilersaud repairing old ones. Full satisfac tion guaranteed, work will be done at the lyjv est figures. 1 have secured the services of Mr. P. Hogan, as foreman and manager who has ha«t long experience in this business. Parties will find it to their interest to call ou me be fore making contracts elsewhere. Wit. It. RAGAN. Thibodaux, April fith, 1SÖJ. DENTAL NOTICE. y g Sjgpfe ,|, ,j, DAIGRE, pentist, Tin« located i:i town permit, »ill z\f TTJv' i.TTrAjiVT: iA;..!,; try aim , « i o'.s. The b. u ««I r* 1er ::<• ■•■iv." •r!.-."». He eouu. i I r. SCHOOL TlaT BOOKS, — — Ad* »T* ,1 : t .«1 II-« ' oi tlie n * * • 1 * » * n ' ' « * in » - • *: *' "* • .i • V r L t.«»» k r> k' u. ...vj u.i.jtsl —■' r -al' -- T. TMi.DODEAUX [Orders;or '.■<»«./ ■■ />.•«»> •>/;>/ tilled til Tiibli.Jtei's I'.itcs. n ?:ns. In'., fk.i'.cs. . enclij ülr-t; r-r.d 1wcci.s, Ei;vcle. ; vf.. c ai* Crayo AT MODER. I TL'rill i'S. W f it-«*» :il Nîi -cottals ii lowed to t .■ai iirr ,. t::îî::h).u"ï SAW MILL CO. Vi UJTE OAli. CVi r KI-:MK and Lumber at the lowest market prices Orders promptly »trended to and tilled at the ahurtest pos silile notice. Cistorsis 3Ifwle to Order AT NEW ORLEANS PRICES, W. U. HAGAN, I'resideut. TillliODAUX STEAM PLANEING MILL. L. C. AI7BERT, Contractor <1; Builder Proprietor . IIo iis** and Sugar Ilonse building and icpairing. Sulphur Maclii»«*., und Cisterns luuUe lu order. All trorl; guaranteed to gin: Sutiifactlsn. LUMBER FOR SALE . Iug-7-Cî. L. C. AL BERT, Jackson Street, TUihodaux, Ll DR, A; T. POICHET, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Former lIou*c Surgeon of the Jeffer son Medical College Hospital, and resident Physician of the Pli iladilph ia Dispensary Respectfully otters his services to tho iuhabi taut» of Thibodaux amt vicinity. Olliee and residcni'e : ST. PHILIP STREET, [Judge Blake's House .J Hours : from 8 to 10 A. M. & from 6 to 8 P. M. -* Messages may be left for him tit Mr. Jos. T. Thibodeaux s Drug i 2 l-My-bô-thn Drug Store. EXTRACT TRUE I iemoh SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, Drang«, Almond, Rose, etc., flavor as «lelicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOCH. PATENTS Obtained, and all oMior business in the 1'. S Patent Office atteuded to for MODERATE FEES Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent 'Of Uee, and we can «/btain Patents in less tim# lllun ,llos '' remote from IF A SH! SOTOS. -Sind MODEL OH DR A 11 ISO. We ad v 'i* e " s *«» patentability fret* of charge ; and make So CHARGE EXCESS WE OB TA IX PA TEXT. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt iv, and to officials of the 0 For eiienlay. advice, terms ot Money Oriler Di S. Patent Office. s. raient umce. ror eiicnlay. aitvice, terms C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington D Cl NOTICE. Thibodaux Benevolent Lodge, Xo. 00, wilt I meet the second Sunday iu each month at 7 O'clock P. M. By order of tho W. feb-19-&