Newspaper Page Text
She Jhibodaux Sentinel SATURDAY, NOV, 20, 1SSG. THE >1 AYO!i*SMESSAGE. Gentlemen ul" the Common Council ol' Tliibo dntix. You have he, a entrusted by your fellow-cit izens w ;tii tin- government of thi'. City far till! ensuing I \vi> yi ars. Whilst 1 congratu late >im u|" *ji your prefe- lin-nt. I df'ir.- also to roi'j' a' nlate lie- ......1 people of i'nibo •lau\ who l.avo malic tlii> select i"ii. for 1 feel assured. ill ailvauee ul am' action on your part, that you u ill ;ivc tln-m an iidininislra tion of public art airs which will be honest in its cnioluet. eeooomieiil in iis man igement ami intelligent in its ilir etion. To the Unai oial rendition of the City your attention should tirst lie direrted. ami. that you may in i reputed to m t advisedly in this important brum-'i of your 1 have thought ;t |iro|ier to I'laee before you a state ment of tin- annual amount of alimony on which you may ib pend tog.-ther with thesal arv list a* present!)" existing ami a schedule of liabilities, *. ( >r the payment of which you will he reijuir. il to make provision- Deduct iug the cn-r of eoi eetiun and the usual ilelin queneii > vwi cannot solely estimate as del iv editn ually from direct taxation on pronerty more than $ldti 0 From iiee -si's say 1 2 ;t 1 " .Market house 900 " Whai luge dues 200 The City o ■ us 4 shares of the capi tal stock ul the Thibodanx Bridge Co. Ol a .ace value ol $0,959.00 which stock yields an average annuity of say ; ! I i follows .* jier annum, Slaking a tot; 1 revenue of Your civil li-t is a Salary ol .Mayor •• " Secretary ** *■ Assessor * ' " *• Treasurer • ■ Printer " •• Constable •• •• Market Master* *•' *• Sanitary Ins. *' •" " Corn, laborer " " *• Might Watchman Total Y'our liabilities, exclusive salary dm tc autv ti* the K: To Mrs, s M - 11. W. Te l " C. A. Lag.; * John I'uil Making a total of There is n .,;ao '.nl exigible ing salaries. To .1. L. An oin Mayor " 1'. K. LoBiane Clerk. " J. T. llt.lmdaux Treasurer. •* F. Saucan l't inter, •* J. Auslet Constable. " " " Sanitary Inspector, l .'.no a,-Klb -»fin 151 59 125 15 > go I inn non 4 SO $2,505 'fan entire rear's tiling officers lariu cut. are ■ the tollow 200 00 120.00 93.75 112. 50 ■taO.Ou 100.01 § l OS 1.25 There i> also Vue a year's a'lnwance to the Fife i>e[ rtmeat aunmi ting to >420. Thus m iking a total liability, which y*n bice upon your indie-lion into office, of s37f>).*-'5. By tfce ........ling 'tatoineiit, you will peiceive That the civil ii-t. ;,s presently existing, exceeds in amount that portion of \our alimony derived liom the direct tax on prop erty. 1 have given this matter much consid eration b it emifess tliar I cannot c insistently. Aviili my l.iiowlriice ot tile services reijcired of these se-'eial offa eis. make any recommen dation forthe reduction of their Salaries save and except in the eases ot the assessor and Treasurer. The diiiy of the assessor is m rely that of a scribe reijiiiring no p irtieulm- skill or ca pacity. An' a cod penman and fair accoun tant can in.d:.-out the rolls inasmuch as under the law you arc compelled to accept the- as Bessment made by tue Stateaud Parish Asses sor. Tiie duty therefore of the City Assessor is merely to make a verbatim copy from tint parish rolls of the names, description, valua tion etc. ot .such taxable piojierties as may lee situated within the corporate limits. The Secretary, or clerk of the Council, should he required to perform this luW- as ex-Offieio Assessor, an. 1 •>. salary ot SI.TO jier annum is ample c* uipensation lor his services iu both Capacities. 