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<£t)c Cl)ibobaiu 5mtind SATURDAY, AUGUST G, 1SS7. Proceediii"* POLICE JURY State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafourche . Thibodaux, La., July 1-tli, 1887. The Police Jurr in anil for the parish of Lafourche met at 10 o'clock a. in., this day, pursuant to adjournment of yesterday. Present—President Coulon and Messrs. Grisamorc, sccly. Kraemer, Folse, Mathews, Ayo. Moran and Cherauiie. Absent—M. Deluune. A synopsis of yesterday s minutes was read and approved as Such. The Committee on Finance presented the followin'; report which, on motion of Mr. Mathews, seconded by Mr. Moran, was re ceived : Thibodaux, La., July 1-th., 1887. To the Police Jury : Gentlemen—The Finance Committee, to whom has been referred the annual report of the Treasurer, showing the receipts anil dis bursements from all sources and for all pur poses, for the year ending December 31, 188(1, and for the six months of tho current year, endiug June 30, 1837, present the following report: The presentation made by the faithful and painstaking Parish Treasurer is so full and explicit that no explanation your committee could give would render the financial condi tion of the parish more clear to the citizens and taxpayers of Lafourche. The report shows that after all known lia bilities are paid, which were incurred in the year ISStj, there will remain in the parish treasury'the sum of $326.65, The total di-bursemeuts of the past year were 3 11 .024. of which 8(>723.20 were for cri minal expenses alone, being within a fraction of -lb per cent, of the total expenses of the parish. Your committee think that it is their duty to call your attention to the fact that ot the revenues of l88t> there remains uncollected the sum of §1(10.78. Of this sum almost the entire amount is either in litigation or post poned on aeeouut of overllow, and will be ul timately paid. The thanks of this jury as well as those ot the taxpayers should be given to the tax col lector for his prompt and successful collec tion of the revenues. It is thought that uo parish iu the state can make a better showing than this. S. f. GRIS A MOKE, HAMILTON AYO. The Committee ou Claims presented the following report: Parish of Lafourche, State, of Louisiana. To the President aud Members of the Police Jury: Gentlemen—Your Committee on Claims, to whom rations elaiiuB were referred, beg leave to say that they have examined them eare lull.v and report favorably ou the following, to-wit: Thibodaux Pharmacy.............$ I 75 Dr. John Gazzo, Coroner..........32 50 C. A. Engerran, Constable......... 65 25 L. P. Caillouet, J. P............... 57 56 Edwin Herdsall, special constable.. 5 S» Thibodaux Pharmacy.............. 4 20 $167 11 JXO. S. SEELY, D. KUAEMEK, JAMES MORAN. The above repoit was received aud on mo tion, duly seconded, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and sixty-seven 11-100 dollars be aud is hereby appropriated out of the proper lauds to pay the within claims from No. 222 to No. 227 iu elusive. Yeas—President Coulon and Messrs. Grisa more, Seely, Kraemer, Folse, Mathews, Ayo, Moran turn Cheramie. Nays—None. Mr. Seely, Chairman of Committee on Claims*inoved that an appropriation of $9.25 be made to pay the expenses of H. N. Cou lon and J. S. Seely, the oouiniittee appointed to meet a committee of the Police Jury of the parish of St. James, regarding drainage. Yeas—President Coulon anil Messrs. Grisa more, Seely, Kraemer, Folse, Mathews, Ayo, Moran aud Cheramie. Nays—None. J. S. Seely, Chairman' of the Committee on Claims, moved that an appropriation of $18.50 be made to defray the expenses of the special committee appointed to examine the roads and drainage of bayou Hlue settlement, ac cording to resolution passed at regular ses sion of March 23, 1887. Yeas—.President Coulon aud Messrs. Grisa more Seely, Kraemer, Folse, Mathews, Ayo, Moran