Newspaper Page Text
XOU VGA a A KUAN (JEMEN IS. eiot:-?, e>s*:s htprangb-irn. Encoignure des rues Green et Thibodaux. , Mr. rtiians Alberti prévient ses amis J les voyiigenr« qu'il vient de loin* de non j veaux iiiTengeuients ij u i lui permettront de satin! lire tout ceux qui voudront l'honoo I rei* de leur eoniiauee ■ Bepas u toute heure de la yoffruée et an I coimnando. ; I aide il !mte A 10 heures du matin'pou j déjeuner et h 4 heures du soir pour dîner, Chaïubresenr.miodeset bien garnies PRIX MODEREES. LB JOURNAL Publie tous les samedis à Nctc-Yorlc, —PAR— J. Jottrrnd. !.. Tesson &Cic. ABONNEMENT .* $1.00 par an Envoi franco de r.nmérosspéciuiens. On demande des agents dans les localités où le Journal n'en a pas déjà. S'adresser à L. TESSON. 52 Piiuce street, New-York. On reçoit aux bureaux de la Sent dos abonnements et des annonces pour le Journal Les Petites Affiches. \n\n ÏÏhî SbîbcAaux j&mimcl SATURDAY, JAY. 15,;18S7. PROCEEDINGS OF THE TOWN COUNCIL. TOWN HALL.. ) Thibodaux, La., Jan. 4th, 188". $ The Uouceil. lor the Town of Thibo riaux, uiet, in regular monthly session, this day at 4 o'clock. P. M. Pit.' i : I. D. Hoove, Ma vor, and Trustees E, X. Roth. J. X Wright, T. P. Bergeron, and 1*. E. Lorio. Absent : Trustees James Cheranlt and E. G. Curtis. The minutes of last session were read and approved. The following report of the Mayor was read and approved and ordered entered ou the minutes. To the Honorable the Common Council ol Thihmhiux : Gentlemen:—With the view of economiz ing your resources, in order to promptly meet as large a portion as possible oi the liabilities transmitted to you by .our predecessors for discharge, I caused work on the Canal to cease <m the -4tli ult. L'p to that day, and from the date of your last appropriation for that purpose, six ditchers were employed in the Canal tor live days each at the rate of §1.00 per day making a sum of $3J 00 due therefor as follows : Chargeable to Canal : Bud Webre, 5 days labor in Canal at $1.0** §5 00 Robert Davis,'5 days labor in Canal at §1.00 * ' 5 00 Cam. Smith 5 days labor in Canal at $i 5 ou Bostick 5 " *• •• 5 00 Chas. Williams 5 davs labor in Canal at $1.00 ' 5 00 Wilson Coleman 5 days labor in Canal at 1.00 ' 5 00 Total $30.00 To cover which an api ropriatiou is request ed. 1 have no doubt that within a very short time your finances will be in such condition as to enable me to resume this important work before the bayou rises. Out of the Charity Bntertuiumeut Fund I have, sine« he t report, made purchases of provisions, fuel, clothing and shoes and paid taxes lor account of the destitute widows and their families whose names appear in the auuexed detailed bids. The hills paid therefor and for which an appropriation is requested are as follow» : Chargeable to Charity Entertainment Fund: F. Blum 21 6« E G. Curtis ti to E. Brand &, Co. 7 75 J. S. T. Dezauehe 8 8:* A. MalbrougU iu 02 C. A. Eugerran (for wood) 4 00 Thibodaux Foundry 14 40 P. E. Lorio ( taxes) 4 1*5 - " . " '* 75 E. G. Curtis i 1 65 Thibodaux Foundry 3 r.O Total $103 31 The following claims for lime, nails, oil etc. furnished the City and fully detailed in an nexed bill», are due and au appropriation to pay same is necessary \iz. Hoffmann and Aucoiu 11 hO A. Molaison 5 10 Jno. Fulford 3 45 Both Sc Fleet wood 2 g 5 J. X. Wright 13 ÖJ II. Tetreau 3 UU The note due II. W. Tabor lor $1025.00 matures on the 11 tli inst. and I recommend that an appropriation to pay same be made at the present session of your Honorable Body, i likewise recommend payment of the salary ot J. L. Atteoin late Mayor