Newspaper Page Text
/JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT. Sheriff's am\ Syndic's Sale Of a Valuable Plar.tat'on in the Parish of Terrebonne, Known as the "Ever green PLnt t on " INCLUDING THE RESIDENCE. KIT CHEN. OUTIIOU'-ES. SUGAR HOUSE. CABINS, Mi. HINEItY, ENGINES. FIX TUBES. MULE'. CATTLE. WAGONS, CARTS. l'LOWS AND ALL FA KA11NG UTENSILS, ETC. ON EASY TERMS AND LOW BATE OF IN TEREST. IN THE M AIT KB OF II. GROEBEL & CO. VS. THEIR CREDITORS. Civil District Court Tor tin* Parish of Orleans —No. '9.G25. 1>Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OK SALE. OF •«late April 2, ISSS. issued in the above en Ti t leal matter by tiie honora Me the Civil Dis trict Court for the f.arisii of Orleans, ami di rected to Thomas Dntt.i. civil sheriff of the parish of Orleans, ami to Olivier Marion liFHUx, .yndie ol the ermli ors of Henry Groe liei A-, Co. and of Henry Groohel a ol of Oli vier Mat ionuennx, ordering the side of the lollewing deserihed property, ed, to he made Thomas Dully, civil sheriff, ami Olivier Ma lieloiv meutioue the lei ms made by the said riouueaiix, syndic, etc., jointly or ,-evi-ni 11 v. lu compliance with said filer, the follow ing deserihed property will he ottered for «ale hy public auction, on the terms bebiw mentioned, at the AUCTIONEERS" EX CHANGE. NOS. 72 AND 71 ST. CHARLES STREET, BETWEEN GRAVIER SI REET AM) COMMERCIAL PLACE IN THE FIRST DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. ON SATURDAY. MAY . r >. 1888, AT 12 O'CLOCK M., to wit— THE WHOLE OF A CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF GROUND, together with the improvements thereon, ami all rights, ways, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in auy wise apnertniniiig. inclu ding sugarhouse, cabins, machinery, engines and fixtures, mules, cattle, wagons, «arts, plows anil all farming utensils thereto or used iu the cultivation thereof, known and desig pared as the EVER .KEEN PLANTATION, situated in the parish ef Terrebonne, in this State lying on both «ides of bayou Ten elm> ue, about six miles from bay on Lafourche, measur ing twenty-tmir and one-half arpents front on both sides of said bayou Terrebonne, with a depth of ten arpents on the west s de of said bayou and thirty arpents in depth on the east aide of said bayou Terrebonne, 1» mg Itound ed above by lands formerly belonging to the late Lenfioy Barms, and below by lands for merly belonging to John C. Pott*, excepting, however, therefrom that portion hereof ac quired by Prosper Leblanc from Mrs. Mar Jane Fllis, and measuring one acre a depth of t< n aipenis; wl ich s„ ; d «aid marshal, under date of July 5. 18*.'. and ary Fllis, and measuring one acre front by * peurs ; which sa'd property Was acquired by llettrv G •••Lei and Olivier Alariiililiean\ by pnrelia • at the publie sale thereof made by ti e United States marshal for the Eastern District of Louisiana on April 1. 1882 under and hy virtue nl a writ ot seiz ure and sab* t<> him dir eted bv the hntinra ide tlie Uireuit Court of the United Stut, s for the Fifth Circuit and Faslern l'i-tin t of Louisiana, at the suit of Jiiscpli J. Manou va. Towiisou Ellis, No. 9.I8.Ï ol the docket nf said court, as ,.er deed thereof granted by the said marshal, under ilate of July ô. 18S.*. ot registry tu t*>« office of the clerk of the pa rish of Terrebonne, book G. G. folio fi22 et seq. On March 29. 189t>, Henry Groebel and Olivier Murionneatix. by act before Andrew Hero, Jr., notary public, sold one-third there ot to Leo Leblanc, lint by act before N. B Trist, notary public for the pnrisli ot Orb ans. on March 29. 1888. Leo Lehlanc reconvened said one-third to Olivier Mnrionneaiix. syn dic of H. Groehel Si. Co . and nf Hcury Groe liel and ofOliviei Marioiiiieaiix. The following is the inventory of the pro perty on said plantation ; Sugar house, eoru erih, stable, eight single cabins, three double cabins, residence, kit chen and outhouses, drainirg machine com plete, about I SOU barrels of corn and pea-vine ladder enough for feed till new crop, two carts, two wagons, three bagasse and one wa ter cart, plows, geurgings and other imple ments, all necessary for cultivating. There are seventy acres plant cane, one hundred and five acres first-year stubble, forty acres aecond year stubble, twenty-one vouug unites. Terms aud Conditions—( hie-fnurth or more cash, the balance on a credit nf one. two, three and four years tor the notes of the pur chaser, dated day of sale, bearing special mortgage and vendor.s lien, with six per cen tum per annum interest from their «late un til maturity, aud eight t» r centum per an num thereafter, with the elaune of five per cent for attorney'» fees iu case of «uv, the purchaser to iusiire. the buildings and provement« to the extent of 'he credit price Mid transfer the policy to the vendor, and to assume all State, parish aud municipal taxes for the year 1888. THOMAS DUFFY. Civil Sheriff of the parish of Orleans OLIVIER MARIONNKAUX, Syndic of the Creditors of Henry Groehel 6t Co., and of Henry Groehel and Olivier Mariouue.iux. apr-7'81 fit. l\pr P SKA WONDERS exist in thou -1 Ei 1 sands of forms, but are surpass ed by the man els of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can lie done while living at home should at once send theii address to Hallet & Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full information how either sex, ol all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Cspital not required. Some have a aile over $50 iu a single day at this work. .