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@fii SluMiutx Sentinel SATURDAY, JULY 2,1887 LOCAL NEWS. Remember the excursion July 14. painters should read the adver tisement headed "Notice, Painters. 44 The meeting of the Police Jury vbich was announced for the first Monday in Juiy has been postponed until the following Monday July 11. The first Monday falls on July 4 'which is a legal, and supposed to be a general holiday. Life is burdensome, alike to tbo suffer er and all around him, while dyepepsia audits attending evils hold sway. Com plaints of this nature can be speedily cu red by taking Prickly Ash Bitters regular ly. Thousands once thus afflicted now hear cheerful testimony as to its merits. Contractors should read the no tice of the Committee on Public Rnildiugs, in another column and be prepared to respond. Save your money to buy a ticket lor the excursion of July 14, to New Orleans. To F. Gouaux. Houma, La.: 1 have on several occasions used your anti asthmatic mixture ami powders, and have found instant relief by using same. P. E. Sauuazin, For sale by Both & Fleetwood, and Jos. T TLiboduiix. The members of Protector Fire Co. No. 2, whose engine has been disabled are having the same re paired at Mr. Keefe's fouudry, and will soon have it ready for use On next Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10, there will be a grand Fete Cbampetre at Labadieville, which will doubtless be a fine lair. All sorts ot amusements will be prepared and visitors will have a happy time. It will be man aged by the Good Intent Club. The excursion train July 14 leaves Thibodaux at 10:30 A. M, and will stop at Shriever, Lafourche Crossing, llaceland and all way stations. Faro for the rouud trip $1.50. af Our thanks are due to J. M. Guar dia, ckaiiinau of the Committee of Arrangements lor an invitation to a banquet given by the members of Harmony Lodge, Knights of Honor No. 3242 in commemoration of the fourteenth anniversary of the iusti tution of that Order, which has earned for itself a high position among the beneficial institutions of the present century. Another Accident. — Philip Boudreaux, son ot Louis H. Bou dreaux, was limiting in the rear of Tetrean's Park on Thursday last. Having fired one ot the barrels of his gun, lie afterwards placed b' ram rod in the other barrel_ to as certain which was empty. The eon cession caused the gun to go off, the load passing through his head and instantly killing him. The deceased was a piomistu boy of about 10 years ot age. The dinner given by the Knights Ot Honor on Thursday evening, was gotten in Frost 4 s best style, and was greatly enjoyed by those who participated in its removal from the tables to that undiscovered country and so on. The Ball at night, in Firemen's Hall, was, notwithstanding the un favorable weather, largely attended •and proved to be one ot the most .pleasant foeiil gatherings ot the .season. Not until daylight at rived did the gay dancers abandon the sceue, and then viili regrets that the night was not longer. At the last meeting of Thibodaux Castle No. 120, Knights of the Gold eu Rule the following officers were elected for the term ending Decern ber 31 1887. R. R. McBride, Past Commander F. Zernott, Commander H. Marx, Vice 44 J. S. T. Domicile, Rec. Secretary H. H.Michelet, Financial 44 S. T. Grisamore, Treasurer H. Champagne, Master-at-Arms -J. G. Oscliwaid, "W. Hoffmann, T. Verrier, «G. Diouue, Herald Prelate Warder Seutiuel SENSE AND NONSENSE. BY DOT. Several enterprising citizens of Lockport, with that benevolence and energy characteristic of men who arc alive to the wants of the community in which they reside, have taken initiative steps to or ganize a fire company in that town. These gentlemen propose giving a grand ball, in the public school house, at Lockport, to night, for the purpose of raisiug funds to as sist them in getting up the compa uy. We hope that their ball will be well atteuded aud that their ef forts in this meritorious uudertak ing will be crowned with success. Mr. Leo L. Molaison, the kind and popular barkeeper of the Gem Saloon, like all newly married men are when they become fathers for the first time, is the happiest man in town. He is filled with euthusi asm over the birth of a big boy. The babe was born on Wednesday^ June 22nd., and he is said to be of charming beauty. We congratu late our irieud Leo on the birth ot this his first child aud we hope that the boy will, as he grows to man hood, coutiuuu to be the joy of his parents. The excursionists who