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&ijc vEljibobftU* Sentinel SATURDAY. MAY 14. 1SS7. Baby's Fingers on the Pune. From the* niu*ii* -trilling Down tin* dim aieailt* <>1' y«-uie, Como tile melodies I Il'eaMire, Hallowed by my joys and tr.-irs : And nnril their n.agic number*. Reaching dow a "olden chain. I can hear a baby's lingei.s Tapping on the pane. When my hands with toil wet* weary, And the twilight shadows lei!. And I wandered slowly homeward To my cot within the dell, Then ti»y weary steps gmw I."liter. As then limited ib wii the lane, Music sweet of baby's lingers Tapping on the window pane. Oft: the world in colduess met me And would crush me in its pride. ; Oft misfortnue gathered round tire To o'eithrow me with its tide. Sick and weary, faint and hungry, I would wander up the lam* ; Then how clear was baby's lingers Calling at the window pane. But one eve a datkened shadow Fell across the cottage door, And the crape upon the morrow Hung it folds along the door. Years of weariness aud sorrow I have listed till in vain F >r the sound of baby's lingers Calling at the window pane. But methinks within the cottage Of the city pure ol gold, There is waiting for n.y footsteps Papa's baby as of old. And some summer day in Heaven Treading up a pearly' lane, I shall hear my baby's lingers Tapping on the window pane. REPUBLICAN NERVOUSNESS. _ A Way of Accounting for it : The Repub licans Admit That Blaine Is Their ^ttktrattoi. Fear the Dem<MTa * I On all aides it is admitted that | to renominate Blaine would be par ty suicide. Why ? Surely the j Maine statesman is the embodi meat of true bine Republicanism ; j more magnetic tbau any other man , in the party ; towering head aud shoulders, intellectually, above all other aspirants, is the the most pop ; ular and eager candidate of them all, and yet, in one voice, aud with j one accord, his party is iu favor ot relegating him to the rear of the procession, behind the Shermans and the YYiudouis, the Culloius and the Allisons. It must be galling to Blaine. There most be some reason for J this dire Republican party distress. It was not fo four years ago, nor | three years ago. At that time the woods were full of man who could lead the party to victory, but none more gallautly aud gloriously than Blaine. It is not so uow ; the sup ply is uot equal to the demand, in fact the supply appears to be com pletely exhausted, and the party appears to be completely exhausted over its search for a candidate. Surely, Blaine has done nothing since 1884, either iu a political or i public way, that would have a ten i deucy to make him unpopular witb the people or bis party. On the contrary, he has been very cireum speet, and in no manner or way has be intruded his peculiar views up ou his pany associates or attempt ed to reward friends or punish ene inies. Ostensibly he has stood aloot from the field of politics, pos ing as a statesman, and he ou^ht to have beuetitted by the retire ment. We think he has. But wbat ot bis party, bow has that fared ? It can not be claimed witb any degree of consistency that Blaiue ism, or Republicanism has made any strides toward winning back the confidence and the votes of the people. On the contrary Blaine Republicanism has been a gradual loser in politics since the first ses sion of Congress under Cleveland's Administration, and the Bemocra ! lie party has gaim-tl what its ad I veisary has lost. The loss and the gain aecouiits liepubiictin nervous uess and Democrat it: composure. Dcs Moines Leader. Among tlie people of to-day. there are few indeed, who have not heard of the merits of Prickly Ash Bark and Berries, as h household remedy. Teas and drinks have been made ot them for centuries, and in hundreds of families have formed the sole reliance in rheumatic and kidney diseases. Prickly Ash Bitteis now take the place of the old system aud 's more beneficial iu all troubles of this nature. And he w NT.