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Wm ttiubotliiux Sentinel SATURDAY, AtJG. 6 ; 1887. F. SAJfCAN, Managing Editor. Journal of the 9th> Senatorial Di strict OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF LAFOURCHE AND OF THE TOWN OF THIBODAUX. Entered at the Thibodux Post Office as Second Classs mail matter. Office : Main St. Between St. Philip & St. Louis Sts. -—----7 sinst'Kii'rioN s One year [iu advance]..................$3.00 One copy................................ JO RATI:* OF ADTERTIsnG : For each square of ten lines or less, the first insertion, $1.50. Second insertion, 75 cents persqnare. For subsequent insertions, per square 50 cents. Obituaries 10 cents per nne. Piofessional and business cards, including paper, will be published at the rate of 50 cts. per square for the first insertion, and 25 cents for subsequent insertions. A liberal discount to yearly advertisers. Announcing candidates for office $10, to be paid for IN ADVANCE. Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time will be inserted till forbid and payment exacted. Persons sending communications to this pa pet must always furnish their real names to the Editors. We will not save or return re jected manuscripts. Allusions perouually disparaging to any one will never be iuserted except as adver tisements nor then, if peculiarly objectiona ble. The Fusion of the Sentiuel and Democrat. The proprietor of the Sentinel and the stockholders ot the Lafour che Democrat have entered into articles of agreement by which the two papers have been consolidated. From this date the Sentinel alone will be published and its policy, un der the new management, will be the same as that announced in the salutatory of the Democrat , viz: Iu politics we shall hold stead fastly to the principles of the na tional Democracy and shall lend oar best efforts to uuite our state Democracy. We shall, on all politi* cal questions, write in plain terms ; advocate all measures that tend to good government; applaud honest and efficient officials when occasion arises, but without 6tooping to ful someness in praise; and we shall, when the public good requires it, criticise freely the acts of imeorn petent, untrustworthy aud dishon est officials, but while indulging in censure we propose to set down naught in malice. The educational, agricultural and industrial interests of our state shall receive our fostering care; to pro mote and advance these interests will be one of our constant aims. We intend that onr paper should be a welcome visitor in any house hold and to this end we shall give particular attention that the read ing matter, both original and selec. ted, shall be morally unexception able. Holding the above mentioned oh jects aud purposes iu view, we shall labor to merit, aud hope to earn, a fair share of public patronage. To those who have paid their subscriptions to tbe Democrat we propose either to seud them the Sentinel for tbe uuexpired term of subscription, or, at tbeir option, to refund them the amount of sub scriptiou on application at our office. In severing our business relations with Major Grisatnore who for many years ably edited the English department of the Sentinel we must extend to him our siuce.e thanks for the valuable aid he has given ns iu the past and we trirot that his ready pen will, from time time, contribute interesting corres pondeuce for our columus. We would esteem it as a favor it our friends throughout this and the neighboring parishes would send us "occasionals", giving us facts of local interest, such as mar riages, deaths, accidents, casualties crop reports, and matters generally touching educational and iiulustiial interests. With the kind assistance of cor respondents the Sentinel can be made the most interesting uewspa per in the State. With tbe close of volume 22 I close my positiou as editor of the Euglish department of the Senti nel. For the mauy courtesies and gentle words I have received from my readers and cotemporaries I am thankful. For the friendship and kinduess I have always received from the proprietor of the Senti NEL, 1 am grateful. S. T. Grisamore. RECLAIMABLE LANDS. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPITAL IN THE PARISHES OF LAFOURCHE AND TERREBONNE. It lias long been known that in the parishes of Lafourche and Terrebonne there are large tracts of excellent land entirely submerged, which, by a rea sonable employment of capital and of engineering skill, might be reclaimed, placed in cultivation, or used for graz ing purposes. Beyond this the impor tance of the subject appears to have escaped the attention of capitalists. In a recent conversation with Lieut. Gov. Clay Knohloch, at Tliihodaux, La., the writer elicited from the Governor the following interesting particulars of tlie lands in question: By congressional action, on the 2Stli of September, 1850,-all swamp lands or lauds subject to tidal overflow were donated to the several states by the national government on the condition that the proceeds of such lands, as fast as sold, should he devoted to reclaim ing. By Act No. 106 of the General As sembly, March 18, 1878, the State of Louisiana donated all the overflowed lands between bayous Lafourche and Terrebonne to the two parishes on the condition that the WORK OF RECLAIMING THE LANDS should he commenced within twelve months after tlie passage of tlie act ami conducted continuously thenceforward as rapidly as the funds raised by taxa tion and by sale of the rechiimahle lands should permit. The law furthermore provided for a hoard, two members from each parish and one to he appointed by the Gover nor of the State. The parishes were authorized to levy a special tax. The hoard organized promptly and work was commenced. A > canal was cut about twelve miles in length from Lake Long to tide water. At this period, however, the Morgan Railroad Com pany enjoined the levying of the $ax, and the Supreme Court ultimately de cided that it was unconstitutional, on the ground that it exceeded the consti tutional limit of '79. All civil engineers of the State and of the United States who have examin ed this section agree tliat tlie lands on the right bank of bayou Lafourche be low Tliihodaux are two feet higher I than the lands on the left hank. New, lands on the left hank are cultivable to an average depth of sixty acres, hut on tlie right hank side only to a depth of live, atlhough this side is two feet higher. This is entirely due to the fact that there is no adequate outlet to the water which has for centuries been accumulating in the hasiu ou the right hank. Such eminent engineers as Golinsky, Soulakowski, Tim'Weight-man, 1'. A. Tliihodaux and many others have un hesitatingly declared that this section can he drained—a section covered with splendid wild grass unsurpassed as food for cattle. About 200.000 acres between bayou Lafourche and bayou Terrebonne may he thus recovered. THE PLAN PROPOSED is to widen the canal already built to 100 feet, and to construct a new chan nel forty feet wide from Lake Fields to a point near Lafourche Crossing, on the Morgan Railroad, a distance of about eight miles. The lands thus re stored to use would make the grandest stock farm in the United States. Both Lafourche and Terrebonne phr islies have authorized tlie local hoard (of which Gov. Knohloch is a member) to sell or to donate this land to any re sponsible individual or individuals who will undertake to complete the | work. The benefits that would accrue to the plantations around by such im proved drainage would of themselves j justify the parishes in donating these | lands absolutely, and there can he no | question as to the validity of any titles ■so acquired. At a moderate estimate the lands* when drained will he worth half a mil lion dollars, and it is believed that the whole undertaking can he successfully carried out on a capital of $100,000. | Already individuals arc working on ! a canal eight feet wide, and at every ! , move benefiting their lands, hut the! I two parishes would infinitely prefer to I ! place the whole matter in the hands of i those who would at once go to work on ! ' a large scale. Already the water-level j ' has been lowered one too* It can be j j lowered four feet more, i Snell is a brief statement of the exist ing sta.e of a Hairs, ii remains to he ; seen whether the of capitalists can much hm, • turned from what appears to he in every resjmet a golden opportunity.—X. O. Timcs-Dcm-oerat. 