'iLe 1 n-asuier's duties are simple and rc quire little labor or time. A compensation of $100 per :* ii 11 <1111 would he commensurate with the moors performed. ^ It these suggested reduction* me made our civil list-would b« reduced a comparative tri fle- it is true, hut 'till enough to justify such action ii indeed th- amounts presently allow »il aye to liigu. I shall deem it my duty, and _ l.b , ' • al "i L Uiessjot.icrvyise shall look to ou lor .aid and assistance 111 that particular, to pay off' as speedily and as prompt iy as it mu he done, all the dent* incurred by your ptvdecc'Sors anil tiausuiittcd to you I >r •lischarge. 'Ilie debt of .*1025 duo H. \V. Ta bor matures Jmiuary niust i»e promptly met. directed by you, I shall dedicate as sacred t. that purpose the quarterly dividend to he re ceived from bridge Stock on the ljan., v. liieh dividend will amount to about 5-595 mid 1 shall direct the treasurer to retain out of tlie tirst moneys ree -ived from taxes a sum suffi cient wliieh. when added to the sum to he do rived from the i'.ridgn dividend*, willfully dis charge this particular debt. As to the debt ot $10*91 dim Mrs. Harvey this is exigible only in April 1997 mid I have no fear ot being tally prepared to meet that obligation at its main ntv. XltT. the character m:.l conduct of the recent municipal election lias clearly demonstrated to my mind the necessity of stringent laws for the protection trom repetition of the Beetles enacted during tha* election day mi l for the iiivveiilion and detection of fraudulent and illegal voting. As at present existing, your charter docs not require a legistralimi of the vot< i s and nitieli difficulty bv its non existence is experienced in restraining the Casting of illegal votes. It was on.y by the utmost vigilance and most intelligent organi zation, that a number ol illegal voters who sought the right, were turned from the polls. It is affirmed, however, tlu-t in despite of the zealous wiileh kejit lo prevent this, a number of fraudulent voles were east for what was known as the Independent or Peoples' Ticket. 1 am firmly persuaded that a pre ■viouslcgistr.itimi saould he matiea pre-requi site to voting and that no one should be jier mined to vote in the municipal election un less he has actually and bona tide resided vitliiu tiie corporate limits at least six mouths next preceding tlie election at which he of fer.' to vote, nor should any one l e eligible to office unless he has at least a year's ifke resi dence. 1 lie niemiieis ot the Common Coun cil should likew;>e 1 r selected from diffi rent sub-di\ is; uis ot the City's limits though \ uted for in t/lobn and |i'or that puroose the City should be divided into six wards, and the charter should requir. that no two counoil men should come iron; the same ward. r i lies*.- ideas canoi i.e.irse be carried out only form prescribed by the Genera! A'seinhly approved April iOtii I *-*'>. I suggest the crea tion of a special eomiuittee to cunsiUor this matter. The recent severe drought but emphasizes the necessity which has ions existed for the adoption of some method ol flushing tho gut ters and lor furnishing, in case of contlagra tiou, water iu greater quantities than is now Ly amendments to \our cliarrt-r which amend ineiits must he adopted in the manner aid, afforded. I am now considering three saver al plans for this purpose aud after I havo ful ly deteriuiued which is the best plau to ac cept, which 1 shall do only after ad visiug aud consultin'; with the Committee on Improve ments, 1 shall then submit to you tbo result oi mv investigation. Your atteutinu is called to the custom which lias existed lor years ol the oyster men. whose boats are moored to your wharves throwing oyster sheiis in g to the Bayou. This is reprehensible m me cxtieme and indeed is violative ol a State law denouncing su• li an act as a crime. I shall duvet tile constable lo abate tile COU tihUance of this nuisance and ro require lhe ow tiers o! oyster emits to deposit their shells on the levee hanks : ami ill c.insider: tion of tin- release ol these emits from w imrfage dues. This is reprehensible in the They will nc communicated to you from time to lime as occasion mav demand. the shells "ill become the property of the Cny to be iv■limveil employed by it as may besi sun it- purpir-e-. 