Newspaper Page Text
€i)c Cljibobau* Sentinel SATURDAY, MAY 14,1887. S.T. GRISAMORE, Editor. 8ANCAN* Pro'r.-v Business lanager Jaarnnl of the 9th. Meniuarinl District OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. Ahitcred a l the Tiiibodux Pott Office as Second Clasts mail mailer. Office : Muiu St. Between St. Philip A St. Louis Sts. SLWSI'KIPTIOX $ One .fear [in advance]..................$3.00 One cony................................ 10 ! BAT 92 $ OF AlFVKRTISIXGt For liaertion persquare aqnare 50 cents, uoituaries iu cents per Professional and business cards, including paper, will lie published at the rate of 50 ctn. per square f6r the first insertion, and 25 cents f*r ■■bsequent insertions. A liberal discount to yearly advertisers. ABVASVV* 1 ' '° be * Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time will be inserted till forbid ui payment exacted. Persous sending communications to this pa must always furnish their real names to! the Editors. We will not save or return re jected manuscripts. Allusions perounally disparaging to aiiy ene will never be inserted except as adver tiaements nor then, if peculiarly oojectionu ble. TOM PAPER AdvarUstnit Bureau (lOSprue* 8t.Vwhere atfvertirinc •natreoli myr be made far it lit KSW XOAtlL. j ' I ! : ___j Getl. billion Bolivar Buckuer has . . # I oe©B unanimously Dominated by | the Democratic party as tlieir can ... tlldate lor Governor. Gen. Buckner will be the next The dead lock ill West Virginia ! i Governor of Kentucky. was broken by the election of Mr [Faulkner as Seuator to succeed Senator Camden in the United •States oeu ate. As we -go to press, the news readii es os that Mr. Johu F, Wood, tasg ft resident of Terrebonne, died on a steam boot, on bis way to Ohio where he osoally spent the summer. A good and nseM man has gene. OlefcrsteS P|| e oiat ■MMM. (frORTHC eUME OF PILES. threetiuoa.—Appl r tm the p0e«2 or 3 tic e» » "*T> when l here te moch inflammatfer -oold baths twice a day are indicated, also heap the bowels open hy a Ka4Ktz Powder twice a wesk. Price, SI .OSk For sale at Uota A Meet wood, and J. T. Thibodeaux. The-weniug Chronicle of New Or leans-bas been transformed inceche morning Chronicle with Frank A. Bartlett, editor. It is neatly gotten up whilst the experience of the editor is a snfti cient guarantee that the new paper will come np to am- exiiectaOiens ^ # • T , . i emenarxiea. It IU 18 our WISIICS* fur ; prosperity and success. Agricultural speeches by 4he peck at the Times office. Rfiy cents si peck, payable iu the fsili, when the political.ooop is ninde. Shreveport Timm), Well, it the limes thinks that t5ie people ot Louisiana will give lion j | j j ; 50 cents a peck for his vouthftli of , . .. ... forts in the matter ot agricultural j orations, lie cannot have a very elc vated opiuiou of the intelligence of Louisiana farmers. j — « i | Mr. W. B. Gray, founder aud pro ' prietor of the Morgan City Free i Press, ami which he has edited fac i years, upon the advice of bis olivsi i cian, tlisposed of that paper to M<\ yy a ip. / * % ... ; Henry A. Winftee, who will con mTJh AST !iOPe ' 8 " ei Mr. Gray will be mV-sed by his i confreres, because his writings were always spicy and willy, and j contained much good, sonnd* logic, j DotwithstiO'ding bis eccentricities j aud occasional cranky idaaa. j . *' * . . ~ . Mi»»s^ *«k iSSm j which B. D. Gaiubrcl!. editor of the Stcord and Shield was killed by I Col. Hamilton. * j The kiiliug was tlie result of a j political disprte, iu which the ques . . tion of Piohibition was involved. The trieudo of Gaubrell consider his death as a murder, whilst those of Hamilton contend that Gauibrell attacked Hamilton. Col. Hamilton was seriously, per baiis mortally wounded. The aftair lias created an iutense sensation throughout tho