-II succeed. Core FIS « When 1 nay Turk I d<> not mean merely to «top them for r time, ami then lev*- it em re turn again I Me.A A RaIi.iaL CUIUS. I have made the disease of FITS, EPHXFSYcr FAILING SICKNESS, JI life long »t-:dy. T WATtn int my Tmedv to Ovxi the worst because others have tailed is ao reason ( now receiving - ' cure. Read at once for a treatise and a F U K • Bottle of niv IxrAi.l.tBLg Rkvedv Give Kiptess aad Boat Office it costs ><m nothing for a trial, Rad it will cure y eu. Address H.C7ROOT.M.C. I89 Pearl Sr., HewTom tolly and .xo*M; men the energr, ooarss. ud vigor ef roalh Cara, wralriiin« of mind and body; Narvona Paa l lttr, Spinal Rrhaastton. Loat Manhood, oto. A I THIBODEAUX'S PHARMACY. Corner MAIN and St. PHILIT Sts. THIBODAUX, LA. -loss. T. THIBODEAUX, Manager. SANCAN & CO. PROPRIETORS. Wc bave a very complete stock of ftàms, MEmcmES» CHEMICSES. SQ.HESt BUmHES, €OM@S* !iülM ©I MIL II TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. PURE WINES AND . School ami Blank Books. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, which we offer at the lowest market rates. We offer to compound PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS at prices suited to the hard times and with a full assurance that what we do, we desire and intend to do well. As this is our life business we hope by a thorough knowledge of all its branches, an honest industry and à fidelity to our customers to merit a continued share of their patronage during the years that are to come. JOS. T. THIBODEAUX, Pharmacist. AMERICAN and SWISS WATCHES, FRENCH and AMERICAN CLOCKS, DIAlMOI^DS AJSTD JEWELRY. Repairing done at very Moderate Prices. 60 ROYAL STREET . . - NEW ORLEANS, LA. E.BARBIER, Succcfsoi to S. Fournier. WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, JEWELER & MECHANIC, -ID saler laa. mi ...... h mi im mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi THE SENTINEL JOB OFFICE MAIN STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. Is the Best Equipped Printing Establishment in the State, Outride of New Orleans. CARDS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, LAWYERS' BRIEFS, PAMPHLETS. PROGRAMMES, WEDDING INVITATIONS In fact, anything from a visiting card to a newspaper, Printed Neatly , Cheaply and Promptly . GIVE TJS A RIAL. SENTINEL JOB OFFICE, MAIN STREET. THIBODAUX, LA. unur iiifinf iiir iiinm mi infinr hit nr m mf himhi LOUlSlAxY E&0 IOEI, SOI, 303 . 30 .?, 30 7 Gravier Ht. NEW ORLEANS ROBERTS it CO. Proprietors, gash, Blinda. Doors, MnuMings, Flooring and Ceiling, Newels balusters, etc., always on hand or luati« '« order. Orders promptly at tended to. KURSHEEDT & BIENVENU, Btllf.DEIiS' HARDWARE, MARBLE, Slate and Iron Mantel. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONE, 114,118,120 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS. FOR ORDERS, ArPliYtoF.SAYClY, TIIIKIID VUX LADIES AND GENTLE MEN.—I cordially and earn estly invite you to compare the excellence of the NEW HOME before buying a Sew 'ing Machine. The New Home is pre-eminently the liest In comparison of merits all other p: achi^es n ill be found inferior. Be • ere me and come and examine. GUSTAV SEEGER. 170 Canal Street. N. B. —Since June 10th. 188fi, new and *'•** valuable improvements have been a (looted by the NEW HOME. F NEW HOME Machines <leliYer e <l free of freight. 13000 second hand machines of all kinds, that I have exchanged for NEW HOME to be liougbt from $4 00 to $10.00, fully guaranteed. «- 1 **f*--y ' vllst- - 'W The Lone Star Exchange, W. M. Q 9 NIE & 9 &EQ&&IEWQ®. Front Street, IVfoi'g-an City, l^a. -ALSO, PROPRIETOR OF TIIT- lit HOBBS. And a First-Class Billiard Saloon. M BUMUB-fr A GENT I OR HARPER'S NELSON CO., KY„ WHISKIES, AND Southern Brewery Co.'s Celebrated Lager Beer. Febl9-87 V. JASIIBS, ——Importer of- SUPERIOR PORTLAND CEMENTS • -Manufactured by DYCKERHOFF <t SONS i HEYN RROTHESS. Biebrich on the Rhein \ Lunsberg. GERMAN FLAG STONE AND BLUE STONE. SCHILLINCERSiPAVEMENT Monolithic Cement FUtars for Stores, GHRiIlAY A.\D RFMOI N PMMIIS TILI-IS, Jn all Colors and Dasigns. --- Agen» tin — IBlackmer & l?os-t VITRIFIED SEWER PIRK. 2»8ai*d 21« DELORD STREET, NEW OR LEA VS. LA. ItrawcrM Liimltrrinua'. litekange. Telephiine IS* Fur further partium*™ ap.i.y t » tf. 8i.i -,.»u. fudi • I m. !... too t.tOOMEMX V J.J.OORHAnV VALVE ATTACHMENT FOR STEAM CYLINDERS PAT.MAY.3.Itt"} * HAVE YOOR JOB WORK DONE A TniS OFFICE. GUARANTEE SATISFACTION.