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uEccMii Wlwuto ^ntiudo JOURNAL OF THE 9 Tn SENATORIAL DISTRICT VOL. XXII. Official Journal of, the Parish of Lafourche amllj the Towiijj of Tliibodanx THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1887. NO. 48 ITemoie sniMuserafloi ! A FATAL MISTAKE.^ Vjt~ f Tiie Cleveland (Ohio) Press, (of February 23d, 1883, pub lished an account of a fatal surgical operation which caused 'a great commotion among med ical men throughout the whole country, Dr. Thayer, the most eminent surgeon in Cleveland, pronouncing it scandalous. It appears that a Mrs. King had been suffering for many years from some disease of the stom ach, which had resisted the treatment of all the physicians in attendance. The disease commenced with a slight de rangement of the digestion, with a poor appetite, followed by a peculiar indescribable dis tress in the stomach, a feeling that lias been described as a faint "all gone" sensation, a sticky slime collecting about the teeth, causing a disagree able taste. This sensation was not removed by food, but, on the contrary, it was increased. After a while the hands and feet became cold and sticky-— a cold perspiration. There was a constant tired and lan guid feeling. Then followed a dreadful nervousness, with gloomy forebodings. Finally the patient was unable to re tain any food whatever, and there was constant pain in the abdomen. All prescribed rem edies failing to give relief, a •consultation was held, when it was decided that the patient, had a cancer in the stomach, and in order to save the patient's life an operation was justifi able. Accordingly, on the 22d of February, 1883, the opera tion was performed by Dr. jVance in the presence of Dr. .Tuckerman, Dr. Perrier, Dr. Ar ms, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Capner, and Dr. Halliwell of the Police Board. The operation consist ed in laying open the cavity of the abdomen and exposing the stomach and bowels. When this had been done an examin ation of the organs was made, but to the horror and dismay of the doctors there was no cancer to be found. I he pa tient did not have a cancer. When too late the medical men discovered that they had made a terrible mistake; but they sewed the parts together and dressed the wound that they had made, but the poor woman sank from exhaustion and died in a few hours. How sad it must be for the husband of this poor woman to know that his wife died from the effects of a surgical operation that ought never to have been performed. If this woman had taken tue proper remedy for Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration (for this was what the disease really was), she would have been liv ing to-day. Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seiokl's Curative Syrup, a remedy made ex pressly for Dyspepsia or Indi igestion, has restored many such cases to perfect health after all other kinds of treatment have failed. The evidence of its efficacy in curing this class of eases is too voluminous to be published here; but those who read the published evidence in favor of this dyspeptic remedy do not question its convincing nature, and the article has an extensive sale. The Effects of the Storm. Much lias been written in the city papers about the damages done to du nce crop in this parish by the late storm, but it is safe to assort that the \viiters,_thereof have been misled by erroneous information. Every editorial which has appeared n our large eity dailies on the effects >f tI^o storm, tends to demonstrate b - yond a doubt that the writers were en gaged simply in guessing or that the facts of the case were grossly misrepre sented to them. It is unnecessary to state that the damage done by the gale to the rice op in that section embraced between Pointe-a la llaehe and tlio New Jump h is been greatly exaggerated. We write from information furnished to us by prominent planters of the sec tier, which suffered from the oveifiow: Plaquemiue Obseiver, He Earned His Money.