and Cheramie. Nays—None. The following report of the Committee on Roads and Levees was read, aud ou motion of Mr. Ayo, seconded by Mr. Kraemer, was Thibodaux, July 12th, 1887. To the Police Jury : Your Committee on Roads and Levees have carefully examined the petitions and memo rials referred to them yesterday, lettered A, B, C and D, aud as they all l>oar upon the same subject, viz 1 reparation aud building ot levees, we refer them back to the jury with the suggestion that the president com municate iuiiurdiatelv with the Board of State Engineers in regard thereto, and as we deem the matter of the utmost importance to the parish, the work should be done as soou as possible. C. 8. MATHEWS, SoSI'HENE KOI SE, LAURENCE CHERAMIE. The following report of the Coumitte on Drainage was read, and on motion of Mr. [ Kraemer, seconded by Mr. Ayo, was received: Thibodaux, July 12th., 1887. To tM Police Jury .* The Committee on Drainage, to whom has i referred the annual report of the Parish surer Jor the term ending June 30, 1887, eut tire following report: lioy find that there has been expended ring the year the sum of $2811.82. De tuctiug from this amount tax collectors ' commissions and incidental expenses incur ", we find that over $2500 have been paid or actual drainage work. There is now on hand the sum of $2537.25 lie applied to the same purpose. Your Committee will take this occasion to State tlait the work aecomjdi-lied tinder the operation of tflis drainage lux. although yer ' its incipiency. has been product ive of great Befit to the pari-h. and with a lew years re application will ic.-toii- to cultivation iiousuuds of acres of land that has been etoforc abamloi cu its swamp ami unlit for •icubuial uses. 'Your committee i« also pleased to report at the work completed and under way has ivcil the comet**' idntton and approbation ie taxpayers, whose lands are expended lis gtyfit work of tboroiiglilydrainiug the Ulu, of the parish of Lafourche. L. KRAEMER. JXO. 8. SEELY. S. T. GRISAMORE. ; , | j The following resolution was presented and on motion, duly seconded, adopted: Resolved, That the Commissioners of Drainage District No. 7 be authorized to hold an election, after not less than 10 days public notice, iu their district, to ascertain the will of the taxpayers in said district upon the pro priety of cutting a, carnal Irom same point on Love Ridge (to be determined by their com missioni va) to Bayou des Allematids. aud to u-e the funds of said Drainage District No. 7 for that purpose. Resolved, That if said election shall he fa vorable the commissioners shall at once pro ceed to have said canal cut. Resolved, That only real estate taxpayers shall vote at said election. Returns of said election shall be made to this jury. The locatiou of said canal shall be deter mined by the commissioners of Drainage Dis trict No. 7. Tee following polling places shall ho estab lished: Due at Mathews' store ou Georgia plantation, aud one at Uncle Peter's store on the Uncle l'eter plantation. The commis sioners at Mathews' poll will he Thomas J. Johnson and Author Legeudrc. At Uncle Peter's, Sylvain Bourgeois and J. Fortier. The following petition was lead, and on motion of Mr. Grisamorc, seconded by Mr. Kraemer, wos laid on the table. State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafourche, July 12th, 1884. To the lion. President and Members of the Police Jury of said Palish : We, the undersigned petitioners, do hereby solicit of your honorable body means enough to ditch the cross lane, starting at bayou La fourche anil running back to tiic eighty acres, so as to dram the public road, and throw the dirt to the centre of said road so that the water can run off. l'he amount necessary is two hundred aud forty dollars. | $240. | We further request that the said contract be given Enoch Dunn. The ditch is to be cut on the right hand side