visited this town last Suuday, spent the evening hours in a most agreeable manner. Aside from the pleasure ot dancing, which was enjoyed by all who indulged in it, the German Philharmonic Society entertained the audience with delightful siug ing which was a treat to everybody present. This excursion party was a very pleasant one. Excursion ists who shall come to this town and behave as gentlemanly as those did, can be certain that they will always meet with a cordial lecep tion. Come again guiitlemeu. An occurrence which has come under our observation, and which we consider very unjust, is the fact that Italian hawkers go about the streets ou Sundays and, with iwpu nity, retail fruit. We canuot un derstaud how it is that these ambn laut hucksters are allowed this priv ilege, wbeu the Suuday law con deuins it aud compels our resident merchants to close their fruit stands on that day. We believe it would be pertinent that our law iuterpre ters should iuquire into this matter and see that the law is properly ex ecuted so that it may operate alike for everybody. While perusing the columns of last Sunday's edition of the Times Democrat we saw au advertisement^ in the column of "wants," signed by Mr. J. O. Landry of this town, in which it is stated that Mr, Laudry wishes to buy "a complete outfit for a country newspaper, cheap aud coudition good." We take pleasure in informing Mr. Laudry— aud this we are authorized to do— that he can purchase sack an out fit by applying at the office of the Thibodaux Sentinel. Terms: strictly cash. Evils. Of a'.l the evils under the pun. There is a remedy or there's none. If there is try and find it It there isn't never luiud it. But there is & never failing remedy for the worst cases of cliills in Heeds Chill Cure. It is the best medicine ou earth. For sale by Jos. T- Thibodeaux. The Harry Webber combination uuder charge of Johnston & Young gave two performances last week in FiiemeiCs Hall. The first night, June 23 "Saccos" was given to a good boose, followed by the farce, "To Oblige Benson.'' The pieces were well performed, aud elicited the admiration ot the audience. "Nip & Tuck" was given on the following night, to a fair audience. Arrangements have beeu made by tbe Hall Committee to have good plays pat upon tbe stage from one to four times per month. The people will no donbt appre ciate such action and be pleased to have a good theatrical performance occasionally which they can attend. A VARIETY. The Wright and the Curtis base ball clubs went to the Park last Sun day with the intention of having a game, but at the second or third inning rain intervened and they had to discontinue playing. The Curtis club was ahead at the time of stopping. The same clubs contemplate coming together to-morrow to finish the'game but we think that it will be impossible, for the rain has been almost incessant during the week, makiug the ground too slippery and dangerous. The Willnot who was sufferin with Epizootic and took S pints of coal oil has died. He will be buried between now and Christmas, it suf ficieut funds cun bo raised. In our opinion, it would have been hazardous for a barrel of sauer kraut to have rolled around to the Firemen's Hall last Sunday. One of the Willnots iuvolnntari ly went to carrying shingles this week, but before he put iu a half day he "Mugwumped" and asser ted that he would remain a Willnot rather than continue that fatiguing sport. We are told that he could have stood it a little longer but fern iuine gazes were more than he could stand, and he wilted. The Firemen's Hall floor was on a "mash'' Thursday night; it made several impressions. When you happen to catch two dudes removing grapes of someone else'a vine, they do not know what to say and thrust their hands iuto their pockets for relief. We have it from a reliable source that one of the principal things that the Willnots did at their last meeting was to appoint a commit tee of 9 to wait upon the Confec tioner and try to persuade him to make his pies larger. They say that the present size affords but one bite. To fit their cavities it looks tr>i us like the pies should be 6xG— alligator size. We hear that there is a ''one horse'' thief iu town, who has enter ed two houses during the week. The rogue is suspected and if he does not look sharp he will be pift away to dry. It said that be is only af ter mouey and jewelry (just what everybody wants). He should be let take two pounds and a half of spurious jewelry under the disguise of powder and lead. Iu reading some