— "It's one hundred dollars in your pocket," whis pered the defendant's lawyer to the juror, "if yon cau bring about a ver diet of manslaughter in the second de g ee " Such proved to be the verdict, and 1 <? lawyer thanked the juror warmly as he paid him the money. '•Yes" said ihe juror, "it was tongh work, but I got there after a while. \ll the rest went in for acquittal." N. Y. Sun OKD1NANCU NO. Ol. An ordinance levying taxes amounting in the aggregate to ten Mills or the dollar and providing tor t heir collection. Section 1.—Be it ordained hy the Mayor and Trustees of the Town of Thibodaux in Council assembled. I hut for the calendar year Anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-seven th ere is hereby levied taxes amounting in ibe aggre gate to ten mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all property situated within the corporate limits of the Town of Tbibodaux, except such as is expressly exempted from taxation by the Constitution of this State. section -'.-Be it turther ordained. Ac., That the said taxes are levied for the lollow ing purposes and in the following propor tions to-wit: First: Seven and a half mills on the dol lar are levied to carry on and maintain the Government of the Corporation and payiug its current expenses. Second ; Two and a half mills on the dollar are 'evied for the establishment, maintenance and support of free public Schools in the Town. Section 3—Be it further ordained, Ac., That the said taxes shall he assessed and col ie-ted in the mode and manner and at the time specified in existing ordinances of the 1 'owii and the laws of this State. Approved and adopted June 8th, 1887. (Signed) I D. MOORE. Mayor. If. L. Boudreaux, Clerk. THE PICAYUNE, T53 Leading Hewsjaper of tie South. THE DAILY PICAYUNE 1 independent and fearless in itsedito m-iI conduct. It has the widest and most 1-0111 plefe system of news gathering l>v telegraph and correspondence, and the most accurate and complete mar ker. commercial and financial state ments published in New Orleans. THE SUNDAY PICAYUNE. Which may be takeu separately from i he daily subscription service, is fnll an«l Kiniple'e in all news departments, with the added features of household, fashion and society talk, and a feast of choice original and selected literary matter for home reading. The special filings of Catharine Cole, Henry i.ivnie (Puri* correspondent). Jetinie . •me, Mollie Moore Davis, and mauy •» iier*. appear in the ijuudav issue. THE WEEKLY PICAYUNE. This mammoth lfi-paee paper is the b st mid cheapest weekly paper pub lished in the South. In a condensed Dinn it contains all the news of the »e.*it. the cream of all literary matter mid the Imst special features of the Sunday issue, with an important- Auti ■m 1 1 oral Department and the Latest Market lt» t*ort.«. The Weekly ta P n ": 1 , n-d every Tlminday, and reaches au s...wciloci* for Suuday reading. i i | I terms of subscription. DAILY—7 IHMTK8 A WKKK. One year......................... * l " 'i Im e months.................... 3 w SUNDAY 1'ICAYL'N'R BY MAIL. One rear......................... ^ WEEKLY HCATCNK. On* ............................. * l 50 NICHOLSON & CO.. Proprietors, Mew Or lean*. U One copy free to anyone fetting up a club of three subscribers. . Eckcws I!er iuiuh. }irs. IMiuTk- Clio .'icy, I'ctrisc.-n, Clay Cn.. Iowa, tells the following remark r.lile story, tin* truth of whirl: is vouch ed for hy the residents of tlie town : **1 "in 7U years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint end lameness of the'probable expenses of rlie Parish ot Lafourche for the year eliding Dece in 1 if r 31st, Salary of Officers $1800 110 Police Jurors per diem and luileag ' 500 no Road and Levee Inspectors 1000 00 Grand ane Petit Jurors iso i no Witness fees in criminal services 701 no Sheri IPs fees lo 10 on Conviction fees 3 in 00 Transportation of convicts 400 no Justice and Constable fees 700 0) Boarding pritouers 2000 00 Cormier's fees 400 00 Assessor's commission l;on 00 Tax Collector's commission lui 0 no Charity expenses 500 00 Levee expenses 10 .11 