4 he discussed subject ot lighting the City is a matier of eonsiileiaide importance ami well dem.nols \ serious eou-n.eraUon b-; i lie iniii.-.ti n of any such project such an nailert iking, it thorough and perfec t, would iieci 'sa, lly involve an outlay greater than your present ability can justi fy, ami as 1. tor one, am unalterably opposed to the creation ot any debts, and am exceed ingly auxio is to dismai ge loose liabilities which now exist and to [Hit our affairs upon a strict cash basis. 1 trust that no measures looking to the subject of lighting, will be in augura.ed tor 11 1 .■ present. 1 lee.i assured, however, that he lore your term ol office e.x piies. ami with tin- relief which the discharge el your debt* will give, you will be able to coi'siimmato this much desired improvement. There are a number of other improvements, to v. huh my attention is at present directed and which will receive at my bauds due con sider., i ion. It is uinicr,-S' i v now to enumerate them. Tim usual and general improvements w .1 1 f course go ou and I shall give mv personal su pei'isiou lo their conduct. There is a matter, however, to which 1 desire to invite vote- es |»ee a! alleutiou and that is to the dredging of tin- Uuiatuiia Caiiai which tiaversesthe ca.-ierii poriion of your Cny. This is an ex ceedingly important matter and should not he overlooked. 1 am of ojiiiiiou that we should proceed at once lo dig it out Iron; the bayou tout least the coi*:>oia*e 'due. running a trench ot say Id ieet wide at the lu-G and sloping up to 29 feet at the summit. The dirt taken theme could be utilized on the stieet- which are sully in need ot tilling up. By tin* running of this tn ueh, in the manner indicated, the Caual would be rendered {nar rower and tho space now occupying either side could lie tilled in and Canal street, that beautiful thoroughfare, which lines the banks ot tiie Canal could thus be widened and im proved, wh—.vii- l :e cor litio t of th it sheet at present is in a shocking pbgbr, rendered thu> by the condition u; wbic ly ffnd the abutting Canal. u;i prrasul !t is a sour VZSt*^^lZ^rZ8*£3 ;! it a .noyancc, and often of dire cuffs.queue j •, that the sounding of tiie tire aianu gives no iudicatiau of tho par tie.ikir loe.ilitv 111 wliieh the tire exists. An alarm is struck and iui-u run hither and tbitli er a-kiug eueh otliyr • \\ here is the tire In the mean wliiie the tl lines g> on. As a sum made lor sounding alarms wliieh will indicate the particular tire district in which the condagratiou exists. gives me lutinite pleasure tn u-irr to them ! ami 1 suggest they be tu-ciibcil on your | minutes on a sepal ate. Vage deilic.Uod to that j purpose aud preceding any reeoril ol your The lightning rod on tin. Matket llous? ho ing in a dilapidate 1 c m litioa I iiave caused toe same to he repaired and renovated. A strong galvanized section surm eitil* tile sum xu 11 o. t!;e dome 11,1011 wliieh section a new ji"iut was placed ; a new stand .sunjiorting section end point. The entire cost ot this is S',.00 aud an approjiriatiou to pay same is suggested. A: the recent convention of your tellow-eiluzeiis resolutions were unanimously adopted Commending the services rendered by the retiring May or and Council. A copy ot these resolutions accompanies this message It to them proci'Ciiiu^s. You 1 uniiiisin cca ;it prrseut l»rovi l«* for tho following standing coiuiuit lrt*s lo bo coiiipusuu t»i ei mt-mbeis each, viz : Fiu.nice. Improvements, Lducation, and Fub ) ic l > i-„ 1 ,,. l ty. I suggest the creation a ulitional standing committees ; one on Mar ket House and tin- otner on File Department t „ |„, composed of three members each ; aud p, this connection 1 wislitosav that I cannot t0 o sirun-lv impress upon you the l.ict that j the controlling motive which suggested ti e enactment of your ordinances providing for the creation of committee, was net merely to convey a mark of distinction ou the meiuueis 0 f the Council, appointed on the various coui „iitteos, hut was intended, as well it should to rcl . il i 1 . 