for the year ending 'Jet. 1886—say $2U0.00. The following monthly salaries are due and payment recommended. A. MalbrougU Corporation Laborer 50 00 Cbas. Champagne Dep'y. Constable 40 00 J. Auslet Market Master 16 67 I also reeouimend an appropriation of $10.00 to each of the 3 hire Companies living month ly allowance tor Dec. 1880. In order ,to protect tbe market vendors Irma the severity of the Cold North winds I have caused the base of the Northern portion fit the market house to be enclosed with 1 Links, and so placed that they may he easily removed whenever the weather moderates, v ithout injury to the building. I have given order for. and expect to receive without injury to the building. I have given order for. and ex within the next ten days, two ear loads of bridge lumber which, when received, I shall < mploy in making new cross bridges through out the city and across the Canal. Bespeetiu) Iv Submitted, I. D. MOORE, Mayor Mr. Both, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, presented the following resolution which was read and adopted. Be it resolved that tlie sum of fourteen hun dred and thirty 7(1(101) dollars he anil the game is L-'n/by appropriated to pay the following claims to-wit : Chargeable to Canal : Bud Webre, 5 days labor in Canal at $1.00 5 00 Camille Smith, 5 days labor in Canal at $1.00 5 00 lh k. 5 days labor in Canal at $1.00 5 oy Chas. Williams, 5 days labor iu Canal at Sl.'.'O _ 5 00 Wilson Coleman, 5 davs labor in Cana! at $1.00 5 CO Hubert Davis, o days labor in Canal at $1.00 5 00 Chargeable Town Hill : 3 45 2 50 3 00 Jol)u I'ulfuixi, Hoümami & Aucoiu H- Tetrean Chargeable to Market House : J. X. Wright J. Auslet Char, to Incidental Expenses : Roth & Fleetwood Chargeable to Banquettes .* A. Molaison Chargeable to streets and ditches : Hoffmann it Aucoiu 3 pp Chargeable to bills Payable : II. W, Tabor ' 1025 00 Cuar. Corporation Laborer: A. Malbrough Char. Salary of officers : Chas. H. Champagne 40 00 J. L. Aucoiu 200 0C 13 50 16 66 2 25 5 10 50 00 Total 1430 76 Yeas : Bergeron, Lorio, Rotb and Wright Nays : None. " The following resolution was next offered to the Council aud carried. Resolved that the sum of one hundred and three dollars bo. ami the saute is hereby I u : tinted out of ti e Charity Éutertaiiiuieut fund to pay the following claims to-yvit. E. G. Cur*is (; 11 65 3 on 8 89 7 75 10 pg VI op 4 00 l4 40 4 9.5 9 7.5 E. G. Cur, is Thib alanx Foundry J. 8. T. DcZaiiehe f.. Bland <St Co. A. MalbrougU F. Blum C. A. Eugerran Thibodaux Foundry P. E. Lorio Total. 103 01 Yeas : Bergeron, Lsrio. Both and Wnght. Nays : None. The following reports were read and refer red to the Finance Committee. Treasurer's Itcport, for tbe month of December, 1886. F. SAXCAX, Treasure!, in account with Town Council : To Balance on hand 174 87 To Receipts since : From Market House 86 90 " Fines 64 00 » Licenses. 1886 37 00 " Current TaxI88G 97117 " Bridge divid'd« for quarter Dec 31st, 1886 41100 Total receipt» 570 07 Grand total By Disbursements since : By Market House 16 66 " Banquettes 8 0t " Collectors com. 4*0(0 4g 83 " Incidental Expense» 4o 10 " Canal , 76 50 "(Salary of Officers 140 00 *• Fire Department 30 00 " Corporation Laborer 50 00 Total Disbursements 1744 95 $410 15 To Bnlauee on band $1334 SO liespeetfuliv Submitted, F. SAXCAX. Treasurer. Thibodaux, La. January 4. 