of said road, commencing at the bayou. Lewis Lawless, Willis Lawless, A- jW. Humphries, Alfred Lawless, aud others. The jury then resolved itself into a Board of Reviewers lor the purpose ot reviewing tho tax rolls; no objection having been mane by tiie property holders to the assessment of their property as listed, and the Jury believ ing the assessmet to be fair aud equitable the roils were approved. The lollowuig ordinance was offered by the 1 chairman of the Committee on Finance, and , on motion, duly seconded, was adopted by a j unanimous vote: Thibodaux, La., July 12, IS87 To the Police Jury : The Finance Committee find that the rolls of the Parish Assessor for the current year foot up the **11111 of $2,3 )9,140, being an iu Creuse of $13,625 over that of 1886. Your eouimitieo present the following ordi nance for your consideration : ORDINANCE No. Levying a tax on all property in the pur ish of Lafourche, for the current year of 1387. Section 1. Be itorduiued by the Police Jury in regular session convened. That au ad va lorem tax of eight and a half mills ou the dol lar, collectable during the year 1337, be and is hereby levied on all the taxable property iu the parish of Lafourche. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc. That the said tax, when collected, shall be appor tioned as follows : First—Four aud three-fourths mills shall be set apart and used for the current expen ses, including all salaries of officers of the parish, aud shall be designated the general fund. Secoud—Two aud one-fourth mills shall be set apart aud used for the support aud main tenance of public schools, aud shall be design need the public school fund Third—due-fourth mill shall be set apart and used to purchase, build or rent school houses, improving ami repairing the same now in use. by the Parish 8cliool Board, pay ing the salary ot the superintendent and other incidental expenses, aud shall be known as the school house fund. The school fnud aud the school house fund shall he subject to the legal order of the school board of the parish of Lafourche. Filth—One mill shall be setapaitand used as a drainage tax. under Ordinance No. 55, passed by this body May 18, 1883, to be ex pended as therein ordered. Sec. 3. Be it further ordered that this ordi nance take effect from aud after its passage. On motion of Mr. Kraemer, seconded by Mr. Mornu, the pensions of the following named persons were renewed, to commence outlie 1st of August, 1887, and to expire on the 1st of April, 1888 : Mrs. Joseph Albert........$4 per month. Mel isie Adam.............. 4 " Peter 6 •* Ellis Clement..............4 " Mr»* Heriuogene Rodrigue . 4 " Philmore Lee..............6 " Louis Leouard............ 6 " Ou motion ot Mr. Seely, seconded by Mr. Grisamnre, the Clerk of the Police Jury was instructed to notify l be commissioners of bis tiiet No. I that complaints hail been made to this jury that a certain bayou iu their dis trict had been dammed. Carried. Mr. H. N. Coulon, President of the Police Jury, stated that by the authority given him by the jury lie had appointed Mr. E. Coulon road inspector for the Brusl.y-Guillot road until next October. Mr. Seely, seconded by Mr. Moran, moved that the Committee on Public Buildings lie authorized to have the root of the courthouse examined, aud icport the result at the next session of this jury. Carried. _On motion of Mr. Moran, seconded by Mr. Kraemer, the Jn-v tlmn adjourned to meet on Tui sday. Ccto e. - 4tl-, 1887. H. N, COULON, ' President. C. Alfred Exgeuran. Cleik. ATTENTION ! Mv friomis am: I Be puiiiu- me ».i»iim**«i ten* I li»> «• iqa-IUMl 1 » * ■rol-ri v ill lilt* Red ►Ini' apposite l lie TiiilxMlaux Bridge, wlier. 