— She was a tender passionate thing, full of those sweet, | emotional charms that lead to engage i meats which calmer reason throws a different light upon. She sang. She I did not ooly try to sing as most young women do. She could sing, and *sh-e i sang. She liked pretty sentimental ballads, and once forgot the point, and drove (a fellow away by giving him with tine expressiou aud forgetful eu thusiasiu that beautiful musical ad vice, 'Bid Me Good-bye ami Go !" He bade her "Good-bye" mid went. She could not understand what he meant, until ' through the teal filled eyes she lead ac 1 cidentally the legend on the page of music. It is needless to say lie return ed. It is tio use asking how she did it. It wouldn't do you any any good to know. Every girl has her own pa j tented way of bringing a fellow back. It i- the only thing they are distinctly i original in. except making pie. i San Francisco Chronicle. 1 i I ' | 1 | | WISDOM BEHIND TUB COCXTKK.— conic *i successful saleswoman '' s iiil a < omc .1 sin cessim saleswoman, said a "and I have smiled until I dou't think I , ' , , could look solemu at the funeral of my ■■ ... best friend. 1 actually grin from morn till Iiio-lif ■toil I (hint I will I...., a ' mink I Will lldvc to give my mouth a rest if I don t sell a dol lar's worth the rest of the day. I came lre.e the determiuation of being Wisdom behind the cointkh.— "Some one told me that a smile would go a long way toward helping me be ;irl to whom stoie life was yet new, good-natured aud pleasaut lo every one, no matter how cranky a customer I might have, but really, it is harder work than I thought. Still, I am sure good nature pays, aud I dou't know of any position that requires more pa tieuce than that of a saleswoman. Exchange Creole Female Tonic, the great regula tor and iuvigorator, is sold by Roth & Fleetwood. 3 Brace Up. I oil are feeling depressed, pel in* is poor, von an* both* fidget tv. our an il with nervous, Headache, you are aud generally out of sorts, and want to linin' lip. Hraee up. but uoi with stimu lant.s.springtnediehies. or flitters, which have tor their basis very eiieap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse eotidilion than beiore. What you want is an alterative that will purify vonr blood, start healthy action of Liver ■.nil Kidneys restore your vitality, and g.M* renewed health and strength, Sneli a medicine yon will find in Klee trie Litters, and only 50 cents a bottle at .1. O. Landry's Drug Store. Anticipating—Young lady (to broth er)—Bob, wbat is the most fashionable colot [for a bride ? Bob-Well, sis, I don't know about the fashion, but for U1U * 1 sh " ul(1 " "Lite one.; • Ex. — — ' . a nd references to actual clients iu state or comity, address, PATENTS Oiitaiued. aud all other business in the U. S Patent Office attended to for MODERATE FEES Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent 'Of flee, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from H'.l SHI\GTON DSeml MODEL OR DRAW IMG. We ad vise as to patentability free of charge • and we make SO CHARGE US LESS We' OB TAIX PA TENT. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Snpt ot Money Order Div, and to officials of the U S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms your own C. A. SNOW & CO.. Opposite Patent Office. Washington D V Ramos Saw ui Plaining Mi!ls ? MARTIN & DBEIBHOLZ, Proprietor*. Manufacturers and dealers in tough and Dressed C YPRESS L U li D E R. CEILINGS, STRAIGHT AJNJJ BEVELED Weailterbcards, Casings, ManltUngs, Etc. At Lowest Market Rates. K m cm LURES?. Always on band. All Cc.itmunicalions addressed to Box 72 Mor DUG AS S LEBLANC. gan City will receive prompt attention. Aug.-J--&My. H. Du h'Kt.ix Di - •I ts E.Lnih iKAl.KItS IN A**s«iuption. S I-Sfi HAT AILS YOU? T>c y.'.n feel dull. languid, low -spirited, life less. amt indescribably inismihlr, both physi cally and mentallycNpcrienue a sense of fullnc-s in* blnaTiiijf after «. aiing, or of "g-one ness, - ' or emptiness of stomach in the mom my, Tongue coated, bitter or had taste in mouth, irregular appetite, dizzim -ss, frequent headaches, blurred cyrsijrht. " lloatinjr specks'* tor*.>re tho eyes, nervous prostration or ex haustion, irritability of ti a a per. hot iinslits, alrernatiiiM' with eliiity seusutions. sharp, biting. transi- at pain., li-.-ri* and -.h.-iv. cold feet, drow.