5 Their Basiucss Booming. Probably r.o one thing has caused encli a general revival of trade at J. O. Landry s Drug 'tore as their giving away to their vnstomers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures am. never disappoints. Coughs, Colds. Asthma. Bronchitis, ('roup, and all throat and iiiiur diseases quickly cured You can test it before buying hv getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. Lose No Happy Days. Learn to make the most of life And lose no happy day ; Time cau never bring Thee back, chances swept away. So if your have chills, Heed's C'Uill Cure will Cine you at once and effectually. For sale by Jos. T. Thibodeaux. ! I ! j j CHARTER. STATE OF LOUISIANA. PARISH OF LAFOURCHE. B E IT KNOWN, That on this sixth day of July, iu the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and eighty seven, aud of the independence ot the United States of America tbe one hundred and twelfth year: Before me, diaries J. Barker, a notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified, in and for tbe parish of Lafourche and State store said, and iu the presence of Messrs. Pierre A. Barrios and Pierre N. Kizati, good aud competent witnesses who reside iu this parish. Personally came aud appeared the several persons whose names are hereto subscribed, all residents ot the parish aud State afore said, who severally declared that, wishiug to avail themselves of the provisions of the laws ot Louisiana, relative to the organization of corporations for works of public improve ment and other purposes, they have con tracted and agreed to form, and by these presents do lorm aud constitute themselves into a body politic or corporation, for the purposes and objects and under the rules: regulations aud stipulations following, to-wit, I. The name of this association shall be "THE LAFOURCHE DRAINAGE AND LIVE STOCK COMPANY,'" and under this corpor ate name it shall have aud enjoy succession tor the full period of twenty-live years, aud shall have lull power and authority to con tract, sue and be sued in tbeir corporate name ; to loake and use a seal, and the same to alter at pleasure; to have, bold, accept, receive, purchase, convey, pledge aud mort gage under its corporate name property both real aud personal; to name and appoint such managers, directors and officers as its inter ests may require ; to make and establish by laws, rules and regulations for its govern ment not contrary to law or inconsistent keicwith. II. The domicile of said corporation is hereby declared to be at the town of Lockport in tbe parish ol Lafourche, and the president, or in it is absence the vice president, is the proper person ou wbom. citations shall be served iu all legal process. III. The objects of .this association are to ac quire lauds and drain aud improve the same, aud to raise live stock. IV. The capital stock is hereby fixed at twenty five hundred dollars, divided into twenty five shares of one hundred dollars each ; and as soon as fifteen shares have been subscribed the directors hereinafter named may begin operations and call for the payment of stock, which shall be payable in cash iu full on the call of said directors. V. No subscri er to stock shall subscribe to more than four shares at the organization of this corporation. VI. There shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer aud Secretary and five directors, to be elected by ballot, annually, on the sixth day of the month of July of each year, and to serve for tbe term of oue year, or until their successors are inducted into office. l be election shall be by majority of tbe votes cast, and each stockholder shall be cn tilled to one vote for every share he holds. Any of tbe officers beforeuamed may also be elected directors at tbe same time. The directors shall have tbe management and control ot the business and may choose a general manager to supervise tbe work to be done. But whenever it shall become neces sary to execute and sign any contract, the tuttue. shut! be done by tbe President, or in case of his absence from the parish, death, resignation, or inability to act, by the Vice President, by tbe authorization and consent of the directors, given in writing, in the form of resolutions. The directors, or at least thr e of them, shiiiI ac: us commissioners to liquidate the affairs of the company at the expiration of Us charter. VII. The following named