0 „f t |, e members an active parti eipatum 111 the actual conduct mid mauage nieiit of municipal affairs; holding them di rectly responsible for the proper j> -rtormauee of the various matier.' falling within the pur view of their le.'pective duties ; and at once tnraishing to the Blaym an adjunct or assis taut iu the discharge of the diversified duties winch devolve upou that latter officer. I sh.ill tlieicioiu look lt> my committees to b« au j cu-lmraUmi Laborer, L .„ e . ........... u c .miiou 1 ... . . . .. .1 _____ prompt, active aud vigilant ; and from my knowledge of the material from which the se lection is to lie made I have no fear ol disap pointment iu that regard. At this, the initial meeting of your term, you will he required toelucl the following of ficers towit : A Tie I'lirer. Ch-tk. 5Assessor, Coustiihle. Market Master, Sanitary Inspec tor. Wharfinger, Collector of Taxes. Printer You cannot oxer in the selection of 1 these officers Oil them depend, in a gtcat measure, the proper execution ol your ordl nances. I trust that you will select them wisely aud well. With lull assurance of y ntr lo-arty co-op eration aud assistance in my every endeavor j to discharge the responsible duties of ray oi- ! lice, I shall address m.self to t. 1 • ■ task of pro 1 muting the public weal and materia: interests ! of the community, an-i 1 sh ■ I be sufficiently 1 rewarded it. w hen I hand over the admiois- | tration of affairs t.i u.v .iiro-ssi-, my fellow- i citizens can truly ray. "Well done, thou ! good aud faitlif.u suivaiit I D. MOORE. Mayor: There is bad blood way up in Indian apolis over tin* result of the elections. The Republicans are suspepted ot an intention to steal till* Legislature bv counting out legally elected numbers: and to spoil this game of theii.-, Demo crats all over the State uie organizing club* to secure members of their party : in their lights. When no iii- il con- ! . i spiracy was young, its Re. iiblicau au thors made gieat gains bv it : mix -their I plans are so inuludroi; they are always )•- ' UisC »veretl iu time t" prevent mischief. . revent mischief. X. 0. States. Hundreds of lives have been saved by the timely Use ot Creole Female Tonic, which is the greateest remedy known fin al! womb troubles and female diseases. Morganza. f or the new levee. Tile party was at Very carl'- last Tuesday morning Col. II. C. Brown, of the Board ot En gineers, with two of his assistants and a party of cliaiutnen. roJmen and as nun reached Morganza crevasse, and went to work tracing out u tlV*1 hue work in the crevasse until late in the day Wednesday. Wednesday morning the editor of the Banner went to the middle of the crevasse and there left Ins buggy while lie went on foot in search of the surveying party. They were found cutting their way through th" young willows, and after they had reached the end of the line at the lower side of the crevasse, the opportunity was presented for some conversation with tiro engineer, and it was learned from him that the lino he had run was about nine thousand feet. lie will make up his estimates and present them to the Board of Engineers on Monday Of course this is only a preliminary sur vey, and the line cannot be considered as ilefini ely fixed. We will keep onr readers posted in regard to all matters concerning Morganza as they develop, Pointo Coupee Banner. If 'out of sorts' with headache, stomach disorder, torpid liver, pain In hack or Bide, con stipation, etc , neglect may he fatal. One dos4 of Strong's Sanative Pills will give relief, A few doses restore Vo new health and vigor. Hot Water and the Appetite. It is a specialty of Sanitary reform ers, who ate among the most useful the many intellectual nuisances in tho world, to be deficient in the quality ot humor. One of them, some years ago recommended that r mail's dead rela tives should bo bunted at the, corners of streets, to save gas lamps ; another, two years ago, hetured on the unheal thiness of boots in bed-rooms, and on Saturday Mr. Manseugb, at the close of a most sensible address to the Sanitary ............ *°w»y. t It is views on teetotalism in the oddest way. He told his audience that a "syste matic hot-w iter drinking had been proved in America to be destructive of the appetite for alcohol," We entire ly believe him, aud if lie extended the destructive effect to the appetite for mutton chops, fruit or wheaten bread we should relieve him also. But why limit as to hot water, when tartar em et j c ipecacuanha, unrefined cod-liver * Oil, and perhaps twenty Other drugs, would be ;it least equally prudent, The old remedy of Secbab. total nbsti neuce, is an easier one than that, and as perfectly efiective as long as it is put - sued. The difficulty of tho temperate is not to leave off alcohol, but to be, , . . . *ieVO in the use of leaving it Otl. lliey do uot liud that tho most perfect ab stainers in the world, life convicts be come better people. London Spectator. 4 A Captain's Fortunate Discovery. Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, plying between Alantic City and N. Y. had been Doubled with cough so that lie was unablo to sleep, and was iudu ced to try Dr. King's New Discov-ery for Consumption. It not onlj* gave him instant relief, but allayed the ex treme soreness in his breast. Hts chil dren were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Colemau house hold and on board the schooner. Free Trial Bottles of this Standard Remedy at J. 0. Landry s Drug Store. J K GOURDAIN Commission Merchant, -WILL ATTEND TO THE SALE l)F SUGAR, COTTON, RICE, MOSS, Wool, Hides, Honey , Eggs , Poultry Eeesica e, Etc. 103 & 105 DEC AT I'll STREET, Orleanii ADV \\T';s M\DI S*.UiNMLN'iS ON CO LOUIS S'EZAUDUN, EcStlllH'flDt tic 111 XiOllisiTIlO ^ * {FRENCH STYLE.) 107 - CUSTOM HOUSE bT., - 107 Near Royal. Note Orleans. Private Dining Ilmiui. Comfortable Room* for Travellers, Deo-6-8-l-ly. A. B0UB0N, Watchmaker and Gunsmith Iv Cor. Mam and St. Philip Streets, Tiiibodacx, La. EKPconstantly on hand a large and com plete assortment of lT\i: JLWELItV WATCHES & CLOCKS. In connection with the above a great \* iety of O CSS, PISTOLS. PO \Y1> EP. CAP TP IPO ES. Bunting -Materials Etc■ TUg Celebrated "ELGIN WATCHES'* constantly ouhatul. —ALSO THE NEW — American Sewing Jdaclrine — AND — LOT OF ACCOIJDEONS. rr Matches, Clocks, Jewelrv. Sewing Ma chines. Fire arms, Ac., carefully repaired i:n,l guaranteed A lull stook of attachments, oil and need les tor all kind ot Sewing .Machines can be had by applying to a. iiomox, Corner Main and St. Philip street. E. G. CURTIS, -DEALER ^ IN FIXE GROCERIES. FLOUR OF ALL [GRADES. SELECTED TKAS. ITliK COFFEES AND spices, lii rri-:!,' a\i> cheese, from best ilairics. Choice Syrups auil M dassex Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Canned Fruits in Variety. \ LSI i. V COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF A goods usually kept in a tirst-cla-sslcre. Goads Delivered promptly of Expense. M. MASON. J. C. M. IiOHEKTSON. CRESCENT HALL SALOON, MASON & CO., Proprictos. -DEALERS IX TINE MIXES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. 