statistics the other day we seeu that it takes fifty pounds of green apples to make seven pounds of dried ones. Can any one tell us how many green pies it takes to till a dry Willnot t We caunot comprehend why the young ladies and gentlemeu who attended the Knights of Honor Ball bore the Firemen's Hall floor so much dislike ; it is black aud blue; every now and then some adolescent being could be heard striking it on the first bounce. The ball given by Harmony Lodge No. 3242, ou last Thursday night,iu couiuiemoiatioii of the 14th auniver sary of the entire Order, terminated most gratifyingly. Every one who attended speaK of it in superlative terms, and all express themselves as having had enjoyment beyond measure. The various committees, who had the ball under their super visiou, merit and we are positive they are heartily tendered the thanks ot all, for the surpassing kelter exliibite 1 throughout the whole affair. The pleasures of the oecasiou will undoubtedly be inseri bed among the memorabilia of each participant. We are going to start a itewspa per and call it the Willuots' Pie Yiudicator. rosy. We Tell You Plainly that Simmons Liver Regulator will rid yon ot Dyspepsia, Headache Constipation, and Biliousness, will break up chills and fever and prevent their return, aud is a com plete antidote for all malarial poi sun—yet entirely free from quinine or calomel. Try it. and you will be astonished at the good results the genuine Simmons Liver Regula tor, prepared by J. H. Zeilin & Co. Louis Bush Allaiu, son of the late Louis Allaiu and Aniand Bush, tor merly residents of Thibodaux has walked oft with the honors at Georgetown College D. C. having receiver! the degree of Bachelor of Arts, whilst the McGath's physical, and tbe mechanic's premium were awarded to him. Young Allaiu was also tbe President of the Class of 1887. This is a record that the young mau may be proud oi. Had it uot been agreed before the dinner, by the membe s ot Har mony Lodge, Kuigbts of Honor, that toasts would be out of order, the following by Mr. Jos. T. Thibo deaux, Dictator of the Lodge,, would have been offered : '•It does not require this empty seat at my left to recall to memory the ab sence of one we all knew but to love and esteem and I trust that you will not deem me out of order, when I pro pose that we drink to the memory of our departed friend and brother Dr. A. T. I'oicliet. When you bear in mind and remember the relations which existed between us two, you will excuse me for thus throwing shadow of sorrow over this pleasant and festive occasion. Knights of Honor, we are brothers and let us love one another for death with his long, bony hand, is beckon ing ns to the great future—the Ion sleep—the equality of the grave. No matter wliat our political opinions, no matter wlmt our religious tenets, no matter what our social theories, the grave is our goal. "The small and the great are there, and the servant is free from his master." Men of parties, men of churches, men of societies, shake hands together. Cherish good opinions, but yet throw the links of O. M. A. around each oth for the funeral bell is tolling and the time is too slan t to bate. Trample bigotry, partisanship, inas much as they are a bar to fraternity, under your feet; look aloft in the shining face of God, and cry Abba, Father : look afront in the face of thy fellow and sav frater—brother ! | Socrates' Spouse. Who knows what, excuse there may have been for Xautippi's sad emperf Many women are snap pish, querulous aud sour, simply because they are suffering. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Presetiption" is a certain cure for every feminine weakness and derangement, and will restore health and good spirits to the most nervous aud dishearten ed invalid, thereby making ber a blessing to her family and the world. A single bottle will prove its surpassing merit. Price redu ced to one dollar. By druggists. Tbe rain fall in Thibodaux for June 1887, was 14.19 inches. From Jau. 1, to June 30 1887, 30.94 inches. For June 1S86, 9.50 inches. From Jan. 1, to June 30 18S6, 34 41 inches. Do not fail to go to New Orleans July 14 and seethe btilliant display ot fire works mi that evening. The First Sign Of failing health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation is most effective for giving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, promoting the digestion and assimilation of food, restor ing the nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purifying, enriching, and vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fail. I waa troubled with a distressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies prescribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up stair# with out stopping to rest. My friends recom mended me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I did, and I am liow as healthy and strong as ever. — Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this te'rrible disense. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an alter ative, and must say that I honestly believe It to be the best blood medicine ever compounded. — W. F. Fowler, D. D. S., M. D., Greenville, Tcun. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be impossible for me to de scribe what I suffered from Indigestion and Headache up to the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under the care of various physicians and tried a great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a short time, my headache disappeared, and my stomach performed its duties more perfectly. To-day my health is com pletely restored.—Mary Harley, Spring field, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by the prompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It tones and invigorates the system, regulates tbe action of the digestive and assimilative orpins, and vitalizes the blood. It is, without doubt, tbe most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. — H. I). Johnson, 3S3 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ayer s Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer J: Co., Lowell, Mass. Price SI; six bottles, 8S. in Notice, Painters!! Sealed bid- will be received by the under signed commit'**. .Inly I s . at 6 o clock P. M. for painting the outside of Firemen's Hsli in the Town o' Thibodaux. For urther partic ulars apply to J M. OCARDIA. PLAY L GARDE. 8. T. GRI8AMORE. NOTICE! Thibodaux, La.. J me 7th.. 1887. The pa r tnersliip hitherto existing between us has this day beeu dissolve'! by mutual rrai sent. K. A. O'^ULTIVAX. B. T. BLAKE. ! 1 STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Meyer Weill vs No. 2307 Mrs. J. T. Ledet. Take notice that acting under a writ of sei zure aud sale emanating from the above enti tied Court, in the above entitled and number ed case, I have seized and will |offer for sale at public auction, pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder at the Court House, in the Town of Thibodaux, ou Saturday. July 16th, 1887, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o clock 1*. M. the following described property, to-wit . 1st, The undivided half of a certain tract of laud situated in the Parish of Lafourche on the right bank of Bayou Lafourche above the town ot Thibodaux and at about six miles from the Bayou Lafourche containing about lour hundred and forty acres (440) more or less in superficies being described in several certificates of entry as the South West quarter of section seventy seven (77) T. 15 S. R 15 East, tire East half of the North East quar ter of section seventy six (76) and the North West quarter of section seventy seven (77 ) and the south east quarter of the south east quarter of sectio i seventy one (71) all in tbe township 15 south of rouge 15 east iu the south caster Land District of Louisiana to | gether with all the buildings aud improve ments 1 li-ivou the saw mill, plaining mill and ail the appliances connected therewith. The The whole of the following tracts of land, to-wit : 2nd. A certain tract of swamp land com posed ot 1st, The norm ball ot section sixty four [61] and the south half of section seven ty (7<t) containing six hundred and forty acres (640). 3ru, The south half of section sixty four [64] aud the north half of section seventy [70] containing six hundred and forty acres [640]. 3rd, The north half of section seventy one (71) containing three hundred and twenty acres [3201. 4th, The east halt of the south west quarter of section seventy one [71) the west hall and the north east of the south east quarter ot section seventy one [71] the west halt aud tbe north east quarter of the south east quarter of section seventy [70J containing two hundred and fifty acres all situated in the Parish of Lafourche in town ship 15 south range 15 east in the South East ern Lund District of Louisiana west of the Mississippi river. 