-ineKS alter meals, wake.illness, or disturbed and imrefn's'iing- sleep, constant, indeseribuiile feeling of dread, or of iinpeiiii mg calamity ? If you have itl), or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that most common of American maladies— Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid I,iver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Thu more eompliciited your disease has iieeome, the greater the number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what stave if lias reached. Dr. Pierce's Golden vjedieui Discovery will subdue it. if taken accordant to direc tions for a reasonable length of time. If not eured, eomplieations multiply and Consump tion of the Lungs, Skin Diseases. Heart Disease, Kheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other crave maladies are quite liable to set in and, sooner or later, induce a fatal termination. Dr. Pierce'* Golden .nodical Dis covery acts powerfully upon the Diver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood-taints and itn purities, from whatever cause arising. It is equally efficacious in acting upon the Kid neys. and other excretory organs, cleansing, «rengthenjng, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes unrest ion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful medicine has gained (mat celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and I^ever, Dumb A^uf*, and kiiKlnnldisoam*8. «*£Ve r ^ Urcc '* Go,de " Medical Dls CURES ALL HUMORS from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to tV worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " Fever-sores." Scaly or Bough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by laid blood arc conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medi cine. Ureat, Eating Ulcers rapidly heal, under its benign influence. Especially has it mani fested its potency in curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes. Scrof ulous Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease. 'White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a large Treatise, with colored plates, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. •'FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's Golden medical Df*eovcry, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength aud bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of the Lung*, is arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken in the earlier stages of the disease. From its mar velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his " Consumption Curk," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not onlv as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Chronic Disease* of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Fop FS** 'humpi. Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affectiotig, it is an efficient remedy. , ' So i d , hy Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Bottles for $5.00. SW~ Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispeosary Nodical Association, 663 main S«„ BUFFALO, N.Y. J. ED. BLANCHARD, mm den Cor. Green & St. Bridget Sts. e. p. mtmm i 1 I ! . ! 1 i Ml. Pliilp Htreet.'Fhibodaux, l.u. , [Successor to Mrs. M.E. Hesse.] Hiliinttj M ui Mioas, Etc, Etc, j TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, --latest, style of- STRAW and FELT HATS,! GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES' ! _____ _ Artificial Flowers.. HA TS TRIMMED TO ORDER .! SPE N«3'Sl> CIA LTV. CONFECTIONERY Cor. Main and St. Louis Streets Thibodanx, La. A. WEISSENTHANNER, Proprietor. rpms CONFECTIONERY IS ALWAYS j I supplied with fresh caudles, cukes, and j ' ] ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost; of , any . P ro P° sed !in e ofj advertising in American! mg Bureau, j lO iipruee St, New York. } Send l'Jcve. for lOO-Pag* Pamphlet. A. BOURON, WE PERFECT NUMBER Watchmaker and Gunsmith Cor. Main and St. Philip Streets, Thibodacx, La. K EEP constantly on baud a large aud com plete assortment of l'I.\U JEWELRY WATCHES;A. CLOCKS. In connection with the above a great v a ie.ty o. G US'S, PISTOLS. PO WDER, CJ R T If IDOL'S. Hunting Materials Etc. The Celebrate! "ELGIN WATCHES" constantly on hand. —ALSO THE NEW — American Sewing Machine —AND— LOT OF ACCOKDEONS. !Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Ma chines, Fire arms, Ac., carefully repaired anil guaranteed A lull stock of attachments, oil and need les for all kind of Sewing Machines can he had by applying to A. BOURON. Corner Main and St. Philip street. American Sewing Machine. ... Best In the World! Addrow. c l. GEER, Manager, 180 Canal Street, Far Sale By New Orleans, La. E. G. CURTIS, -DEALER fIN FINE GROCERIES. FLOVIt OF ALL \GRADES. SELECTED TEAS. PURE COFFEES AND SPICES. BUTTER AND CHEESE, from best dairies. Choice Syrup* and Ti'>ta**es Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Canned Frills in V nrlety . 4 LSO. V COMPi.EfE ASSORTMENT OF AY goods usually kept iu a th\st-cla*8store. Goods Delivered promptly free ot Expense. M. MASON. J.C. M ROBERTSON. CRESCENT HALL SALOON, MASON & CO., Proprietos. -DEALERS IS FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND GIGAKS. BS37 1R]i\ j ly-Ap-'t'8ti. iLA LEON DREXLER, 900 Autumn Street, St. Louis, Mo., I NFORMS HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUB lie genr.itly that he will give, on demand, all information about the PRICE OF GIMIIN, and Country Pn»iuee of St. l.oui* Market aud atteud promptly to all ordors rent him. if you think of expending fifty or one hundred doltarc in ailvei *end us a copy of your advertisement, and we will tell you (t'reo of etiargc). what will be the lm»t lnvcsl luent f.-r y<*n lo make. Send 30 cents for our 170 pa-e namoldet. Address GKO. I*. ROWELL £. CO S Ncwsitaper Advertising Bureau. 10 Sptnce Street New York. > M. AUGUSTIN LEGENDRE, FELIX P. SEVIN. / lute of Brand & Legendre, ) Thibodanx, l.n. The shove named gcutlemcu. under the firm name <>f SEVIN & LEGENDRE, inform their friends and the public That they have forme a commercial co-partnership, at 113 DECATUR STREET 113 (Store Rooms No. I2*J Decalur Street.) New Orleans, where they will transact a General Commission Business Will attend to the sale ot Rice, Sugar. Molasses. Eggs, Chid; e»s, Hides, Wool, Moss, Furs ami a II country produce gen -rally. Liberal Advances on Consignments. EDWARD BADEAUX. Successor to Curtis & Bafieaux, in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HA TS, General Groceries ,! CORNER ;""*S22L*»-! A ' s< * prepartol to take contracts >wn, I am now making new satisiac the low rice* of Mr. i lio has wm mm u to meir mfciestCfo call on lue^be* fore making contracts elsewhere. Thibodanx. Tpnl fi th,lSi.' , ' ,lAGAN ' CT-i) ENDORSED E7 SCIENTISTS AS PRACTICALLY I Mestruclible LETTER ARIr CHEAPER IRAK ANY STONE. Over 500 Beautiful Designs. Send for Price List 4 Circulars. £ IZTjtbk-.- 4#*" v ■ V*^' MAMIMITHMD »Y monument, b ronze^ company, S T* GRISAMORE, AGENT, For tliH parishes of Assumption, La tonicite aud Terrebonue. Call athis office in R. R. McBride 1 f Store and sec specimens and designs. WILLIAM WR 1 CHT 7 Livery and Sale Stable, Corner Main and Grinage Sts. £, Z_.3._ Males A Horses Bought A Sold on Commission JOHN W. TROTTER, Copper, Tim aad Hheei lrom Worker. It. Philip St. between Thibodanx and Main Thibodaux. La., -Keep*on hand a tall line of COOK AND HEATING STOVES. —A loo agent lor tho— Charter Oak and Fame Stoves. j>ori-i«3uiiu tUeiiiioTi given to RooSog and GuUertng. BODLEY WAGONS & CARTS, Manufactured by Bodley Bros., WHEELING. IF. Va C ANEWAOv'NSA CARTS of even, rfffe. Timber Wh.-eln, iiagassc Carts, Town "art*, and every size of small Curts, Drays, Two-horse Wagon*. Spring Wagons with Pole and Shaft* ami Mprisspc ^eat*. The BENT Axle. Greuee made, and Perfect Distributing Machine fiw CottonSeed Meal and other Fertiliser*. OUK FACILITIES for manufacturing are (ueqnaleil by any bouse in the U. S. Whcreliy we ran furnish FIRST CLASS work as CHEAP as any inferior work offer id u the South. Win. II. KAGAN, Agent. (tnj.l, Th;hodaux. La. FRAMv 3 ARKER, Snccessor to Parker 6l Serin, ,, . Commission Merchant..^ AND KEAl.KK IN At.I. KINDS Of COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. 4 Rice, Potatoes, Eggs, Honey, Bees wax, Tallow t IF ool, Hides, . Moss, Poultry, Etc., Etc., * No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. Uberal Advances made *■ * Ceaaigaauato. / •ag-ISMB.