persons shall act as the officers anil directors of the association until lli-if successors, chosen at the first elec tion held under this charter, are inducted into office, viz : J. Prudent Bourg, President; Gustave Ahribat, Jr., Vice-President; Gus tave D. Barrios, Treasurer; Charles J. Bar ker. S-■ cfetary, and .Ioscpli G. Toups, Argus Chanvii.. Camille Richard, Amaut Claudct, and Ciuis. J. Barker, Directors. VII. As soon as practicable, alter the subsciip tion of fifteen shares, as provided for by Am cic I\ , the directors shall meet to organize tor business, to appoint a general manager, loake rules uni by-laws and begin operations VIII. This charter may lie amended or modified in accordance with the provisions of law on the subject matter. Thus iiono and signed on the day, mouth and year first above written, iu uiy office at Lor , pol l , parish ot Laldim-hc. In faith wbeu-ol, the parties, witnesses and 1. notary, lime signed Un-.-e presents after oue yenning thereof-. J. B. BOURG. G. ABKIBAT. Jr. G. 1). BARRIOS, CHARLES J. BARKER, Jos. c*. TOUPS. ARGUS CiAUYlN. < AM1L..K RICHARD, CHAS. A. CLAUDET, Witness;**: 1'irnUK A Kaiirios, i II.KUK X. lllZAN. A true e- py : CHAS. J. BARKER. Notary Pulilie. MASTER'S SALE. In conformity to a decree of tbe Hon. the Circuit Court of the United States in and for the fifth Circuit and Eastern District of I«ou isiara rendered ou the 16th day of June, 1887, in tbe case of William J. Ennis vs. Mrs. Su san E-llarxey ct als, No 11515 of the Equi ty Docket of the said Court, I the undersign ed Special Master iu Chancery ot said Cir cuit Court will, on Wednesday the 17th day of August. 1887, at tke hour of 12 o'clock M. at the Canal stieet entrance ol the Custom House in the City of New Orleans. La., pro ceed to sell to the last and highest bidder tbe billowing described property, to-wit ; 1st. A certain lot Ot ground with tbe buildings and improvements tbereon, situa ted in the Tow u of Thibodeaux, Parish of La fourebe. La. : Known os tbe Northwest cor ner ot lot No 171 ou a plan of eleven lots laid out by G. S. Onion, made by J. B. Griuage on the 10th day of .May, 1842, aud deposited iu the office of the Recorder of Lafourche, measuring forty two feet eight inches front by ninety feet deep, bounded in front and west by Harrison street, North by lot No. 166 belonging to C. 8. Hawley and South bv a part of said lot No. 171 belonging to M. D. Nolan formerly, now Adrien Molaison. 2nd. A certain tract of land situated in said parish ot Lafourche on the right bank ot Bayou Laiourche in the immediate viciui ty ot tbe Town ot Thibodeaux at about- tweu ty-lour and one halt arpents from said Bayou measuring oue half ot au arpent front tow ards the west along a road reserved by a for mer vendor, by oue anil one half arpents iu depth, bounded North by half lot formerly be longing to Zephetiu DnprtS, South bv road twenty feet wide, formerly belonging to Charles Dupiti and east by other lauds be longing to said Dtipr£. 3rd the Northern half of a certain lot or parcel of land together with all the buildings or i mprovements tbereon or in anv wise ap pertaining, situated in said Parish of La fourche ou the right bank of Bayou La tourche iu the immediate vicinity ot the Towu of Tbibodaux and about thirteen ar pents lrom tlie said Bayou, measuring ono ar pent on St, Charles street, by tbe breadth thereto belonging, bounded in front or North by other lands formerly or now belonging to Louis Sylvain Allain above or west by lands formerly or now belonging to Mrs. H' F. Kno block, below or east by St Charles street and back or South by lot of Abraham Pat tern. 4th. Lot No. three on a !plan of subdivi sion of lot No. Forty-two of tbe plan ot tlie I Town of Thibodaux which plan of subdivi I 8 'on >s annexed to tbe 'succession papers of Marceliu Robichanx aud Terzille Bertrand his wife in community both deceased said lot No. three measuring fifty-five feet more or less along Green streect its western boundary sixty-seven feet more or less on its Southern boundary dividing it from lot No. five thirty oneleet more or less on its eastern boundary dividing it from lot No. four, and twenty-six leet more or less on its eastern boundary di vining it from lot No. one, and eiglity-one feet more or less on its northern boundary di vidiag it from lot No. two , together witli all the buildings and improvements thereon. 