35 S® ] 3 3 S 3 A a lil, ly-Ap.TSU. LEON DREXLER, 900 .1 ir/II ill it Sired, St. Louis, .Vo., I NFORMS HIS FRIENDS AND THE ITTi lie genral'.y that la* will give, ou demand, all information about the pick's; of uood.s, and Conntry* Piodnee of St. Louis Market and attend promptly to all orders sent him. CLIMAX HOTEL. NAPOLEONVILLE, LA. II H. WEBSTER, Proprietor. I3'8G [OCH He SON'S L.' l ,? h 10,1 CntalcBOB SENT FREF i,, ' r s p , i u K an '> sum , K . * r " tt mer isse. ready March l"xh, to any addr vhb. Illustrates ami list* everythin*; for Ladles'. Oeuts', Childrens* and Infants' wc ir and IIous<'keening (r >ods, at prices knevr than tho** of any i house In the United States. Complete i MatisfactioD guaranteed, or money n> Ifund.sL II. vUy. koCh * Kith Arc. & 40th Su, ti, Y. tUy! ) Nl. AUGUSTIN LEGENDRE, FELIX P. SEV1N.' late ot brand .V Lezeudrcl • ) 1 luhedaux, La. The above named geutlemcn, under the firm name of SEVIN & LEGENDRE, intbrni their friends and the public that thev have lorme ..a eommcnial co-partnersliijl, IE 3 DECAYED STREET lia (•Store booms No. I29 Decatur Street.) New Orleans, where they will transact a Gsneral Commission Business V, ;.l attend to tho sale of Rice, Sugar. Molasses, Eggs, Chick eats, Hides, Wool, Muss, Furs ami all country produce geirwallv. Liberal Advances on Consignments. ti EDWARD BADEAUX Successor to Curtis & Biideaux, -DEALER IX DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, General Groceries , CORNER, MAI2T a Tla.l'bsd.a' X*a. A7-8d. THE PERFECT NUMBER h American Sewing Machine, Bsstint.'ie YVorla l Address. O. L. CEE ft, Manager, ISO Canal Street, For Sale By New Orleans, La. — THE Tiie Leading Newspaper 1837 or the south. 1837 Tho New Orleans Picaynno, estab lished fifty years, has kept pace with the progress of journalism, and is now the most reliable and best paper pub lished in the South. Site gailii Is independent and fearless in its edi torial conduct. It has the widest and most complete system of news gathering, by telegraph, corrosjiondence and re portorial corps, and the most accurate and complete market, commercial and financial statements published in New Orleans. £ltc£iiu(Dn^icamme Which may bo taken separately fro* the daily subscription service, is fall and complete in all news departments, with the added features of household, fashion and society talk, and a feast of choice original aud selected literary matter for homo reading. Tho special writiegsof "Catharine Cole,"Henry Hayxie (Paris correspondent), Jennie June (fashion writer), Moore Davis, and many others, appear in the. Sunday issuo. SknVfdiiiiYicamtue This mammoth sixteen page paper is the best and cheapest weekly paper published in the South. In a con densed form it contains all tho nows of the week, the cream of all literary mat ter and tho best special features of the Sunday issue, with an important AGRI ccltcral Department, conducted by Daniei. I iennktt, and the latest mar ket reports. The Weekly is published. Every Thursday Morning, and reaches all subscribers for Sunday reading. Si0,000 worth of nsrfnl and ornamental articles for Indies and gentlemen, girls and boys arc offered to all who will get subscribers for the Weekly Picayune. Lists of these valuable {.resents will be sent to any address. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY—7 Issuer a week. One Year..........................$12 00 Six Months........................ 6 00 Three Month*..................... 8 00 One Month........................ 100 SUNDAY riCAYCNIi IJY MAIL. One Year.................,........$2 00 Six Mouth* ........................ 1 00 WEEKLY PICAYUNE. One Year..........................$1 50 Six Months ........................ 750 Three Months..................... 5bc Special rates to clubs. For nample copit-', club rates of ■Weekly, lists of presents for club raiser*, etc., address Nicholson Co.. Proprietors, New Orleans, La. t„->. kiit sciei:-; 0.*h. Over iC Eccu'. Dor MCwur/iei-iT COM PAN S- T- GRiSAMOR ^ - C;- ~ - V , For tin* pm:*l:cs ot A.mptiou, toniciii* anil 'i'i-i ieboiwip. Call ((this n''irr iii /,*, /,*. Mcliri Store ana see sooet mens and desi