1S57. The I'ftliccior's Report shows the following collections : Assessment. General Tax Seli'l T'x 1st page 2nd *• $20985 21295 $157.38 '159.71 $02.46 53.23 3rd *' 2033*1 152.47 50 82 Ith ** 41730 312.97 l*i 1.22 5tli ** 201.5*1 133.02 62.87 Total 129430 $971.17 $323.72 Licenses Fines It .86 $37.00 09.00 The Market Master's Report for December, 188C. shows the total receipts, to be $59.40. The Finance Committee, through their Chairman, Mr. Both, submitted the following report which was read and accepted. Thibodaux, Jan. 4th 1S87. To the lion. Mayor and Trustees ot the Town o! Thibodaux : Gents :—The undersigned, Committee on Finance beg leave to report that they have carefully examined the report of Treasurer, Market Master and Collector for the mouth ot Nov. 1886 and lind them correct. Respectfully submitted. E. X. BOTH. T. P. BERGERON. The Special Committee, composed of Messrs Lorio. Bergeron and Cherault, appointed to draw up an Ordinance amending Ordi nance No. 81 and Sec. 158 of the revised By Laws, reported the following Ordinance which after being read was adopted. Be it ordained hr the Mnvor and Trustees at ti..■ iu.v.i i . tints Soction 15 » el the revised By-Laws and ordinances of the 1 own ot Thibodaux he and the same is here by amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : No article of marketing whatever, except those specially exempted in Section 1,59 of the revised By-Laws ami ordinances of the Town of>:, shall be peddled or hawked about the street» of tbe town or be sold in* offered for sale in shops or stores of tin* town but »hall be offered lor sab* at tlie mai set house : provided that alter the daily closing of the Market s *e'i persons as may have paid tor benches nr stalls in the market ersons as ma v e jr ege of peddling their marketable articles on the streets : and any person or persons con travening *» liv of the provisions of this ordi l.nuse, or who m,'iv p,.y the charges assessed thereon in Section I •» 1 of the said revised By Laws and ordinances, shall have the i riv'il rir i 1 ng »uv of the provisions nance shall beiixedin a sum not less than $1 00 nor more than $100.00 or be imprison ed lor not less than one day nor nmro than 30 days or both at tin* discretion of the Court. Sec. That all ordinances or | arts ot or diuauces in conflict with the provisions hye ot he and the same are hereby repealed and that this ordinance shall take effect irom aud alter its passage. Yeas : Bergeron, Lorio, Uotli and Wright. Nays : None. On motion of Mr. Both, seconded by Mr. Be; gcroii. the survives ol' the night watchman, who was being employed by the tows, were discontinued. The Council then ad journed. I. D. MOORE. Mavor. H. L. BottnisFArx. Clerk. Hundreds of lives have been saved by the timely use of Creole Female Tonic, which is the greateest. remedy known for all womb troubles and female diseases. Æ. £». GÆ St. B*îiî!p street,Thibodaux, La, [Successor to Mrs. M. E. Hesse. J -<A.2STID w 1 _A. C'iT Kfaj Ms d Ei 0213 , Sic, Etc, TRIMMINGS,HOSIERY, ---latest style oi' STRAW ami FELT HATS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES -AM) - Artificial Flowers. HATSJ^ED^ OJIDEK A SPE i W you think of expending Infty or ofie hundred dollar« iu d^CA ._______________ ■Hx IM Jadvertising send us a copy of 7k, .TT ,*; onr advertisement, and we will tell you (tree of charge), what will be the best investment for you to make. Send 30 cents for our 1/fi page pamphlet. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau. 10 Spiuce Street, New York, LOUIS BEZAUDUN, —:o:— Ecstaurant de la Louisiane, ( FRENCH STYLE. ) 107 - CUSTOM HOUSE ST., -107 Near Royal. Ncic Orleans. Private Dining Room.