1 0 Public Sc head fund fioou 00 Drainage fund 3000 1 0 Incidental fund 1000 00 Public Road Expenses 500 Or Total • $25200 00 II. N. COIILON, President. C. Alfred Engerrax, Clerk. Jean live at home, and make ivory ! money at work for us, than at au'l thing else in this weald. Capita, not needed : you are started freee Both sexes ; all ages. Any one can do the work. Large earnings from first start. Costly outfit and terms tree Better no' delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address ami find out : if volt are wise you ® ill do so at ouee. II. Hallett A Co., Portland, Maine. J. ED. BLANCHARD, g gEfr DENTIST, Cor. Green & St. Bridget Sts. i CONFECTIONERY Cor. Main and St. Louis Streets Thibodaux, La. A. WEISSENTHANNER, ^Proprietor T his confectionery is always supplied with fresh cundtes, cakes, and soda water. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-Page Pamphlet. Ramos Saw ltd Plaining Mills, MABTiS & aaiiBHOiz, Pi vprieiors. Manufacturers and d.afers in rottyh and Dressed CYPRESS LUMBER, CEILINGS , S TRAIGIIT AND BEVELED Weaittearfls, Casings, Monlup.. Ete. At Lowest Market Rates. choice cm asm urn Always on hand. All Cc.omunicaiions addressed to Box 72 Mor gan City will ractha prompt attention. Aug--32-82-1 y. II. Dugas. Dica*. J:>s E.LeBlanc. miGiVSiTEBLANO, -DEALERS IN — GENERAL MERCHANDISE ARSIKLISE STORE, Assnmptloa. . 8 4-86 N. 0. BUSINESS cARDS A. F. Ilimel. P. O. Box ,088. W. K. Jlimcl. H imul into*. WHOLESALE GROCERS, and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. -Dealers in Flour. Corn Meal , Grits, Pori.-, Lard, Meals, Soap, Starch. Canned Goods, Coffee Ac. COUNTRY SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Ao. 7 H Decatni' Street, Apr-86-Iy. New Orleans, La. J V. RH OLO, * General Commission Merchant. -and dealer in all kinds ot- WESTERN AND COUNTRY PRODUCE■ A'o. 99 I>ce:itur *treet, 'late Old Levee ) Apr-Sli-ly. NEW ORLEANS, LA. M .izs-i. -:s>. —— Pa risi an - MILLINER «C DRESSMAKER, 17 Bourbon Street;, New Orleans, La. Ilireot t sni»»i'tntion. SIGN OF THE MAGNOLIA. G. l.UDRE, Ladies' Gentlemen's and Children Shoes made to order. 51 Bourbon street, near Bienville St. Goods not taken iuck after 3 days sale. Oct23-ly. (Established 1812.; S PAItl.O, —Agent for— . ARMSTRONG BROS. A CO S i MACHINE CL T CORKS AN ft COMPRES SED POPLAR BUNGS, The Largest Assortment in tho South, Also dealer in Rice, Honey, Wax. ete. etc. I lkecatiii* Street, Jti Between Bienville and Customhouse St-, j OvtllUy. NEW ORLEANS. TVfJIE. GULLIOT, irl ACCOUCHEUSE, ;MID-WIFE, No. 103, Rue d'Orleans, Entre Reuiparts et Bourgogne, NOUVELLE-ORLEANS. PREND ties PENSIONNA IRES. Oct23-Jy. j <ti i:iKoizi:, x J II holesate Grocer if- Commission Merchant. —Importer ol— WINES AND LIQUORS - And dealer iu all kinds of- — WESTERN A ND CO UNTR Y PROD UCE, No. 07 Ueeatwr Street, Apr-86-ly. New Orleans, La. lAICIIOUX KOI NE, No. 93 St. Charles Street. (opposite Academy of Music-) BOARDING AND LODGING, Restuiirant, Oyster Naloon and BAR-ROOM. -l/ea/» to order at very moderate prices. Apr-86-lv. CIGARS AND LIQUORS. A. UOITEL, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 48 Royal street, between Bienville and Cus tomhouse, Now Orleans. 'Vntclicw and Jewely neatly Il«- Oct23-ly paired. MOTEL MARTY, Li 40 Rue Toulouse, Nouvelle-Orleans. PENSION AVEC CHAMBRE, PRIX MODERES. On y pat-le Franeais. Anglais, Espagnol. Oetl6-l v S IM H it 1101*17. 15 Decatur street, opposite the P< si Office. Hot lunch from Id A. M. to 1 P. M.