State. The Omnivorous "Terrebonne Times" and Posy. In an article entitled "Base Ball, and the misrepresentations of Mr. Posy,'' the Terrel*onne Times, of May "th, expatiates for almost a column's length in tryiug to prove the ' description of the Wright Fraisse game of base ball as given by Posy in the Sextinkl of April 30. as false, but completely fails in every respect, as all fair, impartial and unprejudiced persons, who witnessed the game, will affirm, aud the case of falsehood is just vice versa. The Times starts out by saying that the Fraisse club did not challenge tho Wrights bnt that the Wrights challenged the Fraisse. Well, that is perfeetjy true. Posy stated the reverse iu his article be cause he had been so informed. But what had that to do with the game 1 when the challenge was spoken of it was as a mere passing remark and did not have anything to do with the game further than that. When Posy described the game it was not with a view of having an argument with the Times on it. tor it is too trivial a subject to bother with, and the Times ap pears to be one of the same nature as "Convince a man against his u still''— will look al of the facts of the game, a 1 given by Posy., will clearly \ indicate his cause, Posy said thatthe Wrights went to the hat first, that the game went along very smoothly till the 7tli inning of the Wrights, that at that period it commenced ! irizz1 !,"?' that the Wrights made ten , ron9 during their ah inning, that at the 7th inuing of the 1 raisse the raiu be g an to fall more copiously, but that the Wrights continued to play to give the Fraisse club a fair show ; that the Fraisse made bnt eight "runs'' iu their 7th inning, that each club having played an equal number of innings and the rain making it impossible to proceed further, the umpire called "Game'' ,• that sucli wus concurrent with the rule i« sneh cases, that the winning club was to get two-thirds of the gate receipts, that the gate receipts amounted to forty dollars f'i tliirty-cenuuhat the Wrights gor on lv Sfteen dollars, that <tiie rights did not have a high opinion of tlie members of the f', lais 1 se ,. tlR * ' blackberry blondes were alHqiHt«us suid piesuoiptit ouslj intruded whore they had no right. L T } ie a Wimary of the -act* which Posy gave on the doth alt., ami 'is incontrovertible. The Times calumniates one of our ccti /ens b Y ironically speaking of him as the "honest man". We will not say what we think of this despicable treatment, baft we cautssure the {Times that the "kjnest man'' will i '•'member it iu kit prayers. In the same tirade that the Times so un justifiably censures Posy, it also cast slurs u(Min the umpire- To that we will say that the said umpire seat the Times, in last week's Skkctnki., a rebuke the, it jnst ly deserved, and the wording of which re quires no glossary to understand. It's a bitter pill. Pulls are usually shallowed by the aid of water, hut should this one prove too large, the Times can grease its throat with the Martinez Lubricator aud the pill will glide right down. The above explicit mention of the said game aMiomtfetatioii of the Times will, without dotlkt, clearly, fully and bonrably extricate and sMumtt from the false position that the Times would mali ciously place him in, therefore he will have tfikuMi further to say about the Times or the Wright-Fraisac game- The game has become odious and created un necessary hard feelings- Thus Times may bellow awa.v all it wishes, b«t Posy will con tern ptiioasly ignore its uproar. Adieu. forevec Since F<mr wrote the almve, the Houma Conner otitto* 7th inst lias esuie before his «-y<» and lie sees therein that it atcnscs him «if "several inaccmaetee*' as r -gards • he WrigLft-Fraisse g tioc, .eud suggests that rite clubs settle the matter by arbi