4th, Another tract of laud known as the Jenkins tract composed of 1st, The cast half ot the south east quarter of section seventy eight [781 in T. 15 S. R. 15 east in the South Eastern Laud District oi]Lonisiana containing eighty and 25[100 [80 25(100] acres according to the official survey of said township as per certificates issued Dec. 9th, 1852 bv the regis ter of the land office at Baton Rouge and 2nd The east half of the north east quarter of section seventy seven [77] and the south west quarter of the south west quarter of section seventy eight [78] in T. 15 S. R. 15 cast in the. -buith Ka-teru Land District of Louisiana. Ac. containing one hundred and twenty (P20) acres. 4ih, A certain tract of land situa ted in the Parish ot Lafourche in the Bin-dec Grand Chcue at about six mile above the town of Thibodaux and at about three miles from Bayou Lafourche and ou the right bank (hereof formerly established as a sugar aud saw mill plantation containing four huunred and fifty six superficial arpeuls mine or less in several lots iu sections Nos. . 56, 57 and 66 bounded west by a public road, south by lauds formerly belonging to Sula kowski and Tanner ; east by laud described and north by a road together with all the rights and privileges thereto belonging. 5ili, Another certain tiact ot laud contain g about four hundred arpents more or less in superficies situated in said Parish in the settlement known as the Brusleo Grand Chcue and at about one hundred urpouts from Bayou Lafourche on the right bank thereof bounded north by lands of Alexandre Leruy ; sooth by lands of Braud and Gau ilaiii : west liy lauds formerly belonging to the late J. T. Ledet and east by lands now or formerly belonging to John M. Howell and others, together with all the rights aud pri vileges thereunto belonging. 6th, A certain tract of swamp land on the right bank of Bayou Lafourche ou Bruslee Guillot said tract containing seven hundred ami sixteen acres and hounded bv lands of liytisou and Ledet. Together with all the rishts and privileges and immunities to the said tracts of laud or either of them iu any wise appertaining. To pay and satisfy in cash the sum ef Six Thousand, six hundred aDd ninety three and 331,|100 dollars with 8 0|0 interest thereon as follows on'$693.33* from August 26, lr84, ou 81000 00 from July 26th, 1884 ; on 11000.00 from December 25tb, 1885 ; on <2000.00 from January 26th, 1885, and $2000.00 from Jaly 26th, 1885 together with 5 0[0on the aggregate of the nrincipal and iuterest as attorney's fees and all costs herein, secured by rnort gage with vendor's privilege by act before L. P. Caillouet, notary, of date July, 26, 1883, ami duly recorded in the mortgage of said Parish. Secondly and also tbe following described property, to-wit: The undivided half of a certain tract of laud situated in the Parish of Lafourche on the right hank of Bayou Lafourche above the town of Thibodaux aud at about six miles from Bayou Lafourche containing about four and forty 1440] acre* more or less in superfi cies being described in several certificates of [.entry as the south west quarter of section (77) iu T. 15 S. R. 15 east The east half of the mirth cast quarter of section (76) seventy six and the north west quarter of section sev enty seven [771 a„d the south east quarter of the south east quarrer of section seventy one |71] all in T. 15 S. It. 15 east in the South Eastern Land District of Louisiana with the undivided half of all tbe buildings and im provements thereon, the saw mill, plaiuiug mill and all the appliances connected there with. T« pay and ratisfy the sum of Two Thous and Dollars with 8 0|0 interest, from January 26th. 1*85 and five per ccut additional on the agg'og ite tf principal and interest as attor ney'- lees and all costs whicli said sums in pi ii.eqad aud interest nud attorney's fees is seen red by mortgage by acts of date Angu-t 26th,. 1884 before L. P. Caillouet, Notary Pub lie./and duly n corded in the office of clerk of said Court, iu mortgage records of said Par ish. .lime 11 tli, 1887. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, Sheriff. .tiafirr. Nnpoleouville. La., June 23, 1387. The members of the Board of Directors ot tlie Lafourche, Assumption and Ascension Railroad Company are hereby notified to at tend the regular 'meeting of the Hoard on Tuesday, the 5th of July, 1887, at 11 o'clock A.M. Bv order of the President. PIERRE J. GILBERT, Secretary. Notice. A.-s.-sor's Office, Cor|ioration of Thibodaux. ' be tableau of assessment of the Corpora tion <d Thibodaux, for tbe year 1887, is uo«r completed and will remain open for correo tion during 10 davs from this day. s HENRY L BOUDREAUX. Assessor. Thibodaux, July 2nd. 18S7.