5th. A certain'portion or parcel of land situated iu said Parish of Lafourche on tbe right bank of Bayou Lafourche below and in the immediate vicinity of the town ot Tliibo daux and ubont fifteen arpents back from said Bayou. Measuring one arpent on the upper line by the breadth thereto belonging ; bounded iu trout or north bv lands formerly or now belonging to Airs. H. F. Kunblocli, below or east by lots formerly or now belong iug to L. S. Allain, back or South by land tor j inerly belonging to Airs. Knohloch and above or west by a street separating it from lands for merly belonging to Pierre Lugarde, now divi detl into lots belonging to various parties. 6th. A certain parcel or lot of grottud sit tinted in said Parish of Lafourche ou the right bank of Bayou Lafourche below aud in the immediate vicinity of tbe Town of Thibodaux and at about twelve or thirteen arpents back from said Bayou, measur'iig two hundred and tbirty-two feet on tbe up f er and lower lines or western aud eastern iues by the breadth of the lauds of which j this is a portion, boumled iu the front or ! north by lauds ofL. S. Allain below or east j by St- Charles street, bayk by lot belonging j to Oscar Crosier and above or west by lot cf I Agnes Hawkins et als. living a portion of a l large tract acquired by L. 8. Allain of widow ! Joseph Frederick Gueilrv in 185'J: acquired 1 by sale from Louis Sylvain Allain on tbe Hth I October, 1873. Terms of sale: Cash at the time of adjudi cation. Attest. New Orleans 7tb, Ju'v. 1887. J. W. GURLEY, Special Master. STATE OF LOUISIANA. . 20tli Judicial District Court, Pal ish ot Lafourche. Succession of Zacharie Hyacinthc Boudreaux and Clemcnce Lan dry , his icif'e, both deceased, in community. No. 1235, Probates. Whcieas, Attrcstile Landry, of said parish has made application to the uliove court to he appointed udiuinistrutor of the said succes I sion. ! Now, therefore, alt parties interested are I hereby warned and notified to prodneo in this j office within ten days following the prescut ] notice,-any objection which they may have to the said applicant, otherwise the said appli 1 cant will lie confirmed and apjiointed accotd-, l iug to law. j l ) Witness my hand aud the impress j < L.S. > of the seal ot my office, at Tliihodaux, ( J Parish and Slate aforesaid this 6th day of August, 1887. J. W. KNOHLOCH, Clerk of said Court. TUE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Succession of Lake Bowie No. 1225 Probates. Pursuant to an order and decree of the above court aud >n obedience to a commission to me directed in the above entitled and uum bered snccessiott I will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last anil high est- bidder at the Court House iu the Town of . Thibodaux on SATURDAY AUGUST20th 1887 between tbe hours ot II o'clock A. M. anil 4 o'clock P. AI.llic l'ol low iug described property . belonging to the said succession to-wit: 1st. A certain • ract or parcel of laud con ; turning about two arpents together with all j the buildings and improvements thereon sit , listed in the neighborhood and South ot the "town ot Thibodaux, in the Parish of La fourche said property being bounded in front or West bv the Bayou Terrebonne, South by property formerly of the e.4fcto of L. Bernard and North by tbe property formerly of Guil laume Modus. Ten 11s and conditions of sale : Cash on tbe spot, iu United States Treasury notes to pay debts. July 16th, 1887. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX. Sheriff. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Jos. .0 Toups etals vs. No. 2310 Louis Breaux. Take notice that acting under an order of sei zure & sale emanating from the ulmve entitled COurt, in the above entitled and numbered case, I have seized and will offer for salo, at public auction, pursuant to law to the last aud highest bidder at the Court House, in tho Towu of Thibodaux, on Saturday, Sep. 3rd 1887, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the following described property, to wit: 1st. A certain tract of land situated on the riilit- bank of Bayou Lafourche in the said Parish at about forty miles below the Town ot Thibodaux measuring fourteen ar pents and twenty feet front by tbo depth of survey bounded above bv lauds of Olivier Plaisauce and below by those of Eugeno Duet. Together with all tho buildings and improvements thereon and all the rights priv ileges ami appurtenances thereto belonging or m any wise appertaining tbo same being acquired from Jean Mauboulez ou March 10 uutmuuu UilHIU lilt? O. 4 Oi S. W. J of Section 47. The W. ) ot the N. W. J ; the E. J and S. W. j ot the N. E ; of Sec tion 48 ; also the S. \V. J of tho N. W. j of Section 66, iu T. 18 S. U 21 East in tho South Eastern Laud District of Louisiana Parish of Lufourche containing 2"!) "I [loo acres. 