tration. That's an excellent suggestion. ^ a "' l r,li " k - i woiiW Ikeitfce most likely means of etfcct ; u icroneiliatioii hpr\ve**n tho imli als ixmeKincil. By having i-«uiniiirti-cs. ctuiipoM-d oKdisinterested pct Mins of cncli j towu. to Me-tt and take the i nli-s of imse | ball ami tin- facts ot rhegane in question j as tlirir gable, the matter w»ould. doubt less. lie so elite.dated as foentiiely corrobo rate PoHrVstHtelllenl of the 3UMi ult.. and j show ihc -anbrage taken by the people ; of Hohiiih to be completely unwarrantable. However, be that as it may, this abomi nable gai ie is too absurd a tiieiue to k,-ep up a <tiseii«f»:»n ou. for that reason the ' vr * ter ** IS 1,1 *' his part, deti rmined to inter it foi eleruity. May it; never again j be exliuBMrf- porv ~ -------- A CAR D. j The Terrene Times *rv.s : | .'\v e write <Jiis ti» inform our friends ' and the good jieople of Thibodaux that i our 1 mj '»i»K daunt recognize the Wright i ball elul> as a fair sample of the i *heir lively town, but !'j US , , ie 5?, utr " v ; Th ''> ^present no IKmJ? llUt Ullli hood* i uui s"'' the T™ 9 a " d lt t ^8*^ as * polDt 111 the Hal1 aIM * evidence wf the weakness of their cause. A clear statement of facts would have been aMre convincing and genteel. The excellent people of Thibodaux and the good iteonle of Wn * ht W b * U <lub " '' ,nre ** re ~ P« cUbl f and can lK * ar * n . v anumot of comparison with their opponent*. both clubs were bound by the deci sion of the umpire which was based on standard authority ; correct and final. No anionnt of slander can change the verdict and the club which ltears »<y name is content to end this matter here, kuowiug that the fair minded people of Hottnm for whom they enter tain the kindest neighlstrly feelings will frown down any such wholesale slander. J. X. WRIGHT. Tbe Houma Courier^ iu a sensible article on the unfortunate difficulty that has arisen out of the game of Base Ball, lately played at Houma, between the J. N. Wright club of i Thibodaux and the L. A. Fraisse I club of Houma, concludes by sug ! gesling "that a committee of geutle | men from both clubs meet and arbi trarily settle the matter as early as | may be practicable and make known to the public the facts iu the case.'' We coincide with our Houiua contemporary aud think that is the proper and most reasonable way to ; dispose of the disagreeable dispute. The whole trouble is the result i of a misunderstabding or a miscou ; ceptiou of some kind, that would be ! quieted iu five minutes' sensible ; discussion between men who are disposed to be just. I We kuow that tlie members of the club from this town went to 1 Houma to play a fair game and to have a good time, aud icith no other intention, aud we are not dis posed to believe that the Hoarna players had any desire to act other | wise than fairly and justly on that occasion. A Sensible 1'ashioR, All great thinkers and close reasoners are discarding everything else aud using Rc'-d s Chill Cure only, b-cause it contains lie poison, is soothing to the stomach des troys the malaria and never fails to cine i when properly used. A box of pills free [ with each bottle. On last Suuday a very sad aftair j occurred iu New Orloaus. A baptiziug by immersion was to | take place neat' the Barracks, j A large number ot people collec | ted on the wharf to witness the cere ! mouy, whilst tnauy skill's loaded I with people were floatiug ou the ! water roundabout. The im meuse weight of the spec | tators ou the wharf, cansed it to i give way, precipitating about 100 persons into the liver, of whom 10 or 15 were drowned. The sight was terrible and heart rending to those who saw the uofor t«u*te catastrophe. Now is the time, with the tber moineter at ninety degrees, to buy an ice cream freezer aud a water cooler at It. R. McBride's bouse furnshiug store. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores natu cal color to the hair, by stimulating a healthy actiou of the scalp. This preparation also produces a vigo rous growth of the hair, and gives it 'beautiful lustre and youthful ap pea ranee. Recoin mended by phy sicians, clergymen, and scientists. A pretty sioty has been going the rounds of the Press in which ■oue Ridgley had killed seven of the Murphy family somewhere in the Indian territory. It now turns up to be a lovely hoax, gottcu np by a tad looking drummer, who was aim vug to tell a bigger lie than Biii MulholiHtul or Tom Ochiltree. The attempt was not exactly a failure. Sandy haired Tom ot Tex as would not feel ashan>ed to be the author of as fantastic a lift as tfec* one above mentioned. Lose No Happy Days. Learn te make the most of life And wee no happy day ; Time cm never bring ^ Thee back, chances swept away. So if your Imve chill*. Reed'* 4'ItIII Care will ( lire yon at once and effectually. For *alo by Jos. T. Thibodeaux. PERtlANENT KMPLOVIIETT Will lie given to a capable and reliable iadv canva—or residing in tlii* place. No invest ment rei|iiiri , 'l. thwdiiwll all the year round References necessary. Write to 4. B. Hl' LIN'G ID-. 117 Monroe street. Chicago, llli nois. OZEMK NAQUIN. 'OBN J. OOKMAN. THIMBAIII BOILER WORKS, NAQUIN « GORMAN, Prsprletarfc Thl'c odL«,-ujc, - . t. t Opposite the Railroad Dejmt. ALL KIND of BOILERS MADE TO ORDER. Repairs of boilers nn.l other works on i lanta. tioUA attended to. Cfc-argre* id£cA»raut=. M7-8T-ly. THIBODEAUX'S MALARIAL ANTIDOTE. EFORBK. Al TEB. Guaranteed to cure Chills and Fever. -PREPARED AT THE— TRIBQBE&WXFUslBM'X CHEAP JOHN'S CLOTHING STORE, lias just received a lull Hue of MEN'S, YOUTH'S and BOY'S Spring & Summer Clothing, -Also, a full a8Sorlmeut of-- - GEMS HALS & FURNISHING GOODS, H MARX, AGENT, Cor. MAIN and ST. LOUIS Streets, THIBODAUX, LA. N13'86.3m J. BENE SA.&RAZIN. J. STANS LANDRY. J. P. SARRAZffl'S SON & CO, Mauufai-tnrers uf TOBACCO, SNUFF, CI0«R». -Wholesale Dealers in Pipes, Smokers' Articles. Country orders solicited. Write for prices. Xos. 01 and 93 Chartres Street, New Orleans. Factories—C orner Conti , and Chartres streets. Nos. 66 to 75 Tcfcoupitoulua street. apr-24-86-ly Cfc-i S _ THE ONLY THUS Iron tonic SLOOP Hmtoee" tTioHMALTH^nd OK of TOUTH Dyspepsia^ man solnteljr cared: Boom, amt - « and nemt receivs new force. Enliren* the^mind end supplies Brain 1 LADicq mninsa hastes* iboh tonic • uni 4c li (SR 1 J ^Na^tS^i-ara.'iaari aOTlii DSi SBAHOI -AND RENTAL RAN T, Formerly Berger's Hotel. Main Street . Houma , La. MEALS SERVES AT ALL HOURS. l^tXE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TRAV A elers arm laUiilies at moderate rates. LaiyehandwAioelv furnished r.w.n,s, with or Withoar. I ward. Table and «pex«l lail. Laiciitt<>n central aiel ronvcnient at all iHuats. Board,,,g by week or month !t t" akfe • and suit able »uiu|iip Nfoiai. Uack . wi '' '** * ! *»■ «• IX'P-n tncarrv trav t»ia. 'W"** ,M »' arrital of iratBff. tree. «f fliarc |(i J. M. DURAND. _______ Manager. W yV N r r E D HITS lEROi k iiiii' SH IS LAUOE A S'l tl.L QUANTITIES POi 4'A Mil. ADDRESS XEWIS0HN & CO., tr, PEARL S bu'.f,M.,rX' SEW YORK. j E. B. AYO , I T ^2/2 < - >fs - c= '"^-la.-waa.c's S i.\ J. .i.l is; A. L. ALfCOIN'S Livery Sf Feed Stable, •leaunei-ette, L a . (Successor i„ c. B. Maguire.) Iv 1 1 " E G ?' D horses. funiiahcl. when d'^im ^•dfe r ,atn, 1 KJe,Lto prfe e , 8t0Ck ** and arttcB will be inn,nlated day or night ccu-ST-tii,). J *> K»(Hbllsihed 1M43. *• * J- SLOANE, WholesAile and Retail Dealers in Carpetings, Floor Cloths, Rugs, Mattings, Mats and Upholstery Goods. GREAT NOVELTIES AT VERY friges. tm* if DMired. Corrtjm Invkad. And t4J to 617 Market St., SAN FKAK(