1 mil krepi'iinstuiilly on liuiid a full supply of Groceries. Provisions, .Vim s and Liquors. Give me a call aud examine my assortment. JOHN DLZAUC11E Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tlie Best Salve ii. the world for C its, , brui«es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fe ; ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil I Blains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay , required. It is guaranteed to give per feet satisfaction, or money refunded | Price 25 cents per box. For Sale at j Thibodaux Drug store. II. B. AYO, f siJsio, Office at "Oelanaae's Store. lyJanl5 87 r Aj TH5 OHLT TSUB 53TONIC Will purify the BLOOD regulate the LIVER and r <jr»«M^vS nn( * lViJ OR of YOUTH. Dyspepsia,Want o* Appetite, Indigestion.Lack of fctrongtb anil Tired I eeiing ab solutely cured: Hone's, mu3 clea and norves receive new force. Enlivens the mind _ i __, and supplies Brain Power. ** ffi **g <xrta Buffering from complaintspecu CEhfJl 7 liTtoihmrs*- will Mr. i in DR. HARTER'S IP ON TONIC a safe, speedy cure. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. All attempts at counterfeiting only adds to its popu larity. Do not experiment—get Original and Best Dr. HARTER'S LIVHR PILLS k Cure Constipation.Liver Comolaint and Sick n SHoadactie. Sample Dcuo and Dream EookW mailed on receipt of two cento in postage. Jr *ftED8. HARTER MEDICINE CO., ST. LOIRS, M0. LOUIS A.CHAPOTEL -DEALER IX S TOVES -AND -Kitchen Furniture, TINS M IT H -AND- P L UMBER. Repairs Tin, Iron and Zinc Koofs and all other work in his line, at the lowest rates. SPOUT* AUD GUTTERING PUT UP. 40 Hi iiiirhon St., i'or. ClieMville Oct23-86iy , street. RAILROAD EXCHANGE, JAMES X. WEIGHT, Proprietor. TEIBODAI7X, - - ULi-A. This favorite resort of pleasure and amuse ment will be found one of the most agreeable places in the town to while away a few hours in recreation. Good always or. hand, and also a Pool and Billiard tables. Kind aud po'ite attention given to every one. In connection with his bar, be Las a first class with respectful and obliging waiters. He lias also a sec of tied-rooms, comfort ably and tastefully arranged, for the benefit of travellers who may desire a lodging. Mar-6 86. NEW LUMBER YARD, JULES 0ECHAUX, Proprietor. Church eticet, between Thibodaux Railroad and Jackson street. Choice Cypress Lumber always ou hand, of all sizes and dimensions. Cypress Ceiling, and flooring, Shingles, Fire Wood and Pickets May-22-'861y. OSCAR L. CARO, Agt. DR. A. J. MEYER, OFFICE : Main St., near the Bridge. EESIDE1TCE Cor, Levee and Canal Sts. Ii. F. G&WDE. St. Flillpjxtreet, Thilsoduux, l.a, (Successor to Mrs M. E. Hesse.] Hisrj Coals and Moo:, Etc, Etc, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, --latest style of STRAW and FELT HATS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES -AND - Artificial Flower*. BATS TRIMMED TO ORDER A SPE N t3'86 Cl A LTV. Knights of the Gr.ldi n Rule. Regular meetings of Thibodaux Castle No. 116 K. of G. R. will he held ui die Hail of Excelsior Lodge No. 34 I. (). O. F. on the sec i nd and tonrth Tuesdays of each month, at 8 < clock P. M. A. B 0 UB 0 N, Watchmaker and Gunsmith Cor. Mam and St. Philip Streets, Thibodaux, La. K EEP constantly on hand a large and com plete assortment of FIYE JKlVDLltl watches;* clocks. In connection with the above a great v a ety auxs, PISTOLS. POWDER , CARTRIDGES , Buntiny Materials Etc. The CeleHraied "ELGIN WATCHES" constantly on baud. —ALSO THE NEW — American Sewing Machine — VND— LOT OF ACCOKDEOXS. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Ma chines, Fire arms, Ac., carefully-repaired and guaranteed A tull stook of attachments, oil and need les for all kind of Sewing Machines can be had by applying to A.BOURON. Corner Main and St. Philip street. THE PERFECT NUMBER m American Sewing Machine, . .. Best in the World ! Address. O. L. CEER, Manager, 189 Canal Street, Far Sale By New Orleans, La. E. G. CURTIS, -DEALER Ini FINE GROCERIES. FLOUR OF ALL | GRADES. SELECTED TEAS. PURE COFFEES AND SPICES. BUTTER AND CHEESE, from best dairies. Choice Syrup* and Molasses Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Canned Fruits in Variety, 4 LSO. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF - V goods usually kept in a first-class store. Goads Delivered promptly free of Expense. M. MASON. J. C. M. ROBERTSON. CRESCENT HALL SALOON, MASON & C0. 9 Proprietors. -DEALERS IN FINE WINES, LRJU0RS AND CIGARS. IBB TO 0 IB 11II A* ILA. Iy-ApJ'86. LEON DREXLER, 90G Autumn Street, St. Louis, Mo., I NFORMS HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUB lie geurally that he will give, on demand, all information about the PRICE OF GOODS, and Country Produce of St. Louis Market and attend promptly to all orders sent him. > M. AUGUSTIN LEGENDRE, FELIX P. SEVIN. > late of Braud & Legendre, ) Thibodaux, La. The above named gentlemen, under the firm name of SEVIN & LEGENDRE, inform their friends and the public that they have forme >,a commercial co-partnership, at 113 DECATUR STREET 113 (Store Rooms No. 129 Decatur Street.) New Orleans, where they will transact a General Commission Business Will attend to the sale of Rice, Sugar, Molasses, Eggs, Chick ens, Hides, Wool, Moss, Furs and all country produce generally. Liberal Advances on Consignments. EDWARD BADEAUX, Successor to Curtis & Badeaux, -DEALER 18 DRY OOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES , HATS, - -AMP ■ ■■ General Groceries , CORNER M AIN & fOCUS STS. TJaAbodAiuc, Xe*. A7-86. NOTICE. Havingpurchasedthe eligibly sitnatedjlmil er shop of P. Hogan,in this town, I am now prepared to take contracts for making new Boilersand repairing old ones. Full satistac tion guaranteed, work will lie done at the low est figures. Ihavesecured the services of Mr. P. Hogan, as foreman and .manager.who has had long experience in this business. Parties will find it to their iuterestQto call en me be fore making contracts elsewhere. , W*. H. RAGAN. Thibodaux. ^4pril 6th. 1883 NOTICE. Thibodaux Benevolent Lodge, No. 90, w meet the secoud Sunday iu each mouth at o'clock P. M. By order of the W. feb-19-84 will Creole Female Tonic, the great regula tor and invigorator, is sold by Rotli & Fleetwood. ENDORSED EY SCIENTISTS AS PRACTICALLY [ BETTER ANB MS CHEAPER THAN iSD jQTy • ¥ STONE. ■ttS Over 500 Beautiful Designs. Send for ij| j| 1 Price List & C ' rcu,ars * $ i y >- wpu. „ „ r siT tr.*—"i"** V jFv ^ MANL'FACTHRFD BY monumental bronze company, BRJ-ar.'-lKT. CONN. S* T- GRISAMORE, AGE1TT. For the parislies of Assomptiou, La fonrebe and Terrebonne. ti Call athis office in R. R. McBrides Store and see specimens and designs m WILLIAM WRIGHT, Livery and Sale Stable,. Corner Main and Qrinage Sts. ZZovLxxia,, XjO,. Mules A Hones Bought A Sold on Commission JOHN ¥. TROTTER, C o p t er, Tin and Sheet Ireas Worker. IS. PhQtpSS. between Thibodaux ud Kata* rtlbodau*. L*.. -Keeps on hand a tall line of— COOK AND HEATING STOVES. —Also agent tor th^ Uharter Oak and Fame Stoves. yartioalar sMw tlwi given to Roofing u$ Guttering. B0DLEY WAGONS & CARTS, Manufactured bg Bodley Bros., WUKEL1NQ. w. V 0 C ANK with 'NR It CARTS of swry rtpls. Timber Wkeln, Carta, Toon Clarts, and every site of small Carta, Drays,, f^-hooae Wa*<ms. Spring Wagons witk Polo aad BbafU aud Rprlag Beats. The BMT Axle Oreaoa made, sod ONLY Perfect Distributing Machine tar Cotton Seed Meal and other Fertilisers. OUR FACILITIES fee mannfaeturing aim Daeeaaled by any hoaae in the u. £ Whereby we eau tarnish FIRST CLASH work as CT1 RAP as any inferior work often «d -n the South. Was. H. KAOA1T, A|ML aoj.l 77.1y. Thibodaux, La. FRANK BARKER, , foeeesenr to Barker A Serin, Commission Merchant. AKOOBAMIK IN ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE COTTON 8UGAR, MOLASSES, Rioe, Potatoes, Eggs, Honey, Bet wax, TalUnc, Wool, Hides, Moss, Poultry, Etc., Ete., No. 119, Decatur Street, NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advances Made ms Ceaslgnmenti. ., ___