3rd. Section 21 in T. 18 S. U. 21 E. contain ing 129 acres and Section 8 in T. 17 s. R. 21 East in the South Eastern Land District of La. West, of tho Mississippi River iu this Parish containing in all 160 acres being the saute lauds acquired from Jean 1'. Mauboulez March 10th 1883 by the paid detendent and sold by'said plaintiff to said defendant on the 20th day ot January 1885 by Act before C. J. Barker Notary Public of said Parish Together with all the crops ou said lands. la pay and satisfy in rash tho sum of fifteen hundred dollars with S per cent interest on seven hundred and 50 dollars from February oril 1886 and like interest ou a like sum from. February 3rd 1887 until paid, plus the addi tiouu Isum ot tivo |ier cent on tho aggregate amount of the principal and interest asattor neys fees and all costs of suit herein aud which said amount is secured by uiortgago with vendor's privilege on the property above described by act of sale aud mortgage passed before Charles J. Barker Notary Public of said Parish on the 27th of January 1885. THEOIT1ILE THIBODAUX, July 30th, 11:87. Sheriff. ; a he THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Meyer Weill rs No. 2308 Mrs. Ernes tine Erskine. Take notice that acting under an order ol seizure and sale emanating from the above entitled Court in the above entitled ami num bered case I have seized and will oiler for sale at public auction pursuaut to law to tho Iasi aud highest bidder at the Court House is the towu ot Thibodaux on Saturday, August 6th, 1887, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the following described property belonging to tho said detcudant, viz : The undivided two sixths of tbe "Bivouac' plantation situated in the Parish of I.afourcht on tbe left bank of the Bayou Lafourche at about four miles above tho Town of Thibo daux measuring six arpents trout having a depth ot lorty arpents anil the remainder, say lour urpeuts more or less front ruuuinc to eighty arpents bounded above by land* of Oz^uid Naquin aud below by lauds of Samuel Jamison together with all the buildings ant improvements thereon and all rights, ways privileges ami immunities thereof; also, ■ mules. 3 carts, 1° l ,a .Y and satisfy in cash tho sum ot Tw< Thousand Dollars, ($2uOO.oO) with eight pe cent per annum interest tine Thousaud Dol hire from the 1st day of December. 1885, til paid anil with like interest on alikesuui fron the 1st day ol January, 1880, till [laid togctl er with five per centum on the aggregate o said principal and interest, as attorney's fee subject to u credit ot five hundred auil fort' 46[llK) dolluts ot date 3rd day of December _l88o and all costs heroin which said aiimitu is secured iu principal ami interest attorney' tees null all costs by mortgage ou the ab'ov described property by act of mortgage passsi Indore L. P. Caillonet, Notary Public, of gait parish on the yth day ol February, 1885. • July 2nd., 1887. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, Sheri f CONFECTIONERY Cor. Main and St. Louis Street Thibodaux , La. A. WEISS ENTHANNER Proprietor T ins confectionery is alway supplied with fresh candies, cakes, an soda water. DENTAL NOTICE. AJ. J.OAIGRE, DENTIST, Has located in town pcrmai cttl- ut.ij,1 perfnriiiail op-rati n> no|» r." . i. professions at very inmicrati prir-Hs. H« yrill also practice in th s rnoir.ling eoun* ,try and adjoining Parishes wuim-.-ifor. f Office : Corner't Ft. i'l wipaad "i'Li'.'-.-ua-ix BU, Tho boat ot r' tcri uc giver. LOLLS BEZAUDUN, —:o:— Restaurant tie la Lonisiane > (FltBS cn STYLE., 107 - CUSTOM DOUSE ST., - 107 Near Royal. New Orleans. Private Dining Room. Comfortable Rooixa for Traveller*.