* Comfortable Rooms _ for Travellers. Dec-6-84-ly. Creole Female Tonic, the great regnla tor aud invigorator, is sold by Roth <fe Fleetwood. CONFECTIONERY Cor. Main and St. Louis Streets Thibodaux , La. A. WEISS ENTHANNER, jprspristor. npHIS CONFECTIONERY' IS ALWAYS A supplied with fresh candies, cakes, anil soda water. Also, nice, clean Cold Lunch. Fresh oysters, cooked or raw, in every manner or form desired. JOffiTlfTOTTEK, Copper. Tln aji« Wteettr«* • W*rlar. /V it. Philip St between ThibödatnCMOff Ätfn — 1 —Keeps on hand a full line of— COOK AND HEATING STOVES. ' —Also agent tor the— y Charter Oak and Fame Stoves. particular attention given to- Roofing sud Guttering. RODLET WAGONS & CAKTS, ■ V*. - Manufactured by Bodley Bros., WHEELING . w. Va riANK WAGONS & CARTS of every style. L/Tiiwber Wheels, Bagasse Carts, Town Üarta, ami evory sise of small Carts, Drays, tVo-liorse Wagons, Spring Wagons wifL Polo and Shafts and Spring Seats The 25KST Axle Grease made, and lï.'XH.Y Perfect Distributing Machiue for Tot ton Seed .Meal and other Fertilizers. DUE FACILITIES for manufacturing are j iKHiualed by any house in tbe Ù. S. Whereby we can furuish FIRST CLASS ,vurk as any inferior vrerk offer id n tbe South. Will. II. RAGAN, Agent, anj.l 77.1y. Thiiïodacx, La. FRANK BARKER, • Successor t» Barker & Seviu, Commission Merchant. AND DEALER IN AM. KINDS Ott' ÖOUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Rice , Potatoes, Eggs, Honey, Bee* teax, Tallouc , IVooi, Hides , Moss, Poultry , Etc., Etc., Yo. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEAN3. Liberal Advances Mode ou Consignments. aug-12-82. J K GOURDAIN Commission Merchant, - WILL ATTEND TO THE SALE OF SUGAR, COTTON, RICE, MOSS, Wool, Hides, Honey, Eggs , Poultry Beeswax, Etc. 103 & 105 DECATUR STREET, Äcw Orleans LIBERAL ADYVXCES MADE ON CON SIGNMENTS. i« i« fil A IT 81 |'t° " e make. Cut this ont W 8 a a si {•! Bi a i!!' return to us, and we •Il RI 11 S*. ITT 1 . 11 80,1,1 you free, some, 31 gS |V B'l H tffiug of great value and im iliî. A/ A I al g portance to you, that will . »tait you in business which yy ill bung you m more money right awav tl^tn anything else in this world. Any uue can do the work and live at home. Either SCV : ill. ages. Something new that just coins monevtor workers. We will start yon: capital not needed iiris is one of the geuuiuc. im portant chances of a lifetime. Those yvhoare ambitious aud enterprising will not delay, (■ra id outfit free. Address Tuck & Co', Au J. B. BOSIO, Ex-Proprieloro flhe 4-SEASON RESTAURANT, - DEALE« Ut AT.L KINDS OF Wen ad Country Mice. Ulo. 1 15 Decatur Jit. fcatween St. Louts and Toulouse, New Orleans. coxsTAjrrr.T ok hak». Hay y Corn y Bran and Rock Salt, S'-AJkÆXXTZ* rFTLOTTR, Com Meal, Irish and Sweet Pota toes, Onions, Apples, Oranges, Garlic , Etc. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED 0-24-85-ly Job Work done neatly, scientific cally, speedily and cheaply, by the Sentinel Job printing office, Main St. between St. Phiiipand St. Lonis streets. H. MANUEL. -WHOLESALE DK.MJIU tX Dry Good", Notions, uc. 20 & 22 CiiiG'ti'cs Street, YEW ORLEANS. Aprfl-29-'SMr, Ramos Sr,v d Plaiainï Müls KAFiTiK & ÖBHIBSOIZ, I'icprietors. Slarwfactnyers and d.alen in rough and Dressed C Y PEE SS L UMBER, , CEIL 12i GS, S TR i IG II T AND BEVELED f eaMoarte, Castes, Maniâtes. Etc. At Lowest Market Rates. cas m ram mura î- Always on hand. AH Communications addressed to Box 72 Mor I gan City wiil receive prompt attention. Aug.