| N. O La FINEST BEER, WINES A ND LIQ UORS FRANK J. BISTES, Proprietor. Formerly of the "Gem Saloon" and lately oi the "Jewel of the South-" Apr-24-Sti-ly A. ULNANK, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS MANUFACTORY 55 Royal St., near Bienville. N, O. Cleuniug .V Dyeing ot' Feather* Articles de Salon, arhustes et plantes ; arti 023-ly. vies pour marines. J OHN'S PLACE, No. 24 Bourbon St. near Customhouse, New Orleans, La. CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS, A Sutterior Cold Lnnch Daily. Oct23-1 y A. J.UFRE. VICKS 1.N UNSURPASSED CKEOLE ISXTCKCEiT, Warm Meals at all Honrs. No. IlO UiiMtomhoitMC Street. Between Royal A Bourbon Sts. Apr86-ly. New Orleans, la. . ftohe made. Cut this out 1 and return to us, and we | will semi you free, some thing of great value, and ini portanre to you, that will start you in business which will bring you in more money r:ght away than anvthing else in this world. Any one can do the work and live at home. Either sex : all ages. Something new that just coins moneyfor workers. We will start yon; capital not needed This is one of the genuine, im portant chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Graad outfit free. Address Tree A Co., Au gusta, Maine. Unfailing Specific for Liver Disease. SYMPTOMS ■ BItter or bad taste In VimriUmo> mouth; tongue coated white or covered witli a brown fur; pain In the back, sides, or joints—often mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach; loss oC appetite; sometimes nausea and water brash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations; bowels alternately costive and lax; headache; loss of memory, wittx a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debility; low spirits; a thick, yellow ap pearance of tho skin and eyes; a dry cough; fever; restlessness; tiio urine U scanty and high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMONS LITIS REGULATOR (FURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arouM the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the T*IVER, g^jDNEYS, J_mtt and Bowels. HI EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOB Malaria, Bowel Complaints, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache# Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, Mental Depression, Colls. Indorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles, aa THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE for Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. ONLY GENUINE has our Z Stamp in red on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeifin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., SOLK raoniiSTOBS. Price, 11.09b The best and surest Remedy for Cure of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to tho beneficent influence of It Is pleasant to the taste, tones np the system, restores and preserves health. It is pnrely Vegetable, and cannot faH to prove beneficial, both to old and young. As a Blood Purifier it is superior to aH others. Sold everywhere at fll.00 a bottle. Cb z (Mmes-$emorrat NEW ORLEANS, I S the best newspaper published in tiie South. Because: Its able editorials from the pens of accomplished writers deal with the great and live issues of the day. Its complete telegraphic sen-ice, es pecially its Southern service, has reached a point of perfection sever be fore attained by any journal published in tills section; and to day the TTmes DkmoiR'.t stands abreast with the leading papers of the United States. Its commercial and market reports are carefully prepared and can be relied upon for accuracy and completeness. The Si vday edition (ie to 16 pages) i..t- in addition to tbe news and other ».uteri. i contained in the daily,columns ot original and contributed reading matter carefully selected, gi'ing the latest events in the world mind of Fu'hion and of Society. A special feature is its unsurpassed translations of the choicest literature to be found in the foreign press. The Weekly Times-Democrat embraces the best features of the Daily and Sunday edith n- with an additional department devoted to agriculture, as best suited to the South. The rates of subscription are: Daily and Sunday, per annum. .$12 00 Sunday only.................. 100 Weekly...*................... 1 50 Sample copies, free. AM remittances should be made by registered letter or* l'ost Otfice monef order to The Times-Democrat Pubi.ish'g Co., New Orleans, La. One copy of the Ti!UR.s-DRMon^ sent free for one year to any otA gfl* - ing up a club of tour subscribers. ST. JOSEPH HOTEL J. R. LEBLANC, Proprietor. Lafourche Crossing, NEAR THE STATION.