-22-82-1y. Hsperauza Brick Factory, P« £1 DJRAN0, Propriei îr. jül Etfe tf Brisk Always es Bad n lots to suit, and delivered at Purchaser's Lauding with dispatch and at lowest Market prices. Terms : Cash or City Acceptance. WELL BRICK, FIRE BRICK KETTLE TILES, LIME, CEMENT, White 8aml, Fire Clny, &c. Address Belle RoseP. O.La. r , X saBsfiköt: iTEèsmÆ M -- 0 - •' .vjlF'ïf i i * r ~i --a«-p d* ■y ûfflbsl Wiili îrsai Sö&wlinj Power, THEY ARE AS TRANSPARENT AND COLOR LESS AS LICHT ITSELF, And for sottness of ondurhnee to the eye «'an iiot be excoUdl, enabling th« wearer t«> read for hours without fatigue. Iu fact, they are PERFECT SIGHT-PRESERVERS. . Testimonials from the 1eadi#)jg physicians in the Luitcd State*», governors, senator*, legislators, stork men. men of note in all pro testfious and iu different bruuebes of trade, bankers, rtieohairies, ote., ran lie given, who hare hail their sight improved by their use. All eves fitted by J. T. Thibodeaux, dnv' gist, rliibndnux. Ln. Peddlers will not be supplied with these glasses at auv price. Every pair T-arraiünl. AÜTICF, Z Havingpurcbased the eligihlv sitnatedhoil er shop of P. Hogau, in tiris town, I om now prepared to take 7'oiiffacts for makin*» new Boilers and repairing old ones. Full sStisfac tion guaranteed, tvork will he done at the low est figures. I have secured the services of Mr. P. Hogan, as foreman and manager who has had long experience in this business. Partiel, will find it to their interest to call on inebe fore making contracts «Isewhere. Wv, IX. RAGAN Thibodaux, April 6th, 1883.» DENTAL NOTICE. J. J. DAIG 1 DEXTtST, Has located ia towu neruiaientiy jierformall op-rati-u* apjiertaiuing y» professions at very moderato prie A*. Will also practice in th s Muschn» , try and adj imug Parishes .vum i*al)..l { Office : Corner of -t. PI tiipand Tuü.v Su. Tho beat ol rufercncf givoL. SCHOOL 7 Z XT DC3 1 - Adopt*. d, fer the use of the— _.v .-T.r» ; - i TOS. T. THIBODEAU j J' - j Orders for bools prmnjAly at Publishers Prices. •* L. Paper, Pens, Ink, Laies. Pencils. Clank Timo Bocks, Envelopes. Ci.aX Crayons at mode::a rr prices. tTLihr) al ôi-touata all» to Teachers. THIBOOILI ft 1.R/ mu \.V333TE OIK, AS K, CYFRiESS jiaù PIH i Lumber «it the lowest mai' I prices Orders promptly attetr ; to and lilk-d at the ùiioitcst siblc notice. Cisterns Made to Ord AI TiBIV ORLEANS I'UtC-Ul. W. II. RAGAN, Bresid THIBODAUX STEAM PLANEM MF L. O. AUBERT, Contractor tC It nil 1 er Piopric. Iloiis« anil Sapir House b auil îepairiug. Mr.Iphar Mnchiaes «tkI ('la luude to order, All war!; guarantied to gisc S-Uirfa:* LUMBER I'OR SALE. L. C. AI I5ERB, Jtig-7-S-î. Jackson Street. Tiiihudau, ADVERTISERS can learn the exact of any proposed line advertising in Ameri papers by address T Geo. P. Rowell & C Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-Paga Pam LjBBJWCSij SPfC'AL I ! iUl SPECIAL % ......... "> extract KOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit FI*** Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Bfo*. i flavor as delicately and naturally as tbe Innu PRICE BAKING POWDER 60 n _ Chicago. rr. U» PATENTS Obtained, and all ether businesi in the I; Patent Office attended to fot MODS PMKS Our office ia opposite the U. S. Pa flee, and we can obtain Patents in le** than those remote from WASHlt>GTQ3> Send MODUL OH DPA H7.V0. Ws vise as to pntentaliilitv free of ring*!« we make NO CHARGE US LESS WS ta t s pa TFvr. \V<- refer her. t*> flu* T'. tmii-n .", the oi Money Or«lcr Div, and t«> officials oft»* S. Patent Office. For eireulnr at vice, t and references to actual clients iu yuor State or county, address. C' A SNOW & Off. f)pposito Patent Office, War, hingt**! NOTICE. Thibodaux Benevolent Lodge, j meet the second Sun l.iy in each wonth * o'clock P. M. By order of the W.